Ultrafast Optics with a Mode-locked Erbium Fiber LaserWe describe an ultrafast optics advanced...

Ultrafast Optics with a Mode-locked Erbium Fiber Laser C. W. Hoyt, A. Schaffer, C. Fredrick, N. Parks, and A. Thomas Bethel University St. Paul, MN 55112 D. Mohr University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455 R. J. Jones University of Arizona, College of Optical Sciences Tucson, AZ 85721 (Dated: June 23, 2015 12:36 Noon) We describe an ultrafast optics advanced laboratory comprising a mode-locked erbium fiber laser, auto-correlation measurements, and a free-space parallel grating dispersion compensation apparatus. The simple design of the stretched pulse laser used nonlinear polarization rotation mode-locking to produce pulses as narrow as 108 fs, full-width at half-maximum, at a repetition rate of 55 MHz and average power of 5.5 mW from the laser oscillator. A pre-amplifier following the oscillator increased average power to 21 mW. Interferometric and intensity auto-correlation measurements were made using a Michelson interferometer that takes advantage of the two-photon nonlinear response of a common silicon photodiode for the second order correlation between 1550 nm pulses. A parallel grating dispersion compensation apparatus decreased chirp and increased peak intensity, narrowing the pulse width by a factor of 13. A detailed parts list includes previously owned and common parts used by the telecommunications industry, which may decrease the cost of the lab to within reach of many undergraduate departments. I. INTRODUCTION Laboratory experiences for undergraduates beyond their first year of study may provide significant opportu- nities for physics and engineering education and research. In an advanced lab, students can make hands-on con- tact with important historical experimental milestones and contemporary phenomena, or begin experiences with open-ended projects that approach that of a productive research lab. Growing attention is being given to ad- vanced undergraduate physics laboratories by researchers and educators. [1, 2] New labs have been developed as well as formal analysis of their pedagogical aspects. [3– 5] Here we describe an ultrafast optics lab that has a relatively low cost to develop and is perhaps somewhat uncommon in the undergraduate lab. The concepts and required skills are used in state-of-the-art physics, engi- neering and industrial settings. The fields of ultrafast optics, mode-locked fiber lasers, and frequency combs [6] are mature yet continue to find new and interdisciplinary applications. The apparatus described below are intended to be rel- atively inexpensive [7] in large part due to the availabil- ity of telecommunications components and equipment. Not including the optional optical spectrum analyzer, the mode-locked laser system can be built for under 7000 USD, which is dominated by the fiber fusion splicer. The auto-correlation apparatus can be built for approx- imately 2000 USD, which includes precision gold corner cube retroreflectors. The parallel grating pulse compres- sion apparatus can be built for around 1200 USD, which includes high efficiency transmission gratings. (See Ta- bles II–V for details.) The lab described here has been developed primarily in the context of two upper-level undergraduate physics courses at Bethel University: Optics (PHY330) and Top- ics in Contemporary Optics: Lasers (PHY430). Both courses include a comprehensive classroom lecture com- ponent and seven-week, open-ended laboratory research projects. The projects follow four weeks of prescribed lab exercises such as building and characterizing a he- lium neon laser. Typical course enrollment has been ap- proximately 20 students in recent years, which has corre- sponded to 6-8 projects each semester of three students per group. Students have pursued experimental research questions in areas such as nonlinear optics, interferomet- ric measurements, quantum optics, atomic and molec- ular spectroscopy, plasmonics, optical tweezers, hologra- phy, stabilized laser diodes, and lithium laser cooling and trapping. The first ultrafast optics project group in Op- tics built a continuous wave erbium-doped fiber laser in spring, 2013 [8] and the second group in Lasers mode- locked the laser and characterized the resulting 100 fs- level pulses using a home-built auto-correlator in spring, 2014. [9] The student learning goals of the advanced lab projects include the following. Deep understanding of the physics : connect theory to experiment in a meaningful way, make connections be- tween theoretical concepts Engagement, passion and ownership : pursue own ideas, spend extended unprompted time in the lab, en-

Transcript of Ultrafast Optics with a Mode-locked Erbium Fiber LaserWe describe an ultrafast optics advanced...

Page 1: Ultrafast Optics with a Mode-locked Erbium Fiber LaserWe describe an ultrafast optics advanced laboratory comprising a mode-locked erbium ber laser, auto-correlation measurements,

Ultrafast Optics with a Mode-locked Erbium Fiber Laser

C. W. Hoyt, A. Schaffer, C. Fredrick, N. Parks, and A. ThomasBethel University

St. Paul, MN 55112

D. MohrUniversity of MinnesotaMinneapolis, MN 55455

R. J. JonesUniversity of Arizona, College of Optical Sciences

Tucson, AZ 85721(Dated: June 23, 2015 12:36 Noon)

We describe an ultrafast optics advanced laboratory comprising a mode-locked erbium fiber laser,auto-correlation measurements, and a free-space parallel grating dispersion compensation apparatus.The simple design of the stretched pulse laser used nonlinear polarization rotation mode-locking toproduce pulses as narrow as 108 fs, full-width at half-maximum, at a repetition rate of 55 MHz andaverage power of 5.5 mW from the laser oscillator. A pre-amplifier following the oscillator increasedaverage power to 21 mW. Interferometric and intensity auto-correlation measurements were madeusing a Michelson interferometer that takes advantage of the two-photon nonlinear response of acommon silicon photodiode for the second order correlation between 1550 nm pulses. A parallelgrating dispersion compensation apparatus decreased chirp and increased peak intensity, narrowingthe pulse width by a factor of 13. A detailed parts list includes previously owned and common partsused by the telecommunications industry, which may decrease the cost of the lab to within reach ofmany undergraduate departments.


Laboratory experiences for undergraduates beyondtheir first year of study may provide significant opportu-nities for physics and engineering education and research.In an advanced lab, students can make hands-on con-tact with important historical experimental milestonesand contemporary phenomena, or begin experiences withopen-ended projects that approach that of a productiveresearch lab. Growing attention is being given to ad-vanced undergraduate physics laboratories by researchersand educators. [1, 2] New labs have been developed aswell as formal analysis of their pedagogical aspects. [3–5] Here we describe an ultrafast optics lab that has arelatively low cost to develop and is perhaps somewhatuncommon in the undergraduate lab. The concepts andrequired skills are used in state-of-the-art physics, engi-neering and industrial settings. The fields of ultrafastoptics, mode-locked fiber lasers, and frequency combs [6]are mature yet continue to find new and interdisciplinaryapplications.

The apparatus described below are intended to be rel-atively inexpensive [7] in large part due to the availabil-ity of telecommunications components and equipment.Not including the optional optical spectrum analyzer,the mode-locked laser system can be built for under7000 USD, which is dominated by the fiber fusion splicer.The auto-correlation apparatus can be built for approx-imately 2000 USD, which includes precision gold cornercube retroreflectors. The parallel grating pulse compres-sion apparatus can be built for around 1200 USD, which

includes high efficiency transmission gratings. (See Ta-bles II–V for details.)

The lab described here has been developed primarilyin the context of two upper-level undergraduate physicscourses at Bethel University: Optics (PHY330) and Top-ics in Contemporary Optics: Lasers (PHY430). Bothcourses include a comprehensive classroom lecture com-ponent and seven-week, open-ended laboratory researchprojects. The projects follow four weeks of prescribedlab exercises such as building and characterizing a he-lium neon laser. Typical course enrollment has been ap-proximately 20 students in recent years, which has corre-sponded to 6-8 projects each semester of three studentsper group. Students have pursued experimental researchquestions in areas such as nonlinear optics, interferomet-ric measurements, quantum optics, atomic and molec-ular spectroscopy, plasmonics, optical tweezers, hologra-phy, stabilized laser diodes, and lithium laser cooling andtrapping. The first ultrafast optics project group in Op-tics built a continuous wave erbium-doped fiber laser inspring, 2013 [8] and the second group in Lasers mode-locked the laser and characterized the resulting 100 fs-level pulses using a home-built auto-correlator in spring,2014. [9]

The student learning goals of the advanced lab projectsinclude the following.

• Deep understanding of the physics: connect theory toexperiment in a meaningful way, make connections be-tween theoretical concepts

• Engagement, passion and ownership: pursue ownideas, spend extended unprompted time in the lab, en-

Page 2: Ultrafast Optics with a Mode-locked Erbium Fiber LaserWe describe an ultrafast optics advanced laboratory comprising a mode-locked erbium ber laser, auto-correlation measurements,


gage with the literature and textbooks, feel excitedabout the project, have animated discussions withclassmates and instructor

• Thinking like a physicist : use estimations and scal-ing relationships, make quick tests in the lab, analyzedata on-the-fly, show evidence of back-of-the-envelopethinking

• Progress in technical skill : ask and answer “how does itwork?” about physics and instrumentation, work care-fully to design the experiment, evaluate measurementsand data analysis

• Confidence and clarity : show progressing self-confidence in experimental abilities, develop greater as-surance of career choice(s) within the full breadth ofphysics or engineering

• Dissemination: explain experiment and physics in amanuscript and oral presentation

• Appreciate the importance of lasers and optics in sci-ence and industry

While these goals were developed independently for ad-vanced lab courses at Bethel University, we note theirsimilarity to the learning outcomes for undergraduatelaboratory curricula stated by the American Associationof Physics Teachers in 2014. [2] We have only anecdotalevidence of the degrees of success of these goals, includingdiscussions, exams, course evaluations, and group pre-sentations and manuscripts. However, we are currentlysystematically assessing student project ownership out-comes, the results of which will be reported elsewhere.The data and apparatus described in this manuscriptwere achieved by the undergraduates in these advancedlab project groups, as well as some summer and semesterresearch students.

Following are sections briefly describing the introduc-tory physics, apparatus and operating advice for themode-locked fiber laser (Sec. II), the auto-correlator (Sec.III) and parallel grating dispersion compensator (Sec.IV). These sections may provide guidance for an ad-vanced lab instructor or undergraduate researcher in thisfield. There is a large amount of related literature.We find Refs. [10–17] helpful for the mode-locked fiberlaser, Refs. [18–20] for pulse characterization, and Refs.[15, 20, 21] for the external parallel grating dispersioncompensation apparatus.


The erbium-doped fiber laser oscillator is shown in aphotograph in Fig. 1. It is based on the stretched-pulsemode-locked laser of Ref. [10]. A desirable feature oferbium laser wavelengths is their convenience with re-spect to common fiber dispersion. The combination ofwaveguide and material dispersion enables one to uti-lize fibers with net positive or negative dispersion. Forexample, certain commercially available fibers have the

same dispersion magnitude but opposite sign with re-spect to the common single mode fiber SMF-28. The self-amplitude modulation required for passive mode-lockingis provided by rotation of elliptical polarization in thecavity. The variation in irradiance along orthogonal po-larization modes leads to relative nonlinear phase shiftsdue to the optical Kerr effect and a corresponding po-larization ellipse rotation. [13] The laser, diagrammed inFig. 2, is mode-locked by aligning the wave plates suchthat the polarization state passing through the polariz-ing beamsplitter in the cavity corresponds to the highestirradiance – pulses see the lowest cavity loss. We notethat a simple alternative to the free-space section is a ta-pered section of fiber in the cavity that is surrounded bycarbon nanotubes, which act as a fast saturable absorberand leads to mode-locking.[12]

pump diode laser

gainfree-space polarizationoptics

Figure 1: Nonlinear polarization rotation mode-lockedEr3+-doped fiber laser. The free space portion of thecavity is at left and includes three wave plates and a

polarizing beamsplitter for 1550 nm. The erbium-dopedgain section glows green due to excited state absorption

of the pump light at 974 nm.

The green, glowing part of the fiber cavity in the rightpart of Fig. 1 is the erbium-doped gain section. The glowcan be explained by consideration of the gain atomic ex-citation process. As shown in Fig. 2, a pump laser at974 nm is coupled into the cavity using a wavelength di-vision multiplexer (WDM) and excites the erbium atomsvia the 4I15/2 →4 I11/2 energy state manifold transitions(see Fig. 3). The laser transition takes place between thebroad 4I13/2 and 4I15/2 manifolds leading to a gain band-width of over 50 nm. The gain pumping process includesthe possibility of excited state absorption from the 4I11/2manifold to the 4F7/2 manifold with the pump laser at974 nm. [22, 23] Subsequent fast non-radiative decay tothe nearby 4H11/2 and 4S3/2 manifolds and green fluo-rescence to the ground state is a way to monitor lasing.When the cavity changes from not lasing to lasing, for thesame pump laser power, the green glow will dim due tothe laser mode’s use of the gain via stimulated emission.

The lengths of fiber sections in the laser cavity shownin Fig. 2 for the data in the following sections (e.g. Fig.

Page 3: Ultrafast Optics with a Mode-locked Erbium Fiber LaserWe describe an ultrafast optics advanced laboratory comprising a mode-locked erbium ber laser, auto-correlation measurements,






pump diode laser, ~974 nm

Er3+ doped fiber

GRIN lens �



laser output ~1550 nm

polarization rejection port

positive dispersion fiber


WDM negative dispersion fiber

Figure 2: Er3+-doped nonlinear polarizationmode-locked fiber laser. Approximate splice locationsare indicated with an x symbol. WDM: wavelength

division multiplexer; OC: output coupler; PBS:polarizing beam splitter; GRIN: graded index; λ/2(4):

half- (quarter-)wave plate.

13) are listed in Table I. Components such as WDMstypically use standard single-mode fiber, which have neg-ative (anomalous) dispersion for light at 1550 nm. Thecavity in Fig. 2 uses the Er3+-doped gain fiber, DCF3and DCF38 for positive (normal) dispersion. Propaga-tion loss at splices can be minimized by matching fibercore radii or mode size. For example, in Fig. 2 we splicedthe following fiber sequence: gain fiber, DCF38, DCF3,and SMF-28. These fibers have the following respectivesequence of single mode field diameters in µm: 6.5, 6.01,8.1, and 10.4. For this cavity, a 20% output coupler isnear optimum, yielding ∼5.5 mW average power. Thefree space section is approximately 12 cm. The WDMbetween the 300 mW pump laser diode and the WDMthat couples pump light into the cavity isolates the pumplaser diode from the spectrally broad amplified sponta-neous emission from the gain section. The isolator afterthe OC protects the laser cavity from destabilizing feed-back.

Propagation of laser light in optical fiber can be de-scribed by a nonlinear Schrodinger equation. Followingthe treatment of Ref. [20], lossless propagation along thefiber z-axis of the normalized pulse electric field enve-lope function, A(Z, T ), is described in the slowly varyingenvelope approximation by


= isgn(β2)



− i|A|2A. (1)

In Eq. 1, sgn(β2) is the sign of β2, and Z and T aredimensionless space and time parameters that have beennormalized using characteristic dispersion lengths, times,and material parameters. The electric field envelope hasbeen normalized such that |A(Z, T )|2 represents instan-taneous power normalized to a characteristic peak powerthat considers effective mode area. (See Ref. [20], Chpt.6 for a full explanation.) The first term on the right

~974 nm pump transition

~1550 nm laser transition

fast, non-radiative decay




excited state absorption

Stark-split manifold



Figure 3: Er3+-doped silica fiber energy level structure(not to scale). Transitions are inhomogeneously

broadened due to local Stark fields. Pumping for the4I13/2 →4 I15/2 laser transition can also be done at

1480 nm directly to the top of the 4I13/2 manifold.Excited state absorption of the pump light from the

4I11/2 manifold leads to green fluorescence.

hand side describes the effects of dispersion – parame-terized through dimensionless time T by β2 that will bedescribed below – and the second describes the fiber non-linearity. The latter arises from a perturbative treatmentof a nonlinear (NL) material polarization response ap-proximated as PNL ∝ δnNLA. The nonlinear response isassumed to be instantaneous with δnNL ∝ n2|A|2, wheren2 is the third-order (χ(3)-type) index of refraction usedto describe the common optical Kerr nonlinear refractiveindex, n = n0 + n2I, where I is laser irradiance.

Equation 1 can be used to understand several ofthe dominant physical mechanisms leading to resultsin this advanced lab. Ignoring dispersion (i.e. β2 =0), the solution for the pulse envelope in Eq. 1 isA(Z, T ) = A(0, T ) exp (−i|A(0, T )|2Z), where A(0, T ) isthe normalized electric field envelope at Z = 0. Be-cause the instantaneous frequency of the pulse is thetime derivative of its total phase, the pulse experi-ences an intensity-dependent (instantaneous power pereffective mode area) frequency modulation according to∆ω(Z, T ) = −∂/∂T (|A(0, T )|2Z). This self-phase mod-ulation (SPM) leads to spectral broadening and a linear,positive increase in frequency with time (positive chirp)in the middle of the pulse. Under real fiber propagationconditions, dispersion effects can temporally broaden orcompress the pulse, depending on the sign of dispersion.

If the sign of the dispersion in the fiber is neg-ative (β2 < 0), a solution to Eq. 1 is A(Z, T ) =sech (T ) exp (−iZ/2), which is commonly called the fun-damental soliton since it does not change shape or am-plitude with propagation distance. In this case, negativedispersion balances the effect of self-phase modulation onthe pulse. Stable, soliton mode-locking can be achievedin the laser oscillator shown in Fig. 2 by adding largeamounts of negative dispersion fiber (e.g. SMF-28) to the

Page 4: Ultrafast Optics with a Mode-locked Erbium Fiber LaserWe describe an ultrafast optics advanced laboratory comprising a mode-locked erbium ber laser, auto-correlation measurements,


cavity. Soliton mode-locking can often be identified bya characteristically multi-peaked spectrum. These peaksare phase-matched sidebands originating from the excessenergy the soliton sheds in order to maintain its con-stant energy and shape.[24] Related to this is the factthat soliton pulses in such a fiber laser are constrainedin duration and energy. In other words, they may nottake full advantage of the large erbium gain bandwidthor broadening nonlinearities in the cavity.

The stretched-pulse fiber laser of Fig. 2 avoids the con-straints of soliton pulse operation. [10] Alternate sectionsof positive and negative dispersion single-mode fiber al-low the pulse to temporally expand and contract in a sin-gle cavity round-trip. High energy pulses drive large non-linear broadening through SPM at cavity locations wherepulse width is minimal, while zero or slightly positive netdispersion in the cavity avoids soliton solutions. [11] Thisleads to spectrally broad pulses, potentially broader thanthe gain bandwidth due to strong nonlinearities, that aresometimes highly chirped. However, extra-cavity disper-sion compensation, either through proper choice of fiberor using gratings as demonstrated below, can compresspulses to the sub-100 fs level.

We used a Mathematica routine, originally by K.Tamura [10, 11], to estimate the net cavity dispersionthat includes material (chromatic) and waveguide dis-persion. Because this computation requires details of thefiber such as indices and radii, we rely on nominal spec-ifications for the positive dispersion fiber, which has acomplicated core structure and proprietary index infor-mation. The values for dispersion as characterized by β2in Table I, which will be discussed below, include waveg-uide dispersion, nominally so for the commercial specifi-cations.

Fiber Length [cm] β2 [ps2/km]

SMF-28 89 -23a

Corning Flexcor 1060 56 -7a

DCF38, Corning Vascade S1000 56 47b

DCF3, Corning Vascade LS+ 19 3.8b

Er3+-doped 71 6.1c

Net cavity dispersion 0.007 ps2

a Refs. [10, 11], consistent with modelingb Thorlabs specificationsc Modeling estimate

Table I: Net single-mode fiber cavity dispersioncomputation example.


As discussed above, the relatively broad spectrum ofsub-picosecond laser pulses propagating in single modeoptical fibers requires careful consideration of mate-rial (chromatic) and waveguide dispersion as well asfiber nonlinear effects. Figure 4 illustrates the effect

of dispersion on pulses: spectral groups propagate withdifferent velocities, which may result in a nontrivialtime-dependent frequency or frequency-dependent spec-tral phase. This chirped pulse results in a temporallystretched (or compressed) pulse with propagation alongthe fiber. The material dispersion can be characterizedby expanding the spectral phase of the light pulse, φ(ω),in a Taylor series around the central frequency in thepulse spectrum, ω0:

φ(ω) = φ(ω0) +



(ω− ω0) +1





(ω− ω0)2+






(ω − ω0)3 + · · · . (2)

Equation 2 expresses the linear and nonlinear termsof material dispersion. The first square-bracketed termhas the dimension of time and represents the group de-lay. Pulses with constant spectral phase or linear de-pendence on frequency are said to be bandwidth lim-ited. Linear dependence leads only to a temporal shiftin the Fourier transform of the power spectrum of thepulse, not temporal broadening. This is also the casefor constant or linearly dependent temporal phases, thelatter case leading to a shift in center frequency. [20]The second bracketed term – the curvature of the phaseevaluated at ω0 – represents the group delay dispersion(GDD). This term is proportional to the curvature ofthe index of refraction, n(λ), with respect to wavelength:d2φ/dω2 = (λ3l/4πc) d2n/dλ2, where l is some materialpropagation distance. The third term on the right-handside of Eq. 2 can be understood as the linear dispersionbecause it corresponds to a linear term in frequency whenconsidering dφ/dω. To minimize pulse broadening onemust balance this term across the cavity fiber materialsto nearly zero. [10] The cubic term in Eq. 2 (quadraticwhen considering the dispersion expression for dφ/dω)may also be significant. Additionally, for extremely shortpulses (<10 fs), higher-order terms may play a role.

In short-pulse, free space lasers such as Ti:sapphirelasers, dispersion balancing can be done with the in-troduction of intracavity transparent materials, disper-sive optics, or with specially engineered multi-layer anti-reflection coatings on mirrors. [25] In single-mode fiberlasers such as the one described in this paper, dispersioncan be managed by choosing fiber materials with differ-ent signs and magnitudes of terms in Eq. 2 and variouslengths, being careful to include the effects of waveguidedispersion, which considers core and cladding radii andindex steps.

Alternatively, one can express material dispersion interms of the wave vector magnitude, or propagationconstant, β(ω) ≡ n(ω)ω/c = −φ(ω)/l, where n(ω) isthe index of refraction and l is some propagation dis-tance, and expand it around ω0 as in Eq. 2. In thatcase, the ω-dependent terms have coefficients β1 ≡ 1/vg,β2 = dβ1/dω = (−1/v2g) dvg/dω, etc., where β1 is in-

Page 5: Ultrafast Optics with a Mode-locked Erbium Fiber LaserWe describe an ultrafast optics advanced laboratory comprising a mode-locked erbium ber laser, auto-correlation measurements,




chirped pulse

un-chirped pulse

Figure 4: Simulation of chirped and un-chirped pulses,showing the effect of group delay dispersion.

versely proportional to the group velocity, vg, and β2 isthe group velocity dispersion (GVD). The term β2 of-ten carries units of ps2/km. In some parts of the lit-erature, particularly industrial or commercial, materialdispersion is described primarily in terms of a closely re-lated quantity, D ≡ dβ1/dλ = (−2πc/λ2)β2, which oftencarries units of ps/km·nm. Note that the dispersion pa-rameter, D, and β2 have opposite signs but describe thesame physical phenomenon, which sometimes requires ex-tra care in analyzing total material dispersion. In muchof the literature, spectral regions with positive and neg-ative β2 are denoted as positive and negative dispersion,respectively, and are also called normal and anomalousdispersion, respectively. As noted above, a fiber cav-ity with highly anomalous dispersion (β2 < 0) can sup-port soliton oscillation due to the balance between ma-terial dispersion and nonlinear fiber effects such as SPM.[11, 15]

The pulse repetition rate from the mode-locked laserin Fig. 2 can be measured directly with a fast photodi-ode that is sensitive to light at 1550 nm. We coupledlight from the rejection port of the polarizing beamsplit-ter (PBS) in the free space portion of the cavity into afiber. An output coupler on this fiber directs some lightto the optical spectrum analyzer to monitor the onset ofmode-locking (i.e. spectral broadening). The other por-tion is directed to an InGaAs photodiode to monitor therepetition rate. This signal is also helpful to monitor theonset of mode-locking. Figure 5 shows the signal from anInGaAs photodetector (Thorlabs DET20C), although asimple circuit using a biased InGaAs photodiode wouldsuffice. This detector is not fast enough to characterizethe 100 fs-level pulses but it can measure the repetitionrate. The data in Fig. 5 shows a pulse period of 18 ns,which corresponds to a repetition rate of ∼55 MHz and acavity length of ∼3.7 m using a fiber index of refractionof n=1.5.

Sub-picosecond light pulses from a mode-locked lasercan be characterized by measuring the correlation be-




al [m


200150100500Time [ns]

Figure 5: Pulses from the mode-locked laser oscillatorobtained with an InGaAs photodetector.

tween a pulse and a delayed version of itself. A second-order interferometric correlation can yield informationabout the pulse’s phase and amplitude, although specialtechniques such as frequency-resolved optical gating [26]are generally necessary to completely characterize thesequantities. Consider a pulse with field E1(t) that is co-incident on a material with a nonlinear, second-order re-sponse (e. g. through second-harmonic generation) witha version of itself delayed by time τ , E2(t − τ). The re-sulting photocurrent signal in a photodiode detector isproportional to

S(τ) =< |(E1(t) + E2(t− τ))2|2>, (3)

where the brackets indicate time averaging. Thisauto-correlation procedure is done here using two-photonabsorption in a common silicon photodiode for whichEbg/2 < Ephoton < Ebg, where Ebg is the indirect bandgap energy of silicon and Ephoton is the photon energyof the 1550 nm light pulse. [27] We verified the second-order response (S ∝ I2) of the photodetector by measur-ing the DC auto-correlation signal at large delay (i.e. nopulse overlap) as a function of average power at the de-tector. This data is shown in the inset of Fig. 8, andshows a quadratic dependence – consistent with two-photon absorption – up to 13 mW. Equation 3 is consis-tent with a second-order perturbative treatment of theincident fields’ interaction with the charge carriers in thesemiconductor.[28]

The auto-correlation apparatus – a scanning Michel-son interferometer – is shown in a diagram in Fig. 6 andin a photograph in Fig. 7. Light is coupled from thelaser through SMF-28 single-mode fiber, passing througha fiber optical isolator, to an FC/APC lens coupling mod-ule (see parts list). The latter feature aids in moving thelaser output between the auto-correlator, grating disper-sion compensator, and spectrum analyzer. As shown inFig. 6, the beam is split into two arms and displaced onits return via precision hollow gold retroreflectors. These

Page 6: Ultrafast Optics with a Mode-locked Erbium Fiber LaserWe describe an ultrafast optics advanced laboratory comprising a mode-locked erbium ber laser, auto-correlation measurements,



Si detector

speaker fiber from laser

precision retro-reflector beam


two-photon absorption

conduction band

valence band

1.5µm 1.5µm

E k

/ I2

photo- current

Figure 6: Auto-correlator. The second-order correlationbetween the laser pulse and a delayed version of itself is

enabled by two-photon absorption in a simple silicondetector as shown in the indirect bandgap diagram atlower right, where the photocurrent is proportional to

the square of irradiance.

mirrors minimize feedback to the laser and aid in align-ment. One retroreflector is mounted in the center of acommon loudspeaker and driven at low amplitude andfrequency (<1 Hz for interferometric signals, depend-ing on detector bandwidth). The retroreflector in theother arm is mounted on a precision linear stage, whichis necessary to find the zero-delay point of the apparatus,where the optical path length is the same in both arms.The front-surfaced beamsplitter leads to unequal propa-gation distances through its interior for the two arms ofthe interferometer, the dispersion of which could becomeimportant for pulses on the level of 10 fs duration. Asolution for this asymmetric dispersion in the beamsplit-ter is a compensation plate in one of the interferometer’sarms. This is necessary for a balanced white light inter-ferometer, for example. [29]

Following the auto-correlation treatment of Ref. [19],the two-photon photocurrent in the detector of Fig. 6 canbe written by including the full expressions for the fieldsin each arm, E1,2, that include time t, pulse delay timeτ and laser frequency ωl in Eq. 3,

S(τ) = A(τ) +Re[4B(τ)eiωlτ



]. (4)

Each lettered term on the right hand side in Eq. 4 isa time average of various products of E1 and E2 on theoverall order of E4 and their relative phases. They areseparated in Eq. 4 according to delay frequency harmon-ics, ωlτ . The first term, A(τ), is a DC term that remainsif, for example, detector bandwidth is relatively small(∆νdet < vspeaker/λl) or the auto-correlator loudspeakerfrequency is relatively high, in which case the second twoterms in Eq. 4 would time-average to zero. The DC term,A(τ), represents the intensity auto-correlation with back-ground and the ratio of peak signal amplitude at τ = 0to background (i.e. τ much greater than pulse width) of




Figure 7: Auto-correlation apparatus. The hole spacingon the breadboard and table is one inch. The precisionhollow gold corner cube is mounted on an inexpensive

loudspeaker to interfere a pulse with itself with variabledelay on the silicon photodiode. BS: beamsplitter

three to one. The second term expresses the cross termsin the interferometric auto-correlation.

The combination of the first two terms in Eq. 4 leadsto a ratio of peak signal amplitude to background of eightto one. The phase, ωlτ , can be used to calibrate the timeaxis on the auto-correlation data, such as in Fig. 8, sincethe carrier frequency corresponds to the pulse’s centerfrequency. A linear chirp term in Eq. 2 results from anonzero β2 since dφ/dω = [dφ/dω]ω0

+ [d2φ/dω2]ω0(ω −

ω0)+ · · · . Significant chirp results in distinctive, narrow-ing auto-correlation traces since, in that case, coherencebetween pulses decreases as delay, |τ |, increases. Linearchirp can be modeled and compared to auto-correlationdata by assuming a symmetric, Gaussian pulse enve-lope that has a quadratic temporal phase modulationscaled by a: AG(t) = Re{exp[−(1+ ia)(t/∆tG)2− iωlt]},where ∆tG is the full width at half-maximum of the pulseduration. This pulse has an instantaneous frequency,dφ(t)/dt, that is linearly dependent on time, which ispictured qualitatively at left in Fig. 4.

The temporal dependence of the photocurrent in thedetector for an auto-correlation signal can be determinedanalytically using this Gaussian pulse, AG(t), in Eq. 4.[19] We used the envelope of the analytical solution to an-alyze the auto-correlation signal in Fig. 8, which shows anauto-correlation taken with mode-locked pulses directlyfrom the oscillator with ∼5 mW average power. The up-per and lower envelopes of the analytic expression in Eq.4 are fit to the data using two parameters, a and ∆tG

Page 7: Ultrafast Optics with a Mode-locked Erbium Fiber LaserWe describe an ultrafast optics advanced laboratory comprising a mode-locked erbium ber laser, auto-correlation measurements,


in the expression for S(τ) for a linearly chirped, Gaus-sian pulse (AG(t) above). From this fitting procedure weestimate ∆tG ≈ 220 fs and a ≈ 2.











-600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600Delay [fs]







m. S


l-40 -20 0 20 40

Delay [fs]


al [V


2015105Average power [mW]

Figure 8: Interferometric auto-correlation trace. Theright inset is the fringes around zero delay that

correspond to the center optical frequency of the pulsespectrum. The left inset shows the two-photon response(∝ I2) of the common silicon photodetector to pulses at

1550 nm.

The bandwidth limited pulse width can be estimatedfrom a measurement of the pulse spectrum’s width withan optical spectrum analyzer (see Fig. 9) or an inverseFourier transform of the spectrum data. The relativelystraightforward analytic solution to the Fourier trans-form of certain functions that may approximate pulseshapes, such as a Gaussian or sech2 (t), yields a rela-tionship between pulse duration ∆t (full width at halfmaximum, FWHM), and the pulse spectral width, ∆ν(FWHM). These two functions are therefore often usedas assumed pulse envelope shapes to estimate band-width limited pulse width. The time-bandwidth prod-ucts for Gaussian and sech2 (t) pulse envelope shapesare ∆ν∆t = 2 ln 2/π = 0.441 and ∆ν∆t = 0.315, re-spectively. For example, the width of the pulse spec-trum in Fig. 9, 27.8 nm, corresponds to a bandwidthlimited pulse duration of ∆t=159 fs, assuming a Gaus-sian pulse envelope. As discussed above, fiber dispersion(intra- and extra-cavity) can lead to complicated pulsechirp and temporal broadening. Further, the design of astretched-pulse mode-locked laser – dispersion with dif-ferent signs leading to a small positive net dispersion –often yields chirped output pulses. The auto-correlationin Fig. 8 shows a 38% increase in pulse duration relativeto the bandwidth limited pulse width determined fromthe spectrum in Fig. 9.






al [d


16401600156015201480Wavelength [nm]

Figure 9: Pulse spectrum from mode-locked laseroscillator output. The full width at half-maximum is27.8 nm, which corresponds to a bandwidth limitedpulse duration of 159 fs, assuming a Gaussian pulse



As discussed above, the effects of fiber nonlinearity anddispersion – material, waveguide, and modal – on ultra-short pulses in fibers can lead to temporal broadening.The resulting decrease in the pulse’s peak intensity maybe useful in situations sensitive to optical damage thatdepends on peak irradiance. However, broadening mayinhibit other processes such as the nonlinear effects inhighly nonlinear fiber (HNLF) that can yield an octave-spanning spectrum useful for frequency combs. To com-press the pulses from the mode-locked laser, we used apair of high efficiency transmission gratings to spatiallydistribute the pulse spectrum to control relative pathlengths and therefore relative delay across the pulse spec-trum. The apparatus is shown in Fig. 10, where the redparts of the spectrum have longer relative path lengths infree space and therefore a lower effective group velocity.The quadratic spectral phase term corresponding to theterm linear in ω for dφ/dω for a single parallel gratingpair is [20]




2πc2s2 cos2 θ, (5)

where l is the ray distance between gratings, c is thespeed of light, s is the grating groove distance, and θ isthe ray angle between gratings measured from the per-pendicular drawn between gratings. The sign of Eq. 5 ispositive, which corresponds to negative (anomalous) dis-persion. The sign of the expression for the gratings’ nexthigher order term, d3φ/dω3, is negative, so gratings alonecannot compensate for both positive linear and quadraticchirp. However, additional stages of compensation, suchas prism pairs, can correct for higher orders of disper-

Page 8: Ultrafast Optics with a Mode-locked Erbium Fiber LaserWe describe an ultrafast optics advanced laboratory comprising a mode-locked erbium ber laser, auto-correlation measurements,


sion. [21]


length, l

line spacing, s

pick-off mirror

fiber from pre-amplifier

to auto- correlator or HNLF

Figure 10: Parallel grating dispersion compensationapparatus. Longer path length for the lower frequency

parts of the spectrum corresponds to effectively negativepulse dispersion (β2 < 0). HNLF: highly nonlinear fiber.

As shown in Fig. 10, common practice is to slightlyvertically displace the reflected beam after the secondgrating so that it can be redirected with a pick-off mirrornear the fiber out-coupler. However, this displacementmay cause the beam to experience slightly different spa-tial dispersion and can lead to transverse spatial chirpin the beam’s profile and poor mode quality. This canbe observed by scanning a single-mode fiber across thetransverse plane of the beam after the grating pair or mis-aligning the final fiber coupler. The effect can be min-imized by using precise alignment of the orientation ofthe two gratings’ grooves and their parallelism, which isaided by a goniometer and precision grating mounts. Wefind that a compact arrangement (∼30 cm total free spacelength) of the optics in Fig. 10 using identical FC/APClens couplers and FC/APC single mode fibers is effective.Another approach is to use two mirrors after the secondgrating in Fig. 10 to carefully horizontally displace thebeam such that the beam’s angle of incidence is identicalto its first pass through the gratings. Pulse shaping mightbe implemented by controlling the spectral phase usinga spatial light modulator in place of the retroreflectingmirror.

We tested the effect of the gratings by making auto-correlation measurements of the pulses before and afterthe apparatus in Fig. 10. In order to increase the mea-surement signal-to-noise ratio, we amplified the pulsesafter the oscillator as shown in Fig. 12. A 280 mW laserdiode at 974 nm pumped a 58 cm Er3+-doped gain fiber,co-propagating with the light from the oscillator. TheWDMs after the gain section filter the residual pumplight, since the silicon photodiode in the auto-correlatoris linearly responsive to light at 974 nm. Interferomet-ric auto-correlation traces are shown for pulses followingthe pre-amplifier and parallel grating dispersion compen-sator in Figs. 13(a) and 13(b), respectively. The average

retro-reflectorto pick-off

Figure 11: Parallel gratings dispersion compensator.Light is coupled from the laser or amplifier through

aspheric lens module through grating pair,retro-reflected through gratings to small gold pick-off

mirror, then to the auto-corellation apparatus (AC) foranalysis. One of the grating mounts is connected to a

small goniometer (obscured in photo).



WDM (x2)

from laser oscillator


1% FC/APC connector


Er3+-doped gain fiber

pump diode laser, ~974 nm

positive dispersion fiber

Figure 12: Pre-amplifier. The pulse spectrum after theamplifier is monitored through a 1% output coupler

(OC). Wavelength division multiplexers (WDMs) isolatethe pump laser diode from feedback and filter light at974 nm from the laser output. Gain length is 58 cm.Approximate splice locations are indicated with an x


laser power into the auto-correlator directly after the pre-amplifier was 21 mW. The average power was 17 mW justbefore coupling into the fiber to the auto-correlator af-ter the dispersion compensator in Fig. 10. With carefulgrating alignment, spatial mode quality can be sufficientto couple greater than 80% back into a single mode fiber.The corresponding intensity auto-correlations are shownin the upper-left insets. The pulse spectrum after thepre-amplifier is shown in the upper-right of Fig. 13(a).

The parallel gratings removed much of the chirp andcompressed the pulse. We optimized the grating sepa-ration by monitoring the intensity auto-correlation afterthe apparatus in Fig. 10. The positive dispersion fiber(4 m, 0.19 ps2 net dispersion) in the pre-amplifier in Fig.12 allowed us to fine-tune the overall second order dis-persion using the effectively negative dispersion grating

Page 9: Ultrafast Optics with a Mode-locked Erbium Fiber LaserWe describe an ultrafast optics advanced laboratory comprising a mode-locked erbium ber laser, auto-correlation measurements,












-4 -2 0 2 4Delay [ps]




al [d


1650160015501500Wavelength [nm]





-4 -2 0 2 4Delay [ps]











-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5Delay [ps]






al [d


170016001500140013001200Wavelength [nm]

HNLF pre-amp cw oscillator





-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0Delay [ps]

Figure 13: Auto-correlations (ACs) of pulses after thepre-amplifier (a) and after the grating dispersion

compensator (b). The corresponding intensity ACs areshown in the upper-left insets. The post-gratings

intensity AC is reproduced as gray in (a) forcomparison. The pulse spectra after the pre-amplifier(a) and after compression and propagation through

70 cm of highly nonlinear fiber (b, blue). Forcomparison in (b), the cw oscillator (red) and

post-amplifier (green).

apparatus. We found an optimal grating separation of3.5 mm, which corresponds to β2 · l=-0.086 ps2 accordingto Eq. 5 with a grating line density of 966 l/mm.

Assuming a Gaussian pulse envelope, a fit to the nar-row portion of the intensity auto-correlation in the insetof Fig. 13(b) yields a pulse width of 108 fs, FWHM, areduction in pulse width by a factor of thirteen. Fiftypercent of the area underneath the autocorrelation datais contained in this Gaussian fit. Due to the correlativenature of the data, the ratio between auto-correlation andpulse width (FWHM), ∆tAC/∆tpulse, is

√2 and 1.543 for

Gaussian and sech2 (t) pulses, respectively. The intensityauto-correlation in the inset of Fig. 13(a) was obtainedby averaging the interferometric auto-correlation. A soft-ware time-averaging procedure is equivalent to increasing

the frequency of the speaker in Fig. 6. For example, theintensity auto-correlation in the inset of Fig. 13(b) wasobtained by increasing the speaker frequency from 5 mHz(interferometric) to 1 Hz for the same amplitude. Thepedestal on the auto-correlation is likely due to higherorder chirp (e.g. quadratic phase modulation).


We have described results and experimental details ofan undergraduate ultrafast optics advanced lab using rel-atively low-cost components. The stretched-pulse modelocked Er3+ fiber laser can be built for under 7000 USD.(See the detailed parts list in Table II below.) Instead ofconnecting fibers with a fusion splicer, the cost of whichis roughly half the total, one may instead use FC/APCconnectors at fiber junctions. While this would reducecost, the technique would increase intracavity loss andrequire careful assembly of bare fibers into connectors.Based on the work of a project group in the spring, 2015Lasers course, we have developed a connectorized contin-uous wave laser. The mode-locking mechanism could besimplified by using a carbon nanotube (CNT) solution[30, 31] at one of the connector junctions in the cav-ity. The solution is a fast saturable absorber and pro-vides the self-amplitude modulation necessary for mode-locking. A CNT-based mode locked fiber laser has beenused to make a high performance, low-noise frequencycomb. [12]

We are developing a relatively low cost frequency combadvanced laboratory based on the laser described in thismanuscript. The comb requires stabilization of the laser’spulse repetition rate and the carrier-envelope offset fre-quency, fo. The former can be done by straightforwardfeedback techniques to the cavity length. To simplify thedetection of fo, we will broaden the pulse spectrum toan octave and self-reference one end of the spectrum to afrequency-doubled version of the other end. An exampleof spectral broadening is shown in the upper-right insetin Fig. 13(b). The green trace is the pulse spectrum afterthe pre-amplifier. The blue trace is the pulse spectrumafter propagation through 70 cm of highly nonlinear fiber(HNLF) with pulses of width 108 fs, average power of5 mW into the HNLF, and repetition rate 55 MHz.

The spectral data shown here was obtained with a rela-tively expensive optical spectrum analyzer (OSA). Manysalient features of ultrashort pulses (auto-correlationanalyses, dispersion management, repetition rate) can beobserved without an OSA. Instead, a relatively afford-able near infrared spectrometer could be built using alinear InGaAs array and a grating, which could be cal-ibrated using the first and second order of the 974 nmpump diode. An even less expensive option might useconcave mirrors and a NIR-blazed grating mounted on asmall stepper motor. In this constant deviation imagingmonochrometer, the motion is carefully calibrated andcontrolled to scan spectra across a small InGaAs photo-

Page 10: Ultrafast Optics with a Mode-locked Erbium Fiber LaserWe describe an ultrafast optics advanced laboratory comprising a mode-locked erbium ber laser, auto-correlation measurements,


diode.Funding for this undergraduate advanced laboratory

project is provided by the National Science Foundation

EIR #1208930. The authors appreciate assistance fromTsung-Han Wu.

[1] Recent advanced laboratory conferences include 1.) LabFocus ’93, Boise State University, Boise, ID (1993) spon-sored by the NSF through the American Association ofPhysics Teachers (AAPT), 2.) 2012 Conference on Lab-oratory Instruction Beyond the First Year of College, U.of PA and Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA (2012)sponsored in part by the NSF, AAPT, APS, 3.) 2015Conference on Laboratory Instruction Beyond the FirstYear, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, spon-sored the NSF, AAPT.

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[11] K. Tamura, L. E. Nelson, H. A. Haus, and E. P. Ippen,“Soliton versus nonsoliton operation of fiber ring lasers,”Applied Physics Letters 64, 149–151 (1994).

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Page 11: Ultrafast Optics with a Mode-locked Erbium Fiber LaserWe describe an ultrafast optics advanced laboratory comprising a mode-locked erbium ber laser, auto-correlation measurements,


Item Brand Model Vendor Price [USD] Qnty

fusion splicer Fujikura FSM-30S eBay 3470 1

fiber cleaver Fujikura Alcoa CT-07BS eBay 172 1

Er-doped gain fiber Thorlabs ER80-4/125 Thorlabs 99 2 a

single-mode fiber, SMF-28 Thorlabs SMF-28-100 Thorlabs 52 1 b

WDM 980/1550nm Optilab (OEQuest) OEWDM-MF-9850 Optilab (OEQuest) 45 2 c

output coupler Oplink DWFC12021216 eBay 50 1 d

GRIN fiber collimator Thorlabs 50-1550A Thorlabs 59 3 e

GRIN holder Thorlabs SM1PT Thorlabs 32 2

GRIN holder optical mount Thorlabs KC1T Thorlabs 91 2

isolator Optilab (OEQuest) ISO-15-D-03 Optilab (OEQuest) 100 1

980 nm pump diode Optilab (OEQuest) LC95-280mW Optilab (OEQuest) 500 1 f

pump diode mount Newport 744 eBay 200 1

pump diode T/I-controller Wavelength Electronics LDTC0520 Wavelength Electronics 391 1

power supply for controller Linear 179-2321-ND Digikey 75 1 g

Linear 179-2311-ND Digikey 50 1 h

power supply enclosure Bud CU-3011-A Mouser 28 1

half-wave plate 1550nm Thorlabs WPH502 Thorlabs 45 1 i

quarter-wave plate 1550nm Thorlabs WPQ501 Thorlabs 70 2 i

rotation mounts Thorlabs RSP1 Thorlabs 81 3

polarizing beamsplitter Thorlabs PBS054 Thorlabs 163 1 j

PBS mount Thorlabs KM100P Thorlabs 64 1

fast fiber coupled photodiode Optilab (OEQuest) EPM 605 ALC Optilab (OEQuest) 99 1 k

pos. dispersion fiber Thorlabs DCF38 Thorlabs 6 5

Thorlabs DCF3 Thorlabs 5 5

FC/APC connector Optilab (OEQuest) PT-FCAPC-0.5-S-900 Optilab (OEQuest) 8 5

1550nm viewing card Thorlabs VRC4 Thorlabs 73 1 l

Total ≈6700a 4 µm core diameter, 125 µm cladding diameterb negative dispersion, 900 µm jacket, 100 m lengthc 980nm/1550nm mixed fiber pump combiner, one for pump isolationd 20/80; output couplers with other ratios can be helpfule fiber integrated graded index lens for NPR section and laser outputf 980 nm pump LD, 280 mW kink free, TEC, FBGg 12V/3.4Ah 12V/1.7Ai 5mm square, need custom mounts to 1”, e.g.j 5mm 1200-1600nmk InGaAs PIN, 2.0 GHz, fiber pigtail. Another convenient, free-space option is Thorlabs DET20C, 398 USD.l Other helpful supplies include a connector cleaner, polishing supplies, fiber illuminator, IR viewer, 200x fiber connector

tip microscope

Table II: Items for the stretched pulse, mode-locked fiber laser oscillator described in this manuscript. Few items areassumed, such as an oscilloscope, volt meter and common optical mounts.

Page 12: Ultrafast Optics with a Mode-locked Erbium Fiber LaserWe describe an ultrafast optics advanced laboratory comprising a mode-locked erbium ber laser, auto-correlation measurements,


Item Brand Model Vendor Price [USD] Qnty

980 nm pump diode Optilab (OEQuest) LC95-280mW Optilab (OEQuest) 500 1

pump diode mount Newport 744 eBay 200 1

pump diode T/I-controller Wavelength Electronics LDTC0520 Wavelength Electronics 391 1

power supply for controller Linear 179-2321-ND Digikey 75 1

Linear 179-2311-ND Digikey 50 1

power supply enclosure Bud CU-3011-A Mouser 28 1

Er-doped gain fiber Thorlabs ER80-4/125 Thorlabs 99 2

WDM for pump isolation Optilab (OEQuest) OEWDM-MF-9850 Optilab (OEQuest) 45 1

Total 1487

Table III: Items for the integrated pre-amplifier described in this manuscript.

Item Brand/Vendor Model Price [USD] Qnty

Si photodetector Thorlabs DET36A 114 1

non-polarizing beamsplitter Thorlabs BSW12 104 1

beamsplitter mount Thorlabs KM100 40 1

z translation stage Newport 423 250 1

Vernier screw for stage Newport SM-25 105 1

lens Thorlabs LB1757C 37 1

FC/APC collimator mount Thorlabs F240APC-1550 195 1

FC/APC collimator holder Thorlabs AD11F 28 1

FC/APC optical mount Thorlabs KC1T 91 1

gold retroreflectors Newport 50326-1005 440 2

x-y mount for retroreflector Thorlabs LM1XY 134 1

adjustable iris Thorlabs ID15 46 1

Total 2024

Table IV: Necessary items for the auto-correlator. Few items are assumed, such as an oscilloscope, inexpensiveloudspeaker, driver and common optical mounts.

Item Brand/Vendor Model Price [USD] Qnty

transmission gratings Lightsmyth Technologies T-966C-27x10-90OS 125 2

goniometer Thorlabs GN1 139 1

grating mount Thorlabs KM100C 90 2

z translation stage Newport 423 250 1

Vernier screw for stage Newport SM-25 105 1

FC/APC collimator mount Thorlabs F240APC-1550 195 2

FC/APC collimator holder Thorlabs AD11F 28 1

FC/APC optical mount Thorlabs KC1T 91 2

gold mirrors Thorlabs PF1003M01 50 2

Total 1624

Table V: Items for the parallel gratings dispersion compensation apparatus described in this manuscript. Few itemsare assumed, such as common optical mounts.