Two Door Cinema Club

Two Door Cinema Club- Come Back Home The first video I’ve chosen to analyse is Come Back Home which the camera and lyrics follow the three members of the band and watch as the identical disasters occur to each of them. Goodwin identified 7 characteristics of a music video. The first of which occurs in this particular video would be ‘there is a good relationship between the lyrics and the visuals’ this is shown throughout the video as the song describes hitting your target (metaphorically), the driver hits a person, also there’s a lot of repetition in the chorus of “find another way” which is what’s going on in the video, they’re trying to find away to stop the accident from happening. Another characteristic this video has is ‘there is a relationship between the music and the video’ which is shown by the continuous beat and the man playing drums in the supermarket, it’s only a small feature but it adds effect. To some degree, this also consists of the third characteristic ‘particular music genres have their own music video style and iconography’ . This particular band most commonly falls under the genre of electro pop/indie rock. Most bands who are of a similar genre will usual consist of the same style of video, for example; this type of fashion, quirky layouts and effects.


two door cinema club

Transcript of Two Door Cinema Club

Two Door Cinema Club- Come Back Home

The first video I’ve chosen to analyse is Come Back Home which the camera and lyrics follow the three members of the band and watch as the identical disasters occur to each of them. Goodwin identified 7 characteristics of a music video.

The first of which occurs in this particular video would be ‘there is a good relationship between the lyrics and the visuals’ this is shown throughout the video as the song describes hitting your target (metaphorically), the driver hits a person, also there’s a lot of repetition in the chorus of “find another way” which is what’s going on in the video, they’re trying to find away to stop the accident from happening.

Another characteristic this video has is ‘there is a relationship between the music and the video’ which is shown by the continuous beat and the man playing drums in the supermarket, it’s only a small feature but it adds effect.

To some degree, this also consists of the third characteristic ‘particular music genres have their own music video style and iconography’. This particular band most commonly falls under the genre of electro pop/indie rock. Most bands who are of a similar genre will usual consist of the same style of video, for example; this type of fashion, quirky layouts and effects.

The video is wholly based around the band and they are almost the only people featured, this may be because ‘there is a demand on the part of the record company for lots of close-ups of the main vocalist’.

So although this video may only include 4 out of the 7 characteristics Goodwin identified, I think it still projects a strong image and lots of artistic flair. The split screen layout, whip pans and transfers from scene to scene are smooth and flow throughout along with the great high definition images.