Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use...

Unit 1 – Understanding Non-Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and influence the reader

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Page 1: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

Unit 1 – Understanding Non-Fiction and Media Texts

AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and

influence the reader

Page 2: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

Assessment Objective

AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and influence the reader

Know some language terms Be able to explain the effects of these Evaluate HOW and WHY they are used

Page 3: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

The Exam

On Foundation Tier, you will be asked to analyse the language used in one text

On Higher Tier, you will be asked to compare the language used in two texts

Page 4: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

Linguistic Devices

You need to learn some examples of linguistic devices

In the exam, you must be able to recall these

You need to be able to identify these and give precise explanations of how a writer has used them

Page 5: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

Address Does the writer address the reader

directly? Look for the use of pronouns such as ‘you’,

‘we’ and ‘us’ or the use of rhetorical questions

Addressing the reader directly draws us into the text

It makes us feel like the ideas matter to us and that we are responsible

Page 6: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

Types of sentences Short sentences will often be used for

impact Longer sentences will be used to

develop particular ideas or examples Look out for the following:

Exclamations = shock, surprise, anger Imperatives = instructions or commands Questions = to make the reader think

Page 7: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

Register Formal vocabulary and sentences

Create a sense of authority or knowledge Create distance between the reader and

writer i.e. the writer is superior to us Informal / colloquial vocabulary and

sentences Create humour / irony / sarcasm Make the writer appear friendly and

approachable i.e. equal to the reader

Page 8: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

Emotive language

These words are used deliberately to make us feel an emotion e.g. anger, fear, guilt, hope

Identify specific words that are supposed to have this effect

Explain what emotion they are supposed to make us feel

Page 9: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

Factual language

Factual language will indicate that something is true or has happened

It will support the writer’s opinions and ideas

Page 10: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

Vocabulary Look at particular types of words such

as adjectives, verbs and adverbs Adjectives – describe objects or ideas Verbs – actions Adverbs – describe how something is done

Think about why the writer has used this particular word

What does it mean and how does it support the writer’s views?

Page 11: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

Lexical sets / semantic fields

These are groups of words that all have a related meaning

They help hold the text together and emphasise key ideas e.g. soldiers, trenches, gunfire, mud would all make us think of war

Page 12: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

Repetition of keywords

Look for particular important words or phrases that are repeated

The writer will want you to remember these phrases

Explain the reason why the writer wants you to remember these words

Page 13: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

Rhetorical devices You should look for specific phrases that

are used for persuasive effect – there are a whole range of devices to look for

Remember to explain HOW the device affects the reader and WHY the writer has used it

Give a precise explanation of the rhetorical device linked to the purpose of the text

Page 14: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

Reading Framework

1. Read the questions2. Read the text3. Work out the PAFT and message4. Highlight examples – check the

question5. Plan your response – use a PEE


Page 15: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

Model Question

How is language used for effect by the writer?

Page 16: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

PURPOSE: what job is the writer trying to do?Argue Inform Analyse ImaginePersuade Explain Review ExploreAdvise Describe Comment Entertain

PURPOSE: what job is the writer trying to do?Argue Inform Analyse ImaginePersuade Explain Review ExploreAdvise Describe Comment Entertain

FORM: type of writingLeaflet ArticleWeb page StoryLetter EmailSpeech EssayReport Advert

FORM: type of writingLeaflet ArticleWeb page StoryLetter EmailSpeech EssayReport Advert

TONE: what is the mood of the writing? How are we addressed?Enthusiastic Angry Questioning ObjectivePassionate Frustrated Doubtful SubjectiveHopeful Pessimistic Suspicious NeutralOptimistic Sad Sarcastic CynicalHumorous Annoyed Ironic Knowledgeable

TONE: what is the mood of the writing? How are we addressed?Enthusiastic Angry Questioning ObjectivePassionate Frustrated Doubtful SubjectiveHopeful Pessimistic Suspicious NeutralOptimistic Sad Sarcastic CynicalHumorous Annoyed Ironic Knowledgeable

AUDIENCE: the readerChildren ExpertsTeenagers FansParents Men Pensioners Women Workers Adults

AUDIENCE: the readerChildren ExpertsTeenagers FansParents Men Pensioners Women Workers Adults





Age Interests LifestyleGender Education ClassJob Hobbies Politics

Page 17: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

Plan your answer – 1 Highlight the text, identifying the

most important examples of language you can find

8 marks = 16 minutes 8 marks = at least 3 really good

examples Annotate your examples with

explanations of the precise effect

Page 18: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

Linguistic Devices Address Types of

sentences Register Emotive language Factual language

Vocabulary Lexical sets /

semantic fields Repetition of

keywords Rhetorical devices

Page 19: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

Plan your answer – 2 Point

(Identify a technique)


Explain(How this persuades)

Page 20: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

Explaining effects

You must give explanations that are matched to the text you have read

Do not make generic statements like “it is effective”

Every explanation must use the word “because”

Page 21: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

Useful analytical language This connotes… This means… This suggests… This represents… This symbolises…

This highlights… This shows… This makes us

feel… This creates… This implies…

Use this vocabulary to support your analyticaland evaluative comments about language

Page 22: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

HOW and WHY For each example, you need to

explain HOW and WHY the language is used

HOW has the writer used the language i.e. what is the effect of this word on the reader?

WHY has the writer used the language e.g. how does it help the writer achieve their purpose?

Page 23: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

Banned answers


The language is good The language eye-catching The language is effective The language is interesting The language makes the reader think The language means…


Page 24: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

Using PEEL

Point – Identify a technique Evidence – Give a short quotation Explain – The effect of this

technique on the reader Link – Refer back to the question

(repeat some of the words)

Page 25: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

Using PEEL – an example

How does the writer use language to persuade the reader?

The writer has used a series of rhetorical questions. For example, he writes “How many of us recycle regularly?” These questions make us think about our own responsibility to the environment and how much rubbish we create. He does this because he wants us to feel guilty. This is persuasive because he feels that we all need to do more and it makes us think about our own actions.

Page 26: Unit 1 – Understanding Non- Fiction and Media Texts AO3(iii) Explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic features to achieve effects and engage and.

How this is assessed Band 1

Limited evidence of understanding No real appreciation of language Very few and poorly chosen examples

Band 2 Some evidence of understanding Some appreciation of words and phrases Attempts to support with examples

Band 3 Clear evidence of understanding Clear analysis of words and phrases Relevant and appropriate quotations used to support ideas

Band 4 Full and detailed understanding of the content Detailed and perceptive analysis of language Relevant quotations with perceptive comments