Twila Spring 2014

issue no. 8 | SPRING 2014


Wedding Issue of Twila Magazine; Women's lifestyle magazine about fashion, food, health, balance, life, weddings, and more.

Transcript of Twila Spring 2014

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issue no. 8 | SPRING 2014

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letter from the

Oh my! This issue is bitter sweet for me.

This little journey I started almost two years ago has been AMAZING. I mean, truly fabulous. I started this magazine as a little hobby, and it grew more than I could have ever imagined. Not too long after starting it, I decided to take my business full-time, and it has also blossomed more than I could have envisioned. While I have worked hard to maintain both, it has become quite clear that I cannot keep up at the level in which I was, and I’ve had to make some changes and decisions to help maintain my business.

Unfortunately, the decision I’ve made is discontinue the magazine as you know it: the articles, ad-vertisements, blogging collaborations and more; and this will be our last issue...for now. We have been so blessed to work with such amazing bloggers and writers. Professionals and friends who are willing to contribute their fantastic thoughts and ideas over and over again.

On the flip side, we will still be keeping ‘Twila,’ but transforming it into more of a Look Book. Mean-ing, that the photos and photoshoots will be staying, giving Twila & Co. an opportunity to work with more people within our industries on photoshoots and allow our look books to be featured and embedded on many different sites instead of just within our site as part of the magazine.

This decision was a lot of sleepless nights, and a lot of back and forth, but ultimately made the decision that was on my heart. This doesn’t mean the magazine is gone forever, it just means that for right now it needs to take a back seat as I need to focus on continuing to grow other aspects of my life and business.

We will still be working with all of our amazing contributors for photoshoots as well as bringing you more blogs on a regular basis. I hope you’ll continue to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and let us know how you’re doing. We love to hear from our readers.

I couldn’t thank everyone enough: my family, friends, contributors, have all played a tremendous part in making this magazine what it is. We have reached more people than I could have ever imagined. I am so lucky!

Love you all, xoxo

creative editor


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meet teamouralyson banks

Alyson Banks is a recent graduate of James Madi-son University where she studied Communication Studies, concentrating in Public Relations and mi-noring in Writing Rhetoric and Technical Commu-nication. The 22 year old enjoys blogging, going to concerts, discovering un-known artists and pouring over a good book. When she’s not working, you can most likely find her at her local Starbucks enjoy-ing a peppermint mocha.

chelsea islin valerie paquette

jeri hetrick

minh hussey

valerie paquetteChelsea is a twenty-three year old living in Arling-ton, VA. She graduated from Christopher Newport University with a Com-munication Studies major in 2011 and is currently an Account Executive at DISYS. She’s a big fan of shopping, trying new wines and exploring DC with her friends. She start-ed her blog for a college course and though that ended she’s continued posting!

Valerie is a graduate of Christopher Newport Uni-versity who now lives in Richmond and works as Production Assistant at Donate Life America. In her free time, though, Valerie pursues her love of making, eating, and sharing sweets. She en-joys spending time in the kitchen, experimenting with new and classic fla-vors. Valerie also loves running, brunching, and supporting her local food community.

Jeri Hetrick works as an event stylist for Twila & Co., where she recently joined the team as a full-time event planner. She works and resides in Fredericksburg, Virginia where she spends her time planning events, cooking, baking, play-ing with her pup Lilly and enjoying Fredericksburg. Jeri is also an ambassdor for Protein Bakery.

Minh Hussey is a pho-tographer living in Co-lonial Beach, VA. She is originally from France. She owns Instant de Vie Photography. “Instant de vie” means a mo-ment of life in French. She loves telling a stories with her photos, as she strives to capture endur-ing moments. She loves pretty stationery, french fries,and high heels, al-though she rarely wears them.


contributorsOVER THE YEARS.


without you.

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ashleigh lammaeditorvirginia

allison skeermodel

fredericksburg, va

catherine van wingerdeneditor and modelstevensburg, va

lindsay van cleavejewelry designer

new york, ny

jennifer baerevent planner

fredericksburg, va

molly stillmanfashion and lifestyle blogger

hillsborough, nc

katherine schmoyerevent planner

harrisonburg, va

meredith smoothome columnist

alexandria, virginia






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twila co&D E S I G N S T U D I O E V E N T S T Y L I N G

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Minh Hussey 540.847.0307

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what you’ll find8 Bridal Bible10 Fizzlin’ Out the Fomo12 Things I’m Glad We Did...14 3 Ways to Stay Organized16 Here Comes the Bride66 Emily & Gio

70 Barbara & Francis72 Classy Chic & Chardonnay82 Time to Get Organized87 Tips on Making your Dessert Bar Spectacular90 Key Lime Pie Recipe


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by jeri hetrick

BRIDAL BIBLE:there’s no I in team When it comes time to plan a wedding, you have to make a team. Be it family, friends or hired help, it is important to have all hands on deck to help you through the planning process. Follow our rules to build your own wedding dream team and avoid becoming a bridezilla.

TIMEOUT. Before recruiting your sorority little, grand little, great grand little, and great great grand little to join #TEAMBRIDE, sit down with your groom and listen to his vision. He may want to help more than you think or he may want his family involved in the big day.ENLIST. Those around you will be so excited to get started on the planning process, but their excitement can be overwhelming. Once you file through the members you’ve chosen for your dream team, enlist each one to take on specific roles and responsibilities.

ACHIEVE. You’ve taken your time out, enlisted your team, and now it’s time to achieve. Set the jobs and goals you created earlier into motion. When everyone works together, you will feel much less stress and anxiety about all the work that goes into the big day.

ME. Remember through T.E. & A, that this isn’t just your day. Sure, you will be one of the main characters, and the “star of the show,” however, this is something your whole team will celebrate in. Thank all of those for their help and support and enjoy the day!


E MBonus Advice: Not a team player? Playing well with others isn’t your best quality? Follow these 4 words very carefully: HIRE. A. WEDDING. PLANNER.

Jeri is the Twila & Co. event planner. Visit her site at

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If you weren’t familiar with the phrase, “fear of missing out” before you reached your twenties, you are now. Chances are, by this time in your life, you’ve started to analyze every little detail, from what car you drive to what restaurant you chose to go to on a Friday night with friends. Are you going to be seen by anyone important? What should you wear? What would so-and-so think of this outfit? The possibilities are endless. And that’s when it starts to creep in. The “Fear of Missing Out” or “FOMO”, as many affectionately refer to it, is defined

by urban dictionary as “the fear that if you miss a party or event you will miss out on something great.” They essentially hit the nail on the head. Most of these “fears” or concerns, all lie in the social realm. If you’re like me, you’re pretty social media savvy. Ensuring you have account on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, (and although I haven’t ventured into Snapchat, I’ve heard it’s equally addicting) is your way of staying in the know. All of these are useful for keeping up with family, friends and the occasional (who am I kidding, as many as I

by alyson banks

photos by minh hussey; styling by jeri hetrick

fizzlin’ out the FOMO

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can) celebrity, but that’s also where they may potentially kick your ego in the butt. Exhibit A: You decide to stay home on a Friday night and watch Redbox while drinking wine solo in your yoga pants and cuddling with your puppy. There is no shame in your game whatsoever. In fact, you are a thousand percent content. That is until you whip out your phone and casually start scrolling through Instagram during the scenes of your movie that happen to be void of Ryan Gosling. You see Susie* is out at Club X looking extra socialite-esque in her bebe wrap dress. (We all know this actually means like a human popsicle). Yet again, you’re home on your couch. Continue with the scrolling and you stumble upon a cute snap of your ex-boyfriend’s bro Mike* who’s in London for the weekend (I mean totally normal weekend trip, right?) as he’s gazing over the Thames River. Commence panic mode. Are you boring? Maybe you’re just not fun. Are you going to die alone? Is your job good enough? Do you have split ends? I bet Susie doesn’t have split ends. Exhibit B: You’re out at lunch with a work friend and making casual conversation over your salads at Panera. As you delve deeper into the convo, she begins to prattle on about how she’s recently become a Vegan and also wants to start this intense cleanse she heard Beyonce follows religiously. (Who doesn’t want to look like Queen B?). In lieu of sounding paranoid, you start to think about recent fitness and health choices you’ve embarked on lately. Maybe you shouldn’t have eaten that donut this morning—or that bag of m&m’s last night. Perhaps you should use your yogapants to actually go to yoga. Oops.

Beginning to sense a pattern here? The point of the matter is this: Comparison is not going to get you anywhere soon. As always, it seems to be the root of life’s problems. And not to sound like a broken record, but it really is essential to be happy wherever you are. Stop using social media as a crutch to let the ghost of potential past to sneak in. Don’t let the “what if’s” start to take over your life. You can’t live off of what could have been. So what if you’re at a different path than your best friend who’s engaged to a Kentucky blueblood hunk? Be excited for her, don’t drown yourself in woeful loathing (unless

it involves copious amount of wine and/or chocolate…KIDDING, kind of). Also, if you come to the realization that approximately fifty percent of your graduating class already have children, don’t feel like you’re the odd-ball out. Obviously you’re not at a place in your life that is ready for that sort of change. You’re most likely exactly where you need to be. However, daydreaming about what might’ve been is

not entirely a negative thing, just engage in it in moderation. Let yourself explore the way things could’ve ended up, but make sure to bring yourself back down to planet Earth before you fully get sucked in. One of my favorite quotes says it perfectly: “The past is a good place to visit, but certainly not a good place to stay. Be wise! Set your goals and step forward!” Focus on your goals and what you can accomplish with what you have. Don’t let your worry about not being up to par with other people’s lives cripple you from fulfilling your own.

The point of the matter is this:

Comparison is not going to get you anywhere


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When John and I were getting married, we were so bombarded with this decision and that decision about the wedding day. The ceremony, the reception, the food, the mu-sic, the details - there’s so much to consider - it can become so overwhelming!The only thing I knew that I KNEW for certain was that I wanted to marry John and I wanted Katelyn James Photography to be our wed-ding photographer. Everything else I was cra-zy indecisive. Our wedding was two years ago and now looking back I think about the things that I’m glad we did and things I wish I might have done differently. So, I thought I’d share a cou-

ple of those things to any of you who might be interested... I’m glad we... made our photography a priority. Having Katelyn James be our photog-rapher was just not a negotiable thing. She was GOING to be our photographer... I may or may not have scheduled our wedding date partially around her availability. Having amaz-ing images to capture our day was something that we knew we wouldn’t regret... and to this day, I don’t regret it AT ALL. I wish we’d... ordered a wedding album. Yes, I am ashamed (seriously ashamed) to ad-mit that we do not have a wedding album of all those gorgeous images. This is something I


and wish we’d done on our wedding day

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plan to remedy in 2014. We spent money on those beautiful images and with the excep-tion of some canvases and prints we’d had made, we have no printed versions of our im-ages. At the time that extra cost for the album really deterred us because we were already strapped for cash and pinching EVERY single penny we could. Looking back, I wish we’d had just coughed up the cash or changed something here or there to order an album. I’m glad we... spent so much time on cre-ating a ceremony that was unique to us. Our wedding ceremony was quite possibly one of the coolest wedding ceremonies ever. No, really. It was. We had traditional and non-traditional elements. We had an interactive video with our guests. I sang. We said tradi-tional vows. We said non-traditional vows. We made it feel like US. There was nothing cookie cutter about it. And looking back I’m SO glad that we didn’t just pass off the ceremony. The ceremony is arguably THE most important part of the day - so make it feel like that!I wish we’d... hired a professional videog-rapher. Long story short, we did not place a priority on our wedding videography and to this day all we have is just a video of our cere-mony. We have no video of the rest of the day and I really regret that. Again, we were pinch-ing pennies everywhere and we thought we could get by with a friend shooting some vid-eo here or there. Not so much. I really, really, REALLY wish we’d placed as much priority to videography as we did to photography.I’m glad we... let the bridesmaids pick

their own dresses and put the groom and groomsmen in jeans. Our bridal party (and my husband, of course) just felt COMFORT-ABLE. I gave our bridesmaids a color and they picked a dress of their own that they’ll (hope-fully) wear again sometime! Our groomsmen looked sharp in nice jeans and wool vests and they felt COMFORTABLE. Our wedding party was relaxed and so were we and it made for a much more fun wedding day.I wish I’d... spent more time trying on wedding dresses. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my wedding dress, but looking back I wish I’d spent more time trying some on. I bought like the third or fourth dress I tried on. And it was beautiful and simple and plain, but I still have this sense of wondering whether or not there was a dress I’d have loved MORE... if that makes sense. I think I kind of rushed into the wedding dress buying process and I wish I had taken my time and really thought it through. I’m glad we... made the whole day feel like US. Everything about our wedding day re-ally was about me and John and it FELT like me and John. Nothing felt forced. It all felt so fun and natural and full of life, love, and LOTS of laughter. At the end of the day, I married the man of my dreams and my best good friend and that, is the MOST important thing of all.

For more from Molly, visit her blog by Katelyn James.

by molly stillman

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Organization is one of my favorite things to do. I tend to have lists for my lists, and feel the sticky-note can never really go out of style. But, just because I love organization, doesn’t mean you do, too! When you’re planning one of the biggest days of your life, you can easily start to feel overwhelmed & stressed out… and a stressed out bride is NEVER a good idea! So I put together 3 Ways to Stay Orga-nized while Planning your Wedding… 1. get a binder. One of the first things you need to do after he puts that pretty piece of sparkle on your finger is: get a binder to keep all of your planning pieces together. You need something tangible & portable to be able to keep track of your to-do list(s), vendor information, wedding planning checklist, contracts, etc. There are a lot of wedding planning tools out there… so many it can seem overwhelming! Don’t stress over which-one-works-best… It doesn’t have to be anything fancy!! Something simple & inexpensive like a 3 ring binder from Target, colorful tabs, and lined paper will work great! Here are 10 Tabs you should (probably) have in your binder: Day-Of (logistics & timeline), Venue (Ceremony & Reception), Vendors

(information & contracts), Attire (dress, suit rental), Caterer (information, menu), Paper Goods (examples, information, etc.), Flowers (since normally this plays a huge role in dé-cor), Other Décor (pinterest details you’re

actually using, décor breakdown), Hon-eymoon (!!!), Other (transportation, hotel block, etc.). 2. organize your wedding pinter-est board. We all have one… chances are even when you were sin-gle you had one! So, it’s time to go through those 500+ pins & create a beautiful, feasible and uniquely-you-and-your-sweetheart wedding day. Start by having catego-ries: Flowers, Attire, DIY Ideas, Paper Goods. Break down your overwhelming board so that you better pinpoint what it is you DO like, and what it is you DON’T like. And, it will be MUCH easier to find

your inspiration when you know just where to look… versus scrolling through 500 pins! I suggest no more than 25 pins per category. I know, I know. But you can do it!! Then, after you start making decisions, create a (secret) Final Wedding board where you combine all of those amazing ideas into one board that

3 WAYS TO STAY ORGANIZED WHILE planning your wedding

by katherine schmoyer

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screams your wedding day. TRUST me on this, ladies!! Pinterest is fabulous, but it can also cause you added stress when you constantly to see ideas & never set-tle on something. 3. hire a wedding planner. I know, I know... I promise this isn’t a sale pitch to hire me (though I’d love to talk with you!)!! Brides tend to think about the dress, the venue, the photographer… all before the wedding planner. It’s not un-common for a bride to contact me after she’s reached her stress limit & doesn’t know what to do next. Don’t get me wrong, all of those things ARE important to your wedding… you want to look amazing, have an unforgettable venue & have pictures that last a lifetime!! How-ever, weddings are now more detailed than ever and chances are you’ve nev-er planned one before! That’s where hiring a planner becomes so vital! See, over time planners have shifted into the role of designers AND logistics coordina-tors. It’s my job to make sure every single aspect of your dream happens… from the linen colors, to the bustle on your gown, to food be served at the right time. And, I’ve done this before! I know how to read contracts, organize your day-of timeline and help you chose dé-cor pieces that are aesthetically pleas-ing and fit your vision. So, whether it’s me or another amazing planner out there, I STRONGLY suggest you hire a planner to help you stay organized (and sane!) dur-ing the planning process & the big day! Brides, I hope these tips helped … even if just a little bit! If you have specific ques-tions, please hop on over to my blog & email me! I’d love to help! xo!! Katherine is an event planner in Harri-sonburg, Virginia. Visit her blog at were taken by Bulloss Photog-raphy - and the floral design is by Dear Sweet-heart Events.

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here comes THE BRIDE

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Photos: Instant de vie Photography; Dress: Ava Laurenne Bride; Hair: Bobby Pins & Blush, Eye Make-Up: Erika Falkenburg;Cake: Bonn Boni; Jewelry: Everistta; Candy Favors: Edible Weddings; Wine Labels,Food Tags & Timeline: Twila & Co.; Event styling: Twila & Co.; Flowers & Floral Arrangements: ColOrchids

a morrocan affair

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Photos: Instant de vie Photography; Dress: Ava Laurenne Bride; Hair: Bobby Pins & Blush, Eye Make-Up: Erika Falkenburg;Jewelry: Everistta; Event styling: Twila & Co.

wrapping products from the green daisy

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22Photos: Instant de vie Photography; Dress: Ava Laurenne Bride; Hair: Bobby Pins & Blush, Eye Make-Up: Erika Falkenburg;Cake:

Bonn Boni; Jewelry: Everistta; Menu Design: Twila & Co.; Event Styling: Twila & Co.; Flowers & Floral Arrangements: Colorchids

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Top: Karlie Belle Sleeve Blouse, $85; Jeans: Hudson Skinny Jeans, $165; Boots: The Frye Company Jane Stitch in Redwood, $348; Earrings: Sheila Fajl Hook Earrings, $73; Furniture, Horse Statue and Paintings: Rocking the Chair, call for availability and pricing

Photos: Instant de vie Photography; Dress: Ava Laurenne Bride; Hair:

Bobby Pins & Blush, Eye Make-Up: Erika Falkenburg;Cake: Bonn Boni;

Jewelry: Everistta; Menu Design: Twila & Co.; Event styling: Twila &

Co.; Flowers & Floral Arrangements: ColOrchids

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Top: Karlie Belle Sleeve Blouse, $85; Jeans: Hudson Skinny Jeans, $165; Boots: The Frye Company Jane Stitch in Redwood, $348; Earrings: Sheila Fajl Hook Earrings, $73; Furniture, Horse Statue and Paintings: Rocking the Chair, call for availability and pricing

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Photos: Instant de vie Photography; Dress: Ava Laurenne Bride; Hair: Bobby Pins & Blush, Eye Make-Up: Erika Falkenburg;Cake: Bonn Boni; Jewelry: Everistta; Candy Favors: Edible Weddings; Wine Labels,Food Tags & Timeline: Twila & Co.; Event styling: Twila & Co.; Flowers & Floral Arrangements: ColOrchids

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Top: Design History Cableknit Raglan Sweater, $145; Leggings: Lilla P Leggings, $98; Boots: Hunter Boots in Blue; $140; Jewelry: Chloe and Isabelle; Furniture and props: Rocking the Chair, call for availability and pricing

a littleparty



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Photos: Instant de vie Photography; Dress: Ava Laurenne Bride; Hair: Bobby Pins & Blush, Eye Make-Up: Erika Falkenburg

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Jacket: Jade Stand Collar Coat in Blue $225; Top: Niki Biki, $15; Leggings: Karli Leggings with Leather Stripe, under $100; Earrings: Monkee’s of Fredericksburg, $25; Furniture: Rocking the Chair, call for availability and pricing

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Photos: Instant de vie Photography; Dress: Ava

Laurenne Bride; Hair: Bobby Pins & Blush, Eye Make-Up: Erika Falkenburg; Jewelry:

Jewelry Diva; Event Styling: Twila & Co.; Flowers & Floral Arrangements: ColOrchidS

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Photos: Instant de vie Photography; Dress: Ava

Laurenne Bride; Hair: Bobby Pins & Blush, Eye Make-Up: Erika Falkenburg; Jewelry:

Jewelry Diva; Event Styling: Twila & Co.; Flowers & Floral Arrangements: ColOrchidS

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Tops: Karlie Oversized Open Cardi, $100; Niki Biki camisole, $15; Jeans: Hudson Skinny Jeans, $165; Booties: Tory Burch Mae Bootie, $450; Scarf: Monkee’s of Fredericksburg; Earrings: Chloe and Isabelle; Furniture: Rocking the Chair, call for availability and pricing Photos: Instant de vie Photography;

Dress: Ava Laurenne Bride; Hair: Bobby Pins & Blush, Eye Make-Up: Erika

Falkenburg; Event styling: Twila & Co.

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Photos: Instant De Vie Photography; Dress: Ava Laurenne Bride; Hair:

Bobby Pins & Blush, Eye Make-Up: Erika Falkenburg; Jewelry: Everistta; Paper

Goods & Event Styling: Twila & Co.

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Tops: Karlie Oversized Open Cardi, $100; Niki Biki camisole, $15; Jeans: Hudson Skinny Jeans, $165; Boots: The Frye Company Jane Stitch in Redwood, $348; Scarf: Monkee’s of Fredericksburg; Earrings: Chloe and Isabelle

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Photos: Instant de vie Photography; Dress: Ava Laurenne Bride; Hair: Bobby Pins & Blush, Eye Make-Up: Erika Falkenburg; Jewelry: Everistta; Paper Goods & Event Styling: Twila & Co.

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a seafaringGOOD TIME

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Photos: Instant de vie Photography; Paper Goods : Twila & Co.

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Photos: Instant de vie Photography; Dress: Ava Laurenne Bride; Hair: Bobby Pins & Blush, Eye Make-Up: Erika Falkenburg; Jewelry: Everistta; Cupcakes: Bonn Boni; Paper Goods & Event Styling: Twila & Co.; Flowers & Floral Arrangements: ColOrchidS

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Photos: Instant de vie Photography; Dress: Ava Laurenne Bride; Hair: Bobby Pins & Blush, Eye Make-Up: Erika Falkenburg; Necklace & Bracelet Everistta; Ring: Jewelry Diva; Pie Bar: Pursuit of Sweetness; Cupcakes: Bonn Boni; Paper Goods & Event Styling: Twila & Co.; Flowers & Floral Arrangements: ColOrchids

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Photos: Instant de vie Photography; Pie Bar:

Pursuit of Sweetness; Cupcakes: Bonn Boni; Paper Goods & Event

Styling: Twila & Co.;

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Photos: Instant de vie Photography; Dress: Ava Laurenne Bride;

Hair: Bobby Pins & Blush, Eye Make-Up: Erika

Falkenburg; Earrings: Jewelry Diva; Pie Bar: Pursuit of Sweetness;

Paper Goods & Event Styling: Twila & Co.

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Photos: Instant de vie Photography; Dress: Ava Laurenne Bride; Hair: Bobby Pins & Blush, Eye Make-Up: Erika Falkenburg; Jewelry: Jewelry Diva; Pie Bar: Pursuit of Sweetness; Paper Goods & Event Styling: Twila & Co.

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Photos: Instant de vie Photography; Dress: Ava Laurenne Bride; Hair: Bobby Pins & Blush, Eye Make-Up: Erika Falkenburg; Jewelry: Jewelry Diva; Cookies and Cupcakes: Bonn Boni; Paper Goods & Event Styling: Twila & Co.; Flowers & Floral Arrangements: ColOrchids

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Dress: Tyler Boe Peter Pan Dress, $185; Belt: Lilly Pulitzer Bow Belt, Originally $48, on sale at Monkee’s for $24; Earrings: Monkee’s of Fredericksburg; Pumps: Tory Burch Kaitlin High Wedge, $325; Furniture: Rocking the Chair, call for availability and pricing

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Photos: Instant de vie Photography; Dress: Ava Laurenne Bride; Hair: Bobby Pins & Blush, Eye Make-Up: Erika Falkenburg; Jewelry: Jewelry Diva; Cookies: Bonn Boni; Paper Goods & Event Styling: Twila & Co.; Flowers & Floral Arrangements: ColOrchids

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Dress: Tyler Boe Peter Pan Dress, $185; Belt: Lilly Pulitzer Bow Belt, Originally $48, on sale at Monkee’s for $24; Earrings: Monkee’s of F r e d e r i c k s b u r g ; Pumps: Tory Burch Kaitlin High Wedge, $325; Furniture: Rocking the Chair, call for availability and pricing

Photos: Instant de vie Photography; Dress: Ava Laurenne Bride;

Hair: Bobby Pins & Blush, Eye Make-Up: Erika

Falkenburg; Jewelry; Ring: Jewelry Diva;; Paper

Goods & Event Styling: Twila & Co.; Flowers & Floral Arrangements:


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Photos: Instant de vie Photography; Dress: Ava Laurenne Bride; Hair: Bobby Pins & Blush, Eye Make-Up: Erika Falkenburg; Jewelry; Ring: Jewelry Diva;; Paper Goods & Event Styling: Twila & Co.; Flowers & Floral Arrangements: ColOrchids

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a sneak peekB E H I N D T H E


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crowdthe C O N T R I B U T I N G R E A L W E D D I N G F E A T U R E




E Y E M A K E - U P



S P E C I A L T H A N K S T Oa n n e - a s l e i g h l a m m a

d o n n a & j o h n h e t r i c kl i l l y

S H O O T C O O R D I N A T I O N , P A P E R G O O D S ,

& E V E N T S T Y L I N G


twila co& C A K E D E S I G N

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winnersR E A L W E D D I N G F E A T U R E

While we love having photoshoots, we still love to look at photos from real weddings from our readers. So this issue, we had a contest asking our readers to submit a few photos from their wedding that occurred in the past 2 years. The entries from brides and photographers were phenomenal, and it was so hard to narrow it down. Thanks to your help, we had a ton of votes to help us choose our first place and runner up. The first place received a 4 page spread in this issue, and the runner-up received a 2 page spread.

If I could have included them, I would have, because the photos were just amazing and each wedding had so much personality and life. A huge thank you to all of those who entered the contest and who voted for your favorites. As always, this magazine wouldn’t be here without you and we appreciate every comment, like, and vote. So, without further ado, our winners are...

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emily & gioW E D D I N G F E A T U R E W I N N E R

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emily & gio

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I met Emily in college at CNU as sorority sisters in Phi Mu Fraternity. It was an honor when Emily asked me to photograph her and Gio’s big day. I met Gio at their engagement session in Colonial Williamsburg. There was no doubt in my mind that Emily had met the man of her dreams. Gio’s eyes adore Emily and his spirit to take care of her is so prominent. They make such an amazing couple and I feel so incredibly blessed to know them both and to have been such a big part of their big day!

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I am Callie DeKeuster of Callie Hardman Photography and I am a wedding, maternity, and newborn photographer based out of Hampton Roads, Virginia. Callie Hardman Photography has become a family of clients that I have dedicated to providing high-quality, personalized photography experiences. I am a shoot and share photographer so I believe whole-heartedly in the art of photography and sharing my images freely with my clients so that they can enjoy the images captured during such special moments in their lives. I am in awe of what CHP gets to do each day and absolutely love being apart of people’s journey of falling in love! My husband and I travel worldwide for engagements and weddings, and I shoot newborn sessions out of my home in Newport News, Virginia. Please feel free to visit me and learn more about CHP at

Date: 12/14/13 PhotographerCallie Hardman Photography

DressOleg Cassini (David’s Bridal Raleigh)

ShoesDSW, Inc

Florist Jan Williams Florals

Venue The Inn at Fredericksburg Square

Hair & Makeup Tulip Salon & Spa

CakeThe Icing Cakes

Groom’s “Cake” (Donuts)Paul’s Bakery

Catering The Inn at Fredericksburg Square

Bridesmaids Dresses Bill Levkoff

Groomsmen and Groom attireVera Wang, David’s Bridal

Photo BoothRed Eye Photo Booths

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barbara & francisW E D D I N G F E A T U R E R U N N E R - U P

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Date: July 5, 2013Ceremony: Naval Academy, Annapolis, MDReception: The Jefferson, Washington, DC

Jennifer Lynn Photography has been documenting weddings & family fun for almost seven years. Her studio is located in Haymarket, VA & when she is not there running her business, you can find her running around after her 3 boys. Visit Jen at

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rEStAurANtS | trAvEL | wINE | fASHIoN


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If there is one season that I think is the most romantic, I would say Spring takes the cake. There are still those chilly days to curl up in bed together, warm days to go adventuring, fresh flowers popping up, and of course the start of wedding season!

Finding a dress that will fit the bill for all the bridal festivities (i.e. showers, rehearsal dinners, bridal luncheons, etc.) is a job in itself! If the wedding is in the spring you have the joy of dealing with the unexpected weather and having to keep warm while still looking springtime-ish! Floral prints or pastels are the way to go. If it is a chillier day, throw on a shawl or blazer or if you want to tone it down a little, grab a cardigan!

For my sisters wedding in April (so soon!) I have been stocking up on pastel dresses and ironically they both have hints of metallics, which I’m also loving for this spring! This mint dress my dad bought for me while I was down in Miami. I have been itching to wear it as I love the darting, the fabric, and color! The lilac dress I picked up on sale from Kate Spade. It’s a little more formal with the V neck and back so I paired with gold shoes and accessories. Dainty jewelry is best when the dress has a print, for a solid dresses go bold with a statement necklace! Bauble bar has some beauties out in pastel shades as well. Grab a complimenting color and you’re Spring wedding ready!

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pastelsP R E T T Y I N

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Del Ray Farmers MarketCorner of East Oxford & Mount Vernon AvenuesSaturdays, 8 a.m. - Noon, through the first Saturday in December

Arlington County Farmers MarketNorth 14th Street & North Courthouse Rd.(703) 228-6417

Ballston Farmers MarketN. Stuart and 9th Sts., Arlington, VA(703) 528-3527June-OctoberThursday, 3-7 p.m.

Reston Farmers MarketLake Anne Village CenterNorth Shore Drive & Village Road(703) 642-0128May-OctoberSaturday, 8 a.m.-noon

LeesburgVirginia Village Shopping Center, Catoctin CircleLeesburg, VA(540) 454-8089Saturdays, Open Year RoundNovember-April, 9 a.m.- 12 p.m.May-October, 8 a.m.-12 p.m.

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WEEKEND wearThere’s a few things that I can’t live without in my closet during the warmer months... a good t-shirt, cafe capris, my panama hat, and blazers. When my t-shirt is a cute graphic tee reminding us to say hello, my cafe capris in a pretty purple pastel perfect for spring, and my blazer in a semi-floral

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print... well those few things that I can’t live without became my uniform. This or any variation of this outfit is easy to throw together and perfect for a stroll through a farmer’s market! Speaking of Farmer’s Markets here’s a few of my favorites in Virginia..

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Spring is a great time to do some organizing around your home. Here are some great stor-age containers for a sorting closets, desks and recycling.Space that gets lost in closets is usually on the top shelf. Using bins to sort items helps keep the top shelf from getting in a messy heap; us-ing ones with lids allows for stacking and utiliz-ing that wasted space.

1. ivory martin closet boxes$24.99-$49.00

These boxes are sleek and stylish, and are gender neutral, especially great if you share a closet with a husband or boyfriend. They can be found at the Container Store.

2. room essentials plastic tubs6 for $35.94

These plastic tubs are practical and allow you to see the contents. Check Target for these Room Essentials® brand 16 quart size bins.

3. pink oskar boxes2 for $19.99

I love these from the Container Store for their bright color (available in a variety of colors). And they have a place to label their contents!

4. palma lidded baskets $29.95-$49.95

Here are some woven Crate & Barrel bins.






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by meredith smootorganized5



5. metal mesh hanging file sorter $12.19

I love using paper trays for organizing the top of my desk. These are especially great for those papers, which you still are using and are not ready to file yet.This Target tray is a vertical version can be mounted to the wall to save desk space.

6. bigso™ kate stockholm stacking letter tray

$12.99This Container Store tray is fun and functional. It’s sure to liven up any desk space!

7. like-it ® landscape letter tray$9.99

This clear tray, also from the Container Store, gives storage but gives the illusion of not tak-ing up as much space.

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8. threshold™ windham file cab-inet$99.99When you are ready to file those papers from the sorter, file cabinets are the tried and true way. Luckily they have gotten much more attractive then gray metal. 9. bisley ® file cabinets Price VariesThis model from the container store is modern take on the traditional. While still metal, it comes in a variety of fun colors like this bold red. Shown are two different versions of the side by side. 10. woven file box, letter size$65.00If you do not want a filing cabinet, try this filing box! This woven box with lid from Bal-lard Designs is great if you do not have a lot of paper. Also you can get multiple and store wherever when they aren’t needed since they are very portable.

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11. simplehuman® 12 gal stainless steel 2-bin recycler$179.00Recycling is important for the environment and the future, but I find that my recycling piles up in my kitchen creating clutter. The Container Store has a wide variety of recy-cling storage to help sort those items!Here is a two compartment bin with one side for trash and one for recycling, keeping ev-erything in one place.

12. drop-front recycle bin $49.00Here’s a great one, especially if you don’t have single stream recycling and need to sort types of items. 13. blue stacking recycling bin$16.99And of course the traditional blue bin.

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and just tastes good


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and just tastes good

vegan, gluten-free optionalT I P S F O R M A K I N G Y O U Rdessert bar spectacular

When in charge of a shower or party--whether engagement, wedding, baby, or birthday--it’s difficult to home-make every single item on the menu. Especially when there are a number of good quality premade desserts at the grocery store, why go through the hassle? There are, however, some great homemade finishing touches that will take your semi-homemade dessert bar from great to stellar!Make your own whipped cream. This takes less than 10 minutes and can be used as topper on everything from pies, cakes, and ice cream sundaes. Using an electric beater in a large mixing bowl, whip 1 cup of extra-cold heavy whipping cream for 2 minutes until soft peaks form. Add in ½ teaspoon vanilla extract and 3 tablespoons powdered sugar, and continue beating until fluffy and thickened. Keep refrigerated until ready to serve. Whipped cream can either be scooped onto desserts for a rustic look, or piped with a pastry bag and large tip. Pipe out chocolate garnishes. In a heavy-duty sandwich bag, slowly melt 1 cup chocolate chips in the microwave (heat for

by valerie paquette

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DOUBLE CHOCOLATE CHEWYincrements of 15-20 seconds, remove bag and massage chocolate around each time). Cut off one of the corner tips of the bag (the smaller the opening, the easier to get detailed) and squeeze out shapes onto a sheet of nonstick wax or parchment paper. Allow the chocolate to harden in the freezer for about an hour before peeling the chocolate shapes off for use.Use fresh fruit. Decorate a dessert with complimentary fruit on and around it. Add slices of banana to banana cream pie shooters or layer thin, fresh

slices of citrus over a key lime pie. Be aware that some fruit like bananas and apples tend to start browning after being cut. Topping desserts with fresh fruits like these should be done last minute to avoid too an “unfresh” look.Cut-out festive shaped toppers. With an extra sheet of pie crust, or even cookie dough, use small cookie cutters to make shapes. Place them raw cut-outs on top of pies before baking, or bake separately and top desserts like puddings and cup cakes later!

fudgy chocolate pieYield: 2 pies

2 ½ cups sugar1 ¼ cups evaporated milk4 eggs7 tablespoons cocoa powder½ cup (1 stick) salted butter, melted and cooled---it’s important that you use salted1 tablespoon vanilla extract2 pie crusts (store-bought or homemade)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees, and press pie crusts into two 9-inch pie pans. In a blender, add all remaining ingredients and blend thoroughly.Pour pie filling into prepared pie pans and bake for 30-40 minutes, or until pie filling has puffed up and center is set, but still shakes a little when moved. Allow pie to cool for at least 30 minutes before serving with freshly whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.Notes: Slightly adapted from

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I am a pie girl. Sweet pies, savory pies, doesn’t matter, I love them all. Key lime pie holds a special place in my heart though. It is the first pie that I mastered and I come back to it time and time again. It isn’t hard to make but it is always a crowd pleaser. I used to make key lime pies in college and I have many fond memories of eating perfectly cold pie off of plates that had cherubs on them. My roommates and I would trickle in one by one after a long day of classes and extracurricular activities, cut a slice of pie, plop down on the kitchen floor (yep, the kitchen floor) and talk about our day. It was simple and sweet, just like pie.

key lime pieAdapted from Martha StewartCRUST1 ¼ cups graham cracker crumbs6 Tbsp melted butter3 Tbsp sugarPinch of saltCombine graham cracker crumbs, sugar and salt in a mixing bowl. Drizzle the melted butter over the mixture and stir together. Press mixture firmly and evenly into bottom and up sides of pie pan. Bake the crust in a 375 degree oven for 10-15 minutes or until lightly browned, this will set the crust. Remove and let cool.While the crust is in the oven make the filling. Lower oven to 325.

by leigh taylor patton

K E Y L I M Epie

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FILLING1 can (14 ounces) sweet condensed milk4 egg yolks¼ cup lime juice (roughly 2 limes)¼ cup bottled key lime juiceZest of 1 limePinch of sugar

Combine condensed milk, egg yolks, lime juices, zest, and sugar. Pour mixture into the baked and cooled crust. Bake pie in a 325 degree oven until the center is set, roughly 15-17 minutes. Remove and let cool completely. Once the pie is cooled you can store it (covered) in the fridge. Top with whipped cream or eat plain and enjoy!

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