txt to xls lisp

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Transcript of txt to xls lisp

Re: Export Text To ExcelOptions06-15-2009 04:29 AMin reply to:parwezLisp One - By Lee Mac (http://www.cadtutor.net)

(defun c:txt2xl (/ fPath fName ofile doc ss)(vl-load-com)

(setq fPath "C:\\")(setq fName "test.csv")

(if (vl-file-directory-p fPath)(progn(setq ofile (open (strcat fPath fName) "a"))(vlax-for doc (vla-get-Documents(vlax-get-Acad-Object))(if (setq ss (ssget "_X" '((0 . "MTEXT,TEXT"))))(mapcar(function(lambda (x)(write-line x ofile)))(mapcar(function(lambda (x)(cdr (assoc 1 (entget x)))))(mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex ss)))))(setq ss nil))(close ofile))(princ "\n Filename Does not Refer to Valid Directory "))(princ))


Lisp Two - By Pedro Miguel da Silva Ferreira (www.cadalyst.com)

;;;Cadalyst CAD Tips www.cadalyst.com/cadtips December 2008 (c) by the Author and Cadalyst

;;;Author: Pedro Miguel da Silva Ferreira Email [email protected] or [email protected];;;Web page: http://pwp.netcabo.pt/pedro_ferreira;;;Location: Portugal, Lisboa;;;RDS: PMSF;;;Command Name: txt2xls;;;Date: 10 of May 2008;;;Version: 1.0;;;Description: Visual Lisp Routine that writes to an excel file the selected text

(defun c:txt2xls ()(vl-load-com)(init-excel)(selecttext)(princ))

(defun selecttext ()(princ "\nSelect text: ")(setq pt1 (getpoint "\nSpecify first corner: "))(setq pt2 (getcorner pt1 "Specify opposite corner:"))(setq sstext (ssget "_w" pt1 pt2 '((0 . "text"))))(setq lengthsstext (sslength sstext))(setq count 0)(setq textlist nil)(repeat lengthsstext(setq Text (vlax-ename->vla-object(cdr (car (entget (ssname sstext count)))))TextPoint (vlax-get-property Text 'insertionpoint)textString (vlax-get-property Text 'textstring)listText (append(vlax-safearray->list (vlax-variant-value textpoint))(list textstring))textlist (append textlist (list listtext))count (1+ count)))

(alert"Length and Heigth error calculation, select two entities in the same column!")(setq pt1 (vlax-safearray->list(vlax-variant-value(vlax-get-property(vlax-ename->vla-object(cdr (car (entget (car (entsel))))))'insertionpoint))))(setq pt2 (vlax-safearray->list(vlax-variant-value(vlax-get-property(vlax-ename->vla-object(cdr (car (entget (car (entsel))))))'insertionpoint))))(setq calY (- (abs (- (cadr pt1) (cadr pt2))) 0.001)calX (- (abs (- (car pt1) (car pt2))) 0.001))

(setqfuzzY (getreal(strcat "\nHeigth error value , select other: ")))(if (= fuzzY nil)(setq fuzzY calY))(setqfuzzX (getreal(strcat "\nLength error value , select other: ")))(if (= fuzzX nil)(setq fuzzX calX))

;;;ordenado por x(setq textlist(vl-sort textlist(function (lambda (e1 e2)(< (car e1) (car e2))))))

(setq textlistlength (length textlist))(setq count 0)(setq countcol 1)(while (< count textlistlength)(progn(setq smalllist (nth count textlist)valuex (car (nth count textlist))nextvaluex (car (nth (1+ count) textlist)))(setq smalllist (subst (itoa countcol) valuex smalllist))(setq textlist (subst smalllist (nth count textlist) textlist))(while (equal nextvaluex valuex fuzzX)(progn(setq count (1+ count))(setq smalllist (nth count textlist)valuex (car (nth count textlist))nextvaluex (car (nth (1+ count) textlist)))(setq smalllist (subst (itoa countcol) valuex smalllist))(setqtextlist (subst smalllist (nth count textlist) textlist))(if (= nextvaluex nil)(setq nextvaluex (1+ valuex)))

))(if (> nextvaluex valuex)(progn(setq count (1+ count))(setq countcol (1+ countcol))))))

;;;ordenado por y(setq textlist(vl-sort textlist(function (lambda (e1 e2)(> (cadr e1) (cadr e2))))))

(setq textlistlength (length textlist))(setq count 0)(setq countrow 1)(while (< count textlistlength)(progn(setq smalllist (nth count textlist)valuey (cadr (nth count textlist))nextvaluey (cadr (nth (1+ count) textlist)))(setq smalllist (subst (itoa countrow) valuey smalllist))(setq textlist (subst smalllist (nth count textlist) textlist))(while (equal nextvaluey valuey fuzzY)(progn(setq count (1+ count))(setq smalllist (nth count textlist)valuey (cadr (nth count textlist))nextvaluey (cadr (nth (1+ count) textlist)))(setq smalllist (subst (itoa countrow) valuey smalllist))(setqtextlist (subst smalllist (nth count textlist) textlist))(if (= nextvaluey nil)(setq nextvaluey (1+ valuey)))))(if (< nextvaluey valuey)(progn(setq count (1+ count))(setq countrow (1+ countrow))))))

(setq textlistlength (length textlist))(setq count 0)(while (< count textlistlength)(progn(setq colstring (cadddr (nth count textlist)))(setq posx (atoi (car (nth count textlist)))posy (atoi (cadr (nth count textlist))))(write-row-column posy posx colstring)(setq count (1+ count))))


;;;-------------------;;;(defun init-excel (/ excel-app wb-collection workbook sheets sheet1)(setq excel-app (vlax-create-object "excel.application"))(setq wb-collection (vlax-get excel-app "workbooks"))(setq workbook (vlax-invoke-method wb-collection "add"))(setq sheets (vlax-get workbook "sheets"))(setq sheet1 (vlax-get-property sheets "item" 1))(setq *excel-cells* (vlax-get sheet1 "cells"))(vlax-put excel-app "visible" 1))

(defun write-row-column (row col x)(vlax-put-property*excel-cells*"item"rowcol(vl-princ-to-string x)))

(alert"Type [txt2xls] in the command line\n\nAuthor: Pedro Ferreira\nweb page: http://pwp.netcabo.pt/pedro_Ferreira\n\nTHIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\" AND WITH ALL FAULTS.\n\nPress OK to continue.")
