Ucch or Neech Ke Grah

Uchcha (exalted) and Neech (debilitated) planets Lately, there have been a few requests and some protests too to write Astro-Articles. Here is an attempt to give something heavy-Metal / thought-inducing if not provoking article on Astrology. Please note that I have been putting some quick snippets on my Facebook page on Astrology almost every time I logon to Facebook:http://www.facebook.com//pages/Milind-Chitambar-Astrology-Zone/ 262979737072547 You hear this term in Astrology quite a bit. There are other terms like Mul- Trikon rashi, Mitra/Shatru rashi for planets but uchcha/neech gets a grand attention. Following are the uchcha neech rashis for the planets: 1. Surya : Mesh is uchcha and Tula is neech (The 10 th degree “paramochcha” / Ultra-Uchcha or Ultra-Neech) 2. Chandra: Vrishabh Uchcha, Vrishchik Neech (3 rd degree) 3. Budh: Kanya uchcha, Meen Neech (15 th degree??) 4. Shukra: Meen uchcha, Kanya neech 5. Mangal: Makar uchcha, Kirk neech (28 th degree) 6. Guru: Kirk uchcha, Makar neech (5 th degree? I will need to check I am not sure) 7. Shani: Tula uchcha, Mesh neech (15 th degree?) 8. Rahu: Mithun uchcha, Dhanu neech 9. Ketu: Dhanu uchcha, Mithun neech 10. Harshal: Not available in Sanskrit granthas but obvious that Harshal is uchcha in Kumbh 11. Neptune: Not available in Sanskrit granthas but obvious that Neptune is uchcha in Meen



Transcript of Ucch or Neech Ke Grah

Page 1: Ucch or Neech Ke Grah

Uchcha (exalted) and Neech (debilitated) planets

Lately, there have been a few requests and some protests too to write Astro-Articles.  Here is an attempt to give something heavy-Metal / thought-inducing if not provoking article on Astrology.

Please note that I have been putting some quick snippets on my Facebook page on Astrology almost every time I logon to Facebook:http://www.facebook.com//pages/Milind-Chitambar-Astrology-Zone/262979737072547

You hear this term in Astrology quite a bit. There are other terms like Mul-Trikon rashi, Mitra/Shatru rashi for planets but uchcha/neech gets a grand attention. Following are the uchcha neech rashis for the planets:

1.  Surya : Mesh is uchcha and Tula is neech (The 10th degree “paramochcha” / Ultra-Uchcha or Ultra-Neech)

2.  Chandra: Vrishabh Uchcha, Vrishchik Neech (3rd degree)

3.  Budh: Kanya uchcha, Meen Neech (15th degree??)

4.  Shukra: Meen uchcha, Kanya neech

5.  Mangal: Makar uchcha, Kirk neech (28th degree)

6.  Guru: Kirk uchcha, Makar neech (5th degree? I will need to check I am not sure)

7.  Shani: Tula uchcha, Mesh neech (15th degree?)

8.  Rahu: Mithun uchcha, Dhanu neech

9.  Ketu: Dhanu uchcha, Mithun neech

10. Harshal: Not available in Sanskrit granthas but obvious that Harshal is uchcha in Kumbh

11. Neptune: Not available in Sanskrit granthas but obvious that Neptune is uchcha in Meen

I never used PLUTO in ANY horoscope and never saw any effect of Pluto in a horoscope particularly.

The uchcha planets are always very good from health perspective and show a good optimal level of health in the aspect shown by the planet: Surya: Spine, Heart, quality of eyes, Father; Moon/Chandra: Water, Mind, Mom; Budh: Brain/Nuro; Shukra: Skin, hair and beauty of eyes etc. Mangal: Blood, Siblings, land etc.

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The uchcha planet in the horoscope shows a very good past karmawith respect to the area of life the planet shows for a horoscope. Mars shows sports/speed/blood/internal reprod organs etc but it could be the owner of the 5th house in some horoscope (Kids/Buddhi) and it will also show something in that respect. The mahadasha or antardasha of the uchcha planets is always very good, unless, there are some very bad influences on a uchcha planet. Also, whenever gochar Guru puts drushti on this natal (birth-time) planet – it results in good pay-back of the instant karma (kriyamaan karma) which is again driven *mostly* by your horoscope baselines! (Even a neech planet, when Guru is opposite/one to it, shows great results.)

So you have Sachin setting up great records whenever Guru is in Makar or Kirk with FUILL drushti on his natal Mars. Also Managl antardasha in each mahadasha or even Mangal bhukti results in great scores by him. His worst period was from May2005 to July2007 when Shani was Kirk rashi opposite his Mangal. Of course Guru balanced this when Guru was in Vrishchik from Oct2006 to Nov2007.

The uchcha / neech concept is not too difficult to explain:

1.  Surya is uchcha in its best friend’s (Mangal) sign, Aries, which allows expressing the brilliance and sunny side of Surya the best way. The Surya’s energy gets the best channel in Aries/Mesh sign. However Surya’s ego and side effects of Surya being in own rashi of Leo are not seen when Surya is in Mesh. The results are more important than the self/ego when Surya is in Mesh. For Aries the end result is more important than the method adopted.

2.  Surya is neech in Tula but you can see that MOST of the STARS / Actors or other artists are born with Libra Sun sign (from Oct16 to Nov16) or when most planets are in Libra (also Kanya!). The Surya neech does not mean less money but certainly lesser aggression/engineering aspects than Surya in Aries/Mesh. You would not see Tula-Surya in Military but certainly Aries and Scorpio Sun in Military for sure. But yes Libra Sun shows lesser resistance power at the time of adversity. Hence having neech Surya is not a problem at all if you are in a creative field where you do need to show your guts every now and then!

3.  Similarly, Vrishabh gives the Moon the most stable sign which allows it to ridicule others easily!  Also it is good for health (water content in the body). The Vrushabh moon provides a very good temperament, calmness etc which easily puts away many diseases indirectly.

Indian astrology is quite “philosophical” in giving uchcha statusapart from the health angle:

1.  Mangal, the fiery/red planet is uchcha in Makar which is the Earth element and not in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius as the Makar the ultra-serious sign gives a great focus and channel to this Mangal’s energy (Sachin T, Pete Sampras) than Aries Mars (Kapil Dev) which has some great sudden flares but some extravagance which is not the best as per Indian astrology! Mangal in Leo shows “that-baat – Shining etc” more than actual hard-work. Mangal in Sagittarius (Warne, Nadal) shows great direction (Guru’s sign) and focus but shows extra-force or use of legs and also period of ups and down; Also, the expressive sign is not the best thing for fiery planet like Mangal – a lot of energy goes in talks/expression.

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2.  Shukra is not uchcha in Vrishabh or Tula despite it giving the person access to the best stuff!    But Shukra is uchcha in Meen rashi which is of Guru/Neptune which shows commitment and uchcha abhiruchi and sublime thoughts about love, romance, partner than affinity to the physical stuff or worldly matters which is shown by Shukra in Vrishabh mostly and also in Libra but with a balance! Shukra in Aries and Scorpio shows the aggression/possessive etc attributes in relationships and also art. (Aspects shown by Shukra in our life: Movies, Any form of Art, High class Wine, High class life style, Night clubs, Romance, Relationships, secs etc).

3.  Rather Shukra in Meen and Dhanu which are owned by Guru are known to stay unmarried! Shukra in Dhanu and Meen ensures marriage in a good, religious (Dhanu) and uchcha (Meen) family but most of the folks without marriage or with less affinity to physical association have Shukra in Dhanu and Meen. i.e. a soul which wants to have a clean slate in a given life would want to take birth with Shukra in Dhanu (Mool Nakshatra: Swami Samarth ran away on the day of his marriage) or Meen – Of courseCAUTION – PLEASE do not make generic assumptions else this article goes for a toss – What I mean is that Shukra in Meen does not mean uchcha Shukra would ensure multiple groovy relationships!  Rather it shows marrying to someone who they really love and can develop some great sublime thoughts etc. Shukra in Vrishabh would prefer a spunky partner more than a emotional partner!   There are 1/12th folks in this world with Shukra in each rashi so let us not jump to conclusions based on only 1 yoga. Shukra Mangal close in Meen could show multiple relationships BUT still the commitment to the current relationship will be always high/sublime etc. Great Skin & hair is almost a given with Shukra in meen. (Unless Shani Mangal and Rahu with that Shukra!!)

4.  Budh is uchcha in Kanya as it allows good trading, good articulation and memory. Budh in Meen shows bhulakkad / bhola nature (Sachin T). Budh in meen shows buying something that is of 5 Rs for 7 rupees mostly from folks who are born on 5, 14, 23 or with Budh in Kanya rashi without the Sun!  But Budh in Meen shows that a person remembers all the names except than the person they come across **now**. They will remember every other information about the person than what they need at that time! But PhD folks are oft7en with Budh in Kumbh Meen or Sagittarius which are not the best signs for Budh – as it reduces their trading ability, articulation/crisp communication etc. More so in Meen – They speak a lot to express something quickly! 

5.  Guru is uchcha in Kirk /cancer a water sign but it is considered neech in Makar as it is a “adhi-bhoutik” i.e. materialistic sign. Guru is supposed to give direction and not production itself.

6.  Rahu is about materialism, hedonism, “insatiable desires” (“Akral-Wkiral” mahatvakansha) These attributes get the best channel in Budh’s sign & reduces the aggressive or destructive nature of Rahu. So Rahu is uchcha in Mithun and own rashi in Kanya. Rahu’s ability of creating various “images” and going after something glorious/undefined/unexplainable etc is better channeled in Budh’s sign. Rahu is also almighty in 3rd and 6thhouse of a horoscope (as it is in 3rd and 6th Sign)

7.  Ketu is religious, spiritual and religious and spiritual places – it gets uchcha rashi as Dhanu and own rashi as Meen. Both owned by Guru! Similarly, Ketu is great in 9 th and 12th house of the horoscope as it is in 9th and 12th sign!

Although a planet might be uchcha in some rashi –it is still susceptible to the extreme Nakshatra or extreme stars in that sign. i.e. Ketu in Sagittarius is uchcha

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which shows a great good-will of Maternal Grandfather but Ketu in 1st degree of Moola say aspected by Shani or Mangal could show some drastic event etc with respect to the grandfather! Being uchcha does not mean that in past karma about that planet is completely fool-proof!  Else Sachin would not get out on 0 despite having Ultra-Uchcha Mangal and Ultra-Uchcha Surya!! 

So uchcha neech is certainly an important aspect for sure but it should not be considered as “THE BEST”. Mangal in Makar is uchcha and great for sports but it shows accumulative tendency than outright making a statement in a given match. Mesh Mangal would have some great examples like Kapil Dev’s 175 not out from 17 for 5 or 4 sixes on 4 consecutive balls to avoid follow-on and next ball 11th player gets out etc. These sudden flairs might not be seen in Makar Mangal but you would see consistent, serious attempts and continuous improvements.

Neech planets do show some lack of karma in the field of governance of that planet. They certainly show some lack of vitality with the health and the area or part of the human anatomy.

1.  Mangal in kirk could show some element missing/lesser in blood (usually hemoglobin) and it shows the need to eat red vegetables and fruits. Mangal in Kirk (or ill placed with Shani or wakri etc) also shows slower/in-efficient blood supply to the fingers – it would be reflected in knotted finger nails.

2.  Moon in Vrishchik is neech which is again more like philosophical as these folks have many times very venomous thoughts, do not like criticism, personal humor and tend to show “Khunnas” either expressed or unexpressed. They also tend to be secretive and hide information as power. This is all considered neech in Indian philosophy! 

3.  Surya in Tula – you would not want to chose these people for a physical fight with someone!  They are docile, easy/lazy mannered, finding middle ground in case of a conflict/chaos. There is certain creativity and artistic approach in this sign. There is also some effortless-ness in this sign which can be seen in Sir Viv Richards batting (he has Tula rashi Mangal: Sports) or Zaheer Khan’s approach on field (Tula Mangal: Sports)

4.  Shukra in Kanya tends to show skin related issues (also at times in Makar). It is not bad for art etc but it does show “vaishayik” approach towards relationships. It also shows “a bit” bad “Nazar”!  Again PLEASE do not make generic assumptions for the next horoscope you see!   Shukra in Guru drushti, Shukra with Budh in Kanya or Shukra with Surya in Kanya – these effects are dramatically reduced!! One distinct effect of Shukra in Kanya without Budh or Surya is a possibility of an inter-cast marriage. It also shows perfectly all right partner but from a lesser background (who would tend to have Meen Shukra & hence partner from a better family!) 

5.  Rahu in Dhanu or Meen is a misfit – right? You have an utterly hedonist person in a sign which forces it to be gentleman! Similarly Ketu which is spiritual religious etc in Mithun or Kanya rashi – Like a Priest forced to do day-time trading in Share market!  

Hope this helps understanding uchcha neech status of the planets.

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