Two’s News

Two’s News January 2006 Upcoming Events… Chinese New Year To celebrate the Chinese New Year, the entire second grade hosts a variety of activities and a grade-level pot-luck buffet. This event will occur on Wednesday, January 25th. We will need parents to guide activities in the morning (8:15-9:45). Calligraphy, games, and paper punching art will be offered. Please contact your room parent in order to contribute your time or cooking talents to this You must be the change you wish to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi It is quite easy to get swept away in holiday hype and like the legendary Grinch, forget the true meaning of the season. As the holiday sparks, it is important to remember that TAS is an international community and as such, we honor cultural diversity. Please take an opportunity this season to educate your child about the many spiritual beliefs present in our school environment. Some celebrations to highlight may include: Diwali, Hanukkah, Next page Holiday Reminder Science Times “Solid” Science learning happening in Grade 2!!! Gr.2 classrooms are abuzz with scientific investigating as our students learn about the distinct properties of solids and liquids that separate them as two states of matter. At present we are testing the results of mixing a range of solids with water. Ask your young scientists to explain their investigations to you and what they are discovering!!


Upcoming Events… Chinese New Year - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Two’s News

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Upcoming Events…

Chinese New Year

To celebrate the Chinese New Year, the entire second grade hosts a variety of activities and a grade-level pot-luck buffet. This event will occur on Wednesday, January 25th. We will need parents to guide activities in the morning (8:15-9:45). Calligraphy, games, and paper punching art will be offered. Please contact your room parent in order to contribute your time or cooking talents to this celebration.

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.Mahatma Gandhi

It is quite easy to get swept away in holiday hype and like the legendary Grinch, forget the true meaning of the season. As the holiday sparks, it is important to remember that TAS is an international community and as such, we honor cultural diversity. Please take an opportunity this season to educate your child about the many spiritual beliefs present in our school environment. Some celebrations to highlight may include: Diwali, Hanukkah, Christmas, Chinese New Year, Kwanzaa, and Ramadan. Next page

Holiday Reminder Science Times

“Solid” Science learning happening in Grade 2!!!

Gr.2 classrooms are abuzz with scientific investigating as our students learn about the distinct properties of solids and liquids that separate them as two states of matter. At present we are testing the results of mixing a range of solids with water. Ask your young scientists to explain their investigations to you and what they are discovering!!

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Field Day

Despite the rain, field day was a huge success! Here are some observations from some grade two participants:

Rob the Nest was fun because we had to take off our shoes. We had to find our shoes. Whoever got their shoes back won the game.

Shaun Lin

My favorite game was Sink the Ship because if someone hit all our pins then we had to run in the painted blue river. I loved to run. It was very fun!!

Jubi Lin

As we enter 2006, the year of the dog, we wish you and your family peace and joy in

this season of sharing.

The Grade Two Teaching Team

New Year Fun!Ideas to motivate children…….

Excerpts from Bonnie Campbell Hill

Talk about characters from books, movies and television programs.

Subscribe to children’s magazines, such as Kid City, Ranger Rick, or Contact Kids.

Play word games such as Boggle, Hangman, or Junior Scrabble.

Begin to read series books. If you read a few together, children will often read the rest of the series on their own.

Read poems, ,magazines, cartoons, recipes, maps, and nonfiction, as well as fiction.


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Grade Two Photo Gallery
