Unexplained Fever

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Transcript of Unexplained Fever

  • 7/31/2019 Unexplained Fever


    Unexplained Fever...A Difficult Diagnosis

    Usually when a person develops a fever, he or she haspain, orcough, or other symptoms that explain why the fever is occurring.

    But occasionally people develop fevers without an apparent reason. When fevers persist, doctors refer to such a fever as fever of

    unknown origin. Abbreviated FUO, this unusual form of fever is defined by the presence of fever greater than 38.3C (101 F) "off

    and on" for more than three weeks without specific cause for the fever identified.

    Research has shown that in 85 to 95% of cases, the specific cause for a fever of unknown origin can eventually be identified afterextensive testing, often in a hospital setting. Doctors may need to perform a variety of diagnostic tests to help them determine the

    exact cause of an unexplained fever. Blood tests, a thorough physical examination, and radiological studies (most commonly

    achestx-rayand/or chest and abdominalCT scans) are generally performed as a first step in the investigation of unexplained fever.

    About one-third of fevers of unknown origin are caused by infections. Infections are also the most common cause of FUOs in

    children. Any type of infection, from a self-limiting common cold toHIVdisease, can result in fevers. In certain situations, a person

    may harbor a fever-producing infection that is not causing any recognizable physical signs or symptoms other than the fever.

    Microbiology techniques (culturing of body fluids from different sites to identifybacteria,viruses,fungi, or parasites) can sometimes

    identify anoccult(hidden) infection. In other cases, blood tests that measureantibodylevels in the blood can confirm whether an

    infection is present.

    But infection does not account for 2 of 3 fevers of unknown origin! Cancers are estimated to cause 20-30% of FUOs.

    Lymphomas and leukemias are two kinds ofcancerthat often cause fevers, but any type of malignant tumor can be a source of

    fever.Chronic inflammatory diseases can also be a cause of FUOs.Autoimmunediseases or collagen vascular diseases, such

    asarthritis,lupus, diseases of the blood vessels (vasculitis, arteritis) and related conditions may cause fevers. In addition, some

    diseases that lead to a chronic inflammatory process in one or more regions of the body (an example issarcoidosis) can be a

    source of unexplained fever.

    Rare causes of unexplained fevers include (but are not limited to) taking certain medications, adrenal disease,

    hematomas,hyperthyroidism,pulmonary emboli, and previously undetectedthrombophlebitis.

    Despite extensive investigation, the cause of the fever is not identified in 5-15% of people with FUOs. Most of these people in whom

    no cause of fever can be identified will have a good prognosis, with the majority recovering within a period of weeks. The key to the

    evaluation of fevers of undetermined origin (FUOs) is consistent communication between the doctor and the patient and diligent

    testing as appropriate in the context of the symptoms present. This sometimes requires the consultation with subspecialists in

    medicine, including infectious disease specialists, rheumatologists, and oncologists
