Understanding the Interview Process

University of Phoenix South Florida Campus Understanding the Interview Process
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Transcript of Understanding the Interview Process

Page 1: Understanding the Interview Process

University of PhoenixSouth Florida Campus

Understanding the Interview Process

Page 2: Understanding the Interview Process

I haven’t interviewed in years. The thought of an interview STRESSES me out!!

The Interview

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Very few people enjoy being interviewed

It is very normal to be nervous

Most people do well… People get hired all the time

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The key is to be prepared

Never go to a interview without being prepared

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The Interview ProcessJob


Send Resume/ Telephone call

Review applications and résumés

Pre-Interview Telephone


In-Person Interview w/ Human Resources

Job Testing

In-Person Interview w/ Hiring Manager

Job Offer

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Interview Formats• Two main styles

of interviews– Traditional

• uses broad-based questions.

– Behavioral• used to find out what

past behaviors the candidate has exhibited that will be beneficial to our company

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7 Types of InterviewsScreening or telephone interview

– over the phone, these interviews are more of a quick check to see if the candidate has the basic qualifications you are looking for

– It is recommended that you have in front of you your resume, the job description, a list of references, some prepared answers to challenging questions and perhaps something about the company.

– Be sure to ask what the next step is.

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7 Types of InterviewsIndividual Interview

– Most common type and often called a “personal interview.”

– Typically a one-on-one exchange at the organizations offices

– In order to best prepare you will want to know the length of the interview which can usually range from 30 to 90 minutes.  • If the interview is 30 minutes you have to be concise and have a

high impact with your answers.  • If it is 60 or 90 minutes you will want to go into much more depth

and use specific examples to support your generalizations.

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7 Types of InterviewsMultiple or Committee Interview

– This is where you will be meeting with several decision-makers at once or all in the same day.

– This is a series of interviews where the candidate gets to meet individually with several different representatives from the organization.

– It’s an efficient way to interview candidates and allows for different interpretations or perceptions of the same answer.• Be sure to make eye contact with everyone, no matter who asked

the question.  • It’s important to establish rapport with each member of the

interview team.

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7 Types of InterviewsBehavioral-Based Interview

– The theory behind Critical Behavioral Interviewing (CBI) is that past performance in a similar situation is the best predictor of future performance

– You should prepare by thinking of specific examples that demonstrate your competence in core behaviors:

– Teamwork– Problem-solving– Communication– Creativity– Flexibility – Organizational skills.

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7 Types of InterviewsTask Oriented or Testing Interview

– This is a problem-solving interview where you will be given some exercises to demonstrate your creative and analytical abilities. 

– A company may ask you to take a short test to evaluate your technical knowledge and skills.

– A presentation to a group is necessary to determine your communication skills.

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7 Types of InterviewsStress

– Candidates given questions or are told remarks that are intended to upset them, in order to see how they react.

– The interviewer tries to bait you, to see how you will respond. 

– The objective is to find your weaknesses and test how you hold up to pressure. • Such tactics as: Weird Silences, Constant Interruptions,

and Challenging Interrogation with antagonistic questions are designed to push your boundaries.

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7 Types of InterviewsSituational

– Candidates are given scenarios of situations they may face when they come to work for the company, and their responses are compared with standard responses that have previously been set.

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Interview Question Types






Behavior Based

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Example Specific Question Structure

According to the Fair Labor Standards Act what determines if an employee receives overtime …?

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Example of a Conceptual Question Structure

What does Division of Labor mean? Why do you think the cost of our product is a most important competitive advantage to our organization?Key question types are “What is..." "Why does... "

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Example of a Procedural Question Structure

Which one of the following is the correct procedure for…How would you satisfy a customer if they wanted to return something after the return policy has expired?

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Example of a Behavior-Based Question Structure

“Tell me about a time when you …(instead of “what would you do…”)

Tell me about a time where you had to deal with conflict on the job.

If I were your supervisor and asked you to do something that you disagreed with, what would you do?

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It Is Illegal To Ask About

Race Sexual preference Religion National origin

Birthplace Age Disability Marital/family status

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Most illegal questions asked by untrained interviewer

Usually they are innocent


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Answer the question by answering the intent of the question

Try to change the topic

Refuse to answer the question

How To Handle An Illegal Question

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Preparing for the Interview

Practice your body language Posture Positioning Eye contact Facial expressions

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Preparing for the Interview

Assess yourself How do I come across to other people? Do I act self assured? Am I confident? Do I give the impression that I want the


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Remember Be prepared to explain your past

successes, accomplishments

Restate your interest in the position at the close of the interview

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Interview Do’s

Be on time - arrive 15 minutes early

Offer a firm handshake

Listen to the question before you answer

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Interview Do’s

Turn off cell phone/beeper

Give interviewer your full attention

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The Interview

It is OK to be nervousIt is OK for your heart to palpitateIt is OK for your mouth to go dry

But stay focused