Unfinished Business: The Need for More Effective ...

Unfin·shed Business The ee f r More EffectIve Micr finance E 0 i e ing by Jame Copestake rllllf'E c exit nomollm rh.r: beo I" l;I f In:I n micro- lIIiJDCf' orgmizilcio BS. A ddinirio [La.! pi.1pl!T xl'I re" b I1ltf'S Jldvr:nCl] liD h tbeoEr commcrn:E:i1 and 1& iVC'l.1& rn<:;[) J"'C'\·jews &1:' nudiu f exit based I"CiLuin quenit'l[)min: ;n4 fOC\lf group ecbq&, m<I,klll It jl d Il [hi1I' 11 (l. 3n 1 I ;m frp rt n Imp ro\'ecL In'trod IJC iOI1 No -Lngl ial s rvic pa kag; i ver going, to b> :il panacea and so turnover among uSfiS is ine;,r;iubl, his is part'" culad the caSe- 0 r rehtivcl poor users ho ar 'gell er· . Uy more v ,In rabJ TO risk and h ck > ncl illso limi ed in their 13 ci to pmch, 1;' ingsi,edir and insunn ever'rh less. microHn.ll1ce organizations (M' Os) shouJd gener:3Jl aim to sa-is mo,s- ftheircus orne mo, of tnedme. This r qu res a They lis e.1l ud .lernrom chose who leave s dJ a who remun. The Pl210rity of _0 have in eed woken up m Th fun It t they d 0 hVe!. n. tur: I ll1onopoJ 7 thtir U 1\' hinges upon innovation, iiion mar thi.s in tum requires tba Tbe, respond flexibly 0 cruaJ nd pOl:enda.l demand I ,his paper nevertheless suggests the lSs.ue of e. it moniwnng

Transcript of Unfinished Business: The Need for More Effective ...

Unfin·shed Business

The ee f r MoreEffectIve Micr financeE .~t 0 i e ing

by Jame Copestake

~[;I{; • Hi~1i. rllllf'E c exit nomollm rh.r: ~lidlJ11~ beo I" l;I f In:I n micro­

lIIiJDCf' orgmizilcio BS. A ~T I:~vif'win ddinirio [La.! i5SU~S. rlu~ pi.1pl!T

xl'I re" b ~i. I1ltf'S Jldvr:nCl] ~ffl:d liD h tbeoEr commcrn:E:i1 and

~oci~1 1& iVC'l.1& rn<:;[) J"'C'\·jews &1:' nudiu f exit mon.i[Dri'[)~ based~II I"CiLuin quenit'l[)min: bJl~eJ ;n4 fOC\lf group ecbq&, m<I,klll

It jl d ~\lgge-HJ Il ~ [hi1I' d~';Ij 11 (l. 3n 1 I ;m frp rt

n Imp ro\'ecL

In'trod IJC iOI1

No -Lngl iin~ll ial s rvic pa kag; i ver going, to b> :il

panacea and so turnover among uSfiS is ine;,r;iubl, his ispart'"culad the caSe- 0 r rehtivcl poor users ho ar 'gell er·

. Uy more v ,In rabJ TO risk and h ck > ncl illso limi ed intheir 13 ci to pmch, 1;' ingsi,edir and insunn ~

servic~$. ever'rh less. microHn.ll1ce organizations (M' Os)shouJd gener:3Jl aim to sa-is mo,s- ftheircus orne mo, oftnedme. This r qu res a They lis e.1l ud .lernrom chosewho leave s dJ a f.ho~e who remun.

The Pl210rity of _0 have in eed woken up m Th funIt t they d 0 hVe!. n. tur: I ll1onopoJ 7 th~t thtir U 1\'

hinges upon innovation, iiion mar thi.s in tum requires tbaTbe, respond flexibly 0 cruaJ nd pOl:enda.l demand I ,hispaper nevertheless suggests th~l: the lSs.ue of e. it moniwnng

J urn 1of Micr fjn n t'

'nished htisines ' fol' E 0 I" l\. OilS. Fir ( me c:.3 enl-it rate:- i:hcer'S.cl r ell bot:b commEJ"d 1 and

;SDcial goab'o1F :i i,s SliU un.. '>rsrned. ccond, cutren! exitmo 'wring practices rem,lin weak. The middle S-eCtLOIlS o· his':'I. er dvelofl til se rg J ents itutll. The 1 t section .on­dudes ,vith 11 set'" >pecifk reco'mmendations or' ii tldfor he in s ry ~. t: e~JJy. Tb se i dude'Ih I.H lor (~)

investing m:On~ in ex.it manit ring;, ~ domg, '0 m re SYSl;em­atit.;aU . 1\r.L! uImel)', <c) being more co sisrent .111 d~HnitioIl

'md. measurem'en () ex:it <Ind Feb'll d couc P 5 aud (d) i prov­ing rot: reliab.ility n' oS('effe dveoe S 01 protocols for orettioll and anal 'sis d<Jitd. [1 wh - people leav •

Tb c e f £Ill 1', pin on .oing tion r 'se, rproject called Imp-Act~ spDDsa.r 'd b - th~ Ford Foundaric;m andinvolving a, netwo k of ,mor tban {hir DllcrO tnsoce organl­zgtjons iii Ea, tern Eu:rop~ Asi • AfriCA nd L tin America. In,ddiioJ,1, the pipe-r dtaws on qse"s d· Oll'l erial fro e."itstudi·s f ill ge.bankin argan:iz.a.tiCHlS in Mr.tl::ll; i ilD Zamhia.

It is use ill' S"E1l IT Y cons! Elling prEcis~l Wh~I the term"e: ·'t r It'' (E) 01 n. The 010 onun lIUlSt! defin4iQR is· WI!P c nt.age 0, <I spec"w populallon 0' use 0 ~ servi e inpetio T ho do no[ cOntinue uSlng the ~rvice durin p~riod

+ ~ Its opposite. the: r·etcntrOJi l'ate (R) C'3.n be de ro.e:d AS tbepcrcenrag,e f u ers 0 , p rricular ertic in pcno T rh Oil­

tinue to use it in time + 1. Four lCompllc,dons dleD arise.

FJ-rt; exil: ;)Ind re.en ion r, eli Ilccordiu 1:0 he dmeinterval adopted or their measurement. 1'0 iIlust'" te consIder[he cas~ of a viUa e bank'rh t pro .de 0 ,S 0 a rou ille 16·

eek d, ~ It th SeemS I b\>ions to defin,e thl! esit ii.1[E as theproportion 0 brow l'5 in one eJre] nor [~in . loan in henext c ·de. B1Jt [he lnterval between cycles Is no ,ixecL Thi;;:.isbe use the s[[uggle, 1:0 r pa '0 Ie ~Xlun 110. to· he magebank ofu~n dels: s r -ei·pr 0 the uelIT lQw: II fonow hat it is

)rJ l C(tpt z., 'e f,l tk Sol'THor- l.~ I v'J Dep.l'ttmro [,orroTt/io Il flr:r~mJll(JPkll Dr."t'tirJPmt tat 1l.:Y!' lltziTJr:rtii-y 0 S.a.rJ", Emtiil:j.g.{OpesLI.~i.'afb!Ith ..1 ,I£k

1 V lul11,e. 4 Numb;:

Unfinish B sine'

b 'n~t where po'ssibl TO me w' ex.it I' S over ~

p~riod f tillle•. a.: a ear, r ::l.t Je2S- spel::itr -he tim­to which p~r 'cul r tiscic J'1 f . Ho\'\' v r, the ':ali' co•.\'crring :m IOxlt fa . Or one inte.u to another is compEr, redb ' the po~ibility hat so·me l1Ser~ may return. or examplel:.lke t sim Ie ca -e 0 d ne-" vill e ba:nl wnll - membel'5:\vho complete thr~.e full c ,des ill their - ir rear. I 10 lILl!m­be'f t~e J. ion h lid. Ul'lng dl .e, On c)'c1 d­differ 'nr ml!':mbers .in the third cycle, mel] exit rateS are as fol­lows~ fin· econd. ,Je, 1- /11j ~O%; e~o d-third ,yele,-/1 _3%; first-third cyd . 5/_5 ...0%, Yet if tile ·.lL.i n dup for a iou'rrh ]O;UI by the end of . he cal nd.l1r i'MI'. then tbeannual e..-x:it me w6uld be .zero:

ecood, it is flee sa, ope i -f hefi:mmdal emcl:. In the above case Of example .it JD.ay be thatW11il . several m(;:mh~rs 00 loan holiQay b on irrued \"0

make savin s inm [he: illa~' bank attend meC'liobs Ul.d p- r~

ticipate.: in 10 cmal Io,an J.cti....i ie-s. If so, hell ir could also bear d milt de to c ,de m~ml ership ni rue w zerob~\-we n ea h. y 1 .as w 'H • v' 1"' h "hole p ri d, h.c impJi­cation lS tnat an r ~Kit r te ~itatistk: sbo ]d nOl; only speci thein.e .al bu I.lho he' rtiC1l1 serv'ce tow . hide ,

hird i su coae rnslh lev. of 3g;gr~Qo;'ltion. h r smay b~ high at the group 1 vel but Teflect high rl1res d, swiechiog m 011 grou to :llloth r. lnde d d is m}' cdve!, bet'uc utaged . !"J-T1 of the- pr ~ by willen member ~tk ()a~s wicll other wbo h ve simn. .isk pr file..... 0

exalup!e strains may appear' illage bank rhal lS to 'ing 0accOmDiOaatl! ricber or mOre d uamie members wi h rapid!

t iug debt c.aps ~l: Ion side hose 'tV 0 cnno{ lfiord thrisk: f king on 1 I'g r loans lhem$el'i'C , not ro nl mion the:risk f guannteeing the eve:n Larger loan'S Qf oihers,

F UI" b. wh p_ossibl It .is u dul to di Lin _'1.11 h b w e~i s r.h r reflect negacive Q1" posjdve/oe.lJicml e3:perienc~s 0 theus r+ _ mining chis. < nei the di:s ill ion betw n p I'm. n mand tnnponrry ·it roducestb.i:! foUT careg.orres- 0 - J " IS

Volume 'l-Numbe.r ~

Kdati d_Peiluanent

Posidve/ ~ eu r TExperien

raclu.l .on Re>trn

egatin~ xpenence Dese,rtioll Dr pout

UJIltmaril.ed i ble 1. he xJ r:.\ e' bO'Lh 0 i cd\'ely me.-­!\I:lrablt." and neurral witb re-spect IO wby users Ie-aye +Uld torho .. long. In cofiuaST orh fUltJ.I'e .inmndon (t. e·oin [" n r)anti pasl ::cperienc (~ood or bad) ':;In (ml be ssessecl subje .[i e1, whc:'Lher by le-<1ve.r th m dv,t' r b remaining ust!!o or!it • But where poss'le rou:rine c ssifi·cation 0 xi jutbe e four cate:gone·s m'lkes .i'L: much more useful t,o moniIol­'ir rates overdm or comp'are .hem b ween user care oriesroups. branche's affili:.! ,s.Or d.i f rent IFns.

It is dea f om this dis us ion :u the ask f r 'Utll'l"]·

producing compFl.r b1 exi.C: rates is far from trivial. rio mudtime ~f1ci ef on; i is WOf h inv~sting c produce more 4euiledd~ta d pe-nds on. its usefulness to wbich e now rum,

,'hy ind ut.ore?

ommCI'CI l mpJication. I) a Ri in ·at

A risin exit rate may indjc~[l! major ~obIe.ms lor;tn Ian even lhre" (eo ItS s'ufvi ...1. sers' m ,y be unbilPPY withtCI'ms ami concUdorrs r with relations"W' h st .. The ays itchio 1'.0 competitors. or over 1dcml nd In )' be iaIling du.eto a hange in l,he teo' omi, climate. n the 0 her hand highFInd .dslrig exit rntcs may be 0 set by rapid growth i.n the, .mber . ne d tet:urning u eu.

h, short·run :lucia! >cost 0 loslng;.1 eli m l.S equaJ (0

the resuJrin' loss of furur r ""enue minus marginal cost sa..·•1tl s. inc che e figures v 'widely. MFO ned clevcl p a·

Volume 1\ umber 1

n j ft is Ired nus mess

Iypolo y. f user, monitor exi nltes from ea hype, ;)'l1d stJ·

ID'J[ "[he neT. revenue loss, per user or eatn,

m~b calcuur.ion ;U 0 inllucDce tstimm: of lOl:l1l netr Y flU m lifer n fS ft". nd ~o have i m ]j - i lIS

for marketing ;;'lnd user dc:c;:tioll polley, Ther .m~ usually fixed!osts associ ted with recru"ting and inducrin a new u er. So if

exil !dre.s or . eret 'lypes of user mere ~hef1 he -. se'orin urri,n.g be e costs needs' 0 be re .ewe[:!.

In the longer cnn changes in exit: ral:~S also f, t 1'l!~U(,­

tiOll d goodw'll. Leavers m y ~preaQ $torie$ tha deterotl:ters. Hi h exit rntes associa:ed i(h ad etse w lhrc effectson users rnav a]so s e wa· POt ial' v stor,!> rom the pri.­"late sectol." as w~lJ as donors) who !lIe }C lou f the-ir .repura-ions. Thi m y is 0_ t . f ,1ph ], (l 0 sih] also the

COSJ of compliance wii:.h regubti o. An inet~,a;st" iii ex-it rates

ma - also be I ad indicator of::t mor wide p ead 10 of .god~a.mong useFS. which may sUbs.~qllent1y lead ( cOrrrracl

e on::emen probl~ OJ' cV~1l po1iric;d b ciliry."Ir i w nh, illusrr.u:i ng so f porn numeric,lH.

r &impliclry, consicler again tile qse: f, v.illage bankingorganization. l : A key det'ermillam of comme'r lal viabili itill pr du,c;tivi t and hia eh-l[ raLes aF,e 11 :.cly to r--educe dll5"

because {fixed costs :;S it red ith in uclion •n SCI" mingof new her. In he word!;, high exit rates inc.rease thee ort r quir'ed to achi VC organU::aional I vel ,economies ofc 1 by in ~re~si-llgme total on lio. .. ble ~. sb oW$the im 1i­

c 1:10 S 0 differen c de-c Ie to n en ratesr a villageba.nkin· orgmiza 'on (VBO th I: recfuus 100 n W ITll!rtJ.bersp r cycle. ssuming' 0 rejo' ning, \'l:'i ha '0% cy(:.lf!-c d eXlra e, be total active membership gn;nvs to _ in 15 cydes

here.as v ith 10"- xit nne, growLh is {CI 794. I "he 0 Xft

rate, he port olio st2bilizes, with just ovet- balf tb member­ship at .m r tim h~in amp] l:l!d rhr~ c' les or ill Ii!!,

hH~, \Vh tb rL {to:,n; 10 xlI ( h fa io c:d rwbi,ds.

JOU [D Ii I 0 Mic:rofil1l1nce

Ia-bll.Simul. tede'ffec f e 'i rateand co po ition

o~l number ofV13 members

u :r- grwth

10% 20 '

o o




fUJ·ther- £ rtor is the tendt'ncy or mor~.t~tahlIsbed[ISE"T

Q gradua.e ·Iar.ge.r oallS resulting jn faster port! li.o groW't:hand re oed unh O~. T ,bl ominu wib .11 same hypo­1:heticaJ e:{ mpl~ but makes the dditionaJ a.ssumptionthat5tamng I.oam arl! ~aoo and arc irt ,reased for repeal horrower-sby ,a stand d ev le-crcle loan increment ra e of IJ' _ itll aC exi raJ he AVer-ag 1Q II ~l rise 138 • £Ie I' s'x

.cy] ,but th n r ,p o. U6 fter 5 cy Ies. f. n xi r.1: ,f10%. in contra.s,l:, average 10a.11 sius d!e 0 157 otltU sh: )'cles,llnd cominue risi.ng [Q 23' ..ter 15 cydes.

'" 3~ ·6.t' -9

o 12-0Z



.0% exjt 30% exi


olwn 4 ~, ber

Unlini .h~ I Bu in .5

Thes s.imu.l rio s need to e ill eted wi 11 C f ~Cil.US

in pra.et.~ t: cK.i rates and Joan increment rates <lr n indepen­dent of ea h mher, R ch r, hl ·h ('XH nln~s rna r flen roc, SJ>

00 acdvel - . xduding b e emhers with leaS[ [OIPilCit)1 6

aDliOf'b Lrger loans.. TllU~ II mor reali..ttic cb. acteriz. lion ofo1ihoice j C 111 are I er~tgt loail .·Z~ For nraregy of:

-growm thro\J.gh a,st 10;11:1 • cremen r res with high e, i rates"'with I:Trmvtl:t thrQugh low increment ra es wim low ,e~t

rates. ~ In other •or-deS, hi ,h, -iL rate~ ma. be in rh Ma.ndaii.n ere of l:hel • 0 lh "X' m h~ the r fleer s' 'c ·fulcreening. out (in tlle pre ence 0 in1Drmatiol:l. as mmetrlcS Df

maS It t:mber Tidl les ' de'bt c.apacitj, hO;iF likil to be Je, ro itable.'1

Th.is dil'cussi n raises questions about th ~mpc:" or di ferT

ent r videI' r po ition dLern.Sdves wilbin yn. ic m3..r L

~ 're compe i lo'n i limited. :-reel'lID OUt p orer iHld. les~

pr.oEtablc members may be fina.ncially advantageous. BlJ,t

·hen cotnpetit:ion be om s more a ure. it m bee me a:nunJfordable 1 _Xuf '. The hallenge iii then (I di er ntiatprodu t ilDd '.rvices 1:0 rene l h requ.ite.m~nl· of diverse

pe of user.'· Mot ' nc:ra.l1y 1 i d" hat ud i'ategi~

positioning needs ~o be ill' orille b re1iilble information onho lell'ves <'llld why.

, it futLC' ;l.nd hI;. cUbdng '0_ e...[endoD has ,l.re-ad· en made 0 the OUlm -rei 1 risks of

being <lS~od(ed wit user who le-;rve because he ' are made to.

fer; Q cours~. fOI". ,Os- he wellbeing- 0 their u er is alsO'go.l in. il$elf--ofl:en Lh . rim~ _oa1. High. or ri in ~l rates.

should. th n be a ca se f r addi io alone rn be' a e they relikdy 0 i dicare th-a us~rs: are diss31Ll!< led wi b he quail. Q

th er""'lce~ t.bt are rc!cei"iu . Ha ['I Cauti 11 is a :U.n.D'ed! d in inre ling tao Ex.iT r r, may ,e elCt hi hrale ('I gra ual'o ~.if so e se • sr lion improves enoughfor h m to b. abl . 1:0 reduce d bts precautionary- Sa\rillgs andill :urance ever tht!Ii so ,mud) tht: betlc:r. :fI.e-xible st'rvice.s that

Volum .~. ~ urn e;r 2 7

J u n I f Jcr 'il]

all 'I; r'stin (lOall h6lid $/ for example) re } 0 Detail'· [0b welcomed.

< hnrd headedi lib-era1 position i$ that i' aQ 1·0 is it e1inanci Uy elf-sustaiD<l:b1e ,then i is also like] ? to be wei are

improving, regardless £ turnoV r., irs u.s !L I ellce tiler isno rreed to warm:- r haUl: eXl on \VeHn ru.n s ilL ;\ • T.'. .

araummt relIes he-a ily ott th princ:iple (of Ca 'eat emptor orbu. er beware) that use ~bouJd btl r spMsibJ for the

OIlS' quences 0 [heir 0 '0 ;JJ ,tioIl.S: b~li fillS om\\! igh costS itheir judge.menr l!> ood, an .if i ' bad 11 n hI!' muSl Ie, en.he h.1 d .ay. F 'woul d' u e hin ind'vidll:li bo ld n.lve

the freedom Q j in new illiri~cives• .such as :;J. local viU=1ge bank,if ~hey s de, Jreo ,aining T lnlS out a h3Ve- beEn l3 foolish anof bravJ<ldo, f j , they joined with iuaclequat'f! under an-ding ()the. .ri£k·. then the' .sh u.ld g l1e.raJ1y MSO be1!r .some re.spon.

sibilil: or the. mnseq1..l~nc~"S of (t1~i, d~cision. And a tbe pro­"'1sion f mjcrofinan: c crvices becom.es mote cOlli.pe:tjd\,c so'in exit [CS Il1 Y reflea rdco:me' widening 0[011 wner'hoic .

: ne of the a C 10 f hi aTgum nr i' ll.'ut it greJtlsim IHes hii.lsk fevaJ\ui g wlte. he, loves men ill expand-iag [he, ale or ~u.ch fi rvi is successful or 1101;. So long .a1lSers, are ee. t leave, ~o Lh.e arg-umel:H goe-. th n the long­te.r:m. comm.e.rcial per mmanc of .the: l\i[FO itself i$' 5llffic.ll!ntcvidlmce of wh ther in\'cs[in III l[ "id e ,. i.dt.r nct socr 1'bt'ndt1S r n t. Thus it j DOt nee SU, for public cCount-

bilit r 1JrpOSt: ,[0 en ,g iarbe trick .. aDd t.x:pmsivl:' k Jtc~, ch.ing imp cr in orh r ts,

i wever, wi minim li t poin of view rna . b challeng,edon v, rious9rounds. Marker.so .' a d.1 services err 1}'p~:rfe rl~l CQ.mp thive. P oyider' i;' pa 'cularl' likel;7 to, nj some mono 01 • power in s.Jurns d remme are:ilS-indeed j mal' neJ;ess.lI:Y 'nducemen 0 them 0 'Workh reo Us so b n lhd p 101:' .in ormatio d e peri-

ence 0 1"l1e de '\il and long-rID" imp]ita~ioIl~ of h on ract{he~ ene m 0 nd tbey m'<;lY do so - de peril ion. T ey may.

ohune' _ umbBr 1

-nHni bed '51.1 illes

then !lot be in ::I posidon WQre campllance ·itb the terms, 0

tn ir contracts ii particularly impon3m coosid ration \ h(m itis the Il r" he!llll initia] p .rID Dts.1n. mm mer; .1r '0 d

rounds for b lie 'ing that in t' p:idJy ban in 111 rk [ man)'ulnuablr uSrS r likely' 0 ~ "ume debts ili E uh:iro:ltcl de

them mr harm than good, And hilc the .Ill y be free inbtory r Ie,'"V!!, tlt fin 11J LoU olnd oci I $t, . of in, s m. "c higb~

For -he e e3. 0 moSi pmctitiont:rs do a<; ept the need 0

monitor 01.1 rea(;'.h () M Os ver ime as weB :Is tbeir inan o

cia] p rfor mee. B111' w}m js 1 In by 0 treac nd how doeu relatE t ,exit r-ates.? N 3Y:ili 115' chreincr e e.r.Gonzalez ega and R drigu s11 a (2000 distingui.:'lb be weenhreadth, cope, w nil to use . co to U $', epth! MId length.Br ad b n~ ers [0 the: numb r of people with. access to fioanci I.senrices al an, momtnl in dm un' i.~ rdallvd unprob-I rn ti. 0l?e. b and co t'tog. ra d.e e l'Oe- .he quaJi •of thl:: S-~rvLC;t'.$ in tcrm~ of th~ hange hey have Il uscrs' -wdl­~ lag during an. p,eriod. Dep' h 't.ke into iiC ounltn.ec n­den . tor pohc makers to gi.... higber social value to suchh;m es if rh V He t poorer oplc,l1 Th., t le,:\\'e:! len rh 0utr b, wh.i 11 Qunds like b pee m.li lev:w 0 ou

COIlcern wi h exit rates. 'avaja - eL a1 (lDOO, _"%) I;..'{phi.n I ~

si nilicance in the foU ,win. w, '":

Length 0 ' outre, ch i be time r.un in which 2 micro­i~(];in e organi.2.ati.on produce! loan. Len rh nl:\H rin e socj y res;. tb w~lbre f Tb po bo hlOW and i) hE' mute. ithoutE'.Pgth 0 I litre en, a

nucrofinance orga13llatiol.l rna . improve sodal 'e1fu~

in dl(~" hOrl-l m bm re~k its 'l,'lit: ~ TO do . thelong-r . " . rno e eng'{h r quire mor pro it irhehort-t TID. This mean highl!J!: pn e5 m ere co to

u:sns mel less net gilin P' r u er.... The debalc overb .so i 1v e orsuuain biHty binges on [he eHect 0

len h.

Vohliur N 1.1mb r 2 9

JOlJrDj,l of Microfinancf'

A probll.:m with this defini.tion of length f ol,ltreach is tb.u it, ddinC'u sole]' . om the p-oinr (l iew of 11 provide'!" f'I • In fiO d ing the II thor . pEckl' SSUnle [. . ~ e i r t··

:are i e1e ant s.o long <IS Ilet ;lit e i' <Trowin er i 1 • Thihi S;l. ~ rong v ue judge te I bou b re live w nh oftho . h enjoy SUSt lned:tc s compared £0 thos,e ho. njoy' tempor r and exit or ne<ta Ive r dions.Consider the nunitrica.l r:xample presented ill the last S'CCti.OIl •

. er 15 qrde$ with -a. t;:yde.cy~leex't r r20% -1 a t'vemembers will rl!rn-iUj] 0 thl! 1,5' i iDe-r) 0 ly half of whowill have taken mOre !.han three 1 nns. Ass~in.g a lQuIt [ACre­

merit ..u:e of lQ% r,bel1 the 11J;'e ;g loatl siz~ will ha.ve morrh311 dO'llhled tQ .$133, bur a,[ w!,; pdce ro .:aU .hose ~xh.i g?

To lim up at! undc'candi of how many u ers le~lv and",'hy is: es ru;'al ior'atJ bal. nced judgement aboue the overallwclfar impac of m.l.crofiillmcc tn"icc:S'. In 0 <:1' words, cXid;lU is po . U u efu.1 n.on! foc cit purl? c.s of marktrresearch bu otlso informing pu.blic polic); on [hI? tr d~·o fs.:such pragt.ullms email. But it: is perhaps .possible fo ~o fur­ther. If p h'y m::lke:rs .have1lD understanding of {:05t 0 provi~

.s:ion oreudtll 0 ouueach. dep[h QUi each, and wh peo Ieexit', then pel-haps' .he need fer lr:ro m do on quality (I em:­reach is greatl redu~d. wdie.s, a:'lseS;Si imp<tct or qualh of<> reach are exue elyifl.- '1][' ' 0 reHa.b! d cosr:·e t­tively. ,0 che q eS~lo ari,e t what e en does xiI mn'·roring 0 er am e I'eli bl .nd CQsr-eff c ive aher 4riv l

H w to Find Out fore?

A rut flow of xpl. uions for change. in e ,'( r:t

in lt41bl)" filters. hrough ny MFO lniQrmaU . 'Bllt sue fe d.back i"5 'ubjl.c'cr. to bias for two re:lsons., ir54 i: will be unclearhQW rl!pres' ntath'l! ell erem ex,-phll tions are! a th~ overallp[em!'e unless the proeess 0 i merna lisI:e 'ng i.s un sua. I:S • r:' la ie.. ec d, staff may (:hems~ly s b factor in e 1'1 Ut­mg. wh - U'se iii 1 avin~, 1.1 dl'eir cxplm.a laD ill c- rr '

Cl olumc NumbCl""

"nfinisae.d Bu tness

tlUllr OW1] S tegic- bias (sec: belon.,,). HeDel: moU S mUcda . calle' lind .iosl . j mUSU3 1 be ju tifi d..

bkj' g goodt deficit of inf r cion 0 t who It:'llvend wby presents,[\iff s., idl a serie~ 0 im:errejated '!:Dew d­

oJogica.l llisues. This seaiOIl llighli.ght~ the ollowing issues in.urn: .how tQ build exi moniwring 111£0 management infO!'ma~

tion sy'terns' noosmg be.tween diffenmt method.s for collett­in rupplertte' ary <In.'\:'; nd' r .min questions so tof cili . re t 1ysi and in eu:ti IL

T 31

N l1lber ofillag~ . anks s 5 5 5

otal cucrell1:-'de m mbership 66 104 l36 131 47

L Ho-curre t

de exi 23 40 40 2B 131e..;,r in ·tE ~

turre.m: eye1 _5 13 37 1 96,Las ycl

m rob hip I I 1 '"'g 70:-Last-w" e t

cycle exit fi:H<: 5.9"% .5% -8,8% 20. ) .7.&%embers exiti ngafEer one loan 2J 14- 20 H _3.4~

M.emb- ts ex.iting,frer t o IO,aIIS a (; 14 :J.l%

M~mb £5 cititiogf thre 10 a 0 6 5 04%

ie.abers ex.i:riogher Jour loans

Volume - un er 11

]ou ,J of M'

B'uHdin xit Monitor1Il.· into Mana!'tementInform:ttion y tems

The first question to consider is how Ltr exit mollitoring canusefully h unegrated i to the .5 ....stem for 'oruta· in~ ov·eralltel Lions berween us'tI"s and the :MFG. Th be f prion will

I vi usly v . berne!! MF s n leas ICC' rdi @ t ib ifvaryin~ om.m.iun IUS [. omp.uterization and to .de olviogbo h in ~Qrmation and e' ion m k.in po er. enr 1­ized organiz<1ri uS (FIN A. fol' example) eep complUedzedrec0r of .av' g loan;. and other serv'ces being. used b r' i­viduaJi froI1l ·hi h 1!x1 rates Can be generated. Th~ ~. Orrtt2a

ri n 3y Is- ep I 11 fit witb inform Ii J] 0 itorms that. leavers are: requi.red to answer before halving .sav~gs

re urne rot!l·em, By oOlbining such infO'l::m..ClOIl itll d ta

collected when users first ]o.incd, i rna be passiblc <:i aJJ<l.1 'ze[justi 311 l:h cham eri'srics of b e who leave in clt.e same

w y . -$ organizations <m lyz d. aul rS for sa crec!i racingurpose ,Ii

lore modeSitly it is use ul or y' age ban -·iIl~ Qrgaaiza

rio to moniwl' how exiles. (. according 0 both rbe agecohort f village banJti and of individu'al uSers_ Man.y FOscann t yet pr duce e j f1'l.ed \I. n d ecessary to prodl1c5 t.h inf'rm ,tio Il ,uickl)', dle -p1 r, • nd roll.tine1.... Mem .hile

im,n 0 e' rat s h· ve to e b d on sample da~a

eXlfaued of~eD;l painsukin ...ly rom paper T~con:is. Table' 4' illlls"rr l:es_lr sum ise' i.n£. dOllon:cit betv,,'e D [h.e cuitem::and last lOaD c;ycl·s from tWCD vjll.l.g(! a.o.ks in ZWJ.lbia: Ev~sel cted:lDdom.l it·m aU • g(' b nk cune.nrl' in heir 2nd

rd. 4th and 5th lOaD cycles. L~:>t'l:iurI"em cyd exit r:at,es arefi t al~ula~ed for each villa.ge b nk pbon and show adecl'ning trend wirh age from 36% f et the first cycle 02: %'(' r thi: £0 rm, Th second pand . f d 1:;1 J' eaIs 1.u ·thtse r;­

tlsfi 5 bjde te fact th I; most exn~<; are acc;·o.unted f r b to.bse

who had.onJ)' c~mpl (~d one .or wo cycles-even i[l the.oldervi l:ilge banks. Thu one nm mmen . ion '0 his p. r !cub-r

v lume 4 Numbe

ta collection mah-

Scm tured Focus In-DepthI.ndi ...idu Gr p C. ~

Inlcrvie-w s, lScuss lOll Studies

T rene'di erSltV f,expenm e"lIDong Ie vers J

To re e 1 depthud c plexi


e;..'P rience~ <1m ngleaver

T el !ute uHlearning aQd b {

direct opera-iunaIu e 3 1 ~


o facirla e an,uy iand c mpl.mcna~a r om. om r

s· uxces

ru( Wl thar mOre a.u nrion n.1! ded 'to b~ pa.i to t.hl! tnduc­nOll of new members uu:oold banks.

Me' bodsf Primary Da( llectlOD..

Wh re xit forms· ontaining q estions about hy uS rs de id·to Ie 'lie arc not: ".led rau indy, eon!. alrcrll3tive is [0 'Col­In' uch Jit I], a $,olmple ba.sil>. his C! lion tipl .res thre~

m mods for .oin: lrticmred individual im rvic;, S 1Jsin .redetrmined qu· stiOnDaire: io t -5 group diSCl1SSl0nS and use

of pattici ory rechniquc:s· ,d in·depth CUt stud p uu:crvit:w

Volume -1- 'umbn

Iourlla I of . 1iCl'ofi na n.ce

mth iodh'iduaJs a.sed on '"Ion" or semi-structuredesdonnai.res. I


Choosin an appropriate combilHl.tion of h tbree dependson the balance bern'een co!;[s and. u.sefulm~ss with the latter. epending in .rn on rei va reliabilir ,:md inlelioess. TheiS5:ur:! of rllli3biLir, m in .turn h~ broken itltorwo pr hI III :how T avaid sampling bia$ '01' reflect the diversiry 0 Jeave,.~'

eKpe.ri~ ~e); ilnd how to do jllS ice t the ffilJl [ipJe -. ebehind each leavers expedence Mldavoid b.ia.-ed. responses.Reducing t:hese problem.!; . be n i e d since resou cesa.re a1 " hmi tel ·a ':udgement. i ceded llbou 'b, I CO!! tl­tutes .. optimal Jeyel 0 ignoran.ce. ost otlsiderations dictateth.u: ~nenIio [5 p id to emur th:n d t~ is :direcrly useful ol

pos i !; nd h l lh ill thad .·n be r plkned s'l \Tel'time. Tw.o important issues here :il.re whether the process 0

.clill~ eallection is. itself meful for I hose irrvolve-d. 01" pm' 1 '. X a ti ~Ul' ho· ffe livd' the d ta can be 01111 1n d ~"j hinform lOll from· .ther ources. Table. .5 provid. a i: ntative

.l't\nking of t"lle hre met 0$ l rd tion tbe e· f(lu lllHle~

'hich ~r h:n di l;USS d i.n tUI.l1.

Di er ityF rmaliy, h", ism of di rersity is c;on.cune with amplin<'bias, and CUI be deah wjth b se ecting at random a su Iicientl1 rge s-ampJ .of 'odividll ] leav rs at gro ps .10 . t:e iew. npr i c: it is Ie 1> importan-r th l: theaIl1plc i~ So :tristi < 11 • r p­Tfsent:uive han that it adeq1U ely covers the main. typ S 0u e-r. ud qu s.tmplirtg. ill fren $uffi e, I- tni 1.101 , pi 0

siz.l;s can mClst cheaply obtained lIUOllgh. struetmcd ind.jvid­u.al ilJten,'ew;s, '~mple bOa will neverilie1eS5: be pr'esen,be ause of non-response ·.aIIlon p,.nicular types of Ie-aver. andthis i~ wb • routi.n collection of data as part ofh-e exit pro-eess( die lien in the· pre· lou ec io) is ore eli.abl }'

The nonrespons~problem C.aD. in part be -addressed. by r-dy~

ing on in rrnacio-n born ,\:;l r 0 her g op men b~ I j.:a hert!:tan lea ers [h illS 1 ~, Bur tru raises addirional probltms.Tbe!it?" .are Lllmtr ted b r T1l.!:lle I) hich i base.d oil he sample

\ohmre Nli,lm


R ,_~llfl

I IIIb t' of 0;1 ffi'en :\VcIl; Inill 0 pea mtg. In pn ;lIe illl .,...... i'·\

1il r 1& I , 1_ JO~ $- II0 0 0

J 1 3 140 0 0

0 7 19., " 10....III" .1 0 0

0 09 11 _4 3

T fal (per 'n ) 100 100 100 100

TN .•! (n\Un c 0' ( b-sen' fiom] Dl 8 ~8

JOI.lI'D aJ 0 MIcro f.io:illJ ce

dcscribt:d in Table: <; bul:. r veals the pliml::.t~ planation for (!xilbas:ed on post-interview ~on:in1; 0 unprompted res-pomes. Inorder ro e plol-e potenti 1 problem.:5of bias tbe quesrion WM

repeaed for different roups 0 - respondeD S.· The first colunmhow dl,f xplaJl cion for XLI; provided j,oin Iy by vil­

la~e ank ffililllbers a On of their r urine me tings. This ~ders

1.0 11 I members who exited "between th poe·0 S TW

c. des. Th "~cond column di p13Ys. h results or lh 5-1<3VerS; whom the researcher also succeeded ill i ervlewino

ptrs nall'.... 1" a~()n hIe ex te as mmpLion ould be Lb..would b h<lrder to jm~rview tho that the group claimedject for -f uhin., b t ilii ;;t, not me .> "N irh 1:' do

explanations Or exit of emd by village bank memiJf!J"S and, nell:' loan Q' cer cliffe. muc;h-eXi;ept th t the. for r appearedmore. confldent in idtm:if lit me·mber ~ , thought likd· tobe resting-.

1 .0 t t, the hs colwHn i.ndicatesrhat b Xl Inn­ber!> th.e:ms.eJves 0 ,n dif ere - om r: malJ1l1lg useTS-- in t.heire.xpJan.:ariO!1 oJ'} ~ ving_ ' irs., man: cited personal, bousehold.or bminess diJ£c:uld·s s "[he ill ion' or- eXlr-re onso I n hidd n rOIn The loan officer and even Di:he:r members_

and., d1ey icl'entifie dis gr em n ov m ag e 0 rhe·ill ~c blink or with ilic Oan ffi er as the prim .rC-ason' Or

flU m.g:.

pthW.b re resour es t car -, 'e ne d"tO nsut d pth, deti ,and qualit 0 responses rom leav rs m.~y omper;e with theneed to e sure a equ<al: bre:a:dth, dU~feb. raising co pellngpre-ssuctes. ith:i ixed bud ct. dive:tsiry poirus towards l;1l.Sur­ing 1::11 % r ~ ] ,·z b u.~Jng a sho er qu sti nn ire withl~s cxp -ri!!.l1ced inwrviec rtt. Bur rh lnform:nipn rherthobrained :!hout e", h resp n.d.-ent will be mucb more limjred.An in-depth case stu.( ~houJd r'ide.:;;I fuller aCCoDot of tbsequen e of even .s that us d $omeone to le,we. bu ewer ,11

be compJc:'tecl. Om:o.pr.ion· to ombin.c: "1 rge 5ut"ye • usingverr short Ufve 0. st nd grol1p merri ers, wirb i .cleph

16 Volume 4 • umber 2·

UnfinIshed Buslnes

case s udies 0 III sa a 1 SU'b'S;l ple. . adler is to 1 cr:it quotasample fOr ~.ach predctumined user type .1.I1d. men -. n;' au a

Smit1l numb r sh rr ;is - rudy intctvi r usin s~'-StrllC­

rured que loon;llre. his ppro ch ;' ~ sl;:dfurilier inCopestak~.JOhnSOD, & \Vright (2·· ).

II i )bo cb Henf;ing [0 brain oth div r· and deril dvlew~ through focus D' oups. Tru. t h n eded an nt', p<irtLci-

I) 5 H t.h '.u'~ t b~ open and. JlOnc·st ab iut their differmgexperienct in .ca h oUter's prescnc , Ye~ vllluge bao.ks arto t~n flyen with internal conflict tbat -even bighl ~kmed' ac.i]­i atO!' \ i1l tfuggl to reveal an man. ~ arr. _OO_}, Wherethis i the.c:il e members need. t e broken into -elf dec: Inaub-groups, btu cllls L ds to the ttIllt required, If such prob­

lelJls re ig,nored fo u gr up dis ssions and. sSQcia~ed· ar­ticip<Jwry exercises rna generate information tbar is eithersa Lti e . or re' Ct5 .he vie of;1 .domin .at minorit •

Illdu +e .Leat'l1ln

A POt mi 1<$ ren I:h of the fcus group appro b is dUe it c-nIOster Ill, re inc1ushl'{~ ]~.a:r'n:in~ among hoth participa ing USerS;

d '.. r' e in ,'j ~L em, indeed b sf [l,. in fin cr­na1 con iet, ;lnd orne 0 • 1l111,y be unavoidahle, bu it mit • ;lIsa

he p n:iaU, ge enu;ed b. lack [conl1l1umc tiOll 3.1ld dialogUE-,or by a break down in relati 115 'tb st opestake (,,-00_a){or example .suggestS thatilJ c baw me: ·ndergo ,I tranSJ-

iOIl ' ri i. after three 0 f 1.11'] des, will rna e, c-erhat d by rapid stili urnovc:c and lm:re,i!Sed re: aymentproblnn ·as 102n sizes mn alit:". Eo e"er. maximi.Ling thepot lIua1 fo group discussion to cOluri ute to unprovedmutual understanding and conBict rasol tion is nat ·01. andrequireskiH and oft D Xpf'1lS1V f cUil. tion,

lndiv'du.u. in erview III 'als a useful te:uning experi-~nCe f r user, thou, n111", ob...iou~l_ ah mak demands On

users' 1m· Tht case for using staH s in erview ts 1 mOt

problema' . In- eprh case udy interviews equire prQ Ing~ndr~cordin.g ·kills as ~]j.. • d vtee f ~ta!clLmenr wb.ichjunior f :Ire- unlikely {) h:lve. ~}'. c n b .more an,

hlln u:~.1

Jou ..u~ I of Mice fiuan e

traiD d ro c. try OUt pres :1.1 lure imervi s.uJ,d pos 'bie iCan be reduced by usio .. S1:<J: f rom one 'area t i:n ri ';" inanorrt 1'. D f f r example, has l I'l. .•his an ffeaive lITe haniSJJl for _ {l~arJJ.ing and no' -fcri:iU tion f ide -:Somuch b t '[he' have. ellcou..raged oth 'I in HonduTfli(0 do the samt:: (Cupcsi9.k _CO.b).

Addidon lit),

A fU1"31 i."S:Ufl bearing on choic me bod is the e elU"L

'hich in omu·cion an b com ined ~ncl join I r :mal.yzed 'tbdata rOm other sou.rces. There are se era.! d,istmC,t al;petts tothis. First ,here is .he qnes io (already di cuss in thf I

e. ion) of tb : [em EO hicb dat:;1l cotfi b~, merged to Cl"!!arf :a

sm~le 1arser database. By merging ex! :md elnry dau for r:he.a e sampJe oILl,s. for ample, 1 i. 0 sible to aJuJ ze he

Guesiion . wno le;aves in mor deptb. ecoDd to rh xt ntlut d aID metho is tt-pe"'~ed nd/or replicated in se'\I'erallln:AS, [here i won: Si:0P.c lor c mparati-vt .m..al,ysis: Por e:urn­ple~ ill r1 Hondu n c. se ' ' ed b ve, 1J inv h' mem f

mht J.1a or ;,uhZ-a ipn ill:] it possibJt> to pLod .c. co •d l.uclara ahom: exi ra,i:e~. or ea,cb partlcipat.ing: and also. gj;re t fmdi.ngs for' he whoI sector. Third, U5~ of more[han nc method Can b t;ompIltmeolar... FOL example, Eae

sampl surv -'[ 1)r provid . bre;u:lr:h and IlI1 ·i.tJdi :u:i n of bE!!i I d' importance 0 . ermt rta. on for \ bil~ 'In-dc:prhintelYlew~ d.uify lines 0 C.!! sa·dan. Filla.11y. Dverlapping lind.lllgs base on differ ·nces perjui[ eros checks for onsIs encyand aVcnueSo. n:h r ill'Vestl ation, FOE cxamp e lndepen­deo[' r tlkin f re sons for e' 11: b. sl:aff and u er roup rna"highli~ht important di.f,f,('!'ence~ .in the-ir p int$ of iew (seebel w.J1

famin 'OJ d nat)' [ of Qu .sHon •h n lntervi~ d lne users m y be re i m. ~bo lit giv­

In Ell fuU. Story of wh) the J., r .or m:S1l • reMom. he Dla!cd bold about ad:mittin hat th"t'lr usm 'Ss has iIed, or Liu

the' exp ~enced pt' blems as dire£! resnh of reak.mg an

1 Volume -1. 'limber 2

eas n Ii r r m Tural and lll"b. llr~ of

.xogemm~ fae I;:tn;

tlsine$ p .-form] g]'I r 29

Tra.nsfened [0

:l.I.lo-rhe a a 6Pres.5,Uf fro 1 spous~ J4Would lik~ 0 t.l.kc:

ll- break or - de 2.7mD~SS (!; 1 r family

ml...mb r)Obtain d formal

mpJ. l'I

Need·ed acce:ss [0

sa:. mgseatb 1

ubt¢t.:t.l _9


















actors p te.Jl i.dl}- v..-Lrhin bank caiicro](H -gu3r'iUi l;tedb . mhers .n 5.2

Loan de auh 32 S.aMissed lo;m

I p, ymen .1Misuse-'Qf VB fu..ods 0.0Poor -art endance

O:r late fOTmeeung 11-.7

il i.ngs he10the required amount l.Ou'n d lootn [.romotD r C.ilC· -'l 1.~eded a bi..- .' lCf<t1t 11 1.7

Disutis I~d ~, irhIDflLhodology ~5 6.2

V. me ill S.U':









I ~'n301

'ublOt ITotal





Journal of lic-mfio DC

l'v. ,0'5 policies w.i[b .respect to loan 1.ltiliz.riOIl, 'or exampl.

A>klno the direct question '"\"l;.'h ,did 'ou 1 ave: h prDgram"r rely re ults i iaccura f inform tion, DOT exposes; the lIDdero

lying •. son~ fo e i • p:rrU ularly if the questio1Je i$ a memo

ber of !>faff. Sim.\J1 it:z (person I comm me 'r' on) r pons ~ at

when SEF in Sou h Africa staru: ex:i( S.u <eJ

Eh s ' d r

respQo e were usuall th I: lea 'en Were "resting" Or had "f m­il f P 0 h~m.s or "go_ a job." In Illany cases, hese reasons were­

sywp om ci of de p problem Ii '&ed to the w, y proo a.mparricip. tio.n hnge,d p(}wel' l' 1;1, i widun h f mil ,r \)£i.nancia.l diffic ties (nd 3." socia~cd h m~) rHin frombusioes-s failure. Only irh patience nd. gro in truSt" (h mein 'part of a de<JF unaers andio.p' of ho informa' Dn wi. 1and

w'U 1:10 be used) C'Ul these I?njbl~~ be Dverc me. E."l:U!.1l.S1 ~

pilmingo que dons is s:iem:i I! as' c du.l training of inter-

'lewcr. nd particular c' re isneedea whe quesTions have to

be tm I rand! when lh re are ignifican{ 50cio uhurlll drf­ference ct cCn intl!'I"\'ic 'C.r ~nd rc:spOJl em ~'righ 200_).

he discussion in de prev·om sec;ti~n highlights rha thl!-u." _ guest! J1' aR fnuned is itnpon .fi[ for <l.noer re:l.son. he

ibJ _ . ugg~ ted frame _r {o,r da i jati n f rea onsfor exit.

IHex one 01'r. 0 commentsfor each row


probl-m(Co tributor

[ ctor(:o):lS[ t!'.lW

or trlgg~T{





Groupor taffOn letS

olume- 4 umber 2

U nfioisb,e d Busin~sS

more que lO I ed in JdVOll1Ce, Ihe gre-atcr the d ngefailing ( pick up unexpetted acts, but the ea ier and quicker

b qUt'Ilr. nal • i {lor' & 0Jl~S"~ 199. ne m-prQmise h a How rsspundent.s 0 offer the.ir WIT r~ason> orleavin , but thert d s i ' them into broad predetermined G,a e­gon . .lbl 7 iUu nn ;: h:h d~t;l rr mICA M.al 'i '.sedon ~T n rd exi forms filled i:o b loan office prior o:;tu ho­risin he rete se 0 saving,s belon mCF [:0 members wi5mn to1 -''ie. h iorrn was did identify Ihe- l{tem.. whichex] could be attribmcd. primarily to c£or.. within or heyoDdie control of [be or aniz, [l n rc elf. It reveal.s thal chinrural area'S arose mo,re 'or exogen us re.:.l50~ wbereas e it inurbane;lS eouki b· a :tributed mOt t fa,cwrs m:r.nn 10 theeJ'Vice i self ~!.

M obvious 'I eakne-S5 of tlUs- at • <15 W s that producedjo Table • is rh t exiT 0 e ~ inod!\·idu'u 's." r'oUl so] 1y 0a s'ugle prim cause which is lv;rays simpli I~:ation (H Ime.19 9; S bst d, eil. Bnrncs, & Chm. 1995). Tiibl~ 8 su emn al er~a lve friilmework'o eI S1 'ng reaso ror e j 1:h3rould pemiit rom sensitive allaly i ... ithou! bein~ overl.ompli a ed, lmer ie l!ik r pond m.s· t: Ii ~l: the

pr blems. they facec4 then write hero On ' malJ card... and dl.s-uss wi h tb m wh re e- cb should be 1 ced in tli .matrrix.

The sam- ts:!:ue 0-£ how 0 chssif data arises "l"om focus: gt"DUpdi si Il • Exe["ci f!$ uch rankin, 1 reo 115 for ex.il i Id

a, gre;! deotl of informacion will h m~ be 0 i mew e use orpaT iciplln s. bm which i not eas" • sum.manzed or compared,[th imilar cl.~ta C llccn:d Oill 0, her .,roup I. To ver Om.t."

thi. problem s"Om~ method of $coring is ne de-d, idealJm~tllOd rn-at - itsel ~t"ee'd 00 b", concerned stakeholders,

T hi!! 9 illu tr l:~ dlC: ptli.m: y p t eming umm [aobrainecl rom ran"j g unprompted e.'planacions r exit col­lected tom Hi oew group distussions co taring suff and us rf {hre MFG in Z:lm.bb, Th crigin:aJ t w s, hard '[ ,

v lwn oJ IImb'rl

Ta J~; ;u: n for ,"I' advanc~d al ocu eo updis<:n sion rn Zambia

5 3917

1 1211 91 31 31 j

1- 1(}

! 184 161 11

'11 6.II

L 70

9 ~8

.1) 485 4J 15, 1':> 111 101i1J 4I1 :2

_5 228

Ove 11

CfJ 21 111 :io 0

Io a1 101 6C1o 0o 0J 15 'I

{l 06 33


1 15j _5Q C2 10


oo 011

12 '0



4 312 17o 0,1

1;1 11i 10111 51 4

oQ 0

1 8

'* 3_ 1815

1. 1S1 ofo 01 41 6­a 0]

o 0J J1c:

1 6

Rusin ~i> rel;m~d issuesLoan USc r ~ltoc.ation (mi-sus )Bll-Sines$ f ill.lr~

Poor el:oilomlc el]yimomart, 'lunging]jJJ of bus.ine-s,sC t P chi n r th~r tF SU$ino-] :aft to rt bu!tine~~

:Poor businessQ k 0 mark t

r S Ordi:.T u.:sJn. i:

Mulupl b rowing-inking working ~pi(aI .in .tS5-~t5"

hJrlge of loc" i 0

'Fin cial needs ate m,etTOlOUS

ncliv\iu I/fllD1il' i~5ues:, \Ind~r. nding

De-:J.,th·in clu, familyPoor ttitctudInnes an de th'· ·h ramil·Discollr3<ge.tnellI from 11 shaddillness (reLuivf)(lh 01 e


St-af$/groUlp !sS'l.le.s-'Group iztDeauhersSIaff ine.xpe de!lce

fO'llp mrnmde.rs:tMldiIrgReG" i\ing I.!-l1lrn wn p I1er~

Lllps.e ill implement:uioDDi~honeSl: ' of staffPoo supHvisjon by credit Q" iceF mil- menibcr in Samr: groupTat I

"e liU'H'i ill i ~t~ ,h~ nlJ.Jllbe. of group. j(ing l' ori I.llu -~ I?IJ Ii l];ttId-~(Ore· indJ:c.llte-.!> th~ iJbovt' 3ccordlng t ht \\':9), tadl grpupranked he -exploma.WHIt: 11 to Dlmt impl;)ruLl1C, !loW" to 1 For (hj!, llch mD impOl"t:l!lC, . -e-pt mthe- mmm..ry -5e-ctlOD ....h= ...COULll· i' the p~r~n &e- Il:b re 0'[ the [otal numberC C;l: pb 1J4ri OilS ad"i'3fleecl b, illl s,ro p' lUI d ·SCQJ"~· U rh~ pI?rCentil!!C "Sh.lire I3f

[()~al e 1 [l;lLl :t!, w~il1; ed ;lC(llr ifJg to bl)w ~h ~' w~t<: nlltk d. for \he: SQur~dI.~ le MIJ'I>OIlDi ud Coeue~ (20G! .

T 1 9 ,on1td

u~_ S[ if OverallGroups Groups

Count/",on:)~roduct t: ign iS$~e-5

e~y rep 11 '1J1 n t od 1 77 Z 1 7om nHUJ' ce. fun 1 1- :5 7 13 b9

Group r bili 5 -13 ~ 10 7 53L ;Ul diiblll'S mehr (debys) 8 5] 2 10 531.0ll1l a:mount 4 2.& 12 b 4·0

I1gh imeres,1: f@te _7 8 rRequiremen work in gfClUp 15 1 t I .,l ck-in· . tem !I;!i 0 tespcc I 0 3

. ['Ie: p~riod J ck.illg 1 t9 J 0 3 19Group repaymem 1 16 0 2- 16We,ekl . III ring 5 to 3- 1~

Repayment p,crioJ 10 1 14:avillg·. pn~:wTldftjo[J 1 11 t 11

Ch.iUlge o loan. COJ1 ilions ::l 0 1Reflb.,1 [0 ccept rep ymt=m 7 {) 0 ] 7Fe. of loss of collaler.u 0 a .1 s. 1 .5loan dlsours!!'IDcm f£es 1 J 0 0 r .=;

u[ fees L 4 0 0 I 4."

h.I" CQ lribu ion ., (I 0 j ..B.OfiUS 1 .1 0 0 1 tMe~t.ini:l uk [0 lout 0 a t 0 1 0Tmal.s s,- 414 2J 7 50L

ummiJrr of f, cus group ~pl;J:nott i\'>rt$ [ r<:xi!.Busioc. .onl Xl 1,,- 3 ~5 151 divillll! a.t.nUy 6 11 9 a.S'mffJgroup 'l'elatianj 10 15 11 11ProdUH design/te-rms -6

J6urn ] 0 MicrofinancC'

,. nul vz.e In H:s crud. 'orm, SI (Ie l?ach g-r:oup mnked clrffe.rentalld n nuh of e ·pbnarion:.. nee fhe a a i5 pooled, the

simplis[ Ol.pproach i LO co III the [r 'lU DC)' ·Ltb w ich ch.el>:pla.nar.i.on was ci.ted., regardless 0 the ranking. A second

approach Hikes..rm..k.i.o s imo ;l.C-cOunr y gjvi.tt~ e h;l tMld.cd,s,core (11 or tap ca.ok, 1 for LUd <lnd (? ~n) which C 11 thf:II be

ad cd tog ther for eo.ch go. Tile as panel haws he PC!·­

e.eotage d.istl~ibut.iOD of th~e countS -and stor~ allin un er

efld f for genetic Olteg ·ie. his heu r vides,1 arm

llrough wnich. datOl. 'rom exit survey f Om diHctcn.t Oll.n::~

C e<l i1 be co p red..

4., Ol dusions

Thi p per h fgued first tb exil: mont orin all i lpor­taUt ttlsk for all M Os seeking to .impro~'e th quaE 'of th.l'

service,.; th-a ~ y pr ide. in ur 'ul orh mm ci 1 andsod 1 goals. Ex.it ra: esh. VI! the ~d\'antagl! tbat hr-)< an beLl1ll.\Lnbigu(;nlsly defined. a d cd", m. nitQr'ing of ie;l onsor exit may ucdp an FO to identif' alld addrcs!> otherwise

c.ommer hlU d:a,rnag' problems. It also reduces tile public:poli argumen for in· sting in other forms of impa s~acss­

m,e.lll_ he p.per ha Iso arg ed tb . mere's scope rar i.mp v­iIli'g .nt' q liT f 'f monit £in ,

Fir~r, mar work i. f~qu.irc:d. cli, 0 I:tll as ume-d tQ ensurethat published. r!xit raTe5 are strictly comparable. or.espedficaU•. an £[ raIl!'! S o III 5pt:ci.. [b~ int 'rval Or t:imcpeTiod the servicE being dedin d an the population framcovered.. Ide Ill' some effort should b~ made to d.isti.n.guish.benwe.n temporary and p m nent e.xit s w~U 3S exit t -a.t

i f]ec s bad 'perience and m' dl' g.to·go d.e~ond. dleIe i scope for co.lIe:li g and onhoring more

~xi~ ini tmation routind " part iculMi '\\'h~rf: simple que­t.rons c n l!. ;lgktd of all Or mOst It.il ers and an'ahzed in cOn­junction itb ot f!r data Sltorc-d \vithin the lPO's IIUlfia emeflt. ormar.ion !;ystem, Tills in Tn petmit$ the..J a 'ro monitor

bo-w exit nu:e- vary for differem pes 0 tlser, and haw 'they

1 j)1 rn NumbcJ

.Jl\ti lh~ P l 'in mpJl mia'( ~dIL. "vi·

1 ~b It. JObltfl;l ,r ltllcrnil jODill l:\'dopTilmt,

Unfinishd Businl!'s:s:

ch::mge as users; .. he! r busine ses; user roups. br.:mches, :'Iod heargo nIZll.lion its If ch ge 0 ::: Ii01e~

Third .1 mixture of sa:rnplt surve~.5 focus gr up is­ru.ssions. :utd in-depth ca.~1! Studies em be u.scd 1:0 con~et morcdetail d. information aboat wh - differen type of serleave.Choice of me hod~ dep J1 .m nyfa(; lli, in Judi g hene d to tLnSun~ both b;rl:adth and deptnuoderstamling-, the.scapI! or building eXit s:tudjes UltO ~ta and group develop-

en • ~ll rht> po."sible b nefrs ef lysing he . 11' ombi-D do wiIb ll[:a f m DIbe our e',

Fi.ll.Jl1, h h3~ hr:en argue [hat ta can br coU~I'!d. usingquestion tba pro. uc mort! realistic answers '~r ar i11amenable to reI .ivel· straighr rwa ~ ...•is:r·c;ll o'lly$ill.lor systenHui preSoeo adon 0 SHJil:lS CS CaD I Ip senior suff

co comp p do mance b r Ct:n pt:S of user, bnm he' d~(, fi jthin a sint 0 ;i!1iz rion. }[ uld also p tmittr:i11~

chising and umhre1.Ll organiz:anons t aggregate Sitatis-r:ics ande!i'en c:ampar per I'ID nberween mernbe •

Referren· e

ib,dhlln, 1>. (199'9). peci:JJ ls.sue. QO rQUp lil-nd•.Il1l J ur~1 f D dypmel.lT.

E wl;I0mics. 6~{l1.

Copcn:;kc. J. (2M!)\. Impart 118scssrncn( or mi[mfi:n~lIce and org:mis:l,:ional

lcnrnm . who wal suf'i·j\'d JOUTnill G{ licroiin:mcf'. -(2), IJ -nil.Cop .take, J. 0 I}. TO"';;Ird~; t'1IC'nl fr.lrn erk ttT cli~t momuu:ing WltmlJ

ffilcre>finiuH.e Qry;iIlI%<ll(1()li, Bri,(1jJn<).l'1: Imp.Act 'WQ,klllg p~pC'r, 'OljJ~ I;: Il:l


p':-.f~kc:, {2::xl 1+). ID~ lLht.

Tl' hom Z; -

1 t6), 74-3- 55.

op (il}:1!, J- (2" ., ). Horjt Dt~J Ilefwor'~ nd til er ID It I 'I' I

Ii pt . minlLt"}· p.pt is~L llriSDIOl\l lmp-A.::t work lug pil.p t, 'il b>1~ t:

www.lmp-A.cl.ur •

Copl!'nake. J... 13b.almra.. S_. &: JOhlls,oD. '. (10 la}. Ase ,n!: tb I pliC (I

CIlicroc:c!!dic OD .fl'Ovcr~·: Zl!.mb-"o C !M1J :r.JOIII'Ml Dev~l J)me-llt

Smdi6. 37 .} ,U-l::: .

ViClhrm -l urn ~I" '2 25

C. & Rool'i ~zM/l'D.,}.

: lh OIT ill n 'r: I ~n ~ f m

Ct'ptsli.Ike.l.• Co~PC!H. H,. M ILl.; 0" M.lsumh ., &: }"n"'rv. ....• 'iii ~_ 10),

1m 110::[ QJP11lwrint. and a~m~m lJi mjcrofi.n.nll:~ frvlcf3 ..id.ed b

CETZAl\; on tno: Z;\mbi~1\ Corp(! ~ ,11: 1991 'OOL hill. I ~port, Ihtb:

C",.,trr. r D'el~pmf'm rudi~..., tlnr.....i!Ir5.fr}· f Bnb wirh ,r "N

nS\llQ.llE5. A.lli1.iOl(' ar vw ',intb.:I,cuk/cdslmi.::l'o 0111 .nomo.~. J.. olmJ n. • .:! ..O). I, •• ·MalJwi 1m ;n:t" 0:') mcmt

Cell h .1'.11 r p 11:. .B~dl: Q\r~ tQr D~v loprnl: f (uJi,~ nlvt.f~H."

i l:l""tb With Kwlo:' Coorulunti, BUlll;Y!"~ \ WI. A......ubblr I:

h.t:EpdI",·ww tbcl1.Lilklr:ili/mia il1 lum4,

Copesrl1kc. ] .• lohlIboll. ., & \l'nght. (~lilJ~). Imp.m: Ol.SS~enr ()[ micm--

Dl1ill:e t '"~ rdl iI M"" P t .. I lOT Ikt,tUlIl and =ilI 's~s ot lJ1I~ Ilt.vo:'

1JI lbtb Crntrt': for D ....·t'lopm/l'tll Udlfi,. n.i er 'l}' a BadL PJ1l/l':rijJ!,l5=t ,It ii' rnnI/l'n:'m:.: ll[l CQmbllHl1. qU~i1tiyC m.t:I TIillllilU,\,'C

methods lIT C"'dopmCI1t";lt the I:HWt', 01 ",,'iIll in June.• v.n1 b!/l'

L "iI~' lmp" ,ct.ar

Hm:b, ] I 'Hlllch,,!L (l 119). 'CA "l g~ bw.king [D.!LoUll1: F1NCA

lilt . rIIU'!l(lfLlL

lilT dlmll]). ,1970), "t it, " I ~ lind l o.lP,l': r ti.e~ l , dec' n~ III I I $;

T~I1JU utl!B-,md 5l:J[IlS C3D'/bnd e' M~ .: Hilorvanl UOJ\'eTm~' .Pr('~

Iiok.~. ! ~ ~, Tb ~ ,·illage bJ.c.km mC'thod olo:gyo p ,orm;rnu I1lld prospects,

~Il M. [em &. • Rhyne ( s,), The .!lew y;'orl.d 0 I1IJUO 'I[~l'prt,!>,e LnalllU

(p . 1:" /. 'cOIl"Il [I III: Kunt 1'1 'roeH..nlme., D. (1 9 Cli.rDl" e:!:ll~ rt![QpO\ft5) (rom fan African micro m n~ m<Ju'

rioll$. :muhl: MicroS;]:..,('·Ah'i~iJ_

,-r peal,. rudy,n~ g up dYII~mlc~:..uI l[HIUt.rve .ulJlytJCJ] ',lmew(>rk

for he "ul~,Y .L mkrolinmcc .llllp-actS 1)11 rc>ver • eJll 'rJ II, j urn' II.mr~mlll:'ionill Drv;:'opm~cl. H{ ). 5II-':i .

Mods, .. -& CopcS1:l1ko. J. 129". Qu;ilitativc cuquiry fonural <l,r.>I!tDpm(,llt~ A

r<lvil!'Ik. m!l1n: IT Pu 11 tit) S.Ml.1,twn~, Dro U CQ¢~e~. G. (2CO!). DrolHJUtll .mOIl}; ~orle:ted Z,lImln..n m, roii-

nanc i"Dsritutiom. calliI'M Jud PD[CD ',I imp~ . [l pro TIet (le.iRll,

MlCI'O . ~\'o::·A 'ric .

, tir, oth No ( ), In til' if 0""0

.Bulletilil, 5(Sepumbe.r • o.:n·.:ti ilrJ.,u., S., S~h~inel. r~tu. R.. GQn=I~:aVe

CO I. He\'! ~dh nd r:-l ~ ~T H i th~ I'C)I

801L'"Vi,;t, 'I 'Qcld D~do.vmelll. _8(11. 3H.04 ,

P':uf\ll!! • ] •• & tCN 11-, B. 119 l. Ilh B=kinQ D.l'JWD·O::s Stud·: C!1."ldt!ft(.1!

m ~':""lIln prl)~.r;lmfll , 1 1.1 I I M,croi ,un , !. 91·11

16 olum.e Nwnber ~

filIi I eJ Bu wes,

Rh:n E. (.-:ool) ••1:un~~r~mltl~IllJ IfOfll1~IlC : how le'lldir:tg rQ dw po r b~ll.n,

~""'t ,mil c.uM - >I.'!; Iii Ih)iiVI~t BI~"nlh ld, Co 11 n I,i~ !;lilt f,~n


RO:Se!lb·% R. (i ... ~ ). D.~flning; e:u .-ala' <lVIl!'I\' M[ B:mklng lin Ht't in fJ

(Apn.1), _'-lllle~rnJ.d. j" Neill, c., R;Jtnc3, C, . Cben, G. (199'5). A$sgs5'rng tb~ imp3C[ (It

mIrroC!D{~rpl:'i-se-intl:'rvem:l,o[iS~:t :unL!work tor JUI.aJ.yds. as ninKtDll D :

USA1D ·PrLslIl Pcoj~~, GIClb~1 nur~u, Off~ I:' f, Jc:rroen.re.rprtl~

D vel[tpmcn.r.

ImOil 'VI[., _ (1000). From t'V n~ w pr~.f: I1TreN re.r,d Itl iler<! lllfU),<::e

jmp~ ( ~eWl:Je.n[. l' U Ell rpris~ D \'elopmcIll, 1 JI),l1-::.1.

U AlP ~;) ,L!oiTil.lng 'rom die: m I tooh for mi;;rolll ntl:' prM;-ri.dOli . D R:Oln 1:Ii'~p~re b beE P NC'l'J,rork ar U5:"tJD. W<lt-bin eQIJ

D.C.' '51 In Or-lice Df mi.t'rOentl:'rpn e l:!~n1o.pm~m. 'sst'3~;nt heImj)<JI;I' aHlljCl;Orntcrprue S-t'rvkei (. S) project.

WoHer, ~. (lOCO). Rt' sseullilg d!~ lnJm:iJI ~bjlit¥ of v;llag~ bl1llkiIlS: P~St ~r­

ftJrm:l;[LLt' a.mJ future "mspects~14 t'rv&mlilU18 Bullt:tM'l, 5{S~p[l~mb!!J'), 3-8.

allC'r. G. (2CIJ ). Th~ S-L'C:oE\d mie-oolin:llpce: r:e:,'o[mion: cr~:.ldn CU5wm~.r cen­

r~ri!d m.icco: lnillilCC! i.nil~i \1lt i OilS, IllrcoolJ .i Oil, joil:Jl;)pi of I memlfi/oml!

DroeJhpnU!l1 , 14fJ. Sp<!<:-i 1 l~~lll!'). 05--32.

" rilh c, '. E. I~O(l2), "I'roblfcml? I J L prohl n '! '~II..1 l'J Ill: oI,~ ill"QWllit li\" d;l,c:l, c(JII~Ctl{lfl for imp.cI :liSS!!$ 1:1 llH Ge{Wi~ ql.l.e!-tlO!h

rigln J tjrrl.lll ojMi r rlte. Fon bWll1111g,


DmTDl!DLs on dus papu 1I.f'~ ......-clcomL'" llmi .l;bll"lJld Ik 5-C,1ll Y email 10

h~. Op~t3 [email protected].. L1'. The Pilfl't'E' iJ b~!l 'IIHlfctn as p~n Di the 1mp-~ct.

l'!<':J5r:;mlll 'L1ppor~edby t.b oN!, ow:l-d~ciQo.. mp-Al:t S?r1 II) "lfl1,pw'nng

f~ II p:tC'~ mi<:ro OQflCI: 0 (>O'lfett ': ~n ('QD() ro!$e'Jj it r i~t.. - For mQ C

tit d 11 W W'I'I' ,mp·. . (, r~ ll.!l e. ti r \'e'm I] or \his paper "'ilS pr~~11t1id L

t'OD' "'r 'cC:t .'0. .F1.n::l.!lC~ iIJJ DI:''I'tl' .m .M' ilt lDP'M MiDtb~ter in u(lQI. I iliD

p"itduf to p"'rll -ip;ult", ;l5' W~U 3~ Mcon 'ImillO i 17:, Mllrk S~...~il1~.r. Sus'aD

Johnson. nd K:'itit ri~f lOr c'OmmcrI[S. Thilnks are Jso dUll to Sheen.. Cnn.'Y

l1ml [0 Gilu.\ln1>1:llsW'f.Ibu tlr dp ill co1Jeo'il]'~ .lnd =Ivsi.o Eh~ d to Jlepfodu.::cd

in. Table:s 5. 6...nd 7.

1. For m . ,I.e di~IlUIOII'S~. fo. e.X;;I,m Ie.. oller (2 l}. I I'l)lUlnw;q' t~OO lrtd opest;l, pi).

• "bi~ cl:d; itjQn ({TIT~ODds 0 the fourth. formulll .C"vitw~d b ' Ros'e>ob r

C1COO, :! ) ~-b-iclt can be: written m4i'rt' cJ ~rl·. E. fACelJd - Me) / ( Crr~lIi:n',


] 11 1 rlf M·c r f an

wheo~. [1(1 IS b nLlmb"ecr ·f Qcnv u er~ f mn~ 15 Il/'W US,'t ~,nd

/I.e ~Ln I \1\ LUb r]) ~'Vl:' u~t , tIme Tj VilJ V lIllkll1 or, lllzallO£a ;lrc JI wI! roup 01 'FO lb, Op't7ilt~

th r(fuga !>em111LUCJI301D ails ·"rtJUp~ t bOIl 11 ,'e their •....0 b:t.nk <l];CClUtl.' :\ Yilhig~

bm.•in§ or@:anaiJ,[1l) rccdns a ~Ic~te 10.10 lor 'hich jU mcmkl"'i: n: i:OUei;­

.t[vcl}· LJolble 1".n:hE:f tIL1UJ ·cting ~I).d a~ n. c:.o[lduir for 111\alVi LIlli 10 01 tram r ~

gp(lnw.in~r()l'"gOlonl:O:3l:L(>1l rrs memhers. Pr-Imilry J.mUi)$ III }' hI! urr. n ~ wdl u

nml1ind refer d 10 1"he,lp OLi ,[ \l~ bll.n· on;oltll1l '0\11 ~ItL S Vi 11,,~ ~-iHI1~c baoI ,futcb I:'t ~ t (]9 '1) Pr<),.l dI:' [LlT1e'T dc~cri (l'tJ<.lD of thl:' villiIJ:e

b:mll mpd!C'l dew.roped b)<· FlNCA Uer (ZOO) prcn,jda· rinic.t re''1ew­

o die tl[J:mci I Pl:rfoITllJ.nce Qf vilLi!'j(1:' b.m..lcin:.. Dr~:uti()llt clJlJTP'a.red to other

rvpes of O. Ilna P ([\,er (19';19) pl"-o'i'ic:Le:i , c. -unU!i ':ll.e '\l'lJple I) "" llrrcmpr [

~v~ern i ~ny comp;l a ~}"l ~ roSS JI S'(JlUpl{' Df·'5e\~.Il OJ ","~Dt ViHll~ l-IlL\Kln

ofg,lonltalioIL5, .K ttL!Hion r t~ {d... loe :u the prCtp'l'l.{j<:>n f firsr- _ l~ ho rOw.

Co 1111 omi r; i 'LQ dt.i.rd·;IT. f o~ '. t.lti...,n} .I'iII" 1 frum 1 { Ii '"

• ID~«,<;I. lb ~r... m1' boe tli e(t ~d ff b ~W:«ri 1011tl t 'el ~ inter\',1! ~nd

e -it I"~fef, This is DC:cau ~ dc:IIlY ma pe-rrnit IUe rc:p1iYllitJlI bv "-'ill l: h.l:nk meJIl­

ben. OrbeT mt'mDr.rs' miF;llt odJ~rwi5t havt." be~ii (-ort~d IO i:U\ler rbct.c dc:bu. imd

tim [hel' ue even more- ic,dinee ra £'~pC'l dlO~ iJ:J affi'i1rI.

5. This 5U lleitnlJJI uring .hom!'!" I:irni! f>ttia.ds provides br-aer infol"milrlon.

,OW~ r, I tbt:' i. h() r I ehri\' TQ rIll': lengr of pJrril; hr hnllllci I

Ilr(":O.::t [he" mOSt ~i'. ~T r t.;dn,·t1Ilt.llorm.rl IIY .. d ~l'I'Iil 1:'-' l.i·.h r [ 0

r (1.1 r.J.' n I i Jc,dln . for rhi~ r a.'tm uise 10 t!",f]tol.1i; r~rte"r' n

at 5 IU ltl.. number of 111:'..... rontraCt!. 1~Dtd In ;l period iLl Jl'll c:'~tll e oi lnc:

number of C13Dtractl< ~rminau In [he same period e-'I:'Jll:holt(lh tbJ! O~D!i tip

rn.. pos!lihiliry h-3.1 d:lI~ Un!! rna: h(!l1 @][I:~ I:'d 1:JO plm.-cm l. Tb is i.!. tht!

;n;e.tlc1d!CGAP Iormlll;lprt:krrl'.d b}' RQStmbet-g (_ I, Bl- In cfu:l[h'1LBta"~j

rc tlwr It i!O U'IrolTi, h' leu e'l (~. __ th tat In"" ~ d lu p~r '~nt) oW TheSOI1C J.l d! IS 1 n~"l~r to hI: \lUll E' r" ord d.

r. nt' .- (Ii i rnd d~l' if t"o'K I mlfil~m IU' un a

pli 1~d b ' Lhr pro-b\~m /) r1armml il '~oUDt~, ""bid:t. hold olll' m ..ll :§um'l' ndfrOID which no d~po.mS' orwu:lll:U-;)'I',-:LI. JTl! m<i& lor lopg p~rio;h. Y"c th(! \"c:ry

l!:lOb5~ net D s:a\"Lngs om b~ Irnporum ;J,S .I. form of SI:! uri!)', ;u i .he oprion to

;rkll U ['oldie 'en; Ie is nor wed,F r olJ C pl'th n I.....e \-jtW f til' relt ant rhrlon:rical hI I'illl.1r~ on tbi3,

·r tbr • lklm~ ~L l! • Ihnl.h;ltl (iCJ91l1, p-micuh ... thc: p'per h onli.n

• tC CDpcst:au (../' 1 or unhcr d.i.scuuilJ \) c. ida f IlSI:(' t}-pnJogi.:s.

9. For .. c illln of UtI:' 111:' liv~ j:'olirjeal r~pt'l"~o!Lll ~ higb an T.lles·

-5<:C Rbyne I J. 'O(C ~II-Q Hir:r..hmDtI·! (I 0) .~lebntt'd Qb.~r:rv;lrIOtl ~t If


nfi.ni~bed Busine

chI!! 1l1OE lIm.cul te ill I"S ll«' 1 0 t:b.e lCS, to ~yit rht'D rbi> WCJ.kt'llS in.t rna.1

"VDi.tl :lod b~nce rt'dm'c! prr:55Urrs.00 trll:~ T13;mmtiO!l t<.l impxo\'i! scnt1cC'

lJualitrto. Th~ lli P rdeulirh ;lp(;lO ill:' l1.iVI:D tim Ih4""re lin been iOm Jehltc ilbDUI

fhcl£ I ['.!!i·ler It'lli [I illl df'}lIH<lJ ~;lI611, . cl1rnpllrcd '" rrh MF rhilC WI' .1­

tt. t" 011 .pot' "'jeliu!} ~r\'b e~ .tr~ ['I" mdl\'lduo.h or I 1f lid my grOlJr's.' ;!•

.H.Qlt I '3'14) .:l nd \'(. oller (_::lOD).

II. ~UII[~f 1'1999) on',rms Iii eJ:ts~ nee I)~ iJ.lrern riv"" r W[ p M b ~ f::1il­

if] to) find ~ lear co ul.lciort il'-!OS~ S Vt'!l 'lab ;e bonking or, nirJl1 n b(!lwl.'~l1

eJ;:ll r res md g-r-owth (J .l....~l"J,g<! loa-II si:z . An ~x:J. pI oi hi h ex.i l' res· ~i.o.5

iIS!or..JlItc:~ wuh I trn ~ ~Dl: i.l pmvidled b.- CDpes-ukc, Bb.11or~. ;md obmmn

{~O:ll ,

12. i'rll II OIrt fC',\!lIir h b w n:lain In mOR dYlUJJllC m In ... wh"l}]glu OlO\: :j;i! liT, dUOII ~c [hill (Jo fc r I [I ell JLLiI,l

1 ,I'I~. I1nd. I r.ub. !l:(:(! 1J~f'J' debt i::'ap-.J~l:. ~()r .Imp] Poll EC!: (1999. i]. ~/ldudC'd mal: th~ oIlQwi~ clJoll'lgl!S \\'[,f mOil likely Hl ..<!du c ~i[ ra,cs.:

be:E ~r ori~m:itln Jlld follo"HJp. reduced fr['qu:~ . 0 m;:;:tLngs IH:l n!~rrnC!D

in 3'mt'l!.tS, mor~ [ol.:rlUlct or irn~co [;u orm i [I g. 1l:nd imp 1IJ '~d t'Ce5S ~Q ;.;l "

in • ·~ciL.clJd:2otlO) oIrro MUje-rin B l.iviD provjd~HDOlhl:'r dWmplr, he CI •

dl1<,l~J th.., II h r I:'l 1,11 Cldll..J npn ~(i fillet hy ill I;; ~UI~ d C!

efih : F~ DI1~ m~!.irlnl>."r. ' i 11 ~ til. max' "HUll lOIl!1 I " fld lilt'

~V'J.D.g-~ r u.i.r!!m=t:s.

IJ. it lJI tj.ot deolT haw io.d.ITl:Ct lmp;u:u: OD tlonW:Cri [nd\ld.iD~ tbt.'T hlJlusc,

bolt! m~JTI~rs. Ji!lolJ-ld b~ 1...kI,"O lnW ;)(; '(Jlm 'P'Ceiillffi:J.b]y (11l5 l'!i suh~llmc(l Ulld £

quail .' Sec tbe IIDJ:J-Act w-~h.slte or morl:' di.s.c:ussiLHI o15l.!(b "'wlder lmpa<:.l~"

1~. FI>T c: ;l9Ipl£, hc:." I~ ~~ ,d. ·too II !'l.·1~0l; t 1J.~.;lS ,b'lI hou.$('hold

Jep~ lI:!eIliC 1JI ~!1 SI'1l81e ~ ,mer fj nJ it b\()i'1 &1 'uk EO CO po: ,rh pe~sonal QrblLliiBeSS shocks 'and h~C1c M~ m[)..... prDlnt to "rdng 10;[0 Jrre:.!lrs .md ulrim.accl •

t l!ljt furcl!d [0 exit. ~. iiPr cl."\l1llplc, Cop~,akr Ct. 1 2:) lilj. Piop, t'rlng worn

[I ~c. -~ t7tiCl~· .l5 .....dl .IS Hcdit nUng, usill:& I r~c J;u:aba3~ tmm B..,!m.ID

MFO. h.il'i been cjI.l"l'if'd OLI[ by M rk SChrc.io.er. Dire-wil' R=i1J1 Il tor

C-c'IUt.'1" of ocigl DfVcJilpmcnt :II. Ohio S.U1t~ nive:rd[.

I •Tl~.c~ ,,~ol 00.= iii ,.~'j:! .gen~ £;xll1tcfimJrl~ J.~Olli IIIJ () hl:'Se me :bNls. fOr

~Il¢r\lj $1lT\'t'y f t f'IT us\: 'n 1111 In.me lmp3tt. $te me[1T S~~ Slm;m WlfZ.

[~OO L. T 31 A PNTocol f t ~rJ II SYf t'Y b: l!Jue··Wtl i tbI:' S'E'EPIAIMS 1I)0J

( S !D. 2000). n he:' lUll of f c;u r \.1 =-ntl F';I.-lJCrportory methods WC'

ww'A' lL~r ¥I!-, fn... rom. 0 tJ! iu d rh :Qk vd.:l'ec Cup b'l:illkC' cr. Ll1(2.C i}


JOlJ rtl J of tier-orn ;l,I1Ce

lb. .8,- qUO[l1 .!I:1mplmg. 1 rn~ 1ft rvtetQll .1 mjnLmwu Ilumb r (j l' pI"~1 n i &t • ~~ h { ry' of i1-~r. Far nmr di \l -iCln ..opesLiiJ,; 0 1)

1 . II '1\ ill Innl W ml LI SI." 'ho Ie;)",.. . Ih"1II1 d tmlllg

n.-~idU:Jl i.iVrn . Q I) na n'IlIl:.O: be Jl:I~1." 111 • h.vr ddruJu- ,Ill lJ~h th~ IrI:'

~nc '0 tbi ~r'"~ory lllllVr.: c n till b~ mCJ1]iwrrd, Wbet~ IIrv(.'~·s ,ire.

as J an .allow.up me.l"UIJp then d;Jt.l i.l. • dy [u ~ biased .lI .uOSI tb se. wh

fl r !Ii' h;l.t(''1i! r R.llSD (I' Ita bly II C"f,acive) dl-&nsJ;Dci.u~ [ ems h-I!.S UlOll com l~tlC:'~,

rom n ·fFO

If:. flH r mp]·e E:F ill Ul ftl.: I1lbllll:: .grl)up iJil r i~",' - In IJ I

nl' allow-D in 'j id1,1 I lnlu''''lf';1'} h inlliill me.~aing rrqUiT~~ O·qo m.i..lDlm,mid fotlow-up In l:~"'r 3-0-bO minll ,,~h, ~sUt..w WIl iUJllltC~ (;md

, omnlmt's bnnd:l llUn~gus) wen: -l"I:'SPOD sib11: ilJ [" thr wllr!>. A1t.lnough uttre·can-

1.I.tI11ll • h rnal in dJ witb tb~, rapotlsibili Of moAltol'in.. p nna.oc

;,:lAd n' t.hJ!lT' "en~r J undel'!;uudIOlj ui' ptogr.unml;' l.mp;lCT.

19-, Pa~tUt!J (199'.1, II . repi:lfts m.:Jt &.iSCl.IS: i n f U • wilhill tb .

s~mplJ: of -:ill villas" b"llkitlg rg.a1m::ui n~ pr dl«: J il li.~ "Vl.'l1 ttl~Jll fl:;!-

!5IOJU f 1: dc:iol I h~.: "".:rC'1 expbJ iGlII .. lhrr il 0 linqu"n.o. r rkf~1,j1

(~5pedilll: during r <: r:lt r",,, )'d;:,~ "",hl.'n rxit r;j,lc~ 'I',l:n: high" t). "USQlJOIJ·

t[y, mi nUllJl1, p <lr tlliUk<;t. cOllidi.itl111, o:1iMiltlskctiQR wlth weekly T~4rmeDU

JUld mC!crin[:.5. iUi iIn}' ttl :access l>aTrne1i 'ilo-nhOUT aitiog 1]d. illntss.

0- Volumf: ~. umb 2.