
New Tools in Digital Humanities UDHIG June 13 2006 Zoe Borovsky


text analysis tools

Transcript of Udhig0613

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New Tools in Digital Humanities

UDHIG June 13 2006Zoe Borovsky

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New tools

Text:JuxtaTAPoR, HyperPo WordHoardImages:

Image Markup Tool

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Why digitize text?

Text analysis: discovering new knowledge by linking information together in interesting ways, not just showing overall trends.

“I think discovering new knowledge vs. showing trends is like the difference between a detective following clues to find the criminal vs. analysts looking at crime statistics to assess overall trends in car theft.” (Marti Hearst, 2003)

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The verb “look” occurs more often near words & names of giantesses than giants.

Three volumes of sagas:

Hundreds of giants and giantesses

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Types of tools

Concordance, comparison, corpus, critical editions (Juxta)

Search (TAPoR, HyperPo, WordHoard)Key words in context (KWIC)Collocates (associations)Markup: Lemma, Parts of speech,


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Produces critical editions, comparing and collating multiple witnesses of a single work


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Desktop Application: Mac, Windows and Unix/Linux (open source)

Input: plain text (UTF-8), or XMLOutput: HTML critical apparatus

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The darker color, the more variants that differ

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Toggle between texts

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Generate HTML

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TAPoRWeb-based text analysis portalSearch and display using online tools


Input: XML, HTML, TEI, plain text

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Mostly English, some western European languages

Word ListsKWIC (key word in context)Collocates/co occurrences - words

that occur in the proximity

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Word ListHyperPo

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Key word in context, HyperPo

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co occurrences“white”add secondary corpus

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WordHoardDesktop application/server versiontexts are annotated or tagged by

morphological, lexical, semantic, prosodic, and narratological criteria.


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The downloadable version comes with texts

Open source version can be installed on your own server with your texts

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Sample WordHoard query

Shakespeare’s use of the word “love” over time

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Image Markup Tool


Windows only

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Image Markup toolInput: an image that you want to

make available on a web page with annotations directly on the image

Ex, Robert Watson’s

Back to Nature

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Image Markup Tool

Output: sample A copy of your XML data file with an added XSL stylesheet

declaration A copy of the image file you're marking up (usually

reduced to a size suitable for a Web page -- you can control this size in the Options / Web view preferences window).

An XSLT file (copied from the web_view folder in the program folder, with some variables modified to suit your data).

A JavaScript file (copied from the web_view folder in the program folder).

A CSS stylesheet file (copied from the web_view folder in the program folder).