Ukr environmental monitoring discussion dec 5 2012

<Title of Presentation> presented by <Name> RESTRICTION ON USE, PUBLICATION OR DISCLOSURE OF PROPRIETARY INFORMATION This document contains information proprietary to MACDONALD, DETTWILER AND ASSOCIATES LTD. (MDA), to its subsidiaries, or to a third party to which MDA may have a legal obligation to protect such information from unauthorized disclosure, use or duplication. Any disclosure, use or duplication of this document or of any of the information contained herein for other than the specific purpose for which it was disclosed is expressly prohibited, except as MDA may agree in writing. INFORMATION SYSTEMS Екологічний моніторинг пакети Обговорення RESTRICTION ON USE, PUBLICATION OR DISCLOSURE OF PROPRIETARY INFORMATION This document contains information proprietary to MACDONALD, DETTWILER AND ASSOCIATES LTD. (MDA), to its subsidiaries, or to a third party to which MDA may have a legal obligation to protect such information from unauthorized disclosure, use or duplication. Any disclosure, use or duplication of this document or of any of the information contained herein for other than the specific purpose for which it was disclosed is expressly prohibited, except as MDA may agree in writing. RADARSAT-2 Data and Products © MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. 2012 – All Rights Reserved. RADARSAT is an official mark of the Canadian Space Agency.

Transcript of Ukr environmental monitoring discussion dec 5 2012

Page 1: Ukr environmental monitoring discussion dec 5 2012

<Title of Presentation>

presented by <Name>

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Екологічний моніторинг пакетиОбговорення

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Збір даних щодо природно-заповідних територій або річкових басейнів

Площа у 60,000 кв. км– станом на 29 грудня 2012 року

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Збір даних щодо природно-заповідних територій або річкових басейнів

Solution• Multilook Fine Wide coverage being collected

(see graphic)• Selection of images based on clients definitions

of area• Orthocorrect using SRTM DEM, mosaic and tile

into 1X1 degree map sheets

Area• Potential options:

– River basins prone to flooding for Emergency monitoring packages

– Large remote areas where yearly monitoring would be on interest

– All major biosphere areas – with emphasis on the ones which will be part of operational monitoring sites.

Deliverable:• Orthocorrected /mosaiced and provided in one

degree tiles RADARSAT-2 data • Format Geotiff


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Зона покриття басейну річок Прип’яті та Дніпра

• River Basin coverage is approximately 60,000 sq km

• Graphic illustrates the coverage in archive

• Date of coverage – October to November 2012.

• This coverage can also be used for change detection in an Emergency Monitoring package.

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Пункт 1.4Аналіз особливих районів

14 “ділянок” або аналіз особливих районівТри типи пакетів послуг

Цифрова модель площі водозбору (дренажна система/стічні води)Моніторинг виявлення змін

Швидке виявлення надзвичайних ситуацій

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Моніторинг надзвичайних ситуацій: 4 спеціальні об’єкти

4 Special AreasRequirement 8 2a: Total number of cycles monitoring using

remote sensing data for the territory that belongs to the zone of interest Ministry - at least 14 of them - at least 4 objects emergency monitoring (period of 5 to 15 days) at the request of the Minister. Each monitoring should include both retrospective remote sensing materials on the object, and one, at least, cover the new satellite surveying these objects by the Ministry in 2012.

Solution:• Size of area – assumption 1 MF • Base image will be the MFW collection from 2012• Includes Emergency Tasking and Rush Processing • Includes either a Change detection product, a

standard Flood product or an Oil Report,• Can include more than one “imaging” of the area

during a single emergency (assume 3 images)Deliverable:• Change detection or single image Geotiff• Shape file of change or event boundary• Reports (within 5 to 15 days from request)

Potential locations: For December deliverable?

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Надзвичайний стан потенційних об’єктів моніторингу

Місяця можливих повеней:• Дніпро/ басейн річки

• Басейн річки Прип’ять

• Моніторинг прибережних зон: розливи нафти

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Площа водозбору річки, цифрова модель (DEM)

2 Special AreasRequirement:8 1.1g) providing new radar imagery for monitoring of the test

areas of the river drainage basin, as determined by the Client, with resolution no more than 5m. Providing the Client with new satellite imagery (definition no more than 5m) for monitoring and analyses of the test area of the river drainage basin, as well as proving methodology of image

AReas:• 1 or 2 areas of a combined size of 5000 sq

km to be defined

Отримані результати: - цифрова модель (DEM),- ортотрансформований

радіолокаційний знімок (ORRI) та- гідрографічна картаФормат запису DEM– GeoTiffФормат запису ORRI – GeoTiffФормат гідрографічної карти – векторнийшейп-файл з відповідними характеристиками


Гідрографічна мережа

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Приклад застосування цифрової моделі (DEM)Об’єкт: Карпатський біосферний заповідник

Практичне застосування цифрової моделі

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Виявлення змін, моніторинг спеціальних територій

Subsection in following


General Land Use Image Generated from Stack of 15 images from Jan 7 2011 to Aug 5, 2012Shatsky (Ukraine), BelarusDOI: 07 Jan 11, 31 Jan 11, 24 Feb 11, 20 Mar 11, 13 Apr 11, 07 May 11, 24 Jun 11, 18 Jul 11, 15 Nov 11, 09 Dec 11, 02 Jan 12, 01 May 12, 18 Jun 12, 12 Jul 12, 05 Aug 12 SEN: Radarsat-2, Wide MF (resolution 5 m)DOP: 01 Sep 12

Strong targets (Residential)

Temporal change (Agric+wetlands)

Stable (Forest, pastures)

RADARSAT-2 Data and Products ©MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates Ltd 2012 – AllRights Reserved. RADARSAT is an official mark of the Canadian Space Agency

Загальне зображення, отримане з 15 зображень з 7 січня 2011 по 5 серпня 2012

Регіон: Шацький район, Волинська обл. (Україна)

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Можливий об’єкт для моніторингу: Поліський природний заповідник (Житомирська область)

• Red Box represents current acquisitions over area

• Multiple monitoring sites could be used to cover the forested areas.

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Можливий об’єкт для моніторингу: Українсько-Польський біосферний заповідник

• Ukrainian-Polish biosphere reserve is being established at Roztochchya. The Ukrainian part of the reserve will include Yavoriv national park, Roztochchya natural reserve, and two newly founded regional landscape parks.

• Red box represents one 50 km X80 km swath of R-2 Multilook Fine Wide data.

• This could be monitored as part of

the biosphere reserve area.

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Можливий об’єкт для моніторингу: Національний парк “Подільські Товтри”

• Total area – 261,316 ha. Year founded – 1996.

• The territory of the national park belongs to the Western Podolye highland district of the West-Ukrainian forest-steppe province of the forest-steppe zone. The park is notable for unique landscapes of the Tovtry mountain-ridge. The ridge is the remainder of the Tortonian barrier reef and has no analogues in Eastern Europe. Besides the Tovtry ridge, visitors pay special attention to the Dnestr canyons, numerous karst deposits and caves (including the well-known Atlantida Cave), unique bassets of Silurian layers, and lakes

• Full area (in orange) – would be comprised of 2 special areas for monitoring

• Note that illustration is RADARSAT-2 data in the archive – if this became a monitoring area, the collection would be shifted to better cover the full park in 2 Scenes

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Можливий об’єкт для моніторингу: Херсонська область: Асканія-Нова, Чорноморський біосферний заповідник

Azov-Sivash national park• The territory of the national park belongs to the Sivash-Azov low-lying lands of the Black Sea and the Azov dry-steppe

province, and the Sivash-Crimea low-lying lands of Crimean steppe province, which constitutes part of the dry-steppe sub-zone of Ukraine’s steppe zone.

• Coastal regions of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, and especially Sivash that has numerous islands and peninsulas, serve as a place of mass bird nesting and stopping point for birds during their periods of spring and autumn migrations. The Green Book of Ukraine includes seven local steppe associations. The Red Book of Ukraine lists four species of local mammals, thirty species of birds, four species of reptiles, two species of fish, two species of mollusks, five species of insects, one species of cancroids, and one species of local hydroid polyps. The European Red List registered two species of local birds

• The Black Sea natural reserve was established in 1927 and currently is maintained by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In 1985, UNESCO provided it with the status of biosphere reserve. In 1998, the reserve’s territory was increased by 13,461 ha.

• As to its physical and geographic location, the territory of the reserve forms a part of the Black Sea and the Azov southern-steppe district of the southern-steppe sub-zone of the steppe zone.

• RED Box represents the size on one operational monitoring zone at 5m resolution monitoring. Multiple sites could be used to monitor the entire significant coastal area

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Можливий об’єкт для моніторингу: Карпатський біосферний заповідник

• Zakarpatye region, Rakhov, Tyachev, Khust, and Vinogradov districts. Total area – 57,880 ha.

• In 1992, UNESCO issued a special certificate to include the Carpathian reserve in the global network of biosphere reserves. In 1998, the Council of Europe awarded the reserve the European Diploma.

• According to physical and geographic zoning, the territory of the reserve forms a part of Carpathian-Ukrainian mountain-and-forest district of the Carpathian mountain landscape region. Vegetation on the natural reserve generally represents the European broadleaf-forest district of the Central European province that constitutes a part of the East-Carpathian mountain sub-province.

• The Carpathian biological reserve includes 14 local formations, one sub-formation, and two association groups that embrace 21 forest associations, two bush associations, 13 meadow associations, two swamp and one steppe associations from the Green Book of Ukraine. From the Red Book of Ukraine, it has 92 species of local flora and microbiota, and 76 species of local fauna. From the European Red List, the property contains five species of local flora and 23 species of local fauna while the species list compiled in accordance with the Bern Convention includes 181 species of local fauna

• RED BOX in graphic below represents one monitoring site area

• Green represents the Reserve (estimated extent only)• Suggested that this is also used as a DEM package area

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Аналіз спеціальних територій станом на грудень 2012.

• Отримані результати станом на 29 грудня 2012 р. (перекладено українською мовою)

• Включають:

– Одне зображення RADARSAT-2 формату geotiff території, обраної для моніторингу

– Створення шаблонів для типів аналізу спеціальних територій:

Тип аналізу знищення/заготівлі лісу та ін.); основні зміни землекористування (будів-ництво на сільськогосподарських землях/ паркових зонах); добування корисних ко-палин; надзвичайні ситуації…)

Отримання плану кращого охоплення даних змін (якщо території не визначені, зас-тосовується теоретичний план)

Моніторинговий підхідОпис результатівПриклад отриманого результату (можливо, інше

географічне розташування)