Tw 30003

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  • 7/27/2019 Tw 30003


    Case-based Method TW30003


    I am teaching in a rural area which the students are not familiar with the English

    language and English only learn formally in school as their second or third language after

    Dusun and Malay language As an English teacher, I was assigned to teach English language

    for Standard 1. This stage of age is the most important stage for teacher to build students

    strong foundation in learning to read and write as the students are introduce to more new

    vocabulary. According to journal written by Susan B. Neuman, Carol Copple, and Sue

    Bredekamp (2004), although reading and writing abilities continue to develop throughout the

    life span, the early childhood years from birth through age eight, are the most important

    period for literacy development. Young children need writing to help them learn about

    reading, they need reading to help them learn about writing (Kathleen A.R., James F.C.,

    Donald J.R., 2003). This shows that reading and writing are interrelated to helps students

    especially young children to be language literate. The numbers of students in my classroom

    are only 15 which include 6 boys and 9 girls. It seems not really going to be a hardworking

    task to handle only small group of students but it becomes a headache when it comes to teach

    them on writing and especially in reading. The level of achievement of my students

    especially in reading is also still below par and most of them still do not know how to read

    although all of them have entered preschool for a year or two. This is based on the test that Igave to them when I first entered their class. The differences between the vowel sound in

    English language and Malay language also make my students tends to read the English words

    in Malay sounds. Thus, the general purpose of this case study is to explore different teaching

    approach in developing reading and writing skills in the English classroom for primary

    schools students. As we all know, reading and writing are two important parts in learning

    and developing students language literacy especially in this case focusing on teaching the

    sound of vowel and consonant in English language. In school, different English teachers have

    different approach or technique they used in teaching reading and writing. These approaches

    and techniques are differing according to the students ability, their first language background

    and some other things.


    This case study reviews a problem faced by me as an English teacher in developing

    my students skill in reading and also in writing. It is important for the students to be able to

    read and write fluently to function competently in school and being able contribute actively in

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    Case-based Method TW30003

    our community especially in communication and as a tool to gain higher knowledge. Ernest

    Boyer (1995) in , former president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of

    Teaching, once asserted that the success of every elementary school is judgedby its students

    achievement in reading and writing. At first, my teaching practice is more focusing onteacher-centered which I tend to use reading aloud and repeated reading when it comes to

    introducing new vocabulary. By using this method, I will read first and followed by my

    students and for each word I will repeatedly reading it aloud more than three times so the

    students can sound it correctly. After that, I will ask the students to spell the words and sound

    the word. The problem occurred when they have to sound it after they finished spell the

    words which they cannot sound it correctly although teacher have repeatedly reading the

    words in the beginning. Problem also occurred when it comes to writing. There are students

    who write words according to the sound they heard especially the vowel sound. As I said

    before, they tend to confused between the English vowel sound and Malay vowel sound. For

    example, the word bookthey wrote as bukwhen it comes to writing simple sentence activity.

    All these problems showed that my students do not have yet the recognition of the English

    vowel sound and some of consonant sound such as c that sometimes has to be sound as k.

    Therefore, this case study focuses on choosing the best teaching approach which involves

    teaching phonic to develop the skills of reading and writing among my year 1 students. This

    case study also seeks to use different instructional technique in teaching phonics. The word

    phonics comes from the ancient Greek word for sound and it is fitting that in English we

    use the word phonics to mean the teaching of the letter-sound relationships for reading and

    the sound-letter relationships for spelling (Hamzah, 2013). Trying out the phonics teaching

    approach in this case stud is suitable as the problem is my students keep confusing

    themselves between English and Malay letter sounds.


    I have been teaching English in primary school for almost 9 years and I never used

    phonics to teach reading but I found out that it is an interesting method that can be enjoyed by

    students to learn to read. The new content standard curriculum (KSSR) for English language

    implemented in 2011 starting with Year 1 is already including phonics teaching. Through

    some readings on phonics teaching, I could see the sense in the progression and arrangement

    of the letter sounds. It is a completely different method from what I was used to. I went

    through several approaches in teaching phonics such as Systematic Phonics, Analytical

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    Case-based Method TW30003

    Phonics and Synthetic Phonics and it was then that I realised that using these approaches

    have bring big changes to my students literacy levels. Starting was not easy, though. I was

    already teaching letter sounds to the children, but I was teaching the letter names before the

    sounds and teaching them in alphabetical order. Teaching Phonics way was completelydifferent. Other than the teaching method, I also was focusing on my instructional techniques

    during the lesson implementation. According to Judith (2007), after examining all the

    findings from the study that examine the effects of instruction on student learning, she

    concluded that high calibre schools and quality instruction definitely can make a difference in

    students achievements. One of the instructional techniques that I have been using is blending

    and segmenting activities. For this activity, I would explicitly talk about the words in words

    emphasizing each sound. I would also use Jazz chant or action songs to emphasize the rime

    of each letter sound and make the lesson a lot more interesting. The students are really

    enjoying it and would sometimes do the different actions for each letter sound. After some

    times, I noticed that they could identify the letter sounds with ease. The majority of students

    in my class can understand blending letter sounds to make words and some can actually start

    reading short words. Teaching Phonics by mixing it with language art such as Jazz Chant and

    action song has worked quite well for me and helps my students to learn reading and writing

    in fun way.


    I have discussed my case study to a fellow teacher who also teaches English. Our

    discussion is involved the context, the dilemma I am facing and my proposed solution. The

    teacher found out that my solution which is using phonics to teach reading is a good idea. By

    learning to read using Phonics method, the difference between letter sound in English

    language and Malay language can be easily distinguish. She also added that, Phonics teaching

    can be a bit complex as there are rules that have to be followed and teacher have to be well

    versed to teach Phonics. She also suggested that, other than Jazz chant and action song,

    teacher can also provide other activities that increase students awareness of the sounds of

    language such as playing games and listening to stories, and recite poems. As for my fellow

    teacher, she use different teaching which is she engaging students with materials that promote

    identification of the letters of the alphabet, including ABC books, magnetic letters, alphabet

    blocks and puzzles, alphabet charts. Direct instruction is used to teach letter names that have

    personal meaning to students.

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    Case-based Method TW30003


    Hamzah Bin Md. Omar, (2013). TW30003: Developing Reading and Writing Skills For

    Primary Schools, Program Pensiswazahan Guru (PPG). Sekolah Pendidikan dan

    Pembangunan Sosial, Universiti Malaysia Sabah: Kota Kinabalu

    Judith Rollins Burch, (2007).A Study Examining the Impact ofScaffolding Young Childrens

    Acquisition of Literacy in Primary Grades. The Department of Educational Theory,

    Policy, and Practice: Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical


    Kathleen A.R., James F.C., Donald J.R., (2003). The Essentials of Early Literacy Instruction.

    National Association for the Education of Young Children. Retrieved from

    Susan B. Neuman, Carol Copple, and Sue Bredekamp, (2004).Learning to Read and Write:

    Developmentally Appropriate Practices for Young Children. National Association for

    the Education of Young Children: Washington D.C.

    Wendy Lee, (2008). Speech, Language and Communication Needs and Primary School-aged

    Children:I CAN TalkSeriesIssue 6. Royal Mail