Unit 16a Delivery services. Objectives To enable Ss to discuss delivery services To practice reading...

Unit 16a Delivery services

Transcript of Unit 16a Delivery services. Objectives To enable Ss to discuss delivery services To practice reading...

Unit 16a

Delivery services


To enable Ss to discuss delivery services

To practice reading for specific information

To review prepositions of time

Materials needed: Cassette - Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary

Cards - 16 cards: one set of cards per pair/group to be photocopied

from T's Guide

Part 1 Parcel carriers• Reading Ss decide on figures about UPS before reading a

brochure extract to check their answers. Ss complete sentences with the correct UPS service features.

• Vocabulary

Ss identify repetition and language used to make a favorable impression on the reader.

• Language focus

Ss review prepositions of time and match sentence halves with time prepositions.

• Speaking

Ss decide on the most important features of a parcel delivery service


1. By 表示时间时有到(某时)之前,不迟于的意思。例如: By 2001 the factory coped with repairs for 700 cars per year. 截止 2001 年该厂已能年修汽车 700 辆。

2. 表示一段时间的 within 有时与 in 同义,都作 before the end of 解。但 within 一般用于比较正式的语体。

• 参考词语和表达• In my opinion... 我认为 ......• I think ...is of the most importance for a parcel

delivery service. 我认为对包裹运送服务来说最重要的是 ...... 。

• I agree with you that... 我同意你的 ...... 看法。• High quality of service guarantees... 高质量的

服务可以保证 ...... 。• As long as we can offer..., our business will dev

elop quickly. 只要我们能够提供 ......, 我们的业务就会迅速的发展。

• Shipping charges 运费• Weight of the parcel sent 需要投递的包裹的重

量• Urgent document 急件

• Destination 目的地• Reliability 可靠性• The quality of service is also important. 服务的

质量也很重要。• Length of time taken is 运输的时间• It just depends. 这要根据情况来决定。• We need to consider... 我们必须考虑 ...• We choose different delivery services accordin

g to the parcels and the documents we send. 我们会根据需要投寄的包裹和文件的情况来选投递服务的方式。

• Postal system 邮政系统• Personal courier 私人信使

• Reputation and reliability 信誉和可靠性• Quality of service 服务的质量• Expense 开支• Security 安全性• Lower cost 低成本• The advantage could include... 有 利 因 素 包

括 ...... 。• There are some disadvantages of ... 有 ...... 几

点不利因素。• Lack of expertise in dealing with customers pa

perwork 缺乏处理关税文件的技术(人才)

Part 2 Sending a parcel

• Reading Ss read information in order to calculate the cost of

sending three different packages by UPS.

• Speaking Ss work in pairs and exchange information about the

delivery services used by their companies.

• Ss work in pairs and brainstorm alternative ways

of sending items abroad and discuss their

advantages and disadvantages.

• Ss work in pairs with two sets of cards (items

and destinations). Ss select cards to decide the

best way to send the items to the destinations.


• Vocabulary

Gap-fill exercise (prepositions).

Gap-fill exercise (delivery vocabulary) • Exam Practice

Multiple-choice reading comprehension exercise (Reading Test Part 1).

Unit 16b Trading


To enable Ss to talk about trading

To practice listening and reading for specific


To practice letter writing

To review tensesMaterials needed: Cassette - Pass Cambridge BEC


Cards - 9 cards: one set of cards per pair/group to be photocopied from T's Guide

Part 1 An import agent

• Warmer

T writes agent on the board. Ss discuss what the job


• Listening

Ss listen to the Managing Director of an import agency

talking about his company and complete a fact file. Ss

listen again and answer multiple-choice questions.

• Speaking Ss work in pairs, ordering cards which show the

sequence of events surrounding a customer order. Ss decide which of the faxes etc. referred to on the cards match certain descriptions.

• Language focus

Ss underline examples of tenses in the typescript and categorizes their uses.

• Speaking Ss interview each other in pairs in order to get

information for a company fact file

要点解析1. fact file: 有两个单词 fact ( 事实 ) 和 file ( 文件、

档案 ) 组成。在此译为:资料档案。2. I began selling to the drink industry. 我开始向

饮料产业销售产品。3. Our suppliers began developing excellent new machine that were technically more adva

nced than our competitors. 我们的供应商开始研制精密的新机器,这些机器


4. So Vaupack got a name for delivering excellent products... 因此,洛派克以提供优质产品 ......而闻名。 Name 在此的意思是:名声,名气。 Get (have )a name for 以 ......著称。

5. Technical development is the key to the industry. 技术进步是企业发展的关键。


• This is our order for ... 兹订购 ......

• Thank you for your quotation of ... 感谢贵方 ...... 的报价• We are pleased to place our order as follows. 以下是我们

要订购的 ......

• We enclosed an order for the following. 兹付上订单一份订购如下 ......

• We shall be very grateful if you could deliver them to ...bef

ore... 零件如能在 ...... 之前寄到,将不胜感激。

Part 2 Ordering parts

• Reading Ss read a quotation for some spare parts and

answer multiple-choice questions• Speaking Ss work in pairs discussing things their

companies order and the means by which they order them.

• Writing Ss write (collaboratively) a letter in reply to the

earlier quotation.


• Vocabulary

Matching exercise (verbs and nouns).• Language focus

Matching sentence halves.