UNIT 2 MENTAL HEALTH & STRESS MANAGEMENT. What to expect… Movie… “A Beautiful Mind”...


Transcript of UNIT 2 MENTAL HEALTH & STRESS MANAGEMENT. What to expect… Movie… “A Beautiful Mind”...

Page 1: UNIT 2 MENTAL HEALTH & STRESS MANAGEMENT. What to expect… Movie… “A Beautiful Mind” Self-Esteem Building Activities Notes Worksheet Acting Lots of Discussion.



Page 2: UNIT 2 MENTAL HEALTH & STRESS MANAGEMENT. What to expect… Movie… “A Beautiful Mind” Self-Esteem Building Activities Notes Worksheet Acting Lots of Discussion.

What to expect…

• Movie… “A Beautiful Mind”

• Self-Esteem Building Activities

• Notes Worksheet

• Acting

• Lots of Discussion

• Stress Reflection Paper

• Unit 2 Test

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How much you value, respect, and feel confident about yourself.


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Another way to put it…

• Respect for or favorable impression of oneself

• Self Pride

• Self Respect

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Benefits of High Self-Esteem

Increased Self Respect: They take care of themselves, stay away from drugs and alcohol, don’t put themselves down, less likely to let others pressure them.Increased Ability to Reach Goals: They have confidence in themselves that they can reach their goals and will try harder to achieve them.Increased Willingness To Try Something New:They don’t get discouraged easily and do not give up.Increased Feeling of Value: Feel like they are a valuable part of their family, friends, school and community and are not afraid to help others.

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High Self-Esteem

• Speaks up for self• Respects self and others• Has confidence• Tries new things• Adjusts to change• Feels optimistic• Makes decisions based

on values• Admit they are not perfect

Low Self-Esteem

• Feels insecure• Disrespects self and others• Vulnerable to peer pressure• Feels depressed• Fears failure• Uses drugs and alcohol• Feels pessimistic• Behaves destructively

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Self-Concept• The mental image of your strengths, weaknesses,

status, etc.

• Self-image

• How you view yourself!!

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What does integrity have to do with self-esteem and self-concept?

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3 COMMUNICATION STYLES1.) Passive: Not offering opposition when


2.) Aggressive: Hostile and unfriendly in the way someone expresses themselves

3.) Assertive: Direct and respectful in the way one expresses oneself

(Circle the one that is most healthy.)


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Ability to understand another person’s feelings, attitudes, or behaviors

You can show empathy by…

- having good listening skills

- having an open mind

- having positive body language

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Self Actualization

• The achievement of the best that a person can be.

• Realizing your potential and feel that you have received the most out of life!

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• A feeling that is produced in response to life’s experiences…


The important thing is…HOW YOU MANAGE YOUR EMOTIONS!

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STRESSStress: non-specific response of the body to a demand placed on it

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STRESSORStressor: Any situation that puts a demand on the

body or mind• Environmental (pollution, poverty, natural disasters, noise)

• Biological (Illnesses, injuries, disabilities, sickness)

• Thinking (any type of mental challenge)

• Behavioral (sleep, exercise, drugs, alcohol, organization)

• Life Changing (death of a family member, getting married)

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2 Types of StressEustress: positive stress that energizes a person

Distress: a negative stress that can be harmful or make a person sick

“Feel-Good Stress”

“The stress we are most familiar with”

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General Adaptation SyndromeG.A.S. - the body’s response to stress (Long Term or Short Term)

3 Stages of G.A.S.

1.) Alarm Stage- body’s initial response to stressor2.) Resistance Stage- body attempts to regain internal balance

Homeostasis…Body Temperature = 98.6°

HR♥ ≈ 70 BPM

3.) Exhaustion Stage-a. wear & tear on bodyb. lowered resistance to diseasec. death

(results depend on a person’s ability to cope)

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• Body’s initial response to combat stress

• Fight or Flight Response

• Chemicals released into blood stream to cause non-specific responses (Ex: heart rate increases, eyes dilate, stomach clenches.)

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Resistance Stage

• If cause of stress is not removed, body goes to 2nd stage of G.A.S.

• Body’s long term protection mode

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Exhaustion Stage

• Mental, physical and emotional resources suffer heavily.

• Body experiences "adrenal exhaustion".

• The blood sugar levels decrease as the adrenals become depleted, leading to decreased stress tolerance, progressive mental and physical exhaustion, illness and collapse

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“Fight or Flight”

Confront the situationMove away!

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Two Major Divisions:

1. Central Nervous System


2. Peripheral Nervous System


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Type “A” Personality• Driven• All about time• Never late• Workaholics• Competitive…need to feel

productive• Can’t relax• “stress junkies”

Type “B” Personality• Easy Going• Relaxed• Patient• Center of attention• Take one thing at a time• Express their feelings• Doesn’t mind leaving things



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1. Divorce

2. Death

3. Loneliness

4. Lack of Communication


5. Moving

6. Difficulty With Peers

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• 52% of all marriages end in divorce

• Who usually gets blamed?

• It’s not the kids’ fault but they are usually the most impacted

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• 2nd because more teenagers experience divorce first

• Feelings of sadness and confusion towards death are normal and common

• May not be prepared for how intense your emotions may actually be

• May begin to doubt your own mental stability

• Allowing yourself to grieve as long as it doesn’t turn into depression

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• Give examples of loneliness• What is the loneliest place in school?• Different ways to describe loneliness…• Rejection• Have you ever been a new kid at school?

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Tell somebody “Hey!” Look them in the eye and tell them “hello” and ask them how they are doing.

You might make somebody’s day!

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• Are talking and communicating the same thing?

• Dreading talking in front of people

• Have confidence!!

• “Fake it until you make it!”

• Using sex as an example…how many people would rather “do it” than talk about it??

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• How many of you have ever had to change/ transfer schools?

• How easy would it be to start completely over?

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• Who are your peers?• Could a senior be one of your peers?• Am I one of your peers?• Your peers are the people your age• Who hurts you the most…your friends or your peers????• Who do you treat better?

Breaking up with a boyfriend/girlfriend

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3 Things You Need To Know…

1. Animals Don’t Talk Back

2. Animals Provide Constant Companionship

3. Animals Provide Opportunity To Touch

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1. Identify causes of stress

2. Identify ways to cope

3. Evaluate ways to cope

4. Choose Action to cope with stress

5. Evaluate Stress

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Write a paper answering the following…

“The 3 things that cause me the most stress RIGHT NOW are…”

- 5 paragraphs ( 5 sentences each)- Why?- How can you deal with it?- Write a paragraph for each item

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

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Symptom: a change that a person notices in his or her mind or body that is caused by a disease or disorder.

• Symptoms usually lead to a diagnosis…

• Only licensed professionals can diagnose a mental disorder

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DepressionLong-term sadness or hopelessness that keeps a person from carrying out everyday activities.

Symptoms include…

• Lack of energy• Withdrawal from people• Loss of appetite or overeating• Too much or too little sleep• Feelings of hopelessness or helplessness

Experiencing one or two of these is not uncommon. However, if you experience several of these symptoms over an extended period of time, you should seek professional help. If left untreated, it can lead to suicide….

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What is resiliency??“The ability to bounce back”

It is the ability to recover from illness, hardships, or other stressors. Resilient people continue to be optimistic when life gets tough. They struggle less and succeed more. They accomplish difficult tasks and make people say “ how did they do that?!”

I want all of you to be RESILIENT!!

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“Things that affect stress levels & ability to cope”

1. Hormones: (are you dealing with them now?) Puberty? Mood changes?

2. Diet:a. Limit Caffeine- stimulant, makes you hyper,

(nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness, increased urination, arrhythmia, upset stomach, the “crash” after the high)

b. Limit Sugar- increase insulinc. Limit Salt- many people tend to think salty foods may be the solution d. Limit Cholesterol (High Blood Pressure & Heart Disease)

3. Exercise- Endorphins, Runner’s High, helps work off nervous energy

4. Drugs- Antidepressants to cope with stress

5. Boredom- Example: Church or being grounded when your friends are out

6. Time Management- not having enough time to get everything done

7. Sleep- lack of sleep can reduce productivity, decrease immunity

8. Poor Money Management- Paying for your own bills, having a job

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Mental DisordersAn illness that affects a person’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviorsMany people may not know to get help because they do not understand their mental disorder or they may be afraid to get help. They may struggle with everyday routines.

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Mental Disorders1. Schizophrenia- false perception of reality2. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

- avoidance of experiences that could trigger memories of a traumatic experience such as war time or abuse

3. Bipolar Disorder- uncontrollable cycles of extreme sadness or happiness

4. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder- repeated disturbing, and unwanted thoughts- ritual behaviors that are perceived impossible

5. Anxiety Disorders- Panic Disorder- Phobias

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Defense Mechanisms

Defense Mechanism: Unconscious behavior used to avoid experiencing an unpleasant emotion(These CAN BE healthy ways to cope with emotions!!!!)


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Defense Mechanisms

• Compensation-making up for weakness in one area by achieving high in another area

• Daydreaming- imagining pleasant things that take your mind off the unpleasant reality

• Denial- refusal to accept reality

• Displacement- shifting feelings to some or something else

• Idealization- copying somebody because you don’t feel comfortable about yourself

• Rationalization- making excuses for or justifying behavior

• Regression- reacting to emotions in a child-like and immature manner

• Repression- blocking out painful thoughts or feelings

• Sublimation- redirecting negative impulses into positive behavior

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In groups of 2-3…you must act out one of the defense mechanisms. You’ll have 10min to plan out your ‘skit’ and then you will perform in front of the class. EVERYBODY must have a role and it must be school appropriate.

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Central Nervous System• Consists of Brain and Spinal


• Receives and processes

signals (nerve impulses)

• Controls your thoughts, senses, movements, balance, and many automatic responses

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Peripheral Nervous System

• Consists of nerves that connect brain and spinal cord to other parts of the body

(arms & legs)


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EpinephrineEpinephrine: Also Known As…“Adrenaline”

One of the hormones that is released by the body in times of stress.

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Responses to Stress

• Respiration increases which helps get more oxygen to throughout the body

• Heart rate increases which increases blood flow to muscles

• Muscles tense up which prepares you to react and move quickly

• Pupils of your eyes widen which allows extra light for more sensitive vision

• Sweat increases…can cause body odors• Blood sugar increases to provide more energy to the

body• Digestion decreases…can lead to eating disorders

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Responses to stress continued…

• Back Pain• Verbal Outbursts• Trembling• Nervous Twitches• Head Aches• Stomach Aches• Feeling Powerless• Loss of Sleep• Diarrhea

• Lower level of immune response

• Suicide• Depression• Sickness• Alcohol• Drugs• Moods Swings• Acne