u25a0 Whiz! Bang! Boom! .^^^^...

I TOIMIGtITYOLR LAST CHANCf This Otter Ends 8 o'Clock Tonight Whiz! Bang! Boom! Hurrah For the Glorious Fourth! FIREWORKS FREE Or Flags If You Wish The Tacoma Times will help boys and girls celebrate. We have ar- ranged to give away hundreds of packages of Fireworks FREE so that no bey or girl will need to spend one cent for their Fourth of July oelebra tion this year. A little work on your part will earn you all the fireworks you oan shoot. FIRECRACKERS, SPLENDID SKYROCKETS, GLORIOUS ROMAN CANDLES, FIERY PIN WHEELS, FLAGS OR ANY- THING ELSE YOU WANT. How to Secure FREE Fireworks Ajjil >«., or (.Hi who muii> omt n«w tMo-monrJis' Mibaortption win receive SSOo v»rO«i tor flnwukti 25c {or i li«« flrtt montii'* «ii* i ti>tl<m ntnat m ovinptua) tin onW, and tlie MibM-rlpUoii uiu»t Im» from soiiM-one u«H biking Tlm X1u«» mi pr«l»m. 'lli<- I nlin... for 11.«- h'iwiml ni«>iiiJ.~ Hilwcrl|Hi»n will !>•\u25a0> collected »» (li« «urt at tli« •orond mouth b> <vi regabu* <iurrier. Two, <>n<v nxiulli -.iiliscHirltiKix. [i.c,mi|.«iii..l iijt). '^-"m for <Mtoh will OUUnt tl.< \u25a0»in« tw) "n«- !«<• \u25a0 n.oni h- kniwci t|>i i..n If you secure two or more orders you will be allowed' 26c for c#ch two months' order. START AT ONCE! Take the attached coupon and get some friend or neighbor who is not now taking The Times to subscribe for two months and pay you the 26c for the first month in advance. Bring the coupon with the 26c to The Times office and you will receive the order for the Fireworks. r^OITPOIV FOR FREE V^VJUJTVJII FIREWORKS I hiii uot now a -iil.-.i-rilior of The Ilini* lmi wiah to •uhacrtbP for TWO MONTHH, •i>4 ih«>^iff<r until ..r.l.i>-.l ills. ..i,in.ii.<! I h«r«wiUi p«j Slsc for Uvo.ftMT iii<.mli> «uhs, i i,»ii..11 jin-l nuiTi- to p«> ili< TimM* carrier jV at the «ad of th« aenoad moutii. Name \u0084..»,\u25a0...!« ...<...... wt^w m A'Uirt-" \u0084.»...•« >•••«•••••'• %•« .Ptione Taken by Address ...... Pbone .„,,,. Circulation Manager THE TACOMA TIMES 819 PACIFIC AVENUE. MEN -VittSftir" Make No \ Consult a I Phyficiaa WP&fY Who Spe- TnHn <^» <'!;in/.cs - \u25a0IIIIILIL^ Whole Practice Kpeciulist for Men. T T •__-x. longest I >j. -1..Ml IS liimil- - ed to Your Particular Ailments. My fees are very low and you can pay as able in weekly or monthly install- ments. Do not let money matters keep you away. Call and talk it over with me. DR. W. F. BLAIR 938V2 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, Wash. —Hoitrn—o a. m. to 5 p. in. daily. Every evening 7toßp. m. Kuniltiy. 1(> o. 111. to I I>. 111. only. TURN TO THE CLASSIFIED WANT ADg ON PAGE 7 FOR HTM 1 I- KM PAGK SEVEN. "SPIRITUAL BRIDE" IN SOULMATE CASE Mrs. Humsley is one »f the princiipres In an unusual "soul- mate" caee. Her home is in Chi- cago. Her hwhand has agreed to dUoree so she can woil Klwnod V. Matlutrk of St. Louis In the reg- ular way. .lust now she ie his "spiritual bride" by virtue of a ceremony performed by Prof. David Seabury, Culver Military academy psychologist, after he had <1' <i<lcd their was a real "soul-nmte" case. Mr«. Mntlack isn't so cheerful about the matter. She threatens to cull In federal prosecutors. Matlack ia reported wealthy. 1 Few Drops on a Cornjor^Callus Instantly step* pain and they ' lift right off with fingert. * 1 This tiny bottle X-™^£ holds the wonder of C— JKf wonders. It contains I I an almost magical 1 / drug called freezone. V J It Id a compound j niadn from ether. I Apply a few drops I of iliis fre«zone up- I on a tender, aching , j corn or a hardened . r callus. Instantly the 0 soreness disappears .f--Gfc>, and Bhortly you will r*—"s-^ find the corn or c.al- Ijji || lus no shriveled and J ft| loosb that you Just f* N lift It off with the i 111 / Y —^j|l' f'ngers. It doesn't •Jl hurt one particle. I j&\\ You feel no pain •ff I or soreness when ap- jfi*o plying freezone or Jw afterwards. It doesn't j even irritate the skin. 1 Just ask in any \J I V drug store for a 'm small bottle of freez-' one. This will cost but a few J cents but will positively rid your poor, suffering feet of every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, or the tough calluses on bottom of feet. Women! K«ep a tiny bottle on the (li<y «r and never let a corn ache twice. I'mle Sam Is producing 10 times the potash did In 19IS. Nebraska's alkali lakes yield most. 1 Tuesday, July 3, 1917 —THE TACOMA TIMES— Page Thre» ITS ON! REIGN OF Co I If Ell HAS BfaUUli With n public reception to the 'UoddesH of Liberty and bot Stars |un ihe luwn at the Tacoina hotel, \u25a0 the big patriotic celebrulloii ar- laii.fi li> the Intern ati'inal 'council In run thru the Kourlli of 'July began Ht 10 o'clock Ttiesil.ty : li:. \u25a0 | .. At noon Hoddens Ksther mid the [Stars were guestti of the Interfra- |t*rnal Council txecutive cotnnilt- > tee at luuchron In the Tacoiua I hotel, and at 2 p. ni. they wore |to call on Mayor Kawcett ami the jcity coiumisslonerH. Tucoma'ti lirHt Btootria parade I will move thru the bmlmn scc- iinii of the city at •« p. in Tues- day niKht. All rioats will in place not later than I:M P '" at 'the point of forniutlon near the \ Union depot. The p.tM'iiiii will lie directed liy |j. V. ('. Taylor, firand inurslial. I und will lie staged hy the Inter 1 fraternal council. Seven divl- , i sionn will feature a large number' nt handsome electritul floats. Street Itfhta and lUfliliik »lsna | will lie turned off while the |>ii r'hii 1h windiiiK itx way over tlie I route of parade, and the effect produced promism to ba one of I the most hewilderiiiK spectacles' ever seen In the northwoat, Tlic first division will feature th« pollot escort, (Jovernor Nisterl land stuff, (ioddess Ksther anil her 13 Stars, followed by the Tacoma i fire dcpurl inent. Tlie fire tippara- tus will lie outlined la electric ] lights (iiaiul liiill for Uoddeaa, In the Necoud division will be I commercial, civic, Industrial and| fraternal floats. Many entries- arei promised I'riviite autonioliiles will make lup the third division, anil the fourth division will he given over to auloinohilo manufacturers Tlie fifth and sixth divisions will in elude motorcycles, aint the la^t di- \ vision loniic and burlesque fea- tures. Immediately after the parade Goddess Bather with her Sttus and Uovernor Lister will go to Moose hali, where there will be a hall in honor of the Uodd*M, With (iovernor Lister tin 1 Ood- dess will lead tlit* grand March, The bits celebration Wednesday will proceed with a bun?. At sun- rise ii salute of 21 nil will serve to announce that July 4 is at hand At. 10:30 v big fraternal, mili- tary and civic parude will be f;in'ii More than 19,000 will take part, it is estimated by I. V. C. Taylor, grand marshal Bi£ Water ("arnivnl. A do/.i 11 i«uii<l \u25a0 will play, nml niiin hiii£ bodies from Seattle and other i iili-t, and towns will have a prominent place In the line. The BtglM. Moose and Knights <if Pythias will send fully 2,00(1 peo- ple from Seattle, including the Eaglets' band of 65 piece*. The water carnival the aftor- noon of July 4 will Include Home exciting and IhrilliiiK features*. Indian canoes will race; Indians from tribes of the Sound will take part in roinbat contests; fishing boats will run over a long eouine, and fast cruisers will compete for prizes. Life-saving devices will be tes'ed. Surf board riding will serve to offer many thrills, and from 2 to 6:30 p. m many liiK events will take place on the city Brarj ni<*nili«'r <it' Milumikw railway regiment of engineers, aliout to lciive for Kiaiicc. leceives message from A. .1. Barling, pTWkI (lent of road. «'ablni»<\ Tomato. ll< tilling PlaiilH. \\ illi.ims \ui>ci>. 1 lOJ So. Alns live adv. I.hsl lMigon compiin) <•> gani/cil \u25a0j Col id' Ye* in Tacotna, palled nut. coiM'in.t« iai ciuit hi try/tag <o bring members of Heltilnn mis- sion, tourlni tlie count i.v. to T;i- coiua Wo* Hii-jml—ioo par >\u25a0*-»* n«i- trttlOH. liueiiwiilirs. 111;.' Hrciad way. "tlv- Hctiiriilnn from N<w Vdrit, Chartaa H. Hyde, prosldcat West Coast 0 100017 Co., Hays OVatMOl is booming In eaut. MMwaafeM railroad's civic k ponst train Olympia derailed near l^i Crosse, VVis. Nobody serious- ly injured. t)r. Cor/*, acnllsl. 201 VrovX- deLt. adv. Federal .Indue ROtOM in Se-iit- I tie imposes sentences of eight I montlis on six members of I. \V. I \\\, who plead guilty to failing 1 to ; register under selective service law. i Kcrc<'ii BOOM *»•' HliiK^n |1.60 and up. Palace Hardware Co.. ir.ll I'ac Aye. adv. Harry Allen, iatlaMi «<> 'M' 00)0 of the most desperate outlaws in Northwest, killed by I'nllrrman I HiiKh Alderson during runninir re- r volver battle in Spokane. t ii 'i-i.-iti-iv han ><>ur ti-liin- tackle. )3(i3 Pacific avc adv. i King<ion (;<>uid. oMaol bom of I (Jeo^rge Jay Gould, weds Miss An- iman/.iata Camilla Maria Lucci, Italian art student. Pu.vallii|> llcitfhts lin|n-<.vciiicut clnl> plans community Fourth o( July celebration at ruyallnp 1 Heights school. c . ' IncrtiuMi of I<f.n jmt c<nit in in- ' dustrlal accidents during last sK moii'ths shown in report of hidus- -1 trial insurance commission. ' COMMI.IUIAI, \u25a0Orttßßf * IMUNTINO CO. Main 417. «dT. Meinlx»r!- of Nordiwewt Kliinjtle- weave-rs 1 association iiiiiioiiiico strike will be called thiuout Wasn- } Ington July IG. , William MeClnin fiiie<l sr.on ami sentenced to six months in jail for . assaulting Helen Armson June I. Smhll, diioi and portli miwii*. . Key»tone Lumber Co., Main 32^. —Adv. Tlattnllon t>f Americiin <r<M>pH jwlll parade in Paris July 4. Returning from CNirly Nome run, Admiral line steamer Sena/tor will i run opposite Queen between Ta- [eoma and San Francisco. \u25a0waterway. The Fourth of July In Tacoma will close with an elaborate pyro technic display. This, witli mili- tary drills, will take place in the Stadium. OFFICIAL ri«i<.i: \m TiicMriny i:venliin. .Inly :t. 6p. m. - Goddess Ksther and Stars will dine with Gov. Lister and staff at the Tacoma hotel. 9p. m. Grand Electric pageant In unveii divisions. 10:30 p. in.- Grand ball in honor of Goddess Ksther and Stars at Moose hall on Pacific aye., near Donnelly hotel. Wednewlay. .Inly 4. Sunrise salute, 21 guns. 10:30 a. m. —Grand fraternal, military and civic pageant. LINE OF MARCH Head of parade resting on 1!) th and Pacific, aye.; thence on Pacific a.ye. to !)th et.; west on !Hh st. to Broadway; south on Broadway to 17th st. Official reviewing stand at 13th st. and Broadway. 2:15 p. m. —Grand regatta on the, City waterway. 6 p. m. —Stadium opens to re- MERCHANTS MAY LEARN POINTERS An illustrated lecture on "Trou- bles of Merchants and How to Stop Them" will be given by W. H. Farley of New York at the ( ,in- mercial club, Friday evening. ceivc tti,' crowds, S p 111 1 Mill work l>V COUpftß) | ti:;Ki |i ii riayllahl Hroworka 15, lad reuiment ol WMhlMtton, ilis|i|av. teaiurini; inin|iu and under command <if l.icu' llylai patriotic characters. lla».s. bal- X Hem> loons, airplanes and (tin r 'poitiic-I s ii> r in Troop B, N <" W., illar iioMllic- Mm a mounted drill iindci com 7p. m 11.in.1 conn i b) lolin \u25a0oat'a fift>-piece 1., mil 7:4: i p in Arrival of Qoddeia Esther and tioveruor l.isln. M corted from the Staiiiinn entraine to the reviewing staihl b> inilitHiv band and cm ort. When Ihc gOV- ernor takes place in revicwin« stand tlie Imnd will play the Nn tional Aiiineiii and tli<- crowd artll arise and mInU "'c lla^ maiiil <il (aptahl M t' Cniiner I 1,, | in Koiir compiinies of eOHM aililleiv With li.iiul (lassmn in review of Uov*. Lister and Ood j iless Ksther and Stars, Under loinmiind ol Mai Both \V. Kill son. H: Ifi i>. in. QorgOOVI fire works spectacle airan^ed by the. Hilt Fireworks company for Ik*ll latarfratornal council Russians Center of Interest Interest in \\asliiiiHtuii tMtlfl about Hit' three liit-n here shown. Hosidts receptions by noi'iety, tlir infMi are receiving upeclal at- tention by high I'liiled States au- thorities Coiinl Haklimctlef I', form»\u25a0 i" RuMlßn a niiiiisiailiir In the I'nited States, is Ix.ill ill Hit' in"-- sion from iifw Itussia. Prof. UmnimoMof, a prontnenl figure in t In- Husslan revolution. ulsn is a member of Urn Rutalan mission from new ItiiHsia. Licit. it tl Orange belongs to Him French aviation BeTVloe, and is co-operating with the rnit«<l suites aircraft production board in pre-pai itiK America s aviation IH'OKiam h\ which II Is proposed t(» "hliiiil the (ionium army The VJIM TODAY REGENT THEATER Hippodrome Vaudeville "ZOBODIO & CO. World Famous Entertainers Four Old Veterans —in— "THK SPIRIT OF '61" 4—OTHKit BKi ACTS 1 Official Government Pictures of "The War' M»lln**« Daily, lOc. Kvenin(«, 10c. ! BYRON AND COMYNS WIN COURT POINT Carlos 1,. Byron, Umber land lo- cator, charged with land frauds. and Kdward M. Comyns, an attor- ney, jointly indicted with Byron, won r point In federal court Mon- day, when a demurrer on the, ground that the Indictment did notj state that it was the purpose and intent of the defendants to obtain money on false promises, was bub- | talned by Federal Judge X Hs ICußhman Monday. Many Big Attractions T^jy *IC fI I KtjLf ll i \u25a0 (irnnil 'l<<ii'' i>«i«"i«- --.A E Iflflnl '" ' " *' '''" '" ''"'"" "' .^^^^ ill ovm! «rtMi«ir«* \u25a0 -•!•«\u25a0\u25a0 ..I >iim>..< *&Zmi\ JULY 4 >^T^ tCIIUII, II Ilit Ml % IMI.I <l\ll- | ii;< .mi NH iimm nii.l (.mini. -^ |hi \u25a0 i<n \u25a0\u25a0 rtHinris I W\ "«5 I*- \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0—iinllllim uiiii'i' ijiriil- I\V] »«'. ••'»• "> '"t "HUH. I «!«•>. lit jV^/ IndlMn nil.r- of TiiK*'! Hoiiikl; \jbmf Indian loinhnl ioiiknls, \u25a0 iV^V *r IMM| fKhliiK ImimCn In ex- ! "'in: HMM mill -in I I. hi L^ 1 imliii. %Vj *" I' \u25a0••\u25a0 —I" 'liKonin's kicjil H(«- - "111 >'• |>i < \u25a0\u25a0< nl»-.l ii null \u25a0 y Inry ii\l<\\ iuml iihwoiU- J, fc|i«%rtncl«- In MMPM mihililuk I tin- kind «'Vit klm'wii In Hi. toiiiitr.v. TAroMA'H IIKSi- Ol'htltllMTV T«> HHK UKiiait A\|» in run i lie i:\vmiks in w w mi: nUOMWim AT mi NAN ii«\\<-im«-«» i:\rosirioN. IMi i:\ i:\rs sr\(ii:n n TNI inti:ki hatkhnal, <xii veil, oi' TACOMA. mil is mi; 01 i i< i \i, riHHHMM This Store Will Close at 6 o'clock As Usual Tonight and Remain Closed All Day Tomor row, July 4th. \u25a0OMKTHINO m:\v KVKRV i»a^ ihi xi m\ sioifi:«)V I'Aciiic »v i:\ri-: CHILDREN CARED FOR Washington i>; one of the obI) five itetoe which have bo operated. with 111* i\u25a0<i\- >\u25a0 i iiiiirnl in Infant h > Ki<"«', s-'id Mrs M;tx Wist, clilld riper) ol the I s. rhlldren'i bureau, in her openlni lecture In tii» Ikiiih' i lull rmiiM' ill lh>' I' >i v .11111 1 1 HHimosr school, Mniiilnv afternoon. \ii- Wi-i win iiciiiic in the I'iivhlliip high niuxii ii' ;i Tuea« dii\ .11 icniiMHi ami nl Ilii' I'tiyiillop library at 7Ho The courHe will occupy iinl "Miiii' <\u25a0»\u25a0!>. Mm, Blwell C, Hoyt, foueior or the ckIM Mudy < luiis of i in> <tnte part nt-leai I:it iisso( iution, mid Mrs. T (' Todd, president, UfgO) all Tiii'oniii women who eu <l<> so to attend. PLAN TIDELAND REPLAT A < -innin ft I «>o tins hri'ii Appointed to report oil a plan U) i'p'»t ntioiit 700 acres of tiili'luiuls lytag between Sid him aye. and 11 > I•\u25a0 l>c» iii'i'li and It til M and the meander lin«\ The plan whs |iropon«(l iit a iiiffl Inji nl the OWMFI In the CoiniiH rcinl rluli Monday. 'I'lif plan inrliidps plaiting <il strrrln hikl whU'lwh.vh and (Il»trt- I button pro latci ul In' ninuiiiliiK property providing . \u25a0 111 n 111 <ma ii ii- | lac I mini: silis ul I'qiiHl nrt'4) At [uri nl thr land r rut up Into I many lilM of lots. tO DOUBLE PREMIUMS (Special i" The Tinii-s.) OI.Y.MI'IA. .Inly :i. -To stliiiuliitr in'eri'st in poultry raisin* •\u25a0 thfl (inii'kest way of |MTWMIB| Hie food supplj of the country, pre- li)iuimk tor poultry exhibits will li«< donlilrd at the state tnli ul North YaklMl, Sep. IT to ||, Iliirry ('oilier of TaconiH, •v i . . n,i. u.Uint of the poultry drpartincnt, said Moinlay. rollirr vihl'nd Hip departtuent of iiKrlriilt lire to make arrHnucnicntK for the exlilliit. EXTRA BOAT SERVICE The I'.OCJMfi liii|iioiH, Flyer and Kulslian liuve lieen added tlic two ragttlar steaiiiers TaeotiiH and Indianapolis, for the Fourth' Of July MFTtOt lielween 'I'Hrdiiiu and Seattli'. I'rui'tlcully an hourly si'i\in will lie rnaintHined between the two elllen to liandlu th« I TOWllll. lloiiis will have the Municipal dock Tor Seattle at T:ll, l:lf |!ind (I n. in.: 1, I!, I, 1:30, 7, !t, 10 iind II p. in. From Seattle* two I late lir.i will return to Tat oina, one at '.•:!;> p. m , the other ut I 2::{(i p. in. DRAFT BOARDS SWORN City Controller BhoMMkor liuk admlnlKteretl the oath nf offirn to men ben of the four Tacomi exemption ItOArdl HBder the. draft law. The] will outline a unii'oiiii policy and discuss instruction* at a IMOtillfl in the eoatroller'l office Friday night. Meiiilieis of the hoanlH ha\e been iiiHtructed not to discuss ex- emptions with any registered man uiilcsk the other meiuliera of the board are jni' till. BIG DEMAND FOR FISH High prices of meats und o'.ber foods are eanslnp a big damand for fish on the. local market, say Tacorna dealers. They say more fish will lie consumed In the next few months than ever before in the I history til the U. S. Atlantic coMl dealers are culling for more car- load ihlpmOßtl than ever helore. SPECULATIONS BLAMED (l"iii(eil I'lfs-. l.ensoi Wire.) CHICAGO, July 8. The federal urand jury this Rfternoon In a long report to Federal Judfie I..iihlis laid the high cost of living to "food \u25a0peculation!," and urged that leKisla'ion be pasHed to give the government control. LINK NOLAN IN PLOT (United Picks Loused Wire.) SAN FRANCISCO, July 2.—How the state expects to link Ed- ward Nolan, member of the muchinlßts' union with the I'reparedneae parade dynamiting wag revealed today during the Hena Mooney bomb conspiracy trial. The state introduced in evidence a box of epsom salts found in Nolan's basement and attempted to prove, thru an «x- I pert witness that the> salts might easily be used as part of an Infernal machine. WE WANT A CARRIER IN YOUR TOWN If The Times has not a local carrier delivering papers la your town, then we want one. Perhaps you know of tome one who would make a good carrier for us. If ao, we ack yon to recommend him to us. Why not have your son handle The Times? He can make his own spending money in this way, and at the same time fee securing a valuable training he could secure In no otber way.

Transcript of u25a0 Whiz! Bang! Boom! .^^^^...

Page 1: u25a0 Whiz! Bang! Boom! .^^^^ illIflflnlchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88085187/1917-07-03/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · I TOIMIGtITYOLRLAST CHANCf This Otter Ends 8 o'Clock Tonight Whiz!

I TOIMIGtITYOLRLAST CHANCfThis Otter Ends 8 o'Clock Tonight

Whiz! Bang! Boom!Hurrah For the Glorious Fourth!


Or Flags If You WishThe Tacoma Times will help boys and girls celebrate. We have ar-

ranged to give away hundreds of packages of Fireworks FREE so that nobey or girl willneed to spend one cent for their Fourth of July oelebration this year. A little work on your part willearn you all the fireworksyou oan shoot.FIRECRACKERS, SPLENDID SKYROCKETS, GLORIOUS ROMAN


How to Secure FREE FireworksAjjil >«., or (.Hi who muii> omt n«w tMo-monrJis' Mibaortption win receive •

SSOo v»rO«i tor flnwukti 25c {or i li«« flrtt montii'* «ii* i ti>tl<m ntnat m ovinptua) tinonW, and tlie MibM-rlpUoii uiu»t Im» from soiiM-one u«H biking Tlm X1u«» mi pr«l»m.'lli<- I nlin... for 11.«- h'iwiml ni«>iiiJ.~ Hilwcrl|Hi»n will !>•\u25a0> collected »» (li« «urt at tli«•orond mouth b> <vi regabu* <iurrier.

Two, <>n<v nxiulli -.iiliscHirltiKix. [i.c,mi|.«iii..l iijt). '^-"m for <Mtoh will OUUnt tl.<\u25a0»in« tw) "n«- !«<• \u25a0 n.oni h- kniwci t|>i i..n

Ifyou secure two or more orders you willbe allowed' 26c for c#ch twomonths' order.

START AT ONCE! Take the attached coupon and get some friend orneighbor who is not now taking The Times to subscribe for two monthsand pay you the 26c for the first month in advance. Bring the couponwith the 26c to The Times office and you willreceive the order for theFireworks.

r^OITPOIV FOR FREEV^VJUJTVJII FIREWORKSI hiii uot now a -iil.-.i-rilior of The Ilini*lmi wiah to •uhacrtbP for TWO MONTHH,

•i>4 ih«>^iff<r until ..r.l.i>-.l ills. ..i,in.ii.<! I h«r«wiUi p«j Slsc for Uvo.ftMT iii<.mli>«uhs, i i,»ii..11 jin-l nuiTi- to p«> ili< TimM* carrier jVat the «ad of th« aenoad moutii.

Name \u0084..»,\u25a0...!« ...<...... wt^w m

A'Uirt-" \u0084.»...•« >•••«•••••'• %•« .Ptione

Taken by Address ...... Pbone .„,,,.

Circulation ManagerTHE TACOMA TIMES


MEN-VittSftir" Make No

\ Consult aI Phyficiaa

WP&fY Who Spe-TnHn

<^»<'!;in/.cs -

\u25a0IIIIILIL^ WholePractice

Kpeciulist for Men. T T •__-x.

longest I >j. -1..Ml IS liimil-

- ed toYour Particular Ailments.

My fees are very lowand you can pay as able inweekly or monthly install-ments. Do not let moneymatters keep you away.Call and talk it over withme.DR. W. F. BLAIR

938V2 Pacific Avenue,Tacoma, Wash.

—Hoitrn—o a. m. to 5 p. in.daily. Every evening 7toßp. m.

Kuniltiy. 1(> o. 111. to I I>. 111.only.





Mrs. Humsley is one »f theprinciipres In an unusual "soul-mate" caee. Her home is in Chi-cago. Her hwhand has agreed todUoree so she can woil Klwnod V.Matlutrk of St. Louis In the reg-ular way. .lust now she ie his"spiritual bride" by virtue of aceremony performed by Prof.David Seabury, Culver Militaryacademy psychologist, after hehad <1' <i<lcd their was a real"soul-nmte" case. Mr«. Mntlackisn't so cheerful about the matter.She threatens to cull In federalprosecutors. Matlack ia reportedwealthy.

1 Few Drops on aCornjor^Callus

Instantly step* pain and they '

lift right off with fingert.

* 1 This tiny bottle

X-™^£ holds the wonder ofC— JKf wonders. It containsI I an almost magical1 / drug called freezone.V J It Id a compound

j niadn from ether.I Apply a few dropsI of iliis fre«zone up-

I on a tender, aching ,j corn or a hardened .

r callus. Instantly the0 soreness disappears

.f--Gfc>, and Bhortly you will

r*—"s-^ find the corn or c.al-Ijji || lus no shriveled andJ ft| loosb that you Just

f* N lift It off with thei 111 / Y—^j|l' f'ngers. It doesn't

•Jl hurt one particle.I j&\\ You feel no pain

•ff I or soreness when ap-jfi*o plying freezone or

Jw afterwards. It doesn'tj even irritate the skin.

1 Just ask in any\J I V drug store for a

'm small bottle of freez-'one. This will cost but a few Jcents but will positively rid yourpoor, suffering feet of every hardcorn, soft corn, or corn betweenthe toes, or the tough calluses onbottom of feet.

Women! K«ep a tiny bottleon the (li<y«r and never let acorn ache twice.

I'mle Sam Is producing 10times the potash h« did In 19IS.

Nebraska's alkali lakes yield

most. 1

Tuesday, July 3, 1917 —THE TACOMA TIMES— Page Thre»


With n public reception to the'UoddesH of Liberty and bot Stars|un ihe luwn at the Tacoina hotel,\u25a0 the big patriotic celebrulloii ar-laii.fi li> the Intern ati'inal

'council In run thru the Kourlli of'July began Ht 10 o'clock Ttiesil.ty: li:. \u25a0 | . .

At noon Hoddens Ksther mid the[Stars were guestti of the Interfra-|t*rnal Council txecutive cotnnilt-> tee at luuchron In the TacoiuaI hotel, and at 2 p. ni. they wore|to call on Mayor Kawcett ami thejcity coiumisslonerH.

Tucoma'ti lirHt Btootria paradeI will move thru the bmlmn scc-iinii of the city at •« p. in Tues-day niKht. All rioats will h« inplace not later than I:M P '" at'the point of forniutlon near the\ Union depot.

The p.tM'iiiii will lie directed liy|j. V. ('. Taylor, firand inurslial.I und will lie staged hy the Inter1 fraternal council. Seven divl- ,

i sionn will feature a large number'nt handsome electritul floats.

Street Itfhta and lUfliliik»lsna| will lie turned off while the |>ii

r'hii 1h windiiiKitx way over tlieI route of parade, and the effectproduced promism to ba one of Ithe most hewilderiiiK spectacles'ever seen In the northwoat,

Tlic first division will featureth« pollot escort, (Jovernor Nisterl

land stuff, (ioddess Ksther anil her13 Stars, followed by the Tacoma

i fire dcpurl inent. Tlie fire tippara-tus will lie outlined la electric

] lights(iiaiul liiill for Uoddeaa,

In the Necoud division will be

I commercial, civic, Industrial and|fraternal floats. Many entries- areipromised

I'riviite autonioliiles will makelup the third division, anil thefourth division will he given overto auloinohilo manufacturers Tliefifth and sixth divisions will inelude motorcycles, aint the la^t di- \vision loniic and burlesque fea-tures.

Immediately after the paradeGoddess Bather with her Sttusand Uovernor Lister will go toMoose hali, where there will be ahall in honor of the Uodd*M,With (iovernor Lister tin1 Ood-dess will lead tlit* grand March,

The bits celebration Wednesdaywill proceed with a bun?. At sun-rise ii salute of 21 nil will serveto announce that July 4 is at hand

At. 10:30 v big fraternal, mili-tary and civic parude will bef;in'ii More than 19,000 willtake part, it is estimated by I. V.C. Taylor, grand marshal

Bi£ Water ("arnivnl.A do/.i 11 i«uii<l \u25a0 will play, nml

niiinhiii£ bodies from Seattle andother i iili-t, and towns will have aprominent place In the line. TheBtglM. Moose and Knights <ifPythias will send fully 2,00(1 peo-ple from Seattle, including theEaglets' band of 65 piece*.

The water carnival the aftor-noon of July 4 will Include Homeexciting and IhrilliiiK features*.Indian canoes will race; Indiansfrom tribes of the Sound will takepart in roinbat contests; fishing

boats will run over a long eouine,

and fast cruisers will compete forprizes. Life-saving devices willbe tes'ed. Surf board riding willserve to offer many thrills, andfrom 2 to 6:30 p. m many liiKevents will take place on the city

Brarj ni<*nili«'r <it' Milumikwrailway regiment of engineers,aliout to lciive for Kiaiicc. leceivesmessage from A. .1. Barling, pTWkI(lent of road.

«'ablni»<\ Tomato. ll< tillingPlaiilH. \\ illi.ims \ui>ci>. 1 lOJSo. Alns live adv.

I.hsl lMigon compiin) <•> gani/cil

\u25a0j Col id'Ye* in Tacotna, palled


coiM'in.t« iai ciuit hi try/tag <obring members of Heltilnn mis-

sion, tourlni tlie count i.v. to T;i-


Wo* Hii-jml—ioo par >\u25a0*-»* n«i-

trttlOH. liueiiwiilirs. 111;.' Hrciadway. "tlv-

Hctiiriilnn from N<w Vdrit,

Chartaa H. Hyde, prosldcat WestCoast 0 100017 Co., Hays OVatMOlis booming In eaut.

MMwaafeM railroad's civic kponst train Olympia derailed nearl^i Crosse, VVis. Nobody serious-ly injured.

t)r. Cor/*, acnllsl. 201 VrovX-deLt. adv.

Federal .Indue ROtOM in Se-iit-

I tie imposes sentences of eight

I montlis on six members of I. \V.

I \\\, who plead guilty to failing1 to; register under selective service


i Kcrc<'ii BOOM *»•' HliiK^n —|1.60 and up. Palace HardwareCo.. ir.ll I'ac Aye. adv.

Harry Allen, iatlaMi «<> 'M' 00)0

of the most desperate outlaws inNorthwest, killed by I'nllrrman

I HiiKh Alderson during runninir re-r volver battle in Spokane.

t ii 'i-i.-iti-iv han ><>ur ti-liin-tackle. )3(i3 Pacific avc adv.

i King<ion (;<>uid. oMaol bom ofI (Jeo^rge Jay Gould, weds Miss An-

iman/.iata Camilla Maria Lucci,Italian art student.

Pu.vallii|> llcitfhts lin|n-<.vciiicutclnl> plans community Fourth o(July celebration at ruyallnp

1 Heights school.c .' IncrtiuMi of I<f.n jmt c<nit in in-' dustrlal accidents during last sK

moii'ths shown in report of hidus--1 trial insurance commission.

' COMMI.IUIAI, \u25a0Orttßßf *IMUNTINO CO. Main 417. «dT.

Meinlx»r!- of Nordiwewt Kliinjtle-weave-rs 1 association iiiiiioiiiicostrike will be called thiuout Wasn-

} Ington July IG.

, William MeClnin fiiie<l sr.on amisentenced to six months in jail for

. assaulting Helen Armson June I.

Smhll, diioi and portli miwii*.. Key»tone Lumber Co., Main 32^.—Adv.

Tlattnllon t>f Americiin <r<M>pHjwlll parade in Paris July 4.

Returning from CNirly Nome run,Admiral line steamer Sena/tor will

i run opposite Queen between Ta-[eoma and San Francisco.

\u25a0waterway.The Fourth of July In Tacoma

will close with an elaborate pyrotechnic display. This, witli mili-tary drills, will take place in theStadium.

OFFICIAL ri«i<.i: \mTiicMriny i:venliin. .Inly :t.

6p. m. - Goddess Ksther andStars will dine with Gov. Listerand staff at the Tacoma hotel.

9p. m. Grand Electric pageantIn unveii divisions.

10:30 p. in.- Grand ball inhonor of Goddess Ksther andStars at Moose hall on Pacificaye., near Donnelly hotel.

Wednewlay. .Inly 4.Sunrise salute, 21 guns.10:30 a. m.—Grand fraternal,

military and civic pageant.LINE OF MARCH

Head of parade resting on 1!)thand Pacific, aye.; thence on Pacifica.ye. to !)th et.; west on !Hh st. toBroadway; south on Broadway to17th st.

Official reviewing stand at 13thst. and Broadway.

2:15 p. m.—Grand regatta onthe, City waterway.

6 p. m.—Stadium opens to re-


An illustrated lecture on "Trou-bles of Merchants and How to

Stop Them" will be given by W. H.Farley of New York at the ( ,in-

mercial club, Friday evening.

ceivc tti,' crowds, S p 111 1Mill work l>V COUpftß) |

ti:;Ki |i ii riayllahl Hroworka 15, lad reuiment ol WMhlMtton,ilis|i|av. teaiurini; inin|iu and under command <if l.icu' llylaipatriotic characters. lla».s. bal- X Hem>loons, airplanes and (tin r 'poitiic-I s ii> r in Troop B, N <" W.,illar iioMllic- Mm a mounted drill iindci com

7p. m 11.in.1 conn i b) lolin\u25a0oat'a fift>-piece 1., mil

7:4: ip in Arrival of QoddeiaEsther and tioveruor l.isln. Mcorted from the Staiiiinn entraineto the reviewing staihl b> inilitHivband and cm ort. When Ihc gOV-ernor takes place in revicwin«stand tlie Imnd will play the Nntional Aiiineiii and tli<- crowd artllarise and mInU "'c lla^

maiiil <il (aptahl M t' CniinerI 1,, | in Koiir compiinies of

eOHM aililleiv With li.iiul (lassmn

in review of Uov*. Lister and Ood jiless Ksther and Stars, Underloinmiind ol Mai Both \V. Killson.

H: Ifi i>. in. QorgOOVI fireworks spectacle airan^ed by the.Hilt Fireworks company for Ik*lllatarfratornal council

Russians Center of InterestInterest in \\asliiiiHtuii tMtlfl

about Hit' three liit-n here shown.Hosidts receptions by noi'iety,

tlir infMi are receiving upeclal at-

tention by high I'liiled States au-thorities Coiinl Haklimctlef I',

form»\u25a0 i" RuMlßn a niiiiisiailiir In theI'nited States, is Ix.ill ill Hit' in"--

sion from iifw Itussia.Prof. UmnimoMof, a prontnenl

figure in t In- Husslan revolution.ulsn is a member of Urn Rutalanmission from new ItiiHsia. Licit.it tl Orange belongs to HimFrench aviation BeTVloe, and isco-operating with the rnit«<lsuites aircraft production boardin pre-pai itiK America s aviationIH'OKiam h\ which II Is proposedt(» "hliiiil the (ionium army



REGENT THEATERHippodromeVaudeville

"ZOBODIO & CO.World FamousEntertainers

Four Old Veterans—in—



Official GovernmentPictures of "The War'M»lln**« Daily, lOc.

Kvenin(«, 10c.


Carlos 1,. Byron, Umber land lo-cator, charged with land frauds.and Kdward M. Comyns, an attor-ney, jointly indicted with Byron,won r point In federal court Mon-day, when a demurrer on the,ground that the Indictment did notjstate that it was the purpose andintent of the defendants to obtainmoney on false promises, was bub-

| talned by Federal Judge X HsICußhman Monday.

Many Big Attractions

T^jy *ICfI IKtjLf ll i \u25a0 • (irnnil 'l<<ii'' i>«i«"i«-

--.A E Iflflnl '" ' " *' '''" '" ''"'"" "'.^^^^illovm! «rtMi«ir«* \u25a0 -•!•«\u25a0\u25a0 ..I >iim>..<

*&Zmi\ JULY 4

>^T^ tCIIUII, II IlitMl % IMI.I <l\ll-| ii;< .mi NH iimm nii.l(.mini. -^ |hi \u25a0 i<n \u25a0\u25a0 rtHinris

I W\ "«5 I*- \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0—iinllllim uiiii'i' ijiriil-

I\V] »«'. ••'»• "> '"t "HUH. I «!«•>. lit

jV^/ IndlMn nil.r- of TiiK*'! Hoiiikl;\jbmf Indian loinhnl ioiiknls, \u25a0

iV^V *r IMM| fKhliiK ImimCn In ex-! • "'in: HMM mill -in I I. hi

L 1̂ imliii.%Vj *" I' \u25a0••\u25a0 —I" 'liKonin's kicjil H(«-- "111 >'• |>i < \u25a0\u25a0< nl»-.l ii null

\u25a0 y Inry ii\l<\\ iuml iihwoiU-J, fc|i«%rtncl«- In MMPM mihililuk

• I tin- kind «'Vit klm'wii In Hi.

toiiiitr.v.TAroMA'H IIKSi- Ol'htltllMTVT«> HHK UKiiait A\|»

in run i lie i:\vmiks inw w mi: nUOMWim AT mi

NAN ii«\\<-im«-«» i:\rosirioN.

IMi i:\ i:\rs sr\(ii:n n TNI inti:ki hatkhnal,<xii veil, oi' TACOMA.

mil is mi; 01 i i< i \i, riHHHMM

This Store Will Close at 6 o'clock As UsualTonight and Remain Closed All Day Tomorrow, July 4th.

\u25a0OMKTHINO m:\v KVKRV i»a^

ihi xi m\ sioifi:«)V I'Aciiic »v i:\ri-:

CHILDREN CARED FORWashington i>; one of the obI) five itetoe which have bo operated.

with 111* i\u25a0<i\- >\u25a0 i iiiiirnl in Infant h > Ki<"«', s-'id Mrs M;tx Wist, clilldriper) ol the I s. rhlldren'i bureau, in her openlni lecture In tii»Ikiiih' i lull rmiiM' ill lh>' I' >i v .11111 1 1 HHimosr school, Mniiilnv afternoon.

\ii- Wi-i win iiciiiic in the I'iivhlliip high niuxii ii' ;i Tuea«dii\ .11 icniiMHi ami nl Ilii' I'tiyiillop library at 7Ho The courHe willoccupy iinl "Miiii' • <\u25a0»\u25a0!>.

Mm, Blwell C, Hoyt, foueior or the ckIM Mudy < luiis of i in> <tntepart nt-leai I:it iisso( iution, mid Mrs. T (' Todd, president, UfgO) allTiii'oniii women who eu <l<> so to attend.

PLAN TIDELAND REPLATA < -innin ft I «>o tins hri'ii Appointed to report oil a plan U) i'p'»t

ntioiit 700 acres of tiili'luiuls lytag between Sid him aye. and 11 > I•\u25a0 l>c»iii'i'li and Ittil M and the meander lin«\ The plan whs |iropon«(liit a iiifflInji nl the OWMFI In the CoiniiH rcinl rluli Monday.

'I'lif plan inrliidps plaiting <il strrrln hikl whU'lwh.vh and (Il»trt-

I button pro latci ul In' ninuiiiliiK property providing . \u25a0 111 n 111 <• ma iiii-

| lac I mini: silis ul I'qiiHl nrt'4) At [uri nl thr land r rut up IntoI many lilMof lots.

tO DOUBLE PREMIUMS(Special i"The Tinii-s.)

OI.Y.MI'IA. .Inly :i. -To stliiiuliitr in'eri'st in poultry raisin* •\u25a0thfl (inii'kest way of |MTWMIB| Hie food supplj of the country, pre-li)iuimk tor poultry exhibits will li«< donlilrd at the state tnli ul NorthYaklMl, Sep. IT to ||, Iliirry ('oilier of TaconiH, •v i . . n,i. u.Uint ofthe poultry drpartincnt, said Moinlay. rollirr vihl'nd Hip departtuentof iiKrlriiltlire to make arrHnucnicntK for the exlilliit.

EXTRA BOAT SERVICEThe I'.OCJMfi liii|iioiH, Flyer and Kulslian liuve lieen added t©

tlic two ragttlar steaiiiers TaeotiiH and Indianapolis, for the Fourth'Of July MFTtOt lielween 'I'Hrdiiiu and Seattli'. I'rui'tlcully an hourlysi'i\in will lie rnaintHined between the two elllen to liandlu th«ITOWllll.

lloiiis will have the Municipal dock Tor Seattle at T:ll, l:lf|!ind (I n. in.: 1, I!, I, 1:30, 7, !t, 10 iind II p. in. From Seattle* twoI late lir.i will return to Tat oina, one at '.•:!;> p. m , the other ut

I 2::{(i p. in.

DRAFT BOARDS SWORNCity Controller BhoMMkor liuk admlnlKteretl the oath nf offirn

to men ben of the four Tacomi exemption ItOArdl HBder the. draftlaw. The] will outline a unii'oiiii policy and discuss instruction* ata IMOtillfl in the eoatroller'l office Friday night.

Meiiilieis of the hoanlH ha\e been iiiHtructed not to discuss ex-emptions with any registered man uiilcsk the other meiuliera of theboard are jni' till.

BIG DEMAND FOR FISHHigh prices of meats und o'.ber foods are eanslnp a big damand

for fish on the. local market, say Tacorna dealers. They say morefish will lie consumed In the next few months than ever before in the

I history til the U. S. Atlantic coMl dealers are culling for more car-load ihlpmOßtl than ever helore.

SPECULATIONS BLAMED(l"iii(eil I'lfs-. l.ensoi Wire.)

CHICAGO, July 8. The federal urand jury this Rfternoon Ina long report to Federal Judfie I..iihlis laid the high cost of living to"food \u25a0peculation!," and urged that leKisla'ion be pasHed to give thegovernment control.

LINK NOLAN IN PLOT(United Picks Loused Wire.)

SAN FRANCISCO, July 2.—How the state expects to link Ed-ward Nolan, member of the muchinlßts' union with the I'reparedneaeparade dynamiting wag revealed today during the Hena Mooney bombconspiracy trial. The state introduced in evidence a box of epsomsalts found in Nolan's basement and attempted to prove, thru an «x-

I pert witness that the> salts might easily be used as part of an Infernalmachine.


If The Times has not a local carrier delivering papers layour town, then we want one. Perhaps you know of tome onewho would make a good carrier for us. If ao, we ack yon torecommend him to us.

Why not have your son handle The Times? He can makehis own spending money in this way, and at the same time feesecuring a valuable training he could secure In no otber way.