Ultrabook Development Using Sensors - Intel AppLab Berlin

Application Development using Sensors Intel® Corporation


Ultrabook Development Using Sensors - presented by Xavier Hallade

Transcript of Ultrabook Development Using Sensors - Intel AppLab Berlin

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Application Development using


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• Overview of available sensors

• Using sensors in a Windows 8* application

- In C++ desktop applications, using COM interface

- In C++ or C#/.NET Windows 8* store and desktop

applications, using WinRT APIs

• Considerations on Efficiency

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Who am I ?

Xavier Hallade (@ph0b)

Technical Marketing Engineer at Intel

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Available Sensors

• Sensor Fusion : virtual sensors created by combining data from compass, accelerometer and gyroscope

• Ambient Light, GPS, 3D Motion and orientation sensors are all mandatory on Windows 8* Tablets and Convertibles

• Applications can subscribe to sensor events, set callbacks or directly poll their current state.

Accelerometer Gyroscope GPS Ambient LightCompass NFC

+ with Sensor Fusion: Inclinometer, Orientation, SimpleOrientation

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Orientation and Motion detection

• Gyrometer returns yaw, pitch and roll velocities

• Accelerometer returns acceleration along x, y and z, and optionally a Shake event

• Simple Orientation : returns device orientation into one of four quadrants, face-up, or face-down

• Orientation Sensor and inclinometer both returns the complete device orientation

– Inclinometer returns yaw, pitch, and roll angles

– Orientation Sensor returns a quaternion as well as a 3x3 orientation matrix

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Orientation and Motion detection

same convention as on Android

and in the HTML5 specification

0.0° ≤ Yaw < 360.0°

-180.0° ≤ Pitch < 180.0°

-90.0° ≤ Roll < 90.0°

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Ambient Light

• Can be used to adapt application interface

depending on light conditions : contrast,

font size

• Screen brightness control should be handled

by the operating system.

Lighting condition Illuminance (lux)

Pitch black 1

Very dark 10

Dark indoors 50

Dim indoors 100

Normal indoors 300

Bright indoors 1,000

Dim outdoors 5,000

Cloudy outdoors 30,000

Direct sunlight 100,000

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Returns latitude, longitude:

- using Wi-Fi if available

- using IP Address otherwise

- using GPS if available and desired accuracy is set on High- then it can also return Altitude, Speed and Heading

Depending on user’s choice, its use can be denied.

A Windows 8* store app has to declare the “location” capability in its manifest.

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Near Field Communication

• Short range (<4cm)

• Contactless

• Used between active and/or passive devices

– Active: Smartphone, Tablet, Ultrabook™…

– Passive: Tags, Smart cards…

• Small amount of data, low data transfer rate

• Easy to use, feels instantaneous (<1/10s)

-> Great user experience !

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Near Field Communication

• Pairing

– with Bluetooth* peripherals, at the OS level

– with another running application, by establishing

a BT or Wi-Fi direct socket, at the application level

• Short data read/write on NFC tags

• Short data exchange with active devices

– Sharing URIs, contacts, positions

– Secure transactions

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NFC messagesProtocol Pub. Sub. Message contents

Windows X X binary data.

WindowsUri X X UTF-16LE encoded string that is a URI.

use PublishUriMessage

WindowsMime X X message data of a specific mime type.

For example, "WindowsMime.image/jpeg".

You can subscribe to "WindowsMime" message

without specifying the mime type. If so, the first 256

bytes received is the ASCII mime type string.

Windows:WriteTag X Windows message to be written to a static tag.

WindowsUri:WriteTag X WindowsUri message to be written to a static tag.



X WindowsMime message to be written to a static tag.

Example, “WindowsMime:WriteTag.image/jpeg”

LaunchApp:WriteTag X Write a tag that can be used to launch a specific app.

more information on msdn.

WriteableTag X if a writeable tag is brought in to proximity, a

proximity message is received that contains an

int32 indicating the maximum writeable size.

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NFC messages

Protocol Pub. Sub. Message contents

NDEF X X properly formatted NDEF records.

NDEF:ext X application defined NDEF records (TNF field value of 0x04).

NDEF:MIME X properly formatted NDEF mime message (TNF field value

of 0x02). For example, "NDEF:MIME.image/jpeg".

NDEF:URI X properly formatted NDEF message of a type defined by a

URI namespace (TNF field value of 0x03). For example,


NDEF:wkt X properly formatted NDEF message of a type defined by the

NFC forum (TNF field value of 0x01).An example of this

type is "NDEF:wkt.U" for the well known type of URI.

NDEF:WriteTag X message data that should be written to an NFC forum

standard static tag.

NDEF:Unknown X untyped NDEF message (TNF field value of 0x05).

Windows messages are fully compatible with NDEF messages,

but you can also directly manipulate them :

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Sensors and Location Platform using COM interface

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Sensors and Location Platform

• Same interface as on Windows 7– Sensor fusion available through new GUIDs

• Sensor manager controls sensors– Use sensor manager to get to sensors

– Notifies when a sensor connects

• Sensors report data, changes in state and disconnection

• Access both via COM interfaces– Use API to communicate to sensors

– Sensor events handled using callbacks

– API reference at msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd318953%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

17Copyright(C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. *Other brands and names are properties of their respective owners.

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COM: Connect to sensor manager

// Create the sensor manager

ISensorManager pSensorManager;

hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SensorManager,NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARGS(& pSensorManager));




// Unable to retrieve sensor manager due

// to group policy settings.

// Alert the user.


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(Source: Microsoft)

• Access to sensors is through the

sensor manager

• Group policy settings may deny

access to the system sensors

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COM: Retrieve a sensor object

// Get the sensor collectionhr = pSensorManager->GetSensorsByCategory(



ULONG ulCount = 0;// Verify that the collection contains at// least one sensorhr = pSensorColl->GetCount(&ulCount);if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){

if(ulCount < 1){

wprintf_s(L"\nNo sensors of therequested category.\n");

hr = E_UNEXPECTED;} else{// Request permissions for all sensors// in the collectionhr = pSensorManager->

RequestPermissions(0, pSensorColl,FALSE);


19Copyright(C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. *Other brands and names are properties of their respective owners.

• Request sensors by category, type

or ID

• Request permission to use the


• Windows 8 will open a dialog

box to ask the user

• Granting permission triggers

the OnStateChanged event

(Source: Microsoft)

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COM: Sensor event callback

class CMyEvents : public ISensorEvents



STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(…) {…}



// ISensorEvents methods. //


STDMETHODIMP OnDataUpdated(…) {…}


STDMETHODIMP OnStateChanged(…) {…}

20Copyright(C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. *Other brands and names are properties of their respective owners.

(Source: Microsoft)

• Receive event notifications by

implementing required COM


• Sensor events require


• Sensor Manager events require


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COM: Start receiving events

// Create an instance of the event// classpEventClass = new(std::nothrow)



// Retrieve the pointer to the// callback interfacehr = pEventClass->QueryInterface(

IID_PPV_ARGS(&pMyEvents));}if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ // Start receiving eventshr = pSensor->


21Copyright(C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. *Other brands and names are properties of their respective owners.

(Source: Microsoft)

• To start receiving events provide

the sensor with a pointer to your


• To stop receiving events call

SetEventSink with a parameter of


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Ambient Light Sensor


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Using WinRT Sensors and Location API

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• Windows.Sensors.

• Accelerometer

• Gyrometer

• Inclinometer

• OrientationSensor

• SimpleOrientationSensor

• Compass

• LightSensor

• Windows.Networking.Proximity.ProximityDevice (NFC)

• Windows.Device.Geolocation (GPS)

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Using the WinRT API

WinRT Sensors and Location APIs are available to

Windows 8* Desktop applications

You need to use WinRT Windows MetaData files :

• Platform.winmd: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.0\ExtensionSDKs\Microsoft.VCLi


• Windows.winmd: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\References\CommonConfiguration\Neutral

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How ?

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WinRT From Desktop (C#)

Unload your C# Project

Manually edit the .csproj file to add :




Reload the project

Add Windows.winmd and Platform.winmd as references from their respective locations

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WinRT From Desktop (C++)

In your project properties, in C/C++->General:

• Set “Consume Windows Runtime Extension” on Yes


• Add Windows.winmd and Platform.winmd paths to

“Additional #using Directories”

In your source code, add :

#using <Windows.winmd>

#using <Platform.winmd>

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WinRT Sensor API

No need for a sensor manager:

1 – Retrieve the default sensor/device using GetDefault()

2 – Set the ReportInterval

3 – Add a delegate to ReadingChanged event

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WinRT Sensor API

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_accelero = Accelerometer.GetDefault();

if (_accelero != null)


_accelero.ReportInterval = 50 <= _accelero.MinimumReportInterval ?

_accelerometer.MinimumReportInterval : 50;

//Register for reading changed events

_accelero.ReadingChanged += (Accelerometer s, AccelerometerReadingChangedEventArgs

args) =>


//use e.Data.AccelerationX/Y/Z



Accelerometer ^accelero = Accelerometer::GetDefault();



accelero->ReportInterval = 50 <= accelero->MinimumReportInterval ? accelero-

>MinimumReportInterval : 50;

accelero->ReadingChanged += ref new TypedEventHandler<Accelerometer^,


[](Object^ sender, AccelerometerReadingChangedEventArgs^ e)


//read e->Data->AccelerationX/Y/Z





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C#/WPF Accelerometer Demo

• Ellipse (ball) drawn on a canvas

• Accelerometer data is used to update X/Y/Z

display and location of ball

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• Data is read using

accelerometer events in

conjunction with a

timer to move the ball

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• Subscribe to incoming WindowsURI messages

• Publish a WindowsURI message to any active


• Write that

message to any

writable tag

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General Considerations

• The effects of applications on power use

• Both idle workloads and active workloads

• The rules of power management

– Computational efficiency

– Maximize idle

– Data efficiency

– Power-aware behavior

• Align, coalesce or batch activity whenever possible

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Regarding Sensors

• Do not set a small ReportInterval if your application doesn’t need it

• Avoid periodic registry or disk accesses in order to let the hard disk spin down

• Avoid status polling, statistics & background bookkeeping

• Avoid using sensors when application is not active

• Consider using accelerometer or gyroscope alone if full orientation is not needed.

34Copyright(C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. *Other brands and names are properties of their respective owners.

Sensors objects in Sensors API: At least one client connected

Hardware: Accelerometer Gyroscope Inclinometer Compass Device Orientation

Accelerometer On Off On On On

Gyro Off On On On On

Magnetometer Off Off On On On

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Advanced : Context/power-aware


• Handling sleep transitions seamlessly– Saving an restoring state

– Stopping ongoing activity prior to sleeping

– Closing open resources & disconnecting communications

• Respond/adapt to system power events– Switching from AC to battery; low battery status

• Scale behavior based on power state

• Context awareness toolkits– software.intel.com/en-us/mobility

– softwarecommunity.intel.com/articles/eng/1070.htm

– softwarecommunity.intel.com/articles/eng/1026.htm

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Intel Software Development Products

Intel Power Tools

• Intel® Power Checker

– Reveals how much power your application is using

– software.intel.com/partner/app/software-


• Energy-Efficient Software Checklist

– software.intel.com/en-us/articles/energy-


36Copyright(C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. *Other brands and names are properties of their respective owners.

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References• Intel® Software Network

– software.intel.com

• COM Sensor API– msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd318953(v=vs.85).aspx

• COM Location API– msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd464636(v=VS.85).aspx

• WinRT Sensors API– msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/br206408.aspx

• WinRT Geolocation API– msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/windows.devices.geolocation.aspx

• WinRT ProximityAPI– msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/windows.networking.proximity.aspx

• Detecting Ultrabook Sensors– software.intel.com/en-us/blogs/2012/07/26/detecting-ultrabook-sensors

• Ultrabook and Tablet Windows 8* Sensors Development Guide– software.intel.com/en-us/articles/ultrabook-and-tablet-windows-8-sensors-development-guide/

• Intel® Energy Efficient Software Guidelines– software.intel.com/partner/assets/pdf/misc/Energy_Efficient_Software_Guidelines_v3_4_10_11.pdf

37Copyright(C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. *Other brands and names are properties of their respective owners.

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– sensors are a natural way to interact with end


– Desktop apps can utilize them as well as Windows

8* Store Apps

– Utilize efficient designs and coding practices to

save battery life

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Q & A

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• Ultrabook Developer Resources

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