Twitter - HW #6

TWITTER By: Lauren Russo Social Media-Task 6 Oct. 29, 2015

Transcript of Twitter - HW #6

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By: Lauren RussoSocial Media-Task 6Oct. 29, 2015

Page 2: Twitter - HW #6

WHAT IS TWITTER? Social Media Platform Allows you to write or share whatever you want in 140

characters or less Can connect/follow: friends, strangers, colleges, actors,

sports teams, etc.… (whomever has a Twitter account) Can talk to the account/person of your choice Use for: current and happening News updates,

Chatting with people or as your personal journal and post what you want

Homepage allows you to also see your followers Tweets and are allowed to like their posts, and even re-tweet it which will then be put onto your personal account

Hashtagging: Way to dedicate a specific topic by simply using # and whatever words you want to specify after. (Example: I love Taco Bell!!! #BestTacosEver).

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WHO USES TWITTER? As of Sept. 2014: 23% of online adults

use Twitter []

Popular with those under 50 and the college-educated.


18 percent of U.S. adults are now active on Twitter


Ages 18-29 year-old: educated minority with a well-paying job and

more likely to be male users []

Some type of college educated and with an income of $75,000 or more.


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Recognition: marketers can use Twitter to get their business recognized by a large

community of people. Promote/Cross Promotion: Promote business,

use to follow people and get followers. Content: By producing good content, business’ can get more followers and be

recognized by the Twitter community. Users want to be able to re-tweet funny and

relatable posts. Direct Communication: Taco Bell is known for

Tweeting back to its followers when they write to them. If you company can do the

same with real, relatable feedback, followers will be more engaged in your company.

Sales: By being on a social media platform, sales seem to go up by 20%!

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HOW TO USE TWITTER EFFECTIVELY! Sign up! By creating your free account you can start the

process. Follow users that pertain to your business or your personal

life! (Go on a following spree, AKA, find random accounts/or non-random accounts and click follow!)

Retweet! When you are done following accounts, retweet what you want and what you like.

Hashtag! Start to write you 140-character post, and hashtag something relating to the words you wrote in your post!

Download the app! Free and easy. Tweet from any location you want.

Find you voice! Create content (posts) people want to read. Find what you can do to relate to people on Twitter!

Post pictures and videos. Who doesn’t love that?


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Homepage Tweet (write post)

Follow who you want!!

My Tweets and Re-Tweets