UN Daily News - 7 March 2016

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  • 8/19/2019 UN Daily News - 7 March 2016


    For information media -not an official record

    For updates and e-mail alerts,visit UN NEWS CENTRE at

    www.un.org/news Issue DH/7110 Monday, 7 March 2016

    In the headlines:

    • Large gender gaps remain across global labourmarket, UN agenc reports

    • S ria! "ater restored in #leppo a$ter a %&-das'utdo"n, UN(CEF reports

    • Et'iopian $armers need urgent assistance amidma)or droug't, "arns UN agenc

    • UN atomic energ c'ie$ prioriti*es veri$ication,monitoring in (ran $or + .

    • Central #$rican Republic! UN c'ie$ /deepl troubled0b scale, nature o$ 'arm to c'ildren

    • 1an calls $or more $emale police in UN peaceoperations to combat violence against "omen

    • UN c'ie$ deplores terrorist attacks against securit$orces in Tunisia

    • 1an 'ig'lig'ts #lgeria2s 2great progress2 "'ileraising alarm on situation in Lib a

    • (ra3! senior UN o$$icial condemns 4illa bombing,deplores continuing loss o$ li$e

    • (n #lgeria, t'e United Nations c'ie$ calls to ease2unacceptable2 plig't o$ Sa'ra"i re$ugees

    • UN Securit Council arrives in 5ali, vo"s tosupport countr during 2ke moment2 in 'istor

    Large gender ga s re!ain across glo"al la"our !ar#et, $%agency re orts

    7 March - Despite some modest gains in some regions in the world, millions of women arelosing ground in their quest for equality in the world of work, according to a new report

    prepared by the United Nations International Labour rgani!ation "IL # as part of the its$omen at $ork %entenary Initiati&e '

    ()he report shows the enormous challenges women continue to face in finding and keepingdecent *obs,+ said IL Director- eneral uy yder in a press release'

    ( ur actions must be immediate, effecti&e and far-reaching' )here is no time to waste' )he./0/ 1genda is an opportunity to pool our efforts and de&elop coherent, mutuallysupporting policies for gender equality,+ he added'

    )he report, $omen at $ork2 )rends ./34 e5amined data for up to 367 countries and concludes that inequality betweenwomen and men persists across a wide spectrum of the global labour market' $hat8s more, the report shows that o&er thelast two decades, significant progress made by women in education has not translated into comparable impro&ements in their

    position at work'

    Employment gender gap closed by 0.6 points since 1995

    1t the global le&el, the employment gender gap has closed by only /'4 percentage points since 399:, with an employment-to-population ratio of ;4 per cent for women and almost 6. per cent for men in ./3:'

    A female doctor at hospital performing anoperation at a hospital in India. Photo:World Bank/John Isaac

    UN Daily News

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    In ./3:, :74 million women were working as own-account and contributing family workers across the world' 1s globally,the share of those who work in a family enterprise "contributing family workers# has decreased significantly among women"by 36 percentage points o&er the last ./ years# and to a lesser e5tent among men "by 7'3 percentage points#, the globalgender gap in contributing family work is reduced to 33 percentage points'

    1lthough :.'3 per cent of women and :3'. per cent of men in the labour market are wage and salaried workers, the reportshows that this in itself constitutes no guarantee of higher *ob quality' lobally, 07 per cent of women and 04 per cent of

    men in wage employment do not contribute to social protection' )he proportions for women reach 40'. per cent in sub-

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    and redistribute unpaid care and household work are indispensable to deli&ering on the new transformati&e agenda'

    &yria: water restored in 'le o a(ter a )*+day shutdown,$%I - re orts

    7 March - 1 facility that pro&ides drinking water to more than two million people in and

    around the

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    -thio ian (ar!ers need urgent assistance a!id !a or drought,warns $% agency

    7 March - )he United Nations ?ood and 1griculture rgani!ation "?1 # today announced

    that timely agricultural assistance for the upcoming rainy season is essential to help thedrought-affected people of >thiopia, as one of the strongest >l NiGo e&ents on recordcontinues to ha&e de&astating effects on the li&es and li&elihoods of farmers and herders'

    H?1 urgently needs 30 million by the end of =arch to support more than 4//,/// of theworst affected people,H said ?1 8s country representati&e, 1madou 1llahoury Diallo, in a

    press release'

    H$eBre e5pecting that needs will be particularly high during the ne5t few weeks,H he added,Hso itBs critical that weBre able to respond quickly and robustly to reboot agriculture now

    before the drought further decimates the food security and li&elihoods of millions'H

    'umanitarian needs have tripled

    umanitarian needs in >thiopia ha&e reportedly tripled since the beginning of ./3: as the drought has led to successi&e cropfailures and widespread li&estock deaths'

    1s a result, food insecurity and malnutrition rates are alarming in the orn of 1frica country, with ?1 reporting that some3/'. million people are now food insecure' In addition, one-quarter of all districts in >thiopia are officially classified asfacing a food security and nutrition crisis'

    =eanwhile, the agency is highlighting that with planting for the countryBs first rainy season, known as the belg , which isalready delayed, and the meher season A >thiopiaBs main agricultural campaign A fast approaching, farmers need immediate

    support to help them produce food between now and thiopiaBs @ureau of 1griculture indicate that some 6': million farmers and herders need immediateagricultural support to produce staple crops like mai!e, sorghum, teff, wheat, and root crops, and li&estock feed to keep theiranimals healthy and resume production'

    ?arming families are said to ha&e either e5hausted seed reser&es through successi&e failed plantings, or to ha&e consumedthem as food' 1nimal feed stocks are also depleted, and support is needed to enable families to produce fodder' undreds ofthousands of li&estock ha&e reportedly already died and the animals that remain are becoming weaker and thinner due to

    poor gra!ing resources, feed shortages and limited water a&ailability, leading to sharp declines in milk and meat production'

    ()ot *ust a &ood crisis+

    HItBs important to understand the current drought is not *ust a food crisis A it is abo&e all a li&elihood crisis,H said =r'1llahoury Diallo, who highlighted that last yearBs losses ha&e se&erely diminished householdsB food security and purchasing

    power and forced many to sell their last remaining agricultural assets'

    ?1 is underlining that meeting immediate needs of farmers now is essential to longer-term reco&ery, as it helps farmersfeed their country and keep their producti&e assets intact' Its call for 30 million by the end of =arch is part of the agencyBslarger :/ million appeal for its >thiopia >l NiGo esponse Elan but currently less than 3/ per cent of the plan is funded'

    (A& s irrigation and incomedi0ersification pro#ects ha0e "ecomeinstr%mental in tackling the negati0eimpacts of l *i1o2 ind%ced dro%ght forpastoral and agro2pastoral comm%nitiesin Afar -egion. 34 (e"r%ar! 536 , AddisA"a"a, thiopia. Photo: (A&/Tamir%8egesse

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    ,-O s response to El )i/o

    1s part of the emergency response, ?1 is already pro&iding planting materials to help seed- and food-insecure householdsin the worst-affected regions plant in the belg and meher seasons' @ut it is warning that this support urgently needs to bescaled up'

    In an effort to preser&e li&estock, ?1 has been distributing nutrient blocks in pastoral and agropastoral areas meant tostrengthen li&estock and bolster the resilience of the cooperati&es that produce them' ?1 is also pro&iding sur&i&al animalfeed and support to help farmers produce fodder and impro&e access to water for li&estock' erds across the country ha&ealso benefited from &accination and treatment campaigns to address their increasing &ulnerability as a result of drought'

    In >thiopiaBs 1 is pro&iding portable equipment and its training that would allow for quick detection of the &irus in thefield, similar to nuclear-deri&ed technology made a&ailable by the 1gency in ./3; to respond to the >bola &irus outbreak in$est 1frica'

    IA A 9irector eneral ;%ki!a Amanodeli0ers his introd%ctor! statement to the


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    )he 1gency is also helping countries in those regions which seek to deploy a sterile insect technique against the 1edesmosquito that can transmit the Mika &irus and other pathogens, =r' 1mano noted'

    ()he 1gency will facilitate the transfer of a gamma cell irradiator to @ra!il to enable the country to scale up production ofsterile male mosquitoes for release in pilot areas,+ he said in reference to international acti&ities planned and carried out inclose coordination with the $orld ealth rgani!ation "$ # and the Ean-1merican ealth rgani!ation "E1 #'

    enovation o& 2-E- nuclear application laboratories

    )he @oard was told that I1>1 nuclear application laboratories near Jienna, in uros, and for the construction of additional facilities'

    ,i&th -nniversary o& ,ukushima incident )he address today comes *ust days ahead of the anni&ersary of the tsunami that occurred on 33 =arch ./33 and disabled the?ukushima Daiichi reactors, causing a nuclear accident'

    )ens of thousands of people who had been e&acuated from their homes ha&e still not been able to return, =r' 1mano said'

    ()here is widespread recognition that e&erything humanly possible must be done to ensure that no such accident e&erhappens again,+ he noted'

    e in&ited countries to attend the I1>1 International %onference on Nuclear aga2Bandoro, +entralAfrican -ep%"lic ?+A-@. )*Photo/+atianne Ti#erina

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    committed in a climate of total impunity, aggra&ated by the collapse and disintegration of most

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    firmly committed to a !ero-tolerance policy on se5ual e5ploitation and abuse'

    (urope, he noted that the border

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    restrictions being put in place by o&ernments along the @alkan land route are not a solution'

    (I call on all countries to keep their borders open, to e5pand legal pathways to asylum, and act in a spirit of solidarity,+ saidthe i2moon plants a tree of peace alongsideMinister -amtane 8amamra. March,536 . Photo: )*I+/Algiers

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    In addition to thanking 1lgeria for hosting UN-led talks on Libya, he also welcomed the countryBs engagement towards=ali, for its role as one of the main mediators of the peace process'

    )urning to the issue of $estern

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    In 'lgeria, the $nited %ations chie( calls to ease unacce ta"lelight o( &ahrawi re(ugees

    D March - %alling to alle&iate the plight of

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    - + -UN 9ail Ne"s : 5arc' + .

    T'e $% Daily %ews is prepared at UN 4ead3uarters in Ne" >ork b t'e Ne"s Services Section$ d d $ bl ( $ (

    $% &ecurity ouncil arri es in Mali, ows to su ort countryduring #ey !o!ent in history

    D March - )he United Nations