Understanding AD/HD: a brief critical review of literature

CHILDREN & SOCIETY VOLUME 15 2001) pp. 387±395 DOI: 10.1002/CHI.693 Understanding AD/HD: A Brief Critical Review of Literature Introduction In this brief paper consideration is given to the medical diagnosis of attention de®cit/hyperactivity disorder AD/HD). The nature and origins of the condition are described, and approaches to its management are discussed. A central concern behind this paper is the controversy surrounding the social and educational value of the diagnosis. An attempt is made to bring clarity to this area of con¯ict, and to assess the potential contribution of the `AD/HD diagnosis' in promoting the social and educational inclusion of children and young people. This exploration in turn requires examin- ation of the relationship between biological and psycho-social explanations of learning, emotional, social and behavioural dif®culties. In a short paper such as this, it is impossible to do justice to all of the different perspectives that exist on the topic of AD/HD. A major omission here is the wealth of literature which challenges the validity of the diagnosis and the positivistic assumptions on which it is based for example, Schrag and Divoky, 1976; Slee, 1995, 1998; Booth and Ainscow, 1998). There clearly are problems with individual pathology models that have been rehearsed over many years and owe much to the early work of Thomas Szasz 1961) and other members of the `anti-psychiatry' movement. The present author does not intend to dismiss these `anti' perspectives out of hand. He does, however, take as the starting point for an understanding of this topic the need to take a careful look at the phenomenon of AD/HD in its own terms: that is as a bio-medical construct. As the review develops attempts will be made to present a dispassionate account of the bio-medical and psychological evidence base for AD/HD, before exploring some of the territory beyond this limited perspective: in particular, social and cultural factors. An assumption underlying this paper is that such an approach is an essential precursor to a full critical appreciation of the `anti-AD/HD' literature. Furthermore, it is a contention of this paper that the construct of AD/HD can be useful in the search for positive social and institutional responses to deviance of the type called for by some of those who reject AD/HD and its paradigm of origin. Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Research Review Paul Cooper The University of Leicester Correspondence to: Professor Paul Cooper, University of Leicester, School of Education, 21 University Road, Leicester LEI 7RF.

Transcript of Understanding AD/HD: a brief critical review of literature

Page 1: Understanding AD/HD: a brief critical review of literature

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