Twins of Atlantis EXCERPT

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  • 7/31/2019 Twins of Atlantis EXCERPT



    The Awakening


    Arnold Greenberg


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    All Rights Reserved, Clayfield Books, 2011

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  • 7/31/2019 Twins of Atlantis EXCERPT



    The Awakening

    Authors Note

    I wrote this novel for my twin boys in 1979 when they were almost ten years old.

    We were living on a farm in Pennsylvania and I wrote a chapter each morning before doing

    barnyard chores and then read it to them before they went to sleep that night. They wereas eager for each chapter as I was to write them. I had read an article about Atlantis and

    became fascinated and thats where the inspiration for this story came from. I went to the

    library, found several books and somehow found myself telling the story you are about to

    read. But first, heres a little background.

    Ever since the Greek philosopher, Plato, wrote about Atlantis, over twenty-five

    hundred years ago, the story of the mysterious lost continent has fascinated people all

    over the world. Platos account is based on a story told to him by a man named Critias

    who allegedly heard it from Solon, a Greek ambassador to Egypt. Since then, the idea

    of a vanished paradise--a utopia where an advanced civilization once thrived--has

    been the subject of thousands of books and articles. Scholars, scientists, adventurers

    have attempted to prove or disprove Plato's story.

    Did Atlantis exist? What happened to the continent? Will it rise again as some

    believe? Though no one can answer these questions for certain, we can read, learn--and

    perhaps dream--that a way of life based on the ideals of Atlantis--love, virtue,

    equality and peace is possible. My hope is that the story I am telling inspires

    readers to keep the dream alive and that the ideals of Atlantis becomes a reality.

    Arnold Greenberg

    East Blue Hill, ME

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    Twins of Atlantis

    The Awakening

    Chapter 1

    Catch anything boys!

    The voice behind Damian and Jason startled them. When they turned, an old

    man with shaggy white hair and a long beard was leaning on a broken branch heused as a walking stick. This is a great spot. Ive seen many a big fish caught right

    where youre standing.

    The old man took his corn-cob pipe out of his mouth and knocked it against a

    rock, dumping out some ashes. His tan face was deeply lined liked cracked leather and

    his eyes were hard to see under the brim of his straw hat.

    Weve been fishing all afternoon, but we havent had a bite, Damian said

    looking up at the old man and cupping his hand over his eyes to shade them.

    Those look like new rods to me, he said, stepping towards the boys and took

    off his hat. Are they?

    Yeah, we got them for our birthday, Damian answered. This camping trip to

    Cape Hatteras is our birthday present.

    Jason looked at his brother then up at the old man. Our dad brought us here

    because our grand pop brought him here for his thirteenth birthday, Jason added.

    Thats why we came all the way here. We just turned thirteen two days ago.

    Thirteen, the old man repeated, nodding his head. Well, now that's

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    interesting. He looked out at the sea, then back at the boys. "How do you like

    being twins?"

    Not so hot, Jason said, scrunching his eyes and nose. We always gotta do

    things together.

    And people always call us the twins and thats a drag! Damian added,

    glancing at Jason.

    I know what its like, the old man said, nodding, Im a twin also only I havent

    seen my brother in over sixty years.

    Sixty years! Really! Thats horrible, Jason said, looking up at the man. Damianthen picked up a piece of squid and tossed it to the gliding gulls, watching two of

    the fighting for it in midair.

    Amazing birds those fellows, the old man said. Theyre scavengers like me.

    We both live off what we find on the beach.

    Do you live on the beach? Jason asked, squinting up at him.

    Yep! he said, nodding his head. Ive been on this beach for over twenty


    Wow! Do you live here in winter, too? Damian asked.

    All year long, the old man replied, puffing on his corn cob.

    But why? both boys asked at the same time.

    The old man laughed, shaking his head and sighed, Well boys, thats a pretty

    long story. He took his pipe out of his mouth then looked out at the water

    Just then Damian and Jason heard their father calling from their campsite in

    a wooded cove on the beach. Hey Guys! Time for supper! Hurry up! The boys

    turned and waved letting him know they heard him. Jason picked up his rod from

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    the rocks. The line was still in the water and just as he started reeling in, he felt his

    rod bend, Hey! I got something, I got something! he shouted, pulling hard, Opps,

    had something.

    You boys wont catch anything throwing bait to the birds, the old man


    The boys picked up their rods, tackle box and bait then started climbing over

    the jetty toward the beach. The old man walked behind them as they stepped across

    the rocks.

    Suddenly, the old man stopped, Just a minute, boys.They stopped and turned, looking at him. He took a deep breath, looking

    both boys in the eyes then pointed his corn cob to the ocean. I have something

    to tell you that may sound strange. He paused, lifting his straw hat and ran

    his fingers through his white shaggy hair. He didnt speak then put his hat back

    on and just stared at the two boys, looking them in the eyes.

    What is it? Jason asked. Why are you looking at us like that?The old man looked out at the ocean again then down at the boys,

    taking a deep breath. I don't know if I should tell you boys the story, but I

    have a feeling about you two.

    What do you mean? Jason asked.

    Oh never mind, he said shaking his head. Every time I tell people about

    the lost continent out there they think I'm crazy."Lost continent? Jason asked.

    What are you talking about? Damon asked looking up at the old man then

    out at the ocean. Both boys stood looking out at where the old man pointed with his

    corn cob.

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    "Hurry up, guys--dinner's ready! Come and get it! their father called again.

    After one more glance out at the sea, Jason and Damian turned and

    started back toward shore. Damian slipped on a rock but caught himself. When

    they reached the beach the old man waved good-bye.

    "You'll see my fire down that way tonight," he said, pointing again with

    his pipe. If you really want to hear about the lost continent, I'll tell you." Then

    turning and leaning on his walking stick, he walked away. After a few steps he

    turned, Maybe Ill see you two later, he called, waving, then continued walking

    along the waters edge.

    At dinner, their father asked about the old man.

    "He just came up and started talking to us," Jason said, munching on his

    hamburger. He told us he has a twin brother he hasn't seen in over sixty


    Damian poured himself some root beer. "Oh, yeah, and he says he lives on

    the beach all year round. Hes been here over twenty years."

    "He lives on the beach all year, their father repeated. That's really


    Damian pointed to the water. "And he said something weird about a lost

    continent out there.

    "A lost continent?" their father asked, putting a pot of water on the fire.

    "He's just teasing you boys, he said, smiling. The boys continued eating but didnt

    respond to their father. He placed a few more logs on the fire.

    Hey guys, were going to need some kindling and more wood. After you

    finish eating, how about gathering some while I clean up? Well need it to start the

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    fire in the morning.

    There are plenty of sticks and driftwood on the beach, Jason said, looking at

    Damian then moved closer. Maybe we can find that old man, he whispered.

    After dinner, Damian said, Dad, were going to take a long walk and get a lot

    of wood.

    Great! I have chocolate, graham crackers and marshmallows. We can make

    smores later for dessert.

    Cool! Damian said, putting on his blue basketball sweatshirt with a yellow

    lightning bolt on it. He still had his baseball cap on backwards.Lets get going, Jason said, putting on a red jacket. A few days before, he

    had just cut his long blond hair short so he wouldnt look like his brother.

    Dont worry if were not back for awhile, Dad, Jason said as they left the


    After walking quite a distance, making piles of wood, they saw the old man

    gathering kindling, too. It was darker now, but a full moon made it possible to see

    without flashlights.

    "Well, if it isn't the twins, he said, puffing on his corn-cob. "How'd you boys like

    some tea and a tale?"

    "Wed like that, Jason said.

    What will your dad think if you dont go right back? the old man asked.

    Oh, he won't mind, Damian said. We told him we were taking a long walk and

    not to worry.

    We hoped we would see you, Jason added.

    The old man smiled, lighting his pipe , By the way, my name is Solomon.

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    glanced around the tiny hut, Yes, this has been my little home for over twenty years

    believe it or not. He turned and walked to the door. Lets go hear this tale I have for


    He led the boys back to the campfire. When they sat down on one of the logs,

    Solomon picked up the pot, "This is spearmint and sassafras tea," he said pouring

    each boy a cupful.

    The glow of the moon was silver on the ocean. Solomon looked out at the

    still water and then at the boys.

    "The sea looks peaceful, doesn't it? Solomon said, lighting his pipe and takinga puff. He wasnt wearing his hat now and the boys could see the glow of the fire

    in his eyes. He took a sip of his tea then spoke.

    This is a mysterious place, Cape Hatteras, he said, pausing, glancing out

    at the ocean. Strange things happen out there in these waters."

    "What do you mean by strange? Jason asked, sipping his tea.

    "Ships and planes disappear without a trace. Echoes are heard from the

    seavoices, explosions and huge whirlpools. Some people call it the Bermuda

    Triangle, but there's more to it than that--a lot more."

    Bermuda Triangle, Damian repeated. Ive heard of that.

    Solomon looked out at the sea for a moment then turned to the boys and

    took a sip of tea. Gripping the cup in both hands, he looked at both boys before


    "Long, long ago, many, many years before recorded history, there was a land

    called Atlantisan ancient civilization-- that sunk into the ocean. It was a

    paradise. It was a land whose kings were so rich and kind that their people served

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    them willingly."

    "What happened to it? Damian asked.

    "A giant asteroid came. Volcanoes erupted causing the forests to catch fire

    huge fires spread everywhere. There were earthquakes and then a massive tidal

    wave swept over Atlantis, flooding the land. The explosions were so great they shook

    the whole earth. Dark smoke and ash covered the sun for a long time. Imagine-- an

    entire continent and all its millions of people gone in one day and one night.

    Everything destroyed without a trace."

    "But if there was no trace, how do you know about it?" Damian asked.I bet you're making this up," Jason said.

    "Believe me, boys, I wish I were. But as sure as we are sitting here, I

    know that land existed. It was out there.

    How do you know? Come on. Tell us more of the story, Jason said.

    It's not just a story, Solomon paused, staring at both boys, slowly studying

    their faces. He took a puff on his pipe as he looked at them, nodding.

    Hey, how come you're looking at us like that? Damian asked.

    The old man sighed deeply. "I was just remembering when I first heard

    of Atlantis. My brother and I were your age--thirteen. Ill never forget. Thats when

    the dreams began."

    "Dreams? Damian asked. What dreams?

    Solomon stopped. Im not sure I should tell you about the dreams, he

    said. And maybe I shouldnt tell you what happened to Atlantis, he added,

    shaking his head again.

    Come on tell us!" Jason demanded.

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    "I dont know, Solomon said. I'd better not. I've said enough for tonight."

    "Aw, please. Come on," Damian pleaded. You have to.

    We want to know more, Jason added. Were really lucky we met you."

    Solomon was silent as he looked at both boys. "It's not luck, he said

    quickly, looking into their eyes. Its not luck, he repeated, taking a puff of his

    pipe, All right, a bit more. He then took another deep breath, looking at both

    boys. "The palaces were made of gold and the ceilings were ivory. The walls

    were studded with rubies and emeralds.

    Solomon stopped to pour himself more tea. Would you boys likeanother cup of tea?

    No thanks, Jason answered hurriedly. "Just tell us more.

    Solomon chuckled then continued. "There were beautiful fields--the

    most beautiful I've ever seen. They were lush with fruits and vegetables for

    they had mastered the art of planting with the phases of the moon and

    stars. There was great abundance. Food was free and poverty did not exist.

    "What do you mean you saw the fields? How could you have seen the

    fields?" Damian asked.

    The boys stared at Solomons face, the fire sparkling in his eyes.

    Just listen, he told them. There was a huge mountain called Mt Atlas,

    Solomon continued-- the holy mountain. It rose fifteen thousand feet. Lakes

    and rivers were everywhere--springs, both hot and cold. The land was divided

    and ruled by five sets of twins--all of them the sons of the great king

    Poseidon. Each son was given his own territory and people. It was a golden

    time of wisdom. There was equality among the men and womena real

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    partnership and sharing. Women were revered and no decisions were ever

    made without their thoughts, guidance and blessings.

    Solomon paused a moment and chuckled, Heres something you boys

    might likethere were no schools. Children worked along side of the adults and

    listened to story tellers. And when they were older--younger than youthey

    became apprentices and learned different crafts.

    Wow, no schools. Damian said and looked at Jason.

    I would like that, Jason said. My school is so boring.

    Solomon smiled and nodded. I thought youd like that, he laughed,knocking his corn cob pipe against the rock then opened up a small leather

    pouch attached to his belt and filled his pipe with tobacco. He held the pipe in

    his hand but didnt light it. He looked at both boys before continuing.

    The arts flourished. Everything was perfect on Atlantis. People were

    happy and peaceful. It was a paradise, except during the last hundred or so


    A look of anger darkened Solomons face. He shook his head from side to

    side then looking out at the ocean the boys saw tears in his eyes.

    "What's the matter? How come youre crying? Damian asked.

    Solomon wiped the tears with his hand. No one would listen to the

    warnings of what would happen. Arrogant, greedy men took power, calling

    themselves Leaders of the New Atlantis. They were followers of an evil priest

    named Belial and became known as the Bendula. They made a horrible weapon

    called the Great Crystal. There were wars and finally the end. It was a

    horrible thing to see."

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    Nazis we call the Bendula. Though we escaped the Bendula, our parents did

    not. They were taken from us and we never saw them again.

    Thats horrible, Jason said, looking up at Solomons face.

    Then what happened? Dameon asked, noticing Solomon had closed his

    eyes then looked down at the ground, shaking his head as if shoving a painful

    thought aside. He took a puff on his pipe before speaking again.

    About three years later, my brother and I were separated and saw

    each other for the last time. We were caught hiding in a basement by the

    Nazis or Bendula and taken to different places. I was taken to Dachau and donot know where my brother was taken, but I know he is alive somewhere. Just

    as I told you before, I feel him and know he will find me here."

    Solomon stood up. "My brother's paintings and my stories came from the

    dreams we had of Atlantis. For some reason we felt it was our duty to keep

    our memories and the spirit of Atlantis alive. They came to us in our dreams

    and were very precious to us.

    Solomon took a deep breath. The fire was down to its embers. "It's late now,

    boys. Your father will be worried if you don't get back."

    Come on-- don't stop now," Damian begged.

    "I must. I'm afraid I might have told you too much already."

    "Well, I'm glad you told us what you did," Damian's face was flushed with


    And I hope you find your brother, Jason said.

    "So do I," Solomon replied. "Have a good trip home, he said, smiling.

    They stood up and waved goodbye.

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    Oh, boys," he said calling to them as they walked away. "I want you to

    remember something. He paused. Few things in this world happen by chance.

    Damian and Jason looked at him then at each other.

    "I know you don't understand that now, Solomon said. You dont have to, but

    just remember what I said."

    The boys were quiet as they walked back to their camp site. The full moon

    made it possible to see without their flashlights. They picked up the piles of

    kindling and wood they had gathered then Damian stopped and looked out at

    the sea.Do you think that guy Solomon is crazy?

    "Maybe, Jason said. "It's hard to believe anybody would know about

    Atlantis if there were no records."

    Jason stopped. He turned around to look in the direction of Solomons


    It was a cool story though and I liked him in a weird kind of way.

    Damian walked ahead and picked up a pile of kindling and driftwood.

    When Jason caught up they continued walking but didnt speak for a few

    minutes, trying to absorb all they just heard. Jason picked up another big pile of

    wood and said, Wow, I cant wait to tell Keira this story.

    Are you serious? Damian asked, stopping, looking at his brother. Shell make

    fun of you and say youre crazy for believing a story about a lost continent.

    No she wont.

    Yes she will and shell blabber it all over school. Thats how girls are.

    Thats not true. Keiras not like that. And I tell her everything.

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    Damian looked at Jason and shook his head, I dont get it. I just dont get it.

    Keira is so popular and cool. I dont see why she likes you.

    I dont know either, Jason said, shrugging his shoulders then kneeled down,

    picking up another pile of kindling. But you know what she said to me just last

    week, Jason paused, looking up at Damian. She said, Jason youre different--thats

    why I like you. She says Im so un-cool, Im cool.

    Keira said that! Damian responded. Wow!

    So when she hears this story about Solomon and Atlantis shell flip out. She

    loves stuff like this.I dont know, Damian said. I wouldnt want others to think we believe in

    Atlantis--we have a hard enough time fitting in at school--this would really get

    kids to bust on us.

    Keira wont say a word, Jason said. I know she wont.

    I still dont think you should tell her. I really dont.

    Well, I am, Jason said. Shes my best friend and I think youre jealous I

    have a girl friend and you dont.

    No Im not, Damian shouted back, Now youre being stupid. He shook his

    head then bent down, picked up a pile of kindling and continued walking in front of

    Jason to get away from him then turned. Jason, I think youre wrong to tell her,

    he said and continued walking. I really do.

    Just as they got to the campsite, both boys stopped but didnt speak. They

    looked out at the ocean. The moon was higher nowa big orange moon. Jason

    looked at his brother and sighed. Well, at least we heard a cool story.

    Damian nodded. I guess.

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    Hey, that was some walk, their father said as the boys put down their

    piles of kindling. I was about to send the Mounties after you. He was seated

    at the fire, holding a cup of coffee. So, how was your walk?

    "Great! We met that old man and he told us all about Atlantis.

    "He made it seem so real," Damian said. "Dad, did you ever hear of


    "Sure. There's a philosopher named Plato who talked about Atlantis. The

    whole thing is just a myth though. There's no such place."

    The boys sat by the fire staring at the flames, thinking about what they hadheard. After one round of smores, they were ready to turn in.

    Get a good night sleep boys, we have a long drive back home tomorrow.

    The boys arrived home late the next night. They unloaded their camping

    gear and told their mother about the fishing trip and the old man. In their

    bedroom, just when their mother was saying goodnight, they asked her if shehad ever heard of Atlantis. She shook her head, Just the name but thats all,

    she said, kissing them goodnight then turned out the light.

    In the dark, lying on their beds thinking about the old man and the story

    he told them, they were unaware they would both have the same strange


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    Chapter 2

    In the hours before dawn Damian was restless. On the other side of the

    room, Jason stirred, half-awake. In their dreams they saw themselves standing by

    the edge of a dense forest, crouched down in tall grass. An ox-cart rumble by

    them, squeaking and squealing as its wooden wheels moved slowly over bumps and

    rocks in the road.

    The sun was hot and the grass by the road's edge was brown and brittle.

    Walking alongside the cart, holding a rope from the ox's huge neck, they saw a

    small man wearing only a faded cloth around his waist and a rag tied around his

    head. In the rear of the cart sat his two sons, their bare feet touching the dusty

    road. One of the boys held a goose under his arm and was patting its white head.

    Time to get out and walk, their father said. "This is too hard a hill for the

    old boy.

    Near the top of the steep hill they saw a tiny stone cottage with a roof

    made of straw and mud. In the front yard a frail woman was gathering pieces of

    wood. The rickety ox-cart was moving slowly up the winding road to the house

    when the boys jumped out.

    "Here, Dimitri. You hold the goose the rest of the way,one boy said

    handing the goose to his brother then ran up the hill ahead of the others.

    Mama, we have a goose! We have one!

    The mother waved. When her husband arrived with the cart she went to

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    him. "Come, Arisatan, rest, she said. Youve had such a long journey.

    Damian and Jason got up from their grassy spot by the side of the road

    and watched the boys' father take the goose and place it in a small wooden cage

    by the cottage door. They crouched low again in the tall grass nearby so they could

    see and hear what was going on.

    Dimitri, please gather as much grass as you can carry for the goose and

    Jethro, please take the bucket to the village well for water."

    As Damian and Jason lay in the tall grass on the edge of the woods near

    the house, they watched Dimitri climb the steep hill in back of the cottage. Hecarried a straw basket over his shoulder and began filling it with long blades of

    grass. Jethro took the wooden bucket that stood beside the door and walked

    down the steep road to the village well which was not far from the cottage.

    Damian and Jason followed him and watched the boy tie the bucket to

    the rope over the stone wall of the well and let it drop. They looked at each other

    but did not speak and turned back and watched. While the bucket was being

    lowered, they noticed an old beggar walking up the road, leaning on a stick. He was

    bent over and had a long grey beard. They watched him knock on the door of one of

    the cottages across from the well.

    A man with a big belly opened the door. He held a a black boot in his hand.

    They saw him look at the old beggar and shout. Get away, filthy scum! and he

    lifted his arm as if he were going to throw the boot at the beggar.

    Jethro let his bucket dangle in the well and watched the old man hobble up

    the hill to another cottage not too far from the first one. This time, a tall thin man

    opened the door as the beggar knocked and shouted, Get away, old man! We barely

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    have enough food for ourselves, and he kicked dirt at the old man and spat in his


    Pulling his bucket out of the well, Jethro began making his way back to their

    cottage at the top of the hill. As he walked he saw the old beggar leaning on his

    stick, looking at the ground. Damian and Jason could see how heavy the bucket was

    as Jethro walked up the hill.

    Later, Damian and Jason watched Dimitri feed an armful of grass to the goose

    as Jethro filled a wooden bowl with water. Their father stood over them, kissing

    each boy on the head. Well have a delicious goose for your thirteenth birthdaytomorrow, he said and they went inside the cottage.

    In the dim light of sunset it was difficult to see what was happening inside

    the cottage. Only the goose was visible in his cage by the front door. Damian and

    Jason saw the old beggar making his way up the steep hill. He stopped to wipe his

    brow with a small piece of cloth, leaning one elbow on a gnarled stick to hold himself

    up. He walked to the cottage and again knocked on a strangers door.

    I am hungry and tired, he said, when the door opened.

    But we are very poor, the woman responded, and have only beans to eat.

    You have a goose, the old man said.

    Yes, we are fattening it for our sons birthday.

    As she spoke to the beggar, Jethro came to his mothers side, I saw you in

    the village, he said to the old man. Then you saw an old man being treated cruelly,

    he said and turned towards the village, shaking his walking stick. They will be sorry,

    young lad. You will see.

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    Damian! Jason! Time to get up, their father said, giving each boy a shake.

    Youll be late for school.

    Damian opened his eyes. Seeing his father blurred above him, he rolled over

    and pulled his pillow over his head.

    Jason didnt budge. Jase, get up! his father said once more and gave him

    another shake.

    When his father left the room, Damian lay in bed with his pillow over his head

    for a few moments longer. Jase, he whispered finally, turning toward his brother. I

    was having the weirdest dream.Jason stirred and opened his eyes. So was I. It was like I was actually there.

    I felt that too--like I was watching a movie and in one at the same time. Ive

    never had a dream like that.

    Damian sat up in bed and looked around his room. As usual his baseball bat

    sat next to the closet door. His glove hung from the door knob. His new fishing rod

    angled against the corner next to Jasons. His fish tank was against the wall.

    Jasons guitar lay on top of the case. The Beatles poster was on the wall over

    his bed and his backpack lay wrinkled on the floor. It was comforting to see familiar

    things around him.

    Damian sighed, thinking again about his dream. "I saw these people. It

    seemed like they were living a long time ago.

    Was there a beggar?

    Yeah! And he was real old.

    Thats weird, Jason said, bolting upright in bed. I had the same dream.

    How could that happen? Damian stood up and put on his jeans. What were

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    the names of the boys in your dream?

    Dimitri and Jethro, he said. And theyre twins.

    Thats weird, Damian said shaking his head in disbelief. His mouth fell open,

    his expression telling Jason the names were the same in his dream, too. He went to

    his bureau and pulled out a tee-shirt that said Bob Marley on it. As he slipped it

    over his head, Damian heard their mother call up the stairs. Get moving, boys. Hurry

    up. Youre going to be late and miss the school bus. Her voice was shrill.

    Mom sounds angry, Jason said, quickly pulling on his jeans, too. But wait till

    Mom and Dad hear we had the same dream.Damian looked at himself in the mirror next to the closet noticing how his hair

    was now almost to his shoulders. He picked up his comb and gave it a few swipes. He

    went into the hall bathroom and brushed his teeth. He heard Jason fumbling in his

    drawer. Did you see my red shirt? Jason yelled.

    Its under your bed, Damian called, his face dripping with cold water. "I

    threw it there last week when Mom told us to clean up."

    Coming out of the bathroom Damian watched Jason bending down and pulling

    out a crumpled red shirt from under his bed. "Darnn, I can't wear this."

    Jason went back to his drawer, reaching for another shirt, messing up the

    neatly folded pile inside. "I don't have anything to wear! Finally, he pulled out a

    long sleeved sweatshirt with the words Dynamite on the front and pulled it over his


    At breakfast the boys exchanged looks. It was easy to tell their parents

    had another fight. Silently, they agreed to wait before saying anything about

    their dream. Their father was staring out the kitchen window sipping a cup of

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    coffee. He hadn't said good morning or even looked up. Their mother was still

    in her bathrobe. She had slammed plates of scrambled eggs and toast down on

    the table and said nothing.

    Stephen. How about you?

    Do you want eggs? she asked. Their father didn't answer. "Stephen! Do

    you want eggs?"

    No, Kate, he said still staring out the window.

    "Boys, you have to do something about your room, their mother said, turning

    to them. "It's a pig sty!Damian and Jason looked nervously at one another.

    We will.

    "And what about these?" their mother directed their attention toward the

    dishes on the counter. "Don't worry. We'll take care of them, Damian said then

    he whispered to Jason, "Let's tell them tonight."

    No! I want to tell them now! Jason whispered back but before Damian

    could stop him, he said, "Guess what, Dad! Me and Damian had the same exact


    Their father was still staring out the window. "What? he said turning to

    them. "I didn't hear you."

    We had the same exact dream--me and Damian."

    Their mother was noisily washing the frying pan at the sink. "Boys," she

    said as if she hadn't heard, I won't be home for dinner tonight. I'll leave

    something in the refrigerator and you can heat it up."

    "Where are you going?" Damian asked.

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    "I have an appointment at five. I'll try to be home around eight. Now make

    sure you straighten up that room and handle those dishes.

    "Mom, is it possible to have the same dream at the same time as someone

    else?" Damian asked, wanting her to listen closely to him.

    Their mother brought a carton of milk to the table. She didn't answer.

    Is it, Mom?" Damian asked, insistently.

    "Is it what?"

    "Is it possible for two people to have the same dream at the same time?

    "No, I don't think so, she said, turning away again."But Jase and I did!" Damian said. We had the same exact dream.

    "What makes you think it's not possible, Kate?" their father said, finally

    giving the subject his full attention.

    "Because it's not, that's all," she snapped. "You're just trying to start

    another fight."

    "I didn't start this one.

    "Are you saying I did?

    Damian and Jason shook their heads and finished their eggs. They knew the

    conversation was closed.

    When they arrived at school, Damian and Jason got off the bus and started

    walking up to the entrance. We better not say anything about the dream, Damian

    said. Theyll just make fun of us.

    Youre right, Jason answered.

    As they got closer to the front door, Damians friend, Brian ran up to him,

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    Well, he said he saw it in his dreams.

    He saw it in his dreams! Keira repeated. Hmm, sounds like hes crazy

    Well, he made it seem so real, Jason continued.

    Just then the buzzer rang announcing it was time to go to their classrooms.

    Keira and Jason walked in the front door, while Damian and Brian trailed behind.

    He called it Atlantis and even described how it got destroyed.

    Atlantis, hmmmm, Keira repeated. Interesting. she added, nodding then

    started to walk in the opposite direction towards her classroom. After a few steps

    she turned to Jason and smiled, Ill google it, and walked down the hall.In Damians classroom, Mr. Wiggens took attendance and then led the class

    in the Pledge of Allegiance. He wore a starched white shirt and a blue neck tie.

    "He looks silly standing so stiff and straight with his hand pressed-firmly over his

    heart," Damian thought.

    "Come on, class," Mr. Wiggens coaxed, I pledge allegiance to the flag of

    the United States.

    The class mumbled in back of him. When they finished he announced,

    Okay, Group One take out your reading and answer all the questions on page

    fifty-four. Group Two turn to page eighty-one and do the exercise. Quiet,

    Roger! I'll explain in a minute.Damian, take the lunch count and attendance to

    the office, please."

    Mr. Wiggens handed Damian two slips of paper, "and hurry back Damian

    we've got work to do, dont we?

    Damian walked down the hall past room 109 and saw Jason at his desk. Mrs.

    Tynans guitar was supported by a strap around her neck. She asked for someone to

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    suggest a song. Just one song everybody and well begin our work.She pointed to


    Okay Amy.

    Jason noticed Damian at the door and waved frantically at him.

    What do you want Jason? Mrs. Tynan asked.

    Huh! Oh, nothing, he said, pulling his arm down. Then he joined in the singing,

    barely moving his lips. Where have all the flowers gone? Long time passing.

    Later, while they were doing their math exercises, Damian walked up to Mr.

    Wiggens, Have you ever heard of Atlantis?Mr. Wiggens kept working at his desk and did not look at Damian. Atlantis?

    Now let me see. Mmmm, Atlantis, he repeated. I believe I have, he said, putting a

    paper clip on the spelling tests he had given yesterday. I believe its a myth about a

    lost continent, he continued, nodding. Why do you want to know?

    I just wondered what you thought about it, thats all.

    Well, its a myth. Greek, I believe.

    At lunch, Damian sat with Brian eating slices of pizza. Jason was next to him

    staring out into space, taking nibbles from his pizza. Keira sat at another table with a

    few girls. When she turned and saw Jason, she smiled and came over and sat down

    across from him, plopping her tray down. Theyre so gossipy, she said. Id rather

    have lunch with you.

    Thanks, Jason said and smiled at Keira then took a bite of his pizza while

    she fiddled with her salad.

    I googled Atlantis, she said, holding a chunk of tomato on her fork in front

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    of her mouth.

    And? Jason asked.

    Its a myth from some philosopher named Plato--thats all. Its not real. That

    old guy on the beach was playing with your head.

    Jason wanted to tell her about the dreams he and Damian were having but

    just nodded as he listened then said, I dont know. That old man made it seem so


    One article I read said it had a real advanced civilization but then it said

    theres no evidence that the place ever existed. She paused. But Ill look up more.For some crazy reason Im fascinated by the idea of Atlantis. I dont know why, she

    laughed. Maybe Im as crazy as you are.

    Jason smiled then took a sip of apple juice. He turned to her, took a deep

    breath, Keira, I have something important to tell you but you have to promise you

    wont say a word to anyone.

    I promise, I promise, I promise, she repeated and held up her right hand as

    if she were taking an oath.

    Jason looked at his brother talking to Brian and then back at Keira, leaning

    closer and spoke in a low voice. Damian and I had the same exact dream about

    these two twins that lived a long time ago. He turned around to see if anyone

    overheard him.

    The same dream at the same time? Keira asked. Really!

    Shh! Jason whispered. Keep your voice down. He looked around again.

    Yeah and its scary because thats what the old man on the beach said. He and his

    twin brother started having dreams when they were thirteen.

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    Now, thats really weird, Keira said, looking at Jason. I never heard of

    anything like that.

    Keep it quiet, Jason said. Damian didnt want me to say anything. He shook

    his head. Lots of kids already think were weird so if this gets around, it wont


    Keira looked down at her salad then at Jason again. Scrunching her eye

    brows, thinking about what she heard, she shook her head. I dont know what to


    Its really scary. Its like were really there-- like were in a movie and I dontknow why this is happening.

    Jason looked over at his brother sitting next to Brian and saw that he was

    just staring out into space, not listening.

    Suddenly, Brian got up, gave Damian a hard shove, shaking his head and

    shouted at him, Youre not even listening to me! You zoned out. Youre such a jerk!

    He picked up his tray and stormed away.

    Keira leaned forward and saw what happened. Damian sure looks strange,

    she said, like hes a million miles away.

    Jason turned back and whispered to Keira. Something really weird is

    happening to us and were both really freaked out.

    Keira looked at Jason. Hmmmm, this is really interesting. Im definitely going

    to do more research!

    She took another bite from her salad and looked up and saw a man walking

    at the back of the cafeteria carrying a big card board box. He had dreadlocks that

    hung from his head in all directions. Hey, Jase, theres that new maintenance man,

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    she said. I love his dreadlocks. He looks really interesting. I wonder what hes all

    about. He just started working here the other day and I saw him sitting on his pick

    up truck playing the guitar.

    Jason looked up at him, Im surprised they would hire someone who looked

    like that, Jason said.

    Me, too, Keira said. I heard his name is Jesse.

    Just then the buzzer went off indicating lunch period was over. Keira picked

    up her tray. Hey Jase, when can we get together and finish that song were

    writing.Oh yeah, right, the song, Jason said. I dont know. Ive been so upset since

    we got home I havent even picked up my guitar.

    Keira nodded. Its such a cool song and its fun working on it with you, but

    whatever. she said and walked away. Ill let you know what I find out about


    When their mother came into their room that night, Damian was lying on

    his bed. Page after page of drawings of the small house from his dream

    surrounded him--many of them were scattered on the floor where he had

    been drawing earlier. Jason was sprawled on the floor separating his Dungeon

    and Dragon cards into piles.

    "I see you boys didn't straighten up your room, their mother said, glaring

    down at them. "I'm not your slave, boys," she said, controlling her anger. And

    how come these robot-Lego pieces are all over the place. she yelled. And your

    clothes are just thrown on the floor. She shook her head.

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    Damian and Jason looked up at their mother and then at the mess she

    was talking about. Damians colored pencils lay right where he left them when

    he was drawing. Next to a pile of papers were three dirty socks. Jason's

    guitar was lying on top of the case. Two CDs were on the floor next to his

    portable CD player and earphones.

    While their mother supervised, the boys got up and started picking up

    their things. Once they had finished and were ready for bed, she softened

    and came over and gave each of them a kiss.

    Goodnight, she whispered and a few minutes after she left, their fathercame into their room. There were kisses from him, too. "Pleasant dreams," he

    said, before leaving and closing the door.

    Neither boy responded to the mention of pleasant dreams but glanced at

    each other.

    Later, while the boys lay in their beds they could hear their parents

    arguing downstairs.

    "I hate when they argue. It's dumb! Damian said, turning off the light over

    his bed. Jason turned his lamp off, too.

    "It sure is dumb and it's not fair. They make us stop when we get into

    fights, but when they fight we can't say anything to them.

    Both boys were quiet after that, but as they lay in the dark listening to their

    parents angry voices, they wondered if they would both dream the same
