Tybalt custody battle project

By: Bethany Butler

Transcript of Tybalt custody battle project

Page 1: Tybalt custody battle project

By: Bethany Butler

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Aul vs. Butler

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The Beginning This all started when my ex decided to move out. For a

couple of months he didn’t even pay any attention to our baby boy. Now, all of a sudden he decided that he wants custody of “his” son. It makes me sick. No one can take my baby away from me. I won’t let this happen.

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Stage 21Here is my baby Tybalt before the first day of court. He was so scared. I told him everything would be okay and not to worry because I didn’t want anything to risk the development of his little brain.

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Stage 24

My baby’s heart rate is now 76 beats per minute! Also, today is our second day of court. I’ve decided not to take Tybalt with us. It might be too painful for him to see his father act like complete barbarian. I honestly don’t know what I ever saw in him.

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Stage 30I don’t know how much longer that this can go on! Since we aren’t done with the case yet the court has ordered visitation with his father until further notice! I can not let that bumbling fool be any influence at all on my son! Tybalt now has a bladder and when he pees his father won’t even change him. That’s it! I’m applying for full custody of MY son.

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Stage 32

Tybalt and I are so excited! You can actually see his bladder and fully developed heart champers! My baby also has red blood flow! I’m so proud of him!

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Stage 33Little Tybalt is having so much fun being home with mommy and away from his mean daddy. It makes me so happy to see him happy. I hope that the court comes to their senses and never makes him go back there again.

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Stage 35

Today is the last time that I have to go to court. After today everything will be final. I really hope that I get the full custody that I deserve. My lawyers tricks were pretty convincing and his tactics worked well. Although that is the least I expected from the best lawyer money can buy.

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Stage 34-35I did it! I did it! I got full custody of my baby! I knew I would win but I was still terrified that my ex would try and pull one of his tricks and find and excuse to make them change their minds. I am so happy! I now have my baby boy all to myself!

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This is such a sad day. My little boy is growing up! I’m sad and happy at the same time.

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Changed My Mind. I know that I have full custody of my baby but I have

decided to let him visit his father. I want my baby to have a healthy relationship with both of his parents. I’m still not comfortable with leaving him at his fathers for a long amount of time, a day or two at the most. In time I hope it will get better.

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He’s Getting Married! The other day Tybalt told his father and I that he is

engaged to be married to Rosaline! I am excited for our son on the other hand my ex is kind of worried about the whole thing. I’m sure, as usual, he is going to rant about it at some point.