Twin space (6) the public blog

The public Blog Tell the world about your project

Transcript of Twin space (6) the public blog

The public Blog

Tell the world about your project

Anyone can see the public Blog of your TwinSpace - no need to sign in.

The Blog is a good place to share the news of the project with the parents or the local community. You will need the link from the home page of the TwinSpace - paste it to your school's website.

To add a new post, click "Add blog entry"

Type in the title and the content.

You may edit the text by changing the font size, the colour etc. You can also add photos, links, YouTube videos etc.

When ready, click 'Publish'.

You can edit the posts or leave a comment.

To add a comment, click the number of comments under the post

Then click 'Add Comment'

Type your comment. Click 'Reply'


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