Underwater search and rescue in swarm robotics - Mark Read

Underwater search and rescue in swarm robo2cs Dr. Mark Read Department of Electronics, The University of York, UK hBp://markread.info [email protected]


Mark Read's Case Study from AWASS 2013

Transcript of Underwater search and rescue in swarm robotics - Mark Read

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Underwater  search  and  rescue    in  swarm  robo2cs  

Dr.  Mark  Read  Department  of  Electronics,    The  University  of  York,  UK  

hBp://markread.info  [email protected]  

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Underwater  explora2on  

•  Oceanic  explora2on  – Undiscovered  resources,  minerals,  etc.    

•  BP  Deepwater  Horizon  oil  spill  (2010)  – Pipeline  maintenance  in  general  – Toxic  chemical  leaks,  plume  tracking  

•  Air  France  Flight  447  (2009)  •  Water  challenging  environment  – 3D  coordina2on,  curents  – Communica2on,  localiza2on  

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CoCoRo  •  Collec2ve  Cogni2ve  Robots  (CoCoRo)  – Graz,  UY,  StuBgart,  SSSA,  ULB  

•  Swarm  Intelligence/robo2cs  – Collec2ve  of  “rela2vely”  simple  individuals  – performing  rela2vely  simple  func2ons  – To  provide  complex  group  behaviour  

•  2  robo2c  hardware  pla`orms  under  development  

•  Simula2on-­‐based  design  whilst  hardware  constructed/developed  

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•  Swarm  intelligence  +  collec2ve  cogni2ve  decision  making  =  improved  underwater  capabili2es  

•  Collec2ve  cogni2on  – Decisions  made  across  the  group  – Dynamic  reconfigura2on  and                realloca2on  of  swarm  – Anomaly/fault  tolerance  

•  Mirror  Experiment  

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•  Video  removed  to  reduce  file  size  

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Video  removed  to  reduce  file  size  

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Hardware  •  ‘Jeff’  &  ‘Lily’  (10x13cm)  •  Communica2on:  –  Bluelight;  ~  50cm  –  Radiofrequency;  ~50cm  – Acous2c;  longrange  

•  Localiza2on  –  Bluelight;  ~50cm  –  Electrosense;  30cm?  

•  Mo2on  –  Thrusters  –  Buoyancy  pump  –  Stay  horizontal  


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Shoaling  •  Reynold’s  boids  algorithm    

•  Distance  sensing  through  BL  •  Communica2on  of  veloci2es  through  RF  •  Can  use  “GPS”  for  this  problem  

Separa2on   Cohesion   Alignment  

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•  Demo?  

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Relay  chain  •  Connects  two  points  in  space  –  …  points  that  can  move  (1  of  them  at  least)  –  Connects  exploratory  shoal  to  base  sta2on  


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Relay  chain  •  Should  grow  and  shrink  as  required  –  AUVs  join  and  leave  the  chain  – Move  between  chain  and  shoal  


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Relay  chain  •  Should  be  anchored  – When  there  are  too  few  AUVs  in  the  shoal,  the  chain  should  anchor  the  shoal  

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‘One  I  made  earlier’  

Original  video  can  be  found  at  :    hBp://markread.info/2013/02/chain-­‐shoal/  

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Things  to  get  you  started  

•  Simula2on  +  GUI  •  Calibrated  AUVs  –  rigid  body  physics  engine  – Lily  

•  AUVs  have  an  OS  – Greatly  aids  controller  design,  and  coordina2on  

•  Working  shoaling  algorithm  

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All  you  have  to  do  is:  

•  Design  relay  chain  forma2on  algorithm  – Probably  best  to  start  simple  – Pen  and  paper  to  begin  with  

•  Integrate  it  with  shoaling  – Will  likely  need  to  modify  the  shoaling  alg  

•  (this  is  probably  harder  than  it  sounds)  

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Learning  outcomes?  

•  Get  a  feel  for  swarm  robo2c  problems  – Principles  of  swarm  intelligence  – Engineering  collec2ve  behaviour  at  the  individual  level  

•  Coordina2on  and  localiza2on  in  3D  space  •  Understand  the  benefit  of  simula2on  in  SR  – This  is  a  hard  problem,  imagine  trying  to  design  this  algorithm  in  real  robots  only  

•  This  is  a  real  problem    

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Any  Ques2ons?  

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•  Needs  to  be  downloaded:  – hBp://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/  

•  The  problem  source  code  can  be  downloaded  from  (once  I  have  put  it  up,  I  also  have  it  on  USB  s2ck):  – hBp://markread.info/resources  

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NetLogo  Documenta2on  

•  Is  quite  good.  •  hBp://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/dic2onary.html  

•  Or  google  “Netlogo  (3D)  dic2onary”  •  There  are  3D  analogues  for  most  2D  procedures