UEDF TACTICAL BRIEFING - worldofjaymz.ca€¦ · UEDF TACTICAL BRIEFING ... missile pods are also a...

UEDF TACTICAL BRIEFING Veritech Valkyries The Valkyrie is the most iconic mecha in the UEDF forces, and the entire Robotech series. It is not surprising then, that this versatile mecha is one of the most potent on the field of battle. All Valkyries possess Flight and are characterized by their Variable ability that allows them to shift between three different modes: Fighter, Guardian, and Battloid. At the beginning of its activation a Valkyrie must choose which mode it will assume for the duration of that activation. Each mode possesses certain advantages and disadvantages. Taking advantage of each mode’s strengths is key to effective Valkyrie use. Fighter mode is characterized by its raw Speed of 12 and higher Defense of 6. As an Aircraft it may only make one 90 degree turn before moving in a straight line. The Afterburner ability provides it with a second turn and move during its Resolution Step, after it has attacked, meaning a Fighter Valkyrie can streak up to 24 inches across the battlefield without the expenditure of a single command point. All that speed comes at a price, and the Fast Mover ability means a Valkyrie in Fighter mode is limited to only firing one weapon system per turn. Guardian mode is the classic jack-of-all trades. Benefiting from Flight like the Fighter mode the Guardian’s Speed is nonetheless VF-1S in Guardian Mode VF-1S in Fighter Mode

Transcript of UEDF TACTICAL BRIEFING - worldofjaymz.ca€¦ · UEDF TACTICAL BRIEFING ... missile pods are also a...


Veritech Valkyries The Valkyrie is the most iconic mecha in the UEDF forces, and the entire Robotech series. It is not surprising then, that this versatile mecha is one of the most potent on the field of battle. All Valkyries possess Flight and are characterized by their Variable ability that

allows them to shift between three different modes: Fighter, Guardian, and Battloid. At the beginning of its activation a Valkyrie must choose which mode it will assume for the duration of that activation. Each mode possesses certain advantages and disadvantages. Taking advantage of each mode’s strengths is key to effective Valkyrie use.

Fighter mode is characterized by its raw Speed of 12 and higher Defense of 6. As an Aircraft it may only make one 90 degree turn

before moving in a straight line. The Afterburner ability provides it with a second turn and move during its Resolution Step, after it has attacked, meaning a Fighter Valkyrie can streak up to 24 inches across the battlefield without the expenditure of a single command point. All that speed comes at a price, and the Fast Mover ability means a

Valkyrie in Fighter mode is limited to only firing one weapon system per turn. Guardian mode is the classic jack-of-all trades. Benefiting from Flight like the Fighter

mode the Guardian’s Speed is nonetheless

VF-1S in Guardian Mode

VF-1S in Fighter Mode

reduced to 10. The loss of Afterburner is made up by the addition of Hover, causing enemy

attackers to suffer a penalty to Strike. Battloid mode is the slowest of the the three modes, reduced to a pedestrian Speed 5. Nonetheless, it is still capable of flight. Its more dextrous nature allows it to use the GU-11 Gunpod with improved efficiency, thanks to an increased Gunnery skill, doubling its range to 24 and allowing it to Rapid Fire and fire an additional time during its activation at the cost of a command point. However, it loses access to its powerful missile systems. All standard Valkyries also share a common weapons packages, differentiated only by the configuration of the Anti-Missile Head Lasers each is equipped with.

The GU-11 Gunpod is the Valkyries powerful, primary weapon system, and delivers a powerful short ranged MD 6 punch. While its Rapid Fire trait allows you to spend a Command Point to

fire again. The Wing Mounted Missile Hardpoints deliver their payload from a safe distance. Each Veritech may fire a single volley of either mini-missiles, medium-ranged missiles or Long Range Missile. The standard payload for a Valkyrie to be armed with medium-ranged missiles with a range of 24 inches and doing 9 MDC. VF1A/VF1J/VF1S/VF1D The most common Valkyries in service are the VF1A, VF1J,and VF1S. All three models are durable with MDC 14, but they are distinguished more by the quality of their pilot than their mecha. The VF1A is the standard Valkyrie featuring an average Gunnery of 2. The VF1J “Officer” improves it average Gunnery by 1, but also features Leadership 2, generating an additional 2

Command Points. The VF1S furthers the trend with another increase to its Gunnery and Leadership 4.

The VF1D gains Leadership 2 thanks to the officer in one seat, and can fire an extra weapon

system per turn at a lower Gunnery due to the trainee in the other seat. VF1R The VF1R has a reinforced body granting it a 3 additional MDC. In addition it features an upgrade to the standard Valkyrie head mounted AntiMissile systems, and an additional MiniMissile System. The VF-1R is also faster than a normal Valkyrie moving with a SPD of 6 in battloid, 12 in guardian mode and 14 in fighter mode!

VF-1D Veritech in Fighter Mode

VEF1 The VEF1 is outfitted for electronic warfare, sacrificing its GU11 Gunpod for a Jamming and Sensor Spoofing Pod that makes the

VEF1 untargetable by missiles, and grants all friendly mecha within 12 inches a free Dodge against incoming missiles. Missiles are often the primary first strike weapon in Zentraedi and Malcontent forces. Being able to reduce their effectiveness allows the squadron to get in close and unleash their own attacks. It also features an Electronic Attack Suite

that can spend a Command Points to inflict a penalty to Strike upon an enemy mecha. Each unit affected costs a single Command Point.

Super Valkyrie The most immediate advantage of a Super Valkyrie are the enormous engines that grant it an incredible boost to its Speed of +4 in Fighter, +4 in Guardian, and +1 in Battloid. Speed alone is not the only improvement of a Super Valkyrie, equipping it with the devastating Hailstorm Missile Pack the fires endless swarms of Short-Ranged missiles into the approaching enemy. The Super Valkyrie was the premier fighter of the UEDF at the last major Zentraedi battle above Earth.

Armored Valkyrie An Armored Valkyrie sacrifices its Variable nature to remain in Battloid mode and gain an Armor Pack that improves its MDC by 8 but reduces its speed. Improved durability is not the only benefit though, as the Armor Pack includes a Barrage Missile Pack that lights up any who stray too near. Should an Armored Valkyrie need to regain its maneuverability it can jettison its Armor Pack and revert back to a normal Valkyrie at the start of its activation phase at no cost.

Super VF-1S in Guardian Mode

VEF-1 in Battloid Mode

Armored VF-1J Veritech

YF-4 Experimental Veritech

The YF-4 was one of the latest test fighters for the UEDF. On paper the YF-4 seems much superior than the VF Veritech. It is faster in every mode. With a movement of 14 in Fighter mode, 11 in Guardian mode, and 6 in Battloid mode it is faster than the regular VF Veritech. The standard Long Range missiles that were built into recessed missile pods are also a very powerful boost to the firepower of the older veritech design. The YF-4 can also take more of a pounding with a total of 16 MDC. On paper the fighter looked superior to the older veritech in every way. The hopes to replace the VF Series veritech went awry when the engine systems were found to requires a large amount of maintenance and the development of the VF-1R showed that the improvements of the YF-4 were not as great as were hoped dashing the chance of widespread use of this fighter. The few that were made remain in service with the UEDF forces.

Jotun Experimental Armor

The Jotun Armor saw very little use and was still in development as the Zentraedi attack on Earth began. Only a few that were still being tested were used and these for tested far beyond the test pilot’s wildest dreams as every able pilot was called upon to defend the Earth and push back the Zentraedi Armada led by Commander Dolza. The Jotun nearly doubles the amount of damage a veritech can take by adding an additional 12 points MD to its already substantial 14 points for a massive total of 26 MD. The Jotun armor prevents the veritech from transforming until jettisoned. While in use the armor also adds one of the fast packs identical to that used by the Super Veritech. This provides the Jotun with 6 volleys of 4 short range missiles just like the chest missiles mounted on the Tomahawk and the Spartan. Even with the heavy boosters mounted on the fast pack the Jotun’s heavy armor slows the unit to a SPD of 4 until it is jettisoned whereafter the veritech inside may act and move as normal.

YF-4 Experimental Veritech

Jotun Experimental Armor

QF3000 Ghost Drone

The Ghost Drone is a cheap and effective Aircraft.

While it lacks skill in Gunnery and Piloting, its Defense makes it a hard target to destroy. When the Ghost Drone does manage to hit its foe few things can withstand its potent cannons that deal a powerful punch at 12 MD. In addition, to its cannons the Ghost features a

missile system that can swap between short and medium range configurations. A Ghost Drone is typically armed with a mix of five salvos of four medium-range missiles and ten salvos of six short-range missiles. SF3A Lancer II

The Lancer II is function meets design in its truest form. The Double-Barrelled Plasma Beam Cannon, which makes up the majority of its body can target enemy mecha from an extraordinary 48 inch range and deals a respectable 10 MD! Should the Lancer find itself swarmed its Short Range Missile system can put out 2 Volleys of 3 missiles to beat back the hordes.

Ghost Drone

Lancer II Fighter

Tomahawk Destroid With a rugged 19 MDC and a versatile weapon payload, the Tomahawk is arguably the most versatile Destroid in operation. Thanks to its Focused Fire ability it is able to make use of two systems as long as it remains stationary. Its signature weapons are the massive Dual Heavy Particle Accelerator Cannons that can strike up to two targets from 36 inches. Thanks to the cannons’ Overwhelming trait an enemy cannot Roll with Impact against the 8

MD hit. Beyond the Particle Cannons, the Tomahawk if positively bristling with secondary weapons systems featuring two additional gun systems, and three different missile systems.

It has a Multi Missile Pods located on each shoulder with 3 salvos or 4 missile in each for a total of 6 salvos. Over the right shoulder there is a 6 pack of medium missiles. These packs are normally loaded with fragmentation missiles that are used to destroy incoming enemy missiles. In addition the Tomahawk is armed with 8 mini-missiles for close in defense. Spartan Destroid

The Spartan is most at home close in where it can use its hands and short ranged weapons systems. With a Speed of 7 the Spartan is surprisingly fast, closing the distance to the foe quickly while firing missile volleys from its Multiple Missile Pods. Once it has closed the Spartan makes use of its Brawler ability to make a free additional hand to hand attack and increase the damage it deals by 2. The Spartan is also often equipped with a large club for Hand to Hand combat or may be equipped with a GU-11 gun pod, greatly increasing it firepower and deadliness at all ranges. Although not the toughest and most resistant to damage of all the Destroids it is one of the most common ones seen because of its strength and great versatility. It is also the ONLY Destroid with hands and is often used to assist on large construction projects.

Spartan Destroid

Tomahawk Destroid

Defender Destroid Less durable than other Destroids with MDC 11, the Defender is most at home when it can maintain its distance from the enemy and fire it’s AntiAircraft AutoCannons. The Dual Cannons are a Defenders only weapon system,

but they are an incredibly versatile one with Accurate,

AntiMissile, Rapid Fire, Rear Fire, and Split Fire traits.

Allowing it to remain stationary to improve its accuracy,

shoot missiles from the sky, fire multiple time, shoot

enemies in its rear arc, and shoot multiple targets—now

those are guns!

The cannons do a tremendous 8 points of damage at a

long range and are excellent stand-off weapons used to

keep the enemy at bay or punish them upon approach.

The cannons on the Defender can also be armed with air-

burst munitions that do less damage but are perfect for

taking down fast moving targets such as Zentraedi Gnerls in flight or tight groups of enemy

mecha such as a tightly spaced group of battlepods. These munitions do half as much damage

as the normal armor piercing munitions but are able to hit all targets in the blast area.

Phalanx Destroid Lightly armored like the Defender the Phalanx features Dual Derringer Missile Launchers that use Long Range Missiles to strike opponents up to 60 inches away. The Derringer’s are no ordinary missile launcher though, firing in volleys of 4 missiles, it often uses Fragmentation missiles with each missile possessing the Blast trait, the Phalanx carpets the battlefield in

explosions at ranges of 48 inches. The large variety of Long Range Missiles gives the Phalanx a great deal of adaptability. The versatility of this mecha does not end there as it may be armed with a large variety of munitions that can keep enemies on their toes.

Phalanx Destroid

Defender Destroid

Mk.II Monster Destroid The Monster is deserving of its name, and is the biggest mecha in the game and an MDC to prove it, able to withstand 24 points of damage, while its thick armor is further represented by its hefty Defense of 7. The Monster’s primary weapon system is its enormous 40cm Quad M400 Artillery Cannons. Accurate, and using the Blast

template the cannons can reach enemies 60 inches away to deliver their 12 MD, Overwhelming

payload. Should you really need something destroyed the Quad Cannons can sacrifice their next

round of fire to double the damage of the current shot. Just in case the Quad Cannon didn’t quite finish them off it can unleash a volley with a size of its choosing from its Multiple Missile Launchers and fire off a few volleys of medium-range missiles.

Monster Destroid


The Regult Battlepod is the backbone of any Zentraedi force. The bargain cost and low MDC 5 of a Regult squadron makes it easy to underestimate these tenacious units, a mistake few UEDF commanders live to regret. The Regult’s Defense of 6 makes it as difficult to hit as a Fighter Valkyrie. Its 5 inch movement is deceptively fast thanks to its Leap ability, effectively doubling its movement while ignoring obstacles. While the Regults are effective on the run it is when they remain stationary that they are at their deadliest. Its Heavy Particle Cannons are solid midranged weapons (18”) that benefit from the Accurate ability, granting them +1 to Strike if the Regult doesn’t move. Adding to their stationary firepower, the Focused Fire ability allows them to fire an

additional weapon system. The top mounted Air-Defense laser turret does an excellent job of protecting Battlepods from missile strikes. Perhaps the defining trait of the standard Regult is the Life is Cheap ability. Mecha with this ability do not generate any

Command Points, but they do not generate any Victory Points for the enemy either. In addition, if a friendly mecha decides a Regult is in the way, they can blast them from existence with a

smile. Gluuhaug-Regult

While not as nimble as the standard Regult, the Gluuhaug Light Artillery Regult makes up for any shortcomings in speed and defense with barrages of missiles. It loses the top mounted air-defense lasers and their anti-missile capability in the exchange for the firepower and versatility provided by the addition of the missile pods. The missile pods slow the unit to a Move of 4 and reduce it’s Defense by one to a 5. Benefiting from Focus Fire,

the Gluuhaug is at home in a fortified position where it can fire both its Heavy Particle Cannons and its 313mm Missile Launchers. The 313mm Missile Launchers are a medium range missiles that can extinguish targets up to 24” away. What they lack in range they make up in payload, unleashing a devastating 6 missiles per volley, dealing 9 MD each when armed with High Explosive warheads. Gluuhaug-Regult

Regult Battlepod


The Serauhaug-Regult is the heavy artillery battlepod, and shares the same profile as its cousin the Gluuhaug-Regult. Like the Regult and the Gluuhaug, the Sarauhaug features Focused Fire allowing it to remain stationary

and fire both its most potent weapons. However, the Serauhaug’s 791mm Tactical Ballistic Launcher fire up to four long-ranged missiles. Typically armed with Fragmentation missiles that have a 48 inch range and use the devastating Artillery Blast Template.

With each missile’s 5” radius, UEDF forces are punished dearly for lingering too close together.


The Quel-Regult is a pure tactical option for a Regult squadron, and its weapon systems have been entirely replaced with a complex array of reconnaissance options. Featuring a standard Regult’s defense and an improved Speed of 6, the Quel-Regult is difficult to pin down. The Quel-Regult’s Advanced Reconnaissance Suite

provides all friendly mecha within 12 inches with a bonus to Strike with their ranged weapons. While its Electronic Attack Suite can utilize a Command Point to inflict a

penalty to Strike against enemy mecha. Just to round out the Quel-Regult’s tactical assistance it

benefits from Leadership 2, providing the Zentraedi force with an additional 2 Command Points. Telnesta-Regult

The Telnesta-Regult is the Zentraedi’s attempt at a heavy firepower version of the Regult. In essence just like the Artillery Pods it has removed the Laser Anti-Missile turret and replaced it with twin Heavy Particle cannons. These cannons have the same range as the normal Particle Cannons at 18 inches but can do a massive 8 damage with each hit. The weight and energy drain reduce the SPD of the Regult from 5 to 4 but the unit still has the ability to Leap so the increase is not a huge debility for the unit.





The Quel-Gulnau.is a unit that is mostly tactical in nature. Its primary function is to recover units on the battlefield, dead or alive. The unit comes with 2 powerful arms that can do serious damage to any unit that allows it to come too close. The unit also has a powerful array of communications and sensors because it is typically employed in debris strewn areas. The Quel-Gulnau also comes with a few variants with some optional systems. Designed to recover disabled units it often enters the field of combat under duress. To help protect the unit some come with a laser system designed to destroy fast flying debris or missiles.


The Glaug also known as the Officer’s Battlepod, is not only the most impressive battlepod in the Zentraedi force, it is one of the most potent units in the game. Featuring a Speed and Defense of 7, the Glaug is a difficult adversary to lock on target. Bristling with weapon systems, the Glaug has a gun for every occasion. Its top mounted Charged Particle Cannon features the Accurate, Inescapable and Overwhelming

traits, making it impossible to Dodge or Roll with Impact when hit with this weapon. Its forearms feature two different Split Fire weapons—Heavy Particle Cannons

and Electromagnetic Rail Cannons—each system capable of firing at two separate targets. Not to be outdone in the missile department, the Glaug features 150mm Short-Range Missile Tubes allowing it to fire up to 6 missiles in volleys of its choosing over the course of the battle. The Glaug also has 2 smaller autocannons on its chin that have the Anti-Missile ability adding to its protection.

The Glaug is not just a machine of war, the Zentraedi officer within is a potent battlefield tactician, possessing Leadership 4, granting 4 additional Command Points to his forces. Added

to all of this the Glaug has the Call Reinforcements ability allowing it a chance to call in reinforcements and replace destroyed friendly units. Any time a unit with the Life Is Cheap trait is near when it is destroyed the Glaug can pay one Command Point to call in a replacement for the unit destroyed.

Glaug (Officer’s Battlepod)



The Glaug-Eldare features all of the

potent weapon systems and abilities

of the normal Glaug, with a potent

booster system that increases its

capabilities to unmatched levels. The

most obvious benefit is the increase to

speed, moving 12 inches; it also

features the Afterburner ability

causing it to make an additional

secondary move of 12 inches during

its Resolution Step.

In addition to its speed boost, the Glaug-Eldare more than doubles its MDC from 9 to 19, and gains two additional missile systems, ensuring it has a large enough payload for even the longest engagement. The Glaug-Eldare also has the ability to reacall just like the Glaug but the utility of the trait is greatly reduced since the Glaug-Eldare is typically in formation with Zentraedi Elite units, none of which has the Life is Cheap trait. Gnerl The Gnerl is the Zentraedi’s lone Aircraft. As

an aircraft it may only make a single 90 degree turn before moving in a straight line. However, it can never be pinned in close combat, and is unhindered by terrain or mecha it flies above. Like the Glaug-Eldare, the Gnerl possess the Afterburner ability forcing it to make a secondary move during the Resolution Step. In combat the Gnerl features a Rotary Particle Cannon with Rapid Fire and Overwhelming—allowing it to be fired an additional time, and which enemy mecha cannot Roll with Impact. The

Gnerl also features Air-to-Air Missile Launchers containing three volleys of short-ranged missiles that fire in devastating volleys of 6.




The Nousjadeul-Ger is a rugged and practical power armored suit. It’s relatively low cost and high MDC 10 makes it a tenacious squadron on the battlefield. The Noujadeul-Ger’s shoulder cannon provides moderate fire power at range, but the power armor’s true strength lies in short ranges where it can use its Rapid Fire, Plasma Machine Pistol

that packs a hefty 8 MD punch or its 64mm Grenade Launcher that uses the Blast Template. Nousgarma-Ger This is the upgraded version of the standard Nousjadeul-Ger. The heavy shoulder cannon is removed and a turret just like that mounted on the Gluuhaug-Regult is

mounted in its place. This provides a significant increase in firepower. The most important change is the upgrade of the flight boosters on the back of the unit. These booster in effect double the speed of the armor from 5 to 10. One of the main problems of the Nousjadeul-Ger armor is its slow speed preventing it from being able to travel with many of the other Zentraedi units such as the Regult. The Nousgarme-Ger eliminates that weakness completely and turns the power armor from a concern to a force to be reckoned with.

Queadluun-Rau Queadluun-Rau stands alongside the Glaug as the preeminent war machines of the Zentraedi. More durable than a Nousjadeul-ger, and faster than a Glaug; the Queadluun-Rau is increasingly difficult to destroy thanks to its Hover ability,

penalizing enemy units to Strike rolls when targeting them. The Queadluun-Rau features a dual version of the 64mm Grenade Launcher, doubling its damage to an impressive 12 MD, while maintaining its deadly Blast template. Its Triple-Barrel Particle Cannons are Inescapable and cannot be

Dodged. Polishing off its array of weaponry is a deadly short ranged Mini-Missile Launcher that fires a swarm of 8 missiles! It also carries and impressive 16 volleys of mini-missiles. Providing potent tactical assistance, each Queadluun-Rau possesses Leadership 2, making it so that a full squad of three

generates an incredible 9 Command Points. Queadluun-Rau




The Queadluun-Gult stands alone.as THE preeminent war machine of the Zentraedi. More durable than a Nousjadeul-ger, and faster than a Glaug; just like the Queadluun-Rau the design is based off of, the Queadluun-Gult is increasingly deadly with its array of Heavy Particle Cannons. These cannons have an impressive range of 18 inches and can do a massive 8 points of damage. Added to this, the cannons can fire in any direction, forward or to the rear. The Queadluun-Gult features the typical dual version of the 64mm Grenade Launcher that do an impressive 12 MD damage and use the deadly Blast template. Its Triple-Barrel Particle Cannons are Inescapable. Polishing off its array of weaponry

is a deadly short ranged Mini-Missile Launcher that fires a swarm of 8 missiles! It also carries a modest 6 volleys of mini-missiles, much reduced from the Queadluun-Rau due to many of the missile mounts being replaced by the Heavy Particle Cannons. Zentraedi Infantry

Even out of their mecha a Zentraedi

soldier is a formidable opponent. In large

units they can quickly bring down even

the mightiest opponents. Serau-Ger

feature heavy armor that makes each

soldier as durable as a Regult Battlepod.

While not as durable the Gluu-Ger’s

reduced cost makes them easily available

to swarm any fortified position.

Zentraedi Infantry can choose from a variety of weaponry—the Accurate and

reliable Particle Assault Rifle; the explosive Blast template generating Flechette Cannon; or the hard hitting Shoulder-Fired Missile Launcher. Unsurprisingly, a Zentraedi soldier expects to die gloriously on the field of battle and is easily

replaced, thus just like the Regults they pilot, all Zentraedi Infantry possess the Life is Cheap

