Twenty One Pilots

Twenty One Pilots – Can’t Help Falling In Love With You – Music Video Shot Count I decided to pick this video for one of my shot counts because I really like the cover of the song, and the video is quite simplistic, but suited to the message the song tries to get across. First of all, the video starts off as an all Black screen, and then Tyler Joseph appears sat in the front of a vehicle. The shot used to show Tyler is a Medium Close Up, as the top half of this body can be seen (as well as the Ukulele that the song is being played on). You can also see in this shot some of the interior of the vehicle in which the shot takes place, which means the shot could also be seen as a Medium Long Shot. Throughout this specific scene also, the camera isn’t very steady or stationary, this makes sense as the video was created whilst the band were on tour, and it was probably a very

Transcript of Twenty One Pilots

Twenty One Pilots – Can’t Help Falling In Love With You – Music Video Shot Count

I decided to pick this video for one of my shot counts because I really like the cover of the song, and the video is quite simplistic, but suited to the message the song tries to get across.

First of all, the video starts off as an all Black screen, and then Tyler Joseph appears sat in the front of a vehicle. The shot used to show Tyler is a Medium Close Up, as the top half of this body can be seen (as well as the Ukulele that the song is being played on). You can also see in this shot some of the interior of the vehicle in which the shot takes place, which means the shot could also be seen as a Medium Long Shot. Throughout this specific scene also, the camera isn’t very steady or stationary, this makes sense as the video was created whilst the band were on tour, and it was probably a very last minute decision, the shaking demonstrates that the shot is a Hand Held Shot.

The next scene demonstrates a Medium Long Shot of Tyler walking along whilst singing and playing the Ukulele. We can also see that a Tracking Shot is used at the same time in order for us to see that Tyler is moving whilst performing. There are no zoom in’s or out’s, the camera just moves back as he walks forward. Also, throughout the entire shot, Tyler stays to the right of the screen. This shot could also be considered as a Pan Shot, as the camera is following Tyler in order for the viewer to see what is going on.

The next scene involves a simple Long Shot to show Tyler and the male who is sat next to him. The camera is stationary at this point, and you can see the differences between the two figures, the man on the left appears to be quite masculine with many tattoos and a baldhead, whereas Tyler looks quite quirky in comparison.

In the next scene, a Medium Long Shot shows Tyler stood performing alongside some fans of the band. The camera is stationary during most of this scene, and the camera only moves when Tyler turns round, queuing for the fans to join in with the song.

Whilst the camera is on the fans, a Pan Shot enables us to see more of the group, and the focus is taken off Tyler for a second, then another Pan Shot results in the camera being on Tyler again. Then, a Smash Zoom then results in Tyler being the main point of focus of the shot, ending in a Medium Close Up.

The camera then zooms back out when Tyler turns around to talk to the group of fans, turning the Medium Close Up shot into a Medium Long Shot.

In the next scene, we see Tyler in the centre of the frame; the pictured shot is a Shallow Focus Shot (as the background is slightly blurred, to enhance Tyler) as well as a Medium Long Shot/Medium Close Up; Tyler’s upper body can be seen, as well as some surroundings. During this section, the movement of Hand Held Camera Work is present.

The next scene is of the band on stage, a Close Up/bordering Extreme Close Up shot shows Tyler singing to the crowd through the microphone.

The next shot of Tyler is another Shallow Focus, and as you can see, Josh (Drummer) is less in focus compared to Tyler, as he is the one who is currently singing. This shot has altered from the first one as the camera has zoomed out slightly, showing a little bit of the surroundings more so.

The next shot is also a Shallow Focus shot, and a Pan Shot was responsible for moving the focus away completely from Tyler, to showing the crowd as well as him. Another Medium Long Shot is used to enable the viewer can see the audience as well as Tyler.

The camera then alters its position slightly in order to show more of Tyler’s body (Pan Shot), rather than just his chest and above. The camera keeps slightly moving for the duration of the shot, but Tyler stays as the main focus, and to the right of the frame. After this, the

camera zooms into the crowd over Tyler’s shoulder, and he is completely out of the frame as a result. The shot then consists of the crowd, singing along to the song and swaying from side to side.

A Pan Shot then takes the screen to the left of the crowd more so, and then the camera goes to the right, and eventually zooms out to end up back as the Medium Long Shot of Tyler and the crowd.

The camera then blurs out from the current scene, resulting in the screen being Black with nothing.

The final scene takes place in the vehicle where Tyler was at the start of the video, except this time, Tyler is more to the right of the frame, and other band member, Josh, is to the left behind Tyler. The Medium Long Shot enables Josh to be seen in the shot, and the Medium Close Up shows the viewer Tyler’s upper body; along with the Ukulele. The camera stays stationary for the remainder of the video, and the film cuts out to all Black at the ending.

Shot Overview:

Shot: Number of Times Used:Medium Close Up 8Medium Long Shot 8Hand Held Shot ThroughoutCrash Zoom 1Shallow Focus 3Pan Shot 5Tracking Shot 1Long Shot 1Zoom In 3Zoom Out 1Over the Shoulder 1Total: 32