Type Portrait

Walter Disney Type Portrait Illustration by Saint Christopher Monterroso


Poster of Walt Disney

Transcript of Type Portrait

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Walter DisneyType Portrait Illustration by Saint Christopher Monterroso

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Type Portrait Illustration -- Saint Christopher Monterroso -- GD202


Walter Disney, co-founder of the Walt Disney Company, was born on December 5, 1901. “He was an American motion-picture and television producer and showman, famous as a pioneer of cartoon films and as the creator of Disneyland” (“Biography.com”). Inside of the California Disneyland, opened in 1955, he had a place where he would stay above the firehouse. Since his passing in 1966 no member of the public has been able to set foot inside of the Victorian styled home. However, in honor of the 50th year since Walter Disney’s passing Disneyland will allow the public and media a limited time guided tour through his Anaheim residence.


The goal is to create a poster in which conveys all the necessary information for the upcoming event. This poster should provide facts that get the viewer interested in learing more on their own and call attention to the presale of tickets.

Target Audience

The demographics for this tour will be: evenly male and female, income of ~ $45,000, aged 24 - 36 years old, primarily white and hispanic, educational level of some college or higher.

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Increasingly people are developing shorter and shorter attention spans so viewers might not want to engage with a freestanding poster for too long. This could lead to audience members missing out on vital information if there is too much of it.

Key Benefit

The largest benefit that audience members are provided by viewing this poster will be that all the vital information surrounding this event is given to them in one concise location.

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Support Statements

Creating a poster and flyer combination for an event like this is important because it is a good way to get exposure to the people who do not actively go online looking for new Disneyland events. The more people who know equally influences the number of people who attend this event. By creating these promotional pieces we be able to deliever all the necessary event information in one completely concise location, thus eliminating additional work from audience members.


The actual artwork will be displayed on flyers and movie size posters found at California’s Disneyland. The flyer will be a standard 8.5” x 11” sheet of paper while the movie sized poster will be 27” x 40” sheet.

Creative Considerations

In the making of these items it should be made sure that all the vital text is clearly legible. In addition to this all the support text should be also legible without excessive amount of effort.


The overall feeling that should be conveyed by this set of pieces should be of a lighter nature. It should not be too emotional because people come to Disneyland amusement parks to have fun.

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Works Cited

Nichols, Charlie. Walter Elias Disney Smiling Portrait.

N.d. deviantart.comWeb. 09 Oct 2012.



Texture. N.d. gimpforphotos.comWeb. 3 Nov 2012. <http://www.gimpforphotos.com/tutorial- intermediate/age-a-photo/texture.jpg>.

TheDrifterWithin, . Walt Disney Wallpaper. 2012.

deviantart.comWeb. 2 Nov 2012.



”Walt Elias Disney.” Biography.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 28

Oct 2012.

