Tzolkin application to the human body


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Transcript of Tzolkin application to the human body

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Tzolkin application to the human body

A theory deduced by Aaron Driver

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Tzolkin Calendar

20 solar seals• 5 Red family• 5 Blue family

• 5 Yellow family• 5 White family

• 13 Harmonics • Ba gua • Hu nab ku• Medicine wheel

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Solar seals

• Organised into families• Red (dragon, serpent, sky

walker, moon and earth)• Blue ( night, hand,

monkey, eagle and storm)• White( wind, world

bridger, dog, wizard and mirror)

• Yellow ( seed, star, human, warrior and sun)

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13 Harmonics

• Each represents a tone

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Hu Nab Ku

• Great Architect of the Universe and the Masonic square and compass

• Mexican philosopher Domingo Martínez Parédez (1904–1984),

• represented by the symbols of a square within a circle or a circle within a square, the square representing measurement and the circle representing motion.

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Jin Shin Jyutsu and the 52 galactic activation portals

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This was discovered are the correspondence between the two figures are identical between the japanese healing system of jin shin jyutsu and the mayan tzolkin diagram.

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Harmonic Module

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The 52 energy points (2 x 26) relate to the 52 galactic activation portals in the tzolkin harmonic module

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Integration of Tzolkin and TCM

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Integration of Tzolkin and TCM• This diagram represents the integration of five phase theory on a 13/20 mayan harmonic module.

The 13 tones are represented by the 13 circles that make the genesis symbol aka fruit of life. The 20 solar seals are represented by the 20 direction al vectors on each of the 4 cardinal directional planes. North , south, east and west. North is composed of sun, dragon, wind, night and seed. South is composed of monkey, human dog, skywalker and wizard. East is composed of warrior, earth, eagle mirror and storm. West is composed of worldbridger, serpent, hand, star and moon. The arrangement of the corresponding coloured solar seals is in a pentagonal arrangement corresponding with the red solar seals with: dragon, serpent, moon, skywalker and earth; the white solar seals with wind, world bridger, dog, wizard and mirror; the blue solar seals with night, hand, monkey, eagle and storm; the yellow solar seals with seed, star, human, warrior and sun. The overlapping pentagons gives us the characteristic shape of this diagram and allows us to see the grouping of the same coloured solar seals, the opposite solar seals and grouping of harmonic and chromatic arrrangements. The harmonic arrangement is composed of the 5 times cells: input, store, process, output and matrix this arrangement corresponds with the 5 points of the pentagon, the four pentagons demonstrate the 4 time cell arrangements. The 4 harmonics corresponds with the white aspect of hu nab ku visualized within the centre octahedron and the black aspect of the hu nab ku. The 4 chromatics corresponds with the 4 directional families of north, south, east and west. The groups of yellow, red, white and blue chromatics correspond with the same locations within the 4 chromatic families that correspond with north, south, east and west families.

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Integration of TCM

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Integration of TCM• This diagram demonstrates the yin and yang theory, 10 heavenly

branches and 12 earthly branches theory. The cardinal or middle positions north south east and west. North corelates with horse, south correlates with rat, east correlates with cock, west correlates with rabbit. A trinity/ harmonic or elemental frame relationship is demonstrated with dragon monkey and rat are the water frame; horse dog and tiger are the fire frame; cock ox and snake are the metal frame; finally rabbit sheep and pig are the wood frame. The fire trinity is composed of the three upper limb yin channels, heart lung and pericardium; the wood trinity is composed of the three upper limb channels, large intestines , small intestine and sanjiao. The metal trinity is composed of the three yin channels kidney liver and spleen. The water trinity is composed of the three yang channels gallbladder, stomach and bladder.

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Integration of Ba Gua

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Integration of Ba Gua• The 8 trigrams correspond with the 12 zodiac cycles of the earthly

branches in this diagram. The star cut diagram has an octagonal centre the same as when you superimpose 2 squares over the top of each other. I found that the answer lay in the chinese proverb; one creates two and two creates three and three creates everything. This is a representation of wuji forming yin and yang and the fusion of yin and yang to form taiji. From a ba gua point of view the three of tai ji represent 3 squares of the 12 zodiacs. Square 1 is composed of the horse, rabbit, rat and cock; square 2 is composed of dragon, monkey, dog and tiger; square 3 is composed of snake, sheep, pig and ox. Square 1 is combined with square two to form octagon 1 and square 1 is combined with square 3 to form octagon two. Then the two octagons are combined to form the twelve earthly branches on the 3 x3 grid diagram, with 3 branches in each of the four cardinal directions representing the four seasons divided by an earth branch at each corner indicating change between seasons.

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Ba Gua

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Ba Gua• This diagram demonstrates the two squares that compose the Ba Gua Trigrams. One square is composed of Quian

and Kun, li and Kan. The other square is composed of Xun and Zhen, Dui and Gen. The hexagram demonstrates the relationship of the 12 zodiacs in relation to Ba Gua. Notice how square Alpha is represented in accordance with 4 of the zodiacs. Horse is correlated with Quian, Rat is associated with Kun. Rabbit is associated with Li and Cock is associated with Kan. The second square is a correlation with the dualistic nature of Dragon and Snake with Dui. Sheep and Monkey with Xun, Dog and Pig with Gen and Ox and Tiger with Zhen. Two become three and three become everything this is a representation of this diagram where the two squares represent three. Alpha a single square and Omega is two squares.

• If you draw three squares, one with horse, rat, rabbit and cock; and two other squares with dragon, monkey, dog and tiger; the other square with snake, sheep, pig and ox. Then superimpose the two omega squares with the alpha square you have two Baguas. Ba gua 1 represents dragon, monkey, dog and Tiger with horse, rat, rabbit and cock. Ba Gua 2 represents snake, sheep, pig and ox with Horse, rat, rabbit and cock.

• Finally when you combine the two ba guas together you demonstrate the 12 branches theory in all its glory.• horse and horse makes horse, rat and rat makes rat, rabbit and rabbit makes rabbit, cock and cock makes cock,

Dragon and snake form the uuper left quadrant of 12 branches theory, monkey and sheep form the upper right quadrant of 12 brqanches theory, tiger and ox form the lower left quadrant of 12 branches theory and dog and pig form the lower right quadrant of 12 brances theory. Dragon corresponds with stomach, snake corresponds with spleen, horse correlates with heart, sheep correlates with small intestine, monkey correlates with bladder, cock correlates with kidney, dog correlates with pericardium, pig correlates with sanjiao, rat correlates with gallbladder, ox correlates with liver, tiger correlates with lungs, rabbit correlates with large intestine. Stomach and spleen upper left quadrant, heart north cardinal position, small intestine and bladder upper right quadrant, kidney at east cardinal position, pericardium and sanjiao lower right quadrant, gallbladder south cardinal posiiton, lung and large intestine lower left quadrant, and large intestine in the west cardinal position.

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Genesis Pattern

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Sacred Geometry applied to Genesis pattern

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A Sri Yantra

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Thank you ... "In Lak'ech,"

• Contact • Aaron Driver• [email protected]

• Kind regards ..... The more you know the less you understand