7/21/2019 U1 MUSIC I http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/u1-music-i 1/12 1. Sound: Qualities of sound 1. Sound: Qualities of sound 1.1. How it is produced 1.2. How it propagates 1.3. How we hear 2. Silence 2. Silence 2.1. Silence in music: rest 3. 3. Qualities of sound Qualities of sound 4. 4. Alternative graphic notation Alternative graphic notation 4.1. Pitch sm!ols 4.2. "uration sm!ols 4.3. #ntensit sm!ols 4.4. $im!re sm!ols #nde% of the !oo& #nde% of the !oo&



Transcript of U1 MUSIC I

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1. Sound: Qualities of sound1. Sound: Qualities of sound1.1. How it is produced

1.2. How it propagates

1.3. How we hear 

2. Silence2. Silence2.1. Silence in music: rest

3.3. Qualities of soundQualities of sound

4.4. Alternative graphic notationAlternative graphic notation4.1. Pitch sm!ols4.2. "uration sm!ols

4.3. #ntensit sm!ols

4.4. $im!re sm!ols

#nde% of the !oo&#nde% of the !oo&

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Sound1.1. How it is produced

Sound is produced when an o!'ect vi!ratesvi!rates and that movement

travels through sound wavessound waves until it reaches our ears.

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Sound1.2. How it propagates

Sound propagates at high speeds..

$he waves travel through the air.

(hen sound waves find an o!stacle on their wa:

$he are reflected or !ounced !ac& in the opposite

direction of the sound source.

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Sounds are pic&ed up ! the eardrum.

Sound waves hit the eardrum and ma&e it


$he eardrum)s vi!rations are turned into

nerve impulses.

$he transmit the information to the !rain.

Sound1.3. How we hear 

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Silence is the absence of sound or noise.

There isn’t such thing as absolute silence.

Silence2.1. Silence in music: rest

#t is something relative*+$he !lan& space of music,.

#t is the indispensi!le previouscondition to en'o -usic.Silence in

music#t serves as a !rea&* to catch one)s!reath.

#t is a resource of great e%pressiveenerg.

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SoundSound is the elementis the element with which we create music.with which we create music.

Qualities of sound

Stud of the ualities of sound and howStud of the ualities of sound and howto organi/e them.to organi/e them.0anguage of music0anguage of music

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(e use musical notation to represent the different wor&ing

possi!ilities of sound for creating it* as well as performing and

preserving it.

Alternative graphic notation

Along with conventional notation* some alternative sm!ols are

used too. $he are capa!le of meeting the needs of

contemporar music and its new sounds in a more e%pressive

and free wa.

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Alternative graphic notation4.1. Pitch sm!ols

High sounds

0ow sounds

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Alternative graphic notation4.2. "uration sm!ols


0ong sounds0ong sounds

Short soundsShort sounds

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Alternative graphic notation4.3. #ntensit sm!ols

0oud sounds

hange the thic&ness of the stro&e or the colorintensit

Short sounds

9radual orprogressive intensit


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Alternative graphic notation4.4. $im!re sm!ols 

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http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/u1-music-i 12/12;ndice del li!ro;ndice del li!ro