U02 From Grammar Friends 4

8/17/2019 U02 From Grammar Friends 4 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/u02-from-grammar-friends-4 1/4 A , _t_ _ _t -r _ Thepastsimple(1): e,haveandregularve n SCnOOf PIOY Pastime ipres -,'zt. were c lot of people t the play. heyhad a great - rl1i. Chadie cted erywelland he audience lapped. - --. ^r -5. When we Jorm he post imple, e odd ed or -d o most egulor erbs. Here re some more uLes: Verb Exomp[e ends owel+ stop consonont ends onsonont tidg +-9 irreguLorerbs be hove In questions e chonge he wordorder. Did Mollg act n the play? Be s different. Were ou excited? Was he play good? 1 Circle he correct nswer. 1 Thereiiryoswereo piono n he stoge. 3 We were wos excited bout he concert. 5 Wos Were ou of home? 7 Leo nd Sebwosn't weren't t the concert. 12 Unit t Chonge double he Lost consonont -ed )(+ -ied Post simple stopped tidied wos/were hod Negotive didn'tstop didn't idg wosn't/weren't didn't ove 2 4 6 8 Ethon's oiceweren't wosn'tverg o Whg wos were Annoond Kote ired? ALI urfriends ere wos n he oudie Whotwos were he nome f he plo

Transcript of U02 From Grammar Friends 4

Page 1: U02 From Grammar Friends 4

8/17/2019 U02 From Grammar Friends 4

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A , _t_ _ _t - r _ Thepasts imple(1) : e ,haveandregularven SCnOOf PIOY Past ime ipres

-, 'zt . were c lot of people t the play. hey had a great- rl1i.Chadie cted erywelland he audience lapped.

- --.^r -5.

When we Jorm he post imple, e odd ed or -d o most egulor erbs.Here re some more uLes:

Verb Exomp[eends owel+ stopconsonont

ends onsonont t idg+-9

irreguLor erbs behove

In questions e chonge he word order.DidMollg act n the play?

Be s different.Were ou excited? Was he play good?

1 Circle he correct nswer.

1 Thereiiryoswere o piono n he stoge.3 We were wos excited bout he concert.5 Wos Were ouof home?7 Leo nd Sebwosn't weren't t

the concert.12 Unit

t Chongedouble he Lostconsonont -ed

)(+ -ied

Post simple




Negotivedidn't stop

didn't idg

wosn't/weren'tdidn't ove





Ethon's oiceweren't wosn'tverg oWhg wos were Annoond Kote ired?ALI urfriends ere wos n he oudieWhot wos were he nome f he plo

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2 Complete orrg's iorg.Write wos, were or hod.

Ve l- hgd --- ct schoo\

p\^y ftnis ^/eeK trcrr\ie

' in i t nnd

Iveryoneprog(ctmme tboul 1'he cn.c?ri

Aolly played he g,ictr,c,.ni .t'rer riends Suzy crnC :.n,?ftco(Jeft fl 've\ f lood,but Ac\\y, Suzu

ou( frtenCs crnC crmi\Yin f re

c.udience. crsI weeK, e(L conc€fl

r h , Cr[\d Jc.ng to_crf schoo\ Aum cinC Uat

crll ve(y fired al the :nl

ou/ friends

3 Complete he sentences nd questions. se he post simple of be or hove.

1 Phi[ 's erg hoppg ecouse he exom wosn't verg ifficuLt.2 I 'm verg un rg.I breokfost .3 -., Louise coke f the cof6?4 The people n he oudience o greot ime.5 He ten gesterdog.6 gou ot Emilg 's i r thdog or tg?7 Mg grondporents - -- rich. heg ived n o verg moll house.8 I o bobg when we moved o London.e thefi lm good? idgou ike t?

10 The homework hord.We oLL ot good morks.

4 Complete he text. Use he post simple of the verbs n brockets.

I t I - Wgs (be)George 's i r thdog or tg n Fridog.We(hove) greot ime.George ' ( invi te)oLL is r iends ndevergone (enjog) t .TheLights

(sporkl .e) ,e u (Listen)to usic nd-- donce) LLvening. e ond (pLoU)

gomes. ' - - - - (clop) hen George ' (open)hispresents . eoLL - (t idU) pwhen he por tg12 (end) nd i1-- (notwont) to go home

Unit 13

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l'vegot a lot o tef you.There as aschoof lay ast Saturday nd woweeks go I played n a concert.


We use hese xpressions o to[k obout when something oppened n he post:

lost+ night Fridoglweek/ month geor Iwatched a goodfitm astSaturdag.

ogo ofiero period f ime We wentto London hree gears ago.

gesterdog morning oJternoon evening I emoiled er gesterdog vening.

Time xpressions ongo of the beginning r end of o sentence.I played n a concert ast week. Last week,I played n a concert.

Tick /) the correct entences.

1 Lost eek, one odo portg.@

5 Tino oddinner vening esterdog.

Tino od dinner esterdog vening.Do

2 Ago wo weeks t wos mg birthdog. Dfone hod o portg week Lost. Twoweeks go t wos mg birthdoU.

3 Fronk's irthdog os gesterdog 4 We hod gesterdog big portg.

Yesterdo Fronk's irthOog os. [_l Wehod obigportg esterdoU

6 We ploged ennis go wo hours. DWe ploged ennis wo hourc go.

7 I hod on exom gesterdog fiernoon D 8 I phoned ouo Fridog go. O

I hod on exom ost ofternoon. -lUnit2

I phoned ou ost r idog.

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Complete he sentences. te fi6 verb n bruckets nd o time expression rom the boThen ewrite eoch entente with the time expression f the end.Todog sSoturdog 5thNovember.

LostSoturdog , Ctore ptoged htog)tennis.Clore ploqed ennis ost Soturdou.

(be)mg birthdog.


odminton ith Henrg

(tidg)mg room.

we (wotch) plog ot the heotre.

Dod (phone) oger.

Look f the things hot hoppened n exercise . Write when teg hoppened.

Use ime exprcssions ith ogo ond he wordsfiom te bq.Remember,odog s Soturdog Sth November.It s 9 am.



one week ooo