TWO MEN NECESSARY TO CARRY .WOMAN FRO3I FIRE Madam Hanson, who conducts a vapor bathing: establishment at 116 Taylor street, was saved from death in a fire last nigrht try Jake Harris, a clerk in. the County Clerk's office.; The house in which . she was caught .fire and in the excitement the wqmari be- came so terrified that she was unable to get out of her rooms. - ' . Harris was passing, and, hearing her screams, ran to her rescue. Although there was no fire near her, the womaa seemed "paralyzed with fear. Her res- cuer tried to carry her out into the street,' but her avoirdupois* was too much for him. Policeman. O'Connor came to the rescue and between them they removed the frightened woman to a place Of safety. The blaze, which was small, was put out In a' few. minutes by the Fire Department, The damage will .not ex- ceed 1100. Madam Hanson Becomes Excited and ' She Is RemoTed to Place of Safety With' Difficulty. ' Charles* Williams. 114 Harriet street, hacked himself about the head with a dull : ax thirty-seven times yesterday afternoon and -then 'jabbed a pair' of shears into' his breast. Notwithstand- lng-his efforts to end his life, WUllaina was but alls— tlv irdurcd. Tries Hard to Die. THE . SAN :FRANCISCO; GALL, ; TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1903. 15 A FEW .SPECIAL UPKIGHT PIANO'BAR- GAINS:- Collard. $35; Emerson, $C5; Fllsper, $70; Miller, $175; Chickering, $167: American. $1C5: Heine, $235; Haynes, $150; Steinway, $185; Steinway, .large style, $325,- and fifty others. Kcnts, $2 up; installments,. $4 up. HEINE PIANO CO.. 235-237 Geary street: Oakland branch. Fifteenth and Broadway, old P. O. bldg. WE rent the best piano in the city for $3 per ' month ; we allow eIx months' ' rental and cartage (?2Q) off purchase price, thus giving j you a s'.x months' trial of the instrument for nothing; our terms and prices cannot be equaled in San Francisco. 6COTT-CURTAZ " PIANO CO.. 5C0-64 Hayes st. A FINE lot of second-hand uprights from $30 up. including -tuch nickes as. Chlckering. Vc«e. Krotger. (turtaz, Klrkham, Pease. HarCman, Marshall & Wendell. Bau* and others. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON. 16 O* Far- tell tt. No branches in San . Francisco. ' * LOW prices, easy terms and good coods are what we offer; Behr Bros., Baumeister pianos and Simplex Piano Players are what you want. Call and select now. THE ZENO MAUVAIS MUSIC COMPANY, 7(50 Market. , A TREMENDOUS sacrifice; unredeemed stor- age pianos and furniture selling to pay stor- age; dirt'eheap. Whitehead's Storage, 1636 Market st. Open evenings. BAND Instruments; F. Becson. Paris, maker; Gu« Maiwald. Art. Pac. Coast. 278 O'Farrell; skillful repairing; Sd-hand instruments sold. ALMOST cheaper than firewood; storage pianos & furniture. Hi*}C Market st. Open evenings. ALMOST new upright; cheap: cash or install- ment. ECHMITZ - CO.. 16 McAllister st. 1 A STECK upright mahocany. nearly new; must be sold. . 21ft McAllister Ft. BEAUTIFUL 3-pedal Steinway upright piano; perfect order; sacrifice. Keeffe's.2S5 O'Farrell. EOHMER, Byron Mauzy pianos. Cedllan piano player. BYRON MAUZY. 308-312 Post st. SUPERIOR violins, zithers, old and new. . H. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. CHEAPEST and beet In America— The Weekly Call. 1*5 pages, sent to any address In the TTnited Ft.ite* or Canada one year for $1. j PERSOXALS. - A SPECIAL LOW RATE. 30 DAYS ONLY— >. M. ELLA HARRIS. To all whom I have made prices to since Jan. 1 1993. & for the ensuing 30 days only. I v. ni make a liberal reduction from all prices for my special deep-wrinkle treatment. The lady who has been on exhibition In the drug More windows may be f?en at my office this week from 10 to 5. in order to ac- commodate those who. have requested to ex- amine the face more thoroughly in private. M. ELLA HARRIS. TS1 O'Farrell St.. near Larkin. Call or write for book explaining method^ > I THE Star Hair Remedy restores gray hair. Im- proves its growth, stops Tailing, cures dandruff srd itching scalp; no stain or stickiness; I cleanses scalp; at druggists', hairdressers' ; ac- cept no substitute. Star Remedy Co.. 1338 Polk. WILL. MIS.S EMILY CULLEN, who formerly -worked for Col. Meade, also 90S Sutter and !> O'Farrell sts., come to Presidio and see Mrs. Col. Morris, house No. 22? I IX> hereby notify the public that I, J. F. PTl*LL, will no longer, be responsible for <ic!»ts contracted by my wife, MRS. J. F. STULL^ J. F. STULL. NOT how cheap but how rood Is the motto of the manufacturers of the Rapid Rotary Standard, the eewing-machlne of to-day. J. > W. EVANS, agent. 1021 Market st. ! PHYSICIAN. 15 years' experience, cures per* manently morphine, cocaine ¦ habit. Call or eddress Central Pharmacy. 251 Grant ave., corner Sutter St.: fee moderate. . I LIQUOR habit cured in 2 days or no charges; i guaranteed. Acme LSquor Cure Co., 997 Mar- ket st.. room 203; phone_ South 751. ¦ I AT lese than cost, uncalled for suits, overcoats trousers at CHARLES LYONS'. London Tailor. 721 Market st. 1 ELEGANT suits on easy installments; 50 cents and up per week. LEON LEMOS. 1127. Mar- ket el., between Seventh and- Eighth. i . _________—__—_—_—__—— DANCING Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday. Sun- day evgs.. Teutcnia Hall, Howard . St., nr. Bth: Prof. Foster; society dancing taught. I FINK p^nuiti" diamonds, watches, jewelry cheap- rr than anywhere. A. A. Ritter. 237 Kearny. MASQUERADE coMi'm»*. play book*, wigs; country crJFrs. GOLDSTEIN & CO.. 733 Mkt. SUITS to order on Installments. $1 per week. , Neuhaus _ Co., mercb. tailors. 727-729 Market. SUPERFLUOUS hatr - moles removed by elec- tric neejle. Dr. & Mrs. Traverse. .1170 Market. THE bert place to buy good umbrellas or have them covered or repaired Is 120 Stockton et. .TAILOR-MADE EUit $7 50; dress pants $2 50. Misfit Clothing Parlor, cor. Bush and Dupont. ALFREDUM'S Egyptian Henna restores gray hair to Its natural cotor; $1; at all druggists'. Superfluous hair and moles removed with elec- trlc needle. Mrs. & Mlsa Eaton. 1119 Sutter. A BRANCH office of The Call for the recep- tion of advertisements and' subscriptions has been opened at 1008 Market St., opposite Fifth. Oncn until 11 p. m. PALMSTHY. MME. DEVAS, scientific palmist and astrolo- glet; palm readings $1; 3 questions by ex- press. $1 ; open Tuesday eve. aleo. 139 Post st MME NEERGARD'S class in palmistry begins Dec 1. 8 p. m. 242 Post St.; terms $10. H. JEROME FOSELLI. scientific palmist, 515 Taylor tt.. near Geary. Phone Blaek 561. PAPERHAXGING. PAINTING. ETC. ROOMS papered. $3 50 up; tinting, painting. Hartmann Paint Co., 319 3d St.; tei. Main 413. CALLat ?27 Turk st. or phone Sutter 154. for rarer ranging, painting and tinting. ril VSICIAXS . AXD SPRGEOKS. DR C. C. O'DONNELL Office and residence. K'liiVa Market Et.. bet. Cth and ith: partlcu- lar attention paid to dtseates of women. BLOOD, skin end rectal diseases a specialty. DR. BALL. 1073% Market st. REMOVED—DR. WONG HIM. herb doctor, treats all diseases ot the human body; for past four years at 115-117 Mason; now lo- cated at 667 Geary St., near Leavenworth. . DR. TONG PO CHY. successor to Dr. LI Po Tal, herb doctor, cures all diseases of human by use of herbs and teas. 727. Washington st. DR. H. C. WONG. 719 Post si.; all diseases cured by Chinese herbs; consultation free. WONG WOO. the famous herb doctor All dU- eaeeB cured by Chinese herb*. 74O-S Clay st. STOK AGE AXD i WAREHOUSM. A^Ml>oltn3ars1'OTage~lfc^^ household goods stored, moved, shipped. 725- 731 Howard st.. nr. Third; phone Grant 16L PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage Moving Co., of-' fice Post and Powell sts.; tel. Prlve. Ex. 57L CONKLIN'S Storage— Furniture and merchan- dlfce. 333 Golden Gate ave.; phone East 126. GOLDEN. -West Storage; advances made; 840 Mlesion Kt.; tel. Howard on. F. W. Zehfuss. PACIFIC Storage and Furniture Moving Com- pany. 2320 Fillmore St.; phone Jackson 281. BEKINS Van snd Storage Co.. 11 Montgomery St.; tel. Main 1840. Shipping at cut rates. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. AN exceptionally good No. 2 Remington, No. 1 Smith Premier. $25; other typewriters ' at higher and lower prices; rentals $2 60. The Typewriter Exchange. 536 California st. A FEW good typewriters at $30 each; get par. tlculars. L. & M. ALEXANDER. 110 Mont- gomery st. ; » 2D-HAND typewriters sold, rented, repaired. Webster Tytwwrlter Inspec. Co.. ROB Market. SEWING MACHINES AND SUPPLIES. NEW HOME sewing machine; this week only; $10. $15. $20: slightly used: needles 20c do*. NEW HOME B. M. CO. 1051 Markst st SPECIALISTS. CATARRH. DEAFNESS and NOISES in EAR3 positively cured: new method; 1 week's treat- ment true. Dr. Cottlngham. 204 Sutler st. SPECIAL ' XOTICES. Ledies! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are best; safe, reliable; take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" in letter by-return mall.' Ask your druggist. Chlchcster Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. ASSESSMENT NOTICES. HONOLULU PLANTATION COMPANY—As- sessment Notice Honolulu Plantation Com- pany, location of principal place of buslnesr, ban Francisco, Cal. Notice is hereby, given that at a meeting of the board of directors held this ICth day of November A. D. 1U03, an assessment (Number 7) of one dollar ($1 00) per share was levied upon the cap- ital stock of the. corporation, payable im- mediately to the secretary of - the company at the of flee 'of " the company^ 327 Market et.. San , Francisco, State of California. Any etock upon which this assessment shall re- main unpaid on the 2Sthday of December, 1003. will be delinquent^ and advertised for sale at Dublle ¦ auction, and unless payment Is made before . will be sold on the ISth day of January, 1904, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with expenses of sale. H. W. THOMAS. . % Secretary of the Honolulu : - Com- pany, 327 Market st., . Sa__FranclscO, Cal. (Room No. 4, Second Floor). "> ! J ROOMS AXD BOARD Co-tinned.' A— HOTEL BALTIMORE, >. VAN NESS AVE.. NEAR GEARY ST. .' - AMERICAN PLAN. PHONE PRIVATE-EXCHANGE 706. SELECT FIRST-CLASS FAMILY HOTEL. HOT AND COLD OCEAN "WATER. SPECIAL RATES BY THE MONTH. HUNGER & ZEBERG, PROPRIETORS. A- ¦ HOTEL HATTON \ '' s. E. i COR. PINE AND| TAYLOR This new and rustic constructed hotel is sit- uated in the city's swellest quarter and will be handsomely furnished- throughout, with all the very,: latest conveniences: will be ready for occupancy, Dec. 15; reservations can now be made on premises daily. f CHANGE- OF PROPRIETORS. . ? MANHATTAN HOTEL, 1704 Market St.—A1 "strictly flrst-class family and tourist hotel of unquestioned respectability. Amerjpan plan. CALIFORNIA, 124Q— Most select location In, modern, elegantly furnished private home;' : table unsurpassed: marine view. . i HOTEL MARTINET, Geary st. and Van Ness - ave., has changed hands; hereafter conducted first-class family hotel; table board specialty STEVENSON mansion. 807 California st.—At- tractive and sightly rooms; best table and service; lowest rates. ¦ .' TWO sunny front rooms, with or without board. In private family. 1402 Washington st.; phone Hyde 4481. .. LEAVENWORTH, 306— Large front sunny room, suitable for 2, with board; references. O'FARRELL, 308— Furnished rooms; home cooking; German family; $6 per week. \ SUNNY furnished rooms, with board If re- quired. 2460 Mission st. ' " _!__ BOARD and lodging in private family. 2521 Sutter st. ¦:. v. -' : . . CHEAPEST and best In America— The Weekly Call. 16 pages, sent to any address In ,the United States or Canada one year for $1." KOOJ1S AND aOAKUWAyfED. GENTLEMAN wants room and board In private family; warm room necessary; state terms. Box 3744, Call. ' - ¦ rooms Wanted. ROOM between Fourth and Tenth sts., on Mis- sion, by single temperate man; unfurnished. Box 3150. Call. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ' OFFICfi OF THE BOARD OF STATE HAR- bor Commissioners, Union Depot and Ferry House, San - Francisco, California. Novem- ber 16. 1903. "• ' Sealed proposals . or bids will be received at 4 this office at or prior to 2:15 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, December 23. 1903. for ths construction I of a section - of seawall and wharf al«n£ same to ba located between King and Channel streets on ¦ ths water front ot the City and County of 'San j Fran- cisco, In accordance with the plans' and cpeclficatlons prepared therefor by the ChieJ Engineer of the Beard and adopted by tht ! Board August 27, 1903, and. on file In thft office, to which special reference Is hereby made. ' The work to be -done under these specifications consists In - furnishing all ma-" terlals and labor for constructing and erect- ing a stone seawall with end embankments and a wharf. It is : estimated that the sea- wall and end embankments- will, contain { about 90,000 tons of stone; the wharf will contain ' 36,060 square feet af wharf sur- face. This section of the seawall will ex- tend from the Intersection of | the northerly line of- Channel street (prolonged easterly) with the water front line,' six hundred - (600) feet northerly along said water- front line. The materials .to be used for the construc- tion of the seawall and end .embankments will consist of stone not subject to decom- position nor disintegration by the action ot tea water or air. . Two classes of stone - will be recognized. The first class will Include stone of one or more cublo feet In fair assortment of sizes between one and four cubic feet; no objec- tion willbe made to stone larger 'than four cubic feet; this claes of stone must be free of seams and marked lines of Cleavage. ' The second class will . include stone of less than one cubic foot, in assorted sizes, but no stone less than five pounds will be ac- cepted at the quarry. . , . , \. The materials for the construction of the e wharf will consist of the requisite quanti- ties of first class, close grained, Douglas yellow fir piles and yellow flr lumber (mer- chantable quality), wire rope, wrought Iron bolts, ' spikes, etc., all of the best quality and subject to a rigid examination. No bid will, be .received unless It Is made on a blank form furnished from this office nnd Is accompanied by a certified check for five per cent of the aggregate amount "of the bid. payable to the order of the Secre- tary cf the Board, as a guarantee on tha part of the successful bidder that he will within six (6) days after the acceptance of the bid enter into a written contract to do said work,. according to the- plans and spec- ifications prepared therefor, | and wUl also 5 execute and file with this Board a bond In such cum as the Board may deem adequate with a surety company, to be approved by the Board of' State Harbor'*Commlssloner», and conditioned for the faithful performance of such contract: nor will said bid be con- ; tldered by this Board unless delivered to the secretary or to the assistant secretary, at the office of the seeretary, at or prior to 2:15 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, Decem- ber 23, 1903, at which time and place the bids will be conned. '' ' \ " . The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids if deemed for the best interest of the State. . Bidders are Invited to be present at the open- ins of the bid«. . CHAS. H. SPEAR. JOHN C. KIRKPATRICkA J. D. MACKENZIE. ¦ Board of State Harbor Commissioners. LOTT D. NORTON. Chief Engineer. . JOHN M. FOY-. Secretary. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Berkeley. Notice to contractors, builders and material men Notice Is hereby given to all concerned that pealed proposals or bids are solicited for performing the labor and furnishing the ma- terials necessary for the -excavations and foundations of California Hall, on-thn grounds of th« University of California at Berkeley, Alameda County, California, and said bids or proposals will be received at the office of the Board of Regents. South Hali. Berkeley, at or before 12 o'clock m. of the Ilth day of December, 1903. And notice is hereby further given that the plans and eped- ncations of said excavations and foundations have been made and adopted and are placed In above named office, where the same may be seen and examined during each da'y from 8 o'tlock a, m. until 4 o'clock p. m., ' from this date until said Ilth day of December, 1 1903. No bids or proposals willbe considered unless the eame are accompanied by a certi- fied check or a bond of said proposer equal to ten (10) per cent of his proposal, with suf- ficient sureties, conditioned that, if said bid or proposal ¦ shall be accepted, the party pro- posing will duly enter into a proper contract to faithfully perform* the duty and obliga- tions in accordance with said proposal and plans and specifications, which shall be and are hereby required to be . a part of such contract. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby . reserved. This notice ' Is given pursuant to an act entitled: "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to create and organize .the University of California.' approved March 25. 1868, and an act amend- atory of section 25 thereof, approved March 28, 1872. relating to the construction of build- ings," approved March 3, 1897. By order of the Committee on Grounds and Buildings of the Board of- Regents. . W. A. McKOWEN, Secretary. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., December 8, -.1903.— Sealed proposals. In triplicate, . will be re- ceived here until 11 o'clock* a. m. January 8, 1904. and "then opened for construction- of frame buildings (wagon shed and work shop) at : .Fort iMlley, Cal. Government > re- serves right to reject or acceDt any . or all bids In whole or ¦ in part. Informations-fur- nished on application to WM. S. PATTEN. Assistant Quartermaster General, Chief Q. M. , . \ . MARRIAGE MCENSES. The - following marriage licenses were issued yesterday: v ' . Edward P.. Myers, 26. Oakland, and Lillian Corder. 18,'Oakland. : . •- Albert C. Loster. 25, city, and Ellen L. Wed- berg, 22, city. \. .-.*. Alfred" C. MartelV 40.* Mountain View, and ; Laura Blackwood, 30, 2002 Pacific avenue. - Samuel J. Gray, 25, Tesla, and Maud G. Wiseman, -19,* Tesla. -• •¦- - - ? .. August Bouecker, : 29, 1513 Dupont street, I and Jennie M. Cook. 23, Redwood City. '¦• y Anton M.-V.- Krazmer, 32, 75 Valparaiso street,": and Anna S.. B. Hoppe, 86. 1816 Mason. "Peter A; Petersen, 38.20^ Franklin street, and Katharina Naef, 35. 107 Oak street. John Taylor 27, . 538 Sutter street, and Alma M Nelson, 26, 538 Sutter street." V -*V Max Fox. 25, 507 Pacific street, and Ethel Shields, 23, city. ,„.,„„ _.'•"_. JohannrH.' Lemme. 50. 119. Bernard street, and Johanne Nlallg, 45, 150 Pacific avenue. ¦James \ Pellaudini, 30, Gait,, and Rosa Rog- gemboss. 32, Gait. ! V X . ¦ Gardiner Howell, 35, New York, and Bessie M. Bosh, 20, Berkeley. , George R. McCanae, 33, Greenwood, and. Nel- lie L.. McDowell, 24, Hemmlngford. Canada. ¦ ¦¦' John R Vlera, 3a, Oakland, and Maria Souza, 27,-clty.-^ ¦:¦'/ -----,.-:V-' .: ¦ . :-^ BIRTHS--"MAR5lAGES— DEATHS- Birth, marriage and death notices sent by mall will inserted." They must be handed in I at either of I the \ publication offices ¦ and 'be indorsed I with the | name ! and ¦ residence | of per- sons * authorized to have the same I published. Notices restricted simply to ' the announcement of the event are published once in this column free . of ;, charge. - .< ; -. . ¦:; : '":' - BOiix.; : . ', '. £ .• DETTNEK— In this city, December 7, 1903,. to v "the wife'of E.'-H.sDettner," a daughter. KINGSBURY In this city.- December. 4, 1903, 'to ths wife ofW.'da _.. Klngsbury,"'a son.*- LEHMANN— In this city. December «. 1903. Carl Jr., beloved and Only son of Carl and the - : lats Caroline' Lehraann, an* jfjeyoted- brother Cf Mr«. Annie Marlow and | Bertha and Freda Lehmann, a" native of San FraB- .Cisco,, aged 17 years 3 month»a1jd 17 days. . (CTTrtends and acquaintances are respect- fully , invited to attend the funeral to-day (Tuesday), at 1 o'clock." from the parlors. vC & Co.. 1137 ; Mission street, be- tween" Seventh and Eighth. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. LE STRANGE—In this city. December 7. 1903. Roseanna. beloved wife of Patrick Le Strange, and mother of Matthew, . Minnie, Myrtle, Bernlce. Florence. John. Eatelle. Lor- J retta and Clare Le Strange, daughter of Caith- erina .and the late John Riley, and sister of Thomas and Daniel Rlley. Mrs. Oeorsre- "Kll- . Patrick. Mrs. James McConmlck and Mrs. K. J. Lawlor. a Native of Brooklyn. N. Y...aged 38 years'S months and 12 days. '- - ¦ MULLER-r-In this city, December 7, i 19<J3. Charles A., beloved husbanJ of Catherine Muller and devoted father of Mrs. Katie Heck, - a native of Germany, aged 55- years and 7. ¦ days. Amember of Eureka Lodge- No. 6. O. A. H. S., Court Hubertus No. 15. F. of A., and Court Yerba Buena No. 913, I. O. FCresters. . C7Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fullyinvited to attend the funeral to- morrow (Wednesday). December 9. 'at 9:3» o'clock, from his late residence. 2t'-"S Fclsom street, between Twenty-second and Twenty-third, thence to, St. Anthony's Church, .Army and Folsom rtreets, where a requlm high masa will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 10 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. OBERG In Alameda, December «, l»03. Gu»- tav Oberg. belovad husband of Elt3abel{> Oberg, a native of Sweden, aged W years S months and 6 days. CTFriemls and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral Tuesday. December 8, at 2 o'clock, from his-Iate resJ- ' dence, 1330 Versailles avenue, thence to Oak- land Crematory. CNEIL In this. city. December 6, 1903, Alma . M. O'Nell, beloved daughter of Thomas P. and Alma S. O'Nell, a native of San. Fran- cisco, aged 2 years » months and 7 days. E^Friends and acquaintances are Tespect- fuly Invited -to attend the funeral to-day at 11 o'clock, from the residence of h«r grand- mother. S947 Clay street- . Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. PERKINS— In this city. December 7, 1903. Ag- nes, beloved wife of John Perkins, a native of Germany, aged 22 years. , - > ; PISANI—In this city. December 6. 1803, Mary J.. beloved wife of John Pisanl. mother of Fred and James Plsani. a native* of. San Francisco, aged 38 years 6 months* and 8 days. •« - QUINN In this city. December 5. 1903. James Joseph, beloved son of Thomas and .the lat» Margaret Qulnn, brother of Thomas Qulna Jr and Mrs. C. Curtis, and nephew of Mrs. Ellen Feeney, a native of San Francisco, aged 25 years 2 months and 23 days. . |_rFriends and, acquaintances are respect- fully Invited ' to attend ' the funeral to-day (Tuesday), at 12:3O o'clock, from the parlors of McFadden, McBrearty : Green. 1171 Mis- sion street, between. Seventh and Eighth. thence to St. Joseph's Church, where ser- vice* will be held at 1 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. ROBERTSON— In New York December 6. .1003. Thomas F. - Robertson. husband of '-Edith Carnes Robertson, - ¦¦,..-•. BIGBY— In this city. November" SO*. 1903. JSni- - ma Rigby, beloved daughter of- Mrs.- Ann Stiles, a native of England, aged && years .3 months and 30 days. . |pr Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Tuesday), at 9:30 o'clock, from the parlors of H. F-. Buhr & Co.. 1137 Mission, stree;. between Seventh and Eighth. Interment Cy- press Lawn Cemetery, by electric funeral car. ' ' .: * * RIORDAN—In this city. December 7. at her residence.. The Slrathnaorfi. 20X Larkin street, Mary A., beloved wife of the late Cornelius Rlordan. and mother of Dan «F.. Cornelius. . Lalla and Kittle F. Rlordan and Mrs. Taomas H. Keeffe of the City of Mexico, a native of the Cityof Cork. Ireland, aged, 70 years and 7 months. (Sonora. Tuolumne County, papers t_fThe funeral services will be held af SI. Paul's Church, Twenty-ninth and ! Church streets, to-morrow (Wednesday), at 1:30 o'clock. Interment private tn Holy Cress Cemetery. '• " SCHA-EFER—In this city. December 7. 1903. Fritz Schaefer. beloved brother of Mrs. H. O. Wulff. a native of Germany, aged 4O years. A member of Wllhelm Tell Lodge No. 2. O. d. H. S., ' Oregon. (Portland, Or., papers please copy.) CTFrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock, from the resi- dence of II. O. Wulff. 29O1A Harrison street, corner of Twenty-fifth, where funeral ser- . vices will be held under the auspices of Eu- reka. Lodge No. 6. O. d. H. 8. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery by electric funeral car from Thirtieth street and San Jose ave- nue. STINSON-^In this city. December 7, 1900 So- phie wife of the late Perry Stinson. and mother of William H.. Frances J.. Harry S. and Ida N. Stinson and the late Katie A. Bryan, a native of Scotland, aged 76 years. IC7"rb» funeral will take pjace to-mor— >—> (Wednesday), at 9:30 o'clock, from her late residence. 3176 Washington street, where ser- vices will be held commencing at the above hour. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery, by electric funeral car from Eighteenth and Guerrero streets. SULLIVAN In this city. December 6, 1900, Patrick, beloved husband of the late Ellen Sullivan, a native of the parish of Skull. County Cork, Ireland, aged 75 years. E7Fiiends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Tuesday), at 12:30 o'clock, from the parlor* of Carew & English. van Ness avenue. thence to St. Joseph's CburclUfor services, commencing at 1 o'clock. Interment .Holy Cross Cemetery. SULZER— In this city. December" 5, 1903. Ellen Sulzer, a native of Ireland, aged 59 years. (E~ Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Tuesday), at 12:15 o'clock, from the parlors of J. C. O'Connor & Co.. 767 Mission street. thence to St. Patrick's Church for eervlces at 12:30 o'clock. Interment Holy Crow Ceme- tery by 1:30 o'clock train frem Third a ad Townsend streets. . .. . TRIPP— Inthe City and County Hospital, De- cember 7. 1903, George F. Tripp. a native of Massachusetts, aged 68 years. WALSH—In this . city December 8, 1903, Michael J., beloved husband of the late Cath- erine Walsh, and father of .Mamie Walsh, Mrs. J E. W. Carey. Mrs. William A. Keefe. and grandfather of Alleen. Phyllis and Clar- ence Keefe, a native of County Mayo, Ireland, aged 76 years 3 months and. 14 days. (Pitta- fleld. Mass., papers please copy.) CT Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully inrited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), at 9 o'clock, -from his late resi- dence, -200 Utah street, thence to St. Charles Borromeo's Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock/ Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. WARREN In Oakland. December 5, 1903. Beatrice Lucy, beloved daughter of Ernest and May Warren, a native of Saa Francisco. aged 6 years 7 months and 1day. ,'. - . WATERS In this city. December 7, 1903. Mar- garet-Mary, -beloved daughter of John and Irene Waters, and- sister- of Joseph and Thomas Waters, and granddaughter of Mrs. Mary Berkley, a native of San Francisco, aged 11 months and 7 days. WOOD In this city -December 7, 1903. Tom. beloved husband of Nellie Wood, a native of Missouri, aged 60 years 4 months and 3 days. WIEGAND Inthis city. December 8. 1903., at the residence of her stepfather, Adam Netj- man, 2«18 Bryant avenue, between Twenty- fourth and Twenty-fifth streets. Clothll* E. Wlfgand, dearly beloved wife . of Eugene A. Wiegand. - beloved mother of Clothtla and Eugene.' WIegand Jr.. and daughter of Mrs. Adam, a native of Japan, aged 27 years 8 months and IS days. B_TFriend3 a_d acquaintances are respect- fully Invited'to attend the funeral to-day (Tuesday), at 11:45 o'clock, from the resi- dence of her ¦ stepfather, Adam Netiman. 2816 Bryant avenue, between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth streets, thence to St. Boni- face's Church, Golden Gate avenue, between I Jones and Leavenworth streets, for service*. . Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. . S -MARRIED. ">> ? f | -WESTDAHL—SULLIVAN^— In this " city. De- cember B, 1903. by the Rev; Frederick "A. ; Doane, Ferdinand W. Westdahl of San Fran- ; clsco and Agnes M. Sullivan of Oakland, Cal. 'DIED/ Adams, Anna V. Krug. Christiana Anderson, T. H. ' Laborde. Mounique Anderson. Charles Lehmann, Carl Jr.- - Baker, Margaret Le Strange, -Rose- ' Becker, Ruby ¦ ¦ - anna ¦ ...... Bouteiller, Louisa E. Muller. Charles A. Butler. Elizabeth > . Oberg, Gustav Coleman, Mary l£.- O'Nell. '• Alma M. Cordano, Giuseppe Perkina, Agnes Cosgrove,, James W. Pisanl. Mary J. . ' . Crane, Mrs. Flora A. Qulnn. James Joseph Christensen, L. B. Robertson, Thomas F. Enos. Marie _ Rlgby, Emma _ -, Goodmundson, Ingle"-" ~ Riordan.' Mary Kl borg Schaefer, Fritz j Gonzalez, Dr. M. , E. Stinson, Sophie Green, William B. Sullivan, Patrick Grlswold, Esther Sulzer, Ellen Hamilton, Thomas Tripp. George F. Hurley, Sarah G. Walsh. MlchaeJJ. James, Frank Warren. Beatrice I* Kellogg, Orrin J. Waters. Margaret M. Koster, Emilda ¦ ' Wood, Tom .' '¦- .• . ' . ¦ . ! ADAMS—In this city, December 6, 1903. Anas (Virginia, beloved wife, of Hiram "W. Adams. » and ' mother of Walter A., Octavlan R. and i Harvey L. Adams, Mrs. George J.* Turner , . and Mrs. Thomas T. Whear, a native of Newark, N. J., aged 67 years 3 months and 10 days. . ' ESTrlends and acquaintances ar« respect- fully invited to attend tha funeral services to-day . (Tuesday), at 10 o'clock, at her 1 late residence, 30 Rlnqon place, between First and Second. Harrison and Bryant streets. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery, by 11:30 o'clock train from Third and Town- ..send. streets. ANDERSON In this city, December 6, 1903. x Thomas Heizer. beloved husband of Jennie Duncan Anderson, and eldest son of J. W. Anderson, aged 42 years 5 mop tha and IS days. A member of Fresno Lofice No. 186, I.O. O. F.; Mission Lodge Noi 169. F. and A* M.. and Carmen's Union. Division No. 203. , --,.-.- - (_~Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral ' services Tuesday, December 8, 1903. at 1:30 o'clock, under the auspices of Mission Lodge No. 109. F. and A. M., at Mission Masonic .Hall. 266o Mission street, between Twenty-aecond and Twenty-third. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery, by electric funeral car from ear- ner of Eighteenth and Guerrero streets at ,2:30 o'clock. •; .- - _.' , . . . ' ANDERSON— In ' this city. December 7, l»03. Charles Anderson, beloved husband, of Ida Anderson, father of Walter and Agnes An- derson, a native of Russia, aged 40 years. . BAKER— In this clty r DecemW «, 1903. Mar- garet, beloved daughter of Eugene J. and Ella F. Baker, and sister of Francis J., Leo and Gertrude Baker and Mrs. V. A. Han- . ¦ cock, . a native of San Francisco, aged 24 -years 3 months and 4 days.. B—Triends and acquaintances are respect- fullyInvited to attend the funeral Tuesday, December 8. at 1:30 o'clock, from her late residence, . 6C Stanlty^place. - thence to St. Brendan's Church, corner Harrison and Fre- mont streets, for services. Interment Holy ' Cross Cemttery, via electric funeral car from Eighteenth and Guerrero streets. BECKER^In this city. December 7. 1903, Ruby Becker, heloved. daughter of August and Au- gusta Becker, and Bister of Augusta and the late Albert Becker, a native of San Fran- cisco, aged 8 months and 27 days. . . ' . ETFrienda and acquaintances are respect- fullyInvited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), at 1o'clock, from, the residence of her parent's. 409 Tenth street. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. - : BOUTEILLER— In this city. December 7. 1903, Louisa Eugene, dearly beloved daughter of Eugene and Jennie Bouteiller and loving sis- ter;of Elizabeth Bouteiller, a native ot San Francisco, aged 3 months. BUTLER Friends and acquaintances are re- spectfully invited to attend the anniversary mass of requiem for the repose of the soul of Elizabeth Butler to-morrow (Wednesday), at 8 a. m., at St. Ignatius Church. COLEMAN— In this city, December 7.' 1903. Mary Margaret, dearly beloved daughter of Andrew and Elizabeth Coleman. a native of San Francisco, aged 3 years 7 months and 3 . days. B^Notice of funeral hareafter. Remains at the parlors of J. C. O'Connor & Co., 767 Mission street, between Third and Fourth. CORDANO— In this city, December 6. 1903, Giuseppe, dearly beloved father of Antonio. | I.ulgi, Giovanni and Giuseppe Cordano and Mrs: Nlcdetta Pezzola, and of the late Anna Boitano and Catterina Oneto, a native of Italy, aged 89 years and 20 days. B7Friends and acquaintances are respect- v fully notified that the funeral - takes place on Wednesday. December 9, 1903, at 1 o'clock. - from his late residence. 311 Union street, be- tween Kearny ,and Montgomery, thence to Italian Church for benediction, thence to New Italian Cemetery^ . ¦¦ '- ¦' ¦ . -'v COSGROVE— In this city, December T. 1903. James W.. beloved son of -Annie and ths late Thomas Cosgrove and beloved brother of Mrs. , H. Heeseman and Mrs. Frank B. Dougherty, a native of .San Francisco, aged 35 years and 1 month. - A member of Typographical Union No. 21. , : tETFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), at 8:30 o'clock, from his late residence, 2209 Beach street, thence to St. Vincent de Paul's Church, whera a solemn. , requiem mass will be celebrated for the re- pose of his soul, commencing at 9 o'clock. CRANE—In this city, at the residence of Mrs. Flora A. Grover, 1093 Dolores street, Decem- ber 6, 1903, Ellis T., beloved husband of Carrie H. Crane, and father of Ethel. Mabel. Temple, Kathleen, Ellis and Richard Crane, a native of California, aged 49 years. (Co- lusa. Cal., papers please copy.) B-TThe funeral will take place in Coluea, Cal. CHRISTENSEN— In San Mateo, Cal., Decem- ber 6. 1903, Lawrence Benson, beloved son of Jorgen Christensen. a native of Oregon. B7FrIends are Invited to attend the funeral services Wednesday, December 9, at 2:30 o'clock, at the chapel of Cypress Lawn Ceme- tery. ' ENOS In this city, December 6, 1903, Marie, dearly beloved wife of Manuel Enos, loving mother of Geraldine Enos, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Peters, and sister of Annie, Maggie, Winifred, Mildred, Frank, Manuel. Antnony and Joseoh Peters and Mrs. L. Ci. Fowler, a native of Sausalito, aged 32 years 2 months and 0 days. ICTRemains at the parlors of E. Castag- netto & Co., 043-45 Vallejo street, until Tuesday, December 8, when at 2 o'clock the remains will be sent to Petaluma, where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul Wednesday, at 1U o'clock. Interment at Petaluma. GOODMUNDSON InEast Oakland, December 7,' 1903, Ingleborg, beloved wife of the late Captain L. Goodmundson, mother of Ella B.. Alvln K.. Lawrence O. and Norma-A. Good- mundson and Mrs. Chester Ware, sister of Mrs. M. Olsenand Mrs. N. Stewart, a native of Norway, aged 67 years 11 months and 12 days. ' ¦ t GONZALEZ—In this city. December 6. 1903. Dr M. E. Gonzalez, beloved husband of EdieW. Gonzalez, father of Anieta W." Gon- zalez, and brother ot Alfred Gonzalez, a na- - tive of California, aged 55 years 4 months and 11 days. IE~The funeral services will take place to- morrow (Wednesday), at 10 o'clock, at the Palace Hotel. Interment private. Please omit ' flowers. . GREEN In this city, December 7, 1903. WH- llam B., beloved son of Walter and Amelia Green, and brother of Walter and George - Green, a native of San Francisco, aged 3 years 8 months and 8 days. GRISWOLD—InSan Diego. November 23. 1903, Esther Grlswold, beloved mother of B. Grls- wold. Rev. John V. Grlswold. William B. Grtswold and Dr.---W.-N. Grlswold, a native - of New York, aged 91 years. HAMILTON In the City and County Hospital, December 6. 1903, Thomas Hamilton, a na- tive of Kentucky, aged 67 years. HURLEY In this city, December. 7, 1903, at the residence, 2641 Harrison street, Sarah G., beloved daughter of John J. and Sarah Hur- ley and sister of John J. and Evelyn Hurley, a native of San Francisco, aged 3 years 5 months and 14 days. JAMES^ In the City and County. Hospital, De- cember 0, 1903. Frank James, a native of Kentucky.- aged 22 years., KELLOGG In the City and County Hospital. December 6. 1903, Orrin J. Kellogg, a native of New York, aged 72 years. KOSTER—In this city. December 7, 1903, Emilda Koster. beloved daughter of Edward and Annie Koster, and sister of Edna and Eddie Koster, a native of San Francisco, aged 10 months and 11 days; KRUG-^-In this city, December 6. 1903, Chris- ' tlana Krug, dearly beloved mother of Mrs. . Rosa Wagner and Philip J. and Albert Krug and Henry Krug of Baltimore, Md., a native of Germany, aged 75 years and 23 days.'. K7" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Tuesday), at 10:3V o'clock, from the resi- dence of her daughter, 1965 Howard street, near Sixteenth, thence ' to * the .-- Emanuel Church, Twelfth street, between Mission .and . Market, where services will be. held, com- mencing at 11 o'clock. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. LABORDE In - Oakland, December 7, 1803.' Mounique Laborde, beloved mother of Cather- ine ' Laborde, 3<rs. J.' Cassou. mother-in-law of "J. Cassou and grandmother of Felix Cas- sou, a native of France, aged 73 years. (CT'Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend : the funeral services Wednesday, December 9, 1903, at 1:30 o'clock, from her late residence, 820 Franklin street, . Oakland. thenc» to Immaculate Conception Church . for services.' Interment St. Mary's Cemetery, Oakland. ."'.-"' ¦ ¦¦•, F. J. MONAHAN. Manager. TeL Mission ._ MONAHAN, 0!HARA & CO. FUNERAL' DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. 2^.39-2341 Mission st.. rear Nineteenth. . %¦¦•; ; Ban Francisco- ' James McGinn. Henry Hansen. -.JAMES " McGINN A. CO.. . . . ,, " Formerly With McGinn Bros.. - - Funeral Directors and Embalmers.— 214 Eddy St.; Tel. South 67ft, . FpiTMEiVERTISEMENTS FRUITVA_E REAL 'ESTATE. A BEAUTIFUL country home in Elmhurst; 8- - room house; elegant interlori, finish; barn and .'carriage house ;'. chicken and numerous other /out bouses; concrete driveways; beautiful ' flower garden; 2 acres of orchard; one of, the prettiest homes }n Alameda County; it is go- Ing to go for half of its real value;prlce $4000; small payment down; balance on easy terms; j will exchange for Oakland or San Francisco property. MITCHENER & BARTON,. 1010 Broadway. . : OAKLAND/ ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE, 111- BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. $2600 COST, and to worth $3000— Thirty-fifth st. near San Pablo; only 4 blocks from ! ¦'¦:¦¦ Ke'y Route station; . thirty minutes . from "*" this house to San Francisco by Key Route;. only one fare; a modern bay-win- dow cottage~of 5 rooms, bath, high base- . ment;lot 30x140; two-story barn; gravel drives; In fact, an Ideal home; terms only $50Q cash, balance mortgage; see- ing is believing; call early; must be sold; no reasonable offer refused. J. _ S. MYERS or GEO. W. AUSTIN. . \)2 ! Broadway. Oakland. \ $3250— Juat think of It! Two cottages, 5 - rooms bath, basement, brick foundation, hot and cold water, gas; street work all -, complete; lot 60x150; fruit trees, carriage , t ¦ ' driveway; near school, local trains, cars r and, business center; present income $32 per month; owner has gone East and his Instructions are to sell; we must eell; we will sell to the first' applicant who will ' talk cash and make reasonable offer. J. S. MYERS, or GEO. W. AUSTIN. 1002 Broadway, Oakland. , , ¦ ; $5250— Reduced from $6500; death compels 1 owner to leave for Los Angeles, and he 1b forced to sell; location Webster st., near , Nineteenth; only three blocks from the business center, postofflce .and narrow i gauge local; 7 rooms, bath; only occupied ; seven months; oi*n lawn, colonial style; j nickel plumbing, plate glass; in fact, an Ideal home; . must be sold;- Bee It and make offer. J. S. MYERS. 'or GEO. W. AUSTIN. 1002 Broadway. Oakland. AN IDEAL HOME. $3250 cash, balance to suit purchaser; a grand, select home; modern house cf 12 rooms and handsome grounds: well kept; Latham ter- race, adjoining East Oakland; one block from :car line; near steam local trains to S. F. and fine schoolhouse; lovely site; tne outlook, view of bay and mountain range unsurpassed; Al 'soil; a flne^vanety of immense fruit trees,- as- sorted shrubbery and flowers; this is a rare home} fine stable for horses and cow; size lOOx 125; price In all $6500. Can or send for (cir- cular. 455 Seventh Bt., opp. Broadway station, Oakland; carriage free. H. Z." JONES, Land Owner. $1150 ONLY for a cottage; 6 rooms, 'bath, etc.; I located in East Oakland : easy terms. P. C. LASSEN, &-CO., Oakland. Cal. $4700 ONLY for 2 fine flats in Oakland; rented for ?50' per month. P. C. LASSEN _ CO., ; 466 Tenth st.. Oakland. Cal. AFINE 7-room house; must be sold this week; good location; easy terms. P. C. LASSEN & CO.. 466 Tenth Bt.. Oakland. Cal. / OAKLAND ROOMS TO LET. VENDOME AND GRAND HOTELS, 856% Washington and D10 Ninth sts.. Oak- land; furnished rooms en suite or single, with or without board: special rates to famlll«_ OAKLAND FURNITURE FOR SALE. TO-MORROW the day for bargains in furni- ture. H. Schellhaas. 11th ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. AT Knickerbocker Apartments. 1340 Pine st.. near Hyde Furnlsh'ed 3-room hults; $30 up; steam heated, electric lighted ; free bath. FILLMORE, 2210 i., large furnished room*; bath; housekeeping; choice; $30. GEARY, 000 8 outside furnished rooms; «un all day; coal and gas range; reasonable.' - HYDE. 810 2 sunny front rooms: en suite 'or sinpl.e: private family; reasonable. MODEL HOUSE, 1206 Stockton st. Newly furnifheti rooms, $5-$12;. bath, gas, phone. POLK, 1(>18, near Geary Neatly furnished front housekeeping rooms; reasonable. SXTTTEIJ. pr*,2B—Elegantly furnished -suit of. roomfc, fjitable for gentleman or light hskpg. TAYLOR. Oil 2 furnished rooms; gas range, coal stove, sink; $10. Phone Kate. 2084. THE CRAGBURN. 1007 Larkin St., cor. Post-- Sunny furnished apartments; also- single rooms; rent reasonable. THIRD. 17, near Examiner 3, 4 or 6 neatly furnished rOcnu to let; rent reasonable. APARTMEITT HOUSES. MONTCLAIR APARTMENTS. Corner Pine and Taylor sta. ;beautiful . new modern apartments; all sunny corner suites; furnished or . unfurnished ; none superior; ma- rlne view. LYON & HOAG. 116 Montgomery. OCTAVIA, 1423, \iear Post Elegantly fur^ njshed 3-4 room apartments: most private and select In the city; private hall, bath; refs. IIADDON HALL, "* 851 EDDY ST. REFERENCES. ROOMS TO LET— Fnrn. find tnforn. AURORA, corner Second and Folsom sts. New house, new furniture; every room outside; modern and sunny; prices from $1 50 per week up; this Is the onlyup-to-date house In this vicinity; flrst-claaa grillattached. A—BRUNSWICK House. 14S Sixth St.—Rooms 25c to $1 per night, $1 25 to $5 per week and ! light housekeeping rooms; open all night. '. ASHWORTH. 320 Mason St., bet. Geary and Post Suite and single rooms with or with- out private bath; sun In < rooms all day. ¦ AT "The Almonte," 873 Market st. (or No. 1 Fifth st.)—Rooms. 25e. 60c, $1, $1 60 night; $1 50 to $10 week; house open all night. - BURNETT. 1426 Market (old No. 1304) Fur- ntshed- rooms, suite, single; also unfurnished. BUSH, 1421%— Sunny furnished room cheap; bath. . ¦'...¦ ¦ ¦ - -. ¦ CLIFFORD, 204 Ellis, corner Mason— Elegantly furnished sunny rooms; prices reasonable. EDDY, 872^ 2 nicely furnished rooms, double or single; rent reasonable; phone, bath. EDDY, 818—Elegantly furnished suite of three or four rrfoms, or single; every modern con- venience FELL' 222 One furnished room, private fam- lly, $6. ¦ GOLDEN 'GATE ave.. 847 Furnished rooms; all conveniences; private; rent reasonable. GRAND Southern. 7th and Mission Rooms 60o to $1 B0 night; $1 to $3 week; reading-room. HOWARD. 1310— Nicely furnished sunny front parlor for 2 gentlemen or lady and gent. ' JESSIE. 3C3, east u! R. Mint Furnished rooms. $8 and $7; for 2. $9. ' ¦ LAGUNA and McAllister, St. James flat Sun- ny single room. ' . ' ¦ " ' " LARKIN. 247—Sunny rooms to let; $1 P0 to $3. LARKIN. 816 B— Sfriall, light room, large hall, oloset, bath and phone; reasonable. LARKIN, 804 Sunny front room, with grate, for 1 or 2 gentlemen, $7; single room, '$4 50. NINTH,119 (Gillesple)—Nicely furnished room* $1 SO to $2 60 per week; 50c to 75o per night. POLK, S23— Best furnished rooms in the ' city for the money; single or en suite; everything .new."'- and plenty of sunshine; terms very •reasonable; only. 10 minutes' walk to Powell "and Market sta. >'...; ' ~ ¦¦¦' •". ' POWELL 317 Sunny front suite for doctor or dentist; also other furnished rooms. POST, 71S Private, new, neat, clean; single ' ¦ or . en. suite ; low, for. permanent. - ' * ¦-. -; . SUNNY front rooms, en suite or single: gen- tlemen; private; reasonable. 132 A 14th at. BUTTER, 230 The Crane— Elegantly furnished .:rooms; downtown; suite or. single; $10 up. ... TAYLOR, B15B Handsome rooms; sun all day; . $10; closet; running, water; bath, -gas. ' UNITED STATES. 123 Eddy,st.. nr. Market (400 single and family rooms; Soo to $1 night; $1 75 to $0- week; elevator;*' electric lights; ! I reading-room;; free. bus and : baggage. ., , VAN NESS, 619— Handsome sunny ' furnished suites and single rooms; all conveniences. WINCHESTER Hotel,' .44 3d St., near Market— ¦ Most convenient and respectable ; 700 rooms ; ¦ 85c, to $1 50 night; $2 to $8 week ¦ elec. lights; reading-room; free bus; baggage. ADVERTISEMENTS,^ subscriptions received i at - Call Branch office, cor. Duncan & Church ¦ sta. CL OSSIFIED advertisements I and ! subscriptions received at 'Call , branch office. 2200 FlUmore. A BRANCH" office "of The'Call for the recep. - tlon*of 'advertisements :and- subscriptions has > been? opened 4 at -1008 - Market ut., opposite I 1 ¦ Fifth. Open' until 11 ' p. m. ; ' rooms' and board. a ; '" ! "'""' -the dresden ¦' ' """ ' ' '¦' j select family boarding-house. 1442 •; ,;broderick and baker. j FIRS£r'S23— Board and lodging, $4 50; changed [hands; "all, home cooking. ' * r ' * -J ¦ "-.'- . .. . - = , f.OST AND F*t PXn Contlnne-d. LOST Children's picture*: on Market, bet. Stockton and Kearnj; return reward. 427 Oenifntli™. st. _______________ L<>t ; T— Purse on 6:_0 train from San Rafael. :sv£l Twentieth St.; reward. MEDICAL Mil?. DR Wi'ETH sp*f—list for all female complaints; znetant relief jru_ranteed; 30 years' experience: removed to _-0 Post __. MKS. DR. KCHL. reliable specialist for all fe- male troubles and irregularities; Instant re- lief guaranteed. HMSM Market St., opp. 5th. YALPEAU'S fmnir .'ill?; best regulating pills eoid; price $2 50 by express. Pasteur's syrinpe and tablets; price *5. By express on receipt ot price. OSGOOD BROTH- ERS. »hoic>a!e druggists. Seventh and Bread way, Oakland. mi. G. V. oi»ONNELL— All who are sick or in trouble consult this Ej>ecialist on female complaints: r'os'U^'v corrected; the unfortu- nate helped; the most difficult cases treated; a«vice frw. O;nc». I01S Market Bt. Dr». Goodwin. 733 Turk. nr. Van Ness Expert in cUtttri«=, ffm&lo complaints; inst. relief; , tr*-atrnmt $10; hours. 10 to 5; 25 yeara exper. MRS. D ALLEN. 111S Market— Reliable ladies' ¦Pfri-Mft; a private home before and during cciiar.cnicnt ; best medical care; low fees. DR. ROSEN re.iiies 2905 Folsom St., corner 2Cth; ladies, relief or no fee; $10. DR. and MRS. DA VIES and HINDOO HERBS; original meth">d of treatment. 1120 Market st. PP.. NO TOY KEE. 319 Powell _t.. opposite I'nlon square; all diseases cured by herbs. ; 51I__IM_RY. LADIES—200 elylish hats to select from; lease ecld; murt vacate February 1, 1904; Fave mor.pv ty calling on MME. DOSCH, _07 Post. MISCELLANEOUS 1OII SALE. 13O1LERS. engine*. 2.1-han_ machinery. McIN- TO_H _ WOLPMAN. 135-197 Fremont et. DOKS YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair it with clatorite; in rolls easy to lay; j newels no painting cr costing; good ever old j iron, tin or ehinsrles: best for new roofs. ELATERITE ROOFING CO.. 713 Market _t. FOR talc BBS laying hen«, _!U chicks 2 months ' old, _O jii_t-on>. 3 Incubators. 3 brooders, I hfrse, wagon, buggy, 2 FetF liarr.ess, working i implements. «-tc; place for rent. Inquire ! __2£GEMAN*8 jrrocery, <Jth ave. S. and L it. j _S0 CONTRACTOR? fhovejs (little ise-3), alsi ! lO.Ouw feet of double and triple taped fuse j for eale. American Produce Co., cor. Drumm and Washington ste. ?* I FOR fh1<? First -cla_s city paper route on ' Lo« Angel*-. Times; will sell cheap; owner j going Last. Inquire til. Cornwell ex., Los j Angr-le*. Cal. _D-HAND machinery, boilers, engines, pumps, j pulleys, fhafting, etc., etc.. bought, eold, rer.ted nrd e_changt-d; see Sunday papers. II. S. WHITE M'CH'Y CO.. 13O-l.;_ Beale Bt. A— Fine suits. ?T r.0; dress pants. $2 W. Origi- nal Mirf.t Cluihinp Pailorg. 2_S Kearny Bt.. near Bu*h; open to 9 p. m.. Sunday to noon. A— BUI'S, sells cr rents gear machinery, en- fines. boilers, water pip«. shafting, pulleys. «-tc. WHITELAVC*. 2.3-255 Spear Bt. .•TTEWRITERS. slightly used, sold at co«t; re* Un_fr»ood visible typewriter catalog *ent free. R. E. Revalk A Co.. Ean Francisco. TRY our ruin's bhces at tl and Jl 50 pair' foot-form ehoes at $2 50; we pay express ] charges. 11 3d et.. Exam, bid.; catalog, free, i ALTKRATION rale— Best U 50 hats. $1 SO. j Popular Price Hatter. 3S0 Kearny st.. near ¦ Pine; open to » p. ra. ; Sundaj's to noon. ; I DISPOSING or Wltte gas engines; 2 H. P.. 20 | fc II.P. : attractive prices. The Tracy En.i- : netririg Co. 1.1 Fremont et., S. F. , . j A FETW genuine diamonds, cheap, b> private j party; largest -karat rings, earetuds, sun- ' tur-t. Ftud. The Mayflower, .08 Third, r. 5. j FOR sale Ttd £t. Bernard dors; extra I pood watchdogs, at 782 HaUrht ex., near Scott. BOMB erwid Ff-cond-hand pasollne engines. 1 to 12 II. P.. cheaD. E. B. Beck & Co., 122 Mkt. .LOT cheap: Chicagos, Twentieth j Onturle*. Pucks. BACIGALUPL 9"3 Market. FINE Fteam automobile; fir?t-c:__s cider. __0 Lycn et. DEO—I and safe.; see the complete line at 181« Market, ab. Van Ness. RICHARDSON EROS, i PUB—office. 1 C.&P. presses, motor, cutter, type, fixtures; doing good business. 28S6. Call. CAFES— New and eeccr.d hand. THE HER- MANNSAFE CO.. 307 Battery et. A VERY fin- diamond h<>art for $210 at W. J. j HEFTUAL'S. 10 Eisth _t. NF.W and treend hand machinery of ail kinds. KROGU MNFG, CO.. 513 Market rt. \ SIOVING pictures, rr.aglc lanterns. Bale, rental; bargains. Dullard & Breck. 131 Poet rt. MILES of p'.p* end fittings: all elzee. ED- GENE RILEY & SON'S. 109 Vallejo Et. 6AFES— Nr- and recend hand- E. B. BECK ft CO.. 122 Market et. Ail bargains ;camp stools and chairs; hammocks. tnetal beds, mattresses. J.F.Hotter.?12 Mission. F-di*en ph^ncRTaphs. record*, supplies, moving picture machine?, films. Bacigalupl. 933 Mkt. GASOLINE pr^rinen. automobiles tnd launches; ail cues. J. E. DOAK. 46 Fremont st. ASK for pric** on second-hand typewrlers; all t Trafceg. ALEXANDER - CO.. 110 MontTy- A BRANCH efnee of The Call for the recep- tion of advertisements and FUbscnptions has h«M? opened at 1008 Market rt.. opposite Fifth. Or">Ti -until 11 p. m. MISCE--AXEOCS \VAXTS. WILL ray cash for gent's R. R. ticket via El t Paso; principals only for next 5 days. P. 1 O. box 6L; Alaraeda. WANTED 5x7 Reflex camera without l»ns. ARTHUR INKERSLET. 50S Montgomery st. WANTED—To rent part or whole office; man- ufacturer's -gent. Box 310C, Call office. A BARGE or float; state size; good condition; Box 2*S3. Call office. BOOKS and libraries bcught. H. C. HOLME?, 1149 Market Et. ; phone Jeseie 3741. or postal. I PAT highest prices for all kinds of cazt-oS clcthlr-g; eend postal. MORRIS. S70 Fclsom. TILTON wants good second-hand clothing and theatrical goods. 154 Bth St.; tel. Jessie 2851. A WEEK'S news for 5 cents—The Weekly Call. lfl rmce*. in wrapper, for mailing. $1 per year. MOXCY TO LOAJT. AJLA^HEKM XS &IU RPH Y. G01-6C2-603 Examiner building. Gt-'ick rettlement*; no disappointment. Eave expenses by dealing directly. Ertate*. eecond mortgages, undivided intor- ccts, a—dgniaents of rents, property in trust, «tc; legacies, life estates and undivided ln- tertets in property purchased. Courteous treatment. Strictly confidential. When You Need Money fee* HERMAN MURPHY. - - ADVANCES on furniture and pianos without removal; to permanent salaried people en tt-'.r note without security or knowledge of employer; lowest rates; no commission. NA- TIONAL CREDIT CO.. ?S and C3 Donohoe tulldlng. 1170 Market st. ¦___' /STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL LOANS en for- *4 Riture pianos or to salaried people on their r.ote; proper treatment guaranteed. ILLINIOS T— TTST CO.. r. lfl. Phelan bid., tel. Main 704. MONEY loaned to salaried people, retail mer- chants, teameters. boarding-houses, without security; easy payments; largest business In «G principal cities. Tolman. 653 Parrott bldg. HIGHLY respectable private place to obtain liber-il advances on diamonds, Jewelry, at £ pff? cent interest. Baldwin Jewelry Store. 84« Market; tel. Main 1044. Branch, Third. A 1 per cent on furniture or piano: no remor. al. no comraiaelon no publicity .$25 up; quick. private, confidential. 26 Montgomery, rm. 7. MUNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE. 103 C rant av*., LOANS FROM $1 TO $10,000. MONEY to loan on low Interest: cold, silver, diamonds, !•' ar> and precious stones bought et XV. J. HESTHAL'S. 10 Sixth st. ¦ NKW eaey method— To wage-earners on unin- dcrstd nous; absolute privacy. Fidelity Loan Company, rooms 4.8-49. Chronicle bldg. VO salaried people witbout security; oa furni- •<_¦•• indorsed notes and other security. S. F. iHtcount Agency. 143 Phelan building. AT lowest rates on furniture and pianos; strict privacy; no commission installments accepted. BONELLI 301 Eddy.- Conservatory building. OPEN Credit Aes'n. loans on salaries confiden- tially: new.simple plan. Room 60, 818 Market. ZT. ON furnlt%e & piano*; $15 up:no removal; no com. v7\'R^MAIN. rocm SI. C Eddy st. j PER cent on furniture or piano. 1003 Mu- tual 8arlnr» Bank bldg.. 708 Market st. ALLleans on diamonds and Jewelry 2 per cent tno. S. F. Collateral Loan Bank. 633 Kearny. ETAR Loan Co. of Wyoming ,loans ' money to calaried employes. R. 31L Mutual 8av.Bfc.bld.' _C«£H loaned «alart*d people on notes without lndcrser. MORELL. C09 Examiner bldg. A WEEK'S news for 5 cent*— The Weekly Call. Itj p£g»«. <n wrapper, for mailing. $1 per yea'-. OFFICES A3VO STORKS TO LET. DF.FK room In fine" offices ;centmi location; for rent -cheap." W. F. Cummin*. 110 Montey. RE.'U^^ESTATE— CITI't—FOII^^ALE. ii BALDV'INSi HOWELL, - - 25 POST ST. 10 LEVEL LOTS, ; * Suitable for ¦ . . ' Flats or Residences. I $2500 AND UP. j ?6,lC0 A positive bargain; comparatively new v pair pf flats on the north elde of Fred- j crick Bt, near Ashbury; Nos. 212 and 214; large lot, / 25x116:0; modern throughout; rented low at $600 per I year; we are .instructed by the owner, , - who resides in the East, to Bell this , property at once; the price has b«en reduced from $7000 to make a quick , sale; the flats could not be duplicated for lets than $0000; lot worth $2500; get permit from our office. $1,000— Rent $42 per month; 4 separate flati of 4 rooms each, in splendid renting location,- close to Third St.; lot runs through from street to street, having double frontage; at In perfect order; new roof, etc.; must be sold j this J " week ; a bargain can be had in this ¦ property. $4,250 Splendid residence on Pine St., 2- story house, 7 rooms and bath; modern plumbing; porcelain bath, etc.; cheap- est house to be had In the Western Addition. $9,500 Rents $65 per month; large lot. 25x144; on Fillmore St., near McAllister; two- ' . . story frame building of 2 flats of 6 and 1 rooms and bath each; building could ! :"• be raised and store put In at small cost, making this a choice piece of busi- ness property. $15,000— To close an estate, or will be sold separately or $6000 and $9000; Ellis Bt.; in excellent location; three fine dwellings, 2 and 3 stories and base- ment; lot 60-foot frontage; will sub-; divide for $0000; lot 35, with 2 houses, rent $65, or for $0000. 3-story building; renting for $45; 25-foot frontage. $5,750— Here you are;, all you people looking for 2 flats In Western Addition at a I bargain; we have 2 flats of 6 rooms and bath each; not far from the park, : dote to Haight-st. cars, on a lot 25x80. and renting for $56 50 per month; this is a solendld investment. $20,000— Must be sold before owner leaves for Europe on December 1; large lot, 30r i 137:6; frame building, renting for $82 50 per month; right down town, with t ele- gant exposure; suitable for small hotel or apartment-house; near Sutter. and Powell sts. $2,900 Tremont ave.. near Waller; only one block to Halght-st. cars; very desirable little home, iconslsting of a cottage, containing 5 rooms, and bath; not oc- . cr.pied by owner, but renting for $22 50 per month; a well-paying investment if - not wanted for a home. $1.000— Tho asking price; any fair offer will take this property, belonging to an asso, elation which, desires to eell Its real estate ; large corner lot, ' 50x85, com- manding s splendid view; desirable for a builder; corner Hill and Sanchez sts.; take Castro-st. cars. ?S,500— Rents $900 per annum; lot 25x122:6, to rear street; two eplendld flats of. 8 1 and 7 rooms and bath each,' and cot- ' lage of 6 rooms; street work all done: ; always rented; Vallejo St., close to Van. : ¦ . Ness ave. ¦ ' ; $4000— CLEMENTINA St., near St'i.; lot 25x SO' 4 separate flats; rents $41 50 per month; must be sold. BALDWIN & HOWELIi, ' 25 Post st. THOMAS MAGEE & SONS, » REAL ESTATE AGENTS, 5 MONTGOMERY ST. LARGE VAN NESS AVENUE CORNER. Covered with good frame Improvements; rents low. $500 a month now; can be In- creased by small expenditure; has also the advantage of being an excellent site for a large family hotel or A apartment house. NEAR GEARY AND MASON. ' 75 feet front, running back to a rear street: nearly 15,000 square feet; excellent site for stores and hotel; not a better buy in the market. ' THOMAS MAGEE & SONS, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. 5 MONTGOMERY ST. Nearly 20,000 square fee- Not far from Larkin street. Fine site for hotel, apartment house or' large number of small flats. •$30,000. SAN MATEO—BURLINGAME. •, Best buburban homes near San Francisco; no ferry; electric railroad now running; lots and residences for sale; we can sell good lots as Inw as $."00 each; we will be glad to show them; we also have «ome acreage land near by as low as $100. to $200 oer acre. ; McAFEE BROTHERS, 10S Montgomery St.. San Francisco. Resident agent, S. G. GOODHUE, Western Union Tel. bldg.. San Mateo. MODERN cottages; finished complete with every convenience; easy terms; large lots. 4 rooms $2900. 6 rooms $3250. / 5 rooms—$3500. . '. 6 rooms— $3600. 7 rooms $41CO- 6 rocme—$4600. Located on First and Second aves. bet. Geary and McAllister st. cars and one block north of park. F. NELSON, builder. 15 PER cent on Investment: 2 new fiats; Dor- land st. : rents $62 50 month; $4000 cash; $2500 at 6 per cent. $5500 Store and flat, with cottage; good stock of groceries and bar. D. COFFIN & CO., 3303 Mission st. $1700 STORE and 5 rooms, bath. " $2300-?New cottaee, 6 -rooms, bath; modern; $200 cash, balance $25 per month. MISSION REALTY CO., 2 29th st. FOR choice list of city property, houses .and lots, also Oakland and Berkeley bargains, ca'.l on or address - . ~ ROTHERMEL &CO., 507 California st. BUILD on your unimproved realty; we loan full cost Improv. and part lot at 6 per cent. MANHATTANLOAN CO.. Crocker building. NEW- flats for sale on Sixteenth st. near Church; rent $90 a month. D. CONDON, builder. ' . 4 , PLUMBING,, gasflttlng and . general jobbing. Ahlbach &' Mayer, plumbers, 836 Howard st. LOTS N or S side of Golden Gate ¦ Park, pur- chaped by W. J. GUNN. 7 530 California st. REAL ESTATE Country For Sale. FOR farms, orchards and vineyards, poultry and stock ranches, timber and grazing lands, call or send' for our catalogue. ROTHER- MEL & CO.. 507 California st. $10 A MONTH buys a 10-acre farm. $200 profit per annum per acre. Write for booklet. It's free. 603 J st. ¦ WRIGHT & KIMBROUGH. Sacramento. Cal. FOR sale 15-acre fruit farm; good improve- ments; rood location: connected with San Francisco by rail and electric cars. Call or address 715 Nineteenth st., Oakland, Cal. ALFALFA lands, stock I ranches, orchards, vineyards; inspected bargains; monthly cata- logues sent free. CM. WOOSTER CO., 648 Market st. - - : . . A BIG list of. all, classes . of ranches; . state | what's wanted and I'll send descriptions. N. D. RICKELS, the Land Agent, 6 Geary, j CHEAPEST and best In America— The Weekly ] Call. 16 pages, sent to any address in the United States or* Canada one year for $1. POINT RlCHMOyP REAL ESTATE. WATER,front lots and- bargains; all tracts; maps, photon, etc. BELL.: 417 Parrott bldg. STL -TERIN'G A y D STAMMERING. MELBOURNE School, Van Ness-Market— Cuni In every case; Individual teaching: no medl- cine. Inquire Into wonderfnl cures :hom» cur*. DIVIDEND NOTICES. DIvTdeND~NOTICE— The Giant Powder Com- pany. Con.—A dividend. No. 60, of fifty (50) ' cents per share on the issued capital stock of the company has been * declared, payable at the office of the company, rooms 202, 204 and 20G Hayward building, San Francisco, on De- cember 10, 1903. Transfer books close Decem- b«r 3. 1903. at noon. C. C. QUINN. Bec'y. BERKELEY ADVERTISEMENTS BERKELEY REAJL ESTATE. BUY ONE OF THESE CHRISTMAS PRES- ENTS; $1200— Acre lot. oh Claremont ave.; fine trees. $G50-r-Lot overlooking bay; near College ave. ; all street work done; cars 2 blocks.- $2500— 50x130 on Channing way, near Tele- graph ave.; everything else in block $3250; $8 per foot; fine corner lot, near new -Santa Fe station. CHENEY & BERRY. ..- P. O. Block. Berkeley station. A SNAP—Must be sold at once; $3700; two- story, ; 6- room . house, 1 year old ; lot 42x120 ; street work all done; new furniture •'.- com- ! plete throughout; 1 block from 'electric cars and 3 blocks from Lorin station; $1200 cash, balance $30 permonth. 1927 Falrview St., or L, J. MORAN & CO.." 2131 Shattuck ave.~ ; ONE -left: a splendid new' home In Berkeley; -email cash payment; remainder on install- . mentp less than' ; rent. -. S. F. /and S.' t Home Building Society. 7C8 Market st., S. F. - ' ._¦•-¦ •-- ¦ -

Transcript of · TWO MEN NECESSARY TO CARRY .WOMAN FRO3I FIRE Madam Hanson, who...

Page 1: · TWO MEN NECESSARY TO CARRY .WOMAN FRO3I FIRE Madam Hanson, who conducts a vapor bathing: establishment at 116 Taylor street, was saved from death in


Madam Hanson, who conducts avapor bathing: establishment at 116Taylor street, was saved from death ina fire last nigrht try Jake Harris, aclerk in.the County Clerk's office.; Thehouse in which . she was caught .fireand in the excitement the wqmari be-came so terrified that she was unableto get out of her rooms.

- '.Harris was passing, and, hearing her

screams, ran to her rescue. Althoughthere was no fire near her, the womaaseemed "paralyzed with fear. Her res-cuer tried to carry her out into thestreet,' but her avoirdupois* was toomuch for him. Policeman. O'Connorcame to the rescue and between themthey •removed the frightened womanto a place Of safety.

The blaze, which was small, wasput out Ina' few.minutes by the FireDepartment, The damage will.not ex-ceed 1100.

Madam Hanson Becomes Excited and'She Is RemoTed to Place of

Safety With' Difficulty.'

Charles* Williams. 114 Harriet street,hacked himself about the head with adull:ax thirty-seven times yesterdayafternoon and -then 'jabbed a pair' ofshears into'his breast. Notwithstand-lng-his efforts to end his life, WUllainawas but alls—tlv irdurcd.

Tries Hard to Die.



Collard. $35; Emerson, $C5; Fllsper, $70;Miller, $175; Chickering, $167: American.$1C5: Heine, $235; Haynes, $150; Steinway,$185; Steinway, .large style, $325,- and fiftyothers. Kcnts, $2 up; installments,. $4 up.HEINE PIANO CO.. 235-237 Geary street:Oakland branch. Fifteenth and Broadway, oldP. O. bldg.

WE rent the best piano in the city for $3 per'

month ; we allow eIx months''rental and

cartage (?2Q) off purchase price, thus givingj you a s'.x months' trial of the instrument for

nothing; our terms and prices cannot beequaled in San Francisco. 6COTT-CURTAZ"PIANO CO.. 5C0-64 Hayes st.

A FINE lot of second-hand uprights from $30up. including -tuch nickes as. Chlckering.Vc«e. Krotger. (turtaz, Klrkham, Pease.HarCman, Marshall & Wendell. Bau* andothers. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON. 16 O*Far-tell tt. No branches in San .Francisco. ' *

LOW prices, easy terms and good coods arewhat we offer; Behr Bros., Baumeisterpianos and Simplex Piano Players are whatyou want. Call and select now. THE ZENOMAUVAIS MUSIC COMPANY, 7(50 Market.

,A TREMENDOUS sacrifice; unredeemed stor-age pianos and furniture selling to pay stor-age; dirt'eheap. Whitehead's Storage, 1636Market st. Open evenings.

BAND Instruments; F. Becson. Paris, maker;Gu« Maiwald. Art. Pac. Coast. 278 O'Farrell;skillful repairing; Sd-hand instruments sold.

ALMOST cheaper than firewood; storage pianos& furniture. Hi*}C Market st. Open evenings.

ALMOST new upright; cheap: cash or install-ment. ECHMITZ

-CO.. 16 McAllister st.

1 A STECK upright mahocany. nearly new;must be sold. . 21ft McAllister Ft.

BEAUTIFUL 3-pedal Steinway upright piano;perfect order; sacrifice. Keeffe's.2S5 O'Farrell.

EOHMER, Byron Mauzy pianos. Cedllan pianoplayer. BYRON MAUZY. 308-312 Post st.

SUPERIOR violins, zithers, old and new..H.MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place.

CHEAPEST and beet In America— The WeeklyCall. 1*5 pages, sent to any address In theTTnited Ft.ite* or Canada one year for $1.



To all whom Ihave made prices to sinceJan. 1 1993. & for the ensuing 30 days only.I make a liberal reduction from allprices for my special deep-wrinkle treatment.

The lady who has been on exhibition Inthe drug More windows may be f?en at myoffice this week from 10 to 5. in order to ac-commodate those who.have requested to ex-amine the face more thoroughly in private.

M. ELLA HARRIS.TS1 O'Farrell St.. near Larkin. Call or write

for book explaining method^ >

ITHE Star Hair Remedy restores gray hair. Im-proves its growth, stops Tailing,cures dandruffsrd itching scalp; no stain or stickiness;

I cleanses scalp; at druggists', hairdressers' ;ac-cept no substitute. Star Remedy Co..1338 Polk.

WILL. MIS.S EMILY CULLEN, who formerly

-worked for Col. Meade, also 90S Sutter and !>O'Farrell sts., come to Presidio and see Mrs.Col. Morris, house No. 22?

IIX> hereby notify the public that I, J. F.PTl*LL, will no longer, be responsible for<ic!»ts contracted by my wife, MRS. J. F.


NOT how cheap but how rood Is the motto ofthe manufacturers of the Rapid RotaryStandard, the eewing-machlne of to-day. J.

> W. EVANS, agent. 1021 Market st.

!PHYSICIAN. 15 years' experience, cures per*manently morphine, cocaine ¦habit. Call oreddress Central Pharmacy. 251 Grant ave.,

corner Sutter St.: fee moderate. .ILIQUOR habit cured in 2 days or no charges;i guaranteed. Acme LSquor Cure Co., 997 Mar-

ket st.. room 203; phone_ South 751. ¦

IATlese than cost, uncalled for suits, trousers at CHARLES LYONS'. LondonTailor. 721 Market st.

1 ELEGANT suits on easy installments; 50 centsand up per week. LEON LEMOS. 1127. Mar-ket el., between Seventh and- Eighth.

i. _________—__—_—_—__——

DANCING Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday. Sun-day evgs.. Teutcnia Hall, Howard .St., nr.Bth: Prof. Foster; society dancing taught.

IFINKp^nuiti"diamonds, watches, jewelry cheap-rr than anywhere. A. A.Ritter. 237 Kearny.

MASQUERADE coMi'm»*. play book*, wigs;country crJFrs. GOLDSTEIN & CO.. 733 Mkt.

SUITS to order on Installments. $1 per week., Neuhaus_

Co., mercb. tailors. 727-729 Market.


moles removed by elec-tric neejle. Dr.& Mrs. Traverse. .1170 Market.

THE bert place to buy good umbrellas or havethem covered or repaired Is 120 Stockton et.

.TAILOR-MADE EUit $7 50; dress pants $2 50.Misfit Clothing Parlor, cor. Bush and Dupont.

ALFREDUM'S Egyptian Henna restores grayhair to Its natural cotor; $1; at all druggists'.

Superfluous hair and moles removed with elec-trlc needle. Mrs. & Mlsa Eaton. 1119 Sutter.

A BRANCH office of The Call for the recep-tion of advertisements and' subscriptions hasbeen opened at 1008 Market St., oppositeFifth. Oncn until 11 p. m.

PALMSTHY.MME. DEVAS, scientific palmist and astrolo-

glet; palm readings $1; 3 questions by ex-press. $1;open Tuesday eve. aleo. 139 Post st

MME NEERGARD'S class in palmistry beginsDec 1. 8 p. m. 242 Post St.; terms $10.

H. JEROME FOSELLI. scientific palmist, 515Taylor tt.. near Geary. Phone Blaek 561.


ROOMS papered. $3 50 up; tinting, painting.Hartmann Paint Co., 319 3d St.; tei. Main 413.

CALLat ?27 Turk st. or phone Sutter 154. forrarer ranging, painting and tinting.



Office and residence.K'liiVa Market Et.. bet. Cth and ith: partlcu-lar attention paid to dtseates of women.

BLOOD, skin end rectal diseases a specialty.DR. BALL. 1073% Market st.

REMOVED—DR. WONG HIM. herb doctor,treats all diseases ot the human body; forpast four years at 115-117 Mason; now lo-cated at 667 Geary St., near Leavenworth. .

DR. TONG PO CHY. successor to Dr. LI PoTal, herb doctor, cures all diseases of humanby use of herbs and teas. 727. Washington st.

DR. H. C. WONG. 719 Post si.; all diseasescured by Chinese herbs; consultation free.

WONG WOO. the famous herb doctor—

AlldU-eaeeB cured by Chinese herb*. 74O-S Clay st.

STOK AGE AXDi WAREHOUSM.A^Ml>oltn3ars1'OTage~lfc^^

household goods stored, moved, shipped. 725-731 Howard st.. nr. Third; phone Grant 16L


Moving Co., of-'fice Post and Powell sts.; tel. Prlve. Ex. 57L

CONKLIN'S Storage— Furniture and merchan-dlfce. 333 Golden Gate ave.; phone East 126.

GOLDEN. -West Storage; advances made; 840Mlesion Kt.; tel. Howard on. F. W. Zehfuss.

PACIFIC Storage and Furniture Moving Com-pany. 2320 Fillmore St.; phone Jackson 281.

BEKINS Van snd Storage Co.. 11 MontgomerySt.; tel. Main 1840. Shipping at cut rates.

TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES.AN exceptionally good No. 2 Remington, No.

1 Smith Premier. $25; other typewriters 'athigher and lower prices; rentals $2 60. TheTypewriter Exchange. 536 California st.

A FEW good typewriters at $30 each; get par.tlculars. L. & M. ALEXANDER. 110 Mont-gomery st. ; »

2D-HAND typewriters sold, rented, repaired.Webster Tytwwrlter Inspec. Co.. ROB Market.

SEWING MACHINES AND SUPPLIES.NEW HOME sewing machine; this week only;

$10. $15. $20: slightly used: needles 20c do*.NEW HOME B. M. CO. 1051 Markst st


positively cured: new method; 1 week's treat-ment true. Dr. Cottlngham. 204 Sutler st.


Ledies! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pillsare best; safe, reliable; take no other. Send 4cstamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles"in letter by-return mall.' Ask your druggist.Chlchcster Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa.


sessment Notice—

Honolulu Plantation Com-pany, location of principal place of buslnesr,ban Francisco, Cal.

—Notice is hereby, given

that at a meeting of the board of directorsheld this ICth day of November A. D. 1U03,an assessment (Number 7) of one dollar($1 00) per share was levied upon the cap-ital stock of the. corporation, payable im-mediately to the secretary of

-the company

at the of flee 'of"the company^ 327 Market

et.. San ,Francisco, State of California. Anyetock upon which this assessment shall re-main unpaid on the 2Sthday of December,1003. will be delinquent^ and advertised forsale at Dublle ¦ auction, and unless paymentIs made before . will be sold on the ISthday of January, 1904, to pay the delinquentassessment, together with expenses of sale.

H. W. THOMAS.. %Secretary of the Honolulu :-Com-• pany, 327 Market st., .Sa__FranclscO, Cal.

(Room No. 4, Second Floor). "> !J


Co-tinned.'A— • HOTEL BALTIMORE, >.







This new and rustic constructed hotel is sit-uated in the city's swellest quarter and willbe handsomely furnished- throughout, with allthe very,:latest conveniences: will be readyfor occupancy, Dec. 15; reservations can nowbe made on premises daily. f


"strictly flrst-class family and tourist hotel ofunquestioned respectability. Amerjpan plan.

CALIFORNIA, 124Q— Most select location In, '¦

modern, elegantly furnished private home;' :table unsurpassed: marine view. . i

HOTEL MARTINET,Geary st. and Van Ness- ave., has changed hands; hereafter conductedfirst-class family hotel; table board specialty

STEVENSON mansion. 807 California st.—At-tractive and sightly rooms; best table andservice; lowest rates. ¦ .'

TWO sunny front rooms, with or withoutboard. In private family. 1402 Washingtonst.; phone Hyde 4481. ..

LEAVENWORTH, 306—Large front sunnyroom, suitable for 2, with board; references.

O'FARRELL, 308—Furnished rooms; homecooking; German family; $6 per week. • \

SUNNY furnished rooms, with board If re-quired. 2460 Mission st.


BOARD and lodging in private family. 2521Sutter st. •

¦:. v. -' : ..CHEAPEST and best In America— The Weekly

Call. 16 pages, sent to any address In,theUnited States or Canada one year for $1."


GENTLEMAN wants room and board Inprivatefamily; warm room necessary; state terms.Box 3744, Call. ' -


rooms Wanted.ROOM between Fourth and Tenth sts., on Mis-

sion, by single temperate man; unfurnished.Box 3150. Call.


OFFICfi OF THE BOARD OF STATE HAR-bor Commissioners, Union Depot and FerryHouse, San

-Francisco, California. Novem-

ber 16. 1903. "• 'Sealed proposals .or bids will be received at

4 this office at or prior to 2:15 o'clock p. m.on Wednesday, December 23. 1903. for thsconstruction Iof a section

-of seawall and

wharf al«n£ same to ba located betweenKing and Channel streets on ¦ ths waterfront ot the City and County of 'San jFran-cisco, In accordance with the plans' andcpeclficatlons prepared therefor by the ChieJEngineer of the Beard and adopted by tht

!Board August 27, 1903, and. on file In thftoffice, to which special reference Is herebymade.

'The work to be -done under these

specifications consists In - furnishing all ma-"terlals and labor for constructing and erect-ing a stone seawall with end embankmentsand a wharf. It is :estimated that the sea-wall and end embankments- will, contain {about 90,000 tons of stone; the wharf willcontain '36,060 square feet af wharf sur-face. This section of the seawall will ex-tend from the Intersection of | the northerlyline of- Channel street (prolonged easterly)with the water front line,' six hundred


feet northerly along said water- front line.The materials .to be used for the construc-

tion of the seawall and end .embankmentswill consist of stone not subject to decom-position nor disintegration by the action ottea water or air. .

Two classes of stone - will be recognized.The first class will Include stone of one ormore cublo feet In fair assortment of sizesbetween one and four cubic feet; no objec-tion willbe made to stone larger 'than fourcubic feet; this claes of stone must be freeof seams and marked lines of Cleavage.


The second class will. include stone of lessthan one cubic foot, in assorted sizes, butno stone less than five pounds will be ac-cepted at the quarry. . ,. , \.

The materials for the construction of thee wharf will consist of the requisite quanti-

ties of first class, close grained, Douglasyellow fir piles and yellow flr lumber (mer-chantable quality), wire rope, wrought Ironbolts,

'spikes, etc., all of the best quality

and subject to a rigid examination.No bid will,be .received unless It Is made

on a blank form furnished from this officennd Is accompanied by a certified check forfive per cent of • the aggregate amount "ofthe bid. payable to the order of the Secre-tary cf the Board, as a guarantee on thapart of the successful bidder that he willwithin six (6) days after the acceptance ofthe bid enter into a written contract to dosaid work,.according to the- plans and spec-ifications prepared therefor, |and wUl also

5 execute and file with this Board a bond Insuch cum as the Board may deem adequatewith a surety company, to be approved bythe Board of' State '¦ Harbor'*Commlssloner»,and conditioned for the faithful performanceof such contract: nor willsaid bid be con- ;tldered by this Board unless delivered to thesecretary or to the assistant secretary, atthe office of the seeretary, at or prior to2:15 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, Decem-ber 23, 1903, at which time and place thebids will be conned. • '' '

\" .

The Board reserves the right to reject any orall bids if deemed for the best interest ofthe State. .

Bidders are Invited to be present at the open-ins of the bid«.. CHAS. H. SPEAR.


Board of State Harbor Commissioners.LOTT D. NORTON. Chief Engineer.. JOHN M. FOY-. Secretary.

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Berkeley.Notice to contractors, builders and materialmen

—Notice Is hereby given to all concerned

that pealed proposals or bids are solicited forperforming the labor and furnishing the ma-terials necessary for the -excavations andfoundations of California Hall, on-thngrounds of th« University of California atBerkeley, Alameda County, California, andsaid bids or proposals will be received at theoffice of the Board of Regents. South Hali.Berkeley, at or before 12 o'clock m. of theIlth day of December, 1903. And notice ishereby further given that the plans and eped-ncations of said excavations and foundationshave been made and adopted and are placedIn above named office, where the same maybe seen and examined during each da'y from8 o'tlock a, m. until 4 o'clock p. m.,


this date until said Ilth day of December,11903. No bids or proposals willbe considered

unless the eame are accompanied by a certi-fied check or a bond of said proposer equal toten (10) per cent of his proposal, with suf-ficient sureties, conditioned that, if said bidor proposal ¦ shall be accepted, the party pro-posing will duly enter into a proper contractto faithfully perform* the duty and obliga-tions in accordance with said proposal andplans and specifications, which shall be andare hereby required to be.a part of suchcontract. The right to reject any and allbids is hereby . reserved. This notice 'Isgiven pursuant to an act entitled: "An actto amend an act entitled 'An act to createand organize .the University of California.'approved March 25. 1868, and an act amend-atory of section 25 thereof, approved March28, 1872. relating to the construction of build-ings," approved March 3, 1897. By order ofthe Committee on Grounds and Buildings ofthe Board of- Regents.

.W. A. McKOWEN, Secretary.

SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., December 8, -.1903.—Sealed proposals. In triplicate, . will be re-ceived here until 11 o'clock* a. m. January 8,1904. and "then opened for construction- offrame buildings (wagon • shed and workshop) at :.Fort iMlley, Cal. Government >re-serves right to reject or acceDt any.or allbids In• whole or ¦in part. • Informations-fur-nished on application to WM. S. PATTEN.Assistant Quartermaster General, ChiefQ. M. • , . \ .

MARRIAGE MCENSES.The - following marriage licenses were issued

yesterday: v '.Edward P..Myers, 26. Oakland, and LillianCorder. 18,'Oakland. : . •-

Albert C. Loster. 25, city, and Ellen L.Wed-berg, 22, city. \. .-.*.

Alfred" C. MartelV 40.* Mountain View, and;Laura Blackwood, 30, 2002 Pacific avenue. -

Samuel J. Gray, 25, Tesla, and Maud G.Wiseman, -19,* Tesla. -•


- -? ..

August Bouecker, : 29, 1513 Dupont street,Iand Jennie M. Cook. 23, Redwood City. '¦• y

Anton M.-V.-Krazmer, 32, 75 Valparaisostreet,": and Anna S..B. Hoppe, 86. 1816 Mason."Peter A;Petersen, 38.20^ Franklin street,

and Katharina Naef, 35. 107 Oak street.John Taylor 27,.538 Sutter street, and Alma

M Nelson, 26, 538 Sutter street." V -*VMax Fox. 25, 507 Pacific street, and Ethel

Shields, 23, city. ,„.,„„ _.'•"_.JohannrH.' Lemme. 50. 119. Bernard street,

and Johanne Nlallg, 45, 150 Pacific avenue.¦James \Pellaudini, 30, Gait,, and Rosa Rog-

gemboss. 32, Gait. !„V „ X .¦Gardiner Howell, 35, New York, and Bessie

M. Bosh, 20, Berkeley. ,George R. McCanae, 33, Greenwood, and. Nel-

lie L..McDowell, 24, Hemmlngford. Canada.¦ ¦¦' John R Vlera, 3a, Oakland, and Maria Souza,27,-clty.-^ ¦:¦'/ -----,.-:V-' .: -¦ ¦ -¦ . :-^

BIRTHS--"MAR5lAGES—DEATHS-Birth, marriage and death notices sent by

mall inserted." They must be handedinIat either ofIthe \publication offices ¦ and 'beindorsed Iwith the |name !and ¦residence |of per-sons

*authorized to have the same Ipublished.

Notices restricted simply to'the announcement

of the event are published once in this columnfree .of;,charge. • -

.<; -. .

¦:; : '":' - BOiix.; :. ', '. £ .•DETTNEK—In this city,•December 7, 1903,. to

v "the wife'of E.'-H.sDettner," a daughter.KINGSBURY

—In this city.- December. 4, 1903,

'to ths wife ofW.'da _.. Klngsbury,"'a son.*-

LEHMANN—In this city. December «. 1903.Carl Jr., beloved and Only son of Carl andthe

-:lats Caroline' Lehraann, an* jfjeyoted-

brother Cf Mr«. Annie Marlow and |Berthaand Freda Lehmann, a" native of San FraB-.Cisco,, aged 17 years 3 month»a1jd 17 days.

. (CTTrtends and acquaintances are respect-fully,invited to attend the funeral to-day(Tuesday), at 1 o'clock." from the parlors. vC

& Co.. 1137;Mission street, be-tween" Seventh and Eighth. Interment MountOlivet Cemetery.

LE STRANGE—In this city. December 7.1903.Roseanna. beloved wife of Patrick LeStrange, and mother of Matthew, . Minnie,Myrtle, Bernlce. Florence. John. Eatelle. Lor-J

retta and Clare Le Strange, daughter of Caith-erina .and the late John •Riley, and sister ofThomas and Daniel Rlley. Mrs. Oeorsre- "Kll-.Patrick. Mrs. James McConmlck and Mrs. K.J. Lawlor. a Native of Brooklyn. N. Y...aged38 years'S months and 12 days. '- -


MULLER-r-In this city, December 7, i19<J3.Charles A., beloved husbanJ of CatherineMuller and devoted father of Mrs. Katie Heck,- a native of Germany, aged 55- years and 7.

¦ days. Amember of Eureka Lodge- No. 6. O. A.H. S., Court Hubertus No. • 15. F. of A., andCourt Yerba Buena No. 913, I.O. FCresters. .

C7Frlends and acquaintances are respect-fullyinvited to attend the funeral to-morrow• (Wednesday). December 9. 'at 9:3» o'clock,from his late residence. 2t'-"S Fclsom street,between Twenty-second and Twenty-third,thence to,St. Anthony's Church, .Army andFolsom rtreets, where a requlm high masawillbe celebrated for the repose of his soul,commencing at 10 o'clock. Interment HolyCross Cemetery.


In Alameda, December «, l»03. Gu»-tav Oberg. belovad husband of Elt3abel{>

Oberg, a native of Sweden, aged W years Smonths and 6 days.

CTFriemls and acquaintances are respect-fully invited to attend the funeral Tuesday.December 8, at 2 o'clock, from his-Iate resJ-' dence, 1330 Versailles avenue, thence to Oak-

land Crematory.CNEIL

—In this. city. December 6, 1903, Alma

. M. O'Nell, beloved daughter of Thomas P.and Alma S. O'Nell, a native of San. Fran-cisco, aged 2 years » months and 7 days.

E^Friends and acquaintances are Tespect-fuly Invited-to attend the funeral to-day at11 o'clock, from the residence of h«r grand-mother. S947 Clay street- .Interment Holy

Cross Cemetery.PERKINS—In this city. December 7, 1903. Ag-

nes, beloved wife of John Perkins, a native ofGermany, aged 22 years. ,

-> ;

PISANI—In this city. December 6. 1803, MaryJ.. beloved wife of John Pisanl. mother ofFred and James Plsani. a native* of. SanFrancisco, aged 38 years 6 months* and 8days. •« -


In this city. December 5. 1903. JamesJoseph, beloved son of Thomas and .the lat»Margaret Qulnn, brother of Thomas QulnaJr and Mrs. C. Curtis, and nephew of Mrs.Ellen Feeney, a native of San Francisco,aged 25 years 2 months and 23 days.. |_rFriends and, acquaintances are respect-fully Invited

'to attend

'the funeral to-day

(Tuesday), at 12:3O o'clock, from the parlors

of McFadden, McBrearty—:Green. 1171 Mis-

sion street, between. Seventh and Eighth.

thence to St. Joseph's Church, where ser-vice* will be held at 1 o'clock. IntermentHoly Cross Cemetery.

ROBERTSON— InNew York December 6. .1003.Thomas F.

-Robertson. • husband of'-Edith

Carnes Robertson,-


BIGBY—In this city. November" SO*. 1903. JSni-- ma Rigby, beloved daughter of- Mrs.- AnnStiles, a native of England, aged && years .3months and 30 days. .

|pr Friends and acquaintances are respect-fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day(Tuesday), at 9:30 o'clock, from the parlorsof H. F-. Buhr & Co.. 1137 Mission, stree;.between Seventh and Eighth. Interment Cy-press Lawn Cemetery, by electric funeralcar.

' '.: * *'¦

RIORDAN—In this city. December 7. at herresidence.. The Slrathnaorfi. 20X Larkin street,Mary A., beloved wife of the late CorneliusRlordan. and mother of Dan«F.. Cornelius.. Lalla and Kittle F.Rlordan and Mrs. TaomasH. Keeffe of the City of Mexico, a native of

the Cityof Cork. Ireland, aged, 70 years and 7months. (Sonora. Tuolumne County, papers

t_fThe funeral services willbe held af SI.Paul's Church, Twenty-ninth and !Churchstreets, to-morrow (Wednesday), at 1:30o'clock. Interment private tn Holy CressCemetery. '• "

SCHA-EFER—In this city. December 7. 1903.Fritz Schaefer. beloved brother of Mrs. H. O.Wulff. a native of Germany, aged 4O years.A member of Wllhelm Tell Lodge No. 2. O.d. H. S., 'Oregon. (Portland, Or., papersplease copy.) •

CTFrlends and acquaintances are respect-fullyInvited to attend the funeral to-morrow(Wednesday), at 2 o'clock, from the resi-dence of II.O. Wulff. 29O1A Harrison street,

corner of Twenty-fifth, where funeral ser-. vices willbe held under the auspices of Eu-reka. Lodge No. 6. O. d. H. 8. IntermentMount Olivet Cemetery by electric funeralcar from Thirtieth street and San Jose ave-nue.

STINSON-^In this city. December 7, 1900 So-phie wife of the late Perry Stinson. andmother of William H.. Frances J.. Harry S.and Ida N. Stinson and the late Katie A.Bryan, a native of Scotland, aged 76 years.

IC7"rb» funeral will take pjace to-mor—>—>(Wednesday), at 9:30 o'clock, from her lateresidence. 3176 Washington street, where ser-vices will be held commencing at the abovehour. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery, byelectric funeral car from Eighteenth andGuerrero streets.


In this city. December 6, 1900,Patrick, beloved husband of the late EllenSullivan, a native of the parish of Skull.County Cork, Ireland, aged 75 years. •

E7Fiiends and acquaintances are respect-fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day(Tuesday), at 12:30 o'clock, from the parlor*of Carew & English. 2» van Ness avenue.thence to St. Joseph's CburclUfor services,commencing at 1 o'clock. Interment .HolyCross Cemetery.

SULZER—In this city.December" 5, 1903. EllenSulzer, a native of Ireland, aged 59 years.

(E~ Friends and acquaintances are•respect-

fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day(Tuesday), at 12:15 o'clock, from the parlorsof J. C. O'Connor & Co.. 767 Mission street.thence to St. Patrick's Church for eervlces at12:30 o'clock. Interment Holy Crow Ceme-tery by 1:30 o'clock train frem Third aadTownsend streets. . .. .

TRIPP—Inthe City and County Hospital, De-cember 7. 1903, George F. Tripp. a native ofMassachusetts, aged 68 years.

WALSH—In this . city December 8, 1903,Michael J., beloved husband of the late Cath-erine Walsh, and father of .Mamie Walsh,Mrs. J E. W. Carey. Mrs. William A. Keefe.and grandfather of Alleen. Phyllis and Clar-ence Keefe, a native of County Mayo, Ireland,aged 76 years 3 months and. 14 days. (Pitta-

fleld. Mass., papers please copy.)CT Friends and acquaintances are respect-

fullyinrited to attend the funeral to-morrow(Wednesday), at 9 o'clock, -from his late resi-dence, -200 Utah street, thence to St. CharlesBorromeo's Church, where a solemn requiemmass willbe celebrated for the repose of hissoul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock/ IntermentHoly Cross Cemetery.


In Oakland. December 5, 1903.Beatrice Lucy, beloved daughter of Ernestand May Warren, a native of Saa Francisco.aged 6 years 7 months and 1day. ,'.


—In this city. December 7, 1903. Mar-

garet-Mary, -beloved daughter of John andIrene Waters, and- sister- of Joseph andThomas Waters, and granddaughter of Mrs.Mary Berkley, a native of San Francisco,aged 11 months and 7 days.


In this city -December 7, 1903. Tom.beloved husband of Nellie Wood, a native ofMissouri, aged 60 years 4 months and 3 days.


Inthis city. December 8. 1903., atthe residence of her stepfather, Adam Netj-man, 2«18 Bryant avenue, between Twenty-

fourth and Twenty-fifth streets. Clothll* E.Wlfgand, dearly beloved wife.of Eugene A.Wiegand.

-beloved mother of Clothtla and

Eugene.' WIegand Jr.. and daughter of Mrs.Adam, a native of Japan, aged 27years 8 months and IS days.

B_TFriend3 a_d acquaintances are respect-fully Invited'to attend the funeral to-day(Tuesday), at 11:45 o'clock, from the resi-dence of her ¦ stepfather, Adam •Netiman.2816 Bryant avenue, between Twenty-fourthand Twenty-fifth streets, thence to St. Boni-face's Church, Golden Gate avenue, between

I Jones and Leavenworth streets, for service*.. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. .


"city. De-

cember B, 1903. by the Rev; Frederick "A.; Doane, Ferdinand W. Westdahl of San Fran-; clsco and Agnes M. Sullivan of Oakland, Cal.

'DIED/Adams, Anna V. Krug. ChristianaAnderson, T. H. ' Laborde. MouniqueAnderson. Charles Lehmann, Carl Jr.-

-Baker, Margaret Le Strange, -Rose-' Becker, Ruby

¦ ¦-

anna ¦ ......Bouteiller, Louisa E. Muller. Charles A.Butler. Elizabeth >

• .Oberg, GustavColeman, Mary l£.- O'Nell. '• Alma M.Cordano, Giuseppe Perkina, AgnesCosgrove,, James W. Pisanl. Mary J. . '.Crane, Mrs. Flora A. Qulnn. James JosephChristensen, L. B. Robertson, Thomas F.Enos. Marie

_Rlgby,Emma _ -,

Goodmundson, Ingle"-"~

Riordan.' Mary Klborg Schaefer, Fritz j

Gonzalez, Dr. M.,E. Stinson, SophieGreen, William B. Sullivan, PatrickGrlswold, Esther Sulzer, EllenHamilton, Thomas Tripp. George F.Hurley, Sarah G. Walsh. MlchaeJJ.James, Frank • • Warren. Beatrice I*Kellogg, Orrin J. Waters. Margaret M.Koster, Emilda „ ¦

'Wood, Tom

.' '¦- .• .' . ¦ . !

ADAMS—In this city, December 6, 1903. Anas(Virginia, beloved wife,of Hiram "W. Adams.

» and'mother of Walter A., Octavlan R. and i

Harvey L. Adams, Mrs. George J.* Turner,. and Mrs. Thomas T. Whear, a native ofNewark, N. J., aged 67 years 3 months and10 days. . '

ESTrlends and acquaintances ar« respect-fully invited to attend tha funeral servicesto-day . (Tuesday), at 10 o'clock, • at her 1

late residence, 30 Rlnqon place, betweenFirst and Second. Harrison and Bryantstreets. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery,by 11:30 o'clock train from Third and Town-

..send. streets.


In this city, December 6, 1903.x Thomas Heizer. beloved husband of Jennie

Duncan Anderson, and eldest son of J. W.Anderson, aged 42 years 5 mop tha and ISdays. A member of Fresno Lofice No. 186,I.O. O. F.; Mission Lodge Noi 169. F. andA* M.. and Carmen's Union. Division No.203. , --,.-.- -

(_~Friends and acquaintances are respect-fully invited to attend the funeral


Tuesday, December 8, 1903. at 1:30 o'clock,under the auspices of Mission Lodge No. 109.F. and A. M., at Mission Masonic .Hall. 266oMission street, between Twenty-aecond andTwenty-third. Interment Cypress LawnCemetery, by electric funeral car from ear-ner of Eighteenth and Guerrero streets at

,2:30 o'clock. •; .- • -_.' , . . . '

ANDERSON— In'this city. December 7, l»03.

Charles Anderson, beloved husband, of• IdaAnderson, father of Walter and Agnes An-derson, a native of Russia, aged 40 years.. BAKER—In this cltyr DecemW «, 1903. Mar-garet, beloved daughter of Eugene J. andElla F. Baker, and sister of Francis J., Leoand Gertrude Baker and Mrs. V. A. Han-. ¦ cock, .a native of San Francisco, aged 24

-years 3 months and 4 days..

B—Triends and acquaintances are respect-fullyInvited to attend the funeral Tuesday,December 8. at 1:30 o'clock, from her lateresidence, .6C Stanlty^place.

-thence to St.

Brendan's Church, corner Harrison and Fre-mont streets, for services. Interment Holy'Cross Cemttery, via electric funeral car fromEighteenth and Guerrero streets.

BECKER^In this city. December 7. 1903, RubyBecker, heloved. daughter of August and Au-gusta Becker, and Bister of Augusta and thelate Albert Becker, a native of San Fran-cisco, aged 8 months and 27 days. .. '. ETFrienda and acquaintances are respect-fullyInvited to attend the funeral to-morrow(Wednesday), at 1o'clock, from, the residenceof her parent's. 409 Tenth street. IntermentMount Olivet Cemetery.

-:BOUTEILLER—In this city. December 7. 1903,

Louisa Eugene, dearly beloved daughter ofEugene and Jennie Bouteiller and loving sis-ter;of Elizabeth Bouteiller, a native ot SanFrancisco, aged 3 months.


Friends and acquaintances are re-spectfully invited to attend the anniversarymass of requiem for the repose of the soul ofElizabeth Butler to-morrow (Wednesday), at

• 8 a. m., at St. Ignatius Church.COLEMAN—In this city, December 7.' 1903.

Mary Margaret, dearly beloved daughter ofAndrew and Elizabeth Coleman. a native ofSan Francisco, aged 3 years 7 months and 3. days.

B^Notice of funeral hareafter. Remainsat the parlors of J. C. O'Connor & Co., 767Mission street, between Third and Fourth.

CORDANO— In this city, December 6. 1903,Giuseppe, dearly beloved father of Antonio. |I.ulgi, Giovanni and Giuseppe Cordano andMrs: Nlcdetta Pezzola, and of the late AnnaBoitano and Catterina Oneto, a native ofItaly, aged 89 years and 20 days.

B7Friends and acquaintances are respect-vfullynotified that the funeral

-takes place on

Wednesday. December 9, 1903, at 1 o'clock.-from his late residence. 311 Union street, be-tween Kearny ,and Montgomery, thence toItalian Church forbenediction, thence to NewItalian Cemetery^ . ¦¦ '- ¦'

¦ . -'v •

COSGROVE— In this city, December T. 1903.James W.. beloved son of-Annie and ths lateThomas Cosgrove and beloved brother of Mrs.,H. Heeseman and Mrs. Frank B. Dougherty,a native of.San Francisco, aged 35 years and1month.

-A member of Typographical Union

No. 21., : tETFriends and acquaintances are respect-

fullyInvited to attend the funeral to-morrow(Wednesday), at 8:30 o'clock, from his lateresidence, 2209 Beach street, thence to St.Vincent de Paul's Church, whera a solemn.

, requiem mass willbe celebrated for the re-pose of his soul, commencing at 9 o'clock.

CRANE—In this city, at the residence of Mrs.Flora A. Grover, 1093 Dolores street, Decem-ber 6, 1903, Ellis T., beloved husband ofCarrie H. Crane, and father of Ethel. Mabel.Temple, Kathleen, Ellis and Richard Crane,a native of California, aged 49 years. (Co-lusa. Cal., papers please copy.)

B-TThe funeral will take place in Coluea,Cal.

CHRISTENSEN— In San Mateo, Cal., Decem-ber 6. 1903, Lawrence Benson, beloved son ofJorgen Christensen. a native of Oregon.

B7FrIends are Invited to attend the funeralservices Wednesday, December 9, at 2:30o'clock, at the chapel of Cypress Lawn Ceme-tery. ' •


In this city, December 6, 1903, Marie,dearly beloved wife of Manuel Enos, loving

mother of Geraldine Enos, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. M. V. Peters, and sister of Annie,Maggie, Winifred, Mildred, Frank, Manuel.Antnony and Joseoh Peters and Mrs. L. Ci.Fowler, a native of Sausalito, aged 32 years2 months and 0 days.

ICTRemains at the parlors of E. Castag-netto & Co., 043-45 Vallejo street, untilTuesday, December 8, when at 2 o'clock theremains will be sent to Petaluma, where asolemn requiem high mass willbe celebratedfor the repose of her soul Wednesday, at 1Uo'clock. Interment at Petaluma.

GOODMUNDSON—InEast Oakland, December

• 7,' 1903,„Ingleborg, beloved wife of the lateCaptain L. Goodmundson, mother of Ella B..AlvlnK.. Lawrence O. and Norma-A. Good-mundson and Mrs. Chester Ware, sister ofMrs. M. Olsenand Mrs. N. Stewart, a nativeof Norway, aged 67 years 11 months and 12days. ' ¦

tGONZALEZ—In this city. December 6. 1903.

Dr M. E. Gonzalez, beloved husband ofEdieW. Gonzalez, father of Anieta W." Gon-zalez, and brother ot Alfred Gonzalez, a na--tive of California, aged 55 years 4 monthsand 11 days.

IE~The funeral services will take place to-morrow (Wednesday), at 10 o'clock, at thePalace Hotel. Interment private. Pleaseomit

'flowers. .


In this city, December 7, 1903. WH-llam B., beloved son of Walter and AmeliaGreen, and brother of Walter and George-Green, a native of San Francisco, aged 3years 8 months and 8 days.

GRISWOLD—InSan Diego. November 23. 1903,Esther Grlswold, beloved mother of B. Grls-wold. Rev. John V. Grlswold. • William B.Grtswold and Dr.---W.-N. Grlswold, a native-of New York, aged 91 years.


In the City and County Hospital,December 6. 1903, Thomas Hamilton, a na-tive of Kentucky, aged 67 years.


In this city, December. 7, 1903, at•the residence, 2641 Harrison street, Sarah G.,beloved daughter of John J. and Sarah Hur-ley and sister of John J. and Evelyn Hurley,a native of San Francisco, aged 3 years 5months and 14 days.

JAMES^—In the City and County.Hospital, De-

cember 0, 1903. Frank James, a native ofKentucky.- aged 22 years.,


In the City and County Hospital.December 6. 1903, Orrin J. Kellogg, a nativeof New York, aged 72 years.

KOSTER—In this city. December 7, 1903,Emilda Koster. beloved daughter of Edwardand Annie Koster, and sister of Edna andEddie Koster, a native of San Francisco,aged 10 months and 11 days;

KRUG-^-In this city, December 6. 1903, Chris-'tlana Krug, dearly beloved mother of Mrs.. Rosa Wagner and Philip J. and Albert Krugand Henry Krug of Baltimore, Md., a nativeof Germany, aged 75 years and 23 days.'.

K7"Friends and acquaintances are respect-fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day(Tuesday), at 10:3V o'clock, from the resi-dence of her daughter, 1965 Howard street,near Sixteenth, thence


*the .--Emanuel

Church, Twelfth street, between Mission .and. Market, where services will be. held, com-mencing at 11 o'clock. Interment MountOlivet Cemetery.


In-Oakland, December 7, 1803.'

Mounique Laborde, beloved mother of Cather-ine 'Laborde, 3<rs. J.' Cassou. mother-in-lawof"J. Cassou and grandmother of Felix Cas-sou, a native of France, aged 73 years.

(CT'Friends and acquaintances are respect-fully invited to attend :the • funeral servicesWednesday, December 9,1903, at 1:30 o'clock,from her late residence, 820 Franklin street,. Oakland. thenc» to Immaculate ConceptionChurch . for services.' Interment St. Mary'sCemetery, Oakland. ."'.-"' ¦ ¦¦•,

F.J. MONAHAN. Manager. TeL Mission ._


2^.39-2341 Mission st.. rear Nineteenth.. %¦¦•; ;Ban Francisco- '

• James McGinn. Henry Hansen.-.JAMES

"McGINN A.CO.. .. .,, "

Formerly With McGinn Bros..--—

Funeral Directors and Embalmers.—• 214 Eddy St.; Tel. South 67ft, .


A BEAUTIFUL country home in Elmhurst; 8--room house; elegant interlori, finish; barn and

.'carriage house ;'. chicken and numerous other/out bouses; concrete driveways; beautiful'

flower garden; 2 acres of orchard; one of,theprettiest homes }n Alameda County; it is go-Ing to go forhalf of its real value;prlce $4000;small payment down; balance on easy terms; jwill exchange for Oakland or San Franciscoproperty. MITCHENER & BARTON,. 1010Broadway. . :



$2600 COST, and to worth $3000— Thirty-fifthst. near San Pablo; only 4 blocks from

!¦'¦:¦¦ Ke'y Route station; . thirty minutes . from"*"this house to San Francisco by Key

•Route;. only one fare; a modern bay-win-dow cottage~of 5 rooms, bath, high base-. ment;lot 30x140; two-story barn; graveldrives; In fact, an Ideal home; termsonly $50Q cash, balance mortgage; see-ing is believing; call early; must be sold;no reasonable offer refused. J. _ S.MYERS or GEO. W. • AUSTIN. . \)2

! Broadway. Oakland. \$3250— Juat think of It! Two cottages, 5-

rooms bath, basement, brick foundation,hot and cold water, gas; street work all-, complete; lot 60x150; fruit trees, carriage ,

t ¦

'driveway; near school, local trains, carsr and, business center; present income $32per month; owner has gone East and hisInstructions are to sell; we must eell; wewill sell to the first' applicant who will'talk cash and make reasonable offer. J.S. MYERS, or GEO. W. AUSTIN. 1002Broadway, Oakland. ,, ¦

;$5250— Reduced from $6500; death compels1 owner to leave for Los Angeles, and he 1b

forced to sell; location Webster st., near, Nineteenth; only three blocks from thebusiness center, postofflce .and narrow

i gauge local; 7 rooms, bath; only occupied; seven months; oi*n lawn, colonial style;j nickel plumbing, plate glass; in fact, an

Ideal home; .must be sold;- Bee It andmake offer. J. S. MYERS. 'or GEO. W.• AUSTIN. 1002 Broadway. Oakland.

AN IDEAL HOME.$3250 cash, balance to suit purchaser; a

grand, select home; modern house cf 12 roomsand handsome grounds: well kept; Latham ter-race, adjoining East Oakland; one block from

:car line; near steam local trains to S. F. andfine schoolhouse; lovely site; tne outlook, viewof bay and mountain range unsurpassed; Al

'soil; a flne^vanety of immense fruit trees,- as-sorted shrubbery and flowers; this is a rarehome} fine stable for horses and cow; size lOOx125; price In all $6500. Can or send for(cir-

cular. 455 Seventh Bt., opp. Broadway station,Oakland; carriage free.

H. Z." JONES, Land Owner.$1150 ONLY fora cottage; 6 rooms, 'bath, etc.;

I located in East Oakland:easy terms. P. C.LASSEN, &-CO., Oakland. Cal.

$4700 ONLY for 2 fine flats in Oakland; rentedfor ?50' per month. P. C. LASSEN

_CO., ;

466 Tenth st.. Oakland. Cal.AFINE 7-room house; must be sold this week;

good location; easy terms. P. C. LASSEN& CO.. 466 Tenth Bt.. Oakland. Cal.


VENDOME AND GRAND HOTELS,856% Washington and D10 Ninth sts.. Oak-land; furnished rooms en suite or single, withor without board: special rates to famlll«_


TO-MORROW the day for bargains in furni-ture. H. Schellhaas. 11th


AT Knickerbocker Apartments. 1340 Pine st..near Hyde

—Furnlsh'ed 3-room hults; $30 up;

steam heated, electric lighted;free bath.FILLMORE, 2210

—i., large furnished room*;

bath; housekeeping; choice; $30.

GEARY, 000—

8 outside furnished rooms; «unall day; coal and gas range; reasonable.'

-HYDE. 810

—2 sunny front rooms: en suite 'or

sinpl.e: private family; reasonable.MODEL HOUSE, 1206 Stockton st.


furnifheti rooms, $5-$12;. bath, gas, phone.

POLK, 1(>18, near Geary—

Neatly furnishedfront housekeeping rooms; reasonable.

SXTTTEIJ. pr*,2B—Elegantly furnished -suit of.roomfc, fjitable for gentleman or light hskpg.


2 furnished rooms; gas range,coal stove, sink; $10. Phone Kate. 2084.

THE CRAGBURN. 1007 Larkin St., cor. Post--Sunny furnished apartments; also- singlerooms; rent reasonable.

THIRD. 17, near Examiner—

3, 4 or 6 neatlyfurnished rOcnu to let; rent reasonable.


Corner Pine and Taylor sta.;beautiful .newmodern apartments; all sunny corner suites;furnished or.unfurnished ;none superior; ma-rlne view. LYON & HOAG. 116 Montgomery.

OCTAVIA, 1423, \iear Post—

Elegantly fur^njshed 3-4 room apartments: most private andselect In the city; private hall, bath; refs.



ROOMS TO LET—Fnrn. find tnforn.AURORA, corner Second and Folsom sts.


house, new furniture; every room outside;modern and sunny; prices from $1 50 perweek up; this Is the onlyup-to-date house Inthis vicinity; flrst-claaa grillattached.

A—BRUNSWICK House. 14S Sixth St.—Rooms25c to $1 per night, $1 25 to $5 per week and

! light housekeeping rooms; open all night. '.

ASHWORTH. 320 Mason St., bet. Geary andPost

—Suite and single rooms with or with-

out private bath; sun In < rooms all day. ¦

AT "The Almonte," 873 Market st. (or No. 1Fifth st.)—Rooms. 25e. 60c, $1, $1 60 night;$1 50 to $10 week; house open all night.

-BURNETT. 1426 Market (old No. 1304)


ntshed- rooms, suite, single; also unfurnished.BUSH, 1421%— Sunny furnished room cheap;

bath. . ¦'...¦ •¦ ¦

- -. ¦

CLIFFORD, 204 Ellis, corner Mason— Elegantlyfurnished sunny rooms; prices reasonable.

EDDY, 872^—

2 nicely furnished rooms, doubleor single; rent reasonable; phone, bath.

EDDY, 818—Elegantly furnished suite of threeor four rrfoms, or single; every modern con-venience

FELL' 222—

One furnished room, private fam-lly,$6. ¦

GOLDEN 'GATE ave.. 847—

Furnished rooms;all conveniences; private; rent reasonable.

GRAND Southern. 7th and Mission—

Rooms 60oto $1 B0 night; $1 to $3 week; reading-room.

HOWARD. 1310— Nicely furnished sunny frontparlor for 2 gentlemen or lady and gent. '

JESSIE. 3C3, east u! R. Mint—

Furnishedrooms. $8 and $7; for 2. $9. '


LAGUNA and McAllister, St. James flat—

Sun-ny single room. '. '


" '"

LARKIN.247—Sunny rooms to let; $1 P0 to $3.

LARKIN.816 B—Sfriall, light room, large hall,oloset, bath and phone; reasonable.


Sunny front room, with grate,for 1or 2 gentlemen, $7; single room, '$4 50.

NINTH,119 (Gillesple)—Nicely furnished room*$1 SO to $2 60 per week; 50c to 75o per night.

POLK, S23— Best furnished rooms in the'city

for the money; single or en suite;"'- and plenty of sunshine; terms very•reasonable; only. 10 minutes' walk to Powell"and Market sta. >'...; ' ~

¦¦¦' • •".'


Sunny front suite for doctor ordentist; also other furnished rooms.

POST, 71S Private, new, neat, clean; single'¦or.en. suite;low,for.permanent.

- '*¦-. -;.

SUNNY front rooms, en suite or single: gen-tlemen; private; reasonable. 132 A 14th at.

BUTTER, 230—

The Crane— Elegantly furnished.:rooms; downtown; suite or. single; $10 up....TAYLOR,B15B

—Handsome rooms; sun all day;

. $10; closet; running, water; bath, -gas.'

UNITED STATES. 123 Eddy,st.. nr. Market—

(400 single and family rooms; Soo to $1night;$1 75 to $0- week; elevator;*' electric lights;

!Ireading-room;; free. bus and :baggage. .,,

VAN NESS, 619—Handsome sunny'furnished

suites and single rooms; all conveniences.

WINCHESTER Hotel,' .44 3d St., near Market—¦ Most convenient and respectable ;700 rooms ;¦ 85c, to $1 50 night; $2 to $8 week¦ elec. lights; reading-room; free bus; baggage.

ADVERTISEMENTS,^ subscriptions received iat-Call Branch office, cor. Duncan & Church ¦ sta.

CLOSSIFIED advertisements Iand!subscriptionsreceived at 'Call,branch office. 2200 FlUmore.

A BRANCH" office "of The'Call for the recep.-tlon*of 'advertisements :and- subscriptions has

> been? opened 4 at -1008 - Market ut., opposite

I1 ¦ Fifth. Open' until 11'p. m.


rooms' and board.


-the dresden ¦' ' """ '' '¦'

j select family boarding-house. 1442•;,;broderick and baker.jFIRS£r'S23— Board and lodging, $4 50; changed[hands; "all,home cooking.

' *r '* -J

¦ "-.'- . .. . - =

, f.OST AND F*t PXn—


—Children's picture*: on Market, bet.

Stockton and Kearnj; return reward. 427Oenifntli™. st.

_______________L<>t;T—Purse on 6:_0 train from San Rafael.

:sv£l Twentieth St.; reward.

MEDICALMil?. DR Wi'ETH sp*f—list for all female

complaints; znetant relief jru_ranteed; 30years' experience: removed to _-0 Post __.

MKS. DR. KCHL. reliable specialist for all fe-male troubles and irregularities; Instant re-lief guaranteed. HMSM Market St., opp. 5th.

YALPEAU'S fmnir .'ill?; best regulating pillseoid; price $2 50 by express. Pasteur'ssyrinpe and tablets; price *5. By on receipt ot price. OSGOOD BROTH-ERS. »hoic>a!e druggists. Seventh andBread way, Oakland.

mi. G. V. oi»ONNELL—All who are sick orin trouble consult this Ej>ecialist on femalecomplaints: r'os'U^'v corrected; the unfortu-nate helped; the most difficult cases treated;a«vice frw. O;nc». I01S Market Bt.

Dr». Goodwin. 733 Turk. nr. Van Ness—

Expertin cUtttri«=, ffm&locomplaints; inst. relief;,tr*-atrnmt $10; hours. 10 to 5; 25 yeara exper.

MRS. D ALLEN. 111S Market— Reliable ladies'¦Pfri-Mft; a private home before and duringcciiar.cnicnt ;best medical care; low fees.

DR. ROSEN re.iiies 2905 Folsom St., corner2Cth; ladies, relief or no fee; $10.

DR. and MRS. DAVIES and HINDOO HERBS;original meth">d of treatment. 1120 Market st.

PP.. NO TOY KEE. 319 Powell _t.. oppositeI'nlon square; all diseases cured by herbs. ;


LADIES—200 elylish hats to select from; leaseecld; murt vacate February 1, 1904; Favemor.pv ty calling on MME. DOSCH, _07 Post.


1OII SALE.13O1LERS. engine*. 2.1-han_ machinery. McIN-


WOLPMAN. 135-197 Fremont et.

DOKS YOUR ROOF LEAK?Repair it with clatorite; in rolls easy to lay; jnewels no painting cr costing; good ever old jiron, tin or ehinsrles: best for new roofs.ELATERITE ROOFING CO.. 713 Market _t.

FOR talc—

BBS laying hen«, _!U chicks 2 months 'old, _O jii_t-on>. 3 Incubators. 3 brooders, Ihfrse, wagon, buggy, 2 FetF liarr.ess, working i

implements. «-tc; place for rent. Inquire !__2£GEMAN*8 jrrocery, <Jth ave. S. and Lit. j

_S0 CONTRACTOR? fhovejs (little ise-3), alsi !lO.Ouw feet of double and triple taped fuse jfor eale. American Produce Co., cor. Drummand Washington ste. ?* I

FOR fh1<?—

First -cla_s city paper route on 'Lo« Angel*-. Times; will sell cheap; owner jgoing Last. Inquire til. Cornwell ex., Los jAngr-le*. Cal.

_D-HAND machinery, boilers, engines, pumps, jpulleys, fhafting, etc., etc.. bought, eold,rer.ted nrd e_changt-d; see Sunday papers.II.S. WHITE M'CH'Y CO.. 13O-l.;_ Beale Bt.

A—Fine suits. ?T r.0; dress pants. $2 W. Origi-nal Mirf.t Cluihinp Pailorg. 2_S Kearny Bt..near Bu*h; open to 9 p. m.. Sunday to noon.

A—BUI'S, sells cr rents gear machinery, en-fines. boilers, water pip«. shafting, pulleys.«-tc. WHITELAVC*. 2.3-255 Spear Bt.

.•TTEWRITERS. slightly used, sold at co«t;re* Un_fr»ood visible typewriter catalog*ent free. R. E. Revalk A Co.. Ean Francisco.

TRY our ruin's bhces at tl and Jl 50 pair'foot-form ehoes at $2 50; we pay express ]charges. 11 3d et.. Exam, bid.; catalog, free, i

ALTKRATION rale—Best U50 hats. $1 SO. jPopular Price Hatter. 3S0 Kearny st.. near ¦

Pine; open to » p. ra.;Sundaj's to noon.;

I DISPOSING or Wltte gas engines; 2 H. P.. 20 |fc II.P.:attractive prices. The Tracy En.i- :

netririg Co. 1.1 Fremont et., S. F., . jA FETW genuine diamonds, cheap, b> private j

party; largest -karat rings, earetuds, sun- 'tur-t. Ftud. The Mayflower, .08 Third, r. 5. j

FOR sale—

Ttd £t. Bernard dors; extra Ipood watchdogs, at 782 HaUrht ex., nearScott.

BOMB erwid Ff-cond-hand pasollne engines. 1 to12 II.P.. cheaD. E. B. Beck & Co., 122 Mkt.

.LOT cheap: Chicagos, Twentieth jOnturle*. Pucks. BACIGALUPL 9"3 Market.

FINE Fteam automobile; fir?t-c:__s cider. __0Lycn et.

DEO—I and safe.; see the complete line at181«Market, ab. Van Ness. RICHARDSON EROS, i

PUB—U« office. 1C.&P. presses, motor, cutter,type, fixtures; doing good business. 28S6. Call.

CAFES— New and eeccr.d hand. THE HER-MANNSAFE CO.. 307 Battery et.

A VERY fin- diamond h<>art for $210 at W. J. jHEFTUAL'S. 10 Eisth _t.

NF.W and treend hand machinery of ail kinds.KROGU MNFG, CO.. 513 Market rt. \

SIOVING pictures, rr.aglc lanterns. Bale, rental;bargains. Dullard & Breck. 131 Poet rt.

MILES of p'.p* end fittings: all elzee. ED-GENE RILEY & SON'S. 109 Vallejo Et.

6AFES— Nr- and recend hand- E. B. BECKft CO.. 122 Market et.

Ail bargains ;camp stools and chairs; hammocks.tnetal beds, mattresses. J.F.Hotter.?12 Mission.

F-di*en ph^ncRTaphs. record*, supplies, movingpicture machine?, films. Bacigalupl. 933 Mkt.

GASOLINE pr^rinen. automobiles tnd launches;

ail cues. J. E. DOAK. 46 Fremont st.

ASK for pric** on second-hand typewrlers; allt Trafceg. ALEXANDER - CO.. 110 MontTy-

A BRANCH efnee of The Call for the recep-tion of advertisements and FUbscnptions hash«M? opened at 1008 Market rt.. oppositeFifth. Or">Ti -until 11 p. m.


WILL ray cash for gent's R. R. ticket via El tPaso; principals only for next 5 days. P. 1O. box 6L; Alaraeda.


5x7 Reflex camera without l»ns.ARTHUR INKERSLET. 50S Montgomery st.

WANTED—To rent part or whole office; man-ufacturer's -gent. Box 310C, Call office.

A BARGE or float; state size; good condition; Box 2*S3. Call office.

BOOKS and libraries bcught. H. C. HOLME?,1149 Market Et.;phone Jeseie 3741. or postal.

IPAT highest prices for all kinds of cazt-oSclcthlr-g; eend postal. MORRIS. S70 Fclsom.

TILTONwants good second-hand clothing andtheatrical goods. 154 Bth St.; tel. Jessie 2851.

A WEEK'S news for 5cents—The Weekly Call.lflrmce*. in wrapper, for mailing. $1per year.


AJLA^HEKMXS &IURPHY.G01-6C2-603 Examiner building.

Gt-'ick rettlement*; no disappointment.Eave expenses by dealing directly.

Ertate*. eecond mortgages, undivided intor-ccts, a—dgniaents of rents, property in trust,«tc; legacies, life estates and undivided ln-tertets in property purchased.Courteous treatment. Strictly confidential.

When You Need Moneyfee* HERMAN MURPHY.

- -ADVANCES on furniture and pianos without

removal; to permanent salaried people entt-'.r note without security or knowledge ofemployer; lowest rates; no commission. NA-TIONAL CREDIT CO.. ?S and C3 Donohoetulldlng. 1170 Market st. ¦___'

/STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL LOANS en for-*4 Riture pianos or to salaried people on their

r.ote; proper treatment guaranteed. ILLINIOST—TTST CO.. r. lfl.Phelan bid., tel. Main704.

MONEY loaned to salaried people, retail mer-chants, teameters. boarding-houses, withoutsecurity; easy payments; largest business In«G principal cities. Tolman. 653 Parrott bldg.

HIGHLY respectable private place to obtainliber-il advances on diamonds, Jewelry, at£ pff? cent interest. Baldwin Jewelry Store.84« Market; tel. Main 1044. Branch, 1» Third.


1per cent on furniture or piano: no no comraiaelon no publicity.$25 up; quick.private, confidential. 26 Montgomery, rm. 7.

MUNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE. 103 Crant av*.,LOANS FROM $1 TO $10,000.

MONEY to loan on low Interest: cold, silver,diamonds, !•' ar> and precious stones boughtet XV. J. HESTHAL'S. 10 Sixth st. ¦

NKW eaey method— To wage-earners on unin-dcrstd nous; absolute privacy. FidelityLoan Company, rooms 4.8-49. Chronicle bldg.

VO salaried people witbout security; oa furni-•<_¦•• indorsed notes and other security. S. F.iHtcount Agency. 143 Phelan building.

AT lowest rates on furniture and pianos; strictprivacy; no commission installments accepted.

BONELLI 301 Eddy.- Conservatory building.

OPEN Credit Aes'n. loans on salaries confiden-tially:new.simple plan. Room 60, 818 Market.

ZT. ON furnlt%e & piano*; $15 up:no removal;no com. v7\'R^MAIN. rocm SI. C Eddy st.

j PER cent on furniture or piano. 1003 Mu-tual 8arlnr» Bank bldg.. 708 Market st.

ALLleans on diamonds and Jewelry 2 per centtno. S. F. Collateral Loan Bank. 633 Kearny.

ETAR Loan Co. of Wyoming ,loans'money to

calaried employes. R. 31L Mutual 8av.Bfc.bld.'_C«£H loaned «alart*d people on notes without

lndcrser. MORELL. C09 Examiner bldg.

A WEEK'S news for 5 cent*—The Weekly Call.Itjp£g»«. <n wrapper, for mailing. $1 per yea'-.


DF.FK room In fine" offices ;centmi location;for rent -cheap." W. F. Cummin*. 110 Montey.


10 LEVEL LOTS, ; *

Suitable for ¦. . ' Flats or Residences. I$2500 AND UP. j


A positive bargain; comparatively newv pair pf flats on the north elde of Fred- j

crick Bt, near Ashbury; Nos. 212 and214; large lot, / 25x116:0; modernthroughout; rented low at $600 per

I year; we are .instructed by the owner,, - who resides in the East, to Bell this, property at once; the price has b«en

reduced from $7000 to make a quick, sale; the flats could not be duplicated

for lets than $0000; lot worth $2500;get permit from our office.

$1,000— Rent $42 per month; 4 separate flatiof 4 rooms each, in splendid rentinglocation,- close to Third St.; lot runsthrough from street to street, havingdouble frontage; at In perfect order;new roof, etc.; must be sold j this


week; a bargain can be had in this¦ property.


Splendid residence on Pine St., 2-story house, 7 rooms and bath; modernplumbing; porcelain bath, etc.; cheap-est house to be had In the WesternAddition.


Rents $65 per month; large lot. 25x144;

on Fillmore St., near McAllister; two-' .. story frame building of 2 flats of 6 and

1 rooms and bath each; building could !:"• be raised and store put In at small

cost, making this a choice piece of busi-ness property.

$15,000— To close an estate, or will be soldseparately or $6000 and $9000; EllisBt.; in excellent location; three finedwellings, 2 and 3 stories and base-ment; lot 60-foot frontage; will sub-;divide for $0000; lot 35, with 2 houses,

rent $65, or for $0000. 3-story building;

renting for $45; 25-foot frontage.$5,750— Here you are;, all you people looking

for 2 flats In Western Addition at aI bargain; we have 2 flats of 6 rooms

and bath each; not far from the park, :

dote to Haight-st. cars, on a lot 25x80.and renting for $56 50 per month; thisis a solendld investment.

$20,000— Must be sold before owner leaves forEurope on December 1; large lot, 30r

i 137:6; frame building, renting for $82 50per month; right down town, with tele-gant exposure; suitable for small hotelor apartment-house; near Sutter. andPowell sts.


Tremont ave.. near Waller; only oneblock to Halght-st. cars; very desirablelittle home, iconslsting of a cottage,containing 5 rooms, and bath; not oc-. cr.pied by owner, but renting for $22 50per month; a well-paying investment if-not wanted for a home. •

$1.000— Tho asking price; any fair offer willtake this property, belonging to an asso,elation which, desires to eell Its realestate ; large corner lot, '50x85, com-manding s splendid view; desirable fora builder; corner Hilland Sanchez sts.;

take Castro-st. cars.?S,500— Rents $900 per annum; lot 25x122:6,

to rear street; two eplendld flats of. 81 and 7 rooms and bath each,' and cot-'

lage of 6 rooms; street work all done:; always rented; Vallejo St., close to Van.:¦. Ness ave. ¦ '

;$4000— CLEMENTINA St., near St'i.; lot 25xSO' 4 separate flats; rents $41 50 per month;must be sold. BALDWIN &HOWELIi,' 25 Post st.



LARGE VAN NESS AVENUE CORNER.Covered with good frame Improvements;rents low. $500 a month now; can be In-creased by small expenditure; has also theadvantage of being an excellent site for alarge family hotel or A

apartment house.


75 feet front, running back to a rear street:nearly 15,000 square feet; excellent site forstores and hotel; not a better buy in themarket.


5 MONTGOMERY ST.Nearly 20,000 square fee-

Not far from Larkin street.

Fine site for hotel, apartment house or'largenumber of small flats.



Best buburban homes near San • Francisco;no ferry; electric railroad now running; lotsand residences for sale; we can sell good lotsas Inw as $."00 each; we will be glad to showthem; we also have «ome acreage land near byas low as $100. to $200 oer acre. ;

McAFEE BROTHERS,10S Montgomery St.. San Francisco. Resident

agent, S. G. GOODHUE, Western Union Tel.bldg.. San Mateo.

MODERN cottages; finished complete withevery convenience; easy terms; large lots.4 rooms


6 rooms—

$3250./ 5 rooms—$3500. . '.

6 rooms—$3600.7 rooms


6 rocme—$4600.Located on First and Second aves. bet.

Geary and McAllister st. cars and one blocknorth of park. F. NELSON, builder.

15 PER cent on Investment: 2 new fiats; Dor-land st.: rents $62 50 month; $4000 cash;$2500 at 6 per cent.


Store and flat, with cottage; goodstock of groceries and bar.

D. COFFIN &CO., 3303 Mission st.


STORE and 5 rooms, bath."

$2300-?New cottaee, 6 -rooms, bath; modern;$200 cash, balance $25 per month.MISSION REALTY CO., 2 29th st.

FOR choice list of city property, houses .andlots, also Oakland and Berkeley bargains,ca'.l on or address

-. ~

ROTHERMEL &CO., 507 California st.

BUILD on your unimproved realty; we loanfullcost Improv. and part lot at 6 per cent.MANHATTANLOAN CO.. Crocker building.

NEW- flats for sale on Sixteenth st. nearChurch; rent $90 a month. D. CONDON,builder.

'• . 4,

PLUMBING,, gasflttlng and .general jobbing.Ahlbach &'Mayer, plumbers, 836 Howard st.

LOTS N or S side of Golden Gate ¦Park, pur-chaped by W. J. GUNN.7 530 California st.



For Sale.FOR farms, orchards and vineyards, poultry

and stock ranches, timber and grazing lands,call or send' for our catalogue. ROTHER-MEL &CO.. 507 California st.

$10 A MONTH buys a 10-acre farm.$200 profit per annum per acre.Write for booklet. It's free. 603 J st. ¦

WRIGHT &KIMBROUGH. Sacramento. Cal.

FOR sale—

15-acre fruit farm; good improve-ments; rood location: connected with SanFrancisco by rail and electric cars. Call oraddress 715 Nineteenth st., Oakland, Cal.

ALFALFA lands, stock Iranches, orchards,vineyards; inspected bargains; monthly cata-logues sent free. CM. WOOSTER CO., 648Market st.

- -:. . •

A BIG list of.all, classes .of ranches; . state |what's wanted and I'll send descriptions.N. D. RICKELS, the Land Agent, 6 Geary, j

CHEAPEST and best InAmerica— The Weekly ]Call. 16 pages, sent to any address in theUnited States or*Canada one year for $1.

POINT RlCHMOyP REAL ESTATE.WATER,front lots and- bargains; all tracts;

maps, photon, etc. BELL.: 417 Parrott bldg.


In every case; Individual teaching: no medl-cine. Inquire Into wonderfnl cures :hom» cur*.


DIvTdeND~NOTICE— The Giant Powder Com-pany. Con.—A dividend. No. 60, of fifty (50)

'cents per share on the issued capital stock ofthe company has been *declared, payable atthe office of the company, rooms 202, 204 and20G Hayward building, San Francisco, on De-cember 10, 1903. Transfer books close Decem-b«r 3. 1903. at noon. C. C. QUINN. Bec'y.



$1200— Acre lot.oh Claremont ave.; fine trees.$G50-r-Lot overlooking bay; near College ave.;

all street work done; cars 2 blocks.-$2500— 50x130 on Channing way, near Tele-

graph ave.; everything else in block $3250;

$8 per foot; fine corner lot, near new -Santa Festation.

CHENEY &BERRY...- P. O. Block. Berkeley station.A SNAP—Must be sold at once; $3700; two-story,;, 1 year old;lot 42x120;

street work all• done; new furniture •'.- com- !plete throughout; 1 block from'electric carsand 3 blocks from Lorin station; $1200 cash,balance $30 permonth. 1927 Falrview St., orL, J. MORAN & CO.." 2131 Shattuck ave.~ ;

ONE -left: a splendid new' home In Berkeley;-email cash payment; remainder on install-. mentp less than' ;rent. -. S. F./and S.' tHomeBuilding Society. 7C8 Market st., S. F.

- '._¦•-¦ •-- ¦
