ULTIMATE Personal Statement Guide

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  • 8/13/2019 ULTIMATE Personal Statement Guide


    Personal Statement Guide (I)

    To tell the universities and colleges why they should choose


    To tell universities and colleges about your suitability for thecourse(s) that you hope to study.

    To demonstrate your enthusiasm and commitment, and above

    all, ensure that you stand out from the crowd

  • 8/13/2019 ULTIMATE Personal Statement Guide


    4000 Characters or 47 lines

    No italics , bold or underlines

    Click save regularly while amending

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    Two thirds of the personal statement should be about

    the course

    Things to include

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    Rejected Application

    Target Audience

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    Cliches to avoid

    Dont use quotes

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  • 8/13/2019 ULTIMATE Personal Statement Guide


    Give evidence for all your claims

    Eg: Im equipped with an arsenal of leadership skills which had been

    developed during my time working as a team leader at a local


    Personal Statement must include YOUR MOTIVES for chosen


    decision and INSPIRATIONS and COMMITMENT.

    Aptitude for Program

    Motive for it


    What they will give in return to that subject?

    What you expect to gain?

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    Draw a mindmap

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  • 8/13/2019 ULTIMATE Personal Statement Guide


    1.Why are you applying? For example why you want to study at higher education level.

    Why that subject interests you.

    What your ambitions are when you finish your course.

    2. What makes you suitable? Skills, knowledge, achievements and experience you have that will help you do well.

    These could be from education, employment or work experience, or from hobbies, interests and

    social activities.

    Take a look at the activities on the Planning your future pageto see some of the things it could beuseful to mention.

    3. Which of your skills and experiences are most relevant? Check course listings to see what level of understanding you need to have and what qualifications

    or skills they're looking for.

    This way you can link your experiences to the skills and qualities they mention, and you can put

    them into a structure that's most relevant to the course providers.

    The strongest applicants are those who can link their extra-curricular activities to their proposed

    course of study."

    Assistant Registrar for Undergraduate Admissions, University of Warwick

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    How to write itThere's no right answer for how to write it, or any definite formula you should followjust takeyour time and don't worry if it doesn't sound right on your first attempt. Even the best writers in the

    world redraft their work!

    1. Structure In the course listings see which skills and qualities the universities or colleges value most.

    Then structure your info into an order that's most relevant to them.

    2. Style Write in English (or Welsh if you're only applying to Welsh providers), and avoid italics, bold or


    Use an enthusiastic and concise tone of voice nothing too complex just what comes naturally.

    Be careful with humour, quotes or anything unusual you do want to be individual, but if the

    admissions tutor doesn't have the same sense of humour as you, it might not work.

    Get the grammar, spelling and punctuation right, and redraft your statement until you're happy

    with it.

    Proofread and read it aloud to hear what it sounds like. Ask advisers/family members to check it



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    You can use up to 4,000 characters or 47 lines of text (including spaces and blank lines).

    We recommend you write your statement first and then copy and paste into your online

    application (but watch out for the character and line count the processor might get different

    values because it doesn't count tabs or paragraphs).

    When you add to your online application click 'save' regularly because it will time out after 35

    minutes of inactivity.

    If you want to send any more information you can ask unis and colleges if they'll accept further

    details if they say yes you should send it direct to them (not us) once we've sent you your

    Welcome letter (so you can include your Personal ID).

    4. Don't copy Dont copy anyone else's personal statement or from personal statements posted on the internet.

    Make sure your personal statement is all your own work.

    We screen all personal statements across our Copycatch similarity detection system. If you are

    found to have similarity in your personal statement, your application will be flagged, you, together

    with your choices will receive an email alert and this could have serious consequences for your


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    Personal Statement Guide (II)I haven't dared dust off my own to see how many times I used the word "passionate", but the truth is it isn't easy to

    be original. Nearly 700,000 students applied for university last yearthat's a lot of times for tutors to have to read "I

    have always been fascinated by ...[insert subject]".

    Whatever you do, don't start your personal statement with any of thesenot only are they awful clichs, but they're

    bound to be picked up by Ucas's anti-plagiarism software.

    1. I am currently studying a BTEC National Diploma in ... (used 464 times)

    2.From a young age I have always been interested in ... (309 times)

    3.From an early age I have always been interested in ... (292 times)

    4.Nursing is a very challenging and demanding career ... (275 times)

    5.For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated with ... (196 times)

    6."Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only ... (189 times)

    7.Nursing is a profession I have always looked upon with ... (178 times)

    8.For as long as I can remember I have been interested in ... (166 times)

    9.I am an International Academy student and have been studying since ... (141 times)

    10.Academically, I have always been a very determined and ... (138 times)

    Talk about your passion for a subject, your career aspirations, your skills and strengths, and what

    you can contribute to the university, both academically and socially 50 to 75 per cent of your personal statement should explain why you want to do the course youve

    chosen Were looking for demonstrable motivation and enthusiasm for the subject, as well as evidence of

    maturity and responsibility Everyone will praise their favourite A-level modules, so to stand out youll need to do some extra

    reading," says Deborah Gostling, head of sixth form at Chestnut Grove School in Balham, south

    London. Follow people on Twitter who are relevant to your chosen subject they often provide

    links to challenging articles that will give you alternative viewpoints, Universities, local history societies and institutions such as the Royal Geographical Society in

    London run public lectures and these will really stand out in your statement if you explain why they

    inspired you. Besides demonstrating your enthusiasm for a career, work experience builds valuable skills that you

    should mention in your personal statement. Think of the variety of skills you have developed while

    volunteering for a charity, for example; such as communication, teamwork, organisation and working

    with people from diverse backgrounds

    You may have had experiences at school that developed similar skills and these are great to

    mention on a personal statement and will show that you're a well rounded person. Running a drama

    group, mentoring a student in Year 7, showing prospective parents around, managing, designing or

    selling advertising in the school magazine,

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    Mentioning your interests will show that you can get good grades without spending every waking

    moment on your studies. But which ones stand out?

    An admissions tutor at Harvard summed it up by saying they look for 'non -teenage activities, says

    Mark Brown, head of upper school at Whitgift, an independent boys school in Surrey. For example,

    last year one of our boys edited a magazine for young people in Croydon.

    One sixth-former at Camden School for Girls was a registered bee-keeper, another made and sold

    meat pies, and one group volunteered as temporary art curators at the British Museum.

    Entry Profiles for the courses youre interested in on Course Search atucas.com.Universities set

    out the qualifications and experience they are looking for here

    Think about why you are applying for the courses you have chosenuniversities want to see strong

    evidence that you know whats required and that youre enthusiastic about the subject.

    Write about jobs, work experience or work placements that are relevant to the courses you are

    applying for

    Even if you find yourself in a rush, there's no excuse for sloppy punctuation and grammar. Check,

    double-check and triple-check, and even if you're fairly confident in your writing skills, show it to as

    many other people as you can in the time left.

    Tailor it to the courses you are applying forfor a tutor sifting through hundreds of essays, vague

    sweeping statements are no good. It doesn't take long to check the Entry Profiles for the courses

    youre interested in on Course Search at ucas.com, and use the Telegraph'sUniversity Course

    Finderto check all the vital statistics.

    Dont write that youve wanted to study your subject since a young age: theres only so often

    admissions tutors can read that sentence without risk of mental collapse

    Remember that anything extra-curricular is padding, albeit the good kind, and needs to be spun the

    right way. Make it RELEVANT !

    Start telling your universities why youre so keen to study and why youll be the best student since


    And never simply say youre right for the course its your job to demonstrate that by being specific.

    Whatever you write needs to be intrinsically you, which is something easy to lose while rattling off


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    Pause for a moment to think about why you are applying for the courses you have chosen

    universities want to see strong evidence that you know whats required and that youre enthusiastic

    about the subject. Read theUcas Advisers blogto see what the decision-makers are looking for.

    And remember to use solid examples that show your interests, abilities and experiences, rather than

    vague statements such as I have always dreamt of becoming

    Dontquote people

    Entry Profiles, as they usually tell you the criteria and qualities that they want their students to


    Dontsay too much about things that are not relevant if you think that you are

    starting to,

    Start by establishing a clear structure. Begin with a powerful opening statement of why you wish to study a particular

    course, followed by two or three paragraphs providing evidence of your aptitude and enthusiasm for study. The last

    two sections might be devoted to extra-curricular interests and finally a summary of your motivation and potential.

    Durham University has published a list of criteria by which it judges applications; this could provide a useful checklist

    of points to include in your statement (visit www.dur.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/policy).

    Devote plenty of time to tweaking, rethinking and, on occasion, rewriting whole sections of your statement. By

    revisiting it frequently you will ensure a coherent and up-to-date account of your interests.

    Seek advice. Writing about yourself will undoubtedly be a strange experience, but as your teachers will also have to

    write a reference supporting your application, they should be able to help you to strike the right tone.

    Be original. The key lies in the word personal. Avoid clichd statements and quotations and, where possible, dont

    shower your statement with superlatives, which can sound artificial. A natural tone will be far more effective and

    convincing than overblown accounts of passion and life-changing experiences.

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    Personal statement Guide (III)University Entry Profiles


    Physics, which deals with matter and energy and the interactions between the two, allows us to understand

    phenomena that take place around us and in the universe. Physical laws help us perceive our world. Some

    physicists use these principles in theoretical areas, such as the nature of time and the origin of the universe;

    others apply their physics knowledge to the development of advanced materials, electronic and optical

    devices and medical equipment. Physicists design and perform experiments with lasers, cyclotrons,

    telescopes, mass spectrometers, and other equipment. Based on observations and analysis, they attempt to

    discover and explain laws describing the forces of nature, such as gravity, electromagnetism, and nuclear

    interactions. Physicists also find ways to apply physical laws and theories to problems in nuclear energy,

    electronics, optics, materials, communications, aerospace technology, navigation equipment, and medical

    instrumentation. Most physicists work in research and development. For example, basic research in solid-

    state physics led to the development of transistors and, then, of integrated circuits used in computers.

    Physicists also design research equipment. For example, lasers designed by physicists are used in surgery.

    Although physics research may require extensive experimentation in laboratories, research physicists alsospend time in offices planning, recording, analyzing, and reporting on research.

    Computer science deals with using and improving computers as tools for uncountable applications. For example, one stream of

    computer science is in computational intelligence, where people work to create computer systems that can perceive and reason

    about the world and surroundings. Bioinformatics is another stream in which computers are used to characterize and sequence the

    molecular components of living things. The Human Genome Project relied heavily on computer systems to store the human gene

    sequence. One can also study and design hardware and software programs and develop databases. Computer graphics and

    animation is another stream, which is used for creating games and movies and even modeling human body parts, which can be

    used to train medical students. Computer Science graduates move into high-tech careers as software engineers, systems analysts,

    technical writers, web developers, researchers, programmers, and software testers. They may also apply their computer skills to

    enhance careers as biologists, architects, foresters, teachers, and psychologists.

    Here are eight don'ts

    Don't spend ages trying to come up with a perfect, snappy first line write anything and return to it later.

    Don't use cliches. According to theUcas Guide to Getting into University and College,the most overused opening

    sentences this year were variations of "from a young age I have always been interested in" This looks formulaic

    and is a waste of characters.

    Famous quotes should be avoided, as these will be found in countless other applications. For instance, this line by

    Coco Chanel was found in 189 applications for fashion courses this year: "Fashion is not something that exists in

    dresses only."

    Don't list your interests, demonstrate them. Professor Alan Gange, head of the department ofbiological sciences at

    Royal Holloway, University of London, says: "Actually doing something, for example joining a national society or

    volunteering for a conservation organisation, tells me thatstudentshave a passion."

    Style matters. Don't be chatty and use slang, but on the other hand, don't be pretentious. Cathy Gilbert, director of

    customer strategy at Ucas, says: "If you try too hard to impress with long words that you are not confident using, the

    focus of your writing may be lost."

    Don't ask too many people for advice. Input from teachers is helpful, but it is important that the student's personality

    comes across.

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    Nicole Frith, 19, who has just started a BSc in Geography at the University of Durham, asked two teachers for advice

    on content. "I would seriously advise against asking teacher after teacher," she said. "There is no such thing as a

    perfect personal statement, and everyone has different opinions." Most admissions offices are happy to give general

    advice, and the Ucas website hasvideo guideson how to plan and write your statement.

    Don't be tempted to let someone else write yourpersonal statement for you. A recent news report sayssixth-

    formers are paying up to 350on the internet forpersonal statementswritten by university students. Ucas, which

    uses fraud detection software to identify cheating, warns of "serious consequences". Dont' skimp on paragraphs, despite their negative impact on line count. You want your statement to be readable.

    And eight dos

    Organisation is the key. Caroline Apsey, 19, who started a medical degree at the University of Leeds this term,

    says: "Before I started writing, I made bullet points of everything I wanted to include, and ordered them from most

    important to least."

    Leave yourself plenty of time for editing. "Start writing early, so that you have lots of time to re-read it with fresh

    eyes," Caroline says. Then edit and edit and edit again.

    Be specific. Lee Hennessy, deputy head of admissions and recruitment at the University of Bath, says: "Don't just

    say, you're interested in a subject because it's interesting. Ask yourself, what it is, specifically, about the subject that

    interests you?"

    Lee Marsden, associate dean of admissions for the faculty of arts and humanities at the University of East Anglia,

    agrees: "We want to know what excites the student: perhaps a book they have read or a play they have seen. There

    needs to be a hook."

    Showyou are up to date with developments in your subject: perhaps you could analyse a recent journal article or

    news event.

    "You need to tune in to what's current in your subject," says Louise Booth, assistant director ofsixth format Fulford

    school in York. "For example, if you're a politics candidate: have you been to see the prime minister or your local MP


    Around 80% of your statement should be dedicated to your studies and work experience, and 20% to extra-

    curricular activities. Hobbies are valuable, but must be used to reveal something relevant about the applicant.

    "A simple 'I have done' list is not useful," says Helen Diffenthal, assistant principal for advice and guidance at the

    Sixth Form College, Farnborough. "Saying that you were captain of the cricket team doesn't make any difference

    unless you use it to show that you can manage your time effectively."

    Be original but treat humour with cautionjokes can fall flat.

    "Original is excellent," says Gange. "I once saw a statement written in the style of a tabloid journalism article. It was

    factual and entertaining; the student gained a place here and got a first."

    "We let through quirky statements if the student is quirky," says Booth. "Don't try to be funny if that's not youit won't


    Correct spelling and grammar is vital, so use the spell-check on your computer and get other people, such as

    teachers, to proofread your statement.

    In the end, honesty is the best policy. Tell the admissions tutor, in your own words, why you deserve a place. "Just

    be yourself," says Nicole. "That worked for me."

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    explain their reasons for wanting to study the subject at university

    demonstrate their enthusiasm and commitment for their chosen course

    express any particular interests within the field outline how they have pursued their interest in the subject in their own time

    perseverance, independence, leadership or team-working

    Do ensure you include relevant information Do organise your statement, so that it is structured and coherent Do check your spelling, punctuation and grammar before submitting your statement, particularly if English is

    not your first language

    Do link your current and future studies Do write an original personal statement - the Admissions Tutors want an insight into the person who has

    written the statement

    If you are a mature student, include information on your current/previous employment experiences Do use as much of the space available. Applicants are allowed to use a maximum of 4,000 characters or 47

    lines in their personal statement, and we would expect you to fully utilise this space to show your interest in

    the course you have applied to

    Don't start every sentence with " I " Don't ramble or fill the space with irrelevant information Don't write in text language or jargon - write full and complete sentences Don't include quotations - the Admissions Tutor is interested in what you think, not what somebody else


    Don't talk about how you prefer one university over another - remember your personal statement is seen byeach of the institutions you apply to, and you are likely to disadvantage yourself with other universities if youonly mention LSE

    Don't lie - you may be asked to provide evidence of your stated achievements, or if you are interviewed atanother institution they may ask you detailed questions about things you've mentioned in your personalstatement

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    Personal Statement Guide (IV)




