Understanding Bullying Created by: Stephani Brooks Augie Student Teacher January 2007.

Understanding Bullying Created by: Stephani Brooks Augie Student Teacher January 2007

Transcript of Understanding Bullying Created by: Stephani Brooks Augie Student Teacher January 2007.

Understanding Bullying

Created by: Stephani Brooks

Augie Student Teacher

January 2007

Define Bullying… When one person intentionally hurts another

person in a physical, verbal, or emotional way.

Is usually repeated several times against the same person.

Happens when there is a difference in power between people. This power difference can be in size, strength, status in a group, or the support of others in a group.

Statistics of Bullying Almost 30% of teens in the United States

(or over 5.7 million) are estimated to be involved in bullying as either a bully, a target of bullying, or both.

In a recent national survey of students in grades 6 to 10, 13% reported bullying others, 11% reported being the target of bullies, and another 6% said they bullied others and were bullied themselves.

More statistics…

Bullying occurs more frequently among boys than girls.

Teenage boys are much more likely to bully others and to be the targets of bullies.

While both boys and girls say others bully them by making fun of the way they look or talk, boys are more likely to report being hit, slapped, or pushed.

Statistics continued… Teenage girls are more often the

targets of rumors and sexual comments.

Teenage girls most often bully other girls, using more subtle and indirect forms of aggression than boys. For example, instead of physically harming others, they are more likely to spread gossip or encourage others to reject or exclude another girl.

What are some ways that kids bully others?

Bullies can: Hit Punch Start rumors Use put-downs Touch in unwanted ways Steal property Exclude, Ignore & threaten others

What are the 3 types of bullying?




Name some examples of physical bullying…

Hitting Punching Kicking Touching in unwanted ways

What do we call someone who is touched in an unwanted way?

Sexual Harassment

Name some examples of verbal bullying…

Put-downsThreatening & name calling

When someone makes unwanted sexual comments or threats – it is also

sexual harassment.

Name some examples of emotional bullying…

Excluding someoneMaking faces or gesturesStarting rumors Intimidation

Table Group Activity/Discussion

Todd is a nice guy in 7th grade, but he doesn’t have a lot of friends. In fact, a group of boys constantly pick on him. They are always tripping him between classes, taking his money, copying his homework, kicking and punching him in the locker room, and throwing things at him during class when the teacher isn’t looking.

Todd’s story continued… Is bullying going on and if so what is

your evidence?

If yes, what type of bullying is it – Physical, Verbal, or Emotional

Did any of these acts break the law, if yes which ones?

Scenario 2Hector & Sean like to tease each other

about girls and other stuff. Sometimes they get upset with each other, but it doesn’t last very long. They also rough-house around when they hang out together. Even though they tease each other and play-fight, they’re good friends.

Scenario 2 continued… Is this an example of bullying? If so

what is your evidence?

If yes, what type of bullying is it? Physical, Verbal, or Emotional

Is Hector and Sean’s behavior acceptable?

Scenario 3Emily is in 8th grade. Rachel used to be her best

friend. They did everything together – go to movies, stay over at each other's house, and talk on the phone. In 6th grade, Rachel got jealous because Emily invited some other girls to her house to work on a project and didn’t invite Rachel.

Ever since, Rachel has tried to make Emily’s life miserable. She excludes her from her new group of friends. She starts rumors about her. She ignores her and encourages other girls to make fun of her. Because of this, Emily doesn’t have any friends and hates going to school.

Scenario 3 continued… Is this an example of bullying? What is

your evidence?

If yes, what type of bullying is it? Physical, Verbal, or Emotional

Is Rachel’s behavior acceptable? Why or why not?

Scenario 4Lucy started picking on Hanna in 5th

grade. She called Hanna names, threatened her and teased her. Hanna asked Lucy to stop, but that just encouraged her to continue her threats. Hanna lost her self-confidence and became a loner.

Scenario 4 Continued… Is this an example of bullying? What is

your evidence?

If yes, what type of bullying is it? Physical, Verbal, or Emotional

Is Lucy's behavior acceptable? Why or why not?

How do you think targets of bullying feel?

Think about the people who were bullied in the scenarios.

Targets of bullying often feel: Isolated Scared Mad Helpless Depressed Shy Physically Sick

Table group discussion What do you think

might happen to someone who has been bullied over a long period of time?

May not want to go to school. This could lead to poor grades and school drop-out.

Might become depressed.

Sometimes try to get even by hurting the bully or bullying back in more serious ways.

Table Group discussion What are some of

the thoughts and feelings bystanders might have if they watch someone being bullied and do nothing to stop it?

May be afraid to be friends with the person being bullied.

May be afraid to report the bullying because they don’t want to be seen as a snitch.

Might feel helpless because they don’t know what to do to help.

Continued… Might feel unsafe because they might be bullied


Might feel guilty about watching and doing nothing.

Sometimes experience pressure to join in with the bullying.

Sometimes believe that adults don’t care or can’t help.

What happens to bullies who don’t stop bullying?

Bullies continue to create problems for themselves and others.

Their behavior hurts their relationships with others.

Bullies are more likely to become involved in criminal activity.

AssignmentDesign a poster for your school that

shows awareness of bullying, feelings of a person being bullied, etc., and ways to prevent or stop bullying. Take a stand against bullying. Include pictures and words.

Assignment Example
