Underline the Adjective


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Transcript of Underline the Adjective

Underline the adjective, encircle the word modified, and write its kind beside the sentence.1. The warm days are here.2. The longest days come in June.3. Three feet make one yard.. !even days make one week.". This boy will do your errand.#. Those books belong to $ary.%. That man is $r. Johnson.&. These skates are 'rank(s.). *e had little love for work.1+. There was much work to be done.11. !ome ,eo,le remember favors.12. -ny man is liable to make mistakes.13. .o word came from the steamer.1. /lease make more haste.1". The less talk the more work.1#. *e o,ened the book at the si0th cha,ter, the tenth ,aragra,h, the one hundred and eighth ,age.1%. The -merican, 'rench, and 1nglish ambassadors are safe.1&. 2hildren like sweet a,,les.21. !he has an amiable dis,osition.33. 3t is a beauteous evening, calm and clear.1. *e ,aid two hundred dollars for the horse.22. !i0teen ounces make a ,ound.33. -ny man here can do a little work.11. 4eborah occu,ies the fourth seat in the seventh row.22. 5onder elm was ,lanted by my grandfather32. This house is older than yours.12. -n 1nglish custom, a 'rench fashion, an -merican invention.1. 6hat book do you ,refer72". 6hich boy came late73". *e knew what value to ,lace u,on ,romises.. 3t was easy to see which boy led his class.