Understanding the Concept of Hospice Care

Misconceptions About Hospice Care

Transcript of Understanding the Concept of Hospice Care

Misconceptions About Hospice Care

Hospice is only for patients who are dying.

In fact, hospice care is appropriate for anyone with a chronic illness or injury that limits ability.

Hospice requires that you leave your home.

Hospice care can be provided in a variety of setting, including at the person's bedside at home.

Hospice means the end of traditional medical care.

While it's actual that hospice focuses on comfort care,that doesn't really mean that different treatments will

be discontinued.

Hospice is limited to a period of six months

If your doctor recommends hospice, the recommendation can be for an indeterminate time frame. A few people

even cease hospice and return later as required.

Welcomes                           You...

Historically, hospice care has been

sacredly reserved as a blessing to relieve pain and suffering of a dying patient in the

final stages of life.

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