UNIT 2 P6 part 2

BY GEORGE SMITH-MOORE P6 part 2- Configure software or user needs.

Transcript of UNIT 2 P6 part 2


P6 part 2- Configure software or user needs.

Changing the wallpaper

Changing the wallpaper would meet user needs as it is a way of personalising the computer to better reflect the personality of the user, or if it is in a business environment, then a wallpaper of the company logo would be relevant as it would promote professionalism.

Changing the screen resolution.

Changing the screen resolution would help those who suffer from sight-problems, such as 'presbyopia'. Making the screen bigger would be a form of configuring the software to meet user needs, it would allow the user to read the screen clearly.

Changing the screensaver

Changing the screensaver is a form of customisability, it would suit various user needs in the same way that changing the wallpaper does. For example, for the average user, it may be in their interest to change the screensaver to something which better suits their personality, yet for the business world, changing it to the logo of the business may be more professional. Also for any person, changing the timing may be wanted due to the repercussion of screen-burn.

This is if the screen is left on oneimage for too long.

Icon Size.

Like changing the screen resolution, changing the icon size is an accessibility option that can make the computer much easier to use for those of us who may have less than perfect sight. Doing this allows them to navigate the computer much more easily.

Changing the mouse to left-handed.

If the user benefits from using a left handed mouse, then changing this would make their experience much more enjoyable. It ‘flips’ the functions of the mouse buttons around to make it easier for the left-handed individual.

Automatic virus scan

To set up automatic virus scans is different for each system, so I shall be using Norton.

Press setting on the Norton GUI, then task scheduling, from here change it to how you wish.

This is important as it allows the user to create scans that only activate at certain ties, as a scan can be lengthy and can consume lots of the computers resources.