Unit 14: Captivity Daniel and Esther OT14.9 Brave …...1 OT14.9 Esther is Brave ©Beverly Wilson...

1 OT14.9 Esther is Brave ©Beverly Wilson 2020 Unit 14: Captivity Daniel and Esther OT14.9 Brave Queen Esther Lesson Scripture: Esther 5-10 Lesson Goal: Esther was a young beautiful girl who became the Queen of Persia. God had a special plan and purpose for her life just like He has for us. In this lesson Esther bravely trusts God to help her protect her people the Jews. Introduction: This lesson is found in the book of Esther. The book of Esther is in the Old Testament and is in the group of books called History. It is the last book in this group and tells the story of the people of Israel while they were in captivity in the land of Media-Persia. Let's say the name of the books of history in the Old Testament-- Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. Attention Getter: “Puzzles” Do you like to work puzzles? Sometimes puzzles can have lots of different pieces. Trying to find the place that each piece goes can be a challenge. The big pile of puzzle pieces can seem like just a big mess before you put them together but when every piece is in place then it will make a beautiful picture. When I solve puzzles I often use the picture of what the puzzle will look like to help me put the pieces together. Did you know that your life and my life are like pieces of a puzzle that fit into God's master plan? God is working out all the events in our life to fit into His overall plan. Just like when you are solving a puzzle and you can't see where a piece will fit, that is the same way with our lives. Sometimes we can't understand when things happen that don't seem to fit into what we think God's plan should be. The book of Esther is like a big puzzle. The Jews had been taken captive and were now living in the Persian Empire. By God's plan Esther had become the Queen of Persia. Just after becoming queen Esther was faced with the terrible news that every Jew in the whole kingdom is just about to be killed. The Jews must have wondered how their circumstances could ever fit into God's plan. Opening Prayer: "Our Father in heaven, sometimes we don't see the big picture of life, like you do. We wonder what in the world you are doing and what your will is for our lives. Studying Esther's life encourages us to believe that you are in control of all things; that you have a plan and a purpose for why certain things are happening in our lives. Thank you for giving us the gift of salvation. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.” Memory Verse: The memory verse is Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Lesson Video: https://youtu.be/LqpscIUiThk Esther was a young orphan girl who became the Queen of Persia, one of the biggest and most important kingdoms of the world. The children of Israel had been taken captive by the Babylonians over 100 years ago. Since then their empire had been captured by the Persians. Meanwhile the Jews were still living in the land. Esther's parents had died and her cousin, Mordecai had raised her. He was like a father to her. He loved her and taught her to worship God and love her people the Jews.

Transcript of Unit 14: Captivity Daniel and Esther OT14.9 Brave …...1 OT14.9 Esther is Brave ©Beverly Wilson...

Page 1: Unit 14: Captivity Daniel and Esther OT14.9 Brave …...1 OT14.9 Esther is Brave ©Beverly Wilson 2020 Unit 14: Captivity Daniel and Esther OT14.9 Brave Queen Esther Lesson Scripture:


OT14.9 Esther is Brave ©Beverly Wilson 2020

Unit 14: Captivity Daniel and Esther OT14.9 Brave Queen Esther Lesson

Scripture: Esther 5-10

Lesson Goal: Esther was a young beautiful girl who became the Queen of Persia. God had a special

plan and purpose for her life just like He has for us. In this lesson Esther bravely trusts God to help her protect her people the Jews.

Introduction: This lesson is found in the book of Esther. The book of Esther is in the Old Testament and is in the group of books called History. It is the last book in this group and tells the story of the people of Israel while they were in captivity in the land of Media-Persia. Let's say the name of the books of history in the Old Testament-- Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther.

Attention Getter: “Puzzles” Do you like to work puzzles? Sometimes puzzles can have lots of different pieces. Trying to find the place that each piece goes can be a challenge. The big pile of puzzle pieces can seem like just a big mess before you put them together but when every piece is in place then it will make a beautiful picture. When I solve puzzles I often use the picture of what the puzzle will look like to help me put the pieces together. Did you know that your life and my life are like pieces of a puzzle that fit into God's master plan? God is working out all the events in our life to fit into His overall plan. Just like when you are solving a puzzle and you can't see where a piece will fit, that is the same way with our lives. Sometimes we can't understand when things happen that don't seem to fit into what we think God's plan should be. The book of Esther is like a big puzzle. The Jews had been taken captive and were now living in the Persian Empire. By God's plan Esther had become the Queen of Persia. Just after becoming queen Esther was faced with the terrible news that every Jew in the whole kingdom is just about to be killed. The Jews must have wondered how their circumstances could ever fit into God's plan.

Opening Prayer: "Our Father in heaven, sometimes we don't see the big picture of life, like you do. We wonder what in the world you are doing and what your will is for our lives. Studying Esther's life encourages us to believe that you are in control of all things; that you have a plan and a purpose for why certain things are happening in our lives. Thank you for giving us the gift of salvation. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.”

Memory Verse: The memory verse is Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Lesson Video: https://youtu.be/LqpscIUiThk Esther was a young orphan girl who became the Queen of Persia, one of the biggest and most important kingdoms of the world. The children of Israel had been taken captive by the Babylonians over 100 years ago. Since then their empire had been captured by the Persians. Meanwhile the Jews were still living in the land. Esther's parents had died and her cousin, Mordecai had raised her. He was like a father to her. He loved her and taught her to worship God and love her people the Jews.

Page 2: Unit 14: Captivity Daniel and Esther OT14.9 Brave …...1 OT14.9 Esther is Brave ©Beverly Wilson 2020 Unit 14: Captivity Daniel and Esther OT14.9 Brave Queen Esther Lesson Scripture:


OT14.9 Esther is Brave ©Beverly Wilson 2020

When Queen Vashti of Persia was banished from the kingdom, King Xerxes held a beauty contest to choose another queen. Because Esther was so beautiful, she was taken to the palace and entered into the contest. By God’s plan the king picked her to be the new queen. But Mordecai had warned Esther not to tell anyone that she was a Jew and that she worshipped God. In the mean time King Xerxes chose a new prime minister named Haman. He was made second in command of the whole empire. But Haman hated the Jews and so he was plotting to kill all of them. The King had ordered everyone to show respect to Haman by bowing down before him whenever he passed by. Mordecai refused to do that because he was faithful to God and only worshipped Him. He knew it was wrong to bow down to anyone but God. When Haman found out that Mordecai would not bow down to him, he got so mad at Mordecai that he had the king pass a law that on a 13th day of the 12th month every Jew in the land were to be attacked and killed and their possessions taken as plunder. Mordecai got word to Esther about Haman's wicked scheme and asked her to go before the king and beg for mercy for the Jews. Esther was very afraid. She knew that she might lose her life if she tried to get in to see the king without an invitation. There was a law in Persia at that time that said if someone appeared before the king without his permission, they were to be put to death unless he stretched out his golden scepter. And Esther had no idea if the king would welcome her or not. It had been over a month since the king had asked Esther to visit him. But Mordecai told Esther, If she kept quiet at a time like this she and all of the Jews would be killed. So she decided to risk her life and go to the king. She said, "If I die, I die." Esther told Mordecai that he was to have all the Jews in the land declare a fast and pray for three days to ask that God would give her protection and wisdom in going to see the King. Mordecai and the Jews all prayed as well as the maidens in Queen Esther's court. On the third day Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the palace in front of the king's hall. When the King saw her, he was pleased and held out his golden scepter to spare her life. She touched the tip of the scepter and knelt before him! Her life had been spared! God had answered their prayers! "What is your request?" he asked. "Even if you ask for up to half the Kingdom I will give it to you." God had given Esther a very wise plan. She did not immediately tell the king what she wanted. Instead Esther said, "I would like to invite the King and Haman to a special banquet I have prepared." Both the king and Haman were very pleased to be invited to the queen's banquet. But Haman was so honored that he began to be full of pride. So King Xerxes and Haman went to the banquet Esther had prepared. After the dinner, the king asked again, "What is your request?" Once again Esther wisely waited to ask her question. She said, "I would like to invite the King and Haman to another banquet tomorrow. Then I will answer the king's question!" As Haman left the palace in a good mood he suddenly became very angry when he saw Mordecai. All Haman could think about was how furious he was that Mordecai had not bowed or show him respect. Instead of being happy, he was full of rage!

Page 3: Unit 14: Captivity Daniel and Esther OT14.9 Brave …...1 OT14.9 Esther is Brave ©Beverly Wilson 2020 Unit 14: Captivity Daniel and Esther OT14.9 Brave Queen Esther Lesson Scripture:


OT14.9 Esther is Brave ©Beverly Wilson 2020

When he got home, Haman began to boast about his great wealth, his many sons, and the ways the King had honored him. He said, "I have been invited to a banquet by the King and queen tomorrow. But I cannot be happy while Mordecai the Jew is still sitting at the King's gate." Haman was very upset that Mordecai would not bow down to him! Then Haman's wife and friends had an idea. "Have a pole set up and in the morning ask the King to have Mordecai hanged on it." Haman thought this was a great idea so he erected a pole that was 75 feet high. Haman planned to ask the King in the morning if he could hang Mordecai on it. That night the King could not sleep. He thought maybe God was keeping him awake because He had something to say to him. So the king ordered the book of the chronicles of his reign to be brought in and read to him. He thought that might help him fall asleep. As the servant was reading the record of the king’s accomplishments, he read the story of how Mordecai, a long time before, had saved the king’s life by telling the king of a plot to kill him. While sitting at the gate Mordecai had heard the two traitors planning to kill the king. Mordecai sent a message through Queen Esther warning King Xerxes of the plot. The two spies had been caught and Mordecai had saved the King's life! But somehow the king had never rewarded Mordecai for his bravery. When the King heard how Mordecai had exposed the plot to kill him, he asked, "What honor was given to Mordecai for doing this?" The attendants replied, "Nothing has been done." "Who is in the royal court?" the king asked. "Haman is standing in the court," they replied. He had come to ask for Mordecai to be executed by being hanged on the pole he had erected. "Bring Haman in," the king ordered. The king asked Haman, "What should be done for a man the King wants to honor?" Haman thought that the king was talking about him. He didn't know that the king was really wanting to honor Mordecai for his bravery. So Haman replied, "Put the man in a royal robe the King has worn and on a horse the King has ridden." "Then get the King's most noble prince to lead the horse through the city proclaiming, "This is what is done for the man the King delights to honor!" The king thought this was a wonderful plan. "Go at once and get the robe and horse, "the king commanded, "and then do as you have suggested for Mordecai the Jew who sits at the gate. Do not neglect any detail." What? Haman's plans were ruined! The very man he wanted to hang, he now had to proclaim as a hero! Haman was so embarrassed. He had to put a fancy robe on Mordecai, put him on a horse and lead him through the city proclaiming, "This is what is done for the man who honors the King!" Haman had to honor the man he had wanted to kill because the king had ordered it!

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OT14.9 Esther is Brave ©Beverly Wilson 2020

A humiliated Haman rushed home in grief and reported what had happened to his wife and friends. Haman was totally shamed. Even his wife and friends realized what had happened and they said, " Since Mordecai the Jew has begun your downfall you cannot stand against him, you will come to ruin." God had made all these events to happen during the day before Esther's second banquet. At that moment the King's servant arrived to take Haman to the banquet Queen Esther had prepared for him and the King. As they were drinking wine, the king asked, "What is your request, Queen Esther? Even if it half of my kingdom it will be granted." Now Esther knew the timing was right to ask her important question. "My request is that you save my life and the lives of my people." Esther replied. "We are to be destroyed." The king was surprised and wondered what was she talking about. "Who has dared to threaten your life?" the King demanded to know. Immediately Queen Esther pointed her finger at Haman. "An enemy," replied Esther, "This vile Haman." Haman looked terrified. The King got up in a rage and went out into the palace garden. Haman started begging Esther to save his life. The king returned to find Haman falling on the couch where Esther was reclining. The king was enraged. He called the guards to seize Haman. One of the King's attendants reported, "Haman has erected a pole by his house. He was planning to hang Mordecai on it." "Then hang Haman on it," the King ordered. Haman was led out to be executed on the very gallows he had built to hang Mordecai! Then the king's fury subsided. That day the King gave Esther Haman's estate. Then Esther told the King she was related to Mordecai. The King then appointed Mordecai the new Prime Minister of the Persian Empire! He was given Haman's signet ring and Esther appointed him to look after Haman's riches and possessions. But there was still trouble ahead for the Jews. Remember the law to kill all the Jews that Haman had tricked the king into passing? Well, Esther fell at the King's feet weeping and begging him to put a stop to the evil plan to kill the Jews. "If it pleases the king, let an order be written overruling Haman's plot." Esther begged the king to change the command to kill the Jews. The king couldn't change the law but he could make a new one. In fact the King told Esther and Mordecai to write the new law themselves! The king said, "Write another decree in my name and I will seal it with my signet ring. No document written in my name can be changed!" The royal secretaries were summoned. A new law was written giving the Jews the right to gather and defend themselves if anyone attacked them. They could also plunder the properties of their enemies. Copies of the new law were sent out through the 127 provinces of the empire. Everyone knew the Jews would be ready and waiting if anyone attacked them on the 13th day of the 12th month. When Mordecai left the palace he was wearing a royal purpose robe and crown. The Jews celebrated the news and their enemies became afraid of them. At last the thirteen day of the twelfth month arrived. It was the date the enemies of the Jews hoped to destroy them. Instead the Jews gathered to defend themselves, helped by the governors and nobles of the provinces. Any group who attacked them were struck down and killed.

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OT14.9 Esther is Brave ©Beverly Wilson 2020

In the capital city of Susa, Haman's ten sons and another 500 men who hated the Jews were destroyed. But the Jews did not plunder their belongings. Permission was given to the Jews to continue dealing with their enemies the next day also. In the provinces 75,000 of those who planned to destroy the Jews were annihilated themselves. Mordecai recorded these events and sent letter to the Jews asking them to celebrate this victory that God had given them every year on the 14th and 15th days of the 12th month. It was God who had worked out everything to make sure His people were not destroyed. Haman had plotted and cast a lot, known as a Pur, to destroy the Jews. So the celebration was called the Feast of Purim. It was a day of feasting and joy. People gave presents to each other. The Jews have kept this custom every year, through every generation, to this very day. Every year the Jewish people celebrate Purim to remember when Queen Esther and Mordecai saved the Jewish people from being wiped out and to praise God for guarding His people and saving them from the harm that the evil men had plotted against them. How wonderfully God had worked to protect the Jews. He had moved people and events in just the right way to accomplish His plan. Because He protected the Jews, many years later Jesus was born to a little Jewish girl named Mary. Jesus lived a sinless life and died on a cross and three days later he rose from the dead. Jesus was God. He came to earth in the form of a man. He came to take the punishment for our sins. He did it because He loves us and wants us to spend eternity with Him in heaven. Just like He did then, God is in complete control of all the events that happen in each one of our lives now. Each one of our lives fits like a puzzle piece into God's master plan. He is working out all the events in your life to fit into His overall plan. Think of all the ways God leads you and protects you. Like a shepherd He will direct the path of life if you will just follow Him and do what He asks. We need to take time every day to praise God for His love and care for us. Remember "Follow God's plan for your life!"

Review Questions: “Crown Toss” Review Game Preparation: You will need a bucket or bowl and several “crowns” or silver binding rings. Procedure: Explain to the boys and girls that you are going play a review game. Have students take turns answering the following review questions. If the individual child answers the question correctly then he or she may have one chance to toss the “crown” into the bucket or bowl.

1. Who was the King of the Media-Persia Empire during the time of Esther? Where did he live? (King Xerxes also known as Ahasuerus was the King of the Persian Empire. He lived in the palace which was in Susa, the capital of Persia.)

2. What had happened that Mordecai and his cousin Esther were living in Media-Persia? (Their families had been taken captive to Babylon many years earlier under the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar.)

3. How did Esther become queen? (She was chosen by the king in a beauty pageant.) 4. What was the secret that Esther kept from the king when she was chosen queen? (When she

was chosen as queen, the king did not know she was Jewish. The people of Persia were afraid of the Jews and marriage to a Jew was strictly forbidden in the Persian Empire.)

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OT14.9 Esther is Brave ©Beverly Wilson 2020

5. What heroic act did Mordecai do for the king? (He overheard a plot by Bigthan and Teresh to overthrow the king. He reported this to Queen Esther who told the king. The traitors were found out and hung. The event was recorded in the chronicles of the king but Mordecai was not rewarded immediately.)

6. Who became the prime minister of Media-Persia and why was he a problem for the Jews? (Haman was chosen by the king to become the prime minister or second in command to the king himself. Haman was a very proud and arrogant man. He had great prejudice against the Jews because his family had come from the Amalekites who were ancient enemies of the Jews.)

7. What did all the people in the land of Media Persia have to do to show honor to Haman? (They had to bow down and worship Haman as a god whenever he passed by.)

8. How did Mordecai respond to the order to worship Haman? (Mordecai refused to worship Haman as a god because it was against God’s commandment to worship only Him as God. Mordecai was faithful to the one and only true God.)

9. When Mordecai refused to worship Haman as a god, what did Haman do to kill all the Jews? (He became very angry. He decided to not only punish Mordecai by killing him but to destroy all the Jews in the entire land. He persuaded the king to pass a law to kill all the Jews on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month.)

10. What message did Mordecai sent to Queen Esther? (He told Esther’s servant about the law and that Esther should go to the king and intercede for the Jewish people.)

11. When Esther heard the request from her uncle, why was she afraid to go before the king? (A law in Media Persia forbids anyone to approach the king unless he called for them. The king had not called for Esther for over a month and unless he raised his scepter to Esther when she asked to see the king, she would be killed.)

12. What did Esther ask Mordecai and all the Jews in the city of Susa to do, before she went before the king? (She asked them to put on sack cloth and ashes and pray to God for her for three days. They were to ask God to protect her as she interceded for them before the king.)

13. What did the king do to show that Esther had found favor with him? (He held out the golden scepter.)

14. Why was Haman so full of joy at being asked to the queen’s special banquet? (He felt special and honored. He was full of pride.)

15. What changed Haman’s joyful attitude at being invited to the queen’s banquet? (He passed Mordecai who still refused to bow down to him.)

16. What advice did Haman’s wife and friends give him when they saw how bitter and upset he was? (They told him to build a hang man’s platform and have Mordecai killed.)

17. What happened that night when the king could not sleep? (The king told a servant to bring in the book of records to read to him.)

18. What did the servant read to the king from the record books? (The servant read the part about Mordecai warning the king about two palace guards who were plotting to kill the king.)

19. What question did the king as Haman as he came into the palace to ask the king to have Mordecai killed? (He asked, “What would be a good way to honor someone you appreciate?”

20. Who did Haman think the king wanted to honor? (Haman thought the king wanted to honor him!) 21. What ways did Haman think that he should be honored? (Haman suggested that the man wear

the king’s royal purple robe, ride on the king’s horse, and be paraded around the city while the most noble prince shouted, “This is what is done for the man the King delights to honor!".)

22. What was the unexpected turn of events for Haman? (The king told Haman that he wanted to honor Mordecai in the way he described. Haman had to honor Mordecai instead of hanging him!)

23. At the second banquet what answer did Queen Esther give to the king’s question about what was her desire? (Queen Esther asked the king to spare her life and the lives of her people. She told the king that it was Haman who wanted them destroyed.)

24. What made the king especially angry at Haman and say that he should be hanged? (He began to plead Esther for his life and he even began to attack her. When the king saw him do that, he was especially angry and wanted him hanged on the gallows he built for Mordecai.)

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OT14.9 Esther is Brave ©Beverly Wilson 2020

25. What law did Mordecai and Esther write for the king to sign that would save them from destruction on the day that people could kill them? (The law said that the Jews could defend themselves from attack and they could even plunder the goods of those that attack them.)

26. Who did the king appoint to take Haman’s place as the Prime Minister of Media-Persia? (The king made Mordecai the Prime Minister.)

27. What celebration do the Jews have to remember the day that Mordecai and Esther saved their people? (Every year the Jews celebrate the Feast of Purim. It is a day of feasting and joy when people give presents to each other. It is called Purim because Haman used the pur to cast lots to choose the day that the Jews were to be killed.)

28. What are some of the ways God showed His complete control over the events in Esther’s life? (God arranged for Esther to become queen. God controlled the dice so that there would be almost a year before Haman could kill all the Jews which gave time for Esther to prepare. God placed Mordecai outside the gate where he could hear the plot against the king. God caused the king to be unable to sleep. God led the king’s servant to read the record book with Mordecai’s good deed.)

29. What are some ways God has shown His love and protection in your life? How has he shown you that He cares for and controls the events in your life? (Answers will vary.)

30. Why lesson can we learn from the fact that Esther was chosen to be queen? (God had a plan to use Esther to protect His people. God also has a special plan for all our lives. We can trust Him with our life.)

31. What is our memory verse? (The memory verse is Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”)

32. What does our memory verse mean? (This verse promises us that God has a plan for us that is for our good. We can trust Him and follow His will because He knows what is best!)

Bible Memory Verse Activity: “Scepter”

The memory verse is Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Have students locate the verse in scripture and repeat together several times. Say: “This verse promises us that God has a plan for us that is for our good. We can trust Him and follow His will because He knows what is best!” Preparation: You will need a toy king’s scepter to play the game. You can use a wand, or stick, a cardboard tube, or a drumstick, etc. A king’s crown and robe are optional but fun to add to the game. Procedure: To help children memorize the verse, write the verse on the chalkboard or whiteboard. Have students read the verse aloud a couple of times together. Practice the verse by choosing a child to be the king or queen. The child will walk around the group and hold the scepter over someone who should say as much of the verse as possible. Then the class should finish the verse in unison. After a couple of times repeating the verse, choose a new person to hold the scepter. Encourage children to say more and more of the verse each time.

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OT14.9 Esther is Brave ©Beverly Wilson 2020

Group Learning Activity/Game: “Charades” (Grades K-5) Preparation: Write the following key scenes on separate index cards:

King Xerxes having a six month party and Queen Vashti refusing to come. (Esther 1:12)

Esther receiving beauty treatments. (Esther 2:9)

Esther in the beauty contest. (Esther 2:17)

Haman walking by and people bowing and Mordecai refusing to bow. (Esther 3:2)

Esther nervously walking in to see the king; the king extending the scepter. (Esther 5:1-2)

Haman honoring Mordecai in the way he wanted to be honored. (Esther 6:7-9)

Esther pointing her finger at Haman and accusing him before the king. ( Esther 7:8)

Haman being hanged. (Esther 7:10)

The Medes and Persians are afraid of the Jews on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month because of Mordecai being made Prime Minister. (Esther 9:1-4)

The Jews celebrate the Feast of Purim. (Esther 9:19-23)

Procedure: Form two teams and play a game of charades using the key scene cards. Two or three players will act out the scene for their team. If their team can guess the scene, award one point. Then the other team will take a turn. Play additional rounds with new players taking turns drawing the key scene cards. Review the events in the Bible lesson as you play the game.

Say: “In this lesson we will learn how God had a special plan and purpose for Esther’s life just like He has for us. Esther bravely trusted God to help her protect her people the Jews. We too should learn to trust God’s love and protection for us!”

Group Learning Activity: “Esther’s Banquet” (Grades K-3) Preparation: You will need plates, napkins, plastic silverware, drinks, snacks (see “Hamantachen Cookies” or “Scepter Snack” below), and printed pictures of the Persepolis Relief, King on the Throne Relief, and the Pottery of Susa. Say: “In this lesson we learned that Queen Esther, the king, and Haman enjoyed a banquet together. At the banquet Queen Esther told the king about Haman’s evil plan to kill all the Jews. The king refused to let that happen and Haman was killed instead. God used Esther to rescue His people. We are going to celebrate Queen Esther’s banquet by hosting a banquet of our own. While we are eating our snacks, I will show you pictures of the ruins of Ancient Persia where Queen Esther and Mordecai lived.” Procedure: Have the students help prepare for the banquet by distributing plates, napkins, plastic silverware, and so forth to each child. Pass out the snacks that you choose to serve. (the Hamantachen Cookies or the Scepter Snack.) While the children are enjoying their banquet show the pictures of the Persepolis Relief and Golden Bowl. Explain each picture and how it relates to the story of Esther.

Say: (show pictures of city of Persepolis) “Persia was a mighty kingdom centered in what is now Iran.

Persians rose to power in about 550 BC. For about 200 years they ruled a vast empire. It stretched from the Indus River in southern Asia to parts of southern Europe and northern Africa. Xerxes was Persia’s

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fifth king. His winter palace was in Susa where the banquet was held that is described in Esther 1. Another ceremonial palace was located in Persepolis. Persia was a world power and the king, as the center of that power, was one of the wealthiest people in the world. Persian kings loved to flaunt their wealth, even wearing precious gemstones in their beards. Even soldiers wore great amounts of gold jewelry into battle. Say: (show picture of the Apadana Palace in the city of Persepolis and the Gate of All Nations) “The Persian Kings built a hall called the Apadana Palace in the city of Persepolis about 2,500 years ago. The palace had a grand hall in the shape of a square. This hall had seventy-two columns. Thirteen of these columns still stand today. The columns are 62 feet high with animal sculptures on top. Some of the animals were two-headed lions, eagles, human beings and cows. A stairway to the Throne Hall still stands. Carvings on this stairway show a lion attacking a bull. The dual stairway has 111 steps that are 23 feet wide with each step 12 inches higher. The steps were constructed to allow for nobles and royalty to make a regal appearance while being led up to the Gate of All Nations which led to the Kings throne. Much of this ancient city was destroyed by Alexander the Great when he conquered the land. Say: (show the picture of the King) “This is a carving or “relief” of the King on his throne in the palace in the city of Persepolis. This engraving was once on the northernmost stairway leading to the palace. In his hand is a lotus or sweet smelling flower. The flower represents eternity and it has twelve petals representing the twelve months of the year. Notice the king’s feet do not touch the ground. His feet are resting on a footstool. The King also has a golden scepter in his hand. This would have been the way that the King invited Esther into his presence. This relief was on the stairway wall and shows the King greeting several different people from all the lands that the Media Persian Empire had conquered. These emissaries are bringing the king many gifts from their lands.” Say: (Show picture of Persepolis Relief) “On the eastern stairs that led to the King’s Palace in the city of Persepolis are many reliefs or engravings in the wall. These sculptures show pictures of all the courters coming from all over the kingdom to pay tribute to the king. Each one is bringing gifts from their land to the king. In this picture the Medes and the Persians are bringing their famous wine to the king. Notice their curly hair! This large stairway was the entrance into the Throne Hall where grand parties and feasts were held. This was the place that King Xerxes would have held his famous party and feast that lasted six months!” Say: (Show picture of Pottery of Susa) “These vessels may look like old broken pieces of pottery but they are actually pieces of tableware that actually belonged to King Ahasuerus, King Xerexes’ father. In the archaeological digs of the ancient city of Susa, we find three types of vessels—drinking goblets or beakers, serving dishes, and small jars. These ceramic pieces were all handmade on a potters’ wheel and painted freehand. Over 2,000 of these pieces are now stored in the Louve Museum in France. When we hear about feasts and banquets that are given in the Book of Esther, this exact dish may have been on the king and queen’s table.” Say: “These pictures of the actual kingdom of Persia help us to understand what life must have been like for Queen Esther. We can be assured that the story of Esther is true. God’s Word is dependable and tells us the truth about God and his love and provision for us. We can trust God to guide us in His plan for our lives!” Optional: There are several archaeological video on You Tube about this famous archeological dig. You may wish to show one of these. Here is a good one from the Iranian Cultural Foundation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwFVq-FPpuU

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Group Learning Activity: “Hope in Crisis” (Grades 3-5) Purpose: To help students learn that God gives hope for the future. Preparation: You will need Bibles, spiritual journal page, pencils or pens. Say: “In this lesson we learned Esther had to have courage to go before King Xerxes because she could be killed if he did not hold up the scepter to allow her to come before him. Esther was afraid. She knew she needed God’s help to give her courage to risk death and approach the king. Her 3 days of prayer and fasting revealed her need for God’s help and her trust in God’s protection. She drew courage and hope not from herself but from the one true God. So where does your courage and hope come from? In what do you place your trust? We are going to look at some promises that God gives His children in order to give them hope and help in difficult situations. Procedure: Have students look up the following scriptures:

Psalm 27: 1 “The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?” Fear is a dark shadow that envelopes us and ultimately imprisons us within ourselves. Each of us has been a prisoner of fear at one time or another. We might suffer from fear of rejection, misunderstanding, uncertainty, sickness, or even death. We can conquer that fear by using the bright liberating light of the Lord who brings salvation. If we want to dispel the darkness of fear, let us remember with the psalmist, “the Lord is my light and my salvation.” Proverbs 29:25 “The fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.” A snare is a lure or trap. Fishermen use snares to catch fish. Hunters use snares to catch game. Satan uses snares to trap people. Fear is one of Satan’s ways to trap us from obeying and trusting in God! Deuteronomy 31: 6 “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” We can overcome fear and cowardice when we realize that we are not alone in our situation. God promises to be with us and His power is greater than any difficulty we may face. Romans 8:31-34 “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things. Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.” God gave us His Son and He is not going to hold salvation back from us. No matter what happens we are not lost from His love. Jesus is at the right hand of God praying for us. We can have hope and confidence for the future.

Say: “God wants you to have hope for the future. That means looking to Him as the source of courage and trusting Him with the outcome no matter what. That is the kind of courage that Esther had in standing up for her people. We may face difficult and seemingly hopeless situations. We should not look at our circumstances and despair. Instead we should look to God! He has a plan. Nothing catches Him by surprise. He will help us in our time of need and weave the circumstances of our lives together for His good purpose. God is ready to give you the hope and help that you need to complete what He wants you to do. Remember that hope comes from trusting in God.” Close in prayer. Have students record what they have learned in their spiritual notebooks.

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Group Learning Activity: “Haman” Hangman (Grades K-5) Preparation: You will need a white board and markers, a chalkboard with chalk, or a large poster paper with markers. Draw a large Hangman gallows on the board or paper. Say: “In this lesson we learned that Haman was a wicked evil man who wanted to kill the Jews. God saved his people and destroyed Haman. We are going to play a word game called Hangman. We will use words that describe ideas or people from our lesson.” Procedure: Choose words from the lesson such as pride, wealth, honor, anger, brave, Xeroxes, Esther, Mordecai, Haman, Purim, fast, etc. to use to play the game of Hangman. Write the words in a list. Divide your class into three groups of 5 or 6 children. Decide which child from each group will the ones you are giving the words. Tell each of the children three words from the list. The other four or five children will guess. Rules of the game: One player thinks of a word or phrase; the others try to guess

what it is one letter at a time. The player draws a number of dashes equivalent to the number of letters in the word. If a guessing player suggests a letter that occurs in the word, the other player fills in the blanks with that letter in the right places. If a wrong letter is called, the child draws a part of the man—head, body, arms, legs. If the man is completely drawn before the word is correctly guessed, the team has lost the game and the leader tells the team the word. You will have three games going on at the same time. This will allow everyone to get a turn within a short period of time. You can have children do this on the chalk or dry erase board or have the children use paper. Lead the children in a prayer of commitment to guard their hearts against bitterness, anger, and hatred and to be ready to forgive when they are wronged just as Christ forgave them. If there are any children who have not yet responded to the Gospel, give them opportunity.

Group Learning Activity: “A Piece of Bible Pie” Preparation: You will need two disposable pie tins, wooden clothespins, permanent markers, and Bibles. It you want a more permanent game, use metal pizza pans. Procedure: In the center of a pie tin or pizza pan, use the marker to write Old Testament. Label the other tin New Testament. On each clothespin write one book of the Bible until you have a clothespin for every book. Place the clothespins inside their respective pie tins, depending on whether they are labeled with the Old Testament. Tip: You can use different colored marking pins for the Old Testament and the New Testament book s so it is easy to distinguish which plate the clothespin belongs. Group the children into two teams and give each team a pie tin with clothespins. Challenge the teams to see who can clip the clothespins around the edge of the pie tin in the correct order. Show students how to use the table of content in the front of their Bibles for reference. Switch pie or pizza tins and allow the teams to try again with a different set of books.

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Say: “These books contain everything that God wants us to know about Him. He wants us to know Him more. That’s why it’s important that we read our Bibles. The more we learn about God’s Word, the more we’ll learn about Him.” Say:”God also sent Jesus to earth so we could understand more about God and His plan for us. Jesus is the Word of God who became full human to rescue us from our sins.” For extra challenge, instruct the students to sort their clothespins into Bible Divisions.

Craft Learning Activity: “Queen Esther Stick or Finger Puppets” (Grades K-3) Preparation: You will need paper, scissors, glue or tape, crayons, colored markers or colored pencils, and the wider wooden craft sticks. Print the template below on cardstock or cover stock. Cut in half. Procedure: Give a copy of the cardstock Esther puppets to each child. Have student color and cut out each puppet. Glue or tape each puppet to the wood craft sticks. Move the characters around as you tell the story so that the characters are acting out the story like a play. Optional: Make Finger Puppets: Print the template below for finger puppets. Or, draw faces or simple characters on small pieces of paper leaving a space to the left and right of the character. Roll the paper like a small tube around your finger and attach it in the back to form the finger puppet. Do this for each character. Attach the puppet to the back of a plastic spoon, onto a craft stick or a pencil instead of making the finger puppet. Tell the story and then guide the children in making their own finger puppets. Make the characters as elaborate as you want.

Craft Learning Activity: “Esther’s Goblets” (Grades K-4) Preparation: You will need small paper bathroom cups, medium or large Styrofoam cups, crayons, colored markers, and glue. Print the picture of the antique golden bowl from Persia. Say: (Display the pictures of the pottery dishes and golden bowl below.) “What do you think about kings and queens having a fancy dinner party? Do you think of beautiful china? Look at his golden bowl. Does it look fancy and important? This bowl belonged to a king and queen a long time ago. It could have been from the same king who is in our lesson today. Look how beautiful the details are etched in the bowl.” Say: “In this lesson we learned that Queen Esther held a fancy dinner party for the king and Haman. The dinnerware used at the party may have looked like this bowl. Esther used the dinner party as an opportunity to plead to the king to save the entire race of Jews from a man who wanted to have her—and all the other Jewish people—killed. Esther’s story is full of obedience to God and bravery by the young queen. We are going to make some goblets to remind us of this very important banquet.” Procedure: Have students color the cups using the colored markers or crayons. Turn the small cup upside down, putting glue on the flat end. Place the larger cup’s end on top of the glue so that the two cups are now glued together, end to end. Allow the glue to dry.

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Options: You may cover the bottom half with foil, once the glue has dried. You may wish to glue some jewels" or buttons on the top cup to make it look more fitting for an Esther.

Craft Learning Activity: “King Xerxes’ Scepter” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: You will need one paper towel (or section of gift wrap tube), two 10 ounce Styrofoam cups, gold spray paint, and a selection of glitter, sequins, plastic craft “jewels” or metallic confetti, and glue. Say: “Esther risked her life to approach the king with her plea to save the Israelite people. By extending his golden scepter to Esther, the king indicated that he would spare Esther's life, even though by approaching him uninvited she could have been sentenced to death. We are going to make a scepter so you can act out Esther’s courage and God’s help to His people the Jews.” Procedure: Before class spray gold paint on the paper towel tubes and Styrofoam cups. Help the children glue the bottom of one cup to one end of the paper towel tube. Then glue the second cup to the mouth of the first one. Glue decorations to the cup to look like jewels. Say: “How do you think Esther felt when she thought about entering into the king’s chamber? (She was frightened and did not know what to expect.) Why did Mordecai tell Esther she should go to see the king and intervene for her people? (Mordecai knew that God had made Esther to be the queen for such a time as this. Mordecai trusted God to use Esther.)

Craft Learning Activity: “Make a “Megillah Scroll” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: You will need a large brown paper bag or brown wrapping paper, black marking pens, glue or tape, cord or twine and dowel rods. Say: “In this lesson we learned that the story of Esther is found in the book of Esther. The book of Esther is written on the Megillah scroll. The “Megillah” scroll is read each year by the Jews when they celebrate the festival of Purim. It is usually read on the eve of the Jewish festival. Today we are going to make our own mini “Megillah.” Procedure: To make the scroll give child a large brown paper bag or some brown paper wrapping paper. Each sheet needs to be about 15" X 20". Crumple the paper into a large ball. Then unwrap the paper and smooth out with your hand. This gives the paper an "old" look. Teacher can then use a candle lighter to singe the edges of the paper to give it a parchment rough edge. Give each child two dowel rods and let the wrap the ends of the scroll onto the dowel rods. Glue or tape the ends of your scroll to the dowel rods. Have student use black marker to print the words of Jeremiah 29:11 or the key truth for this lesson, “God had a plan for Esther” onto the center of the scroll. Roll up the scroll and tie with cord or twine to hold the wooden scroll handles together.

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Craft Learning Activity: “Sack cloth and Ashes” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: You will need one 9” x 9” square piece of burlap for each child, gray or black construction paper or confetti, string, or ribbon, paper, colored markers, and a hole puncher for each child. If desired you can fold the burlap in half and stitch on along the long side and bottom to form a pouch ahead of class time. Say: “In Old Testament times, whenever people were sad or mourned, they would put on sackcloth and ashes. Sackcloth was very rough material that would scratch against the skin. They would put ashes in their hair as a sign of sadness. In our lesson, today, Mordecai, and many of the Jews wore sackcloth and ashes because of their sadness over the king’s decree. We are going to make a craft of a sackcloth pouch to remind us to seek God’s directions when we pray.”

Procedure: Distribute the materials to each child. Have students begin by laying out the burlap square. Tear several strips of black or gray construction paper into tiny pieces or use confetti and place in the center of the square. Pull up each end of the square and tie the top with string or ribbon. This will make a small pouch. (OR use the pre-stitched pouch that you prepared ahead of time.) Have students place the strips in the pouch.

On a small strip of paper, approximately 1” x 4,” write “Sackcloth and Ashes” and today’s memory verse (Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” or the theme “Follow God’s Plan for You Life.” Write the child’s name on the back of the paper. Punch a hole in the paper and tie to the pouch with string or ribbon.

Say: “Sometimes we find ourselves in bad situations like Queen Esther and the Jewish people did. At those times we should remember that He will be our strength and help; He will deliver us. He may even want to use our lives, like He did for Queen Esther to bring about deliverance. God has a purpose for our lives.”

Craft Learning Activity: “King’s Signet Rings” (Grades K-3) Preparation: You will need pipe cleaners, Styrofoam plates, and pony beads. Say: “In this lesson we learned that the King gave Mordecai his signet ring as a symbol of the power and authority he would have as the new Prime Minister of Persia. The signet ring would be used to seal any laws and declare them to be obeyed in all the land. The signet ring would be dipped in wax and used to identify the document or law as being valid. Seals are still used today for birth certificates, wills, licenses or other important legal documents. Today we are going to make our own signet rings and use them as stamps!” Procedure: Have students thread colored pony beads onto a pipe cleaner. Bend the pipe cleaner to fit each child’s finger. Have students cut ovals from Styrofoam plates and press hieroglyph designs on our rings with pens. Have students design their signet ring or seal. The designs could be their initials or something that would describe what is important to them. The rings can then be used to dip in paint and stamp away. After drawing their seal, have the children look up (or you can read to them) 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 and Ephesians 1:13-14. Talk about how we have been “sealed” by the Holy Spirit. The seal showed that the

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commandment or letter or law truly belonged to the owner. God has given us the Holy Spirit. He is our “seal” or promise that we belong to Him! It is a promise that we have an assurance of salvation, that we belong to Him, and are a member of God’s family. Optional: You can make signet rings out of cardstock paper. Copy the template below. The cardstock paper should be in various colors. Or you can simply cut strips of colored cardstock paper approximately ¾” wide. Have the children cut out shapes for their signet rings and then decorate as they please. You may want to provide glitter or plastic gems. Glue the shape or signet onto the band. Have the children wrap the band around their finger and help them cut it to the size of their finger. Using a glue stick or white glue (allow time for drying if using white glue), glue band together at the end.

Snack Learning Activity: “Hamantachen Cookies” (Grades 3-5) Preparation: You will need a rolling pin, cookie sheet, spoons, oven, sugar cookie dough, and apricot jelly. If you do not have access to an oven at church, bake the cookies at home and allow the kids to add the jelly during class time. Procedure: Help the students follow this recipe:

Roll out the sugar cookie dough.

Cut the cookie dough into triangles.

Fold each side of the triangle up a third of the way. This will create an open pocket in the middle of cookie. It will resemble a hat.

Bake the cookies.

Once the cookies have backed and cooled, spread apricot jelly inside.

Say: ‘These triangular cookies are known as “Hatmantaschen” or “Haman’s Hats.” This is the most popular sweet treat made at Purim. The cookies are a way for the Jewish people to remember their victory over Haman. The cookies remind them that God is sovereign. He rescued His people through Esther’s obedience.”

Snack Learning Activity: “Scepter Snack” Preparation: You will need sprinkles, dipping chocolate, marshmallows, and pretzel sticks. Procedure: Have students create a scepter snack using the supplies provided. Students should slide the pretzel stick into the marshmallow. Students may then dip their “scepter” in chocolate and use sprinkles to decorate. Say: “Where in this lesson was a scepter important? If the king had not held out his scepter to Esther, she would have been killed. God was in control. The king held out his scepter and God used Esther to rescue His people from Haman.” Say: “Name a time you had to be courageous or brave. Do you think Esther struggled to overcome her fear and approach the king? What did Esther ask the people to do before she went to the king? She asked the people to fast. The people fasted for three days. Esther saved her people! How God use people? God uses ordinary people to carry out His plan.

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Life Application Challenge: “Queen Esther’s Celebration Feast” Preparation: You will need to provide journals for students. Say: “At the Feast of Purim, God’s people celebrated His faithfulness and deliverance. Today the Jewish people continue to celebrate the Feast of Purim by reading the entire book of Esther.” Say: “It is good for us to remember too how God has been faithful to us. David set a good example for us in Psalm 103:1-2 ”Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Today we are going to use our journals to record ways that God had been faithful to us.” Procedure: Distribute the journals. (Decorate the journal with markers, construction paper, glitter, or other art supplies, if desired.) Have students write down ways that God has been faithful in our lives. They can take them home and continue to log the ways that God shows Himself faithful in their lives. Close in prayer. Lead the children in a prayer of commitment to be thankful for the great salvation God has given us. If there are any children who have not yet responded to the Gospel, give them opportunity.

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Brave Queen Esther

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm

you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

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King on the Throne

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Pottery from Susa

Golden Bowl from Ancient Persia

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Gate of All Nations

City of Persepolis (Ceremonial Capital of Persia)

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Apadana Palace in City of Persepolis

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King’s Signet Rings