Ultimate Language Shootout IV: CoffeeScript

Ultimate Language Shootout IV: CoffeeScript ChiPy June 13, 2013


A presentation on CoffeeScript given at ChiPy's 2013 Ultimate Language Shootout on June 13, 2013. Video: http://pyvideo.org/video/1864/ultimate-language-shootout-iv-coffeescript

Transcript of Ultimate Language Shootout IV: CoffeeScript

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Ultimate Language Shootout IV: CoffeeScript

ChiPyJune 13, 2013

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What is CoffeeScript?

It’s basically syntax sugar for JavaScript.

Perhaps some analogies are in order...

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If JavaScript is gluten-free haggis pizza

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Then CoffeeScript is an enchanted thincrust

handcrafted by Gandalf

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If JavaScript is a corrupt, lecherous cop

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Then CoffeeScript is Synchronized Swimming


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If JavaScript is Smaug, the evil dragon

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Then CoffeeScript is an adorable frog-shaped lighter

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If JavaScript is a terrifying hell clown

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Then CoffeeScript is Princess Amidala

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If JavaScript is a smelly donkey with bad knees

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Then CoffeeScript is a robot unicorn

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If JavaScript is a grumpy blobfish

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Then CoffeeScript is a muppet fish quartet

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If JavaScript is a poison mushroom

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Then CoffeeScript is the hammer suit

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If JavaScript is A Night at the Roxbury

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Then CoffeeScript is Anchorman

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If JavaScript is a poo-flavored Tootsie Roll

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Then CoffeeScript is a bacon chocolate bar

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If JavaScript is a lone commando with a crappy gun

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Then CoffeeScript is a giant robot made of other robots

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I guess I’m trying to say that CoffeeScript might not be a

terrible idea.

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CoffeeScript does borrow from some of the best


The Python and Ruby influences are glaringly obvious.

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Let’s walk through a simple CoffeeScript application.


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Multiline comments


Implement a shuffle() function that randomly rearranges the elements in a given array. Also demo its usage and effect.


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Multiline comment notes

• Multiline comments appear as-is in the compiled .js file, using the /* */ comment syntax.

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Main function

main = ->

array = (c.toUpperCase() for c in 'abcdefg')

display array

$(document.body).append '<hr>'

for i in [1..6]

shuffle array

display array

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Main function notes

• Whitespace delimits blocks

• Define function using -> operator

• Array expression uses parentheses

• Parentheses not required for function invocation

• Ranges specified using [a..b]

• No colon at end of looping statement

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Shuffle function

shuffle = (array) ->

i = array.length

j = null

if i == 0


while i -= 1

j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i+1))

[array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]]

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Shuffle function notes

• Parentheses somewhat advised when complex expressions are passed into a function

• No colon at end of conditional statement

• Destructuring assignment requires square brackets

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Display functiondisplay = (array) ->

para = $('<p></p>')

$(document.body).append para

for char in array

val = 60 # simplified

style = """

background: rgb(#{val}, #{val}, #{val});

border: 1px solid black;

padding: 5px; margin: 5px;


h = "<span style=\"#{style}\">#{el}</span>"

para.append h

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Display function notes

• Multiline string takes indentation into account (resulting string doesn’t contain extra spaces).

• String interpolation requires double-quoted strings

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CoffeeScript’s big weakness

Debugging sucks! Errors in the console refer to the generated .js file, not the original .coffee file.

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Chrome to the rescue!

• Open Developer Tools

• Click gear icon in lower-right corner

• Check “Enable source maps”

• Compile your .coffee files using the -m option

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Compiling CoffeeScript

Running “coffee -c -m main.coffee”

produces main.js and main.map.

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So, in conclusion...

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CoffeeScript might not be terrible.

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The end