ugora.files. Web view · 2015-02-09Or, what motivates you to get out of bed in the...

UGORA: An Exchange of Ideas, Insights, & Beliefs Week Two Responses 1. What serves as your inspiration for life? Or, what motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? Education, and my pursuit of becoming a doctor. God’s my inspiration, if it wasn’t for him my life would feel like death. He is the one that has brought order to my life. The eternal perspective helps keep me going. Family, I have a couple of kids that I love. My inspiration comes from wanting a good job where I own a lot of livestock. A lot of things inspire my life. My family, music, friends, writing, helping others, etc. But being late for class can often motivate me to get going quick. Probably my family in Honduras. Also my desire to work with children in poverty and become a doctor and experiencing the Peace Corps. Being at the University of Idaho is a dream come true. I’m living my dream and that is inspiring. My relationship with Christ, just knowing that this could be my last day here on earth and wanting it to count. The thought of getting out of school and finding a job that would be able to bring me some stability. God/Jesus, he’s the inspiration for which I live. Excellence, I was raised to work towards doing the best that I could. Helping others. Family, wanting to be able to provide for them one day. To be successful and achieve my dream of becoming an attorney. And my parents inspire me. So I can have something to do. Also other people inspire me. I don’t know, maybe because I want to impart a positive change on the world. 2. Who are some of the people who have influenced you the most in life? In what way did they influence you?

Transcript of ugora.files. Web view · 2015-02-09Or, what motivates you to get out of bed in the...

Page 1: ugora.files. Web view · 2015-02-09Or, what motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? Education, and my pursuit of becoming a doctor. ... for one. But also my parents because

UGORA: An Exchange of Ideas, Insights, & BeliefsWeek Two Responses

1. What serves as your inspiration for life? Or, what motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?

Education, and my pursuit of becoming a doctor. God’s my inspiration, if it wasn’t for him my life would feel like death. He is the one

that has brought order to my life. The eternal perspective helps keep me going. Family, I have a couple of kids that I love. My inspiration comes from wanting a good job where I own a lot of livestock. A lot of things inspire my life. My family, music, friends, writing, helping others,

etc. But being late for class can often motivate me to get going quick. Probably my family in Honduras. Also my desire to work with children in poverty

and become a doctor and experiencing the Peace Corps. Being at the University of Idaho is a dream come true. I’m living my dream and

that is inspiring. My relationship with Christ, just knowing that this could be my last day here on

earth and wanting it to count. The thought of getting out of school and finding a job that would be able to bring

me some stability. God/Jesus, he’s the inspiration for which I live. Excellence, I was raised to work

towards doing the best that I could. Helping others. Family, wanting to be able to provide for them one day.

To be successful and achieve my dream of becoming an attorney. And my parents inspire me.

So I can have something to do. Also other people inspire me.I don’t know, maybe because I want to impart a positive change on the world.

2. Who are some of the people who have influenced you the most in life? In what way did they influence you?

Parents because they were physicians and helped inspire me to be one as well. Another one would be the guy that I co-founded a company with. Also there was the lady in Argentina who inspired me to try new things as I traveled around the world.

Parents because their marriage was strong. Also my tutor who had to overcome a hard accident.

My parents and some of my friends from High School. Dad, he was a successful ranch manager who was very professional and who

showed me the ropes of the business. My family, for starters. They influenced me and helped me to grow up differently

from other one else. I value their advice and what they’ve taught me to do and

Page 2: ugora.files. Web view · 2015-02-09Or, what motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? Education, and my pursuit of becoming a doctor. ... for one. But also my parents because

behave. Then there’s also teachers and coaches who have influenced me to be determined and to do my best.

My Mom, she was super supportive. She was the kind of person that would push me when I wanted to give up, she never gave up. Also my cousin/best friend who also never gave up.

My family. My mom because she made many sacrifices as a single parent and was always there for me, and is the first person that I go to for support. My sister, because she is like my best friend. My older brother who was like my father as he took me under his wings even though he didn’t have to. And then there is my mentor Paul, who for the last five years has pushed me to be a better man.

God, for one. But also my parents because they showed me how to put others needs in front of my own and to achieve my dreams. My brother was also a person that I felt like I could always go to and talk to and he pushed me to go further than I thought I could.

Quieer Community, they are a fun supportive community. I would also say professors who take the time to help you and who care enough to not just tell you their opinions, but have the research to back it up.

Parents, they helped me a lot growing up, even homeschooling me. My dad was a hard worker who taught me how to work as hard as I could.

Parents, they gave a lot of stuff up for me. Also my 4-H leader who help a lot with projects and stuff.

My parents, because they worked hard for my sisters and I to make sure we were thoroughly taken care of.

Parents, because they raised me and showed me the ropes of life. Siblings, just because of my interactions with them

Parents, especially my father would past off good morels to me. MLK is also a big one, he’s someone I look up for his strength and fortitude and standing up against wrong.

3. Have there been any defining moments in life that have shaped you into the person you are today?

The decision to return back to school after taking a year off due to being burned out.

My mom’s death, she was someone who was in tune with reality, taught me how to love more fully, how to show compassion and how to laugh. My father’s example was also big as he showed a lot of self-sacrifice. And my tutor’s example of courage was also big.

N/A N/A Definitely Blue Devils. One of the greatest drum corps. BD for three consecutive

summer seasons was a defining moment that changed my life for good. It’s what

Page 3: ugora.files. Web view · 2015-02-09Or, what motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? Education, and my pursuit of becoming a doctor. ... for one. But also my parents because

helped me become determined, excited, and even eager to learn and try something new, especially new flag moves.

When my mom got diagnosed with kidney failure, which was when I decided to go into Med School. Then there was the time that my best friend in college and Grandpa died within a couple weeks about a year ago.

The times of uncertainty were defining moments for me because I was pushed to stay positive despite hard times, which has gotten me to where I am today.

The moment that I got accepted into the University of Idaho, I was planning on going somewhere else, but then got accepted here. Coming to the U of I has been a really freeing experience.

Having to traverse a hard breakup. That’s something that I’m still working through. Giving the commencement speech at NIC as the student body president in front of

thousands of people. After I did that, I knew I could do anything. Moving around a lot was pretty impactful. From big cities to small cities, it was a

big adjustment. N/A N/A Psychedelics, and seeing that there’s a deeper meaning to things. It allowed me to

see an alternative look at life.4. In what specific ways do you influence others?

I do believe I have an influence. I believe we all influence others, I think I do it through a deep respect for the truth. I feel like I have influence as a father, and just by being a kind and nice person. I do feel like I have a positive influence on the people around me. I’m not sure, to be honest. I would hope that I would influence others to be more

bold/daring instead of sitting back and being unsure of themselves. I would hope to influence others to not be afraid to try new things, such as trying a new move. If anything, I think I influence others by helping out when needed.

I want to believe that I have a positive influence on others. I believe I have a positive influence on other through my example of working hard

to get to where you want to go. I provide hope for others that want to do the same think that I did. I also want to be an encouragement to the younger generation.

Being a friend, not just a friend that tells them what to do but just to come along side of them. The moto that I live by is: “Kindness is a key”

I feel like I influence others through educating them on platonic relationships. My attitude helps build other people up. If you help someone in need, one day they

will be able to help you out. I try to be selfless as well. I’m also reading the Bible a lot in order to disciple others and bring them to the Lord.

I try to be really positive and encouraging. I’m really creative, so I feel like I can influence my friend in creative ways.

Page 4: ugora.files. Web view · 2015-02-09Or, what motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? Education, and my pursuit of becoming a doctor. ... for one. But also my parents because

N/A I have no idea. Maybe by being a good friend, someone who they can just talk to. Try to influence them through example. I want to portray good morals and show
