; Tyrone... · 2012-04-25 · ARTICLE I1...

ORDINANCE NO. (&- k?y AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RULES, REGULATIONS, AND STANDARDS GCW'ERNING SUBDIVISION, AND LAND DEVELOPMENT OF ANY LOT, TRACT, OR PARCEL OF LAND, AND THE CONSTRUCTION, OPENING, DEDICATION FOR PUBLIC USE OR TRAVE% OR FOR THE COMMON USE OF OCCUPANTS OF BUILDINGS AND ABUTTING THEREON OF ANY STREET, SANITARY SEWER, STOW SEWER, WATER MAIN OR 01"ER IMPROVEMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH, WITHIN *HE TOWNSHIP OF TYRONE, BLAIR COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY SET FORTH IN THE PENNSYLVANIA MUNICIPALITIES PLANNING CODE, ACT 207 OF 1968 AS AMENDED BY ACT 93 OF 1972 AND AMENDMENTS AND SUI?PLEMENTS THERETQ: SETTING FORTH THE PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED IN APPLYING AND ADMINISTEFUNG THESE RULES, REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS: AIJD PROVIDING PENAL TIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED, by t h e Board of Township Supervisors, of t h e Townsh.ip of Tyrone, Blair County, Pennsylvania that: ARTICLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 100. AUTHORITY AND JURISDICTION The Township of Tyrone, Blair County, Pe&sylvania, has the power to approve plots for subdivisions within its corporate limits under authority vested in the Board of Supervisors by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code. Section 110. PURPOSE These 2egulations have been adopted in order to create conditions favorable to the health, safety, morals, convenience end general welfare of the citizens of the Township of Tyrone and to insure the harmonious development of the communiky. Section 120. SHORT TITLE These Regulations shall be known and may be cited as "The Subdivision Regulations of the Township of Tyrone." Section 130. * DEFINITION OF SUBDIVISIGN . (a) A subdivision shall be the division or redevision of a lot, tract, or parcel. of land by any means from the date of eaactment of this Ordinance, into two Or more lots, tracts, parcels or other divisions of land inc1udk.g changes in existing lot lines for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of lease , trcmsfer of ownership or building or lot development; provided, however, that the division of 1ar.d for agricultural purposes into parcels of more than ten acres, not involving my new street or ezsement of access, shall be exempted. -1-

Transcript of; Tyrone... · 2012-04-25 · ARTICLE I1...




BE I T ORDAINED, by the Board of Township Supervisors, of the Townsh.ip of Tyrone, B l a i r County, Pennsylvania t h a t :




The Township of Tyrone, B l a i r County, Pe&sylvania, has the power t o approve plots f o r subdivisions w i t h i n i t s corporate limits under authori ty vested i n the Board of Supervisors by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.

Section 110. PURPOSE

These 2egulations have been adopted i n order t o create conditions favorable t o the hea l th , sa fe ty , morals, convenience end general welfare of the c i t i zens o f t h e Township of Tyrone and t o in su re the harmonious development of the communiky.

Section 120. SHORT TITLE

These Regulations s h a l l be known and may be c i t e d as "The Subdivision Regulations of the Township of Tyrone."


(a) A subdivision s h a l l be the divis ion o r redevision o f a l o t , t r a c t , o r parcel. of land by any means from the date of eaactment of t h i s Ordinance, i n t o two Or more lots, t r a c t s , parcels or other divis ions of land inc1udk.g changes i n ex i s t ing lot l i n e s for the purpose, whether immediate o r future , of lease , trcmsfer of ownership o r building o r l o t development; provided, however, t h a t the divis ion of 1ar.d for agr i cu l tu ra l purposes in to parcels of more than ten acres, not involving my new s t r e e t o r ezsement of access, s h a l l be exempted.



I , (b) Any development of a parcel of land o r plan thereof which involves the i n s t a l l a t i o n of streets or alleys o r both, whether o r not proposed for dedication, any development of land f o r a shopping center o r fo r multiple dwellings.

131. Minor Subdivisions

A minor subdivision s h a l l be the divis ion of any l o t , t ract o r parcel of land, o r a p a r t thereof i n a period of three ( 3 ) years in to less three l o t s , t r a c t s , or parcels of land, including changes i n s t reet l i nes o r l o t l i nes , fo r the purpose, whether immediate o r fu ture , Of t r ans fe r of ownership o r of building development, where such division, change or t ransfer , does not abut a street of i n su f f i c i en t width and does not require t h a t a street be l a i d out through.unimproved land; provided, however, t h a t divis ions of land f o r ag r i cu l tu ra l purposes i n parcels of more than ten (10) acres, not involving any new s t reet o r easement of access s h a l l be exempted.

132. Major Subdivisions

All subdivisions not c l a s s i f i e d a s minor subdivisions, including but not l imited t o subdivisions f o r four (4 ) o r more l o t s , o r any s i z e subdivision requiring any new s t r e e t o r extension of the loca l governmental f a c i l i t i e s , o r the creation of any publ ic improvements.

. _ __. - -_ -- - - - Section 140. APPLICATION OF REGULATIONS

141. Subdivision of Land . - ---

No.subdivision of any l o t , t ract o r parcel of land s h a l l be effected, no street, sani tary sewer, storm sewer, water main, o r other f a c i l i t i e s i n connection therewith s h a l l be l a i d out , constructed, opened,

.. or dedicated f o r publ ic use of t r ave l , o r f o r the common use of occupants of buildings abutting thereon, except i n s t r ic t accordance with the provisions of these regulations.

142. Sale of Lots; Issuance of B d d i n g Permits o r Erection of Building

N o l o t i n a subdivision may be sold, no permit t o erect, a l t e r o r repair any building upon land i n a subdivision may be issued, and no building may be erected i n a subdivision u n t i l a subdivision plan has been approved and recorded with the office.of t he Recorder of Deeds of the County of Bla i r and u n t i l the improvements required herein i n connection therewith have e i t h e r been constructed o r guaranteed as here inaf te r provided. Where , owing t o spec ia l conditions, a l i t e r a l enforcement of t h i s provision would r e s u l t i n unnecessary hardship, the Tyrone Township Planning Commission may make such reasonable exception thereto as w i l l not be contrary to the public i n t e r e s t , and may permit the erection of a building, subject to conditions necessary t o assure adequate s t r e e t s and other public improvements. Provided, however, t h a t i n no case s h a l l any plan be recorded u n t i l improvement bonds have been provided.



'.. .





201. Creation of t h e Tyrone Township Planning CCmUniSSiOn

Pursuant to the provisions contained i n Section 1205-A of the Laws Relating t o Second Class Townships and i n order t o car ry ou t the provisions of Ar t i c l e X I I - A of the Laws Relating to Second C l a s s Townships, vested i n it by l a w and by these Regulations.

202. Powers of the Tyrone Township Planning Commission

The Tv-1 anning Commission is hereby empowered- iw approve, reject and recommend the rev is ion of subdivision plats prepared under m a

- 2

203. Duties of the Tyrone Township Planning Commission

The Tyrone Township Planning Commission s h a l l meet not l e s s than one (1) month following the r ece ip t of any subdivision application. s h a l l review each application and inspec t t h e s i t e a f fec ted by each appl icat ion.

The Commission

The Tyrone Township Planning Commission shall t ake act ion on each appl within s i x t y (60) days of r ece ip t thereof. I f t he Commission sha l l not make it recommendation thereon within the a l lo t t ed time, it s h a l l be deemed to consent thereto. In the event the Commission disapproves any subdivision appl icat ion, t: reasons therefore s h a l l be set fo r th i n wr i t ing and the appl icant s h a l l be provi with a statement of such reasons f o r disapproval.

204. Appeal from Decision of t he Tyrone Township Planning Commission

Any pa r ty aggrieved by a decis ion of t he Tyrone Township Planning Commission may appeal t o the Board of Township Supervisors, and such appeal s h a l l be considered a t a spec ia l meeting of the Supervisors meeting with the Tyrone Township Planning Commission and the subdivider. Such meeting s h a l l be held within 15 days of the date of r e c e i p t of request of the Commission. Supervisors w i l l make a decision a t t h e i r next regular meeting.



205. Appeals where Supervisors Refuse Approval *

I n Fubdivisions wherein l o t s abut ex i s t ing streets of insuf f ic ien t width, or proposed s t r e e t s , where the Board of Township Supervisors disapproves a subsivision plan, any person aggrieved thereby may, within t h i r t y (301 days thereaf te r , appeal therefrom by p e t i t i o n t o the Court of Common Pleas of B l a i r County, which C o u r t s h a l l hear the matter de novo and a f t e r hearing enter a decree affirming, reversing or modifying the ac t ion of t h e Board, as may appear j u s t i n t he premises. not ices of the hearing of any such appeal s h a l l be given to a l l pa r t i e s interested. T h e dprisinn of the Court s h a l l be f i n a l .

The Court s h a l l designate the manner i n which

- 3-


. . ... ,

Section 210. PROCEDURE

211. Preliminary Considerations

(a) Grading and Recording of Deeds. N o person, f i r m o r corporation proposing t o make o r have made a subdivision, within the area of j u r i sd i c t ion of these regulat ions, s h a l l proceed w i t h any grading before obtaining from the Tyrone Township Planning Commission the approval of the preliminary plan of the proposed subdivision, and no deeds s h a l l be recorded f o r l o t s i n any subdivision, before obtaining from the Commission the approval of the f i n a l plan of the proposed subdivision.

(b) Access, Drainage and Geology. N o land s h a l l be subdivided unless adequate access t o the ' l and over adequate f o r r e s iden t i a l use (a)

s t r e e t s o r thoroughfares e x i s t s o r w i l l be provided by the subdivider, o r (b) such land is considered by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission t o be unsuitable for such use by reason of flooding or improper drainage, objectionable ea r th and rock formation, topography o r any o ther feature po ten t i a l ly harmful t o the health and sa fe ty of possible res idents and the community as a whole.

(c) Design Standards. The proposed subdivision s h a l l conform with the design standards s e t for th i n these Regulations.

(d) Preliminary Sketch Plan Review )Optional). Any subdivider

The subdivider may prepare The d e t a i l s t o be included

may ava i l himself of the opportunity t o undertake informal discussions with the Tyrone Township Planning Commission. a s ing le sketch plan out l ining h i s proposals. on sa id sketch plan s h a l l be a t t h e d iscre t ion of the subdivider. The information on s a i d s k e t d plan should be i n s u f f i c i e n t d e t a i l , however, t o permit an informal determination as t o the extent of which the proposed subdivision conforms with the provisions of these Regulations. of the procedure fo r subdivision review is optional. It is intended t o serve a s a guide t o the subdivider which w i l l minimize h i s expenditures i n the process of formal review.

This phase

212. Minor Subdivisions

(a) Submissions. The subdivider s h a l l submit four (4 ) copies of a plan of any minor subdivision t o the Tyrone Township Planning Conunission, i n accordance w i t h Section 330, e tc . Said plan s h a l l ou t l ine the subdivider 's proposals i n s u f f i c i e n t . d e t a i 1 t o permit a determination by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission t h a t the proposed subdivision conforms wi th the provisions of these Regulations. an a f f i d a v i t of subdivider.

Said plan s h a l l contain

(b) Review and Approval. Upon a determination by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission t h a t the proposed subdivision i s , i n



-- ,

accordance with these Regulations, t he subdivider s h a l l be advised of the approval of such changes as may be required.

The Tyrone Township Planning Commission's approval shall be expressed by placing the following o f f i c i a l stamp upon the plan.


"Approved by the Tyrone Township Planning Commissionr t h i s day of I 19-."

Signed . Chairman

Signed Secretary

(c) Fil inq. The Tyrone Township Planning Comission sha l l r e t a in one (1) copy of the approved plan for i t s f i l n s ; one (1) copy sha l l

building permit t o the subdivider; two ( 2 ) copies s h a l l be returned t o the subdivider o r h i s grantee who s h a l l f i l e one (1) copy i n the of f ice of the Recorder of Deeds of B l a i r County within forty-five (45) days of the approval thereof: such approval s h a l l be n u l l i f i e d unless so f i l e d o r unless an extension of t i m e i s granted by the Tyrone Township Planning Comission upon the w r i t t e n request of the subdivider.

_ _ . b e given t o - t h e Tyrone Township Supervisors authorizing the issuance of a

Fees s h a l l be i n accordance with Section 213 ( b ) ( 7 ) .

213. Major Subdivisions ft

(a 1 Preliminary Applica &on \

1. Submission. The vider sha l the application, accompanied by the

2. Review by Other Offices. Upon rece ip t of an application ?or preliminary approval s h a l l send copies t o other of f ices f o r t h e i r review and report:

t he Tyrone Township Planning Commission

(1) Board of Township Supervisors One (1) copy (2 1 Township Engineer One (1) copy ( 3 ) Tyrone Township Planning CommissionOne (1) copy



, (4) Pa. DER (Optional) One (1) copy ( 5 ) PennDOT One (1) COPY

7 d P s.p#.O* ( 6 ) 1 y One (1) COPY ( 7 ) Bla i r County Planning Commission One (1) COPY

3. Approval. I f repor t s from o the r o f f i c e s on the appl icat ion are not received w i t h i n for ty-f ive (45) days, o r within such reasonable fur ther t i m e as may be determined by the Tyrone Township Planning CoMmission, the Tyrone Township Planning Commission s h a l l review and act upon sa id appl icat ion, including the review by the Bla i r County Planning Commission with a l l fees associated w i t h the s a i d review t o be paid by the appl icants .

I n the event t h a t the Tyrone Township Planning Commission disapproves any subdivision appl icat ion, the reasons therefore s h a l l be set for th i n wr i t ing and the applicant s h a l l be provided with a statement of such reasons f o r disapproval. new preliminary application. Commission s h a l l be an expression of the t en ta t ive approval of the layout submitted i n the preliminary appl icat ion and the preliminary p l a t s h a l l be stamped and signed as follows:

The subdivider may t h e r e a f t e r submit a The approval of the Tyrone Township Planning


"Preliminary approval gran-ted by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission t h i s day of , 19-."

Signed Chairman

Signed Secretary

"Final approval granted by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission t h i s day of , 19-. "

Signed Chairman . b '

Signed Secretary

b. Final Application

1. Submission. Upon completion of a l l improvements -6-


required by these regulat ions, o r the post ing of a c e r t i f i e d check o r sure ty bond i n accordance w i t h subsections 213 (b) 3, and 232 (d) hereof, t he subdivider s h a l l f i l e with the Tyrone Township Planning Commission the f i n a l o r record p l a t of the subdivision f o r f i n a l approval.

Approval of a preliminary subdivision application s h a l l be va l id fo r a period of not more than one (1) year unless otherwise extended by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission. This f i n a l appl icat ion s h a l l conform with a l l of the provisions of these Regulations and with the requirements of the Tyrone Township Planning Commission and s h a l l include seven (7) p r i n t s and a reproductible transparency of the f i n a l o r record p l a t ( s izes 16" x 22"), and it s h a l l be accompanied by a deed t o a l l lands t o be dedicated t o the public and a c e r t i f i c a t e t h a t the t i t l e thereto is f ree and unencumbered.

A t the d iscre t ion of the Tyrone Township Planning Commission, t he subdivider may submit the f i n a l p l a t and appl icat ion i n sect ions, each of which s h a l l cover a port ion of the e n t i r e proposed subdivision as approved i n the preliminary application.

2. General Requirements Prerequis i te t o Approval of Final The Tyrone Township Planning Commission s h a l l not Application and Pla t .

approve a subdivision unless a l l s t r e e t s shown thereon s h a l l be of s u f f i c i e n t width and proper grade, and s h a l l be so located as t o accomodate the

- probably---volume- of-traffic-thereon, afford .adequate l i g h t _and a i r , f a c i l i t a t e f i r e protect ion, provide access of f i r e f igh t ing equipment t o buildings, and provide a coordinated system of s t r e e t s conforming t o the Township's o f f i c i a l plan of s t r e e t s ; and unless the land whereon buildings a r e t o be constructed s h a l l be of such character t h a t it can be used fo r building purposes, without danger t o hea l th o r p e r i l from f i r e , flood o r o ther hazard.


3. Improvements o r Guarantee Thereof Prerequis i te t o 9 p r o v a l of Final Application and Pla t . Before approving any f i n a l application o r p l a t fo r recording, the Tyrone Township Planning Commission s h a l l e i t h e r require t h a t the necessary grading, paving and o ther s t r e e t improvements including where spec i f ied by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission and a s provided elsewhere i n these Regulations, curbs, sidewalks, s t r e e t l i g h t s , f i r e hydrants, water mains, san i ta ry sewers, and storm sewers, s h a l l have been i n s t a l l e d i n s t r i c t accordance with the standards and specif icat ions of the Township a s provided i n these Regulations and i n other per t inent Township regulat ions, o r t h a t the Township be assured by means of a .prqper completion guarantee, i n the form of a bond o r the deposi t of funds o r s e c u r i t i e s i n escrow s u f f i c i e n t t o cover the cos t of the required imprdvements, a s estimated by the Township Engineer o r Board of Township Supervisors, t h a t the sa id improvements w i l l subsequently be i n s t a l l e d by the owner.

Where the subdivision p l a t has been approved and recorded, e i t h e r a f t e r the specif ied impnnrements have been completed and approved




by the Township m a r d of Supervisors or Engineer, or i f p r i o r t o completion, upon proper completion guarantee a s aforesaid, purchasers and mortgagees of l o t s i n the subdivision, with or without buildings thereon o r on any of t h e m , s h a l l be rel ieved of any and a l l l i a b i l i t y for any deficiency i n , lack of or f a i l u r e t o complete the improvements above mentioned as se t out i n said p l a t or as a condition precedent t o the approval.of the p l a t , and any f a i l u r e t o complete or properly complete s a i d improvements s h a l l not encumber any or a l l of the l o t s i n the subdivision.

4. Public Hearing. Before ac t ing on any subdivision appl icat ion o r p l a t , the Tyrone Township Planning Commission may request the Board of Township Supervisors t o arrange for a public hearing thereon, a f t e r giving such notice a s the Board of Township Supervisors may deem des i rab le i n each case.

5. Modification. The Tyrone Township Planning Commission may a l te r any subdivision plan and specify changes or modifications therein which it deems necessary, and may make i ts approval subject t o such a l t e r a t ions , changes, or modifications.

6. Approval. Upon a determination by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission and the Township Engineer t h a t the f i n a l application and p l a t are i n accordance with the provisions of these Regulations and with the approval preliminaty p la t , the following o f f i c i a l stamp s h a l l be placed upon the f i n a l p l a t , signed by the Chairinan of the Commission and a t t e s t e d t o by i ts Secretary.


"Preliminary approval granted by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission t h i s day of I 19-."

Signed Chairman

Signed Secretary

"Final approval granted by the wrone Township Planning Commission t h i s day of I 19-."

Signed Chairman


-8- Secretary


... .

Approval of the f i n a l p l a t s h a l l not be deemed t o cons t i tu te o r e f f e c t the Township's acceptance of t h e dedication of any s t r e e t o r other ' proposed publ ic way; space o r area shown on s a i d p l a t .

7. Review Fee - The adminis t ra t ive, processing and review fee charged by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission s h a l l be a t the r a t e of $5.00 p e r l o t (sub-lot o r t r a c t of land) with a minimum fee of $50.00 per p l a t and s h a l l be co l lec ted by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission and deposited i n the General Fund of t he Township.

8 . Recordinp. - The f i n a l p l a t t o be recorded i n the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of B l a i r County s h a l l be a c l e a r and l eg ib l e p r i n t on l inen o r s t a b l e t ransparent p l a s t i c base film. Said p l a t s h a l l be f i l e d fo r recording within t h i r t y (30) days of the Tyrone Township Planning Commission's approval thereof. Fai lure t o so f i l e s h a l l n u l l i f y the action of the Tyrone Township Planning Commission unless an extension of time is grante- by the Commission upon the wr i t ten request of the subdivider.


221. General Information

The preliminary p l a t , a s submitted by the subdivider i n accordance - - y i t h procedures s e t fo r th under Section 213a hereof, s h a l l contain the -+&!lowing general information:

(a) N a m e s : The name of the proposed subdivision with names of the owner, sponsor o r t rus tees , s,urveyor o r engineer, s h a l l be shown.

(b) Date: Date of Preparation s h a l l be shown. - (c) North Sign: Proper North s ign s h a l l be shown.

(d) Scaler The p l a t s h a l l be drawn t o the Scale of not - .smaller than one hundred (100) f e e t t o one (1) inch and s h a l l include a graphic scale.

(e) Municipal Boundaries: All corporate boundary l i n e s within or adjacent t o the proposed subdivision s h a l l be shown and designated.

'(f), Acreage: The acreage o,f land proposed t o be subdivided s h a l l be shown and s h a l l include the' block and parcel number of t r a c t f r m the Tax Map.

(9) Contours: Contours a t v e r t i c a l in te rva ls of two (2 ) f e e t if the general slope of the s i t e is l e s s then ten percent (10%) and a t v e r t i c a l in te rva ls of f ive (5) f e e t i f the general slope is grea te r than t e n percent (10%).

(h) Dimensions and Accuracy: All necessary dimensions both -9-


l i n e a r and angular s h a l l be shown. f e e t and decimals of a foot. than a 0.02% e r r o r of closure.

L,near dimensions s h a l l be shown i n The survey descr ip t ion s h a l l have no mre

I (i) Boundaries and Physical Features: The preliminary p l o t s h a l l show the boundaries of the property t o be subdivided, ra i l roads , e x i s t i n g permanent bui ldings, water courses and o ther ex is t ing fea tures p e r t i n e n t t o proper subdivision, and the names of the owners of adjacent land.

Cj) Description: The p l a t s h a l l set for th a l l the s t r e e t s , a l l e y s , common o r publ ic grounds, and a l l t h e t r a c t s , parce ls , l o t s , o r blocks, and designating a l l such l o t s , blocks, o r parcels by proper and s u f f i c i e n t dimensions and ident i f ica t ions .

(k) St ree t s : The width of s t r e e t pavements and rights-of-way ( w i t h t h e i r names) within the subdivision, and the widths and names of streets i n the property immediately adjacent , s h a l l be cor rec t ly shown.

(1) U t i l i t i e s : Existing sewer l i n e s and drainage s t ruc tu res , with s i z e , d i r ec t ion of flow and invert e leva t ions , the locat ion and size of water supply l i n e s , and the location of u t i l i t y l i n e s ex is t ing % the proposed subdivision o r a t the points from which they w i l l be extended t o reach t h e subdivision, s h a l l be shown. water supply system, san i ta ry and storm w a t e r sewers, with inve r t grades, s i z e of pipes , and d i rec t ion of flow, s h a l l be required, where applicable.

A preliminary plan of proposed

(m) P ro f i l e s : The Tyrone Township Planning C o d s s i a n s h a l l requi re , where appl icable , p ro f i l e s showing proposed s t r e e t grades, including extensions f o r a reasonable distance beyond the l i m i t of the proposed subdivision.

(n) Covenants: A description of t he pro tec t ive covenants on p r iva t e r e s t r i c t i o n s t o be incorporated i n the deeds.

. 222. Engineers Report EV& (?G&?"jab The preliminary application s h a l l be accompanied by an Engineer- __ -z_

(a) P r o f i l e of each street showing ex i s t ing ground lines and proposed grades.

(b) A t yp ica l cross-section of each type of roadway t o be b u i l t .

-10- [>\,


(c) The proposed type of surfacing f o r streets.

(d) Information regarding ex is t ing drainage systems i n the subdivision, both surface and underground, including the locat ion, s i ze , type and grade of drainage structures, storm sewers, drain t i l e and drainage ditches. The engineer's opinion s h a l l be expressed regarding the adequacy of such drainage f a c i l i t i e s , and the bas i s given for such conclusions.

(e) Information regarding proposed drainage systems i n the subdivision, both surface and underground, including the locat ion, s i ze , type and grade of drainage structures, storm sewers, d ra in t i l e and drainage di tches proposed t o be constructed, and the drainage areas they are designed for .

(f) The location of a l l water courses, bodies of water o r streams with t h e i r low and high water elevations. be United States Geological Survey D a t u m .

A l l elevat ions sha l l

(9) Sanitary sewers, e i t h e r i n place o r proposed, i f applicable.

(h) Results of s o i l tests which have been conducted throughout t he area t o detennina the a b i l i t y of the s o i l t o dispose of sewage wastes by seepage. Where grading is t o be done, such tests s h a l l be made i n the s o i l a f t e r f inished grade has been constructed. such tests s h a l l be made t o show a l l var iab le conditions which might exis t throughout the area under consideration.

A-su f f i c i en t number of

(i) A description of the water supply and sewage disposal Such f a c i l i t i e s which w i l l operate successfully i n the subdivision.

f a c i l i t i e s s h a l l be designed i n accordance with recognized san i ta ry engineering standards, and must take i n t o consideration a l l da ta i n t h i s report which has a bearing on these f a c i l i t i e s . In the event individual s ep t i c tanks are t o for a seepage bed based on the percolation t e s t s s h a l l be given.

be ins ta l led , the minimum area required per family

(j) A l l plans sha l l f u l f i l l the requirements f o r an erosion and sedimentation control plan -as provided under the Rules and Regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources.


231. General Information

The f i n a l application s h a l l contain the following general U

information i n addition to the data enumerated under Section 220:

P (a) Dedication of Land f o r Public U s e : The p l a t s h a l l have l e t t e r e d upon it a statement of dedication properly conveying a l l lands i -11- e il


dedicated fo r such publ ic uses a s s t r e e t s , a l l e y s , publ ic schools, parks o r any o ther publ ic use. of t i t l e ce r t i fy ing the ownership of a l l such lands t o be so dedicated by s a i d p l a t .

There s h a l l be attached t o the p l a t a c e r t i f i c a t e

(b) Monuments: Reference w i l l be made t o monuments se t up by the subdivider. These concrete o r stone monuments four (4 ) inches in diameter, o r square, th ree (3) f e e t long, with a f l a t top, marked with a one-half inch round brass pin, o r with a d r i l l e d hole, s h a l l be set a t a l l street corners, a t a l l points where the s t r e e t l i n e s i n t e r s e c t the ex te r io r boundaries of the subdivision, and a t angle poin ts , and poin ts of curve i n each s t r e e t . The top of the monument s h a l l have an indented cfoss t o iden t i fy the locat ion. Iron pipe not l e s s than three-fourths (3/4) inches i n diameter and twenty-four (24) inches-long s h a l l be set a t a l l o ther l o t corners. The loca t ion of concrete and i ron monuments s h a l l be noted on the p l a t .

(c) Curve Data: Complete curve data f o r a l l curves included i n the plan.

(d) Setback Lines: Front yard setback l i n e s , the minimum as f ixed by Section 334 and any other setback o r s t r e e t l i n e s es tabl ished


by these Regulations, o r by public au thor i ty , and those spec i f ied i n the deed r e s t r i c t ions .

(e) Final Prof i les : Final p r o f i l e s , cross-sections, and spec i f ica t ions f o r s t r e e t improvements, and san i ta ry and storm sewerage, and w a t e r d i s t r ibu t ion systems s h a l l be shown on one o r more separate sheets .

( f ) Ce r t i f i ca t e s , Etc.: A l l proper c e r t i f i c a t e s , a f f i d a v i t s , s ignatures and s e a l s as required by l a w s h a l l be affixed.

(9) The Final P l a t o r Record s h a l l be signed by a Registered Land Surveyor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and s h a l l bear the 'imprint of h i s s ea l .

232. Supportin5 Documents

The following supporting documents s h a l l a l s o be submitted i n conjunction with the f i n a l p lo t :

( a ) , Evidence showing t h a t a l l general taxes on the subdivision . b .

have been paid i n f u l l t o date, and t h a t a l l spec ia l t axes , o r assessments have been paid o r discharged i n f u l l o r t h a t the court under which sa id assessments were made has entered an order r ed i s t r ibu t ing the assessments aga ins t the land p l a t t ed .

(b) A copy of the Sales Contract shall be submitted, so the -12-


Tyrone Township Planning Commission can a sce r t a in t h a t it contains no provis ions i n conf l i c t with the p la t .

(c) A statement signed by the subdivider s e t t i n g for th the publ ic improvements he proposes t o make, together w i t h p lans , spec i f ica t ions and estimates of cos ts therefore . , .

(d) A duly completed and executed corporate completion bond posted w i t h the Township of Tyrone by the subdivider, i n an amount equal t o the estimate and c e r t i f i e d by the Township S o l i c i t o r a s good, va l id and enforceable by the Township, securing the s a t i s f a c t o r y completion of the P&l ic improvements i n s t r i c t accordance with the descr ipt ion, plans and spec i f ica t ions submitted by the subdivider and approved by the Tyrone Township Planning Conunission.

A c e r t i f i c a t i o n by the Township Engineer t h a t the improvements, u t i l i t i e s and f a c i l i t i e s have already been i n s t a l l e d o r

A c e r t i f i e d check, drawn on an approved bank, payable t o the Township, and adequate f o r the completion of these improvements, u t i l i t i e s , a nd f a c i l i t i e s .

ARTICLE I11 -- - - - _ . - _ _._I - - -



Section 310. STREETS

311. Relation t o Traf f ic P l a n

The s t r e e t and a l l ey layout s h a l l conform t o the Traffic Plan and t o any plans adopted by the a r o n e Township Planning Commission f o r the development of the neighborhood i n which the proposed subdivision is located and s h a l l provide access t o a l l l o t s and parce ls of land within the subdivision. Where s t r e e t s cross other s t r e e t s , o f f s e t s s h a l l not be created. The minimurn distance between center l ines of p a r a l l e l o r near ly p a r a l l e l s t r e e t s in te rsec t ing a cross s t r e e t from opposite d i rec t ions s h a l l be 250 fee t .

The arrangements of s t r e e t s s h a l l make provision fo r the d i r e c t continuation of the pr incipal ex is t ing streets i n adjoining subdivisions (or t h e i r proper projection when adjoining property is not subdivided) insofar as they may be necessary fo r publ ic requirements. I n general , such s t r e e t s s h a l l be of a width a t l e a s t a s grea t as the ex i s t ing s t r e e t s , and i n no case l e s s than the m i n i m u m requirement spec i f ied here in .



When the P l a t submitted fo r subdivision covers only a p a r t of the subdivider's t r a c t , a sketch of the prospective future street system of the p a r t submitted s h a l l be considered i n the l i g h t of adjustments and connections with the s t r e e t system o f p a r t not. subdivided.

When the t r a c t is subdivided i n t o l o t s of an acre o r more, t he Tyrone Township Planning C o d s s i o n s h a l l require an arrangement Of streets such as t o permit a l a t e r subdivision Ln conformity with the St ree t requirements specif ied i n these regulations.

I n general, s t r e e t s s h a l l not be l a i d out on the boundaries Of t he t r a c t , except where such s t r e e t s a re desirable for fur ther expansion o r conformance t o ex is t ing s t r e e t s o r where a previously dedicated ha l f - s t ree t adjoins the t r a c t , i n which case suffirzient addi t ional width of s t r e e t s h a l l be dedicated t o make the s t r e e t width conform t o the m i n i m u m requirements s p e d f i ed herein.

Proposed s t r e e t s sha l l be adjusted t o the contour of the land so as t o produce usable l o t s and s t r e e t s of reasonable gradient.

312. Intersections. I .

I n general, minor s t r e e t s should i n t e r s e c t main highways o r a r t e r i a l s t r e e t s a t r ight . angles. A s f a r a s i s pract icable , acute angles between s t r e e t s a t t h e i r intersections a r e t o be avoided and where a deflection angle of more than ten (10) degrees i n the street l i n e occurs a t any point between two in te rsec t ing s t r ee t s , a curve of reasonably long radius sha l l be introduced. Intersect ions of more than two (2) s t r e e t s a t one point s h a l l be avoided .

Clear s igh t t r iangles s h a l l be provided a t a l l s t r e e t intersect ions. No buildings o r obstructions are permitted i n the area and such s h a l l be established from a distance of 15 f e e t behind the edge of pavement t o - t he point;

Seventy-five (75) f ee t from the in te rsec t ion of centerlines for minor s t r e e t s .

One Hundred f i f t y (150) f e e t from the in te rsec t ion of centerlinen fo r a l l in tersect ions with major s t r e e t s .

313. Access. e 8

Each l o t s h a l l abut a public s t r e e t and each l o t s h a l l have a locat ion along the public right-of-way bordering the l o t tha t is sui table for a driveway. is a t l e a s t 75 f ee t of c lear s i g h t distance i n both direct ions entering a minor s t r e e t o r road, or a t l e a s t 150 f e e t of c l e a r s igh t distance i n both direct ions entering a major s t r e e t or road. from a point 15 f ee t behind the edge of pavement.

The driveway location s h a l l be deemed su i tab le i f there

S i g h t distance s h a l l be computed




314. S t r e e t Widths.

(a) Right-of-way Widths. Minimum s t r e e t right-of-way widths, measured from the l o t l i n e s , s h a l l be as shown on the Tra f f i c Plan approved by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission o r i f not shown thereon, s h a l l meet the following standards as per current Pennsylvania Department Of Transportation speci f i ca t ions :

The widths s h a l l be measured from curb t o curb and i n cases where topography o r o ther physical conditions make a s t r e e t of a required minimum width impracticable, the Tyrone Township Planning Commission may m o d i f y the above requirements.

Where a subdivision abuts or-contains an ex i s t ing o r proposed major t r a f f i c s t r e e t or a ra i l road , the Commission may require marginal access s t r e e t s , r ea r service a l leys , reverse frontage l o t s o r such other t rea tment as w i l l provide protection f o r abut t ing proper t ies , reduction i n the number of in te rsec t ions w i t h a major s t r e e t , and separations with the major s t r e e t and separation of l oca l and through t r a f f i c .

(b) Pavement Widths. Minimum payment widths s h a l l be measured from curb t o curb, where s t r e e t s a re t o be constructed with curbs and s h a l l be as shown on the Tra f f i c Plan, o r i f not shown thereon, s h a l l meet the following standards, as per current Pennsylvania Department of Transportation standards .

Except i n r e s iden t i a l areas exceeding 6 famil ies per ne t acre o r , business o r i ndus t r i a l areas , the width f o r Minor S t r e e t s s h a l l then be 50 f ee t .

315. S t r e e t Alignment.

S t r ee t s s h a l l be so l a i d out t h a t there w i l l be unobstructed s i g h t distances along the center l i nes thereof , measured from a point three and seventy-five hundredths (3.75) f e e t above the proposed grade l i n e , t o

. permit horizontal v i s i b i l i t y a s follows :

1. Major Traffic. S t r ee t s S ix hundred (600) f e e t 2 . Collector S t r ee t s Three hundred (300) f e e t 3. Minor S t r ee t s One Hundred f i f t y (150) f e e t

Between reversed curves on Major T ra f f i c S t r e e t s , a tangent of not l e s s than two hundred (200) f e e t s h a l l be provided. On Collector S t r e e t s such 'a tangent s h a l l not be l e s s than one hundred (100) fee t .

316. S t r ee t Grades.

(a) Center l i n e grades s h a l l not exceed the following:

1. Collector S t r e e t Seven percent (7%) 2 . Minor S t r e e t Ten percent (10%)



(b) Vert ical Curves. Shal l be used a t changes of grade exceeding one percent (1%) and s h a l l be designed i n r e l a t ion t o the ex ten t of the grade change and to provide the following minimum s ight distances :

1. Collector S t r ee t 2. Minor Street

Three hundred (300) f e e t One hundred (100) feet

(c) In te rsec t ion Grades. Where the grade on any street a t the approach t o an in te rsec t ion exceed seven percent ( 7 % ) , a level ing area s h a l l be provided having not greater than four percent ( 4 % ) grades for a distance of twenty-five (25) f ee t measured from the nearest right-of-way l i n e of the in te rsec t ing street.

(a) Minimum Grade. To provide f o r adequate drainage, the minimum grade of any street gut te r s h a l l be not less than one-half of one percent (0.5%).

317. Alleys .

Alleys w i l l not be approved i n r e s iden t i a l districts, but may be required where applicable i n o ther districts.

318. Dead-end St ree ts . (Cul-de-sacs)

Streets designed t o have one end permanently closed s h a l l not exceed one thousand f ive hundred (1,500) f e e t i n length and s h a l l provide a closed cul-de-sac having a minimum radius from the outside curb of f i f t y ( 5 0 ) feet . i t s e n t i r e width and s h a l l be without obstruct ions of any type so a s t o permit f ree vehiculai: t r a f f i c movement on any p a r t of its e n t i r e surface.

The turning circle of a cul-de-sac s h a l l be wholly paved f o r

319. Pr ivate Roads.

Private roads and streets s h a l l be permitted only when the subdivider submits su f f i c i en t evidence t o the Tyrone Township Planning Commission t h a t there can be no public i n t e r e s t i n such pr ivate road or street.

Section 320. BLOCKS. . .

(a) k n g t h . Residential biocks s h a l l o rd inar i ly not exceed s ix teen hundred (1,600) f e e t i n length, and commercial blocks, s i x hundred (600) f e e t , except f o r un i t shopping centers . Where a res ident ia l block exceeds sixteen hundred (1,600) f ee t i n length, a pedestrian right-of-way s h a l l be provided, approximately i n the center of t he block except where impaired by the na tura l t e r ra in .

(b) Width. Blocks s h a l l be of s u f f i c i e n t width t o permit t w o Exceptions t o t h i s prescribed block t i e rs of l o t s of appropriate depth.

w i d t h s h a l l be permitted i n blocks adjacent t o major s t r e e t s , ra i l roads or waterways. -16-


(c) S t r e e t Intersect ions. A, Col lec tor o r Minor S t r e e t i n t e r - s e c t i n g a Major Tra f f i c Street s h a l l have a minimum dis tance of 800 f e e t between center l i n e s , and the angle of i n t e r sec t ion s h a l l be at 90' where prac t icable but s h a l l not be l e s s than 7 0 ° , o r grea te r than 110'.

Section 330. LOTS.

331. Depth.

The minimum depth of l o t s s h a l l be two hundred f ee t . frontage and reversed frontage l o t s s h a l l be avoided except where necessary t o provide separation of r e s iden t i a l development from t r a f f i c a r t e r i a l s o r to overcome spec i f i c disadvantages of topography and or ien ta t ion .


332. Sideyards. + P

Sideyards s h a l l be required. s h a l l be a m i n i m u m 25% of the l o t width, and i n no case s h a l l the building be c lose r than f i f t e e n (15) f e e t to a s ide l o t l ine .

The combined sideyards of a l o t

y v 333. Arrangement.

Lb-\ On a l l l o t s , so f a r as is p rac t i cab le , the s ide l o t l i n e s s h a l l

be a t r i g h t angles t o s t r a i g h t street l i n e s , o r r a d i a l t o curved s t r e e t l i n e s , unless a var ia t ion to this ru l e w i l l give a b e t t e r s t r e e t and l o t plan.

334. Setback Lines. sk Building set-back l i nes s h a l l be es tab l i shed f o r a l l l o t s .

Corner l o t s s h a l l be l a i d ou t wide enough t o permit bui lding space back o f the bui lding l i n e of each s t r e e t .

Building set-back l i n e s , s h a l l be shown on the p l a t f o r l o t s intended for r e s iden t i a l use of any charac te r , and on commercial and i n d u s t r i a l l o t s immediately adjoining r e s i d e n t i a l areas.

The subdivider s h a l l e s t ab l i sh bui lding l i nes i n accordanqe with t h e needs of each subdivision, but i n no case s h a l l such building l i n e s be l e s s than f i f t y ( 5 0 ) f e e t from edge of right-of-way.

In a l l cases where a proposf2d'sddivision borders on o r includes a marked Federal o r S t a t e Highway, a minimum bui lding l i n e set-back of 75 f e e t from the right-of-way of the ex i s t ing o r proposed highway s h a l l be pro vided .

335. Lot Width and Area

(a) Residential l o t s s h a l l have a minimum area of forty-three -17-


.. . ..

thousand t w o hundred (43,200) square feet , and a minimum width areasured i n the shor t e s t distance a t the building l i n e , of one hundred f i f t y (150) fee t .

(b) Lots which are not served by public sewers and/or public w a t e r s h a l l conform t o the requirements of t he Pennsylvania Sewage fp

4%> F a c i l i t i e s A c t , A c t 537, a s amended, and as follows:

1. Single-Family Dwellings 43,200 square f e e t 2. lbo-Family Dwellings 52,000 square f e e t 3. L o t Width a t Building Line 150 f e e t


341. Easements.

A l l u t i l i t y easements s h a l l be 15 feet w i d e . Easements s h a l l be provided f o r a l l storm sewers, drainage di tches , and water courses.

342. Preservation of Natural Features.

The subdivider s h a l l plan the layout t o preserve the natural features of the s i t e t o the maximum exten t possible.

343. P u b l i c Open Spaces. -- - -

Where a proposed park, playground, school o r o ther public use shown i n the Comprehensive Plan of the Township o r County i s located i n whole o r i n p a r t i n a subdivision, the Tyrone Township Planning Commission may require dedicat ion 'or reservation of such area within the subdivision i n those cases i n which the Tyrone Township Planning Commission deems such requirement t o be reasonable. Where sa id a rea is not dedicated, it s h a l l be reserved fo r acquis i t ion by the Township.or County f o r a period Of one (1) year.

Where deemed essent ia l by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission upon consideration of the par t icu lar type of development proposed i n the subdivision, and espec ia l ly i n large scale subdivisions, the Tyrone Township Planning Commission may require the dedication o r reservation of such other areas o r sites of a character, extent , and locat ion su i t ab le t o the needs created by such development f o r schools, parks, and o ther neighborhood purposes. This' s h a l l normally comprise %about f ive percent ( 5 % ) of the gross area of $he subdivision, includino water areas. ments s h a l l be made f o r f ixing responsibi l i ty fo r continued maintenance of these areas. Where sa id area is not dedicated, it s h a l l be reserved f o r acquis i t ion by the Township o r County f o r a period of f ive (5) years.

Sui table arrange-

344. Character of Development.

The Tyrone Township Planning Commission shall confer with the subdivider regarding the type and character od development t h a t w i l l be permitted i n the subdivision, and may agree with the subdivider as to cer ta in



m i n i m u m deed r e s t r i c t i o n s o r covenant r e s t r i c t i o n s t o be placed upon t h e property t o prevent the construction of substandard buildings, and control the ype of s t ruc ture o r the use of the l o t s which, unless so controlled would c l e a r l y depreciate t he character and value of the proposed subdivision and of adjoining property.

345. Restr ic t ions.

The P l a t s h a l l show a statement of a l l r e s t r i c t ions to be imposed upon any p a r t o f s a i d subdivision.



The subdivider s h a l l a t h i s own expense provide the following public improvements which s h a l l meet minimum design and specif icat ion requirements of the Township of Tyrone, Pennsylvania.

The f i n a l p l a t of the subdivision s h a l l conform t o the following standards of Improvements :


401. Typ e.

a m e n t s shall be of concrete o r stone with a minimum s i z e of four (4 ) inches by four ( 4 ) inches by th i r ty - s ix (36) inches, and s h a l l be marked on top with a one-half inch round brass p in o r a d r i l l e d hole. Markers s h a l l cons is t of i ron pipes o r i ron o r s t e e l bars a t least twenty-four (24) inches long and not less than three-quarters (3/4) inch i n diameter.

402. Placement.

Monuments and markers s h a l l be placed so t ha t the scored o r marked point s h a l l coincide exactly w i t h t h e in te rsec t ion of l i n e s t o be marked, and s h a l l be se t so that top of the monument o r marker is l eve l with the surface of the surrounding ground.

Monuments s h a l l be set a t t he in te rsec t ion of a l l l i nes forming angles i n the boundary of t he subdiv5siwn;

Markers s h a l l be set:

(a) A t the beginning and ending of all curves along street property l i nes ;

(b) A t a l l points where l o t l i n e s in t e r sec t curves, either f ron t o r raar;



(c) A t a l l angles i n property l i n e s of l o t s ;

(d) A t a l l other l o t corners.

403. Replacements.

Any monuments o r markers t h a t are removed s h a l l be replaced by a competent engineer o r surveyor a t the expense of the person removing them.


411. Minimum Paving Requirements.

S t r e e t s s h a l l be graded, surfaced, and improved t o the grades and dimensions shown on plans, p r o f i l e s , and cross-sections submitted by the subdivider and approved by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission. A s a minimum, s t r e e t pavement s h a l l be i n accordance with Perm Dot's pavement spec i f ica t ions , which spec i f ica t ions w i l l be adopted by the Tyrone Township Supervisors following the enactment of t h i s Ordinance.


Required Pavement Construction - . -

Surface Type of S t r e e t Type Type

. - _ * . . - Collector B C

Required Pavement Construction Base Course Thickness ( in&

Minor-Marginal Access

(a) Three (3) inch ID.2 surface course i n acccrdance with Section 5.9 of Current Pa. Dept. of Highways spec i f ica t ions .

(b) Double application Surface Treatment according t o Penn Dot's specif icat ions.

(c) Stone base course i n accordance with Section 4.2of Pa. Dept. of Highways spec i f ica t ions , o r equal thereto.

. % . 412. Other improvements.


the current

gher type The wrone Township Planning Commission may require a h of pavement than spec i f ied i n Table I , o r improvements i n addi t ion t o those set fo r th i n the t ab le , where it deems such t o be necessary because of prospectivE t r a f f i c sa fe ty of pedestrians i n connection with sidewalks, o r i n order t o conform t o conditions prevai l ing i n the neighborhood, i n which l a t t e r case the neighborhood s t a n d a d s h a l l generally apply. Crosswalks,may be required



when deemed necessary by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission.

(a) Sub-surface Drainage. P r i o r t o placing the s t r e e t surface, adequate sub-surface drainage, fo r the s t r e e t s and a l l sub-surface u t i l i t i e s as acceptable t o the Tyrone Township Planning Commission s h a l l be provided o r i n s t a l l e d by the subdivider.

(b) Slopes. Slopes of banks measured perpendicular t o center l i n e of the s t r e e t s h a l l no t exceed three (3) t o one (1) f o r f i l l s , and two (2) t o one (1) cuts .

I n a l l respects i n which standards fo r required improvements a r e not set for th herein o r spec i f ied by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission hereunder, the applicable standard requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation s h a l l govern, and a l l work s h a l l be performed i n the manner prescribed i n the standard spec i f ica t ions f o r road construction of said Department f o r type of construction under consideration.

413. Approval, Maintenance and.Security.

The work of constructing s t r e e t s o r roads, including the construction methods and materials inc ident there to , s h a l l be subject t o the approval of the Township Engineer. roads s h a l l r e s t with the Board of Township Supervisors. The subdivider s h a l l en t e r i n to a cont rac t with i3e Board of Township Supervisors which provides t h a t i n consideration of the acceptance of the roads or s t r e e t s f o r inclusion i n the Township highway system, the subdivider agrees t o construct the roads o r s t r e e t s i n the ’ subd iv i s ion . to the standards prescribed herein a t h i s own expense with no cos t t o the Township.

Final acceptance of the completed streets 6r

In the event t h a t the owner o r subdivider des i res t o complete the construction of the s t r e e t s a f t e r the P l a t is placed on record, he s h a l l be required t o submit a cost estimate prepared by a Registered Professional Engineer s e t t i n g for th a l l types of work t o be performed and the estimated cost . Said estimate s h a l l be subject t o the approval of the

. Township Engineer. A c e r t i f i e d check o r Contract Performance Bond issued by a Surety Company, subjec t t o the approval of the Board of Township Supervisors, i n an amount equal t o the approval estimate t o insure the completion of the work s h a l l be f i l e d with the Board of Township Supervisors. All construction items s h a l l be completed w i t h i n one year a f t e r the P l a t is placed on record, except where bituminous paving construction is required. When b i t d n o u s construction is requi’red, it s h a l l be completed within two years a f t e r , t h e P l a t is placed on record.

The c e r t i f i e d check s h a l l be made payable t o the Township. I n the event the work is s a t i s f a c t o r i l y completed within the t i m e spec i f ied , t he c e r t i f i e d check o r Surety Bond s h a l l be returned.

f The owner o r subdivider s h a l l be required t o maintain a l l



.* . .

culver t s , di tches , backslopes, and shoulders on a l l streets f o r a period of two years a f t e r t h e i r completion. t u r f o r sod has.not been developed s h a l l be reseeded o r sodded. estimate of cos t s h a l l be prepared by a Registered Professional Engineer s e t t i n g for th a13 items of work t o be performed and the estimated cost. Said estimate s h a l l be subjec t to the approval of the Township Engineer. The Owner o r subdivider s h a l l deposit with the Board of Township Supervisors a c e r t i f i e d check o r Performance Bond issued by a Surety Company i n an amount of not less than the cost of maintaining s a i d streets fo r a period of two years.

~ l l exposed surfaces on which a An


Section 420. SEWERS.

Where the publ ic sani tary sewer system, i n the opinion of the Tyrone Township Planning Commission i s reasonably accessible, san i ta ry idewers s h a l l be i n s t a l l e d t o adequately serve a l l lots with connections t o the public system. Where l o t s cannot be served by the extension of an ex i s t ing public san i ta ry sewer, the subdivider s h a l l obtain approval Of l o t s i zes as provided i n Section 330 etc. hereof. I n addition, individual s e p t i c tanks and disposal fields, and/or neighborhood disposal systems, s h a l l be approved by t h e S ta t e Department of Environmental Resources.

Section 430. WATER.

The subdivider s h a l l provide the subdivision with a cpmplete water main supply system when applicable which s h a l l be connected t o a municipal water supply, o r with a community water supply system approved by the Township Engineer and the Pennsylvania State Department of Environ- mental Resources with sa t i s f ac to ry provision for the maintenance thereof i except, t h a t when such municipal or community water supply is not avai lable , t he subdivider s h a l l show t h a t a water supply is avai lable i n the subdivision i n accordance with minimum standards approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources.

The plan f o r the ins t a l l a t ion of the mains of a water supply -system s h a l l be prepared by the subdivider with the cooperation of the applicable Water U t i l i t y Company and approved by the Township Engineer. Upon completion of the water supply i n s t a l l a t i o n , one copy each of the plans for such system as b u i l t s h a l l be f i l e d with the Tyrone Township Planning Commission.

Section 4 4 0 . ' STORM DRAINAGE. . . . An adequate storm sewer system consis t ing of i n l e t s and o ther

underground drainage r t ruc tures with approved o u t l e t s s h a l l be constructed where the control of storm water and the prevention of erosion cannot be accomplished s a t i s f a c t o r i l y by surface drainage f a c i l i t i e s . O u t l e t s s h a l l be approved by the owners of the propert ies affected and by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission.



Section 450. CURB AND GUTTER.

Curbs and gu t t e r s where required i n the public i n t e r e s t by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission s h a l l be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete o r stone and may be of the following types: P l a n , Cement, Stone, o r Bituminous.

Section 460. SIDEWALKS.

Sidewalks where required i n t h e publ ic i n t e re s t by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission s h a l l be i n s t a l l e d and s h a l l have a m i n i m u m width of four (41 f e e t , except tha t sidewalks serving apartment houses o r proposec commercial a reas s h a l l be wider if deemed necessary by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission. Sidewalks may be of t h e following three types:

(a1 Concrete, 4" i n thickness, 1:2 1/4:3 placed on 4" cinder, o r crushed stone.

(bl ID-2 Bituminous material, Section 5.9 of t h e current.Penna. Department of Highways Specif icat ions, 2" i n thickness placed on 4 " of '

cinder , o r crushed stone.

(c) Cut Flag Stone, 2" i n thickness placed on 4" of cinder, o r crushed stone.


S t r e e t l i g h t s may be required as appl icable t o the Pennsylvania C l a s s Township Code by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission. s h a l l be required wherever there is a w a t e r supply system, as per t he Pennsylvania Second C l a s s Township Code.

F i r e hydrants


Upon completion of the improvements i n a subdivision, plans and p ro f i l e s of the same as constructed s h a l l be f i l e d with the Tyrone Township Planning Commission.


Required improvements s h a l l be i n s t a l l e d by the subdivider, under the supervision of t h e Township,Eogineer. s h a l l be no t i f i ed 72 hours i n advance of construction of required improvements.

Tyrone Township Supervisors



Section 500. EXCEPTIONS.

510. Large Scale Developments. The general p r inc ip les of design and t h e minimum requirements



for t h e laying out of subdivisions, s t i pu la t ed in Article I11 Of these Regulations, may be varied by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission in case of a subdivision la rge enough to cons t i t u t e a more o r less self-contained neighborhood t o be developed i n accordance with a comprehensive plan safeguarded by appropriate r e s t r i c t ions , which i n t he judgment of the Tyrone Township Planning Commission has made adequate provision for a l l e s s e n t i a l community requirements; provided, however, t h a t no modification s h a l l be granted by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission which would c o n f l i c t with the proposals of the o f f i c i a l T ra f f i c Plan, o r with other features of any adopted long-range plan of the Township of Tyrone, o r B l a i r County, o r the Planned Residential Development A c t , or with the i n t e n t and purpose of sa id general p r inc ip les of design and minimum requirement.

520. Hardship.

In any pa r t i cu la r case where t h e subdivider of h i s engineer can show by plan and wr i t ten statement t h a t , by reason of exceptional togographic or other physical conditions, s tr ict compliance w i t h any requirement of these Regulations would cause p rac t i ca l d i f f i c u l t y or exceptional and undue hardship, the Tyrone Township Planning Commission may r e l ax such requirements t o the extent deemed j u s t and proper, so as t o r e l i e v e such d i f f i c u l t y or hardship; provided such relief may be granted without detriment t o the public good and without impairing the in t en t and purpose of these Regulations or the des i rab le general development of t h e neighborhood and the community i n accordance with any adopted long-range plan. minutes of theTyrone Township Planning Commission s e t t i n g fo r th the reasons which, i n the opinion of t he Tyrone Township Planning Commission, j u s t i f i e d the modif iqat ion.

Any modification thus granted s h a l l be entered in t he




Words used i n the present tense include the fu ture ; the singular number s h a l l include the p lu ra l , and the p lu ra l the s ingular ; the word used s h a l l include: arranged, designed, constructed, altered, converted, rented, leased, o r intended to be used; the word s h a l l is mandatory and not optional; and t h e word abut s h a l l include the words d i r e c t l y across from.

- 8 '


A l l plans and specif icat ions and contracts fo r public improvements required by .these Regulations sha l l be approved by the Township Board of Supervisors and the Township Engineer.


A l l public improvements to be made under t h e provisions of these -24-


1 ,


Regulations s h a l l be made under the d i rec t ion and representa t ive appointed by the Tyrone Township Planning Coxmnission. s a l a r y and o ther expenses, i n connection w i t h the s a i d inspection, s h a l l be paid f o r by the subdivider.

Sect ion 630. VARIATIONS.

approval of a competent The

The Tyrone Township Planning Commission may approve var ia t ions from these requirements i n spec i f i c cases which do not a f f e c t the general plan o r t he sp i r i t oc these Regulations. t o the Board of Township Supervisors i n wri t ing w i t h the reasons therefor before f i n a l approval of the plan.

A l l such va r i a t ions shall be communicated

Section 640. VALIDITY.

If any sec t ion , caluse, paragraph, regulat ion of provision of these Regulations is found invalid by a cour t of proper ju r i sd ic t ion , such judgment shal l not a f f e c t , impair, inva l id tee or n u l l i f y the remainder of these Regulations, but only the provision found inve l id by the court .

Section 650. ENFORCEMENT.

I t s h a l l be the duty of the Tyrone Township Planning Comission, Township Supervisors and/or t h e i r designated Inspector of t he Township of Tyrone to enforce these Regulations.




Sn the event that any improvements which may be required have not been in s t a l l ed as provided i n the subdivison and land development ordinance o r i n accord with the f i n a l p l a t , the governing body of the municipality is hereby granted the power to enforce any corporate bond, or other securi ty by appropriate l ega l and equitable remedies. s ecu r i ty a r e in su f f i c i en t to pay the cos t of i n s t a l l i n g o r making repairs or correct ions t o a l l the improvements covered by sa id secur i ty , the governing body of t h e municipality may, a t i ts ?p$iop, i n s t a l l p a r t of such improvements i n a l l o r part of the subdivision o r land development and may i n s t i t u t e appropriate lega l o r equitable action t o recover t h e moneys necessary to complete the remainder of the improvements. A l l of t he proceeds, whether r e su l t i ng from the secur i ty o r from any l ega l o r equi table act ion brought aga ins t the developer, or both, sha l l be used so le ly f o r t he i n s t a l l a t i o n of the improvements covered by such security, and not f o r and other municipal purposes.

I f proceeds of such bond, o r other

Section 710. PENALTIES.

Any person, partnership, o r corporation who o r which being the -25-




owner or agent of the owner of any l o t , t ract o r parcel of land s h a l l l ay out , construct, open o r dedicate any s t reet , san i ta ry sewer, s t o m sewer, water main o r o ther improvements for public use, t r ave l o r o ther purposes or for the common use of occupants of buildings abut t ing thereon, o r who sells, t r ans fe r s or agrees-or en ters i n t o an agreement t o sel l any land i n a subdivision or land development whether by reference t o o r by o ther use of a p l a t of such any building thereon, unless and u n t i l a f i n a l p l a t has been prepared i n f u l l compliance with the provisions of these Regulations, and has been recorded a s provided herein, s h a l l be gu i l ty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, such person,.or the members of such partnership, or the o f f i c e r s of such corporation, o r the agent of any of them, responsible f o r such violat ion, pay a f i n e ,not exceeding per l o t or parcel o r per ddlellihg within each l o t or parcel. co l lec ted fo r such v io la t ions s h a l l be paid over t o the Township of Tyrone. The descr ipt ion by metes and bohdsrin t he instrument of t ransfer o r other document used in the process of se l l i g or t ransfer r ing shall not exempt the seller or t ransferor f r o m such pe a al t ies or from the remedies herein provided.

Section 720. EFFECTIVE DATE.

subdivision o r land development o r erect

one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) A l l f i nes

'I' i * * . . This Ordinance shall'become e f f ec t ive immediately following t h e

d . J = , , enactment of the same. I

I N WITNESS WHEREOF, w e hereunto s e t our hands and corporate seal t h i s day of b t A984. ;! *' r

c' 4.

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