UGV & AUV SLAM and Mapping

UGV & AUV SLAM and Mapping Simon Lacroix Robotics and AI LAAS/CNRS, Toulouse, France 1 With contributions from: Anthony Mallet, Il-Kyun Jung, Thomas Lemaire, Sébastien Bosch, Joan Sola, Cyrille Berger and Teresa Vidal … and others from the robotics and vision communities

Transcript of UGV & AUV SLAM and Mapping

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UGV & AUVSLAM and Mapping

Simon Lacroix Robotics and AI

LAAS/CNRS, Toulouse, France

With contributions from: Anthony Mallet, Il-Kyun Jung, Thomas Lemaire, Sébastien Bosch, Joan Sola, Cyrille Berger and Teresa Vidal … and others from the robotics and vision communities

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UGV & AUVSimultaneous Localization

and Mappingand Mapping

with vision


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•  UGVs & UAVs : outdoor (field) robotics •  Some computer vision •  Thoughts, beliefs, feelings, claims,


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Why do we need maps ? •  To plan motions

–  evaluate/quantify possible motions •  To plan tasks

–  perception, exploration, surveillance –  in a multi-robot context

•  To achieve motions –  e.g. servo along a path/road/wall…

•  To interact –  With users and operators –  With other robots

•  To localize the robot (yes, this is the SLAM summer school) –  Missions defined in localization terms (“reach goal”,

“explore area”…) –  To ensure the proper execution of motions –  To ensure the spatial consistency of the maps

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Why do we need maps ?

•  Geographic information systems: multi-layered maps

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Why do we need maps ?

•  “Robot GIS”


Threats, targets…




Road network


Color and texture


3D geometric model


Digital terrain model


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Why vision ? •  Cameras : low cost, light

and power-saving

•  Perceive data –  In a volume –  Very far –  Very precisely

1024 x 1024 pixels 60º x 60º FOV

⇓ 0.06 º pixel resolution

(1.0 cm at 10.0 m)

•  Stereovision –  2 cameras

provide depth ⊕ ⇒

•  Images carry a vast amount of information, at high rates

•  A vast know-how exists in the computer vision community

Micro UAVs, planetary rovers

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Vision-based SLAM

–  Landmark detection –  Relative observations (measures)

•  Of the landmark positions •  Of the robot motions

–  Observation associations –  Estimation: refinement of the

landmark and robot positions

Functions required by any SLAM implementation :

Plus: –  Choice of the landmark representation

Vision brings something

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Vision-based SLAM maps

Landmarks for estimation purposes: visual features (interest points, patches – here represented with the associated normal)


View-based representation for loop-closing detection purposes (image or places “indexes”)

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Vision-based SLAM maps


View-based representation for loop-closing detection purposes (image or places “indexes”)

Landmarks for estimation purposes: visual features (interest points, patches – here represented with the associated normal)

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Vision-based SLAM maps


Who wants such maps ?

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UGV & AUV SLAM and Mapping

•  UGV Mapping

•  UAV Mapping

•  “&”

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(A few words on stereovision)


•  The way humans perceive depth

Stereo image pair Stereo images viewer Stereo camera

•  Very popular since the early 20th century

•  Anaglyphs

Polarization Red/Blue

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(A few words on stereovision) •  In 2 dimensions (two linear cameras):


Right camera



Right image

Disparity x

x =b

tan(α) + tan(β)Left camera

Left image α

Stereovision = depth by triangulation Two problems at hand:

•  Finding matches •  Determining the system geometry

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(A few words on stereovision) •  Now with real images


Le) image  Right image 

Where is   in  ? 

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pr2 pr1 

(A few words on stereovision)

•  Geometry of stereovision


z  x 

Ol Or 





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(A few words on stereovision)

•  Geometry of stereovision


z  x 

Ol Or 



“Epipolar geometry” 

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(A few words on stereovision)

•  Finding matches


… 3 6 3 7 9 2 8 7 6 8 9 6 4 9 0 9 9 0 …

… 3 5 7 4 9 6 3 9 6 5 8 6 3 0 1 9 7 5 …

Le) line 

Right line 


The matches are computed on windows 

Several ways to compare windows: “SAD”, “SSD”, “ZNCC”, Hamming distance on census‐transformed images… 

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(A few words on stereovision)


Original image  Disparity image  3D image 

640x480 @ 30Hz on a standard CPU 

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(A few words on stereovision)

•  Error model


)( cfd =σempirical analysis:

Maximal errors : 0.4m baseline: 2310 xx−≤σ

1.2m baseline: 2410.3 xx−≤σ

Online estimation of the errors

•  Errors on the 3D coordinates : 2xd

x dx α



•  How to get an estimate of ? Analyze the correlation curves

σ d

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(A few words on stereovision)


•  Difficulties

1. “obstacle growing”

2. “wavelets”

Left mage 3D points

3. Discontinuity smoothing 4. Lack of data 5. Calibration 6. …

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Digital terrain map •  DTM: on a regular Cartesian grid


z = f (x,y)

Ground rover case:

•  Varying resolution

•  Imprecision on the data   uncertainties in the values   volumic occupancy grid ?

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(Occupancy grids) •  Mapping with “occupancy grids”:

–  2D regular discretization of the environment –  Encodes the probability of presence of an

obstacle (“occupied”)


Example with sonar data •  Sensor model: probability of range reading given known occupancy at a known distance :

P(m = dOi)

P(Oi m =d) =P(m = d Oi)P(Oi)

P(m = d Oi)P(Oi) + P(m = d O i)P(O i)

Sensor model Initial knowledge •  Bayes theorem

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(Occupancy grids) Well suited for 2D mapping indoor environments with telemetry

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Digital terrain map

•  Confidence model of stereo:

•  Model parametrization: (this is “only” a model) •  Turning the model into a pdf:

P(m /O)

P(O /m) =P(m /O)P(O)


P(m /O)P(O)P(m /O)P(O) + P(m /¬O)P(¬O)

•  Probability updates:

P(O /m1,m2) =P(m2 /O)P(O /m1)

P(m2 /O)P(O /m1) + P(m2 /¬O)P(¬O /m1)

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Digital terrain map

Simulation results on a 2D profile:

One acquisition

Fusion of 36 acquisitions

Update strategy Bayes Dempster-Shafer

Not (yet) tractable for large 3D environments 

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Digital terrain map

Practical implementation 1: •  simple statistics on the “population” of 3D points that fall in a cell •  a cell is : (z, σz)

Practical implementation 2: •  Each 3D point is associated to a surfacic patch, fused in the model according to a confidence value (Dempster-Shafer like approach) •  a cell is : (z, c, σz)

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Digital terrain map •  Dealing with dynamic elements and verticals

DTMs are suited to represent the ground : z=f(x,y) (“2.5 D”) Label the patches according to , monitor the patches evolution over time

σ z

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Digital terrain map •  Dealing with dynamic elements and verticals

DTMs are suited to represent the ground : z=f(x,y) (“2.5 D”) Label the patches according to , monitor the patches evolution over time

σ z

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Digital terrain map •  But we took localization for granted ! What if the pose is

refined when closing a loop ?

Before loop closing  A2er loop closing 


Applying a deformaZon on the grid ? (what deformaZon ?) Storing all the acquired 3D images and re‐merging them ? 

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Digital terrain map •  But we took localization for granted ! What if the pose is

refined when closing a loop ? “DenseSLAM”: Hybrid metric maps (Nieto&Nebot@ACFR)

Principle: anchor local dense maps to highly correlated landmarks

Global map  Local region 

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Exploiting DTMs

•  To localize the rover –  Extracting landmarks from the DTM ? (e.g. peaks)

–  By correlating local DTMs (or raw 3D data wrt. the current DTM) ?


t t+1

Exemple: minimizing the distance between the new 3D image and the current DTM (simplex algorithm, ICP…)

Distance as a function of X and Y

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Exploiting DTMs

•  To determine/plan feasible trajectories


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Exploiting DTMs

•  To determine/plan feasible trajectories


Evaluation of one position: convolution of the robot chassis wrt. the DTM

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(parenthesis: this is “perception”)

•  To determine/plan feasible trajectories


Evaluation of one position: convolution of the robot chassis wrt. the DTM

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Traversability maps


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Traversability maps


1. Discretisation of the perceived area

2. Probabilistic labelling

Correlated pixels Labeling

(top view) labeling

(sensor view)

Flat Obstacle Unknown

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Traversability maps

2. Probabilistic labelling •  Attributes computed for each cell :

•  Point density •  Mean elevation and standard deviation •  Mean normal vector • …

•  Bayesian classification

P(Ci /A) =P(A /Ci)P(Ci)


P(A /Ci) (usually not Gaussians) 

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Traversability maps 3. Merging maps: application of the Bayes rule (3 classes here)

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Traversability maps 4. Extension: introduction of color/texture attributes

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(“map-free” motion generation)

•  Servo on particular perceived (“mapped”) elements – e.g. path following


Perception = trail detection, from texture and color segmentation (Cf “LAGR” program)

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Exploiting traversability maps

•  Trajectory determination •  Potential fields navigation


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Exploiting traversability maps •  Long term navigation. Knowing:

•  Where I have to go (my goal, my mission) •  What I know on the environment •  How I can know more on the environment •  How I can move (my motion modes)

Where should I head to ? How ? What for ?


NavigaZon vs. ExploraZon ?  EssenZal informaZon in maps: the amount/quality of encoded informaZon 

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UGV & AUV SLAM and Mapping

•  UGV Mapping –  DTM –  Traversability maps

•  UAV Mapping

•  “&”

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DTM from aerial stereo imagery

•  Good projection characteristics (wrt. UGVs)


2.4m stereovision bench, mounted on a blimp 

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DTM from aerial stereo imagery


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DTM from aerial imagery •  Binocular stereo is a bad idea for UAVs “Multi-view stereovision” (@Onera)


1.  Data acquisiZon 

2.  Data registraZon (full SLAM, bundle adjustment) 

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DTM from aerial imagery “Multi-view stereovision” (@Onera)


1.  Data acquisiZon 

2.  Data registraZon (full SLAM, bundle adjustment) 

3.  Building a DTM: •  For each DTM patch, discreZze 

the possible heights •  For each height hypothesis, 

recover the associated pixels in the sequence 

•  Analyse the pixels sequence to declare the “likelihood” of the hypothesis 

•  Detect occlusions, apply regularizaZon… 

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DTM from aerial imagery “Multi-view stereovision” (@Onera)


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DTM from aerial imagery “Multi-view stereovision”


3cm resoluZon DTM from low alZtude UAV (far from real‐Zme) (M.P. Deseilligny @ TeledetecZon lab, Montpellier) 

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Traversability maps from aerial imagery

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(what is a homography ?)

TransformaZon in the 2D plane: 

The relaZon between the images of coplanar points viewed from arbitrary camera posiZons is a homography 

If there is a homography that relates two regions of two images acquired with t≠0, the region is planar 

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Traversability maps from aerial imagery


1st approach Relies on homography computaZon ‐ no assumpZon (neither esZmate) 

of the camera moZon 



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Traversability maps from aerial imagery


1st approach Relies on homography computaZon ‐ no assumpZon (neither esZmate) 

of the camera moZon 



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Traversability maps from aerial imagery


1st approach Homography computaZon 

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Traversability maps from aerial imagery


1st approach Relies on homography computaZon ‐ no assumpZon (neither esZmate) 

of the camera moZon 

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Traversability maps from aerial imagery


Merging traversability map: use the associated orthoimage 

“True” orthoimages 

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Traversability maps from aerial imagery


2nd approach (@Onera) 

OpZc flow on the “H‐registered” images 




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Traversability maps from aerial imagery





2nd approach (@Onera) 

OpZc flow on the “H‐registered” images 

•  Hints on verZcal disconZnuZes •  Towards a DTM ? 

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Traversability maps from aerial imagery 2nd approach (@Onera) 

OpZc flow on the “H‐registered” images 

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UGV & AUV SLAM and Mapping

•  UGV Mapping

•  UAV Mapping –  DTM –  Traversability maps

•  “&”

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Air/Ground cooperation •  Field robotics main missions / tasks:

•  Exploration, reconnaissance (information gathering)

•  Monitoring, surveillance •  Intervention (rescue, fire



•  For all these tasks, air/ground robotics systems bring forth several operational and robotics capacities

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Air/Ground cooperation


•  Ground robots 

Good at:   Precise informaZon gathering   Physical intervenZon   Long duraZon missions   Heavy load carrying 

Not so good at:   Global informaZon gathering   Self localizaZon    High speed mobility   Avoiding hazards  

•  Aerial robots 

Good at:   Global informaZon gathering   High speed mobility    Avoiding hazards   CommunicaZon relaying 

Not so good at:   Long duraZon missions    Physical intervenZon   Heavy load carrying 

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Air/Ground cooperation schemes


UAVs assist UGVs •  LocalizaZon •  CommunicaZon relay •  Environment modeling 

UGVs assist UAVs •  Detect clear landing areas •  Carry on UAVs •  Provide energy support 

UAVs and UGVs cooperate to achieve a task •  ExploraZon •  Monitoring •  IntervenZon •  … 

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Air/Ground cooperation: issues


“Usual” mulZ‐robot issues: •  Task allocaZon •  Task planning (incl. communicaZons) •  CoordinaZon (supervision) •  Inter‐robot servoing •  …  Managing informaZon 

and decision sharing (incl. the operators) 

Environment modeling: at the heart of cooperaZon 

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Air/Ground cooperation Illustration: rover navigation assisted by aerial observation


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Air/Ground cooperation Illustration: rover navigation assisted by aerial observation


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Air/Ground cooperation •  Environment modeling: at the heart of cooperation   Key prerequisite: register aerial and ground data/maps


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Air/Ground traversability map registration ?


From the ground 

From the air 

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Air/Ground orthoimages registration ?


Aerial orthoimage  Orthoimage derived from ground DTM 

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Air/Ground orthoimages registration ?


Aerial orthoimage  Orthoimage derived from ground DTM 

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Air/Ground data registration ?


Air  Ground 

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Air/Ground DTM registration ?


Air  Ground 

Nice soluZon in [Vandapel‐Hebert‐IJRR‐2006] (spin images approach – cf difficulZes with peaks) 

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Common landmarks

Air/Ground registration ?


Landmarks Landmarks

UGV maps  UAV maps 

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Air/Ground registration

•  Main issue: find common landmarks What information is really invariant wrt. viewpoints, camera

characteristics, environment type, sensor type ?



  Building 3D models in a wholesome way 

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Towards richer 3D SLAM

•  Visual line segments –  Robust extraction remains a

bit challenging –  (model-driven approaches

seem better than data driven approaches)


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Towards richer 3D SLAM

•  Visual line segments –  Robust extraction remains a

bit challenging –  (model-driven approaches

seem better than data driven approaches)

–  A good tracker/matcher is so desirable (SLAM will help)


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Towards richer 3D SLAM

•  Visual line segments –  Robust extraction remains a

bit challenging –  (model-driven approaches

seem better than data driven approaches)

–  A good tracker/matcher is so desirable (SLAM will help)


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Towards richer 3D SLAM

•  Monocular line segments SLAM –  Estimate the supporting line (not the endpoints) –  Plücker parameterization

–  Good properties for SLAM: simple expressions for frame transformations and observations


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Towards richer 3D SLAM

•  Monocular line segments SLAM –  Landmark initialization


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Towards richer 3D SLAM

•  Monocular line segments SLAM


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(monocular visual SLAM) •  Early work (Davison, 2003): delayed landmark



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(monocular visual SLAM) •  Early work (Davison, 2003): delayed landmark



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(monocular visual SLAM) •  Early work (Davison, 2003): delayed landmark

initialization A much better approach: inverse-depth parameterization

(undelayed initialization)


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Towards richer 3D SLAM

•  Monocular line segments SLAM –  Early work: delayed landmark initialization  A much better approach: “pseudo” inverse-depth

parameterization (undelayed initialization) (on going work)


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Towards richer 3D SLAM

•  Monocular line segments SLAM –  Early work: delayed landmark initialization  A much better approach: “pseudo” inverse-depth

parameterization (undelayed initialization) (on going work)


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Towards richer 3D SLAM

•  Stereo segments •  Planar patches

–  Extracted from stereo data using homographies


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Towards richer 3D SLAM

•  Stereo segments •  Planar patches •  Planes

•  Extracted from monocular sequences using homographies



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Towards richer 3D SLAM

•  Stereo segments •  Planar patches •  Planes •  Collapsing landmarks into 3D structures


+  +  +  … 

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Towards air/ground 3D SLAM •  Multi-robot SLAM: “various” loop closure events

1.  “Rendez-vous”: inter-robot relative localization 2.  Map matching 3.  Absolute localization: GPS fix 4.  Absolute localization: localization wrt. an initial map

  3D geometry is a key for 2. and 4.

•  On the estimation side: –  Distributed management of various maps


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Towards air/ground 3D SLAM •  Illustration. A mix of:

–  Multi-robot multiple local maps (akin to hierarchical SLAM)

–  Point landmarks, inverse depth parameterization

–  Line segments, stereovision


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UGV & AUV SLAM and Mapping

•  UGV Mapping

•  UAV Mapping

•  “&”

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Maps, maps, maps…


•  Geographic information systems

Maps of everywhere, available everywhere ! (googleEarth, virtualEarth, geoportail, Nasa WorldWind, flashEarth…) 

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Maps, maps, maps… Mars images @ 0.25m resoluZon, DTM @ 1m ( 

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Maps, maps, maps !

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Maps, maps, maps…




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We must endow our robots with the ability to use these 3D geometry in one of the key

Summer School maps 

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Questions ?

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Answers !