Unit 3 Section 1 Articles and Early Government.notebook

Unit 3 Section 1 Articles and Early Government.notebook 1 January 18, 2015 Dec 145:48 PM 8.1 Vocabulary Wilderness Road Republic Articles of Confederation Land Ordinance of 1785 Northwest Territory Northwest Ordinance Shays's Rebellion Ch: 8.1 Chapter Connection: Articles of Confederation were not strong enough to govern the whole nation. & Northwest Territory was born. Wilderness Road: The trail to Kentucky that Daniel Boon helped to create. Republic: Where people choose their representatives. Articles of Confederation: Adopted by the Continental Congress as the United States first official government laws. Land Ordinance of 1785: Surveyors staked out 6 mile square plots called townships in western lands. Northwest Territory: Land that was surveyed in 1785, including Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin. Northwest Ordinance: How the Northwest Territory would be governed. Shays's Rebellion: Farmers rebelled over high taxes, leading leaders to wanting a stronger national government. Dec 145:48 PM Westward Ho! Daniel Boone was contracted to create the Wilderness Road leading to Kentucky. The road was only big enough to travel by horse or foot, but thousands of people made the trip. Ch: 8.1 The Adventures of Daniel Boone: http://www.earlyamerica.com/lives/boone/chapt1/ Dec 145:48 PM Need for State and National Government Individual states were experimenting with their own forms of government. All states governments were republics, people chose their representatives. Questions arose for national government: Should states get votes by population or each state gets one vote? What would happen with the land west of the Appalachian Mountains? Ch: 8.1 Dec 145:48 PM Articles of Confederation The Articles of Confederation were the United States first attempt at government. National Government: Wage war, make peace, sign treaties, and issue money. Was weak for fear of tyranny. State Government: Set taxes and enforce national laws Was strong Each state had one vote Land West of the Appalachian Mountains was given to connecting states. Was approved in 1777, but not ratified by all 13 colonies until 1781. Ch: 8.1

Transcript of Unit 3 Section 1 Articles and Early Government.notebook

Unit 3 Section 1 Articles and Early Government.notebook


January 18, 2015

Dec 14­5:48 PM

8.1 Vocabulary­ Wilderness Road

­ Republic

­ Articles of Confederation

­ Land Ordinance of 1785

­ Northwest Territory

­ Northwest Ordinance

­ Shays's Rebellion

Ch: 8.1

Chapter Connection:Articles of Confederation were not strong enough to govern the whole nation.&Northwest Territory was born.   

­ Wilderness Road: The trail to Kentucky that Daniel Boon helped to create. 

­ Republic: Where people choose their representatives.

­ Articles of Confederation: Adopted by the Continental Congress as the United States first official government laws.

­ Land Ordinance of 1785: Surveyors staked out 6 mile square plots called townships in western lands.

­ Northwest Territory: Land that was surveyed in 1785, including Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin.

­ Northwest Ordinance: How the Northwest Territory would be governed. 

­ Shays's Rebellion: Farmers rebelled over high taxes, leading leaders to wanting a stronger national government.

Dec 14­5:48 PM

Westward Ho!

­ Daniel Boone was contracted to create the Wilderness Road leading to Kentucky.  

­ The road was only big enough to travel by horse or foot, but thousands of people made the trip.


Ch: 8.1

The Adventures of Daniel Boone:


Dec 14­5:48 PM

Need for State and National Government

­ Individual states were experimenting with their own forms of government.  

­ All states governments were republics, people chose their representatives.

­ Questions arose for national government:

Should states get votes by population or each state gets one vote?

What would happen with the land west of the Appalachian Mountains?


Ch: 8.1

Dec 14­5:48 PM

Articles of Confederation ­ The Articles of Confederation were the United States first attempt at government.

­ National Government:

Wage war, make peace, sign treaties, and issue money.

Was weak for fear of tyranny.

­ State Government: 

Set taxes and enforce national laws

Was strong

­ Each state had one vote

­  Land West of the Appalachian Mountains was given to connecting states.

­ Was approved in 1777, but not ratified by all 13 colonies until 1781.

Ch: 8.1

Unit 3 Section 1 Articles and Early Government.notebook


January 18, 2015

Dec 14­5:48 PM

 The Northwest­ Land Ordinance of 1785 turned areas into townships 6 square mile plots.  These new plots of land became known as the Northwest Territory. 

Ch: 8.1

­ The Northwest Ordinance, described how these new lands would be governed.  Some highlights:

­ 5,000 men meant an assembly, 60,000 people a state.

­ Freedom of religion.

­ Trial by jury.

­ Slavery was outlawed.

Dec 14­5:48 PM

 The Articles WeaknessesCh: 8.1

1. Each state had one vote, all had to agree to pass laws

2. No executive or judicial branch

3. No common currency 

4. Congress could not tax or regulate trade

5. Weak national government, states chose the laws

*So we have some issues, how will we fix them?

Dec 14­5:48 PM

 Shays's Rebellion­ Since states were in debt from the war they had to find a way to raise revenue.

­ Taxes were high, more than most people made in a year especially for farmers.

­ Shays was a farmer in Massachusetts that disagreed with the taxes and led a group of 1,500 men to attack a federal arsenal.  

­ They failed, but people became sympathetic to the farmers.

* Is a strong national government the answer?  

Ch: 8.1

Dec 14­5:48 PM

 Can You Answer­ What did Daniel Boone do?­ What are The Articles of Confederation and what did they do?

­ What was the Northwest Territory?

­ Why were The Articles of Confederation weak?

­ What did Shays's Rebellion make political leaders question?

* On a separate sheet of paper:  Ask one question about something that you don't understand.

Answer 2 of the 5 questions in 2 sentences or less.

Ch: 8.1

Unit 3 Section 1 Articles and Early Government.notebook


January 18, 2015

Dec 14­5:48 PM

8.2 Vocabulary­ Constitutional Convention

­ James Madison

­ Virginia Plan

­ New Jersey Plan

­ Great Compromise

­ 3/5 Compromise 

Ch: 8.2

Chapter Connection:Convention and Compromise   

­ Constitutional Convention: Delegates met in Philadelphia to discuss the future of the United States government.  Washington, Franklin, and Madison were present.

­ James Madison: Statesman whom was very well informed on government, and influential in the continental congress.

­ Virginia Plan: Plan that proposed, Government would have three branches.  Two houses of legislature based on state's population or wealth.

­ New Jersey Plan: One house legislature each state has one vote.

­ Great Compromise: Two house legislature.  One house had equal representation and one house based on population.

­ 3/5 Compromise: 3/5ths of a states slave population would be counted.

Dec 14­5:48 PM

Constitutional Convention­ Delegates from individual states were meeting with each other to discuss trade between each other.

*Why would they need to discuss trade?

­ 55 delegates decided to meet at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. (No Rhode Island)

­ People that attended were: lawyers, planters, merchants, and doctors.  Notables were Washington, Franklin, and Madison.

­ Americans thought that government was the main threat to peoples rights.

*Why did they think this?

­ So the government needs to be strong, but not too strong.  

*Will the Articles be amended or will we make a new type of government?  

Ch: 8.2

Dec 14­5:48 PM

Convention Begins1st: We need a leader someone that everybody respects.

2nd: We need to have rules for the convention.  

3rd: What happens at the convention stays at the convention.

Let's convention!    

Ch: 8.2

Dec 14­5:48 PM

Virginia Plan (large states)­ Plan for a whole new government.  

: 3 branches 

: legislature (2 branches based on population or wealth.)

: executive

: judiciary

Government could: tax, regulate trade, and make laws

*Not a bad idea, or was it?   

Ch: 8.2

Unit 3 Section 1 Articles and Early Government.notebook


January 18, 2015

Dec 14­5:48 PM

New Jersey Plan (small states)­ One house in the legislature. (much like the Articles)

­ Each state got one vote

*If the Articles were weak is this a good option?    

Ch: 8.2

Dec 14­5:48 PM

The Great Compromise

­ Maybe there should be two houses one of each...


­ 2 houses

Senate: Each state has equal representation.

House: Representation based on population.


Ch: 8.2

Dec 14­5:48 PM

Three­Fifths Compromise

­ Slaves in the south, how should they be counted for population? 

North: They shouldn't because they are not citizens.

South: They should so we have representation.


­ Each slave will count as 3/5ths of a person. 

*Does this seem logical?  Compromise? Socially acceptable?

­ Both the north and south gave a little, north had banned slavery and the south needed it. 

­ We have a framework for a different new government, will the states agree and ratify it?  

Ch: 8.2

Dec 14­5:48 PM

Questions­ Why did we have a constitutional convention? 

­ What was the Virginia Plan and why wasn't it perfect? 

­ What was the New Jersey Plan and why wasn't it perfect?

­ Why was the great compromise so great?

­ Was the 3/5ths compromise fair?  Ethical?  


Ch: 8.2

Unit 3 Section 1 Articles and Early Government.notebook


January 18, 2015

Dec 14­5:48 PM

8.3 Vocabulary­ Federalism

­ Federalists

­ Anti­federalists

­ The Federalist Papers

­ Bill of Rights


Ch: 8.3

Chapter Connection:Federalist VS. Anti­FederalistRatification   

­ Federalism: Power is shared among the federal government and states. 

­ Federalists: Supporters of the Constitution.

­ Anti­federalists: Opposed the Constitution.

­ The Federalist Papers: Series of essays that explained and defended the Constitution.

­ Bill of Rights: First ten amendments of the Constitution.

Dec 14­5:48 PM

Federalist VS. Anti­federalists ­ Propaganda was all over both for and against the newly penned Constitution.  

­ Federalism is where a federal government shares power with state governments.

­ Federalist were those that supported the Constitution, Anti­federalist where those that were against it.

*How could anyone possibly be against the Constitution?   


Ch: 8.3

Federalists  Anti­FederalistsRemove some state powers and 

give them to the federal government.

Wanted political powers to stay with individual states.

Divide powers among different branches of the government.

Legislative branch should be the strongest.

One person should head the executive branch.

Leader of the executive branch could become a king or tyrant.

Bill of rights needed to be added to the Constitution to protect the 


Dec 14­5:48 PM

The Federalist Papers ­ To persuade people to the Federalist side a series of essays were created and published to refute the Anti­federalist ideas.

­ Most newspapers supported the Federalist, giving them a propaganda advantage.   

­ States on the edge yet, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Rhode Island, New York, and Virginia. (NY and VA are key players) 

Ch: 8.3

Dec 14­5:48 PM

Ratification ­ 9 states quickly ratified the Constitution, which meant that it was official, but Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and Rhode Island did not.  

Virginia: Powerful, wealthy, and largest state

New York: Powerful and separated north and south

­ Both states were filled with Anti­Federalist, and wanted a Bill of Rights for the people.

­ A Bill of Rights, began to be drafted and Virginia ratified the Constitution.  Upon hearing the news New York followed suit.  The other two would eventually ratify the Constitution.   

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Unit 3 Section 1 Articles and Early Government.notebook


January 18, 2015

Dec 14­5:48 PM

Bill of Rights ­ Since states were requesting some amendments to the original Constitution, a separate section at the end of the constitution was created.   

­ The goal of the Bill of Rights was to protect the people against the power of the national government.

­ The first 10 amendments were known was the Bill of Rights.

Ch: 8.3

Dec 14­5:48 PM

Questions ­ What was a Federalist views of the constitution?

­ What was an Anti­Federalist views of the constitution?

­ What did the Federalist Papers do?

­ During ratification process what states were not signing, and why?

­ Bill of Rights significance, and how it helped the Constitution to be ratified. 

Ch: 8.3

Dec 14­5:48 PM

The Constitution ­ The Constitution is considered the supreme law of the land.

­ The Constitution has 7 key principles or goals.

1. Popular Sovereignty

2. Republicanism

3. Federalism

4. Separation of Powers

5. Checks and Balances

6. Limited Government

7. Individual Rights

*Why is this so important to the United States and you?





Dec 14­5:48 PM

What the Constitution Consist of. ­ Preamble: Explains the Purpose, "We The People". 

­ 7 Articles: Explain the framework of our government. 

­ 27 Amendments (First 10 are Bill of Rights): Added to the   original document.

* Has our governments framework changed much?

* Why would we need room for more amendments?



Unit 3 Section 1 Articles and Early Government.notebook


January 18, 2015

Dec 14­5:48 PM

Article 1, 2, 3 Overview ­ 3 Branches of Government, and what they do.

Article 1: Legislature

­ Make laws and have checks and balances powers.

­ Are the voice of the "people".

Article 2: Executive

­ Enforces the laws, in control of the military, foreign policy.

­ President is the leader of our nation and influences policy.

Article 3: Judicial

­ Interprets and reviews laws.

­ Checks and balances for laws.     



Dec 14­5:48 PM

Bill of Rights (amendments 1­10) 

­ Bill of Rights quickly followed the ratification of the Constitution, put in place to protect the people.

Closer Look:1st Religious and Political Freedom: Right to speech, press, and religion.  Have the right to petition the 


2nd Right to Bear Arms: Ability for citizens of the U.S. to have weapons.  Congress can regulate though.

3rd Quartering Troops: Can't be forced to house soldiers.4th Search and Seizure: Need search warrant with probable cause.

5th Rights of Accused Person: Accused people have rights.1. Grand Jury for major accusation.

2. Double Jeopardy.

3. Don't have to be a witness in own case.

4. Due Process of Law.

5. Property can not be taken without compensation. 

6th Right to a Speedy, Public Trial: Trial will happen in a timely manor.

7th Trial by Jury in Civil Cases: You are allowed a jury if needed.

*Judge Judy

8th Limits of Fines and Punishments: Excessive fines or bail, nor cruel or unusual punishment.

*Death Penalty

9th Right of People: Government can not infringe on rights that were not included in the Constitution and previous 8 

amendments.  Helps to answer questions, side with liberty.

*Have they ever done this?

10th Powers of States and People: If there is not a law or restriction from the federal government, states or people can 

make the decision.

*What doesn't the government have control of?


   Wrecking Ball:Ice Ice Baby:

Dec 14­5:48 PM

Other Amendments 11­27 Notables: 13th Abolished slavery.15th All men can vote regardless of race.16th Income tax.18th Denies alcohol sale and consumption.19th Women's Suffrage.21st repealed the 18th amendment.26th 18 and older to vote. 



Dec 14­5:48 PM

Constitution Questions ­ Are the fundamental principles of the Constitution still in       place today?­ Has this idea of democracy stood the test of time?­ What are the 7 key principles of the Constitution?­ What is the purpose of the articles in the Constitution?­ What is the significance of the Bill of Rights?­ Why do we have amendments to the Constitution?­ What are some of the important amendments?  



Unit 3 Section 1 Articles and Early Government.notebook


January 18, 2015

Dec 15­7:35 AM