unified library sysm

1 CaseStudy1: UNIFIED LIBRARY SYSTEM Problem statement: Unified library system is an automation software System to automate internal activities of library. These software system can be used to automate internal activities of university library or library lends books and magazines to members who are registered with the system. The member can be faculty, student and non-teaching staff. In an university library or in college library, the teaching staff automatically becomes members after their administration that means when new students or faculty or staff joined in college then library prepares membership details which are stored in database table data entry operator. These members then onwards can barrow the books and return the books when members are borrowing books they are sending request to the librarian then librarian issue

Transcript of unified library sysm

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Unified library system is an automation software

System to automate internal activities of library. These software system

can be used to automate internal activities of university library or library

lends books and magazines to members who are registered with the

system. The member can be faculty, student and non-teaching staff. In an

university library or in college library, the teaching staff automatically

becomes members after their administration that means when new

students or faculty or staff joined in college then library prepares

membership details which are stored in database table data entry operator.

These members then onwards can barrow the books and return the books

when members are borrowing books they are sending request to the

librarian then librarian issue books to the members. Books are return to

issuing clerk means while the software provides a facility for the members

to search books by title wise, author wise, publisher wise and combination

when books are return in late then fine is imposed. Generally, library

purchases different books every year then the details of books are stored in

database when certain books and magazines are in bad condition then the

removed from library and data is deleted from database. If books are

presently not available then members has a chance to reserve the books for

borrowing. This entire system is support with central database and there is

DBA to maintain database activities.

UseCase View:

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Use-case diagram graphically depict system behaviour (use cases). These diagrams

present a high level view of how the system is used as viewed from an

outsider’s(actor’s) perspective. A use-case diagram may depict all or some of the use

cases of a system.

A use-case diagram can contain:


Use cases

Interaction or relationship between actor and use cases in the system including

the associations, dependencies, and generalizations.

Usecase diagram can be used during analysis to capture the system requirements an dto

understand how the system should work. During the design phase, you can use use-case

diagrams to specify the behavior of the systemas implemented.


STEP1: Identify actors in our library system.

1. Librarian

2. Student

3. Faculty

4. Member

5. Non-teaching staff

6. Clerk

7. DBA

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8. DEO

Step2: Identify relationship between actors having common role.

In our case, actors like faculty, students, non-teaching staff who are

borrowing books from library are having common role called members in library

system. So, we have generalization among actors, member, faculty, student and non-

teaching staff with member as parent as faculty, student, non-teaching staff as childs.

Step3: Identify use cases in our Unified Library System.

(1) Login

(2) Issue membership

(3) Request membership

(4) Case order


Issue membership

Request membership

Case order

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(5) Add books to database

(6) Modify books

(7) Delete books

(8) Modify member

(9) Prepare catalog

(10) Search books

(11) Search books by title

(12) Search books by author

Add books to database

Modify books

Delete books

Modify member

Prepare catalog

Search books

Search book by title

Search book by author

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(13) Search books by publisher

(14) Request books

(15) Issue books

(16) Reserve books

(17) Book return

(18) Book renewal

(19) Fine collection

Search book by publisher

Request book

Issue book

Reserve book

Book return

Book renewal

Fine collection

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(20) Delete member

(21) Finding book status

(22) Create backup

(23) Recovery

(24) View catalog

Step4: Identify Generalization among usecases having common behavior if any

search books

title wiseauthor wise

publisher wise

Step5: Draw complete diagram

Delete member

Finding book status

Create backup


View catalog

Page 7: unified library sysm


search books by title


search books by publishers

search books by author



non teaching faculity

request membership

search books

request book

reserve book

return book

issue book

book renveal

finding book status

files collection

add books

delete books

modify books

issue membershipmodify member

delete member

prepare catalog


librarian cleark



create backup

place order



Step6: Documentation

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Any actor working with unified library system use services must first login with


Flow of Events:

Prompts userid,passwd from actor.

User enters userid and passwd

Verify userid and passwd by database.

If valid display next screen.

If not valid, display message and return login again.

2. Request membership:

Any member like faculity , student, and non-teaching member must request for before

working with system .

Flow of Events:

Prompts required information form membership.

Enter information from membership.

Store information into database.

3. Issue Membership

This usecase is accessed by librarian to know those people who are applied for

membership then issues membershiped.

Flow of Events:

Librarian use database to identify people who are applied for membership.

Librarian verifies information and takes decision for issuing membership.

Store membership details in database.

4. Place Order:

Librarian places order for purchasing books whenever new books are required or

new copies of existing books are required or when new magazines are required

Flow of Events:

Librarian checks feedback from submitted from different departments or checks

books requirement from various departments.

Verify with the database

Creates new purchase order

5. Add books:

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This is accessed by DEO to store new book details into database.

Flow of Events:

Input the book details.

Store in database.

6.modify books:

This is accessed by data entry operator to change book details of existing book.

Flow of Events:

Input even book name or id of the book

Get the existing details.

Change required fields with new details.

Rewritting database.

7. Delete books:

This is also accessed by DEO delete existing book details.

Flow of Events:

Input the given book title or id

Get the existing details.

Delete the book details.

8.modify member:

This is accessed by librarian to change member details.

Flow of events:

Input member id.

Get the member details.

Change the required fields with new value.

9.Delete member:

This is accessed by librarian to delete existing members

Flow of Events:

Input the member id.

Get member details.

Delete member details

10.prepare catalog

Librarian used to prepare a catalog that contain list of book names in a specific order

according to subject wise and author wise, or publisher wise.

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Flow of Events:

Read all book names from database.

To organize them subject wise

Organize them title wise

Organize them author wise

Organize them publisher wise.

Prepare a single list.

Store in database.

11. view catalog:

This is accessed by librarian ,librarian clerk and also member to view list of books

in catalog.

Flow of Events:

Get the catalog from database.

Display the catalog details.

12. search books:

This is accessed by member to know availability of require book, how many copies

of books are available we have three types of book searchingthey are title wise,

publisher wise, author wise.

Flow of Events:

Select choice for search.

According to choice input, title or author publisher name.

Read required details from database.

13. Request books:

This is accessed by member who wants to borrow book from library

Flow of Events:

Member request book by input in book number or name.

Member waits for response message.

14. Issue books:

This is accessed by library clerk to issue books for the members.

Flow of Events:

Library clerk reads all the requests from database posted by members.

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Identify specific request about a specific member.

Check the availability of book with the database.

If book is available issue it to members

A book is not available inform to the member using message.

Delete requested message posted by member after book is issued.

15.Reserve book:

This is accessed by member to reserve a book for feature issued .A book is not

Presently available.

Flow of Events:

Check the availability of required books.

Send message for reserving book.

16. Book return:

This is accessed by member to return the book which is barrowed previously.

Flow of Events:

Return book to library clerk by member

Delete book details from member a/c

Check the stipulated date

Close the transaction

17. Book renewal:

This is accessed by library clerk to renewal book when member is requested book

Flow of Events:

The member who already borrowed book approaches library clerk and request

for renewal.

The library clerk checks the demand of the back

According to demand of the book renewal is completed

18. Fine collection:

This is accessed by library clerk

Flow of Events:

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When member returns book to library clerk

Library clerk check the date of return

If the date of return exceeded he imposses fine

When member pays a fine we issues slip

19. Finding book status:

This is accessed by both member and library clerk to know status of the book status

Means to know how many copies are presently available, how many copies are issued

Flow of Events:

Input the given book name

Get the status

Creating data

20. Create backup:

This is accessed by DBA

Flow of Events:

Read complete data from database and each table

Write into single file

21. Recovery:

This is accessed by DBA

Flow of Events:

Read complete data from backup file.

According to data, create tables in database

Store data table wise.

Architectural view:

Class Diagram for Unified Library System:

Step1: Identify classes according to vocabury of the system.

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facultynon teaching staff



main controller




project report





Step2: Identify Generalization between members.

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faculty1 non-teaching staff student1


E-book T-book Magzine

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Step3: Now Diagram Complete class diagram.


file no

get book info()


barcode no

get book onfo'n()



magazine info'n()

project report


get project info'n()






non-teaching staff


get staff info'n()


book idcopy id

get copy info'n()stprage copy info'n()




get dept onfo'n()storage dept info'n()



get librarian info'n()


issue datareturn data

impose fine()


book statuscopy status

find status()1..*1..* 1..*1..*





get book info'n()store book onfo'n()





main controller

register member()catalog member()

















1 1..*1 1..*


dept namebook type

prepare catalog()1..*







register member()catalog member()













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Step4: Documentation.

s.no class Attributes operations

1. Main controller

Access memberAccess bookAccess catalogAccess departmentsImpose FilePrepare catalogPrepare barcode

2. Book BookidNameAuthorPublisherDOPEdition Numberprice

get Book informationsearch bookdisplay book informationadd book detailsmodify book detailsdelete book details

3. E-Book File no.No .of slides or packages

Display page by pageView slide by slide

4. T-Book Book condition5. Magazine Magazine type

Validity type6. Project report Project title

Batch noBranchMember branchPlatformlanguage

Store project()Modify project info()Delete project info()Get project info()

7. Copy No ,of copies Store details of copies()Modify details()Display details()

8. Member Member idNameBranchAddressEmail idPhone noUsername and password

Request membership()Create membership()Cancel membership()Extend membership

9. student Roll noYear of passingSemester

Add student details()Modify student details()Delete student details()Get student details()

Page 17: unified library sysm


10. Faculty Faculty idDesignationQualificationExperiencebranch

Add faculty details()Modify faculty details()Delete faculty details()Get faculty details()

11. Non-teaching staff Id Designation

Add non-teaching details()Modify non-teaching details()Delete non-teaching details()Get non-teaching details()

12. Dept Dept idNameNo. Of sectionsNo. of studentsNo. Of facultyNo. Of non-teaching staff

Add dept information()Modify dept information()Delete dept information()Get dept information()

13. Fine Issued dateReturn dateDurationFine amount

Check duration limit()Impose fine()

14. catalog Book typeBook nameBook noNo of issuesNo. Of references

Prepare catalog()View catalog()

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Database View:

Step1: Identify classes according to database view.

member faculity non-teaching staff


student E-book T-book magazine

project report catalog copy dept

Step2: Identify Generalization among classes.


faculty1 non-teaching staff student1


E-book T-book Magzine

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Step3: Draw class Diagram.



non-teaching staff



roll noyear of studysemester


file nono of slides


book condition


magazine typevalidity period

project report

titlebatch nobranchmember branchplatformlanguage


no of copies


idauthorpublishernameadition noprice


book typebooknamename2book nono of issuesno of references

prepare catalog()view catalog()catalog()


memberidnamebranchaddressemailphone nousernamepassword


dept idnameno of sectionsno of studentsno of faculty

Step4: Documentation.

s.no class Attributes1. Main controller2. Book Book id

NameAuthorPublisherDOPEdition numberPrice

3. E-Book File no.No.of slides or packages

4. T-Book Book condition

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5. Magazine Magazine typeValidity period

6. Project report Project titleBatch noBranchMember branchPlatformlanguages

7. Copy No.of copies


Member idNamebranchAddressEmail idPhone noUsername and password

9. Student Roll noYear of passingSemester

10. Faculty Faculty idDesignationQualificationExperienceBranch

11. Non-teaching staff IdDesignation

12. Dept Dept idNameNo.of sectionsNo.of studentsNo.of facultyNo.of non-teaching staff

13. catalog Book typeBook nameBook noNo.of issuesNo.of references

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Logical view:

Collaboration Diagrams:

Collaboration diagrams and sequence diagrams are alternate representations of an interaction. A collaboration diagram is an interaction diagram that shows the order of messages that implement an operation or transaction. A sequence diagram shows object interaction in a time-based sequence.

Collaboration diagrams show objects, their links, and their messages. They can also contain simple class instances and class utility instances and class utility instances. Each collaboration diagram provides a view of the interactions or structural relationships that occur between objects and object-like entities in the current model.

The create collaboration diagram command creates a collaboration diagram from information command in the sequence diagram from information contained in the interaction’s collaboration diagram. The Go to sequence Diagram and go to collaboration diagram commands traverse between an interaction’s two representations.

Collaboration diagram contain icon representing objects. you can create one or more collaboration diagrams to depict interaction for each logical package in your model. Such collaboration diagrams are themselves contained by the logical package enclosing the object they depict

An object specification enables you to display and modify the properties and relationships of an object. The information in a specification is presented textually. Some of this information can also be displayed inside the icons representing objects in collaboration diagram

You can change properties of relationships by editing the specification or modifying the icon on the diagram. The associated diagrams or specifications are automatically updated.

During analysis use collaboration diagram to: Indicate the semantics of the primary and secondary interactions design show the semantics of mechanisms in the logical design of the system

Use collaboration diagrams as the primary vehicle to describe interactions that express your decisions about the behaviour of the system

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Collaboration Diagrams for Unified Library System:

1. Login:

main controller



1: enter login

2: get member details

3: send details

4: return message

2. Request membership:

maincontroller member

1: ak for membership

2: issuing the membershp

3. Issue membership:

maincontroller member

1: ak for membership

2: send details

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4. Add books:

maincontroller book

1: input the book details

2: return message

5. Place order:




1: ask feedback from dept

2: getting the information

3: create new place order

6. Modify books:

maincontroller book

1: create the bookid

2: getting book details

3: modify books

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7. Delete books:

maincontroller book

1: create the bookid

2: getting book details

3: delete books

8.modify member:

maincontroller member

1: input the memberid

2: get the member details

3: modify the member

9. Delete member

maincontroller member

1: input the memberid

2: get the member details

3: delete the member

10. Prepare catalog:

main controller

book catalog1: get the book information 2: prepare catalog

3: return message4: return message

11. View catalog:

main controller


1: get the catalog

2: return message

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12. Search books:

main controller


1: get the details

2: return message

13. Request books:

main controller


1: get book info

2: return message

14. Issue books

main controller


1: identify member 2: identify book

3: return message4: return message

15. Reserve books

main controller


1: availabilty of required books

2: return message

16. Book return

main controller

book copy

1: return the book 2: modify copy details

3: return message4: return message

17. Book renewal

main controller


1: return book

2: return message

18. Fine collection:

main controller


1: impose fine

2: return message

Page 26: unified library sysm


19. Finding book status

main controller


1: check present book status

2: return message

20. Create backup:

main controller


1: copy the info

2: return message

21. recovery:

main controller


1: recovery

2: return message

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Sequence Diagram:

A sequence diagram is a graphical view of a scenario that shows object

Interaction in a time based sequence ¾ what happen first, what happen next sequence

Diagrams establish the roles of objects and help provide essential information to determine

Class responsibilities and interfaces. This type of diagram is best used during early analysis

phases in design because they are simple and easy to comprehend. Sequence diagrams are

normally associated with use case

sequence diagram are closely related to collaboration diagrams and both are

alternative representation of interaction. There are two main differences between sequence

and collaboration diagrams: sequence diagrams show time based object interaction while

collaboration diagram show how object associate with each other.

A sequence diagram has two dimensions: typically, vertical placement represents time and horizontal placement represents different objects.

The following tools located on the sequence diagram toolbox enable you to model sequence diagram:

Object Message icons Focus of control Message to self Note and note anchor

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Sequence Diagrams for Unified Library System:



main controller login member

enter login

get member details

send details

return message

2. Request membership

maincontroller member

ak for membership

issuing the membershp

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3. Issue membership:

maincontroller member

ak for membership

send details

4. add books:

maincontroller book

input the book details

return message

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5. place order:

maincontroller book departments

ask feedback from dept

getting the information

create new place order

6. modify books


maincontroller book

create the bookid

getting book details

modify books

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7. Delete books:

maincontroller book

create the bookid

getting book details

delete books

8. Modify member:

maincontroller member

input the memberid

get the member details

modify the member

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9. Delete member:

maincontroller member

input the memberid

get the member details

delete the member

10. Prepare catalog:

main controller book catalog

get the book information

prepare catalog

return message

return message

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11. View catalog:

main controller catalog

get the catalog

return message

12. Search Books:

main controller book

get the details

return message

13. Request Books:

main controller book

get book info

return message

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14. Issue Books:

main controller book member

identify member

identify book

return message

return message

15. Reserve Books:

main controller book

availabilty of required books

return message

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16. Fine collection:

main controller book

impose fine

return message

17. Book return:

main controller book copy

return the book

modify copy details

return message

return message

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18. Book renewal:

main controller book

return book

return message

19. Finding Book Status:

main controller copy

check present book status

return message

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20. Create backup:

main controller copy

copy the info

return message

21. Recovery:

main controller copy


return message

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Activity Diagram:

Activity diagrams provide a way to model the work flow of a business process. You can also use activity diagrams to model code-specific information such as a class operation. Activity diagrams are very similar to a flow chart because you can model a workflow from activity to activity. An activity diagram is basically a special case of a state machine in which most of the states are activities and most of the transitions are implicitly triggered by completion of the actions in the source activities. The main difference between activity and state chart is activity diagrams are activity centric, while state charts are state centric. An activity diagram is typically is used for modelling the sequence of activities in a process, whereas a state chart is better suited to model the discrete stages of an object’s lifetime.

Activity Diagram for Unified Library System:


enter login details

is a member get member details

send member

return message

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2. Request membership:

read complete data

create tables

check with db

3. Issue membership:

get details

verify getails

issue membership

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4. modify books:

read completedata

create tables

check with detabase

update books

5. place order:

read complete data

create tables

check with detabase

place order

update books

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6. Add books:

read completedata

create tables

store info

7. Delete books:

get book info

check with detabase

delete book

update details

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8. Modify member:

read complete data

create tables

check with detabase

update details

9. Delete member:

get book info

check with detabase

delete book

update details

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10. Prepare catalog:

get book info

gety dept info

create tables

check with detabase

11. View catalog:

read complete data

create tables

check with detabase

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12. Search Books:

read complete data

create tables

return mesg

update details

if book is available


13. Request Books:

enter id

search books

check with detabase

reqq books

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14. Issue Books:

read complete data

create tables

check with detabase

update details

delete member request

update details

if book issued

15. Reserve Books:

enter id

search for availabity

check with detabase

reserve book

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16. Fine collection:

get book info

get borrower details

calculate fine

collect fine

17. Book return:

read complete data

check with detabase

get stimulated data

del deatils

update details

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18. Book renewal:

enter id

check with detabase

return mesg

update details

19. Finding Book Status:

read complete data

check with detabase

return mesg

update details

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20. Create backup:

copy the db

store db

21. Recovery:

get the details

verify db

get db from backup

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Component Diagram:

component diagrams provide a physical view of the current model. A component diagram shows the organizations and dependencies among software components, including source code components, binary code components, and executable components. These diagrams also show the externally-visible behaviour of the components by displaying the interfaces of the components. Calling dependencies among components are shown as dependency relationship between component and interfaces on other components. Note that the interface actually belong to the logical view, but they can occur both in class diagram and in component diagram.

Component diagram contains:

Component packages Components Interfaces Dependency relationships

Component Diagram for Unified Library System:

Step1: Identify set of components in unified library system.


front panel

Help system

library db

admin service

Step2: Provide relationship between components to model component diagram.


front panel

Help system

library dbadmin service

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Step3: Describe and explain each and every component.

1. Front panel component:

This component is collection of several executable releases which provides GUI design for users. Some programs provides GUI design to interact with system in selecting various options. Some programs provides GUI design for user to enter data. Some programs provide GUI design for user to display users.

2. Core library component:

These contains no. of programs to perform core library business logic

3. Admin service Component:

These components contain some set of executable programs which performs administration services. This includes back-up, recovery, user profiles modification, setting privileges

4. Library db component:

This contains set of physical database files.

5. Help system:

This contains some set of manual files to provide help to users.

Step4: Working process:

Users or actors like members, librarian, DEO, clerk, administrator interact with front panel component and executes in programs in front panel component depends on type of programs front panel component may interact with help system or core library component or admin service component. In case of core library component or admin service component they further interact with database component. Finally they transfer result to front panel component which produces to user.

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Deployment Diagram:

A deployment diagram shows processors, devices, and connections. Each model contains a single deployment diagram which shows the connection between its processors and devices, and the allocation of its processes and processors.

Processor specifications, device specifications, and connection specification enable you to display and modify the respective properties. The information in a specification is presented textually; some of the information can also be displayed inside the icons.

You can change properties or relationship by editing the specification or modifying the icon on the diagram. The deployment diagram specifications are automatically updated

Deployment Diagram for Unified Library System:


<<client 1>> << client 2>><<client n>>

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Forward Engineering for Unified Library System:

Forward engineering is the process of transferring a model into code through a mapping to an implementation language. Forward engineering results in a loss of information, because models written in UML are semantically richer than any current object-oriented programming language. In fact this is a major reason why you need models in addition to code. structural features such as collaborations and behavioural feature such as interaction can be visualized clearly in the UML but not so clearly from raw code.

Steps for forward engineering:

Step1: select class using mouse.

Step2: Go to tools menu and java/j2ee.

Step3:select generate code.

Step4:result is

main controller

voidAccessmember()voidAccessbook()voidAccesscatalog()voidAccessdepartment()voidImposefine()void prepare copy()void preparebarcode()void main controller()maincontroller()

//source file:c:\\program files\\java\\jdk1.5.0_05\\bin\\maincontroller.java

Public class main controller


Public catalog the catalog;


*@roseuid 4ADD770600FA


Public main controller()

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*@roseuid 4A6FD99C001F


Public void access member ()




*@roseuid 4A6FD9A702FD


Public void voidAccessbook()




*@ roseuid 4A6FD9B00000


Public void voidAccesscatalog()




*@ roseuid 4A6FD9B90213


Public void voidAccessdepartment()



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*@ roseuid 4A6FD9C5030D


Public void voidimposefine()




*@ roseuid 4A6FD9CE0138


Public void voidpreparecopy()




*@ roseuid 4A6FD9D60165


Public void voidPreparebarcode()




*@ roseuid 4ACB0121000f


Public void voidmaincontroller()




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Reverse Engineering for Unified Library system:

Reverse engineering is the process of transforming code into a model through a mapping from a specific implementation language. Reverse engineering results in a flood of information, some of which is at a lower level of detail than you will need to build useful models. at the same time, reverse engineering is incomplete. There is loss of information when forward engineering models into code, and so you cannot completely recreate a model from code unless your tools encode information in the source comments that goes beyond the semantics of the implementation language.

Steps for reverse engineering:

Step1: create a new project in rational rose

Step2: create new empty class diagram.

Step3: select tools menu.

Step4: select java/j2EE

Step5:select reverse engineering.

Step6:select class from list then press add button.

Step7:select chosen class and then press reverse button and then done button.

Step8:result is

