Unit 2 Reading



Unit 2 Reading. I Lead-in There are many great navigators in the world of history. Do you know them? What made them famous?. Abel Tasman In Holland. Columbus In Spain. James Cook In England. ZhengHe In China. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Unit 2 Reading

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I Lead-inThere are many great navigators in the world of history. Do you know them?What made them famous?

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In China

James CookIn England

ColumbusIn Spain

Abel TasmanIn Holland

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Zheng He

The greatest navigator in the Ming Dynasty in China. He successfully sailed to over 39 countries such as Vietnam, Indonesia, and Iran. His voyages were 80 years earlier than Columbus’s discovery of New Continent and 100 years before Magellan’s circumnavigation.

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Map of the Map of the WorldWorld

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1. Why did those navigators take great efforts and risk their lives to explore those unknown worlds?

For truthFor wealth


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2. What is the famous road by which ancient Chinese merchants did business with other countries?

The Silk Road


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What do you know about the Silk Road?

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Silk road began from_________ along the HexiCorridor and then to ________ _________ and________ in exchange for spices and silk.

Chang’AnIndia Middle east


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Skimming:1. What’s the foundation of

mankind’s greatest endeavour?

2. What kinds of civilizations did Africa have contacts with from the earliest times?

trade and curiosity

India, the Red Sea civilizations

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The text is mainly about _____.

A how the Silk Road was formedB how China developed trading relations with Arabic countriesC Zheng He’s exploration across the Indian OceanD the history of China’s opening to the outside world

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The text focuses on Chinese relationship with _____.

A IndiansB ArabiansC AfricansD Europeans

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Who were(was) the earliest explorer(s) of the western ocean?

A. Marco Polo

B. Christopher Columbus

C. European explorers

D. Brave merchants

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In order to reach out across the ocean, How many times did China make contacts with Africans .

A Five B ThreeC FourD Six

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Main idea of each paragraph Main idea of each paragraph Paragraph 1:Paragraph 1: Trade and curiosity have often formed Trade and curiosity have often formed the the foundation for mankind’s greatest foundation for mankind’s greatest endeavor.endeavor.Paragraph 2:Paragraph 2: Silk from China found its way over land Silk from China found its way over land along along the Silk Road to other places. the Silk Road to other places.Paragraph 3:Paragraph 3: The Swahili kingdoms and the islands off The Swahili kingdoms and the islands off the the African coast developed into the world’s African coast developed into the world’s trading trading center. center.Paragraph 4:Paragraph 4: The Arabic contacts to the African coast The Arabic contacts to the African coast led to led to the next meeting between black the next meeting between black people and a people and a Chinese. Chinese.

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Main idea of each paragraph Main idea of each paragraph Paragraph 5:Paragraph 5: In the 11th C., the Africans made

several voyages to the court of the Song

Dynasty.Paragraph 6:Paragraph 6: The contacts between China and Africa had led to the awareness of each other’s existence.Paragraph 7:Paragraph 7: Under the command of Zheng He, the fleets set sail to discover the eastern coast of Africa.Paragraph 8:Paragraph 8: Zheng He renewed relations with the kingdoms of the East African coast.Paragraph 9:Paragraph 9: After 1433, the exploration by Zheng He was stopped.

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Fast reading

Q1:Who were the real explorers long before?

Q2: How many Chinese explorers are mentioned in the text?

Q3:What is the main idea of the whole passage?

Brave merchants

Three Chinese explorers. They are Gan Ying, Du Huan , Zheng He .

It talks about Chinese explorations, especially the contacts between China and Africa.

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Careful Reading

4. The contacts between which area led to the meeting between black people and a Chinese?

5. Between the Han and early the Tang Dynasty, which part of Africa developed into the world trade centre?

the Arabic, contact to, the African coast

Swahili kingdoms, islands off the African coast

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6. Who led the seven large fleets sailed westwards between 1405 and 1433?

7. Which century was the right time for a grand meeting between China and Africa?by the beginning of the fifteenth century

Careful Reading

Zheng He

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8. In the eleventh century, who made several voyages to the court of the Song Dynasty? 9. Which kingdoms did Zheng He renew relations with?

10. When did the exploration of the Ming Dynasty stop?

the kingdoms of the East African coast


Careful Reading

the Africans

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Put the sentences in good order.1. In the eleventh century, the Africans made several voyages to the court of the song dynasty.2. Merchants from the Arabic countries began to travel to the Swahili kingdom and the islands off the African coast to trade with them.3. People of the Han Dynasty exchanged silk for spices and glass with Indians and Romans by way of the Silk Road.4. The Chinese traveller, Du Huan, wandered through Arabic countries for about 10 years.5. Christopher Columbus and other European explorers searched for routes to Asia.6. Zheng He made seven voyages and discovered the eastern coast of Africa.

3 – 4 – 2 – 6 -1 – 5

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Paragraph 1

形成人们努力形成人们努力(探索世界)的(探索世界)的基础基础鼓舞某人做某事 鼓舞某人做某事 寻找寻找对对……感到迷惑感到迷惑

form the form the foundation forfoundation for

inspire sb. to inspire sb. to dodo

search forbe puzzled about/over

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Paragraph 2

众所周知众所周知(( 与与…… )) 交换交换与与……有联系有联系(( 偶然偶然 )) 遇到遇到

It is well It is well known that … known that … in exchange in exchange

for…(with…)for…(with…)have contact have contact

withwithmeet withmeet with

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Paragraph 3



developdevelop into into the world’s the world’s trading centretrading centre

the kingdoms the kingdoms and the and the islands off the islands off the

African coastAfrican coast

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Paragraph 4

被抓被抓 , , 被俘虏被俘虏提供有关提供有关……的信的信息息流浪,闲逛

be taken prisoner be taken prisoner ( take sb.prisoner)( take sb.prisoner)

give information give information onon

wander throughwander through

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reach out toreach out tocultural relicscultural relicsdate fromdate from(=date back (=date back to)to)

bronze bronze statuesstatues

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the awareness of each other’s the awareness of each other’s existenceexistence

The time was ripe for a grand The time was ripe for a grand meeting.meeting.

reach the height of powerreach the height of power

China prospered under a new dynasty.China prospered under a new dynasty.

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商船队 商船队 下西洋从事探下西洋从事探险险在在…………的领导之的领导之下下

treasure fleetssail westwards on voyages of exploration

under the command of

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set sail (to / from / for)

the mouth of the Red Sea

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rerenew relations new relations withwith

sendsend sb. a sb. a royalroyal present present

sendsend a a message to sb.message to sb.

open open embassiesembassies

in returnin return

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Find information in the text about contacts between China and other places and fill in the blanks .


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period name Way of travel

goods destination

The earliest time

In 97 AD

In 751-762

In the 11th century

In 1405-1433

Chinese merchants

Silk road spices, glassIndia, the Middle East , Rome

Han Dynasty Gan Ying Over landrhinoceros

hornsthe East Rome Empire

Dang Dynasty Du Huan By boat China

Song Dynasty the Africans By boat A bronze statue of a lion China

Ming Dynasty Zhenghe By fleet giraffes,zebras, shells, elephant ivory…


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ivory zebra shell giraffe spice


rhinoceros horn

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1. The Europeans were the first Explorers to

travel to other countries.

2. Accurate maps of the countries around

the Indian Ocean were made before the

fifteenth century.

3. In the years between 1405 and 1433 ,

Zheng He sailed westwards only on

voyages of exploration.

4. Zheng He invited African countries to

send ambassadors to China.

Judge the following sentences True or False.Judge the following sentences True or False.( )

( )

( )

( )





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n. in search of sb / sth in a / the / one’s search for

v. search sb.for sth. search (a place) for sb./sth. search for sb./sth.He went to Brazil ___________a better life.I have been ___________the same kind of shoes as these.

1. …and other European explorers to search for sea routes to the distant,…However, long before that brave..(para1)

in search of

searching for

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①.Many policemen and soldiers are ___ the forest ___ the prisoner escaping from prison.

A.searching for; searching B.searching; searching C.searching; in search of D.in search for; searching for

②.The policemen are searching ___every house ___the thief.

A.for; for B .of ; of C. /; for D. of ; for



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1 ) There was a lively market long before. 2 ) Before long you will understand what I said is good for you. 3 ) I had waited him long before he came.

long before / before long

( a long time ago 很久以前)

(不久 =soon )(在他回来之前我已等他很久)

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It ___long before we ___the result of the experiment.A. will not be ; will know B. is ; will know C. will not be;know D. is ; know


4)It won’t be long before you see him again. 5)It was long before they escaped from the prison.

不久你就会看到他了 .

过了很久,他们才从监狱逃跑出来It be + a period of time + before +…

过了很久…才 ..

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find one’s way (to): ( 设法 ) 找到 ( 去… ) 的途径

3. Silk from China found its way over land along the Silk Road to India, the Middle East and Rome, in exchange for spices and glass.

•1) I hope you can _______ home.•2) She couldn’t out of the building.

find your wayfind

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in exchange for

exchange A for B

exchange sth with sb

3.He exchanged the red pencil for a blue one.

1. 彼此交换礼物 : 2. 与…调换位置 :

exchange seats with … (v. )exchange gifts with each other (v.)

The girl gave him some peanuts in exchange for some sweets.

4. 女孩给了他一些花生用来交换糖果 .

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4.He escaped, and after a long journey wandering through Arabic countries, he returned…..

wander through the countrysideA. move around without any special purpose 游荡,闲逛

The river wanders through the beautiful country.

B. (of a road or river ) following a winding path or course 蜿 蜒

He realized his audience’s attention was beginning to wander.

C. (of one’s mind) be inattentive, confused 走神,胡思乱想

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5. date from= date back to =have existed since

这座城堡建于 14 世纪。This castle dates from the 14th century.

6. the will to use it

against one’s will 违背某人的意愿at will 随意, 任意with a will 乐意的,愿意的

Where there is a will, there is a way.

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7.in return

I bought him a drink in return for his help.

I hope I can be of some service to you in return.

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The wonderful gift and the contact with the black court so exited China’s curiosity about African that Zhenghe sent a message to the king and to other African states, inviting them to send ambassadors and open embassies in the new Ming capital, Beijing.

8. He escaped, and after a long journey wandering through Arabic countries, he returned…..

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他默默地坐在那里,什么也没做。He sat there in silence, __________________她呆在家里,又擦又洗。She stayed at home, _____________________

doing nothing.

cleaning and washing.

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find its way, in exchange for, lead to, date from, set sail, in return, prosper, take prisoner, develop into, trade with

1. The fleet _____________ other countries and gained a lot of wealth.

2. Since the foreigner came, we have been giving her Chinese lessons _______________her teaching us English.

3. Under new management, the business is __________.

4. He could not ______________ out of the forest.5. All the temples here ___________ the Song Dynasty.

traded with

in exchange for

prosperingfind his way

date from

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find its way, in exchange for, lead to, date from, set sail, in return, prosper, take prisoner, develop into, trade with

6. They __________ for France at high tide.

7. I bought him a drink ___________ his help.

8. When he was captured by the enemy, he

____________________until the end of the war.

9. The argument _________________ a bitter quarrel.

10. An old saying goes “ All roads_________ Rome”.

set sailin return for

was taken prisonerdeveloped into

lead to

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Exercise 5

The Africans were reaching out to China.→ The Africans came to China by sea.


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The time was ripe.→ In the Ming Dynasty both China and the East African countries became very prosperous, and there came the great needs for state-to-state contact.

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The mouth of the Red Sea→ The part of ocean where the Red Sea meets the Indian Ocean.

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For a short time, China had ruled the seas.→ For a short period of time, China had been the most powerful country at

sea .