UBC Forestry - GRADBOOK · 2019. 11. 29. · The UBC Vancouver campus is located on the...

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Transcript of UBC Forestry - GRADBOOK · 2019. 11. 29. · The UBC Vancouver campus is located on the...

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GRADBOOK 2019-20 Policies & Procedures for Forestry Graduate Students

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Forestry Gradbook 2019-20

Contents Using the Gradbook .................................................................................................................................... 4

New Students ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 Current Students & Supervisors ......................................................................................................................... 4

Musqueam & UBC ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Information Applicable to all Forestry Graduate Students ............................................................................ 4

Who’s Who ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Graduate Program office contacts for Current Students .................................................................................... 5 Forestry Grad News Email List ........................................................................................................................... 5 Student Service Centre (SSC) ........................................................................................................................... 5 Tuition Deadlines ................................................................................................................................................ 6 Useful Websites & Forms ................................................................................................................................... 6 Student Agreement Letter .................................................................................................................................. 6 Intellectual Property Guidelines .......................................................................................................................... 6 Academic Honesty and Standards ..................................................................................................................... 6 Financial Support ................................................................................................................................................ 7 Graduate Student Safety Protocol ...................................................................................................................... 7 Travelling Abroad for Your Studies .................................................................................................................... 8 Leave of Absence ............................................................................................................................................... 8 Parental Accommodation ................................................................................................................................... 8 Parental Leave Funding Support ........................................................................................................................ 9 Full- and Part-time Study .................................................................................................................................... 9 Degree Conferral & Ceremonies ........................................................................................................................ 9 Use of Degree Standing Designations ............................................................................................................. 10 Resources Within the Forest Science Centre (FSC) ........................................................................................ 10 Student Associations ........................................................................................................................................ 12 Diversity on campus ......................................................................................................................................... 12

Being a Professional / Course-based Program Master’s Student (MF, MSFM, MIF, MGEM) .................... 13

Minimum Academic Progress definitions and expectations ............................................................................. 13 Registration ...................................................................................................................................................... 13 Auditing Courses .............................................................................................................................................. 13 Directed Studies ............................................................................................................................................... 13 Undergraduate Courses ................................................................................................................................... 13 Transferring Programs ...................................................................................................................................... 13 Professional Master’s Degree Requirements & Program Completion procedures .......................................... 14

Being a Research-based Master’s Student (MASc, MSc) .......................................................................... 17

Minimum Academic Progress definitions and expectations ............................................................................. 17 Registration ...................................................................................................................................................... 18 Transfer Credits ................................................................................................................................................ 18 formation of your supervisory committee and membership rules ..................................................................... 19 Annual Committee Meeting Reports ................................................................................................................ 19 MASc and MSc Degree Requirements ............................................................................................................ 19 Transferring to a PhD Program from a Research Master’s Program ............................................................... 20 Structure and Formatting of a Master’s Thesis ................................................................................................ 21 Master’s Thesis Defense .................................................................................................................................. 21 Extension of Time Allowed for Degree Completion .......................................................................................... 23

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Being a PhD Student ................................................................................................................................. 23

Minimum Academic Progress definitions and expectations ............................................................................. 23 Thesis Registration ........................................................................................................................................... 24 Courses ............................................................................................................................................................ 24 Transfer Credits ................................................................................................................................................ 25 formation of your supervisory committee and membership rules ..................................................................... 25 Annual Committee Meeting Reports ................................................................................................................ 25 Doctoral Degree Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 25 Admission to Candidacy Process ..................................................................................................................... 26 Admitted to Candidacy (ATC) ........................................................................................................................... 30 Scope, Structure and Formatting of a Doctoral Dissertation ............................................................................ 30 Dissertation Defense Procedures ..................................................................................................................... 31 Extension of Time Allowed for Degree Completion .......................................................................................... 31

Appendices ............................................................................................................................................... 32

UBC and Forestry Information Technology ...................................................................................................... 33 UBC Respectful Environment Information ........................................................................................................ 37 UBC Policy on Discrimination and Harassment ............................................................................................... 37 Sustainability at UBC ........................................................................................................................................ 39 UBC Student Safety Abroad ............................................................................................................................. 39 Graduate Student / Supervisor Expectations ................................................................................................... 41 Graduate Student Roles & Responsibilities ..................................................................................................... 45 Supervisor Responsibilities .............................................................................................................................. 46 Research Masters Timeline to Completion: ..................................................................................................... 47 Master’s Defense Preparation checklist ........................................................................................................... 48 PhD Timeline to Completion: ............................................................................................................................ 50 FRST 548A/B Major Essay Grading Rubric & MF Program Completion Deadlines ........................................ 52

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Using the Gradbook NEW STUDENTS Welcome to the Faculty of Forestry! Our goal is for you to have a positive and successful experience at UBC. This manual is a tool to help you achieve that success; it lays out the policies and procedures of both the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (G+PS) and the Faculty of Forestry that specifically affect you. It is important for you to be aware of the responsibilities that are yours as a graduate student.

CURRENT STUDENTS & SUPERVISORS The Gradbook is for you, too. Participating in a graduate program includes some administrative reporting. Please be pro-active in knowing your responsibilities – the Gradbook is your guide in this regard. Questions or concerns? Don’t hesitate to ask. We welcome you to drop by the program office or send us an email. Please keep the Gradbook as a reference guide to use throughout the year and look for an updated version at the beginning of every Fall Term.

Musqueam & UBC The UBC Vancouver campus is located on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Musqueam people. The land it is situated on has always been a place of learning for the Musqueam people, who for millennia have passed on their culture, history, and traditions from one generation to the next in this location.

It is common at UBC events to begin with an acknowledgement of Musqueam territory. Learn more at http://aboriginal.ubc.ca/community-youth/musqueam-and-ubc/.

Information Applicable to all Forestry Graduate Students WHO’S WHO You have joined one of the largest graduate programs on campus, with over 360 students registered in 7 different graduate degree programs. Academic administration is through the Graduate Program unit in the Dean’s Office. In addition, grad students belong to a specific department within Forestry. All professional master’s program students are affiliated with FRM. Thesis program students (PhD, MASc, MSc) follow the department affiliation of their research supervisor.

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GRADUATE PROGRAM OFFICE CONTACTS FOR CURRENT STUDENTS The Graduate Program office is located in the Forest Science Centre on the second floor (FSC 2653). We are here to assist you with any aspect of your program, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have a question! Find contact information for specific staff at: http://www.forestry.ubc.ca/students/graduate/contact/graduate-program-office-staff-listing/

Department offices • Forest Resources Management (FSC 2045) • Forest and Conservation Sciences (FSC 3041) • Wood Science (CAWP 2900)

FORESTRY GRAD NEWS EMAIL LIST The email address provided in your program application will be added to the “frstgrad-news” list-serv. This is separate from the SSC so if your email address changes, please let the Graduate Program office know. Important notices are sent out to the frstgrad-news list on a regular basis, particularly on Thursdays via our “Weekly Email” newsletter.

STUDENT SERVICE CENTRE (SSC) The SSC is where you access your student records and services. Please ensure you keep your contact information up-to-date at all times. https://ssc.adm.ubc.ca

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TUITION DEADLINES Tuition is assessed three times per year at the start of each term (Sept, Jan, May, or July for MSFM and MGEM students). Check your SSC account for the exact tuition amount and payment due date.

USEFUL WEBSITES & FORMS Bookmark the Forestry Student Resources & Forms page for links to various online handbooks, guides, forms and other helpful links to campus services: http://www.forestry.ubc.ca/students/graduate/student-resources-forms/

STUDENT AGREEMENT LETTER As part of your admissions package you received a Forestry Program Letter of Agreement from the Associate Dean and your Research Supervisor or Program Director. The agreement letter outlines responsibilities and expectations for scholarly integrity and conduct, and also details the minimum level of student funding that you have been promised (if any). Please review this information thoroughly.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY GUIDELINES It is your responsibility to be aware of UBC’s Intellectual Property and Scholarly Activity policies. Refer to this website: www.grad.ubc.ca/intellectual-property-guide

ACADEMIC HONESTY AND STANDARDS The Faculty of Forestry places the utmost importance on honest scholarship. The UBC Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies maintains an online Academic Honesty and Standards resource page, which we expect all new students to review in detail: https://www.grad.ubc.ca/current-students/student-responsibilities/academic-honesty-standards

How to Avoid Plagiarism Plagiarism is intellectual theft. It occurs when an individual submits or presents the oral or written work of another person as his or her own. This applies to draft work and oral presentations as well as to final submissions. Failing to properly cite the work of another also constitutes plagiarism, even if it is accidental. Steps for avoiding plagiarism:

• Familiarize yourself with UBC’s policies on this topic: https://www.grad.ubc.ca/current-students/student-responsibilities/dealing-plagiarism

• Take steps to improve your academic communication skills by taking the Forestry communication courses, FRST 544 and FRST 545 (thesis programs).

• Review the information provided at UBC Library’s Academic Integrity Resource Centre: http://learningcommons.ubc.ca/resource-guides/avoiding-plagiarism/

• If in doubt – ask! Dr Sue Watts (Communications Instructor and Grad Student Mentor), welcomes inquiries on this subject: [email protected]

The Faculty of Forestry Graduate Program takes seriously UBC’s high standards of academic integrity. Our professors, course instructors and teaching assistants will immediately investigate and report any instances in which they suspect that cheating or plagiarism has occurred in a student’s work.

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FINANCIAL SUPPORT Professional Program Master’s Students Students enrolled in our professional Master’s degrees (MF, MIF, MSFM, MGEM) are not eligible for the majority of merit-based university grad award competitions. However some funding opportunities are available; refer to each program’s ‘Tuition & Funding’ info page on our website for specific information. Updates on funding availability are communicated to current grad students throughout the year via the Weekly E-News sent to the forestry graduate student list-serv.

Thesis Students For 2019/20 admissions, the minimum total funding package for MASc/MSc students is set at $18,200 annually for the first 2 years of the master’s program or a valid alternate funding plan agreed upon with the supervisor and approved by the Associate Dean. For PhD students, the minimum total funding package is set at $21,000 annually for the first 4 years of the doctoral program.

It is understood that supervisors may package together funding from any combination of awards, teaching assistantships, or research assistantships (stipends for research work paid from a professor’s research grants). Financial support is dependent on academic progress and may be adjusted if the student is successful in receiving a major scholarship or other additional funding or awards.

Students in thesis programs are expected to apply for all financial awards for which they are eligible. As part of their funding agreement, students with PhD Four-Year-Fellowships (4YF) or other major awards are required to apply in the major award competitions for which they are eligible.

Thesis students and their supervisors are expected to review the student’s funding plan on an annual basis. Each student’s funding package is described in the Student Agreement letter sent from the Associate Dean as part of the Offer of Admission package.

Award Resources All award applications are coordinated through the Forestry Graduate Program office unless otherwise noted.

Please refer to our website for an overview of major awards and scholarships: http://www.forestry.ubc.ca/graduate/financial-support/

As well, please bookmark the link to our deadlines calendar for upcoming award competitions: http://www.forestry.ubc.ca/students/graduate/financial-support/deadlines-calendar/

Updates on funding availability are communicated to current grad students throughout the year via the Weekly E-News sent to the forestry graduate student list-serv.

GRADUATE STUDENT SAFETY PROTOCOL Graduate students may encounter a range of potential hazards while pursuing their degrees, including but not limited to lab work or research in the field. Given the wide range of activities undertaken by our graduate students, it is important that each of you discuss with your Research Supervisor or Program Director the safety protocols and procedures that will pertain to your academic work.

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Refer to the Faculty of Forestry Safety website for more information, as well as a contact list of Safety Committee members in each department office: http://safety.forestry.ubc.ca/. Safety Committee members are able to provide you with procedures and recommendations.

TRAVELLING ABROAD FOR YOUR STUDIES The UBC Student Safety Abroad Registry is mandatory for all students undertaking a university activity outside of Canada. This applies to both domestic and international students.

https://secure.students.ubc.ca/global/safetyabroad/index.cfm (use your CWL log-in).

“University Activity” includes:

• any travel undertaken by a student to fulfill a requirement for academic progress (e.g. research in the field or at a university abroad; taking a course abroad for transfer credit)

• officially organized by the university • paid for in whole or in part from university funds, including without limitation, third-party research or other

funds administered by the university (e.g. attending a conference)

Refer to the Safety Abroad Information Sheet in the Appendix section for complete information.

LEAVE OF ABSENCE In general, leave will be granted when a student is best advised for personal, medical, or parental reasons to have time completely away from their academic responsibilities. While on leave, graduate students are expected to not undertake any academic or research work related to the program for which they have taken a leave of absence. Access to the University’s facilities and resources, including faculty supervision, while on a leave of absence may be limited. The leave period is not included in the time period for completion of the degree.

Please refer to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (G+PS) website for full details: https://www.grad.ubc.ca/faculty-staff/policies-procedures/leave-status

Students must request leaves in advance as retroactive requests are normally not approved by G+PS. Email [email protected] outlining the type of leave and time period you are in need of. Leaves must begin at the start of term (September, January, and May) and are granted for 4, 8 or 12 months. Once approved, you will receive an email detailing leave guidelines and expectations.

If you are an international student, taking a leave may have implications to your Study Permit. Be sure to review UBC’s International Student Advising Website.

PARENTAL ACCOMMODATION This policy makes it possible for a student to maintain full-time student status during an eight-week period surrounding the arrival of a new child under the age of six (newborn or newly-adopted), with all the benefits of such status, by standardizing a minimum level of academic accommodation during that period.

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Parental Accommodation is different from a Parental Leave of Absence; please refer to specific details on the G+PS website (https://www.grad.ubc.ca/faculty-staff/policies-procedures/parental-accommodation) or contact the Forestry Graduate Program Office if you require clarification ([email protected]).

PARENTAL LEAVE FUNDING SUPPORT The Faculty of Forestry is exploring ways to better support parents in academia. As such, MA/Sc and PhD students with funding packages (awards and/or stipends) being suspended for a Parental Leave may apply to the Graduate Program for funding replacement coverage up to consecutive 12 months. Students who are self-funded are not eligible for this funding, nor are students whose stipends and/or awards have already expired. Students must first receive any Parental Leave funding they may be eligible for through other sources, e.g. students with NSERC scholarships can apply to receive a supplement equivalent to the value of their monthly stipend for up to 12 months; students receiving stipends from a faculty member’s NSERC grant are eligible to receive up to 12 months of payment at their current stipend rate.

FULL- AND PART-TIME STUDY UBC automatically classifies all graduate students as full-time (‘Schedule A’ tuition) regardless of the student’s credit load each term. A full-time graduate student may not commit more than 12 hours per week to any paid employment unrelated to their studies or research, including TA duties.

The only Forestry graduate-level programs that permit part-time status are the MASc and MSc. This part-time category (‘Schedule B’ tuition), must be requested and approved as part of the admission process, i.e. prior to the admission offer being confirmed. Once a tuition schedule classification is made, MA/Sc students are not permitted to switch. MA/Sc program applicants considering part-time classification are advised that they may not be eligible for interest-free status government loans, teaching or research assistantships, assigned desk space, student housing, and some fellowships or scholarships.

For more information: www.grad.ubc.ca/faculty-staff/policies-procedures/student-status

DEGREE CONFERRAL & CEREMONIES UBC confers degrees and holds graduation ceremonies twice a year, in May and November. In addition to the degree parchment being issued, this is also when the student’s transcript is updated to show degree conferred. In order to be approved for degree conferral students must apply to graduate online via the SSC. There are graduation application and program completion deadlines for each graduation period. For more information visit https://graduation.ubc.ca/

The Forestry Graduate Program office sends a detailed completion checklist to each student as they near the end of their program.

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USE OF DEGREE STANDING DESIGNATIONS G+PS Policy: It is a matter of academic integrity that students, both current and former, correctly represent their degree program status and credentials.

Students in master’s programs should not identify themselves as degree candidates (e.g., MSc candidate) because candidacy is not an officially recognized degree program status at the master’s level while it is at the doctoral level. The appropriate designation is to merely identify as a student (e.g., MASc student in Forestry).

Students in doctoral programs may identify themselves as degree candidates only when they have been officially advanced to candidacy (by completing all required coursework, passing the comprehensive examinations, and having an approved dissertation proposal), and not before. This degree program status should be expressed in words (e.g., PhD candidate, PhD all-but-dissertation) and not using acronyms that might be misunderstood by non-academics. In particular, acronyms such as PhD(c) or PhD (ABD), for example, should not be used as they could be mistaken for a conferred degree with some specialization.

Former students who have not earned their credential may identify themselves as former students (e.g., former UBC PhD student in Forestry), but should not give any indication that they maintain any current degree status.

RESOURCES WITHIN THE FOREST SCIENCE CENTRE (FSC) The FSC is open weekdays from 7:00am to 6:00pm. In order to access the building after-hours or on weekends, you must have a valid UBC card activated for FSC access.

Graduate Student Lounge and 4th Floor Lunch Space The FGSA has a small student lounge (FSC 1715) on the main floor of the building, toward the end of the long hallway behind the Tim Horton’s Restaurant. This room is exclusively for Forestry grad student use.

The lounge has comfortable seating, eating area and a small kitchen. FGSA funds have been used to furnish and maintain this room. Please respect the space and your graduate colleagues by leaving the room cleaner than you found it, particularly in the kitchen area. UBC custodial staff do not clean or maintain the lounge.

Accessing the Lounge (FSC 1715): The lounge door has a coded lock that is opened as follows – (press) 2-3-5-#.

In addition to the FSC 1715 lounge, there is also reserved lunch space for grad students and research staff, located on the 4th floor. Take the elevator by Tim Horton’s to Floor 4, turn right and go over the catwalk. This space is reserved for you from 12 –2pm, Monday to Friday.

Sustainability Services Recycling and Composting UBC is aspiring to be a “Zero Waste“ campus where all unwanted products and materials will be treated as a resource that can be used again. To achieve this vision, the FSC building has indoor recycling stations. We recycle food scraps, containers and paper to keep these materials out of the landfill and create a more sustainable campus. Please be part of the change.

Compost containers are also available in many offices, and special item recycling also takes place on a limited basis. Please see this link for complete information: http://www.sustain.ubc.ca

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Bicycle Storage Public bike racks are available outside of the FSC building. Unfortunately, bicycle theft is a problem at UBC so please keep your bike safe with a U-lock as cables are easily cut. The FSC complex also has secured bike racks in room 0711 in the basement. Space is limited; inquire with the Dean’s Office receptionist on the second floor of the FSC for more information. UBC offers other secured bicycle parking space throughout campus, please see this link for more information: https://planning.ubc.ca/vancouver/transportation-planning/transportation-options/cycling/bicycle-lockers

Shower Facilities There are showers available in the main floor washrooms of FSC (1340/1341 by the loading bay) as well as the 2nd floor washrooms in the Centre for Advanced Wood Processing (CAWP) building.

UBC and Forestry Information Technology Forestry IT is here to provide technical resources, services, and support for most needs of the Faculty’s graduate student body.

IT Staff

Each department has one dedicated IT staff person.

FRM Department Felix Choi, FSC 2411

FCS Department Norman Hodges, FSC 3411

Wood Science Department Winfield Liu, FSC 2833

IT Manager Dr. Carl Johansson

Email them at [email protected].

Hours of operation is 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday to Friday. No weekend or off site support.

Stick with your assigned departmental IT person as cross-department coverage is limited to faculty and staff emergencies.

Refer to the Appendix Section for more detailed information about computer accounts, IT policies, email, printing, etc.

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STUDENT ASSOCIATIONS FGSA (Forestry Graduate Student Association) http://fgsa.forestry.ubc.ca/ [email protected]

We are a group of students from around the world connected by one thing we love, forests! Our association is basically a social club, open to all graduate students in the UBC Faculty of Forestry. We strive to foster a sense of community within the student body and our objectives include:

• Organizing and hosting social events for graduate students • Representing forestry graduate students in other campus organizations (e.g. the Graduate Student Society

and the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies) • Supporting graduate students who strive to build connections within the greater academic and

professional forestry community

The International Forestry Students’ Association at UBC http://ifsa.forestry.ubc.ca/

The International Forestry Students’ Association (IFSA) is the largest global network of forestry students. It unites more than 3,000 students in 74 member associations in 54 countries. Its main goal is to promote global cooperation and broaden knowledge among students of forestry and related sciences. In addition, it seeks to provide a voice for youth in international policy processes. IFSA’s main meeting – the International Forestry Students’ Symposium (IFSS) – takes place every year in a different country. IFSS is a two-week symposium where more than 130 forestry students gather to learn and discuss the latest forestry issues. Since 2010, the Faculty of Forestry at UBC has been an active member of IFSA. For more information or to become an active member of IFSA-UBC (no fee), contact: [email protected]

UBC Graduate Student Society (GSS)

The Graduate Student Society (GSS) is the independent voice of graduate students on campus. Society’s mission statement is:

• The UBC Graduate Student Society represents and advocates on behalf of all UBC Graduate Students to the University, the Government, and the public.

• We provide academic, professional, social, and recreational services to our members, and act as stewards of the Thea Koerner House Graduate Student Centre. http://gss.ubc.ca

DIVERSITY ON CAMPUS The success of UBC is linked to being a diverse and welcoming place for all. Explore resources to learn more about diversity on campus and how you can help promote an inclusive environment. As well, check out UBC Forestry’s Diversity Crew student group.

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Being a Professional / Course-based Program Master’s Student (MF, MSFM, MIF, MGEM) MINIMUM ACADEMIC PROGRESS DEFINITIONS AND EXPECTATIONS For an in-depth review of G+PS policy on Program of Study and Academic Progress, please see this website: www.grad.ubc.ca/faculty-staff/policies-procedures/academic-progress

For a more in-depth review of course registration policy, please refer to this website: www.grad.ubc.ca/faculty-staff/policies-procedures/course-registration

Grade Requirements All courses taken within your program registration affect your overall GPA, even electives taken as extra to your graduation requirements. Master’s students are required to complete all courses with a passing grade which is defined as minimum 60%. However, only 6 credits of courses with grades in the C to C+ range (60-67%) may be counted toward graduation. G+PS policy dictates that a student who fails a course will be required to repeat it or take another course in lieu of; this requires a recommendation made on the student’s behalf from the Forestry Graduate Program office to the Dean of G+PS. Notices are sent to affected students at the end of term. Students failing more than one course normally will be required to withdraw.

REGISTRATION All professional Master’s students are required to register themselves in the course sections required for their respective degree, unless otherwise notified.

AUDITING COURSES Due to the intensive nature of the professional Master’s degrees, auditing of courses is usually not permitted. The exception is the MF program; auditing of extra courses may be permitted if approved by the Program Director.

DIRECTED STUDIES Only MF and MSFM students are permitted to register in Directed Studies. The content and expectations of the Directed Study must also be pre-approved by the Forestry Graduate Program office via submission of a Directed Study Approval form http://www.forestry.ubc.ca/students/graduate/student-resources-forms/

UNDERGRADUATE COURSES MF and MSFM students: If approved by your Program Director, some elective requirements may be met via enrollment in undergraduate courses, upper-level only (numbered 300-499). For students allowed more than one elective in their program, please note that a maximum of 6 credits of undergraduate course work is permitted.

TRANSFERRING PROGRAMS Students in the professional degrees are not permitted to transfer to another program. Registration in a different degree without graduating from your current program would require that you voluntarily withdraw and re-apply to the new degree.

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The only exception is students in the MF degree who are unaffiliated with the TRANSFOR-M program. In this case, they may be allowed to transfer to a thesis-based program (MSc or MASc). To be eligible for transfer, the student must apply for transfer to the Forestry Graduate Program office before the end of their first year of study and must meet the following criteria:

• The student has identified a faculty member who has agreed to supervise their thesis. • The student has a “do-able project” as judged by their potential supervisor. • The student has a preliminary thesis proposal. • In their first year, the student obtained an 80% average in 12 credits of which at least 9 credits were at

the 500 level, and at least 9 credits were at 80% or above. • The student must also have research or scholarship funding to support their studies.


This section outlines the degree requirements for the MF degree only. Requirements for the European exchange year of TRANSFOR-M are separate; contact Program Director Jorma Neuvonen for further information: [email protected].

MF students are expected to complete their degree requirements in 24 months, which for TRANSFOR-M students includes the time spent in Europe. To qualify for UBC graduation, MF students are required to complete a Major Essay (FRST 548, 3- or 6-credit options available) and coursework (27- or 24-credits, respectively) for a minimum total credit combination of 30.

FRST 548 Major Essay: The purpose of the essay is to provide an opportunity for each student to undertake independent study under direction of a UBC Forestry faculty member, in a subject area of interest. A substantial effort is expected of every student. The quality of the work must be good, the English must be acceptable, and statements must be substantiated by references or data where appropriate. The essay is an important opportunity for training in rigorous thinking and effective writing. Refer to the Appendix section of this manual for detailed essay requirements and submission deadlines.

Courses: All courses must be selected in consultation with the Program Director. - Required: FRST 544 – Technical Communications (3-credits). - Strongly Recommended:

o FRST 545 – Technical Writing (3-credits); o FRST 547 – Forestry in BC (3-credits), if you are new to British Columbia and/or have a non-forestry

background. - The remaining course electives may be selected from any department offerings at UBC (students must

meet individual course pre-requisites), keeping in mind the undergraduate credit limit as described in the previous section.

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MF Completion Procedures Program completion and approval for graduation is overseen by the Forestry Graduate Program office. Students are responsible for meeting deadlines to ensure their program is closed within a specific term or degree conferral period. Once all requirements are completed, the Director of Graduate Student Academic Services will notify the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, at which time registration will be officially closed. A program completion checklist will be sent to all students as they near the end of their last term.

Application to Graduate Program completion is a separate process from having the degree conferred. As you near the end of your program be sure to submit an Application to Graduate (via the SSC) in order for your degree certificate to be issued and degree conferral noted on your transcript, even if you aren’t planning to attend the actual ceremony. See the earlier section, Degree Conferral & Ceremonies, for more information.

Master of Sustainable Forest Management (MSFM) MSFM students must complete 33 credits, consisting of:

- 21 required credits (FRST 555, FRST 556, FRST 557, FRST 558) or approved alternates, and - 12 elective credits, as follows:

o Economics and administration of forestry (3 credits): FRST 537c o Forest policy (3 credits): FRST 523 o Directed studies in specialization and/or supplementary coursework (6 credits)

MSFM Timeline to Completion Options

There are two paths for completing the program. Note that both require full-time registration, but Option 2 provides a one-year leave period in between the Summer/Fall and Winter Terms:

OPTION 1: Graduation requirements are completed in ten months. This is the best option for students wishing to devote a concentrated period to study and graduate in the shortest time possible.

• Summer Term 2019 (July-August): FRST 555 immersion field camp begins in late August. • Fall Term (September-December 2019): f/t course work including FRST 556, FRST 557 and electives. • Winter Term (January-April 2020): full-time course work including FRST 558 and electives. • Degree Conferral: May 2020 (on-campus requirements completed by end of Winter Term in April).

OPTION 2: Graduation requirements are completed in 22 months. This is the best option for students who are limited in the period of time in which they can be away from employment or family obligations. It allows the first half of the degree to be completed followed by a one-year leave, and then return the following year for program completion. NOTE: UBC assesses a per-term leave of absence fee. See the tuition page for more details.

• Summer Term 2019 (July-August): FRST 555 immersion field camp begins in late August. • Fall Term 2019 (September-December): f/t course work including FRST 556, FRST 557 and electives.

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• Winter Term (January-April 2020): official leave of absence • Summer Term 2020 (May-August): official leave of absence • Fall Term 2020 (September-December): official leave of absence • Winter Term (January –April 2021): full-time course work including FRST 558 and electives. • Degree Conferral: May 2021 (on-campus requirements completed by end of Winter Term in April).

MSFM Completion Procedures All MSFM students are expected to complete graduation requirements by the end of the Winter Term (April 30). Successful program completion in the Winter Term will make the student eligible for May degree conferral. Once all requirements have been completed, the Director of Graduate Student Academic Services will notify the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, at which time registration will be officially closed. A program completion checklist will be sent to all students as they near the end of their last term.

Application to Graduate Program completion is a separate process from having the degree conferred. As you near the end of your program be sure to submit an Application to Graduate (via the SSC) in order for your degree certificate to be issued and degree conferral noted on your transcript, even if you aren’t planning to attend the actual ceremony. See the earlier section, Degree Conferral & Ceremonies, for more information.

Master of International Forestry (MIF)

MIF students are expected to complete all 31 credits for degree requirements in three terms:

- 28 credits of required courses (FRST 519, FRST 522, FRST 534, FRST 543, FRST 553, FRST 559, FRST 560, FRST 562) or approved alternates,

- A 3 credit internship or project (FRST 526C). MIF Completion Procedures All MIF students are expected to complete graduation requirements by the end of their third term (Summer Period). Depending on the scope of the final project/internship, this may be as early as May or as late as August. As most MIF students will spend their last term off-campus as part of their internship project, it is vital that you verify deadlines prior to leaving campus, in order to ensure your program is closed within the specific time period you are aiming for. Once all requirements have been successfully completed, the Director of Graduate Student Academic Services will notify the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, at which time registration will be officially closed. A program completion checklist will be sent to each student before the end of the Winter Term (April 30, prior to leaving campus for the internship).

Application to Graduate Program completion is a separate process from having the degree conferred. As you near the end of your program be sure to submit an Application to Graduate (via the SSC) in order for your degree certificate to be issued and degree conferral noted on your transcript, even if you aren’t planning to attend the actual ceremony. See the earlier section, Degree Conferral & Ceremonies, for more information. MIF students completing in the Summer Term (May through August) are eligible for degree conferral in November. Proof of completion letters are available to students prior to November.

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Master of Geomatics for Environmental Management (MGEM)

MGEM students must complete a minimum of three terms of registration with 30 course credits:

• 7 core geomatics courses: o GEM 500 (3), GEM 510 (3), GEM 511 (3), GEM 520 (3), GEM 521 (3), GEM 530 (3), GEM 540 (3)

• 5 management & leadership and policy analysis courses: o FCOR 500 (1.5), FCOR 501 (1.5), FCOR 502 (1.5), FCOR 503 (1.5), FCOR 599 (3)

MGEM Completion Procedures All MGEM students are expected to complete graduation requirements by the end of the Winter Term (April 30). Successful program completion in the Winter Term will make the student eligible for May degree conferral. Students are responsible for meeting deadlines in order to ensure their program is closed within a specific term or degree conferral period.

Once all requirements have been successfully completed, the Director of Graduate Student Academic Services will notify the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, at which time registration will be officially closed. A program completion checklist will be sent to all students near the end of the final term.

Application to Graduate Program completion is a separate process from having the degree conferred. As you near the end of your program be sure to submit an Application to Graduate (via the SSC) in order for your degree certificate to be issued and degree conferral noted on your transcript, even if you aren’t planning to attend the actual ceremony. See the earlier section, Degree Conferral & Ceremonies, for more information.

Being a Research-based Master’s Student (MASc, MSc) MINIMUM ACADEMIC PROGRESS DEFINITIONS AND EXPECTATIONS For an in-depth review of G+PS policy on Program of Study and Academic Progress, please see this website: www.grad.ubc.ca/faculty-staff/policies-procedures/academic-progress

Grade Requirements All courses taken within your program registration affect your overall GPA, even non-required electives that you may decide to take as extra to your graduation requirements. Master’s students are required to complete all courses with a passing grade (defined as minimum 60%). However, only 6 credits of courses with grades in the C to C+ range (60-67%) may be counted toward graduation. G+PS policy dictates that a student who fails a course will be required to repeat it or take another course in lieu of; this requires a recommendation made on the student’s behalf from the Forestry Graduate Program office to the Dean of G+PS. Notices are sent to affected students at the end of term. Students failing more than one course normally will be required to withdraw.

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REGISTRATION All MASc and MSc students are required to register themselves in their thesis from program start to finish, as well as the course sections required for their respective degree. For a more in-depth review of registration policy, please refer to this website: www.grad.ubc.ca/faculty-staff/policies-procedures/course-registration

Course Availability Course availability varies from year to year. Refer to the online schedule to verify current academic year offerings: https://courses.students.ubc.ca/cs/main?pname=subjarea&tname=subjareas&req=0

Auditing Courses Students may audit a course with permission of the instructor. A paper Change of Registration form (http://www.forestry.ubc.ca/students/graduate/student-resources-forms/) must be signed by the student and instructor, and submitted to the Forestry Graduate Program office for approval and processing before the change of registration deadline each term. Be sure to clarify audit requirements with the instructor at the beginning of the course, as expectations for auditing students may vary.

Directed Studies A maximum of 6 credits of Directed Studies may be taken within a graduate degree program. The content and expectations of the Directed Study must be pre-approved by the Forestry Graduate Program office via the submission of a Directed Study Approval form (available on our website and in the program office). http://www.forestry.ubc.ca/students/graduate/student-resources-forms/

Undergraduate Courses Enrollment in undergraduate courses to meet program requirements is permissible, upper-level only (numbered 300-499), to a maximum of 6 credits.

Change of Registration Deadlines for 2019-20: • September 17, 2019: Term 1 deadline for adding courses, dropping courses (with no “W”), or changing

course registration from credit to audit (or vice versa). • October 11, 2019: Term 1 deadline for withdrawing from a course (withdrawal standing of "W"

recorded on a student's academic record). • January 17, 2020: Term 2 deadline for adding courses, dropping courses (with no “W”), or changing

course registration from credit to audit (or vice versa). • February 14, 2020: Term 2 deadline for withdrawing from a course (withdrawal standing of "W"

recorded on a student's academic record).

TRANSFER CREDITS Course credits taken outside of your MASc or MSc (e.g. from a different university, as an undergraduate, or as an unclassified student) may be transferrable to your current program up to a maximum of 12 credits provided that:

- the courses were not used to satisfy the requirements of another degree credential; - the courses were not used as part of the basis of admission to your current program;

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- at least “B” (UBC 74%) standing or equivalent was obtained in the course(s); - the courses being considered for transfer credit must have been taken within five years of

commencement of your current program.

Procedure for requesting transfer credit: your supervisor must submit a written request to the Director of Graduate Student Academic Services ([email protected]) that provides an academic justification for allowing the transfer credit on a course-by-course basis. If approved, a recommendation will be made to G+PS who will provide the formal approval and update the student’s transcript.

FORMATION OF YOUR SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE AND MEMBERSHIP RULES All graduate students in a thesis-based program are required to have a Supervisor and a Supervisory committee. Supervisors are confirmed before students are offered admission.

Supervisory committees consist of at least three members, two of whom must be members of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (G+PS), including the supervisor. The third member may be from another academic institution or from a non-academic organization, if they have the appropriate background to fully participate in all committee responsibilities. In this situation, a written request must come from the supervisor to the Director of Graduate Student Academic Services and be accompanied by an up-to-date CV of the individual.

Committees should be formed as soon as possible. Choice of members of the supervisory committee is a joint decision between the student and supervisor. Once a committee has been formed, the Forestry Graduate Program office should be notified, either via email or at the time of submission of the first committee meeting report. For a more in-depth review of Supervision guidelines, refer to: www.grad.ubc.ca/faculty-staff/policies-procedures/supervision. Information for supervisors is here: www.grad.ubc.ca/faculty-staff/information-supervisors

ANNUAL COMMITTEE MEETING REPORTS The Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies requires that graduate students in thesis programs meet with their full committee at least once a year. A completed committee meeting form must be signed by the student and all committee members, and submitted to the Forestry Graduate Program Office. Forms are available from the program office and a writable PDF version is also available on the Forestry website: http://www.forestry.ubc.ca/students/graduate/student-resources-forms/. All new students are encouraged to meet with their committee within the first 4 months of starting their program.

MASC AND MSC DEGREE REQUIREMENTS To qualify for graduation, MSc and MASc students are required to complete a thesis (6, 12, or 18 cr) and coursework (24, 18, or 12 cr) for a minimum total credit combination of 30.

Course work: - Students should select courses in consultation with their supervisor and committee. - Required: FRST 544 (3cr) is the only required course. Should the student already have a strong background

in presentation of research material, they should discuss an exemption request with the course instructor, [email protected]. If agreed to and supported by the student’s supervisor, an exemption may be made to

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the Forestry Graduate Program office. NOTE: an exemption does not reduce the total credits required for your degree! If you are provided with a formal exemption from FRST 544 you must substitute a more appropriate course.

- Recommended: Students who are from outside of British Columbia or from non-forestry backgrounds are strongly encouraged to take FRST 547 (Forestry in British Columbia). FRST 545 (Technical Writing) is also recommended.

- Undergraduate course allowance: A maximum of 6 undergraduate credits are allowed to be counted towards graduation, upper-level only (numbered 300-499).

- Directed Study credit allowance: A maximum of 6 credits of Directed Studies may be taken as part of course credit requirements. The content and expectations of Directed Study must be pre-approved by the Forestry Graduate Program office via the submission of a Directed Study Approval Form (available on our website and in the program office). http://www.forestry.ubc.ca/students/graduate/student-resources-forms/

Thesis: • All thesis students must successfully complete directed research and write and defend a thesis. Theses can

be worth 6, 12 or 18 credits (see below), with the corresponding number of required course credits adjusted accordingly.

• Students will be able to select the thesis option that they wish to pursue when first registering, and the Grad Program Office will contact supervisors near the end of the student’s first term to confirm that the student is registered in the thesis option that is most appropriate for the student.

o 6-credit thesis option. The 6-credit thesis option is selected when a student wishes to have a small research project as part of an otherwise course-based degree. The thesis (as opposed to the essay option in the MF credential) should be based on independent, original research by the student.

o 12-credit thesis option. The 12-credit thesis option is selected when a student wishes to pursue this mix of research and courses in their Master’s program.

o 18-credit thesis option. The 18-credit thesis option is selected when a student wishes to pursue a larger, independent research project which will be of such quality and scope that journal publication is expected. Students selecting this option must have experience and demonstrated aptitude in conducting research, analyzing data, and writing.

TRANSFERRING TO A PHD PROGRAM FROM A RESEARCH MASTER’S PROGRAM To transfer to the PhD program without completing Master’s thesis requirements, a student must:

• complete one year of study in the Master’s thesis program with a minimum overall average of 80% in 9 credits at the 500-level;

• show clear evidence of research ability or potential as detailed in a support memo from their supervisor;

• be in good academic and financial standing.

Transfer directly into a Doctoral program is normally accomplished after the first year of study and will not be permitted after completion of the second year in a Master's program. Retroactive requests are not approved.

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If the student and the Supervisory committee are in favour of a transfer, the request form should be signed by the student and Supervisor and submitted to the Director of Graduate Student Academic Services at least two weeks prior to the start of the term in which the transfer will take effect. As well, the supervisor must provide details of the student funding package they will provide, which must align with Forestry’s minimum doctoral stipend policy of $21,000 annually for the first four years of registration. Once transferred into the PhD program, the student’s start date will remain the same, i.e. date of initial registration in the master’s program. Therefore the funding package must cover the remaining time left in the first four years.

After transferring, in order to maintain registration at the doctoral level students must:

• be Admitted to Candidacy within 36 months of the initial start date (and preferably within 24 months). • complete an additional 3 credits of course work with first class standing. Therefore doctoral students

transferred after partial completion of the master’s degree must have completed a total of 12 credits of coursework before the end of year two.

STRUCTURE AND FORMATTING OF A MASTER’S THESIS The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies has a single structure and format to be followed for UBC theses and dissertations. It provides considerably more flexibility than the previous structures outlined for traditional and manuscript-based theses and dissertations. For example, manuscript-based chapters can now be incorporated into theses and dissertations that otherwise follow the structure and format of the traditional thesis. Full details: https://www.grad.ubc.ca/current-students/dissertation-thesis-preparation

Students are strongly advised to review G+PS thesis submission procedures well in advance of program completion: https://www.grad.ubc.ca/current-students/final-dissertation-thesis-submission

MASTER’S THESIS DEFENSE Preparation After the thesis has been approved for defense by the Supervisor, copies of the thesis must be distributed to all members of the student’s Supervisory committee with at least 2 weeks allowed for reading and comments.

The defense date and time is arranged with the committee by the student and/or supervisor but is scheduled by the Graduate Program office. Please refer to the Appendix section for a complete defense preparation checklist.

Examining Committee The examining committee is comprised of:

• the Research Supervisor, • at least one other supervisory committee member, • a Non-departmental Examiner (NDE), and • the Chairperson.

The NDE may be from a Faculty of Forestry department outside of the Supervisor’s, or from another UBC department, and must be a member of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. The NDE should have expertise in the student’s area of research or a related field, but must have an arm’s-length relationship

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with the student. The NDE must be confirmed far enough in advance of the defense to allow time for reading of the thesis. In cases where all supervisory committee members other than the supervisor are from another faculty/department, the NDE may be from the same department as the supervisor. The student’s supervisor is responsible for securing an appropriate NDE for the defense.

The Chair must be a Forestry faculty member who has not been directly associated with the preparation of the thesis. The Chairperson is responsible to the Associate Dean and to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, and acts as moderator of the exam. The student’s supervisor is responsible for securing an eligible Chair for the defense.

Normally, only those individuals physically present in the examination room can be counted for quorum. It is permissible for a third member of the Supervisory Committee to attend the defense remotely. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange for the appropriate AV equipment and necessary IT support.

Master’s defenses are open to the public.

Defense Procedures The Master’s examination serves to test the student's overall grasp of their chosen field, particularly their ability to synthesize knowledge presented in their thesis research and coursework. It proceeds as follows:

The student presents a brief summary of the thesis (not to exceed 20 minutes). Each examiner then asks questions in the general area of the thesis for 15-20 minutes, with the option of a brief second round for follow-up questions. The Chairperson may ask a question or two out of interest or for purposes of clarification but is not expected to do so. The Chair then invites questions from the audience. The exam should not exceed 2 hours. Following the examination, the candidate and audience members are asked to leave the room so that the committee may evaluate the student’s performance.

The Chair and Examining Committee must arrive at a decision (Honours, Pass, or Fail) based on each examiner’s assessment of the content and presentation of thesis, and the candidate's oral defense.

For Honours designation: this must be justified in detail within the Chair report, with reference to the criteria below. An Honours (H) thesis grade will be inputted on the transcript instead of a Pass (P). The Honours designation must be reserved for theses that are truly outstanding, based on the following criteria (an Honours thesis is expected to excel in several – but not necessarily all – of these areas):

• novel, original, innovative research • broad, complex or otherwise difficult topic • rigorous in design, analysis and interpretation • thorough, synthetic analysis • well-written – clear, concise, cogent • high anticipated impact • relevant and important to policy or practice • intellectual independence of student in idea formulation

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The intention is that Honours designation is assigned only to outstanding Masters theses defined as those within the top 10% of theses defended annually.

Theses receiving Honours designation will be entered into the annual competition for Best Master’s Thesis, but a nomination letter from the supervisor will be required (at a later date) for this competition.

The Examining Committee may recommend that the thesis is acceptable in the form presented, or it may request changes be made to the thesis before the G+PS Thesis Approval form is signed. Responsibility for ensuring that such changes are made lie with the Supervisor. If a student fails to satisfy the Examining Committee as to their ability, the examination may be adjourned and reconvened within one month. Failure to meet the required standards a second time will result in the student being asked to withdraw from the degree program. A re-examination will be a closed session.

The Chairperson will then recall the student and announce the decision. The Chairperson may ask at this time that the Approval Form be signed by the Committee or may ask that the student first make required revisions. After members of the Examining Committee have signed the signature form, the candidate must formally submit their thesis to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies in order to have their program closed (thesis receipt issued) and be eligible for convocation. Students are advised to carefully review G+PS formatting and submission requirements in advance: www.grad.ubc.ca/current-students/dissertation-thesis-preparation

The Chair is responsible for conveying the consensus decision of the examining committee in a detailed email or memo addressed to the Associate Dean. It should include the names of the Examination Committee members who attended, examiners’ comments on the thesis and the defense, and any concerns regarding the examination. If revisions are required to the thesis, the person or persons responsible for approving the final version should be specified.

EXTENSION OF TIME ALLOWED FOR DEGREE COMPLETION Although the Faculty of Forestry expects most thesis-based Master’s students to complete their degree within three years, UBC sets a maximum five-year time limit for completion. Under exceptional circumstances, a request for an extension beyond five years may be made by the Research Supervisor to the Associate Dean. The request must detail the reasons for the extension and must include a detailed timeline for completion. Extensions will not normally be granted beyond one year.

Being a PhD Student MINIMUM ACADEMIC PROGRESS DEFINITIONS AND EXPECTATIONS For an in-depth review of G+PS policy on Program of Study and Academic Progress, please see this website: www.grad.ubc.ca/faculty-staff/policies-procedures/academic-progress

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THESIS REGISTRATION All doctoral students are required to register in their thesis (FRST 649) every term from program start to finish. For a more in-depth review of registration policy, please refer to this website: www.grad.ubc.ca/faculty-staff/policies-procedures/course-registration

COURSES Doctoral students who enter with a Master’s degree are not required to take any courses. However, the supervisory committee may recommend that the student take courses (for credit or audit) relevant to their area of research, and students are expected to complete these courses.

Doctoral students admitted without a Master's degree are required to complete a minimum of 12 credits with an overall 80% minimum average, of which at least nine credits must be at the 500 level or above and at least nine credits must be completed with grades at 80% or above. These requirements must be completed within the first two years. Master's students who wish to transfer to the PhD program must complete similar requirements; please refer to the ‘Transferring to a PhD’ section of this handbook.

Course availability varies from year to year. Refer to the online schedule to verify current academic year offerings: https://courses.students.ubc.ca/cs/main?pname=subjarea&tname=subjareas&req=0

Auditing Students may audit a course with permission of the instructor. A paper Change of Registration form (http://www.forestry.ubc.ca/students/graduate/student-resources-forms/) must be signed by the student and instructor, and submitted to the Forestry Graduate Program office for approval and processing before the change of registration deadline. Be sure to clarify audit requirements with the instructor at the beginning of the course, as expectations for auditing students may vary.

Directed Studies A maximum of 6 credits of Directed Studies may be taken within a graduate degree program. The content and expectations of the Directed Study must be pre-approved by the Forestry Graduate Program office via the submission of a Directed Study Approval form (available on our website and in the program office). http://www.forestry.ubc.ca/students/graduate/student-resources-forms/

Grade Requirements: PhD Students

All courses taken for credit in your doctoral program must result in a minimum of 68% (B-). If a course is failed (defined as a grade of 0-67%), on the recommendation of the graduate program and the approval of the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, the student may repeat the course for higher standing or take an alternate course. When repeating a failed required course, a minimum mark of 74% must be obtained.

If the graduate program advisor does not make such a recommendation, or if the recommendation is not approved by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, the student will be required to withdraw. A student who obtains a grade of less than 68% in more than one course will usually be required to withdraw. If progress in research is unsatisfactory, a student will be required to withdraw. The student will be informed of unsatisfactory academic progress in writing before any action regarding withdrawal is taken.

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Change of Registration Deadlines for 2019-20: • September 17, 2019: Term 1 deadline for adding courses, dropping courses (with no “W”), or changing

course registration from credit to audit (or vice versa). • October 11, 2019: Term 1 deadline for withdrawing from a course (withdrawal standing of "W"

recorded on a student's academic record). • January 17, 2020: Term 2 deadline for adding courses, dropping courses (with no “W”), or changing

course registration from credit to audit (or vice versa). • February 14, 2020: Term 2 deadline for withdrawing from a course (withdrawal standing of "W"

recorded on a student's academic record).

TRANSFER CREDITS From the UBC Calendar https://www.grad.ubc.ca/faculty-staff/policies-procedures/transfer-credit: “Doctoral students are not normally eligible for transfer credit. In doctoral programs where there is a prescribed amount of coursework, students may be eligible for course exemptions on the basis of previous courses taken.”

FORMATION OF YOUR SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE AND MEMBERSHIP RULES All doctoral students are required to have a Supervisor and a Supervisory committee. Supervisors are confirmed before students are offered admission.

Supervisory committees consist of at least three members, two of whom must be members of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (G+PS), including the supervisor. The third member may be from another academic institution or from a non-academic organization, if they have the appropriate background to fully participate in all committee responsibilities. In this situation, a written request must come from the supervisor to the Forestry Graduate Program office, and be accompanied by: i) an up-to-date CV of the individual; ii) a rationale memo from the supervisor, indicating the particular qualifications that make the nominee suitable; iii) a statement from the nominee assenting to serve on the committee and accepting committee responsibilities.

Committees should be formed as soon as possible. Choice of members of the supervisory committee is a joint decision between the student and supervisor. Once a committee has been formed, the Forestry Graduate Program office should be notified, either via email or at the time of submission of the first committee meeting report. For a more in-depth review of Supervision guidelines, refer to: www.grad.ubc.ca/faculty-staff/policies-procedures/supervision. Information for supervisors is here: www.grad.ubc.ca/faculty-staff/information-supervisors

ANNUAL COMMITTEE MEETING REPORTS The Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies requires that graduate students in thesis programs meet with their full committee at least once a year. A completed committee meeting form must be signed by the student and all committee members, and submitted to the Forestry Graduate Program Office. Forms are available from the program office and a writable PDF version is also available on the Forestry website: http://www.forestry.ubc.ca/students/graduate/student-resources-forms/.

DOCTORAL DEGREE REQUIREMENTS Original research supervised by a faculty member constitutes the major component of work toward the PhD degree in Forestry. Students are expected to complete all recommended courses (if any), prepare a research

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proposal and pass a Comprehensive Examination within 24 months of the start of their program in order to be Admitted to Candidacy (ATC). A maximum of 36 months to reach ATC is stipulated by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies; Forestry will allow the additional 12 months to complete ATC requirements if absolutely necessary and recommended by the supervisor. Students who do not achieve Candidacy by 36 months will be required to withdraw.

ADMISSION TO CANDIDACY PROCESS Research Proposal The candidate is expected to review the literature and develop research questions and methodologies to be used in subsequent research carried out for the dissertation requirement of the PhD degree. Procedure for Proposal Approval

The student should develop the proposal in consultation with their supervisor. The supervisor should approve a draft of the proposal before it is sent to the Supervisory committee. This reading should be done in a timely fashion by the supervisor (within two weeks of receiving the draft). Committee members should be advised ahead of time that a copy of the proposal will be given to them on a particular date, and a minimum of two weeks allowed for reading and comments.

Contents of the proposal and the proposed research should be discussed at a committee meeting. This meeting should be a discussion, not an examination, but the committee must be able to make a decision about whether the proposed thesis is feasible and is appropriate for doctoral research. At the end of this meeting, the committee should decide if they approve the proposal, or if further changes are needed.

Once the proposal is approved, the student must submit to the Forestry Graduate Program office a copy of the research proposal, along with written confirmation of approval from each committee member (via signatures on the committee meeting report form, or individual emails that indicate approval). The research proposal must be approved by the Supervisory committee before the student can be Admitted to Candidacy.

PhD Comprehensive Examination All PhD students are required to take an oral comprehensive exam set by members of their supervisory committee. The PhD Comprehensive Examination is a closed examination. Only the candidate and the Examination Committee are eligible to attend. In exceptional circumstances, guests may be invited by the Chair on the recommendation of the Supervisor and approved by the candidate, but this must be discussed with the Associate Dean and approved in advance.

Purpose The Comprehensive Examination is intended to test the student’s understanding of the chosen field of study as a whole and the student’s preparation for the thesis research to follow. This examination is not a defense of the research proposal and is not intended to query the specifics of the proposed research. The examination is to determine if the student has acquired:

• the basic core of knowledge of their discipline, • a thorough understanding of their research area, and,

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• the specialized skills required for the research project and for the analysis and interpretation of the results.

It is expected at this stage in their program that students will be able to synthesize and conceptualize, and have attained a scholarly breadth and thoughtfulness that will allow them to handle appropriate questions that may not have been put to them before. The examination should forecast the student's ability to think independently and to perform independent, creative research.

Pre-Comprehensive Meeting with the Associate Dean At least 3 months prior to the examination, it is required that the student and the Supervisor schedule a pre-comprehensive meeting with the Associate Dean to discuss the examination format, the student’s preparation plan, status of the research proposal, choice of Non-departmental Examiner, and any other concerns or questions the student may have. Scheduling of the pre-comp meeting should be arranged with the Graduate Program Director.

Examination Requirements and Preparation Scope: The Examination Committee defines before the examination the areas and scope of questioning. Each member of the Committee will cover an area of questioning and will define the limits of that area for the student.

Status of Research Proposal Students must have written a draft research proposal and distributed it to their Supervisory committee before taking the Comprehensive Exam. The proposal does not have to be approved by the Supervisory committee prior to the exam, but should be in a sufficient state that the examining committee will be able to understand the student’s areas of general and specific interest.

Timing This examination should be completed within 24 months of initial registration. Thus, a Master’s student who transfers to the PhD degree program after one year will have only 12 months after the date of transfer to complete the examination. Extensions beyond 24 months require the approval of the Associate Dean.

At least 3 months in advance of the expected exam date, students should contact all members of their Examination Committee, including the Non-departmental Examiner, for suggestions on readings and other preparation for the exam.

In addition to the supervisory committee, the student must also give a copy of the research proposal to the Chair and the Non-departmental Examiner (NDE) at least two weeks prior to the examination.

Arranging a time and date for the exam is the responsibility of the student and supervisor, and may be finalized any time after the pre-comp meeting is held. Once a date has been confirmed with all the examining committee members, the Forestry Graduate Program office should be notified and grad staff will complete the scheduling (reserving an appropriate room and other details). The Forestry Graduate Program office will distribute a formal notice of examination to the examining committee and student approximately two weeks in advance of the exam.

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Format The comprehensive is an oral examination. A combination of written and oral may be possible but must be approved by the Associate Dean at the time of the pre-comprehensive meeting. If a written component is approved, the details and timelines for submission of the written component must be decided upon well in advance by the student and all examining committee members, and communicated to the Associate Dean for final approval.

Examination Committee Quorum for examination consists of the Examination Chairperson, a Non-departmental Examiner, and at least two members of the supervisory committee (including the Chair and the Research Supervisor). Preference is that all members of the supervisory committee be in attendance. The Chair of the supervisory committee is responsible for ensuring that there will be a quorum.

The Chair of the Examination Committee is the Associate Dean or designate.

If the Examination Committee includes supervisory committee members that are not UBC faculty, pass or fail decisions for the exam will be based primarily on recommendations of the UBC faculty members.

Non-departmental Examiner The NDE must be a UBC faculty member in a department different from the supervisor, but may still be from the Faculty of Forestry. In cases where all members other than the supervisor are from another faculty/department, the NDE may be selected from the same department as the supervisor, if approved by the Associate Dean.

The NDE must have expertise in the student’s area of research or a related field, and must be confirmed far enough in advance of the exam to provide the student with suggestions on readings and other preparation advice. It is the responsibility of the student and supervisor to select an appropriate NDE, confirm their availability for the examination date and time, and notify the Forestry Graduate Program office.

Examination Protocol The exam will begin with a brief introduction by the Chair. The student may then present a brief (usually 10-minute) talk on their research area and the context of their research project. This presentation is not meant to be a discussion of the methodology in the proposal, which should be discussed in regular committee meetings separate from the exam.

The Chair will determine the order in which examiners pose questions. Each member of the Examination Committee will have 12 - 15 minutes to pose questions, ending with the supervisor(s) and Chair. Each committee member will then have the opportunity for a second set of questions, not to exceed five minutes per examiner, unless an examiner feels that further questions are needed before they can provide a recommendation.

Upon conclusion of the second round of questions, the student will be asked to retire from the room and the examining committee will evaluate the student’s performance in all aspects of the exam (presentation and oral responses; written responses if applicable) relative to the expectations listed under “Purpose”. The recommendation will be based on consensus of the examining committee. However, if the Examination

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Committee includes supervisory committee members that are not UBC faculty, pass or fail decisions for the exam will be based primarily on recommendations of the UBC faculty members of the committee.

The Chair will then recall the candidate and will announce the committee’s recommendation, as follows:

• Pass. A pass is recommended when the student has satisfied the committee that they have met the expectations stated under “Purpose”. A recommendation for Pass is appropriate when the committee is of the opinion that the student will be able to successfully complete a PhD program of UBC standard within the allowed period of time and with the level of independent and creative thought expected of a UBC PhD graduate.

• Adjourn. The examination will be adjourned if the student has demonstrated gaps in knowledge that have caused the committee to doubt that the student was adequately prepared for the examination. The examination may also be adjourned if the committee detects weaknesses in the student’s ability to effectively communicate their knowledge, which could be surmounted with further preparation or inclusion of a written examination component (in addition to an oral examination). An adjournment may only be considered if the student is within the first 32 months of their program. The examining committee must identify the knowledge gaps and suggest mechanisms for addressing the gaps through additional courses, readings or discussion. The committee should also agree on the specific conditions for the second (final) examination, including the time frame and the nature of the second examination, which must take place within four months of the first exam.

The Chair will then recall the student and verbally inform them of the committee’s decision. The student will also be informed of identified areas of weakness and advised as to how to improve their understanding of these areas and/or their communication skills. The Chair will include in their report the specific knowledge gaps identified and the recommended remedial measures, as well as the recommendations regarding the second examination. Following the exam, the Associate Dean will then inform the student in writing of the decision and accompanying requirements. The Examination Committee usually remains unchanged for the second examination. The second examination will be audio recorded or videotaped. Failure to receive a Pass in the second examination will result in the student being required to withdraw from the graduate program.

• Fail. The candidate will fail the exam if the examining committee is not satisfied that the candidate’s performance has met the expectations outlined in the Purpose section of this document, and that there is no evidence of insufficient exam preparation guidance. Failure will be recommended when the examining committee is of the unanimous opinion that the student will not be able to successfully complete a PhD program of UBC standard within the required time frame and with the level of independent and creative thought expected of a UBC PhD graduate.

In the case of a recommendation for failure, before recalling the student, the Chair will dismiss all members of the examining committee except the supervisor(s). The Chair will then verbally inform the

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candidate of the committee’s recommendation. The Chair’s report will be written and submitted to the Associate Dean as soon as possible, after which the Associate Dean will inform the student in writing, and invite the student to meet.

ADMITTED TO CANDIDACY (ATC) All Forestry doctoral students should be Admitted to Candidacy within 24 months of initial enrolment and will be required to withdraw if not ATC within 36 months. To be Admitted to Candidacy, a student must:

1. complete all required course work, 2. have their thesis proposal approved by all members of the Supervisory committee, and 3. have passed the Comprehensive Examination.

In the interest of ensuring that doctoral students clearly understand the importance of academic honesty and ethical conduct, the UBC Academic Policy Committee of Graduate Council developed a student pledge to be signed by all doctoral students before they can advance to Candidacy. In the pledge, students confirm the following:

• that they will ensure that formal ethical approval is obtained from the appropriate UBC Research Ethics Board for any aspect of their research that requires it;

• that they will conduct all their work with the highest standards of academic honesty and take care to avoid plagiarism; and

• that they will keep their contact information up to date in UBC’s Student Service Centre (SSC) and check their email regularly.

This pledge and accompanying information is on the second page of the “Recommendation for Advancement to Candidacy” form, which the Graduate Program Director will arrange for the student and supervisor to sign when all ATC requirements have been met.

SCOPE, STRUCTURE AND FORMATTING OF A DOCTORAL DISSERTATION The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies has a single structure and format to be followed for UBC theses and dissertations. It provides considerably more flexibility than the previous structures outlined for traditional and manuscript-based theses and dissertations. For example, manuscript-based chapters can now be incorporated into theses and dissertations that otherwise follow the structure and format of the traditional thesis. Full details: https://www.grad.ubc.ca/current-students/dissertation-thesis-preparation

The dissertation must be a coherent document that provides a complete and systematic account of the student's research. It may incorporate work from submitted, accepted or published journal articles, which may or may not have co-authors. Full details on the scope expected by G+PS for a doctoral dissertation can be found here: http://www.grad.ubc.ca/current-students/dissertation-thesis-preparation/scope-doctoral-dissertation

Students are strongly advised to review G+PS formatting submission procedures well in advance of program completion. Formatting approval from G+PS is required before the draft dissertation is submitted to the External Examiner, in preparation for the final doctoral defense.

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DISSERTATION DEFENSE PROCEDURES The Doctoral Dissertation exam is administered through G+PS. Full details can be found at: http://www.grad.ubc.ca/current-students/final-doctoral-examination.

EXTENSION OF TIME ALLOWED FOR DEGREE COMPLETION Although the Faculty of Forestry expects PhD students to complete their degree within five years, UBC provides a maximum of six-years for the completion of a doctoral degree. Under exceptional circumstances, a request for an extension beyond six years must be made by the Research Supervisor to the Associate Dean. The request must detail the reasons for the extension and must include a detailed timeline for completion. If supported by the Associate Dean, the Forestry Graduate Program office will then forward the extension request to the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for final approval. Extensions will not normally be granted beyond one additional year.

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• Information Technology (IT)

• UBC Respectful Environment Information

• UBC Policy on Discrimination and Harassment

• UBC Safety Abroad Mandatory Registry

• Thesis Programs

o Expectations for Students and Their Supervisors

o Thesis Student Responsibilities

o Supervisor Responsibilities

o Research Masters Timeline to Completion

o Master’s Defense Planning Checklist

o PhD Timeline to Completion

• MF Program: Instructions and Grading Rubric for Major Essay

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UBC AND FORESTRY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Forestry IT is here to provide technical resources, services, and support for most needs of the Faculty’s graduate student body.

IT Staff

Each department has one dedicated IT staff person.

FRM Department Felix Choi, FSC 2411

FCS Department Norman Hodges, FSC 3411

Wood Science Department Winfield Liu, FSC 2833

IT Manager Dr. Carl Johansson

Email them at [email protected].

Hours of operation is 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday to Friday. No weekend or off site support.

Stick with your assigned departmental IT person as cross-department coverage is limited to faculty and staff emergencies.


Accounts to access web sites and logon to computer systems are handled at the Central IT level. It is called the Campus Wide Login, or CWL for short. When you become a graduate student, your CWL will be created and you will receive information on generation of a password. Do not forget the username or password as this account is linked to everything that is you at UBC. Once you have a CWL, its use is governed under UBC Policy 104.


Once you have your CWL and understand its use under policy, you can logon to your faculty member’s system using the account.

UBC IT Policies

As required under Policy 104, Acceptable Use and Security of UBC Electronic Information and Systems, the UBC CIO has published Information Security Standards, which are mandatory for all Users of UBC Electronic Information and Systems. Detailed information on the Standards are here. Relevant standards are under the section User Standards.


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As a graduate student at UBC you are required to observe all relevant UBC Policies and Information Security Standards. Any serious transgression of the UBC Policies and Information Security Standards will result in your access privileges being revoked. Reinstatement will require a meeting with the Associate Dean, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

As a grad student, and holding a TA’ship, you are required you take the online Privacy Fundamentals course.


Any graduate student just in a TA or job that is not dealing with another person’s sensitive information is not required to take the Privacy Fundamentals course.


FASmail is an enterprise email service for staff, faculty and thesis-based graduate students of the University of British Columbia. The FASmail service furthers the academic mission of the University by providing timely and immediate communications access to the University, other institutions, organizations and individuals. Under Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), students should restrict their communications to FASmail and avoid using Gmail etc. except for personal business.

Features of the service include:

• 5GB mailbox and calendar. • Safe and secure mail storage using the UBC Storage Grid. • Free/Busy Look-ups for booking meetings, rooms and equipment. • Email addresses and calendars of all departmental contacts using the service in one address book. • Ability to schedule meetings and accept meeting requests. • Options to delegate mailbox and calendar access to different users. • Virus protection and spam prevention using Sophos PureMessage. • The Outlook Web App provides an Outlook-like experience using a wide variety of web browsers. • Support for hosting departmental email domains. • Blackberry integration (BES): available as a paid option

FASmail is accessible via the Outlook Web App, and through any standards-based desktop email application that supports the following protocols: Outlook Anywhere, Exchange Web Services, Secure POP, Secure IMAP, Secure SMTP, MAPI and ActiveSync.

Non-thesis graduate students are not eligible for FASmail. See your Program Coordinator for more information.

Important! For your publications, use the UBC alumni service as the email on your publications.


It is important that you have a lifetime ability to received emails related to your academic work.

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Undergraduate Computing Labs

The undergraduate computing labs (FSC 1404, 1406, 1937 and 2942) are restricted to undergraduate teaching or any graduate level courses scheduled in the undergraduate computing labs. Graduate student CWL accounts will not be able to login to the systems and you will have to email [email protected] to request access if you are taking a graduate level course that is using the undergraduate computing labs.

Personal Equipment

The IT staff do not deal with personal equipment, you can seek their advice, but the Faculty policy is that there is no support for personal equipment.


Printing is either provided by your supervisor or through the Departmental copiers. Inquire with your Dept. IT person for help.

Computer Purchasing and Repair

Faculty policy insists that all members purchasing computer equipment on your faculty member’s research grant funding do so through the Forestry IT. This ensures all items are properly setup, inventoried, and registered. Discuss and get approval from your supervisor before asking your Dept. IT person to order any equipment.

Department IT staff will help with any repairs of UBC owned machines only.

Software Purchasing and Recommendations

Personal Equipment

Graduate students can download Microsoft Office and the anti-virus Sophos from Central IT’s download site. https://it.ubc.ca/software-downloads

Be aware the software expires annually and will need to be renewed. When you graduate and leave UBC, the software expires, it is not perpetual.

The Faculty maintains a separate software portal for programs like Visual Studio and Windows 10 upgrade.


You will need your CWL account (see above) to gain access. The software here also expires once you complete your graduate program and leave UBC.

UBC Owned Equipment

A number of packages are free for UBC owned equipment but we do not list them here. Email your Department IT person for help.

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Most Forestry software are PC based and it’s advisable to order a PC rather than a Mac. Trying to make a Windows based package run under a Mac is not satisfactory. When working with your Dept. IT person, match the hardware and OS to the needs of the applications you will be using during your graduate career. This always works the best.

Network Access (Wireless and Wired)

Wireless Network (Wi-Fi)

There are a number of wireless networks on campus and the most important ones are:

UBCSecure - available for all faculty, staff, or students requiring a CWL.

UBCVisitor - Visitors to the campus who are not guests of UBC faculty or staff can use our visitor network for light web browsing at no charge.

EDUROAM - The "eduroam" network is a collaborative network that provides students, staff and faculty roaming wireless access at partner institutions.

Use UBCSecure for all Wi-Fi connections.


All wall ports are for UBC owned machines and required the computer to be registered with Forestry IT before the port works. Forestry policy prevents personal equipment from using room ports for network access.


Android Devices: http://autoconnect.it.ubc.ca

iPhone/iTouch/iPad Devices: http://autoconnect.it.ubc.ca

Device Encryption

At UBC, we are regulated by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), which requires us to protect personal information from unauthorized collection, use, or disclosure. In support of the law, UBC policy requires that all mobile devices storing personal information must be encrypted. More information is available on the UBC Privacy Matters website.

All devices, UBC owned or personal, that contain personal information of other people than yourself must be encrypted. If you are receiving emails from other students, this is implicit permission and one need not encrypt your device. Anything else is generally viewed as needing encryption. Contact your Departmental IT person for advice.

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UBC RESPECTFUL ENVIRONMENT INFORMATION (reprinted from http://www.hr.ubc.ca/respectful-environment/)

In late September 2008, President Toope introduced UBC’s Respectful Environment Statement for Students, Faculty and Staff. The Statement speaks to our freedoms and our responsibilities, and provides the guiding principles to support us in building an environment in which respect, civility, diversity, opportunity and inclusion are valued.

Many of us live by the Golden Rule or the Ethic of Reciprocity.

“Treat others the way you would like to be treated”

Have you heard about The Platinum Rule? “Treat others the way they want to be treated”

This rule means that you recognize that service is not about what you want to give; it’s about what others want to receive. Ask people what they want. Listen to their answers.

Apply the Golden Rule to avoid harming others, and apply the Platinum Rule to provide people with the things that they value or that are important to them.

Please refer to the above web link to read the full UBC Respectful Environment Statement.

UBC POLICY ON DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT (refer to this website for complete information (portions reprinted below: https://students.ubc.ca/campus-life/diversity-campus/discrimination-harassment)

What is Discrimination? Discrimination is treatment that burdens or disadvantages someone with no reasonable justification. This involves unfair or different treatment for reasons unrelated to academic or employment performance.

Examples of discrimination include:

• Refusing to allow a student to reschedule an exam because the date conflicts with their religious high holy day.

• Denying appropriate accommodations to persons with a medically certified disability • Evaluating students negatively because the instructor disapproves of their political beliefs or cultural


What is Harassment? Harassment is comment or behaviour that is unwelcome or that has a negative impact on the person. Harassment can be either a single, serious incident or a pattern of related, repeated incidents.

Examples of harassment include:

• Making racist, sexist, or homophobic jokes or remarks

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• Making repeated advances to a person after that person has indicated a lack of interest (verbally, by email, texting or through other forms of social media)

• Mocking a person's accent, culture or religion • Consistently mis-gendering someone (like a student) or intentionally using the wrong pronoun

In Canada, no one has to tolerate any form of unwelcome or uninvited sexual advances.

Dealing with Discrimination or Harassment Don’t pretend it isn’t happening. Harassment is unlikely to go away if you ignore it. In fact, harassing behaviour may increase if the harasser feels that he or she can get away with it.

Seek advice Talk to people who will listen carefully and offer constructive support. Speak with an advisor in the Equity and Inclusion Office for information and advice. If you believe you or others are in physical danger, contact the Equity and Inclusion Office, Campus Security, or the police.

Take action The most efficient way to stop harassment is to confront it immediately and directly. If it is safe to do so, clearly and firmly tell the person who is harassing you to stop. Describe the way you expect to be treated. If you find that speaking to the harasser does not stop the behaviour, or if you do not want to communicate directly with the person, approach a friend for help, a staff or faculty member or someone in your department you may know or the Equity and Inclusion Office .

Keep records Do not rely on your memory. Carefully record the details of the harassment as soon as it occurs. Also record any attempts to tell the person that the behaviour is unwelcome. Keep as evidence all harassing letters, gifts, emails, texts, voice mail messages, etc., that you receive.

Please refer to the above web link for complete information on UBC Policies related to discrimination and harassment, as well as contacts for seeking advice, assistance and advocacy.

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SUSTAINABILITY AT UBC (Reprinted from http://sustain.ubc.ca/our-commitment)

Sustainability at UBC isn’t just a word to define—it’s a term that defines us and how we interact with the world.

UBC’s strategic plan, Place and Promise, commits all aspects of the University—its infrastructure, research, teaching and learning elements—to exploring and exemplifying social, economic and environmental sustainability.

The Sustainability Academic Strategy, a mid-level plan created through a collaborative process involving students, staff and faculty, informs the UBC strategic planning process and provides recommendations around specific academic themes and actions. It also articulates UBC's approach to sustainability:

• We see sustainability not as a prescribed set of outcomes, but as the emergent property of a societal conversation about what kind of world we want to live in, informed by some understanding of the ecological, social and economic consequences of different courses of action.

Our commitment transforms the entire UBC campus into a living laboratory—a societal test-bed for sustainability. In this way, the University’s physical plant becomes a testing ground in which staff, students, faculty members, researchers and partners test, study, teach, apply and share lessons learned, technologies created and policies developed. Through our partnerships, outcomes are applied beyond the campus, ensuring the University acts as agent of change to address some of society's most pressing sustainability challenges.

UBC STUDENT SAFETY ABROAD https://safetyabroad.ubc.ca/

UBC’s Student Safety Abroad Program is designed to provide students with the necessary resources to support a safe experience abroad. The Program is based on the requirements outlined in UBC’s Student Safety Abroad Policy 69.

This is done by:

• offering advice for assessing and mitigating risks, • making it easier for UBC to assist you if you encounter critical incidents, • if you’re intending to go to locations with increased travel warnings, offering a clear and simple process

for adjudicating your travel proposals, • if you’re intending to go to locations with increased travel warnings, providing tools to prepare you for

regional hazards.

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How does the policy affect me as a student?

The policy applies to you if you’re traveling outside of Canada for any university activity – this includes conferences, research, volunteering, service learning, varsity sports, and studying abroad.

In most cases, you will be travelling to regions where all you will need to do is register your travel details, emergency contacts, and review pre-departure materials to prepare you for a safe journey.

If you’re traveling to a location with an increased travel warning, you will need to get permission to travel and undertake additional preparation for risks associated with your location.

For details, visit the Get Started page.

Student Safety Abroad Registry. The registry is a required component for all students traveling internationally for university activities. It helps you gather information and mitigate travel risks, and registers your details for assistance in case of emergency. Access the registry at https://registry.safetyabroad.ubc.ca/

Travel Insurance. You are required to have travel and medical insurance while travelling abroad on university activities. Not all travel and medical insurance plans are equal. You are responsible for assessing your own international health coverage needs and plans that are available to ensure you have sufficient coverage while away. Find out more at https://safetyabroad.ubc.ca/learning-modules/insurance

In an Emergency. UBC is committed to providing well-supported programs that contribute to safe international learning experiences. However, critical incidents may occur while students are abroad that require an effective and timely response to mitigate the impact. Each situation requires a context specific response in terms of required resources and appropriate procedures. The university looks to support students in any reasonable way that it can. Find out more at https://safetyabroad.ubc.ca/emergency

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GRADUATE STUDENT / SUPERVISOR EXPECTATIONS Excerpted from the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies website. A PDF file of this agreement letter can be downloaded from https://www.grad.ubc.ca/current-students/supervision-advising

The document is for students and their supervisors. Ideally, supervisors and students will discuss the document, retain copies of the document, and have a copy of the document placed in a student’s file. Discussion of expectations can foster open communication between supervisors and students and prevent misunderstandings that might otherwise arise. This document is not a replacement for University rules. To the extent that any statements in this document contradict University of British Columbia policies, rules, or regulations, the University of British Columbia policies, rules and regulations prevail. Ultimately, successful completion of a graduate program of study is the student’s responsibility.

Mutual understanding of expectations between students and their supervisors is critical to the success of a graduate program. This document is intended to be read and discussed by students and their supervisors at the onset of the students’ programs. This document may be re-visited and modified over time as necessary, with any revised versions held by students and supervisors and kept on students’ files. Students undertaking work at the master’s level will find some of the points outlined are specific to doctoral students.

Name of Supervisor and Date:

As your supervisor, you can expect me to:

• Demonstrate commitment to your research and educational program, and offer stimulation, respectful support, constructive criticism, and consistent encouragement.

• Assist with identification of a research topic that is suitable for you and manageable within the scope of your degree.

• Have sufficient familiarity with your field of research to provide guidance as a supervisor. • Assist you in gaining access to required facilities or research materials for your projects. • Discuss your financial support issues and assist with scholarship applications and/or providing advice on

academic employment opportunities. • Provide guidance in the ethical conduct of research and model research integrity. • Discuss with you the implications of engaging with activities/work unrelated to your thesis topic. • Provide information about my availability for meetings and expectations about preparation for meetings. • Assist you in planning your research program, setting a time frame, and adhering as much as possible to

the schedule. • Encourage you to finish up when it would not be in your best interest to stay longer. • Be accessible for consultation and discussion of your academic progress and research at a minimum of

once a term. [On average, our meetings will be held _____________________________________.] • Minimize my expectations for activities/work that may interfere with your thesis completion. • Institute a supervisory committee (with appropriate input from you) and prepare for committee meetings,

which will occur on a regular basis (at least once a year) to review your progress and provide guidance for your future work.

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• Support you in your preparation for the comprehensive examination and admission to candidacy which will be completed within 36 months of program initiation.

• Act as a resource about managing program requirements, deadlines, etc. • Attend your presentations in appropriate venues and join in associated discussion. • Submit recommendations for external examiners and university examiners for the doctoral dissertation

within the time frames required by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. • Acknowledge your contributions, when appropriate, in published material and oral presentations [Discuss

policy regarding authorship, etc. of papers] in accordance with good scholarly practice and the University of British Columbia scholarly integrity policies.

• Provide reasonable expectations about work day hours and vacation time in accordance with University of British Columbia policies.

• Clarify my preferred style of communication with students about areas, such as student independence, approaches to conflict, direct questioning, and mentoring.

• Explain my expectations for mode of address, professional behaviour (e.g. punctuality), when to seek assistance, response to constructive criticism, and academic performance expectations.

• Assist you to overcome any cultural difficulties with norms and expectations. • Respond thoroughly (with constructive suggestions for improvement) and in a timely fashion to submitted,

written work. • Promote a research environment that is safe and free from harassment. • Assist in managing conflict or differences among members of the supervisory committee. • Make arrangements to ensure adequate supervision if I am absent for extended periods, e.g. more than a

month. • Encourage you to present your research results within and outside the University. [Approximately how

often? _________________________________________.] • Provide mentoring in academic writing. • Provide advice and mentorship with respect to career opportunities, which may be assisted by resources,

skills, professional development, and other avenues. • Other:

supervisor signature supervisor print name date

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Name of Student and Date:

As your student, you can expect me to:

• Take responsibility for my progress towards my degree completion. • Demonstrate commitment and dedicated effort in gaining the necessary background knowledge and skills

to carry out the thesis. • At all times, demonstrate research integrity and conduct research in an ethical manner in accordance with

University of British Columbia policies and the policies or other requirements of any organizations funding my research.

• In conjunction with you, develop a plan and a timetable for completion of each stage of the thesis project. • As applicable, apply to the University or granting agencies for financial awards or other necessary resources

for the research. • Meet standards and deadlines of the funding organization for a scholarship or grant. • Adhere to negotiated schedules and meet appropriate deadlines. • Keep you and the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies informed about my contact information. • Meet and correspond with you when requested within specified time frames. • Report fully and regularly on my progress and results. • Maintain my registration and ensure any required permits or authorizations are kept up to date until the

program is completed. • Be thoughtful and reasonably frugal in using resources. • Behave in a respectful manner with peers and colleagues • Conform to the University and departmental/school requirements for my program. • Meet at regular intervals with my supervisory committee (no less than yearly). • Progress to my candidacy defense (including completion of my comprehensive exam) within 36 months of

the initiation of my program. • Keep orderly records of my research activities. • Develop a clear understanding concerning ownership of intellectual property and scholarly integrity (refer

to UBC policy on Patents and Licensing, http://www.universitycounsel.ubc.ca/files/2013/06/policy88.pdf , and the scholarly integrity policy 85, http://www.universitycounsel.ubc.ca/files/2015/08/policy85.pdf, and the University Industry Liaison Office, www.uilo.ubc.ca).

• Take any required training programs that are discussed and agreed. • Work at least regular workday hours on my research project after course-work has been completed. • Discuss, with you, the policy on use of computers and equipment. • Complete my thesis and course work within timelines specified by the Faculty of Graduate and

Postdoctoral Studies and suitable for my discipline. • Finish my work and clear up my work space when program requirements have been completed. • Return any borrowed materials on project completion or when requested. • Explain to you my comfort with modes of communication (e.g. formal or informal, use of questioning) and

independent activities. • Make it clear to you when I do not understand what is expected of me.

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• Describe my comfort with approaches to our academic relationship, e.g. professional versus personal. • Contribute to a safe workplace where each individual shows tolerance and respect for the rights of others. • Respond respectfully to advice and criticisms (indicating acceptance or rationale for rejection) received

from you and members of my supervisory committee. • Inform you in a timely manner about any of my presentations to facilitate attendance. • Discuss, with you, my career plan and hopes for professional growth and development. • Other:

student signature student print name date

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GRADUATE STUDENT ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES Excerpted from the Grad Studies Handbook of Graduate Supervision. See more at: https://www.grad.ubc.ca/handbook-graduate-supervision

When you register as a graduate student at UBC, you're making a commitment to devote the time and energy needed to engage in research and write a thesis or dissertation. Your supervisor has a right to expect substantial effort, initiative, respect and receptiveness to suggestions and criticisms.

As a graduate student, you must accept the rules, procedures and standards in place in the program and at the university and should check the University Calendar for regulations regarding academic and non-academic matters. You are expected to:

• Make a commitment and show dedicated efforts to gain the background knowledge and skills needed to pursue your research project successfully.

• In conjunction with your supervisor, develop a plan and timetable for completion of all stages of your thesis project, adhere to a schedule and meet appropriate deadlines.

• Meet with your supervisor when requested and report fully and regularly on progress and results. • Maintain registration throughout the program and (for international students) ensure that study

permits and (where applicable) employment authorization documents are kept up to date. • Keep your supervisor, graduate program advisor and Enrolment Services informed about your contact

information. • Give serious consideration to the advice and criticisms received from your supervisor and other

members of your supervisory committee. • Keep your work space tidy, safe and healthy; show tolerance and respect for the rights of others. • Be thoughtful and reasonably frugal in using resources provided by your supervisor and the University,

and assist in obtaining additional resources for your research or for other group members where applicable.

• Conform to University, Faculty and graduate program requirements, including those related to deadlines, dissertation or thesis style, conflict of interest.

• When your degree program requirements have been met, terminate your work and clean up your work space.

• Return borrowed materials to your supervisor, graduate program, library or reading room, etc. when your project has been finished or when return is requested.

The following suggestions can make your life a lot easier:

• Review the literature regularly and keep your literature survey up-to-date • Maintain exemplary records of your experimental/theoretical work (so that others can replicate your

results) • While your supervisor is required to be reasonably available for consultation, it is your responsibility to

keep in touch with your supervisor • Make yourself available to your supervisor for regular meetings at mutually acceptable times • Follow the university's policy regarding ownership of intellectual property

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SUPERVISOR RESPONSIBILITIES Excerpted from the Grad Studies Handbook of Graduate Supervision. See more at: https://www.grad.ubc.ca/handbook-graduate-supervision

Your supervisor is the key person in your graduate degree program. Graduate education is greatly affected by the nature of the supervision and the quality of communication between students and their supervisors. When students work closely and effectively with their supervisors, they will improve the quality of their dissertations or theses and their educational experiences. Supervisors should be available to help their students at every stage, from formulation of their research projects through establishing methodologies and discussing results, to presentation and possible publication of dissertations. Graduate supervisors must also ensure that their students’ work meets the standards of the University and the academic discipline. Some specific responsibilities of a graduate supervisor:

• assists the student with the selection and planning of a suitable and manageable research topic. • is sufficiently familiar with the field of research to provide guidance and/or has a willingness to gain that

familiarity before agreeing to act as a supervisor. • is accessible to the student for consultation and discussion of the student’s academic progress and

research. The frequency of meetings will vary according to the discipline, stage of work, nature of the project, independence of the student, etc. For many, weekly meetings are essential; for others, monthly meetings are satisfactory. In no case should interaction be less frequent than once per term.

• establishes (with input from the student and colleagues where appropriate) a supervisory committee, and convenes a meeting, at least annually, to evaluate the student’s progress.

• responds in a timely and thorough manner to written work submitted by the student, with constructive suggestions for improvement and continuation. The turnaround time for comments on written work should not normally exceed three weeks.

• makes arrangements to ensure continuity of supervision when the supervisor will be absent for extended periods, e.g. a month or longer.

• when necessary, assists the student in gaining access to facilities or research materials. • ensures that the research environment is safe, healthy and free from harassment, discrimination and

conflict. When there is a conflict in advice or when there are different expectations on the part of co-supervisors or members of the supervisory committee, the supervisor is expected to endeavor to achieve consensus and resolve the differences.

• assists the student in being aware of program requirements, deadlines, sources of funding, etc. • encourages the student to make presentations of research results within the University and to outside

scholarly or professional bodies as appropriate. • encourages the student to finish up when it would not be in the student’s best interests to extend the

program of studies. • acknowledges appropriately the contributions of the student in presentations and in published material, in

many cases via joint authorship. • ensures that recommendations for external examiners of doctoral dissertations are made to the graduate

program advisor and forwarded to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies in a timely manner. • assists the student to comply with any changes that need to be made to the thesis after the thesis or

dissertation defence.

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• Meet with supervisor to discuss expectations of student and supervisor, degree requirements, policies and timelines.

First term

• Meet with supervisor to discuss coursework, composition of committee, research plan. • Confirm credit level of thesis work (6, 12, or 18 credits).

First two terms

• Establish supervisory committee. Three faculty members including supervisor, normally at least 2 members from Forestry.

• Complete coursework. • Apply for scholarship funding. Tri-council scholarships all have the same application process, with a

deadline in mid-September. Apply for Faculty of Forestry internal awards in April. • Identify research project. If this has not occurred within first 8 months, the supervisor must provide a

project which can be completed in a reasonable (<18 months) time. • Convene committee meeting to discuss proposed research. Submit committee meeting report to the

Grad Program office. • Begin research.

Second year

• If you wish to transfer to a PhD, ensure that you have completed requirements and your supervisor has submitted the transfer request before the end of your fifth term (20 months), and preferably by the end of your first year.

• Convene committee meeting to discuss research results from first year, possible further research, timeline to thesis completion. Submit committee meeting report to the Grad Program office:

• Complete research. • Complete writing the thesis by the end of the second year. • Plan for your thesis defense. Refer to the defense planning checklist at:

http://forestry.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2012/06/Planning-Your-Masters-Defense-for-students.pdf • Defend and submit thesis. • Submit final thesis to G+PS for formal program closure. Refer to G+PS formatting requirements:

www.grad.ubc.ca/current-students/dissertation-thesis-preparation • Apply to graduate. See www.graduation.ubc.ca for deadlines.

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Planning Your Master’s Defense?

Congratulations on reaching this point in your program!


� Confirm you have completed all course requirements for your degree. Log-in to your SSC

Account to ensure that your course registration is correct (all credits accounted for) and final grades have been posted.

� Review defense procedures as outlined in the Forestry Gradbook. Familiarize yourself with how

the defense will proceed; procedures are in the Forestry Gradbook in the section entitled, “Master’s Thesis Defense”. You can download a copy of the Gradbook from: http://www.forestry.ubc.ca/students/graduate/student-resources-forms/

� Receive thesis approval from your supervisor. Your supervisor should let you know when your thesis is ready for final review by your supervisory committee, after which you should distribute copies with at least 2 weeks for reading and comments. Once this process is complete, your supervisor should notify the grad program office that your supervisory committee has approved the thesis for defense.

� Confirm your examining committee members. The examining committee must include your

supervisor, at least one other member of your supervisory committee, plus a Chair and a Non-departmental Examiner (NDE). Your supervisor is responsible for confirming Chair and NDE positions.

o The Chair acts as moderator of the exam, and needs to be a Forestry faculty member who hasn’t been directly associated with the preparation of the thesis. You should send a copy of your supervisor-approved thesis to the Chair as a courtesy, but they are not required to review it.

o The NDE must be a UBC faculty member from outside of your supervisor’s home department. The NDE should have expertise in your area of research or a related field, but must have an arm’s-length relationship with you. The NDE must be confirmed far enough in advance to allow them time to read the final supervisory committee approved thesis – you are responsible for providing them with a copy.

Set the date. Coordinate a date and start time with your examining committee (two hours are required). Once confirmed, notify the grad program office ([email protected]) so we can book an appropriate room – please provide us at least 10 days’ notice. Be sure to let us know if anyone plans to

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participate remotely. Note that normally, only those individuals physically present in the examination room can be counted for quorum. It is permissible for a third member of the Supervisory Committee to attend the defense remotely.

� The official notice of defense will be sent by our office to you and the examining committee, and we will also advertise it to the Faculty of Forestry community. Your defense is open to the public.

� Practice, AV Equipment, Room Set-Up. The exam room is reserved for up to one hour ahead of

your exam start, so you have plenty of time to set up before the defense begins. We highly recommend that you book a practice session a few days in advance to run through your presentation and thus avoid last-minute technical glitches. IT support is provided on the day of defense, but it is your responsibility to be familiar with the AV system.

� Apply to graduate. The application is available on-line through your Student Service Centre

account. Completion is required for degree conferral, regardless of whether you plan on attending a graduation ceremony. UBC confers graduate degrees in May and November each year. Refer to this link: https://graduation.ubc.ca/

� Be sure you are familiar with G+PS thesis formatting & final thesis submission procedures. Your program (and tuition assessment!) is not closed until after your defended and approved thesis is submitted to G+PS. In order to receive your thesis receipt as soon as possible after your defense, ensure your formatting meets required standards. Minor formatting changes are often required prior to the thesis receipt being issued.

o Formatting: www.grad.ubc.ca/current-students/dissertation-thesis-preparation . o Post-defense thesis submission procedures: https://www.grad.ubc.ca/current-

students/final-dissertation-thesis-submission/final-submission-instructions o After the defense, your exam Chair will give you the various forms you will need to

submit along with your thesis.

� Program Completion Checklist. Your exam Chair will also provide you with a checklist which outlines a number of action- items you are responsible for completing before you leave campus for the final time, e.g. returning keys and equipment, closing computer accounts, etc. If you are planning to depart Vancouver soon after your defense, be sure to leave yourself enough time to look after these responsibilities.

Questions? Don’t hesitate to ask: [email protected] or [email protected]

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First month

• Meet with supervisor to discuss expectations of student and supervisor, degree requirements, policies and timelines.

First term

• Meet with supervisor to discuss coursework, composition of committee, research plan.

First two terms

• Establish supervisory committee. Three faculty members including supervisor, normally at least 2 members from Forestry. Submit CV for any non-UBC committee members to ASSOCIATE DEAN for approval by G+PS.

• Begin coursework the committee has recommended or is required for students without Master's degrees. Must be completed with a passing grade (68%).

• Apply for scholarship funding. Major Tri-council scholarships all have the same application process, with a deadline in mid-September. Apply in April for Faculty of Forestry internal awards.

• Identify research project. • Convene committee meeting to discuss proposed research. Submit committee meeting report to the Grad

Program office. • Begin research. By end of 18 months • Prepare the research proposal and obtain approval from supervisor. • Convene committee meeting to discuss proposed research and comprehensive exam. Submit committee

meeting report to the Grad Program office. • Revise proposal as necessary to get approval of all committee members. • Ask each committee member for areas of examination or reading list for comprehensive exam. Begin

preparing for exam. • Contact Graduate Program Office to book pre-comprehensive meeting with student, supervisor and

Associate Dean.

By end of 24 months

• Complete coursework. • Take comprehensive exam. • Have proposal approved by supervisory committee. • Admission to Candidacy.

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Following years

• Convene regular committee meetings to discuss research results from first year, further research plans, and timeline to thesis completion. Submit committee meeting report to the Grad Program office.

• Complete research. • Complete writing the thesis by the end of the fourth year. • Sit Doctoral Exam and submit thesis to G+PS. • Apply to graduate. See www.graduation.ubc.ca for deadlines.

Doctoral Exam Preparation (begins 4 months prior to defense):

• Carefully review G+PS regulations for Doctoral Oral Examination scheduling: www.grad.ubc.ca/current-students/final-doctoral-examination

• Submit External Examiner form to G+PS 4 months before completing thesis. • Obtain approval of thesis by Supervisor. This may be an iterative process. • Submit thesis to supervisory committee at least 2-3 weeks before approval is required. • Obtain approval of supervisory committee. • Submit thesis to G+PS for transmission to External Examiner. • Identify members of the examining committee (Supervisor, External Examiner, University Examiner, 2-3

members of supervisory committee, Chair). • Schedule thesis defense.

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MF Major Essay: FRST 548A/B (3/6 credits)

PURPOSE: The purpose of the essay is to provide an opportunity for each student to undertake independent study under direction of a UBC Forestry faculty member, in a subject area of interest. A substantial effort is expected of every student. The quality of the work must be good, the English must be acceptable, and statements must be substantiated by references or data where appropriate. The essay is an important opportunity for training in rigorous thinking and effective writing.

For the 3-credit essay, the minimum length requirement is 5,000 words. The six-credit essay should be approximately double.

REFERENCES: A writing handbook for students in the Faculty of Forestry (“A Writing Guidebook for the Natural Sciences”) is available free of charge from: http://www.forestry.ubc.ca/courses/writing-guidebook/

PROCEDURES: 1. Before beginning work on the major essay, each student must decide on the general nature of their

essay subject and advise the Forestry Graduate Program office of the name of the Forestry faculty member who has agreed to be their Essay Advisor. A second faculty member will be required for Second Reader once the essay is completed (selected by the student and their Essay Advisor).

2. Each student should consult their Essay Advisor periodically. Weekly or bi-weekly meetings, at a time mutually agreed upon, are recommended. It is essential for a good learning experience that a healthy collaboration be developed between the faculty member and student. Frequent contact and stimulating dialogues will help make the essay a rewarding experience for all parties.

3. Registration and Program Completion Date. Students are required to register into the essay course number (FRST 548 A or B) each term, from program start to completion. Their degree program completion date will be determined based on the date that the final essay grade is submitted, or the end of the term in which all program course work is completed, whichever is later. Refer to specific deadlines in the following section of this Guide.

4. It is the responsibility of the student to determine an agreed-upon essay submission date with their Essay Advisor and Second Reader, and inform them about grade submission deadlines! If you are aiming for a specific Program Completion date, you must meet applicable deadlines in order to avoid registration and tuition assessment past that date.

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MARKING PROCESS: The essay will be read, marked and commented upon by the Advisor and by a second faculty member (Reader). One copy will be returned to the student with the Advisors’ comments. Students are reminded that plagiarism constitutes serious academic misconduct and that it can result in penalties up to and including permanent withdrawal from the University. Students are encouraged to learn about what plagiarism entails and to discuss ways of avoiding it with their essay advisor or the Associate Dean. Refer also to UBC’s Scholarly Integrity policy.

ESSAY SUBMISSION: It is the student’s responsibility to ensure their essay is submitted to both their Advisor and the Second Reader by the agreed upon deadline. The student must also confirm whether they require an electronic or hard copy.

Treat the formal submission of your essay as final. However, essays deemed unacceptable for a variety of reasons may be returned to the student for modifications prior to assigning a final grade. Advisors should discuss the situation with the Associate Dean before a decision is reached. The usual consequence of an essay being returned for modifications is a delay in when a student can graduate.

GRADE SUBMISSION: The Second Reader will submit their review to the Essay Advisor, who will determine the final grade. The Essay Advisor should email the final grade to [email protected] for uploading to the student’s transcript.

Grading Rubric for Essays - Master of Forestry Students

Level of achievement


(35 %) Quality of Analysis

Outstanding (90-100)

An excellent understanding of the relevant issues is demonstrated. Very good critical thinking and/or analysis skills are evident. In addition, the argument of the paper contains originality, the assertion of ideas that go beyond those offered in the supporting documentation.

Excellent (80-89)

An excellent understanding of the relevant issues is demonstrated. Very good critical thinking and/or analysis skills are evident.

Good (68-79)

A good understanding of the relevant issues is demonstrated. Some critical thinking and/or analysis skills are evident, but the thrust of the paper is primarily descriptive.

Fair (55-67)

A marginal understanding of the relevant issues is demonstrated. Evidence of critical thinking and/or analysis is minimal.

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Unacceptable (≤ 54)

A very poor understanding of the relevant issues is demonstrated. There is little or no evidence of critical thinking and/or analysis.

(35 %) Quality of documentation, supporting evidence, and use of data

Outstanding (90-100)

The topic is very well-researched. The author has selected the most appropriate and up-to-date materials and applied them very effectively to support the main arguments of the paper. If data are presented, the data support the arguments and are well documented. Potential ambiguities are identified and dealt with.

Excellent (80-89)

The topic is well-researched. The author has selected appropriate and up-to-date materials and applied them effectively to support the main arguments of the paper. If data are presented, the data support the arguments and are well documented. Potential ambiguities are identified and dealt with.

Good (68-79) One of the characteristics of an excellent answer is omitted or poorly done.

Fair (55-67) Two of the characteristics of an excellent answer are omitted or poorly done.

Unacceptable (≤ 54)

Three of the characteristics of an excellent answer are omitted or poorly done.

(10%) Organization

Outstanding (90-100)

The paper addresses its topics in a logical order. Each paragraph has one major idea. All main ideas are supported by well-explained evidence. Connections between paragraphs are clear. There is an introductory and concluding paragraph. Overall, the content and flow of the argument is extremely clear from the beginning to the end of the paper.

Excellent (80-89)

The paper addresses its topics in a logical order. Each paragraph has one major idea. All main ideas are supported by well-explained evidence. Connections between paragraphs are clear. There is an introductory and concluding paragraph.

Good (68-79)

One of the elements of logical development is poorly done.

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Fair (55-67)

Two of the elements of logical development are poorly done.

Unacceptable (≤ 54)

Organization unclear; paragraph structure poor; transitions poor; the essay is hard to follow.

(10%) Writing Style and References

Outstanding (90-100)

The paper can be read quickly, with no pauses to puzzle out the meaning at any point.

Excellent (80-89)

Uses appropriate vocabulary, sentence length, and punctuation. Language is clear and concise. It exhibits a clear awareness of audience (preference for third person or first person, no use of second person). Active voice dominates. Sources are clearly identified and consistently cited.

Good (68-79)

Some sentences are too long; others have passive voice when active voice would work. Word usage is not always correct, and some sentences are unclear.

Fair (55-67)

Contains many inappropriate uses of the features of this category, such as too many words, addressing a vague audience, and misused words.

Unacceptable (≤ 54)

The author seems completely unaware of audience, sentences are clumsy, and meaning is obscured.

(10%) Grammar

Outstanding (90-100)

Absolutely no errors in grammar.

Excellent (80-89)

Consistently correct subject/verb agreement. Correct sentence structure, consistency in person, tense, and number, and clear pronoun references. Spelling is correct.

Good (68-79)

A few errors in grammar

Fair(55-67) Many errors in grammar.

Unacceptable (≤ 54)

Grammar is below any reasonable standard of acceptance at a post-secondary institution.

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Grading Sheet for Master of Forestry


Student Name: ___________________________________________

Levels of Achievement

Points Achieved

Criterion Outstanding (90-100)


Good (68-79)

Fair (55-67)

Unacceptable (54 and lower)

Quality of Analysis (35)

Quality of Documentation (35)

Logical Development (10)

Writing Style (10)

Grammar (10)

Graded by: ___________________________________________ Date: _________________

Essay Credit Level (3 or 6 credits): ________________________ Grade (%):______________

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Master of Forestry


Overall Comments

Quality of Analysis:

Documentation and supporting evidence:

Logical Development, Mechanical Style, and Grammar:

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MF Program Completion Deadlines 2019-20


Keep in mind the difference between your MF program completion date and your degree conferral date:

Program completion refers to the date by which you’ve finished all your degree requirements. This is the date used to end your registration and tuition assessment. It is based on your Major Essay completion date, or the end of the term in which all your course work is completed, whichever is later. (For most MF students, it’s the essay completion date.)

Degree conferral is when UBC updates your transcript with the “degree conferred” notation. This only happens two times per year, in May and November, when UBC holds its convocation ceremony (see this link for more info https://graduation.ubc.ca/). The period in which you are eligible for degree conferral is based on your program completion date; refer to the timelines below for more specifics.

MF PROGRAM COMPLETION EARLY IN FALL TERM (Degree Conferral: November 2019)

This deadline is for MF students who have completed all course work on or before August 31, 2019, but require additional time to work on their essay. Even though you will be completing prior to the end of the Fall Term, you must still register in FRST 548 A/B (Section 101) and pay Fall Term tuition and fees.

ESSAY GRADE SUBMISSION DEADLINE (FIRM): Your Advisor must submit the final grade to the Forestry Graduate Program office no later than Friday, October 18, 2019.

ESSAY SUBMISSION DEADLINE: In order for your Advisor and Second Reader to issue your grade by the above date, you must discuss and confirm with them an essay submission date. We suggest a two-week turnaround time. However, some faculty may require a longer period to review your essay; be sure to discuss this with them well in advance. It is your responsibility to ensure that they are given enough turnaround time for grading and that they are aware of the grade submission deadline.


This deadline is for MF students intending to complete all program requirements (courses and essay) by the end of the Fall Term (Dec 31, 2019), i.e. avoiding Winter Term registration and fee assessment. Students who complete degree requirements by the end of December are eligible for degree conferral in May 2020.

ESSAY GRADE SUBMISSION DEADLINE (FIRM): Your Advisor must submit the final grade to the Forestry Graduate Program office no later than Friday, January 3, 2020 (program end date will be backdated on SSC to December 31, 2019).

ESSAY SUBMISSION DEADLINE: In order for your Advisor and Second Reader to issue your grade by the above date, you must discuss and confirm with them an essay submission date. Keeping in mind that UBC closes for Winter Holidays from December 24 to January 2, we suggest a submission date in early December. However, some faculty may require a longer period to review your essay; be sure to discuss this with them well in advance. It is your responsibility to ensure that they are given enough turnaround time for grading and that they are aware of the grade submission deadline. COURSE GRADES: If you are completing courses in Fall Term, make certain your instructors are aware that you are completing your program! Delayed submission of final course grades may affect the closure of your account.

Page 59: UBC Forestry - GRADBOOK · 2019. 11. 29. · The UBC Vancouver campus is located on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Musqueam people. The land it is situated

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MF PROGRAM COMPLETION AT END OF WINTER TERM (DEGREE CONFERRAL: MAY 2020) This deadline is for MF students intending to complete all program requirements (courses and essay) by the end of the Winter Term (April 30, 2020), i.e. avoiding Summer Term registration and fee assessment. Students who complete degree requirements in the Winter Term are eligible for degree conferral in May 2020.

ESSAY GRADE SUBMISSION DEADLINE (FIRM): Your Advisor must submit the final grade to the Forestry Graduate Program office no later than Friday, April 17, 2020.

ESSAY SUBMISSION DEADLINE: In order for your Advisor and Second Reader to issue your grade by the above date, you must discuss and confirm with them an essay submission date. We suggest a two-week turnaround time. However, some faculty may require a longer period to review your essay; be sure to discuss this with them well in advance. It is your responsibility to ensure that they are given enough turnaround time for grading and that they are aware of the grade submission deadline.

Final essay grades submitted late may still allow your MF program to be closed by the end of April, but may result in your degree conferral being delayed to the next graduation period in November 2020. Speak to Gayle Kosh for more details.

COURSE GRADES: If you are completing courses in Winter Term, make certain your instructors are aware that you are completing your program! Delayed submission of final course grades may result in your degree conferral being delayed to the next graduation period in November 2020.

MF PROGRAM COMPLETION IN SUMMER 2020 TERM (DEGREE CONFERRAL: NOVEMBER 2020) This deadline is for MF students who require time beyond April 30 to complete all program requirements (courses and/or essay). Summer Term registration is required and fees will be assessed. Students who complete degree requirements in the Summer Term are eligible for degree conferral in November 2020.

ESSAY GRADE SUBMISSION DEADLINE (FIRM): Your Advisor must submit the final grade to the Forestry Graduate Program office no later than Friday, August 28, 2020.

ESSAY SUBMISSION DEADLINE: In order for your Advisor and Second Reader to issue your grade by the above date, you must discuss and confirm with them an essay submission date. We suggest a two-week turnaround time. However, some faculty may require a longer period to review your essay; be sure to discuss this with them well in advance. It is your responsibility to ensure that they are given enough turnaround time for grading and that they are aware of the grade submission deadline.

COURSE GRADES: If you are completing courses in Summer Term, make certain your instructors are aware that you are completing your program! Delayed submission of final course grades may affect the closure of your account.

Submission of Major Essay to UBC Library Digital Suppository. While not a requirement, MF students are welcomed and encouraged to submit the final version of their Major Essay to cIRcle, the UBC Library digital repository. More info: https://circle.ubc.ca/submissions/submit-content/graduate-research-non-thesis/