1 Twisted Tales TWISTED TALES CINDA REAL written by Jasmina Kallay



1Twisted Tales

TWISTED TALESCINDA REALwritten byJasmina Kallay


2Twisted Tales

Once upon a time, some three weeks ago...In a land far, far away, in a small village close by...

The front door opens. ...lived Cinda Real. Who had one leg. But she didn’t let that slow her down, oh no...

Cinda is at the stove, making breakfast. A pretty girl, she is dressed in an old, grey dress. She has only one leg, so she moves about with the help of two crutches.

Cinda’s Father comes in -- he grabs a cup of tea from the counter, drinks it in one go then kisses Cinda on the forehead.

FATHER: Got to run to work, darling! Bye!

Cinda looks after him wistfully. She continues preparing breakfast at the stove. She does this while humming a tune and trying to dance along to it.

Her Stepmother appears with her two Stepsisters. All three look like permanently cross.

STEPSISTER 1: There she goes again, thinking she can dance!

STEPMOTHER: Where is my coffee?

CINDA: I’m sorry, Stepmother.

Cinda hurries to serve them coffee. She attaches the tray with the cups and the pot with a leather strap around her neck, then brings it over. She trips slightly, and the coffee from the pot spills a little.

STEPMOTHER: Watch it, will you?

Cinda pours them each a coffee. All three take a sip.

STEPMOTHER: It’s too hot!

STEPSISTER: It’s too weak!

STEPSISTER: It’s too cold!

Cinda then places pancakes before them. They look at her, horrified.

STEPMOTHER: Surely you don’t expect us to eat that?

Cinda looks confused.


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STEPSISTER 1: It’s the Prince’s ball.

STEPSISTER 2: I need to fit into my gown.

STEPSISTER 1: Not really, as the Prince is going to pick me.

STEPSISTER 2: Well I have news for you, the Prince is going to pick ME!

Their Stepmother lifts her hands up, prompting silence.

STEPMOTHER: That is all very well and good, but we first need to get our tickets to the ball. Come on, chop,


The Stepsisters, pulling faces at each other behind their mother’s back, jump to their feet. Cinda perks up and follows them out. The carriage door is shut in Cinda’s face. She is left standing as the carriage rides off. The Stepmother sticks her head out of the moving carriage, shouting.

STEPMOTHER: There is no time for dilly- dallying, Cinda, our gowns won’t sew themselves.

Disappointed, Cinda bows her head and is about to head back into the house when she stops at the door. And looks back at the road. Instead of the carriage, only a cloud of dust is now visible.Patting her hair and brushing down her dress, Cinda turns away from the house and sets off on foot down the dusty road, in the same direction as the carriage. A dusty and tired Cinda walks on her crutches. She keeps faltering, exhausted, but doesn’t give up and keeps on going.

A big crowd has gathered around a liveried Palace Man who is handing out invitations to the ball. If it weren’t for a Guard, he would probably end up getting crushed by the frenzied Women, frantically grabbing for tickets. Cinda approaches, but there is no chance she will get close enough to get a ticket. And even if she did, she doesn’t have a free hand to get one.

In the melee, someone shoves into her and she falls. This is when her Stepsisters spot her and start pointing at her.

STEPSISTER : What is she doing here?

STEPSISTER 2: As if she could go to the ball!


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They burst out laughing, and some of the other women around them join in.

WOMAN IN CROWD: Look, Mavis, this one thinks she’s going to dance with the Prince!

More laughter as more and more people notice Cinda. Cinda’s cheeks are aglow with embarrassment. She tries to find her second crutch, but just as she locates it, someone steps on it and it BREAKS! Grabbing her one good crutch, Cinda quickly hobbles away, leaving the sneering, braying crowd behind her. She reaches the edge of the town. Her face is streaked with tears. She looks up the road, from where she came, at the town’s outline. Then she looks towards the woods. And makes up her mind. Cinda goes into the woods.

It’s getting dark. Still Cinda keeps on going. Until she can’t take another step. She stops under a tree. And falls asleep.

A formidable looking Woman, Fairy Godmother appears with several animals in tow. She strokes Cinda’s hair gently, then turns to the animals, makes a hand signal, and the animals lift Cinda up and carry her away, flying. The animals, led by Fairy Godmother, carry Cinda into the house. The animals gently place Cinda onto the bed. She is fast asleep.

IN HER DREAM: She is much younger, and with her Mother. Even though she still has only one leg she is dancing so beautifully without crutches, as if in this dream world a different law of gravity applies. Cinda is happy and carefree.

Cinda wakes with a start. Fairy Godmother is busy preparing breakfast. Cinda appears in the doorway, confused. Fairy Godmother smiles at her.

FAIRY GODMOTHER: Good morning, my dear!

She then leads CINDA to sit at the table and places a bowl of porridge before her.

FAIRY GODMOTHER: Now then. You’ve run away from home, haven’t you?

Cinda nods.


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FAIRY GODMOTHER:Well, you can stay here for a little while.

Cinda smiles.

CINDA: Thank you.

Cinda is in the garden, busy peeling bark from a long stick. Fairy Godmother appears in the doorway.

FAIRY GODMOTHER: What are you doing?

CINDA: I’m making myself a new crutch.

FAIRY GODMOTHER comes closer.

FAIRY GODMOTHER: A new crutch? But what is it that you really need?

CINDA: looks at the stick, and then at herself.

CINDA: A leg?


She smiles at Cinda, then turns back to go into the house. Cinda is left sitting, stunned. Processing this. She then throws the new crutch and starts searching among the trees for a bigger piece of wood. Cinda finds a piece, then drags it to the garden. Except she doesn’t have tools to cut it. But then, a Badger appears, tentatively approaching her. He digs his teeth into the wood, cutting it for her.

A moment or so later, a Woodpecker shows up and tries to push the Badger out of the way, pecking at the wood. But Badger isn’t going to be shoved away, and he stands his ground. Begrudgingly, the Woodpecker moves to the other side of the wood and works on it.

In the meantime they have been joined by a Hedgehog and Fox, and they, too, join in, helping make the leg. The hedgehog sands down the leg. Lastly, the luscious fox’s tail is used to apply some oil and make the leg nice and shiny. Finally, the leg is finished. Cinda lifts it up in her hands and admires it. It looks perfect.

Now comes the big moment - she tries it on. It’s perfect, except she topples over and falls. Every time she takes a step, she wobbles. And falls.

With her wooden leg lying in the grass beside her, Cinda sighs.


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CINDA: It’s no use.

The animals gather around her, nuzzling her, and showing her affection. She is touched by their gesture, but is still sad.

Fairy Godmother returns home and sees a despondent Cinda sitting at the table, her head propped in her hands.

The leg is sitting on the seat beside her.


CIND: I can’t walk on it.

FAIRY GODMOTHER: Is it the right size?

CINDA: It’s not the size. It’s just too wobbly.

FAIRY GODMOTHER: Has it occurred to you that maybe it is you that are wobbly and not the leg? Perhaps you

have to adjust to the leg rather than expecting the leg to adjust to you?

CINDA:This is definitely a new way of looking at it...

She spends the next entire day in the garden trying to walk with the leg. She takes just two steps, then falls dramatically; her animal friends look on, concerned. The animals are strategically positioned along the path she intends to walk, so that when she falls, they scurry to cushion her fall; the only trouble is that the hedgehog, in his overzealous wish to help, has also followed suit and so Cinda has the misfortune on landing on him; the other animals try to gently praise the hedgehog's needles out of her thigh, which is painful for both of them.

Cinda walks and walks; then, just as she reaches the end of the clearing, she wobbles, and it looks like it’s going to be another fall; the animals are once again lined up except the Hedgehog is now lifted by the Fox and placed on the Fox’s head. They are ready to cushion the fall, but then Cinda manages to steady herself and doesn’t fall!

Everyone cheers. The Fox, still with Hedgehog on his head, takes Cinda by the hand and they begin to dance. The cheering brings out Fairy Godmother out who looks on at Cinda with great pride and joy.

A little bit latter Cinda enters the Fairy Godmother’s house and runs to the room. She sees something hanging


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on the wardrobe door - it’s an exquisite BALLGOWN! She admires it, holds it up against her body, touching it… Fairy Godmother comes after her and enters the room.

CINDA: It’s beautiful.


CINDA Mine? But where would I even wear such a dress?

FAIRY GODMOTHER: To the prince’s ball.

CINDA: Tha ball?

FAIRY GODMOTHER: Yes, my dear. It is time for you to dance.

Slightly incredulous, Cinda smiles, and puts it on. It fits perfectly. then twirls again. And stops.

CINDA: But I don’t have a ticket.

Fairy Godmother produces a ticket from her pocket and hands it to Cinda.

CINDA: How did you get it?

Fairy Godmother touches the side of her nose knowingly.

The animals arrive with a big pumpkin on wheels. There are carved out squares for the windows and door. This makeshift carriage remains a pumpkin throughout, rather than transforming into a shiny, magical carriage. The animals take their positions. The Badger and the Fox are ready to pull the pumpkin carriage while the woodpecker stands on the outside of the carriage.The Hedgehog sits atop of the carriage. Fairy Godmother kisses Cinda on the forehead.

FAIRY GODMOTHER: Goodbye my child. And don’t forget - - nothing is impossible when you believe! Now off you go

and dance, dance, dance!

Cinda falls into her arms and hugs her tightly, then jumps onto the carriage. Fairy Godmother waves Cinda goodbye.

The carriage comes to an abrupt halt in front of the palace. The hedgehog almost falls off the roof. And one of the wheels comes tumbling off the carriage. Cinda steps out, dressed in the beautiful ballgown, and walking on her new wooden leg.

She stops, a little intimidated by the palace -- the


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animals wave her on, as if urging her to go inside. Smiling uncertainly, she heads towards the imposing entrance. On her way, she trips slightly, still getting used to her new leg.

Cinda descends the staircase leading to the dance floor where couples are twirling gracefully.

She watches them happily and then, plucking the courage, she steps onto the dance floor - all by herself! And she starts to dance. The only girl in the room to be dancing on her own. Her dance is so magical and mesmerising that slowly, one by one, the couples stop to watch her.

Her Stepsisters now see her. At first they don’t even recognise her. But then their Stemother realises who it is.

STEPMOTHER: Is that Cinda?

STEPSISTER 1: What? No!?


Then they see the Prince, standing on the staircase, entranced by Cinda. And now all three are incensed. Just then, Cinda wobbles on her leg, the Prince rushes to her to help steady her. Cinda is a little embarrassed.

STEPMOTHER: Guards! Guards! That girl needs to be removed from the palace right away.

STEPSISTER 1: She has only one leg!

STEPSISTER 2: She does not belong here.

PRINCE: She belongs here more than any of you ever will.

He turns to his guards.

PRINCE: Escort these ladies out.

The three women are unceremoniously kicked out of the palace, much to their great shame as everyone stares at them.Cinda, no longer embarrassed, now looks happy. The Prince holding his hand out to her, asking for the next dance.



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Cinda smiles, and the two start to dance together. They dance in such harmony that everyone is swooning at the sight of them. The dance ends. The whole place erupts in applause. Cinda is not used to this sort of a reaction. It’s wonderful!

The Prince gazes at her admiringly.

PRINCE: You are so beautiful.

CINDA: Thank you. You do know that I have a wooden leg?

She lifts her dress and shows it to him. He goes down on one knee to inspect her leg.

PRINCE: So what? I think it’s the loveliest leg I have ever seen.

CINDA: You do?

He slowly takes her hand.

PRINCE: Cinda, will you marry me?

Cinda gasps, pulling her hand away. The Prince is confused.

PRINCE: What is it?

CINDA: I... I just came here to dance! And we’ve only just met?!

PRINCE: Oh...I see.

CINDA: But we can still be friends, if you want?

The Prince cheers up.

PRINCE: Yes, I’d like that!

They start to dance again….After the dance the Prince has walks Cinda home. She offers him her pinkie finger.

CINDA: Friends?

PRINCE: Friends!

As she opens the front door of her house, the light in the upstairs bedroom comes on and her Father comes running down the stairs. When he sees his daughter without crutches, he stops in his tracks.

FATHER: Cinda! You’re back! But... you’re walking?!


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She shows him her wooden leg. He throws his arms around her and embraces her.

FATHER: I told your stepmother and stepsisters I never wanted to see them again. I had no idea how mean they

were to you… Until your fairy godmother paid me a visit and told me...

CINDA: They’re gone?

Her Father nods.

FATHER: No one is ever going to hurt you again. I promise!

And they all danced and lived happily ever after…