Tw med prospekt-2010-engl-xl

The Specialist System for Informationfield Medicine Technical Information for Physicians and Natural Health Professionals

Transcript of Tw med prospekt-2010-engl-xl

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The Specialist System for Informationfield Medicine

Technical Information for Physicians and Natural Health Professionals

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1. Not just getting healthy, but keeping healthyTimeWaver supports the ongoing process of good health maintenance.

TimeWaver transcends the conventional understanding of prophylaxis. It removes the correlations to the causes of diseases in the informationfield and it strengthens the organ coherency in the informationfield.

�. Opening up the path to good healthTimeWaver addresses the deep blockades within the client and thereby aims to stimulate the regulation capacity in the informationfield.

The client’s regulation capacity should already be restored in the energy and informationfield.

�. Where body and mind meetTimeWaver employs a truly holistic approach to therapy.

With TimeWaver psychic and somatic relations of diseases reveal themselves in the informationfield. Thus you connect the cerebral-emotional level with the bodily-energetic level. The client is regarded and treated in his totality.

4. A new age of medicine with quantum physicsTimeWaver brings the most advanced principles of physics and state-of-the-art technology to complementary medicine.

We regard informationfields as physical fields. In order to contact them we provide an optimal and technical transfer.

TimeWaver - systemized healthcare

Disclaimer: Contemporary science and medicine does not recognize the existence of informationfields and their medicinal significance

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�. TimeWaver: Looking deeper

TimeWaver recognizes the correlations of the causes of disease in the informationfield and dissolves them at their roots.

To our knowledge the informationfield regulates all psychic and physical processes. Accordingly, one finds at this level the deeper correlations to the causes of diseases, even those in the initial stages of development.

6. The gentle step to a new medicineTimeWaver works beyond the energetic-physiological level.

In contrast to methods used in the energy and frequency medicine, the client is not connected to the system with electrodes. Nor does the client have to undress during the treatment.

7. Quick and permanent treatmentTimeWaver is used by therapists and physicians for both acute and chronic diseases.

TimeWaver can be used in a myriad of application fields. Irrespective of which field you work in, your individual expertise are actively supported by TimeWaver.

8. TimeWaver: More than just medicineWith TimeWaver you are supporting your client in many aspects of life.

Whether it is professional or educational success, harmony in relationships and in the living space or adapting to changes in difficult life situations – you can support your clients in many dimensions of their lives and thereby strengthen their health foundations.

TimeWaver – A New Age of Medicine

in particular with regard to the activation of the regulation capacity and the activation of the self-healing powers.

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What are experts saying about TimeWaver?

Dr. med. Anna Kohler, MD General Practitioner, Bonndorf.................................................................................

I have been working for 45 years as a doctor and I have been involved with natural healing approaches for 30 years. For the last two years I have been working exclusively with the TimeWaver and I have had the best experiences of my life with this system. Whether for allergies or cancer, I use TimeWaver for all diagnoses. It does not have any side-effects and achieves the most effective healing responses. Due to the comprehensive data-bases there are great therapeutic opportunities and information about the relations between diseases. My work with the TimeWaver ranges from First Aid through chronic diseases to process adaptations in difficult life situations.

Joachim Tyedmers, Natural Health Professional (Guerisseur), Viller, Frankreich .................................................................................

I was suffering from sepsis in my foot which was proving unresponsive to therapy. Staphylococci and streptococci were laboratory tested. In the clinic they were talking about an amputation of the foot below the knee. Within three weeks of treatment with TimeWaver I was able to walk without aid and three weeks later the wound had healed without any bacterial exposure.

Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. Reinhard Kobelt, DSc MD Clinic at Kurpark Bad Homburg.................................................................................

I have been working with the TimeWaver system for several months and am very pleased with the increased possibilities that the systems provides me with, like for example the diagnostic op-portunities in the framework of a holistic medicinal perspective. After several sessions I inquire: “Do you perhaps have any other complaints that you haven’t yet described to me?” To which, more often than not, I receive an amazing answer: “Yes, I do but I had forgotten them or I didn’t think them important any longer.” So for example a question about pain in the right elbow after the TimeWaver had recorded synovitis in the right elbow.

Such experiences help to strengthen the bond between patient and doctor. For this reason alone I would not like to do without the TimeWaver.

Of particular interest are the therapeutic pos-sibilities i.e. the possibility to alleviate certain complaints as it were “over night” through oscil-lations. The TimeWaver is an important aid in my work as a doctor who practices natural healing and alternative medicine.

Dr. med. Gisela Stäber, MD, Specialist for Neurology and Psychiatry, Angermünde.................................................................................

I have been using the TimeWaver for more than two years now, mainly with people suffering from psychic illnesses. In that time I have achieved quite astonishing results. I like being able to create my own databases which I use for special medica-ments or dietary supplements. The TimeWaver is constantly being improved and the TimeWaver company has excellent customer service, some-thing that I particularly appreciate.

Peter Küsters, Natural Health Professional, Braunschweig .................................................................................

The informationfield medicine is an ideal supple-ment to my everyday practice. For over a year now I have, thanks to TimeWaver, the possibility to consider and treat people holistically – body, mind and spirituality. The changes are incredible that many patients undergo, even though we are spa-tially separated from them. Children, in particular, respond very positively to a TimeWaver treatment, irrespectively of whether disease symptoms or behavioral problems are resolved or not. I am very grateful for this gift.

Disclaimer: The quotes herein represent the personal opinions and experiences of the mentioned persons.

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TimeWaver Med - References

Dr. med. Barbara Brons, MD, Practitioner for General Medicine and Classic Homeopathy, Dortmund.................................................................................

To date I have treated ca. 60 patients with TimeWaver, and I have achieved consistently out-standing results.

A seven year old boy with bronchitis and asthmatic complaints was not responding to any of the conven-tional treatments. I started treating him exclusively with TimeWaver. Since then he has not shown any more symptoms and is, after the completion of the TimeWaver program and much to his parent’s astonishment, very healthy.

At the moment I am treating a patient suffering from fibromyalgia with extensive symptoms the back-ground causes of which are yet to be established. Owing to the constant pain, the patient was suf-fering psychologically. The intensive treatment with TimeWaver quickly alleviated her pain. Overall, her condition has improved continually and I would at-tribute this to the treatment with TimeWaver.

I like employing TimeWaver in conjunction with other approaches, even for serious diseases. One time a patient came to me with a plasmacytoma, a type of bone cancer in an advanced phase. I used TimeWaver in conjunction with chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation. The TimeWaver analysis provided us with a comprehensive detoxification pro-gram that I used for two months. Overall, the patient coped very well with the difficult treatment. The stem cells grew optimally; the leukocytes were regulated extraordinarily well. The patient felt both during and after the chemotherapy considerably better than was to be expected. To a considerable extent I attribute this success to the support of TimeWaver .

My personal breakthrough in the work with Timewaver was at the beginning of 2009. I was suffering from strong burn out syndrome myself and was subsequently treated exclusively with

Michael Rach, Natural Health Professional, Mainburg.................................................................................

A patient was having sufficient problems breastfeed-ing her fourth child. While making use of numerous means and therapeutic approaches I had already tried in vain with her first three children to enable her to sufficiently breastfeed and thereby become a complete mother. Neither her mother nor her sisters had been able to breastfeed satisfactorily. With Timewaver I discovered a trauma suffered by her mother which had affected the life situations of this professor and mother of nine children. The patient had taken the mother’s pain. After just 14 days, the treatment with TimeWaver had caused the mammae to change physically which meant that the child required only half the daily amount of the bottle he had been taking. The treatment is still in progress.

The descriptions of diagnosis and therapy are their personal statements and opinions.

Ulrich Elsner, Natural Health Professional, Fluorn-Winzeln.................................................................................

Predominantly I treat patients with serious chronic diseases. To this end I have been using TimeWaver on a daily basis for over a year now. The system strengthens my therapeutic diagnosis for all types of diseases and consequently helps me to choose the right form of therapy. The patients who are acquainted with alternative healing procedures, appreciate very much the applications of the TimeWaver and respond extremely positively.

TimeWaver by a doctor I was a friend of. I made such comprehensive and quick progress that I decided to make use of TimeWaver with great enthusiasm and confidence in my own practice, for my own progress has always been for me the most certain recommendation for a particular type of treatment method.

Dipl-Ing. Sabine Weber, M.S eng., Natural Health Professional, Freiberg..........................................................................

Informationfield analyses are for me an optimal basis for each therapy. Without exception, the patients are, to the extent they are acquainted with the problem, astonished at the accurate, precise results these analyses produce. I employ TimeWaver in therapy for all serious cases. I do not know of any other system that enables the production of knowledge about relations between pathogenic fields. The better the basis know-ledge of the therapist is, the more effective his influence. The more acute the ailments are, the quicker the progress.

With TimeWaver I get indications about therapy strategies, as well as about necessary operations. With the aid of informationfield therapy I have successfully treated for example acute inflamma-tions of the knee or the ischiatic nerve within two days. Patients suffering from viral infections feel the effect immediately. The range of operability even extends to the successful pregnancy. It is a pleasure to work with not only the system itself but the people behind it. The creative, construc-tive work done by the TimeWaver team indicates that further “quantum leaps” are in the making.

Dr. med. Barbara Brons (see left paragraph)...........................................................................

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Foundations of Informationfield Medicine

Informationfields connect body and mind

Diseases have complex causes. They can be for example of a psychic, viral, bacterial, genetic nature, or even of a vocational or familial nature. They are reflected in a region that the German physicist Burkhard Heim recognized as a physical field. As this field does not consist of forces or energy potentials, but rather of information patterns, Heim characterized it as an informationfield. His model states that the informationfield not only connects body and mind, but directs all physiological processes.

Stimulation of self-healing processes of the informationfield

With the aid of the quantum physical interface TimeWaver can transfer any type of information and oscillation pattern into the human informationfield. This is compar-able to taking a homeopathic medicament in the sense that in both instances there is no biophysical process. The idea is rather that the body is provided with informati-on about diseases and their healing factors.

TimeWaver finds the correlations of the causes of disease and stimulates their disintegration

Since informationfields, according to Heim, constitute an interface between body and consciousness, there is a correlation in them to the deeper-lying causes of diseases. If we eliminate these causes, the energetic blockades in the recovery process are also eliminated. This applies to the flow of energy in both chronic-degenerative diseases as well as acute-inflammatory diseases.

Informationfield Medicine - medicine in a new light

This knowledge leads to an entirely new field of medicine. We call it information-field medicine. Its essential objective is to discover in the informationfield what corresponds to the deeper reasons of diseases and subsequently to remove these correlations at their origin in the informationfield. This does not only apply to

acute and chronic diseases, but also to the prevention of diseases that have not yet appeared as

physical symptoms.

In this sense working with TimeWaver can be regarded as computer assisted homeopathy.

Thus TimeWaver establishes which oscillation patterns the client´s

informationfield requires to regenerate itself.

Holistic therapy approach

Spiritual Healing (Consciousness)

Psychology / Psychotherapy (Psyche)

Informationsfield Medicine (Link between body and mind)

Quantum physics interface (Communication in both directions)

Energy medicine - Oscillations (Electromagnetic fields)

Somatic Medicine - Matter (Body)

Disclaimer: Contemporary science and medicine does not recognize the existence of informationfields and their medicinal significance as elaborated here

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Physics in the TimeWaver: for the first time ever real physical lightquantum effect and oscillation comparison

According to Burkhard Heim quantum physical processes constitute the interface into the informationfield. TimeWaver uses state-of-the-art technology to read and write into the informationfields. To this end two different technical systems are used: 1. The light quantum effect uses photons. According to Heim they are the most effective light carriers. �. The oscillation comparison operates with two simultaneously oscillating noise sources. If we compare the two oscillation patterns with each other we can establish effectively and easily the resonances on the information level.

Technology from a single source

TimeWaver is developed and produced solely in Germany. Using high quality components made in Switzerland, England and Germany we ensure finest workmanship and durability.

Careful screening for distortion free noise

We take the greatest possible care to screen the noise sources against electromagnetic waves and other influences. For it is only with careful screening that such a noise can be observed as an isolated quantum process. Unscreened noise signals are subject to influence of alien information sources such as radio programs and the distortion fields of nearby electronic appliances. The quality of contact with the informa-tionfield is subsequently drastically reduced. For this reason we use pure aluminum casing manufactured in a complex pressure casting for the TimeWaver. It screens the individual components from each other as well as from external electromagnetic radiation.

TimeWaver’s self-produced noise sources deliver unfiltered signals

Many comparable systems use noise sources whose signals are electronically filtered so that they can be used as random generators in for example lotteries. This leads however to a loss of the relevant information for informationfield medicine. TimeWaver uses noisesources that it produces itself. These noise sources function unfiltered and can therefore communicate with the entire bandwidth of the relevant information.

Analysis and optimization at selected points in time

With Global Scaling another new physical theory is introduced in TimeWaver. According to this theory the timewave possesses an inherent spectrum with resonancepoints. By reading and writing into these resonancepoints TimeWaver can communicate more effectively with the informationfields.

Analyse and balancing with two methods on two levels

According to Heim’s explanatory model TimeWaver operates with both methods mentioned above at two different levels (see charts on pages 14/15). The physical oscillation pattern opens up the energy and directing space; the analysis however accesses the pure information space via the quantum processes, transcending all energetic processes. This enables you to work with even more precision and differentiation.

TimeWaver informationfield system: the consistent physical development of the mind-matter-principle

To ensure precise communication with the informationfield, TimeWaver fulfills the physical conditions with which you should compare it to other systems. Computer assisted mind-matter-systems, so far referred to as radionics-systems, have been commercially available for over a decade. With TimeWaver modern physics has finally been applied to these mind-matter-interfaces. Experienced users will recognize the innovative features of the TimeWaver system with which we avoid the usual weaknesses of old computer-assisted mind-matter-systems.

In the TimeWaver Hardware the unfiltered signals of two screened noise diodes are used whose oscillation patterns are transferred and evaluated up to 5 MHz.

State-of-the-Art Physics

This applies to the significance of noise processes and lightquantum effects as well as to the theory of Global Scaling and radionics.

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Quantum physics par excellence

Client Therapist

Informationfield Database with millions of oscillation patterns

Quantumphysical Interface

Technology conveys content

The TimeWaver specialist system for informationfield medicine consists of two parts: 1. A quantum physical interface which resonates random information with the client’s informationfield. �. A database library with the aid of which the required information is selected from millions of information about and oscillation patterns of potential medicinal substances and diseases.

The quality of such a system is essentially based on two factors. 1. The physical and technical design of the interface determines how precisely the desired information is read from and written into the client’s informationfield. �. The substantial quality of the databases and the oscillation patterns play a crucial role in determining how effectively the established data functions in the optimization

TimeWaver possesses a comprehensive medicinal database which contains important data about modern and traditional medicine at the information level. These include amongst others the contents displayed on the right.

These databases are not just the work of our own experts. As many of our users compile their own databases, and as we actively encourage the reciprocal exchange of data, you will benefit not only from our expertise, but also from the medical expertise of the continually growing TimeWaver community. Thus your medicinal repertoire is subject to a continual qualitative and quantitative expansion.

How do I work with TimeWaver?

According to the model of informationfield medicine the client’s informationfield contains amongst others all relevant data on diseases at the levels mentioned. The quantum physical interface of the TimeWaver scans the informationfield with regard to the objective selected by the therapist. The results of the analysis show which oscillation pattern from the enormous database will correspond to the client’s oscillation pattern and achieve the desired effect. The TimeWaver system provides the therapist with access to the client’s informationfield on the condition that the therapist’s consciousness also resonates with the client’s consciousness

Disclaimer: Contemporary science and medicine disputes our theory that information can be brought into resonance with the human body through

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Integrated Database Applications

Cell Biology

Biological transmutation Elementary metabolism Glucose metabolism Harmonization of the aerobic metabolic state Intercellular substance transport Storage diseases Cell organelles Cell tension Citric acid cycle


Allergies Drainages Intoxications Dietary supplement substances Poisoning Nosode complexes/environment toxines

Laboratory Diagnostics

Laboratory values ICD 10 analysis Enzymes Hormones Organs

Viruses, Bacteria, Parasites, Fungal Diseases

Bacteria & parasite intoxication and therapy Fungal diseases Unknown pathogens Virus intoxication

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Body acupuncture Ear acupuncture (also western methods incl.) Functional circles


Homeopathic list A-Z Basis substances (Polychrests) Miasmas Stress harmonization Constitution resources Diverse lists of produces of medicinal products Spagyrics Schuessler salts, extracts, Bach flowers


Repair of amino acids Repair of chromosomes Repair of genetic disorders Cell cleansing


Brain frequencies Neurotransmitter Biological conflicts and brainareas Limbic system

Structural Level

Mobility systems Cells Histoid systems Organ systems Metabolism


Dental materials Dental medicaments Dental nosodes Dental compounds Teeth and their functional circles

Frequency Therapy

Brain frequency Hulda Clark frequency Healing frequencies based on Hz/ symptoms Polarized light/ tones and light Chakra frequencies Basis resonances of the human body Cell and organ stimulating frequencies


Removal of brainstem blockades Meridian energy technique Diverse test systems

Systematic Therapy

Family healing Removal of alien energies Transformations of maintopics in life Systematic affirmations Removal of karmic pressures

quantumphysical processes, as well as the conclusions drawn from this with regard to medical diagnosis and therapy.

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TimeWaver has remedial possibilities at 10 levels

TimeWaver provides you with information about the correlations of symptomatic and causal disorders in the client´s informationfield and helps to eradicate or to balance them.

In the TimeWaver database you will find a complex assortment of information models on the ten levels described below which allow the client to be assessed and understood holistically. As you can see, the analysis of the informationfield comprises all dimensions – from the spiritual and psychic level to the bodily-symptomatic level.

0. Spiritual level

The spiritual level represents the deepest and most subtle level. Here the informationfield is fortified with the help of mantras, yantras, and meditation exercises at its finest level.

1. Systemic level

At this deeper transformation level familial and karmic conflicts in the informationfield are recog-nized and resolved.

�. Psychic level

With the means of positive affirmations and principles of psycho-kinesiology, psychic block-ades in the informationfield are detected and resolved. Other themes at this level are: balancing of life regions, prenatal models, lack of energy, personality development.

�. Information level

TimeWaver works here with information and oscillation patterns from homeopathies, essences and spagyrics.

4. Energy level

The TimeWaver system detects the energetic factors mirrored in the client’s informationfield. At this level for example the chakras and functional circles are balanced by the data about acupunc-ture points, meridians, healing gems and various symbols.

�. Frequency therapy

TimeWaver establishes which body, brain and organ frequencies are missing or defective and corrects, if necessary, the basis resonances of the human body.

In addition, the frequency therapy database contains tens of thousands of frequencies that are assigned for example to viruses, bacteria or diseases.

6. Physiological processes

This category is subdivided into genetics, cell biology, enzymes, hormones and organ functions.

7. Detoxification

Whether allergies, environmental toxins, intoxications, or incompatibilities - TimeWaver helps at the informationfield level to detect and balance and thereby harmonize energy fields.

8. Bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungal contaminations

The TimeWaver system shows where disorders caused by viruses, bacteria, germs or fungi are in the client’s informationfield and suggests therapy approaches.

9. Symptomatic level

The TimeWaver database contains information about diverse remedies. At this level you will also find the complete ICD 10. With other remedies you employ, you can create quickly and easily your own data-bases.

TimeWaver for a Holistic Medicine

Disclaimer: Contemporary science and medicine disputes our theory that information can be brought into resonance

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Your Advantage in the Field of Information Medicine

Applications beyond medicine

A TimeWaver analysis investigates which data from a selected database of entries effects the

greatest resonance with the informationfield of the object.

During the optimization this data is transiently oscillated into the informationfield of the object.

The databases in which the data to be requested is held, thus constitute the centerpiece of this

system. As the causes of diseases often lie in areas not immediately medical in the strictest

sense – for example in that of the relationship, career, family, environmental pollution, or the

entire living space – TimeWaver is equipped with databases that go beyond pure medical data

and comprise a multitude of other areas. These databases are also constantly updated and made

available to you.

The comprehensive databases constitute the centerpiece of the TimeWaver system.

with the human body through quantum physical processes and release a physiological process there.

System Stress caused by food stuffs

Biocides and toxins

Other harmful substances


System Stress caused by mould etc.

assistance with properties

Geopathic stress

System Sales and revenue support

Holistic management

Applicant profiles

System Plant-pathogenic fungi

Pest control

Mineral fertilizer


System Mediation

Sense of self-esteem

System Dogs and cats

Cows, steers and sheep

System Living dimensions

Meditative Affirmations

Recognizing and breaking patterns

Prenatal patterns

Stresses on human beings and their environment Environmental stress

Food additives



Analysis and balancing of buildings Stress caused by electro smog

Vasati (vedic living & construction technology)

construction biology

Political and business economics Management consultancy / Analysis

Business Energy


Agriculture Useful insects

Increase in crop yield

Alternative fertilizers

Plant tonics

Coaching Relationships

Personality development

Veterinary Medicine Small animals


System therapy Family constellations

Transformative Affirmations

Family affirmations

Liberating mantras

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TimeWaver uses real quantum processes for the first time

TimeWaver uses a high-tech light quantum effect in the analysis and optimization in the informationfield. A stream of photon packs is directed at an angle of 45° at a semi-transparent mirror. When a photon pack passes through the mirror, a binary 1 is created; a reflection creates the value 0.

It is a purely quantum effect whether a photon pack passes through the mirror or not. It is able to be reduced to physically comprehensible terms. According to Burkhard Heim, however, it is in the seemingly random quantum leaps of photons that the information is able to be presented in its most pure form. If we therefore designate the information flow of the light quanta to certain objects, we are able to read in its informationfield; conversely any data is thus able to be written into the informationfield.

TimeWaver carries out for the first time real oscillation comparison

TimeWaver assists you with the analysis of objects and systems. The analysis can be made either with the oscillation comparison, or with the query through a light quantum effect or with both of these methods at the same time.

TimeWaver uses a complex electronic recording system. Two noise sources simultaneously record two oscillation patterns independent of each other which the software evaluates as follows. The first oscillation pattern is designated to the object under examination; the second oscillation is designated to data that is to be evaluated. The system evaluates a similarity between these two patterns as an indication that the corresponding information is related to the object.

The first oscillation pattern is designated to the client under analysis. The identification occurs in the software by means of the image, data or samples of the client.

The second oscillation is designated to the data to be analyzed from a database. To analyze a client you select from the databank the entries relevant for your therapy.

TimeWaver now compares the oscillation pattern from the selected database entries with the oscillation pattern of the client.

You can carry out an optimization with the aim of harmonizing the client’s information and energy field.

TimeWaver records the oscillation patterns of noise sources. According to our understanding the relevant information is to be found in this “distorting parasitic noise” of physics

Other systems mostly use only one noise source whose digitalized sig-nals they employ as random generators. TimeWaver however works with noise sources independent of each other and compares their oscillation patterns directly with each other. This method is far more effective and meaningful.

Disclaimer: Contemporary science and medicine disputes the relevance of quantum effects and oscillation processes for the transfer of information.



Schwingungsmuster 1 Schwingungsmuster 2








Info 1 Info 2 Info 3 Info x








Oscillation comparison


Oscillation Pattern 1 Oscillation Pattern �










The TimeWaver Analysis

TimeWaver uses a real light quantum effect for communicating into the informationfield.

Semitransparenter Spiegel



Detektor fürReflexion: »0«

Quanteneffekt Detektor fürkeine Reflexion: »1«

1 1 …0 0 0 0 01

Photon Stream Semitransparent mirror

Detector for Reflection: »0«

Quantum effect Detector for No Reflection: »1«


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The optimization list

To optimize you compile all data that should be ascribed to a client or an object in the optimization list. To this end you can carry out a target query. Through the informationfield analysis it can be established which data helps the client or object. Similarly you can select certain pieces of information manually from a database or write it into the list. If for example a client is suffering from mild depression you could select the oscillation pattern of the Saint-John’s-wort plant from the database and thus enter it into the optimization list.

The consciousness resonance model

The software sets the optimization list you have compiled in resonance with the client or object. It makes use of the simultaneously functioning noise generators. To our understanding the noise created by the generators is modified by the contents of the optimization lists with the means of the consciousness resonance. Thus the information is transiently oscillated via the timewave into the object’s informationfield.

According to the theory of Global Scaling the timewave is the connector between conscious-ness and matter. Because it oscillates synchronically as a stationary wave in the entire universe, it connects all physical process with each other. The client’s body is also a source of “noise”, not just the circular transmissions of the TimeWaver. A human being consists for example of oscillating atoms that bring about a complex wave of noise. This noise is also located in the timewave.

The software simultaneously calls up the object or client and the optimization list. This occurs with the intention that the information content of the optimization list can be transiently oscillated onto the client’s informationfield. Our model of consciousness resonance states that this conscious intention leads to resonance between the noise transmitted by the TimeWaver and that of the client. The optimizing information is transiently oscillated into the client’s informationfield.

This also applies for our modell of Global Scaling and resonance of consciousness and the resulting transfer of information.



Verbindung durchBewusstseinsresonanz

Globale Zeitwelle mitOberschwingungen und Knotenpunkten

Das Lesen und Schreiben geschiehtin den Knotenpunkten der Zeitwelle

Rauschen desObjekts

Rauschen desTimeWaver

Noise Generation of Object Signal

Noise Generation of TimeWaver Signal



Connection through Resonance of Consciousness

The Reading and Writing occurs within the Resonancespoints of the Timewave

Global Timewave with high Oscillations and Resonancepoints

The Nobel prize winners Nils Bohr (right) and Erwin Schrödinger (left), the founders of quantum physics were already convinced that quantum pro-cesses represent the interface between conscious and matter.

The TimeWaver Optimization

The research carried out by Prof. Jahn of Princeton University showed that conscious-ness can resonate with the noise.

TimeWaver uses this effect to connect the object with the data in the optimization lists.

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Burkhard Heim’s quantum field theory in practice

TimeWaver integrates the latest developments in physics, including the groundbreaking work of the German physicist Burkhard Heim († 2001) on the twelve dimensional composi-tion of the universe. Burkhard Heim’s model explains the informationfield medicine like no other and constitutes its scientific foundation.

According to Burkhard Heim our four dimensional visual world – the dimensions d1 to d4 –constitute only the lower levels of the universe. Above them is the Energetic Control Field (ECL) – the dimensions d5 to d6 – and space consciousness – the dimensions d7 to d12. The four highest dimensions d9 to d12 mathematically represent the mind. Through the timewave the higher dimensions communicate with the four dimensions in space time we are accustomed to. Both of the lower levels constitute the Global informationfield (GIF).

These twelve dimensions bring matter into direct connection with the consciousness. The communication between these domains takes place through the timewave.

TimeWaver communicates with the TimeWave

According to the research of the Soviet physicist Nikolai A. Kozyrev time is the force that enables an effect to emerge from a cause. This theory is revolutionary: Time is a force, a wave. Its patterns contain the information about every physical event in this world.

This research shows that time has a crucial role in the communication between the information-space and matter. From a segment of information a material process arises through the influence of the timewave. Conversely, every material process creates a pattern in the timewave. This pattern is, independent from time and space, accessible everywhere in the universe.

The Kozyrev mirror is in its original size two

meters high.

Burkhard Heim (1925-2001), German physicist.

Heim’s most significant contribution to physics is considered to be his formulation of a uniform fieldtheory, the so called Heim-Quantum Fieldtheory. Heim’s theory of the information and control level decisively influenced the creation of the TimeWaver system. To our understanding the light quantum effect communicates above all with the Global Informationfield (GIF), i.e. at a non-energetic, non-phenomenal and therefore more causative level. The oscillation comparison however works predominantly at the Energetic Control Level (ECL), i.e. closer to the phenomenal world of space and time. By selectively employing these two methods you can analyze and optimize very precisely.

Disclaimer: Contemporary science and medicine reject the research and conclusions of Burkhard Heim and Nicolai Kozyrev as scientifically unverifiable.




























Visible World

The Physical Background

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TimeWaver and Kozyrev

In the TimeWaver there are also two small Kozyrev mirrors. In each of their centres we have placed one of the two noise diodes. Why have we done this? According to Kozyrev, a field emerges with a condensed time flow density on the central axis of the Kozyrev mirror. This condensed time continuum is connected with all other points in the universe so that it allows a direct transference of information between these points, independent of distance. An information channel is thus opened between the central time continuum in the Kozyrev mirror and all other points in the universe. The local timewaves within the Kozyrev mirror are so to speak short circuited so that only the influence of the global timewaves remains.

The global timewave connects all animate beings and all physical processes with each other. In this way human beings should be able to receive and to send data on a purely mental with the aid of the Kozyrev mirror.

The Kozyrev mirror – the physical gateway to other dimensions

A Kozyrev mirror is an aluminum cylinder which, according to its inventors Prof. Kaznacheev and Prof. Trofimov, can open a space-time-channel in its interior on account of its specific proportions, surface quality and alloying.

This claim has been verified by numerous scientific experiments with hundreds of test people and by the theory of one of the great astrophysicists of the previous century, Nikolai Kozyrev.

The time pattern as information matrix of the universe

According to Kozyrev, all physical as well as mental processes within the universe leave traces in the time pattern. It thus represents a kind of cosmic information-field of holographic nature. Every segment of information is simultaneously coexistent in the entire universe. In this way information not only does not take any time to go from one point to another, but through the reflection of the timewave it can, in certain circumstances, even arrive at the receiver before the sender has actually sent it. It was thus that Kozyrev was able to take a picture of the Andromeda Galaxy as it will appear in two million years. Kaznacheev has sent with the aid of Kozyrev mirrors telepathic symbols into the past. In both instances mechanisms were used in the reflection of timewaves.

Dr. Nicolai Kozyrev, Russian astrophysicist

This is also applies to the effectiveness of our technical implementations that are based on these theories.

Noise diode Kozyrev mirror

The noise diode is - radially as well as

vertically - exactly in the centre of the

Kozyrev mirror

The technical implementation

To our understanding, with the aid of a Kozyrev mirror the connection of the TimeWaver’s noise diodes with the informationfield is therefore improved. To do this, you place a diode in the centre of each of the two small Kozyrev mirrors. The noise of the diodes creates – just like the human brain – timewaves which are reflected through the mirror resulting in the production of a concentrated time density field in the centre of the cylinder. In there the global timewave segment is short circuited to enable a link up with the global timewave, which contains, at a non-local basis, all the information in the entire cosmos.

In this manner a space-time-channel opens itself for the diode which can link up with any informationfield through the consciousness of the user, independent of his spatial-temporal distance.

The Kozyrev Mirror

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General Functions

The TimeWaver offers easy usability and comprehensive specialist content

The basic functions enable you to set up as many clients as you like. To each client you can allocate different facts, such as his/her transient oscillation pattern, symbols or particular data. In the client administration you enter the client’s name and address. Here the oscillation of the client or object is recorded. You can allocate each client as many objects as you like. The inclusion of a picture supports the informationfield medical identification. Try setting up for example the house in which the client lives as an object allocated to him.

Processing and compiling databases

The TimeWaver databases comprise a central part of the system. The database menu shows all databases in tree structure. Entries of a checked database are shown in the right field and can be processed there. Up to two symbols (e.g. images, tones, oscillations etc.) can be allocated to each database entry. Double clicking a symbol causes symboly to be shown enlarged in a window. There you can load new symbols or save existing ones in another location. You can export and transfer to other computers all client data, including allocated objects as well as the optimization lists.

Import and export functions

You can compile your own databases quickly and comfortably in TimeWaver. And you can also compile and administer databases as external text files and import them into TimeWaver. Databases can thus be exchanged easily with other applications. In this manner you can also export and transfer to other computers all client data including allocated objects and optimization lists.

Disclaimer: The effectiveness of the methods and procedures described on these pages

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TimeWaver Med in Practise

Actual and target entries – analysis form two perspectives

One of the special features of TimeWaver is the alternative usage of actual and target databases. With an actual query deficits are analyzed in the informationfield: “What is this person lacking?” In contrast, a target query examines what strengthens the informationfield: “What does this person need?” In the Bach flowers database for example there is an actual entry and a target entry with a key word and description for every flower. During the analysis the oscillations of both of the noise generators are shown with the aid of an oscilloscope. A progress bar tracks the progress.

is not recognized by contemporary science and medicine.

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Analysis and optimization lists

All active optimization lists are automatically processed according to the set parameters as soon as the optimization is started.

In the right window the lists are shown that are waiting to be optimized. The left window lists the individual data of the current optimization.

General Functions

Analysis, result, optimization

In the optimization mode TimeWaver compiles the optimization lists from the analysis results which are then transiently oscillated into the informationfield. The transient oscillation takes place according to the level you want to optimize, either with the aid of the noise generators or the light quantum effects or on both levels so that in both the energy as well as the informationfield is optimized. You can adjust the time interval and the length of time in a separate input window.

Disclaimer: The effectiveness of the methods and procedures described on these pages

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Copying, transient oscillating and saving

The copy function enables the transient oscillation of any object you place into the test tray onto another object in the left tray. With this function you can for example transfer the data of a medicament onto globuli or healing gems and use them like a homeopathic remedy. You can also record the oscillation of any object. The oscillation is stored in a database reserved for doing just this and can be used for further optimizations.

Symbols, images and descriptions

You can access the saved optimization lists in the client administration. There you can process the entries, manually add your own entries, like for example the target state. For additional support you can manually add a symbol. You can allocate each client as many objects as you like or an image for example of the property on which the client lives, as shown on the right.

TimeWaver Med in Practise

is not recognized by contemporary science and medicine.

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Salutogenese und Organkohärenz

The organ coherency module is intended to be used for the active maintenance of good health. By coherency (Latin: cohaerentia - relation) we mean the substantial common identity of units or the substantial organization of a system. Coherency is to be regarded not only as a character-istic but also as a result of cognitive and constructive processes. The term salutogenesis means the development (genesis) of health. The Israeli-American medicine sociologist Aaron Antonovsky (1923–1994) coined the term in the 70s in opposition to the concept pathogenesis. According to the salutogenesis model, health is not a condition but an ongoing process.

How does health come about?

Antonovsky’s main thesis is that the coherency feeling has to be regarded as the central aspect of the question “How does health arise?” “The coherency feeling is a global orientation that expresses the extent to which we possess a pervasive, dynamic feeling of confidence that the stimuli which emerge in the course of life from the internal and external surroundings are structured, predictable and explainable; that we have access to the resources to meet the demands these stimuli pose; and that these demands are challenges that are worth the effort and commitment. (Aaron Antonovsky, Salutogenesis. The demystification of health, 1997, S. 36). Here a disease symptom is not primarily seen as an external threat that has to be eradicated, but as a stimulus which signals to the patient a fault in his ongoing health maintenance which he can and should remove.

Salutogenesis versus Pathogenesis

In pathogenesis the illness symptom for example headache is described and combated. According to Antonovsky the concept of salutogenesis does not emphasize the suffering inherent in an illness but rather the health potential. Thus there is always a chance for a development based on health. From the perspective of salutogenesis the headache is understood as an indication that an intervention is required which at the time represents an opportunity to return to the flexible middle. If we eliminate the headache with a medicament we lose the signal conveying a possible healing: Instead of putting out the fire, we have switched off the fire alarm.

Organ Coherency and Salutogenesis

Disclaimer: Contemporary science and medicine dispute the value of Antonovskys work and their medical relevance.

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The organ coherency reveals deeper connections to you

With the organ coherency analysis you will find an easy-to-use and strong apprehensive tool for the first examination of each individual bodily informationfield. You will quickly get an overview of which organ groups are to be especially supported.

How does the organ coherency analysis work?

Every organ possesses an electromagnetic energy field. According to the biophoton research this field represents the interface between the material quality of the organ and the finer informationfields on the one hand, and consciousness on the other. The organ coherency analysis examines the quality of this energy field in the informationfield and thereby the connection of the respective organ to the healthy information-field of the client. Thus you receive with just a single value figure – the coherency of the organ – a statement about the connection of this organ to that aspect of the informationfield which contains the data on the ideal condition of the organ concerned.

Basic standardized methods for the selected organ groups offer a first step in the increase of their coherency. This makes the organ analysis an ideal starting point for the further informationfield analysis and balancing with TimeWaver.

Organ Coherency

Organ coherency analysis conjunctive tissue Organ coherency analysis vertebrae Organ coherency analysis DNA molecules

This also applies for our described modell of organ coherence and the resulting analysis- and treatment-methods.

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Five methods based on the coherency analysisTimeWaver offers you five options as to how you can proceed after the basic analysis: You can carry out an analysis of the parts of the organs you have

observed. You could for example examine the informationfield of the immune system, looking into the coherency of immunocompetent cells.

You can carry out an ICD-10 analysis and classify the analyzed disease in the informationfield. You can get TimeWaver to show you corresponding therapy suggestions.

You can stimulate the object in question directly in the information-field.

You can get TimeWaver to provide you with homeopathic options in order to increase the coherency of a particular organ. You will also be shown the necessary potencies from the informationfield.

You can carry out an analysis of causes in order to establish what the client requires in the informationfield to increase the coherency of the selected organs. The results are then transiently oscillated into the client’s informationfield automatically.


The gaze through the body

The organ coherency contains the fundamental organs and organ systems of the human body, systematically subdivided into 52 categories. In a standard analysis a scan is carried out on the client’s informationfield. The coherency values of the respective values are then shown to you as value figures with plus or minus signs.

Organ Coherency

The organ coherency analysis is extremely minute, as is the case here in the analysis of the immunocompetent cells.

The organ coherency analysis also reaches the information of the cell structures.

Disclaimer: Contemporary science and medicine dispute the value of Antonovskys work and their medical relevance.

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Clear visualization Detailed anatomic representations clarify for the client the information-field analysis of the different body parts and organs – right up into the smallest cellular elements. This considerably increases the client’s acceptance.

Seeing what happens

In this example the different areas of the brain are being scanned; the active area is highlighted in color. But TimeWaver does not just stop at a pure analysis. It contains a compre-hensive database on the Ayurveda, in which a specific mantra is designated to every brainarea with the aid of which the area and the connected physical-psychic functions in the informationfield are balanced. With this and other data you can easily stimulate the coherency of the affected organs and organ groups.

Not just statistics

If you carry out the organ coherency analysis in regular intervals on a client, you can graph the continual results in the form of a curve and thereby recognize the progress you are making in your treatment.

Organ Coherency

This also applies for our described modell of organ coherence and the resulting analysis- and treatment-methods.

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Frequency Therapy

Frequency therapy combined with energy medicine!

Beyond its basic function as an informationfield system, Timewaver Med offers you an energy medicine module capable of establishing therapeutic frequencies for different diseases or ailments and compiling from them a completely automatic frequency therapy.

The analysis – i.e. the selection of suitable frequencies – takes place in the information-field allowing in addition the actual therapy to be carried out energetically. To this end the TimeWaver hardware possesses an inbuilt frequency generator which automatically creates the established frequencies and makes them available as an electric oscillation. They can then be transferred via suitable appliances (headphones, magnet field resonance, light etc) to the client’s body.

Good frequency at all levels

Whereas conventional systems often use trial and error to establish which frequencies are required, TimeWaver Med analyses the different zones in the informationfield and thus detects the frequencies with which a certain dysfunction in the energy and informationfield is to be corrected.

The different frequencies can be shown and applied to the client. Every frequency has a different characteristic and effect on the energy and informationfield.

Disclaimer: Contemporary science and medicine disputes the medicinal relevance of the methods described here concerning energy and frequency medicine.

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Frequency Therapy

In a frequency optimization list the established frequencies are displayed with the related parameters

and the respective intended effect.

Therapy levels with TimeWaver med

Psyche, consciousness Detection and balancing of psychic correlates with diseases in the informationfield through TimeWaver Med (Psychosomatic)

Informationfield Informationfield medicine with TimeWaver Med

Bio-energetic systems Balancing through Timewaver Med via databases, through Chakras, meridians, acupuncture points and through frequency therapy.

Electromagnetic fields, biophotons Frequency therapy with TimeWaver Med

Central nervous system (control of the bodily functions and the process of diseases, as well) Acoustic applications of brain frequencies over the different frequencies for the two brain spheres (floating)

Molecular level of the body According to our knowledge based on the theoretical work of Burkhard Heim and Rupert Sheldrake, the control takes place through the informationfield.


aver Med Applications

The frequency theory databasesThe comprehensive frequency databases from TimeWaver Med comprises the following dimensions: Brain frequencies Chakra frequencies Frequencies on cell and organ stimulation Body basis resonances Healing frequencies in Hz Healing frequencies in symptoms Hulda Clark Frequencies Acoustic Frequencies

This also applies to the model described here of the different therapy levels and the medicinal relevance of the corresponding TimeWaver treatments.

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“Music for the soul”

The detected frequencies can also be mixed with music or burnt onto a CD. This principle has been well established in Superlearning for considerable time now. According to the physicist and neurologist Günther Haffelder such a neuro-active music signal enables the brain to release certain neurotransmitters which in turn should bring about a healing process.

Frequency Therapy “De Luxe”One of the central questions among therapists concerns the selection of suitable frequencies and their physical parameters like duration and amplitude. TimeWaver Med can do this work for you: TimeWaver Med can automatically detect the frequencies to be used by analysis in the informationfield. The results are displayed

clearly in a list and can be adapted at any time to the treatment success. Of course, based on your experience, you can also manually select the frequencies you consider the most suitable and use them

on the client. You can also adjust the setting of the transmission parameters. This requires duration, amplitude and wave form. Furthermore,

you can also define pauses between the individual frequencies. The time period and duration of the respective optimization can be set and adjusted by the doctor, natural health professional or therapist.

You can save the completed frequency optimization list and call it up and play it back at a later date. Thus you save yourself the work of having to set the parameters every time your client visits.

A special feature is the method that allows you to modulate the oscillation pattern of a client’s optimization list on to these frequencies. In this way the curative information stored there receives an additional carrier in the form of the broadcasted energetic frequencies.

Detailed lists of the different brainfrequency stimulations and their effects on the client create an easy-to-use analysis tool..

Disclaimer: Contemporary science and medicine disputes the medicinal relevance of the methods described here concerning energy and frequency medicine.

Frequency Therapy

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An integrated CD burning program can combine music you have selected with the respective acoustic frequencies which can be thus applied to your client via headphones.

Hertz Name State of consciousness

30-50+ Gamma mystical and transcendent experiences during meditation, healing, feelings of melting, union, omniscience, special capabilities

15-30 Beta normal everyday consciousness: directed attention, analytical thinking, sensory-motor activity

8-14 Alpha easy state of relaxation: mostly with closed eyes and calm spirit, harmony with surroundings; release, reduction of anxiety. Mental journeying, being at ease; wellbeing

4-8 Theta deep relaxation, meditation, trance, hypnosis, reprogramming, possibly light sleep (REM phase – dream phase)

0-4 Delta deeper, dreamless sleep, possibly also very deep meditation, regeneration and often even healing through sleep

Working with brain frequencies

The spectrum of the brain waves comprises five states which are analyzable through different frequencies. Physical and psychic disorders reflect themselves in the spectrum and in the coherency of these frequencies. TimeWaver analyses the brain frequencies in the informationfield, detects which frequencies are dysfunctional, and which should be strengthened or stimulated.

“Floating” Healing

TimeWaver Med substitutes lower frequencies below the audible region through a simple principle. For example, the inaudible frequency of 7,83 Hz which is known as the Schumann resonance becomes audible for the client, when you make two frequencies with exactly the difference of 7,83 Hz acoustically accessible to both sides of the brain over the left and right stereo channels.

This phenomenon, known as floating, uses a base frequency, e.g. 432 Hz for one of the ears and 432 + 7,83 Hz (i.e. 439,83 Hz) for the other ear.

This is also applies to the model described here of the different therapy levels and the medicinal relevance of the corresponding TimeWaver treatments.

Frequency Therapy

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Energypoints – Virtual Acupuncture with TimeWaver

The special features of the energypoints modules. The system detects among thousands exactly those energy and acupuncture points

which have to be stimulated so as to resolve certain problems in the energy and informationfield.

The TimeWaver System operates purely on the informational level. This means you do not have to treat your client with any bothersome needles. And you can easily use this method without being trained in acupuncture.

Along with virtual needles you can also place other types of curative information on the energypoints, for example symbols, Körblerian barcodes, yantras or affirmations.

TimeWaver does not just stimulate individual points, but can analyze and balance entire regions of an organ in the informationfield.

You can scan in photos, x-ray images or CT’s from your client. You can even set energypoints in exact correlation to the respective organ.

What does the stimulation of energypoints do?

TimeWaver Med provides you with the opportunity to stimulate the correlation of meridians, acupuncture points and individual organs in the informationfield. The meridians serve as energetic “keys” to the different organs. Illnesses and stress etc. can lead to imbalances and blockades in the energy supply. By positioning the information of symbols, remedies or affirmation on the individual energypoints, you can, according to our understanding, harmonize the energy flow of the affected organs. This breaks up the blockades and stimulates the organ. A harmonious energyflow on the meridians equilibrizes the affected organs and thereby the entire body.

The image on the left shows how you can e.g. stimulate the lung meridian with virtual needles. TimeWaver analyses which points of the lung meridian are relevant, selects the appropriate virtual needles and automatically places them on the selected points. One can

also manually apply the needles.

The image on the right shows the appli-cation of vedic yantras on specific acupuncture points of the ear.

You can also virtually place other symbols or the Körbler barcodes with the energypoints module.

Disclaimer: Contemporary science and medicine disputes the medicinal relevance of the methods described here concerning “virtual acupuncture”

The different meridians with the accompanying acupunc-ture points are displayed in clear visibility. You can use the default points for stimulation in the informationfield or set virtual needles according to your own experience.

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Not only needles help

TimeWaver analyses the correlation of the client’s energypoints in the informationfield and makes suggestions about which of the energypoints should be stimulated with regard to a particular therapy target. The system also examines which methods should be applied. This could for example be gold, silver or platinum needles from traditional Chinese acupuncture. Even the depth of insertion is established. Also symbols, for example Vedic Yantras or affirmations can be used. Of particular interest is the use of Körbler barcodes – in the form of bars and sinuscurves – on acupuncture points.

Use your own photos, x-ray pictures or CT-scans of your clientsThe energypoints module is delivered with images of the most important acupuncture points, meridians and reflection zones (hand, foot, tongue). But you can also load your own pictures and impose specific energypoints or zones onto them. The easy-to-use graphics interface will be of help here. By using a photo, x-ray images or CT-scans of the client you can directly place energypoints onto the affected areas. Thereafter you can analyze and stimulate these areas at the informationfield level. You can also blend in your own symbols. Thus you can virtually support the energypoints with the designated symbols or needles or with your own methods

Every energypoint is individually analyzed. The selected energypoints are displayed in the list of results based on their significance and importance.

The comprehensive databases explain every acupuncture points according to its pathology and indications.

The needles for the stimulation of the energypoints are very easy to apply, whether you make use of your own experience or the TimeWaver analysis.

You can highlight certain points on the organ images like here in the CT-scan. The analysis in the informationfield suggests the type and intensity of the simulation.

and “energypoints” as well as the resultant treatments including the usage of mantras to stimulate brainareals.

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Example: Stimulating brainareas

TimeWaver does not just analyze individual energypoints. With the aid of a easy-to-use graphics interface entire regions can be highlighted, analyzed and stimulated in the informationfield just like points. In our example it is the different brainareas. The database used here contains specific mantras from the Ayurveda. They are traditionally used for the stimulation of specific brainareas and the physiological and psychological body functions connected to these areas. By placing the accompanying mantra onto the selected area, you achieve a simple yet effective stimulation in the informationfield.

Certain functions or indicators are designated to the every area of the brain. With specific diseases, you can stimulate a brainarea so as to have a positive effect on the accompanying organ or a general function.

Interactions: The brain as a mirror of sicknesses.

The brain governs the functions of the organs and is involved in the development of diseases. To our knowledge, this is why the causes of diseases are reflected in the informationfield of the relevant brainarea. With TimeWaver you actively analyze and balance the brainareas corresponding to the diseases in the informationfield.

As an auxiliary, balancing can for example take place with the information model of certain hormons, in this case with melatonin for a specific stimulation.

Disclaimer: Contemporary science and medicine disputes the medicinal relevance of the methods described here concerning “virtual acupuncture”


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��and “energypoints” as well as the resultant treatments including the nusage of mantras to stimulate brainareals.

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TimeWaver Med – robust and timelessly elegant

TimeWaver comes in a solid and esthetic casing made of pure aluminum. With dimensions of 30 x 30 x 4 cm and weighing only 4 kg it can be presented on your work space as a trusted basis of informationfield medicinal work.

In the left test bowl you can directly inform objects like water or “neutral”

globuli. The noise source underneath is responsible for the object.

The control and evaluation unit is situated in the front part of the casing.

With the aid of the right test bowl you can transiently oscillate a physical

sample directly in the object’s informationfield. The noise source

underneath is responsible for the information.

Under the upper test bowl is the light quantum resonator. Here you can analyze and optimize at the information level.

Here you are analyzing and optimizing on the energy level. You can also copy and

record information with both of the bowls.

The two USB ports at the back of the casing connect the light quantum resonator or the noise sources with your computer.

Two high-grade golded hubs serve as the connection with the Scalarwaves resonator and the earth line required for this.

With the two headphone plugs you receive the noise signals or wavepatterns generated by the integrated frequency generator. In this way you can apply the signals on almost any kind of energetic device.

The TimeWaver Base Station

Disclaimer: Contemporary science and medicine disputes our theory that information can be brought into resonance with the human body through

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Stay mobile with TimeWaver

In the age of mobility many mind-matter-interface users need a system that they can transport easily and that they can operate flexibly. TimeWaver Mobile has been developed with exactly such needs in mind. To minimize space and weight it dispenses with the noise generators and focuses on the revolutionary light quantum resonator. The increased mobility more than makes up for the slightly restricted scope of functions.

The compact aluminum casing protects against wetness, shocks and electro-magnetic interference. And with a weight of just 200 grams and dimensions of 11 x 6 x 3 centimeters it will even fit into your pocket.

TimeWaver Combi – two systems in one

Many users actually require two devices in order to work effectively: one to work with on the road and another that simultaneously carries out the on-going optimizations at the stationary work space.

This used to mean: Double investment costs for the full working capacity. But now with TimeWaver Combi you can acquire a system with double working capacity. The basis device can be installed at your office, and while your balancing jobs are active, you can work simultaneously with your mobile device on the road.

All this for a price just �0% higher than the standard TimeWaver system.

Small and effective: TimeWaver Mobile

TimeWaver Mobile – Pocketsized Informationfield Medicine

TimeWaver Mobile

TimeWaver Basis

TimeWaver Combi

Full mobility ++ ++Simultaneous analysis and balancing + ++Light quanta effect (photons) + + +Oscillation comparison(white noise) + +Communication with energy field + +Communication with informationfield + + +Oscilloscope function + +Analog oscillation recording + +Digital oscillation recording + + +Direct copying + +Direct installing of samples + + +Easy database and client management + + +Optimal shielding + + +

Choose the system that suits you best

The following table shows you the various performance features of the three systems:

quantumphysical processes, as well as the conclusions drawn from this with regard to medical diagnosis and therapy.

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The latest technology for optimizing your Informationfield System

Our ongoing efforts to integrate the latest advances in physics into informationfield medicine have given rise to the development of this unique supplementary device. According to the theory of the legendary physicist Nikola Tesla, scalarwaves can transfer energy and informa-tion independently of spatial distances.

The TimeWaver Scalarwave Resonator was made on the principles of this theory so as to effectively support informationfield analyses and optimizations.

What is a Scalarwave Resonator?

The device essentially consists of a high frequency transformer modeled on Tesla’s theory. Both of the noise sources and the light quantum resonator of the TimeWaver basis device are connected with the zero point of this high frequency transformer via fine silver wires. The connection runs through gold-plated plugs.

According to conventional scientific opinion such an alignment does not have any physical function – conventional measurement instruments do not detect any electromagnetic radiation or any other radiation for that matter. And yet according to our explanatory informationfield- model energy and information is transferred with the Scalarwave Resonator through the principle of consciousness resonance.

Areas of Application for the TimeWaver Scalarwave Resonator:

Quick and effective energization of objects

Direct transfer of information to all types of objects

Energetic support of analysis

Assists and enhances local and remote optimization

The TimeWaver Scalarwave Resonator: Form and function - suiting your

TimeWaver Hardware

The TimeWaver Scalarwave-Resonator

Disclaimer: Contemporary science and medicine disputes the theories of Nicola Tesla in regards to scalarwaves

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The TimeWaver in a 24 carat goldplated case.

Extra Services

as well as the conclusions drawn from this with regard to its technical realization especially with the herein mentioned scalarwave resonator.

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Research, development and education at the Vedic Academy

The development of the TimeWaver System started in 1996 at the Vedic Academy in Schloss Weissenstein. In cooperation with different scientists we did large research concerning mind and matter. Since February 2010 the Vedic Academy and the TimeWaver GmbH are now situated at Kränzlin castle, not far from Geramny´s capitol Berlin. The seminars, educations and study courses conducted here, shall give the necessary insight and understanding to the TimeWaver user to successfully work in the field of informationfield medicine, and to partake in the constant development of methods and knowledge.

Informationfield medicine can also be studied!

Since September 2007 Marcus Schmieke is a Visiting Professor at Dev Sanskriti University in Haridvar / India and leads as head of the research commission of the IIVS (International Institute for Vedic Studies) a basic research project regarding the interaction of consciousness and matter.

In cooperation with this university, he is developing a Bachelor’s course in Energy- and Informationfield-Medicine. The course is scheduled to begin in October 2010 and will also be held as a correspondence degree course, assisted by several MD´s and PHD Scientists led by Marcus Schmieke. Futurewise there will also be given the possibility of promotion.

Research, Development and Education

Schloss Kränzlin near Neuruppin, the new residence of the TimeWaver GmbH and the Vedic Academy.

Disclaimer: Contemporary science and medicine disputes the research and results of Marcus Schmieke.

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Marcus Schmieke, developer of TimeWaver

1984 to 1989 study of physics and philosophy in Hannover and Heidelberg. Intensive deliberations on the interac-tion between matter and conscious-ness leads to the publication of his first book in 1994, “Das letzte Geheimnis – Naturwissenschaft und Bewusstsein” (The Final Mystery - Natural Sciences and Consciousness).

Since 1996 he leads the “Vedic Academy for Integration of Science and Spirituality”.

In the same year he starts his research in informationfield sciences. His second book “Das Lebensfeld” (The Life Field), published in 1997, reflects his research on the scientific existence of informa-tionfields.

Marcus Schmieke – the Developer of the TimeWaver System

Due to his studies of physics and philosophy it became obvious for Marcus Schmieke to investigate the connections between matter and consciousness. His first books “Das Letzte Geheimnis“ (The Final Mystery - Natural Sciences and Consciousness) and „Das Lebensfeld“ (The Life Field) lay the foundation for his informationfield medicine.

Marcus Schmieke is the European pioneer of Vasati, vedic architecture. Like Feng Shui, Vasati analyses and corrects energetic defects of the living environment. From the beginning, Schmieke uses informationfield techniques as a practical tool in his consultations and training and he experiments with various informationfield devices.

In due course of time he sees that none of the existing devices available on the market meets his standards of an effective informationfield system. It becomes more and more obvious that the latest physical research is generally not taken into consideration deeply. Thus he starts the development of his own system, with the goal to lay open the underlying physical backgrounds and to use the possibilities given as good as possible. Informationfield medicine is born.

Following in Burkhard Heims footsteps

Schmieke is inspired by his personal meetings with physicist Burkhard Heim. He organizes a Burkhard Heim congress in 1998. The same year he publishes a comprehensive article about Heim‘s field theory, which attracts the attention of Burkhard Heim‘s granddaughter. She tells her grandfather: „Thanks to Mr. Schmieke’s article, I finally understand what you have been working on all these years!“ The personal meetings following the publication of the article give Schmieke the internal mission to make Burkhard Heim’s knowledge accessible to the general public, both in theory and practice.

Burkhard Heim‘s work gives Schmieke the basic understanding on how an informa-tionfield system should function. But the decisive factor is Schmieke’s publication of the revolutionary research on Global Scaling and the structure of the timewave. He now concretely knows how to access the global informationfield through the timewave.

The first TimeWaver System

In 2005 he develops the Prashna Informationfield System. Its effectiveness has been established hundredfold by a systematic study on karmic transformation. The successful application of this system encourages Schmieke that he is on the right track. In 2007 comes the culmination of his efforts: TimeWaver. It combines the insights of Heim’s physics and that of Global Scaling, on the basis of the metaphysical understanding of Vedic knowledge.

The Story of TimeWaver

This also applies for the herein mentioned seminars and courses for medicine.

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