Ukraine Fascination of Plants Day 2013

FoPD events overview


Ukraine Fascination of Plants Day 2013

Transcript of Ukraine Fascination of Plants Day 2013

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FoPD events overview

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• Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine •

Brief statistics: 15 research, nature protecting and/or educational institutions from Kyiv, Lviv, Ostroh and Kharkiv as

well as one independent artist joined to the celebration of Second international FoPD with 17 events.

National coordinator of FoPD events, Director of the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics (IFBG) NAS of

Ukraine Prof. Yaroslav B. Blume expresses his gratitude to all the participants and invited them and also new enthusiasts from different

parts of Ukraine to organize interesting local events for FoPD-2014.

These maydays young attendees of the IFBG Open Day events had the opportunity to get involved into the workshop of

tobacco protoplasts isolation in aseptic conditions (Dr. I,Tanasienko & PhD student O.Burlaka) and discuss hot aspects of plant genetic

engineering and biotechnology such as benefits of the genetically modified plants comparing to chemically-treated ones, ways of gene

transfer, successful introduction of “green inventions”, biofuel for NASA production, etc. In “20 nm inside the plant cell” workshop

(Dr.Y. Krasylenko) all the students prepared their own temporary slides from fresh leaves and petals, Bright Yellow-2 suspension culture

and tiny tomato seedlings grown in aseptic conditions and explored their samples using modern fluorescent microscopy. The advantages

and research potential of laser scanning confocal microscope was also at the focus during the workshop. At the end of the event

participants had a lot of fun dissolving the plant-related quiz performed by PhD student I.Goriunova.

Photos: Alena Sekan

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Second International celebration of Plant Day was carried out at the Department of Plant Physiology and Ecology,

“Institute of Biology” of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv supported by the national organization “Women in Science” and

UNDP – GEF. The event launched this year brought together future plant biologists – winners of biological contests, lyceum students and

pupils from different Kyiv schools as well as other members of Minor Academy of Sciences and first year biology students.

Workshop on plant anatomy began with the history of plant anatomy teaching at University, outstanding scientists and

anatomists of plants – O.V. Brayon and M.F. Bilanovskiy. Everybody was able to take a look on the specimens aged more than 100 years,

get acquainted with the structure of microtome and fixing slides. On modern LCD-microscope students were familiarized with the

difference in the structure of mono- and dicot plants and tried to master the basics of method microslide cuts. The pigments extraction

methods and their chromatographic separation as well as determination of parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence induction in leaves of

kalanchoe before and after the thermal stress were demonstrated at the master class on physiology of green leaf. In studies of plant nitrate

contents over 20 of the most common vegetables, fruits and herbs were analyzed. Young researchers personally discovered indices and

found out that most of nitrate contain vegetables grown in greenhouses - different varieties of lettuce, early cabbage, carrots and radishes.

Participants also learned how to calculate the amount of nitrate consumed, as well as became familiar with the basic rules and ways to

reduce nitrate levels in plant foods for a healthy and balanced diet.

Quiz, which was held at the event, consisted of two parts: crossword and opportunity to display ones erudition in the

knowledge of ornamental plants. The most active and intelligent participants were awarded prizes. Active part in organization of the

Second International Plants Day in took part lecturers, researchers form the Laboratory of Physiological Basis of Plant Productivity and

postgraduate students (Dr. Prof. N.Taran, Dr. M.Volkogon, Dr. L.Batsmanova, Dr. V.Storozhenko, Dr. O.Kosyk, O.Smirnov,

O.Kalinichenko, Dr. V.Belava et al.).

• ESC Institute of Biology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Department of Plant Physiology and Ecology •

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• M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany NAS of Ukraine •

Photos: Dmitriy and Anna Usovy, Anna Veretennyk

Ecological tour “Spring Forest Biodiversity” in protected areas 20 km south of Kyiv in the beautiful locality of Koncha-

Zaspa. Since ecological paths of "Lesniki" preserve ("Holosiyivsky" national park) along the winding riverbed of Vita river were

occupied by the importunate hungry mosquitoes at the time of FoPD, the route has been switched to “Zaplavny” preserve in the vicinity

to "Lesniki". Participants were challenged by trees recognition observing their stems and leaves as well as typical spring plants including

Red Book species (A. Mosyakin). Keen zoologist and nature lover V. Kotsuba commented the ecological status quo of the investigated

area. Plants with medicinal properties (for outer application) and those containing dying substances were at the focus, and Ancient Greek,

Ukrainian and Celtic legends – at the background of the excursion. On the encampments everybody could test herbal tea, learn the

principles of plant herbarization (time and way of collection, drying specificity, paper mounting and labeling approaches) and see some

samples of art-herbariums (Y.Krasylenko) and tissue toys from chamomile-dyed cotton (O.Morgun).

• Plant quotes collection “Verbum de plantis“ •

Lina Kostenko, Rabindranat Tagor, Federiko Garcia Lorka. Alexander Dumas, Thomas Mann, Boris Grebenshikov, Paul McCarthey,

Iosif Brodsky, Osip Mandelstam, Vladimir Vysotsky, Yasunari Kawabata…Plants-fascinated, we are not alone!

Facebook link:

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Within the excursion "Fascination of Flowering: Rododendron Collection and Peonies" to Kharkiv

University botanic garden visitors learned the main challenges in modern physiology of flowering (classical

hypothesis of flowering, exogenous and endogenous factors of blossom induction, nature and characteristics of floral

stimulus (“florigen”, molecular aspects of floral morphogenesis and its phytohormonal regulation). The most inquiring

students were invited to attend the cycle of lectures “Systemic regulation of the onthogenesis” at the Department of

Plant Physiology and Biochemistry tutored by Dr. O.Avksentyeva.

Students had the opportunity to watch 15 min-long episodes from BBC movie «Hidden Plant Life”

between their lessons at the University. The highest popularity gained the episodes about plant migrations, survival of

the fittest in sense of allelopathy and different types of symbiosis.

Presentation “Purpose of studying plants?” as well of poster presentation about their importance prepared

by students hooked the attraction of various people visiting the Faculty during that time.

FoPD initiative was also supported by Students Scientific Society and Kharkiv regional department of the

Ukrainian Society of Plant Physiologists. The main local organizers of the Fascination of Plants Day even in Charkiv -

Dr. Prof. V.Zhmurko, Dr. V.Tymoshenko, Y.Popova, and N.Kupina – hope to start the “celebration tradition” for

students, researchers and lecturers of the Biological Faculty. Good luck and integrated support!

• Kharkiv Karazine National University

Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry •

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• Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Biological faculty

State Natural History Museum NAS Ukraine •

The Second International Conference on Plant Morphology “Modern Phytomorphology” joined 258 participants

from Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Belorussia, Georgia, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Slovakia, Romania, Germany,

Netherlands, Turkey, India and Albania. The scientific results were represented in 140 publications which were published in

two volumes of “Modern Phytomorphology” journal and are available for downloading on the www.

From this number, 53 papers are published in English, 45 – in Ukrainian and 42 – in Russian. 48 papers are published in 3rd

volume and 92 – in the 4th volume of “Modern Phytomorphology”.

The personal participation in the conference took about 100 scientists from Ukraine and other countries. They

represented 3 keynote and 33 sectional reports as well as 25 posters. The reports were divided into 4 sections: “Principles of

Plant Anatomy and Morphology”, “Reproductive Plant Morphology”, “Applied Plant Morphology” and “Plant Morpho-

Physiology” held on 15 and 16 May. During the conference the hot questions of contemporary morphology of plants and fungi,

the problems of processing of the morphological data and its integration with new molecular data along with the application of

the morphological analysis to plant and fungi taxonomy were raised. Conference participants underlined that the morphology

is an indispensable source of information about pharmaceutical, anti-radiation, ecological, adaptive and decorative values of

the plants.

“The special care in the current year had the investigations on applied morphology of higher plants and

protection of the introduced plants. The other main stream was the morphology of the higher plants reproductive organs ” –

reports the main organizer of the Conference A. Novikoff, the junior scientist of the Department of Biosystem and Evolution

State Natural History Museum NAS of Ukraine.

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National Nature Park ""Homilshansky forests” in Kharkiv region met the participants with the picturesque palette of

landscapes: White lake, old birch grove, secular oaks extra-protected by law, Koropovsky excavation, Pavillion of Love with the

breathtaking view on Seversky Donets valley, wavy paths and closely clamped foliaceous forest. Research fellow M. Yarotska along

with her colleagues and friends organized field quiz with the search of real treasures in the roots, hollow stubs with beaver nibbles,

among the patchy flowers with the help of a map, compass and intuition.

• National Nature Park ""Homilshanski lisy“, ecotourist club

“Sledopyty” and ecological organization “Social harmony“ •

• “Dermansko-Ostrozhsky” National Park •

Located in the intersection of three geographical regions – Volhynian uplands, Male Polissia (e.g. Minor Polissia) and

Podolian uplands this Park has many unique forest phytocenoses. During the excursion enthusiastic visitors learned some plants

typical for this area with O. Golovko. One of the Park special places, the Buschan marsh, has very rich flora that is considered to be

one of the largest calcareous fens in Eastern Europe.

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• Floral motives by artist Olga Morgun •Plants inspire not only scientists to submerge to their “green profounds”, but also artists. Sceneries with sun-drenched fields,

tender prairie smokes on watercolors, floristic compositions, Gaudi Casa’s, cyanotypes, eucalyptus ecoprints of India Flint, embroidery and

Irish lace…Bionics as a joint of nature, science, art and technology…Today we feel the strong need of returning to the “nature cradle”, to

the roots of our Tree of Life. Using indigo and bundling techniques a young Ukrainian artist O.Morgun “plants” her trees on cotton and


• Comprehensive school of Ozera village Borodyansky region •This educational cycle of interactive games, navigated by primary school teacher I.Ilyenko and research fellow G. Bayer,

was dedicated to plant biodiversity and allowed curious kids to gain basic knowledge about plants, discover their biological forms,

habitats, medicinal and edible characteristics. Such games as ”Mysterious foresters”, ”Marvelous reforners”, ”Green pharmacy”,

“Meadow disco” as well as quizzes and painting activities draw to understand the basic “environmentally-friendly” rules of interaction

with the environment.

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