Unit 18- Evaluation of advertising module

Andrew Gronow Advertising Unit Evaluation We had three products to choose from – cereal bar, water or chewing gum. My team (Josh and I) chose to do the cereal bar because we both eat cereal bars and it was relevant to us. We came up with 9 possible names, we chose Rainbow Rider because it sounded different to anything else and we thought it sounded like it endorsed health. To create the logo we researched on logo-creating websites, and finally I used a template in Photoshop and started to create our logo. I had the idea of using all the colours of the rainbow shown as brush strokes although it didn’t quite go as I hoped. However, this didn’t matter because the stickmen we added later made up for it. We are happy with the name and logo we went with and I can’t think of anything we could change about it that wouldn’t nullify the impact it would have. The wrapper, while it was a great concept- the random streaks of colour might look better as brush strokes from a paintbrush. Also, the stickmen on the bar could have looked slightly more like actual human beings- they did have defined features, but they still looked like stickmen. For our print adverts Josh did the magazine advert and I did banners for a bus. I was happy with these.

Transcript of Unit 18- Evaluation of advertising module

Andrew Gronow

Advertising Unit Evaluation

We had three products to choose from – cereal bar, water or chewing gum. My team (Josh and I) chose to do the cereal bar because we both eat cereal bars and it was relevant to us.

We came up with 9 possible names, we chose Rainbow Rider because it sounded different to anything else and we thought it sounded like it endorsed health. To create the logo we researched on logo-creating websites, and finally I used a template in Photoshop and started to create our logo. I had the idea of using all the colours of the rainbow shown as brush strokes although it didn’t quite go as I hoped. However, this didn’t matter because the stickmen we added later made up for it.

We are happy with the name and logo we went with and I can’t think of anything we could change about it that wouldn’t nullify the impact it would have. The wrapper, while it was a great concept- the random streaks of colour might look better as brush strokes from a paintbrush. Also, the stickmen on the bar could have looked slightly more like actual human beings- they did have defined features, but they still looked like stickmen.

For our print adverts Josh did the magazine advert and I did banners for a bus. I was happy with these.

The TV advert for our product was also a good concept- but when we got to filming and editing, the advert did not go to plan- it was executed badly and we had to call off the advert due to time constraints. Despite this, the message behind the bar is still clear to us. Next time we could maybe ask someone else who is more confident in front of the camera, to be in our advert. Also I need to practice my editing skills to improve my next filming project.

Andrew Gronow

My main role in the team was designer. I designed the logo and the wrapper and Josh did more of the marketing campaign. I am pleased I had this role as art and design are my strengths.

What went well is that we worked well together and cooperated on the task. We divided the tasks evenly between the two of us, and when we both worked on something, we discussed the pros and cons before choosing the best designs.

I wrote the script for the group pitch which I felt was a good script. I think the pitch went well, the teacher said I spoke clearly and with confidence, and was ‘upbeat and positive’. We could have improved our pitch by including the TV advert but we were disappointed in this so we didn’t include it.

Overall I feel that I have learnt about advertising, which before I knew nothing about. My designs went well but my film work and editing needs improving.

Andrew Gronow