TVET CERTIFICATE III in ATHLETICS · 2018. 10. 2. · LU 5: Apply race walks techniques 352 LU 6:...


Transcript of TVET CERTIFICATE III in ATHLETICS · 2018. 10. 2. · LU 5: Apply race walks techniques 352 LU 6:...

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Kigali, January 2018

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© Workforce Development Authority, 2018

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Workforce Development Authority (WDA)

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Email: [email protected]


Original published version updated:

January, 2018

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The Competent Development Body of this Curriculum is © Workforce Development Authority

(WDA). Reproduced with permission.

The following copyright warning applies to the material from the Training Package:

All rights reserved. This work has been produced initially with WDA. This work is copyright, but

permission is given to trainers and teachers to make copies by photocopying or other duplicating

processes for use with their own training organizations or in a workplace where the training is

being conducted. This permission does not extend to the making of copies for use outside the

immediate training environment for which they are made, nor the making of copies for hire or

resale to third parties. The views expressed in this version of the work do not necessarily

represent the views of WDA. The competent Body does not give warranty nor accept any liability.

The WDA owns the copyright on all Curricula. Schools may reproduce this program in part or in

full for bona fide study or classroom purposes only. Acknowledgement of the WDA copyright

must be included on any reproductions. Learners may copy reasonable portions of the curriculum

for the purpose of study. Any other use of this curriculum must be referred to theWDA. Ph: (+250)

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© Workforce Development Authority (WDA) 2018

Published by

Workforce Development Authority (WDA)

P. O. BOX 2707 Kigali

Tel: (+250) 255113365

Internet: http://

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Table of Contents

C o p y r i g h t 2

T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s 3

L i s t o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s 7

A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s 8

1 . G E N E R A L I N T R O D U C T I O N 9

2 . Q U A L I F I C A T I O N D E T A I L S 1 0

2.1 Description 10

2.2 Minimum entry requirements 10

2.3 Information about pathways 11

2.4 Job related information 11

2.5 Employability skills and life skills 11

2.6 Information about competencies 14

3 . T R A I N I N G P A C K A G E 1 5

3.1 Course structure 15

3.2 Competencies chart 15

3.3 Flowchart 17

4 . A S S E S S M E N T G U I D E L I N E S 1 8

4.1 Assessment Methodology 18

4.2 Portfolio 18

C C M O L 0 0 1 - O C C U P A T I O N A N D L E A R N I N G P R O C E S S 2 1

LU 1: Participate as part of a team and respect the rules of the training environment. 23

LU 2: Explain the occupation and learning process 27

LU 3: Respect the facilitation and apply learning methods. 30

LU 4: Develop personal plans based on self-assessment practices 33

C C M C L 3 0 1 - C O M P U T E R L I T E R A C Y 4 0

LU 1: Apply computer basics 43

LU 2: Use a word processing package 49

LU 3: Use current spread sheet package 56

LU 4: Use current presentation 62

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LU 5: Use Internet/Intranet (outlook) 72

Summative Assessment 78

C C M W C 3 0 1 - W O R K P L A C E C O M M U N I C A T I O N S K I L L S 7 9

LU 1: Listen and speak effectively 82

LU 2: Cooperate and work as a team member 87

LU 3: Apply customer care 92

LU 4: Assess and react to play incidents 96

Summative Assessment 99

C C M H E 3 0 1 - M A I N T A I N I N G S H E A T W O R K P L A C E 1 0 2

LU 1: Maintain personal health, hygiene and sanitation 105

LU 2: Apply safe reproductive health practices 110

LU 3: Address unsafe situations on the job 113

LU 4: Respond appropriately to emergencies at work 117

LU 5: Ensure environmental sustainability 121

Summative Assessment 126

C C M E N 3 0 1 - P R E - I N T E R M E D I A T E W O R K P L A C E E N G L I S H 1 3 1

LU 1: Talk about familiar events and activities 133

LU 2: Write short compositions on familiar topics 138

LU 3: Read and interpret messages from simple texts and social letters 143

LU 4: Write short compositions on familiar topics 149

C C M K N 3 0 1 - I K I N Y A R W A N D A K I B O N E Y E 1 5 5

LU 1: Gukoresha neza ubuvanganzo gakondo ashyikirana n’abandi 158

LU 2: Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze agaragaza ibyiza by’uburinganire n’ubwuzuzanye,

itandukaniro ry’amazina bwite n’amazina rusange n’imiterere y’isanisha ryo mu bisekuru 164

LU 3: Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye uwiga agaragaza ububi bw’ibiyobyabwenge mu rubyiruko no

kugaragaza amategeko y’igenamajwi mu izina mbonera. 170

LU 4: Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye uwiga agaragaza uburyo bunyuranye bwo gufata neza

ibidukikije. 176

LU 5: Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye uwiga agaragaza akamaro k’ubutabazi bw’ibanze no

kwandika yubahiriza imyandikire y’Ikinyarwanda. 182

C C M F R 3 0 1 - A C T I V I T E S D E C O M M U N I C A T I O N E N F R A N Ç A I S D A N S L E M E T I E R

1 8 9

LU 1: Réagir à un message oral qui lui est adressé 192

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LU 2: Répondre oralement aux questions de compréhension. 195

LU 3: Exposer une opinion devant l’auditoire 198

LU 4: Lire un texte lié à son métier 201

LU 5: Exécuter les accords 205

LU 6: Exécuter les accords 210

C C M K K 3 0 1 - K I S W A H I L I W A S T A N I 2 1 4

LU 1: Kutumia herufi za Kiswahili katika maandishi na mazungumzo 216

LU 2: Kutumia kimaandishi na kimazungumzo nyakati za kiswahili 220

LU 3: Kutumia kimazungumzo na kimaandishi aina za maneno ya lugha ya kiswahli. 223

C C M B C 3 0 1 - B U S I N E S S C R E A T I O N 2 2 7

LU 1: Identify and describe entrepreneurial characteristics 230

LU 2: Assess business environment 233

LU 3: Assess and react to play incidents 238

LU 4: Run a business 242

C C M F A 3 0 1 - F I R S T A I D 2 4 9

LU 1: Handle the patient 251

LU 2: Identify the patient’s problems 256

LU 3: Apply first aid techniques 261

C C M I A 3 0 1 - I N D U S T R I A L A T T A C H M E N T P R O G R A M ( I A P ) 2 6 5

LU 1: Apply for internship/employment 268

LU 2: Demonstrate appropriate workplace behavior and attitudes 273

LU 3: Respect worker’s and employer’s rights and responsibilities 277

LU 4: Organize and evaluate one’s internship 282

A T H M E 3 0 1 - M A T E R I A L A N D E Q U I P M E N T M A I N T E N A N C E 2 8 8

LU 1: Check materials and equipment 290

LU 2: Operate materials and equipment 294

LU 3: Store equipment and materials 298

A T H P C 3 0 1 - P H Y S I C A L C O N D I T I O N A B I L I T I E S 3 0 3

LU 1: Prepare for the physical condition exercises 305

LU 2: Apply physical condition exercises 310

LU 3: Perform cool down 317

LU 4: Assess the physical condition exercises 321

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A T H R E 3 0 1 - R U N N I N G E V E N T S 3 2 6

LU 1: Prepare for running 329

LU 2: Apply sprints techniques 335

LU 3: Apply relay techniques 343

LU 4: Apply long and middle distance run techniques 348

LU 5: Apply race walks techniques 352

LU 6: Apply stipple chase techniques 356

Summative Assessment 361

A T H J E 3 0 1 - J U M P I N G E V E N T S 3 6 5

LU 1: Prepare for jumping events 367

LU 2: Apply long jump techniques 372

LU 3: Apply triple jump techniques 377

LU 4: Apply high jump techniques 383

LU 5: Apply Pole vault techniques 389

Summative Assessment 396

Summative Assessment 399

A T H T E 3 0 1 - T H R O W I N G E V E N T S 4 0 3

LU 1: Prepare for throwing 405

LU 2: Apply javelin throw techniques 409

LU 3: Apply shot put techniques 415

LU 4: Apply discus throw techniques 422

LU 5: Apply Hammer throw techniques 427


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List of abbreviations

ABC Agility Balance and Co-ordination

AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

CBA Competence Based Assessment

CDU Curriculum Development Unit

CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

DVD Digital video Disc

FIFO First in First Out

H.A.R.M Heat, Alcohol, Running / Exercising the injured area, Massage

HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus

IAAF International Association of Athletics Federations

ICT Information Communication Technology

LIFO Last in First Out

PDA Personal Digital Assistance

PPE Personal Protective Equipment

RAF Rwanda Athletic Federation

REQF Rwandan Education Qualifications Framework

RICE Rest Ice Compression Elevation

ROM Read Only Memory

SPO Physical fitness and sport services

STI Sexual Transmission Infection

TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training

WDA Workforce Development Authority

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Workforce Development Authority wishes to thank the following persons who participated in

the development of this curriculum:






Curriculum Development Team


Saidi Hamisi NDAYISABA





Jean Damascène MUTIGANDA


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The curriculum presents a coherent and significant set of competencies to

acquire to perform the occupation of an athlete. It is designed with an

approach that takes into account the training needs, the work situation, as well

as the goals and the means to implement training.

The modules of the curriculum include a description of the expected results at the end of training.

They have a direct influence on the choice of the theoretical and practical learning activities. The

competencies are the targets of training: the acquisition of each is required for certification.

The curriculum is the reference to carry out the assessment of learning. Assessment tools of

learning are developed on the basis of this document.

The curriculum consists of three parts. The first part is of general interest and shows the nature

and goals of a program and the key concepts and definitions used in the document. The second

part presents the qualification, its level in the qualification framework, its purpose, its rationale

and the list of modules it comprises. The third part deals with the training package. It includes

the competencies chart, the sequencing of module learning, the description of each module and

the course structure.

The pages describing the modules are the heart of a curriculum. They present the title of the

module, the length of training, the amount of credits, the context in which the competency is

performed, the prerequisite competencies, the learning units and the performance criteria.

In each module, a course structure is provided. The course structure describes the learning

outcomes (knowledge, skills and attitude) and the learning contents related to each learning unit.

Also, the learning activities and resources for learning are suggested.

Finally, the assessment specifications and guidelines are included in each module.



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2.1 Description

This qualification provides the skills,

knowledge and attitudes for a learner to be

competent in a range of routine tasks and

activities that require the application of a

limited range of basic practical skills in a

defined context. Work would be undertaken

in various various Sport Clubs / teams and

academies where training, as well as services

provided under supervision.

At the end of this qualification, qualified

learners will be able to:

Describe the occupation and

learning process

Maintain health, safety, security and sustain environment at workplace

Communicate effectively at the workplace

Communicate simply using English in familiar situations

Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye

Pratiquer les activités de communication en français dans le métier.

Kutumia Kiswahili Wastani

Apply computer skills

Create Business

Provide first aid Perform physical conditions abilities

Maintain athletics materials and equipment

Perform Running events

Perform Jumping events

Perform throwing events

Integrate the workplace

2.2 Minimum entry requirements

The minimum entry requirement to this

qualification is to be mentally and physically

fit with broad knowledge, skills and attitude

of sports background.

Title: TVET Certificate III in Athletics

Level: REQF Level 3

Credits: 112

Sector: Physical fitness and sport


Sub-sector: Athletics

Issue date: January, 2018



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2.3 Information about pathways

2.4 Job related information

This qualification prepares individuals to integrate the Sports sector with the professionalization of an

athlete at different levels (local, regional, national and international level); this qualification again offers

the opportunity for further learning in sports sector, especially in the athletics domain.

2.5 Employability skills and life skills

Through the generic modules, individuals with this qualification have acquired the life and

employability skills to meet the following industry or enterprise requirements:

Preferred pathways for candidates entering this qualification include: o To have completed the 9 Year Basic


o Recognition of prior learning related to

this qualification

Progression route of candidates achieving this qualification include: TVET Certificate IV in Athletics

A range of other related TVET

Certificate IV qualifications.

Pathways into the qualification

Pathways from the qualification

Possible jobs related to this qualification

Physical trainer

School Sport trainer




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Personal development

Demonstrate the understanding of own personal values, strengths and areas of

challenge or weakness and are able to effectively use or address them;

Develop, implement and evaluate progress toward personal goals;

Know own preferred way of learning, take initiative for learning new skills, and know

how to monitor own learning progress.

Interpersonal communication

Communicate and get along well with others, in a variety of settings and for a range

of purposes;

Speak and listen actively and appropriately, one-on- one and in groups;

Cooperate and work effectively within a group;

Provide good customer service.

Health, hygiene and safety

Know the standard health and safety practices and regulations in the workplace;

Maintain hygiene and personal grooming;

Identify unsafe situations;

Respond to emergencies and accidents at work;

Prevent HIV/Aids and sexual violence.

Environment sustainability

Know the environmental regulations in Rwanda;

Dispose of waste ;

Recycle waste ;

Report environmental hazards to appropriate person.

Integration of the workplace

Know how to apply for and present themselves for employment;

Demonstrate good time management and show up for work on time;

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Demonstrate behaviour and attitudes that are appropriate for the workplace and

understand that workplaces have policies and procedures that need to be followed;

Take initiative and responsibility for own work and know how to work under and

respect supervision;

Know the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers and explore ways to

exercise rights in the workplace.

Financial fitness

Demonstrate the understanding of principles and tools behind personal and family money-


Demonstrate the understanding of the importance of saving and reducing expenses;

Organize and manage personal and household finances;

Create a personal budget and think strategically about their finances;

Evaluate their options for earning money and are familiar with ways to establish and maintain

personal credit;

Be aware of the risks associated with credit.

Management of a small business

Simulate income-generating activities with the basic cycles of business;

Plan for income-generating activity expenses and loan repayments;

Keep basic business financial records;

Evaluate the risks and opportunities of using credit in income generating contexts;

Distinguish between money to be used for investment into own income-generating activities,

for family expenses, and for savings;

Know the different market actors.

Computer skills

Operate a computer

Use word processing applications in the production of workplace or personal


Create and use spreadsheets and charts through the use of spreadsheet software

Design electronic presentations

Send, receive and manage electronic mail (email), as well as to collaborate online

using chat rooms, intranets and instant messaging.

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Number of competencies: 16 Core competencies : 5 Complementary competencies : 11 The total number of Credits: 112

2.6 Information about competencies

No Code Complementary competencies Credit

1 CCMOL001 Describe the occupation and learning process 3

2 CCMCS301 Maintain SHE at workplace 3

3 CCMQS301 Apply computer literacy 3

4 CCMHE301 Communicate effectively at workplace 3

5 CCMEN301 Communicate simply using English in familiar situations 3

6 CCMKN301 Gukoresha ikinyarwanda kiboneye 3

7 CCMEN301 Create a business 3

8 CCMSW301 Kutumia Kiswahili wastani 3



Pratiquer les activités de communication en français dans le métier


10 CCCFA301 Provide first aid 3

11 CCMIA301 Integrate the workplace 30

Total 60

No Code Core competencies Credit




1 ATHME301 Maintain athletics materials and equipment 6

2 ATHPC301 Perform physical condition abilities 10



3 ATHRE301 Perform running event 12

4 ATHJE301 Perform jumping event 12

5 ATHTE301 Perform throwing event 12

Total 52

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The training package includes the competencies chart, the flowchart, the

modules, the course structure, and the assessment guidelines.

3.1 Course structure

The course structure describes the learning outcomes for each learning unit. These learning

outcomes are the essential skills and knowledge to be acquired. The contents to be covered for

each learning outcome are prescriptive. The Learning Activities contain a series of suggestions,

usually with several options, that will guide the learner and the trainer.

3.2 Competencies chart

The competencies chart is a table that presents an overview of the specific competencies, the

general competencies, the work process and the time allocated to each competency. This table

provides an overall view of the competencies of the training program and allows identification

of the logical sequence of the learning of these competencies.

The competencies chart shows the relationship between general competencies and specific

competencies that are particular to the occupation, as well as the key stages of the work process.

It shows the links between the elements in the horizontal axis and those in the vertical axis. The

symbol (ο) marks a relationship between a general competency and specific competency. The

symbol (∆) indicates a relationship between a specific competency and a step in the process of

work. When the symbols are darkened, it indicates that the link is taken into account in the

description of the specific competency.

The competencies chart allows the trainer to consider the complexity of the competencies in the

organization of the progress of learning. Therefore, the vertical axis shows the specific

competencies in the order they should be acquired.

This is the starting point of the presentation of the competencies in the flowchart presented in

the following pages.



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Figure 1: Competencies chart

Between the process and particular competencies| Between general and particular competencies

▲:Functional link application ●: Functional link application

∆: Functional link existence ο: Functional link existence










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Duration (760 Hrs) 30















1 Perform running event 120 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ● ●

2 Perform jumping event 120 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ● ●

3 Perform throwing event 120 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ● ●




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3.3 Flowchart

The flowchart of sequencing of learning is a schematic representation of the order of acquisition

of the competencies. It provides an overall planning of the entire training programme and shows

the relationship between the modules. This type of planning is to ensure consistency and

progression of learning. For each module, the flowchart shows the learning that is already in

place, the learning that is to take in parallel or later. The positions defined will have a decisive

impact on all subsequent pedagogical choices. The flowchart of the sequence of learning of the

modules of the training programme is presented on the following page.

Figure 2: Flowchart

Occupation and learning process 3

Activités de communication dans le métier 3

Materials and equipment maintenance 6

Physical condition abilities 10

Effective communication at workplace 3

Industrial attachment program (IAP) 30

Ikinyarwanda kiboneye 3

Oral communication in basic English 3

Maintaing SHE at workplace 3

Computer literacy 3

First aid 3 Kiswahili wastani 3

Business creation 3

Running event 12 Jumping event 12

Throwing event 12

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4.1 Assessment Methodology

To assess knowledge, practical, and application skills through a jury system of continuous

evaluation that encourages learners to display understanding of the principles in application to

set practical tasks and their attendant theory to assess self-learning.

4.2 Portfolio

A portfolio is a collection of learner work representing learner performance. It is a folder (or

binder or even a digital collection) containing the learner’s work as well as the learner’s

evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the work. Portfolios reflect not only work

produced (such as papers and assignments, direct demonstration, indirect demonstration,

products, documents), but also it is a record of the activities undertaken over time as part of

learner learning. The portfolio is meant to show learner growth, development, and achievements

in the education system. It also shows that you have met specific learning goals and

requirements. A portfolio is not a project; it is an ongoing process for the formative assessment.

The portfolio output (formative assessment) will be considered only as enough for

complementary and general modules. Besides, it will serve as a verification tool for each

candidate that he/she attended the whole training before he/she undergoes the summative

assessment for specific modules.

There are two types of assessment (Formative Assessment and Summative/Integrated

Assessment). Each assessment has its own rule for passing to be declared competent.

Formative Assessment

This is applied on all types of modules (e.g. Complementary, General and Specific


A trainee to be competent for a formative module must have at least 70% on checked

items or “yes” in indicators (e.g. questions, indicators in the checklist)

Each trainee should be competent on all formative assessments to be declared

competent on that module

All formative assessment should be declared competent before taking the

summative/integrated assessment



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Summative/Integrated Assessment

All Summative/Integrated assessment should match with the content of the module in

the curriculum.

Summative/Integrated Assessment is always in practical, giving it as a theoretical type of

assessment is not acceptable.

The integrated situation provided in the curriculum is a sample of the assessment to be

carried out, the Trainer/Teacher has the role of developing another one referring to the

task to be carried out in the integrated situation in accordance to the circumstances

inside school, but the integrated situation should stick on the components of a task.

During Summative/Integrated assessment, assessor panel members should be three (3).

This Summative/Integrated assessment can be seen in specific modules and the Trainee

can be declared competent by the following rules:

For YES or NO scoring of indicators in Summative/Integrated Checklist

The trainee can be declared competent based on the assessment CRITERIA and its respective

assessment indicators

Assessment Criteria Passing Line in the

assessment indicators

Quality of Process 90%

Quality of Product 100%

Relevance 90%

Rest of Criteria/ any other criteria

(example: Safety)


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Note: the Assessor should check if the 10% indicator (Quality of Process and Relevance) in which

the Trainee was not able to meet during Summative/Integrated Assessment should not be among

those indicators that can cause any hazard, or the one indicator that is performed poorly where

there is room for improvement.

1. During assessment, trainees with special needs (e.g. people with disability) should be

assisted accordingly.

2. Deputy School Manager in-charge of Studies, Class Teacher, and Trainer should consider

the status (competent/not yet competent) of trainees before delivering the next module

with pre-requisites.

3. Respect of flowchart particularly in considering the delivery of modules which has

prerequisite of a following/subsequent module is considered in issuing TVET certificate,

otherwise other modules can be given anytime.

4. All evidences during assessment (e.g. quiz, checklist, forms) should have a written form

that is compiled in the Trainer (source) and Trainee (result) portfolio. Portfolio is the

responsibility of School, Class Teacher, and Trainees. It should be given to trainees after


5. Industrial Attachment Program (IAP)

- All Trainees should finish and declared competent on all modules before taking IAP


- Trainees should finish and declared competent on the 30 hours content of IAP

module written in the curriculum before they go to workplace or industry.

- The school should organize visit for all trainees in the workplace or industry to

confirm and assist IAP especially in filling up the logbook.

- An interview to the trainee should be conducted in the school after the IAP has been

completed and should be documented in the trainee portfolio.

- All completed logbooks should be part of the trainee portfolio.

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CCMOL001 Describe the occupation and learning process

REQF Level: All Learning hours

Credits: 3 30

Sector: All

Sub-sector: All

Issue date: November, 2017

Purpose statement

This module is covered first in all qualifications. It allows the learner to get to know the other

participants to the training programme and to understand himself/herself as part of a team.

Also, the trainee will develop a comprehensive and clear vision of the occupation and the

training programme. The module will allow the participant to avoid mistakes of career guidance

and confirm or deny his/her choice from the start. The training and learning methods are

presented to the learner. This approach encourages greater motivation and, subsequently, a

better integration of various learning.

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Learning assumed to be in place

Not applicable

Elements of competency and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competency.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competency Performance criteria

1. Participate as part of a team

and respect the rules of the

training environment

1.1 Proper introduction of oneself

1.2 Appropriate integration in team

1.3 Appropriate participation in setting rules and adhere

to them

2. Explain the occupation and

learning process

2.1 Proper description of the main/major elements of


2.2 Adequate explanation about the one’s qualification

3. Respect the facilitation and

apply learning methods

3.1 Proper engagement in active and participatory

learning methods

3.2 Adequate description of the assessment procedures

4. Develop personal plans

based on self-assessment


4.1 Proper identification of values, skills and interests

4.2 Proper assessment of values, skills and interests

4.3 Correct Setting of goals

4.4 Proper development of plans in order to reach the

set goals

4.5 Proper assessment of one’s learning style

4.6 Adequate identification of learning strategies

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LU 1: Participate as part of a team and respect the rules of the training environment.


Learning Outcomes:

1. Introduce oneself and get to know one another 2. Intergrate in team 3. Participate in setting rules and adhere to them

6 Hours

Learning Outcome 1.1: Introduce oneself and get to know one another


Expectations about the training

o Introduction o Game

Presentation of trainees’ expectations

- Trainer manual

Formative Assessment 1.1

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper introduction of oneself

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Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written or performance

Written assessment (Recommendation: ranking exercise)

Group work (e.g. role play or scenario)

Checklist Score

Yes No

Learner opens introduction with a greeting

Learner says their name

Learner includes his/her background (academic, technical & work qualifications)

Learner closes introduction (e.g. “I am happy to be with you”)

Learner demonstrates consistent eye contact

Learner displays appropriate body language

Speaks in at an audible level

Learner is able to express his/her expectations

Learner is able to share his/her hobbies/interests

Learner is able to link his/her background to his/her future interests

Learner is able to advocate for his/her abilities, skills, interests

Learner uses advanced body language techniques


Learning Outcome 1.2: Intergrate in team

Working as a team

Building trust

o Game o Group discussions

- Trainer manual

Content Learning



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Formative Assessment 1.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Practical task of a team

Checklist Score

Yes No


Active participation

Responsibilities taker

Mutual collaboration with others

Openness/free expression

Open to criticism/flexibility

Contribution of someone

Complying with rules set


Learning Outcome 1.3: Participate in setting rules and adhere to them

Rules of the classroom

Group responsibilities

o Brainstorming o Discussions o Assign class tasks

- Trainer manual

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate integration in team.

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Formative Assessment 1.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Practical task of a team

Checklist Score

Yes No

Signed commitment contract

Occupation title

Duties and responsibilities


Performance criterion

Appropriate participation in setting rules and adhere to them.

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LU 2: Explain the occupation and learning process


Learning Outcomes:

1. Describe the main/major elements of occupation 2. Explain about the one’s qualification

12 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Describe the main/major elements of occupation

Characteristics of the occupation

Place of the occupation in the sector

The impact/importance of the occupation in economic development

Working conditions

o Group discussion o Personal research o Visit of a business in the


- Pictures of people in working situation

- Documents describing the occupation

- Documents describing the sector

Formative Assessment 2.1

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper description of the main/major elements of occupation

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Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence


Verbal explanation (interview)

Checklist Score

Yes No

Working conditions

Equipment tools and materials

Equipment tools and materials

REQF level

Equipment tools and materials

Award certificate


Learning Outcome 2.2: Explain about the one’s qualification

Rationale of the qualification

Content of the training programme (modules)

Duration Flowchart

Pathways (exit level & further learning)

Presentation of the timetable

Presentation of the classrooms and workshops

o Presentation by the teacher o Research o Visits of the premises of the


- Overview of the training programme

- Testimonies of people performing the occupation

- School year calendar - Timetable

Content Learning



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Formative Assessment 2.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Written exercise

Verbal explanation (interview)

Checklist Score

Yes No

Entry requirement

Pathways into the qualification


Qualification details

Pathways after the qualification

Following instructions

Responsibilities taker

Social interdependence

Commitment of learners


Performance criterion

Adequate explanation about the qualification

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LU 3: Respect the facilitation and apply learning methods.


Learning Outcomes:

1. Engage in active and participatory learning methods 2. Describe the assessment procedures

2 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1: Engage in active and participatory learning methods

Overview of the active and participatory teaching and learning methods

Experiential learning cycle

o Experience sharing. o Presentation by the trainer

- Trainer manual

Formative Assessment 3.1

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper engagement in active and participatory learning methods

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Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Scenarios of learning style analysis Role play on engagement and participatory learning methods

Checklist Score

Yes No

Results of assignment

Active participation

Responsibilities taker

Openness/free expression

Formative assessment

Summative assessment


Learning Outcome 3.2: Describe the assessment procedures

Assessment procedures Timing Assessors/verifiers Assessment tools

(portfolio & integrated situation)

o Presentation by the trainer - Assessment manual

Formative Assessment 3.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Adequate description of the assessment procedures

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

written assessment

Verbal explanation (interview)

Checklist Score

Yes No

Time of assessment

Roles of Assessors

Roles of verifiers

List values

List of skills


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LU 4: Develop personal plans based on self-assessment practices


Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify values, skills and interests 2. Assess values, skills and interests 3. Set goals 4. Develop plans 5. Assess one’s learning style

10 Hours

Learning Outcome 4.1: Identify values, skills and interests

Values, skills and interests

Relating values, skills and interests to the workplace

Formative Assessment 4.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

values, skills and interest identification exercise scenario/case study analysis

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper identification of values, skills and interests

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Checklist Score

Yes No

List of interest

List of qualities

Own strengths

areas of improvement


Learning Outcome 4.2: Assess values, skills and interests

Skills & qualities assessment

Acceptance of diversity, self-esteem & confidence

o Individual work o Exercise on we are all unique

- individual assessment checklist

Formative Assessment 4.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence values, skills and interest self-assessment exercise

JOHARI window assessment

Checklist Score

Yes No

List of interest

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper assessment of values, skills and interests

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List of qualities

Own strengths

areas of improvement


Learning Outcome 4.3: Set goals

SMART goals

Identification of goals Short term Long term

Process for setting and achieving goals:

Identifying steps Time frame Resources

o Group work o Tree drawing & interpretation o Discussion about displayed

pictures on setting & achieving goals

o Exercises on developing SMART goals

o Practical exercises on developing personal plans

- Trainer manual

Formative Assessment 4.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Written exercise

Project work

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Correct Setting of goals

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Checklist (Correct Setting of goals) Score

Yes No

Medium term SMART goals set

Long term SMART goals set

Strategies to reach set goal


Medium term SMART goals set


Learning Outcome 4.4: Develop plans

SMART goals

Identification of goals Short term Long term

Process for setting and achieving goals:

Identifying steps Time frame Resources

o Group work o Tree drawing & interpretation o Discussion about displayed

pictures on setting & achieving goals

o Exercises on developing SMART goals

o Practical exercises on developing personal plans

- Trainer manual

Formative Assessment 4.4

Checklist (Proper development of plans in order to reach the set goal) Score

Yes No

Resources required

Activities to be performed

Possible obstacles

follow up on goal/progress report against set goal Action to be taken

One's learning style type (s)

features of one's learning styles (s)


Content Learning



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Learning Outcome 4.5: Assess one’s learning style

Types of learning styles

Determining one’s preferred way of learning

Strategies for using one’s learning style in workplace/school

o Paper folding activities o Completing self-assessment

learning style o Scenario based activities

- Trainer manual

Formative Assessment 4.5

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

VARK questionnaire

Scenario analysis

Checklist Score

Yes No

Learning style



Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper assessment of one’s learning style

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Learning Outcome 4.6: Identification of learning strategies

Formative Assessment 4.6

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Scenario analysis

Checklist Score

Yes No



Learning strategies for each style


Reference books: 1. Work Readiness Training Programme – Trainer’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods

Project. 2. Work Readiness Training Programme – Participant’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Adequate identification of learning strategies

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CCMCL301 Apply computer literacy

REQF Level: 3 Learning hours

Credits: 3 30

Sector: All

Sub-sector: All

Issue date: January, 2014

Purpose statement

This module describes the skills and knowledge required to operate a computer, to use word

processing applications in the production of workplace documents, to create and use

spreadsheets and charts through the use of spreadsheet software, to design electronic

presentations, and to send, receive and manage electronic mail (email), as well as to

collaborate online using chat rooms, intranets and instant messaging.

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Learning assumed to be in place

Not applicable

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the

learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Apply computer basics 1.1. Identification of various connectors and ports 1.2. Use of different I/O devices 1.3. Use of desktop’s elements 1.4. Scanning of viruses in the computer and different

storages devices

2. Use a current Word processing


2.1. Text formatting 2.2. Table creation and editing 2.3. Text editing 2.4. Printing 2.5. Saving

2.6. Inserting of header ,footer and footnotes

3. Use current spreadsheet package 3.1. Using of basic Excel tasks

3.2. Managing of sheets in Excel workbook 3.3. Formatting of cells and their content

3.4. Using of functions and perform mathematical operations 3.5. Excel worksheet printing

4. Use current power point


4.1 Launching MS PowerPoint 4.2 Creating a new presentation 4.3 Creating , inserting a slide 4.4 Inserting of graphics 4.5 Converting Word documents to PowerPoint

presentation 4.6 Animation 4.7 Using different presentation view 4.8 Printing a presentation

5. Use Internet/Intranet (outlook)

5.1. Defining and explaining a website

5.2. Interacting through instant messaging (chatting)

5.3. Using search engines (example google)

5.4.Creating , managing favorites using internet explorer 5.5.Browsing the internet using the hyperlinks

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5.6.Downloading and uploading files using internet

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LU 1: Apply computer basics


Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply Computer basics 2. Identify Various connectors and ports 3. Use different I/O devices 4. Use desktop’s elements 5. Scan viruses in the computer and different storages devices (flash

disk, external hard disk)

10 Hours

Learning Outcome 1.1: Apply Computer basics.

Computer definition

Types of computers



Palm tops

PDA (Personal Digital Assistance)

Computer hardware



Role of memory




Non volatility

Types of memory

ROM (Read Only Memory)

RAM (Random Access Memory)

External/Internal memories (Hard disk, diskette, CD, flash disk, etc.)

o Open a computer case and observe different types of memory

o Group discussion on each type of memory

Computer lab Computer tool kit CD, DVDs, Diskettes Whiteboard Markers

Content Learning



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Formative Assessment 1.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 1.2: Identify Various connectors and ports.

Connectors and ports


I/O (Input and Output) ports and connectors

Serial ports

Parallel ports


Keyboard, mouse connectors

VGA connectors

o Observe different connectors as well as input and output ports

o Exercises on ports identifications

Computer lab Computer tool kit CD, DVDs, Different types of

cables, different types connectors

Whiteboard Markers

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of computer basics

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Formative Assessment 1.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No

Selection of material

Selection of tools

Selection of equipment


Learning Outcome 1.3: Use different I/O devices.



Categories I/O devices

Input devices (mouse, keyboard, scanner, CD/DVD-ROM and diskettes drivers, etc.)

Output devices (monitor, diskette, CD/DVD-ROM writer, printer, etc.)

Types of keyboards



o Practical exercises on connecting the mouse, keyboard. Monitor to the CPU (Central Processing Unit)

Computer lab Computer tool kit CD, DVDs, Diskettes Printer Scanner Whiteboard

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper identification of various connectors and ports

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Formative Assessment 1.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 1.4: Use desktop’s elements.

Windows and its components:


Task bar

Start menu

Minimize, maximize, close buttons

My computer

o Brainstorming on desktop’s elements

o Use the desktop, the tasks bar and the start menu

Computer lab Projector

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate Use of different I/O devices

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Formative Assessment 1.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 1.5: Scan viruses in the computer and different storages devices (flash

disk, external hard disk).

Antivirus definition

Importance of antivirus


Different types of antivirus




Storages to be scanned

Flash disk

External hard disk

Memory card

Computer hard disk

o Brainstorming the use of antivirus

o Practical exercises on scanning viruses

o Compile activities reports

Computer lab Flash disks External hard disk CDs, DVDs Antivirus Whiteboard Markers

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Approporiate use of desktop’s elements

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Formative Assessment 1.5

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Performance criterion

Proper scanning of viruses in the computer and different storages devices

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LU 2: Use a word processing package


Learning Outcomes:

1. Format a text 2. Create and edit a table 3. Edit document (text) 4. Print document 5. Save documents 6. Insert header, footer and footnotes

5 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Format a text.

Style, font, size, color




Paragraph spacing

Inserting symbols: special characters, bullet and numbering

Borders and shading, header and footer

o Reproduce document already formatted

o Various exercises to familiarize with formatting a text

Computer lab with current Word processing package installed in each computer

Projector Whiteboard Markers

Formative Assessment 2.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper text formatting

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 2.2: Create and edit a table.

Inserting a table

Inserting a column

Inserting a row

Deleting table

Deleting row

Deleting column

Merging cells

Splitting cells

Drawing a table

Table auto format


o Practical exercises on creating, editing and handling a table

Computer lab with current Word processing Package installed in each computer

Projector Whiteboard

Formative Assessment 2.2

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper table creation and editing

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Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Learning Outcome 2.3: Edit document (text).

Search/Find, replace

Deleting a range of text

The undo command

Spelling and grammar


o Brainstorming editing text o Perform practical exercises

on the various tips (options)

o Compile activities reports

Computer lab wth current Word processing package installed in each computer

Projector Whiteboard Markers

Formative Assessment 2.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate text editing

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Learning Outcome 2.4: Print document.

Page setup

Print preview

Print dialog box

Selecting printer name

Printer options

Printing one or more copies

Printing in black/white or color

Print page ranges

o Exercises on printing one or more copies of a colored document, in black and white

o Printing in landscape, portrait

Computer lab With current Word processing package installed in each computer

Printer Projector

Formative Assessment 2.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Checklist Score

Yes No


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate printing

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Learning Outcome 2.5: Save documents.

File management

Creation of files

Creation of folders

File naming

File formats

o Practical exercises on creation of files, folders and file saving

o Compile activities reports

- Computer lab with current Word processing package installed in each computer - Projector

Formative Assessment 2.5

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate saving

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Learning Outcome 2.6: Insert header, footer and footnotes.


Header and footer

Automatic page numbering

Total number of pages

Automatic date

Automatic author’s name

o Exercises on footnotes o Create a document

containing several pages o With elements such as the

page number, date automation.

o Practical exercises.

Computer lab with current Word processing package installed in each computer


Formative Assessment 2.6

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate insertion of header ,footer and footnotes

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55 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No


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LU 3: Use current spread sheet package


Learning Outcomes:

1. Use some basic Excel tasks 2. Manage sheets in Excel workbook 3. Format cells and their contents 4. Use some functions and perform mathematical operations 5. Print an Excel worksheet

5 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1: Use some basic Excel tasks.

Basic Excel tasks - Open - Close - New document - Undo - Save as - Sheet - Selecting a cell - Validating a cell - Deleting cell contents - Modifying cell

contents - Selecting group of cells - Increase and reduce

the cell size - Delete row and

column - Duplicate cell

o Practical exercises on the use of basic Excel tasks

o Compile activities reports

Computer lab with current spread sheet package installed in each computer


Content Learning



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57 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 3.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Learning Outcome 3.2: Manage sheets in Excel workbook.

Selecting a sheet

Renaming a sheet

Insert new sheets

Moving a sheet in a workbook

Deleting a sheet

o Practical exercises o On managing sheets in Excel


Computer lab with current spread sheet package installed in each computer


Checklist Score

Yes No


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate use of basic Excel tasks

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58 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 3.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 3.3: Format cells and their contents.

Formatting text and cells

Choosing font, size, colour

Adjusting cow height

Alignment of cell

Number format

Inserting rows

Merging cells

Creating borders


o Practical exercises in groups and individual homework on formatting cells

o Compile activities reports

- Computer lab with current spread sheet package installed in each computer - Projector

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper management of sheets in Excel workbook

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59 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 3.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 3.4: Use some functions and perform mathematical operations.

Numbers and mathematical calculations






Absolute and relative reference





o Practical exercises in groups and individual homework on formatting cells

o Compile activities reports

- Computer lab with current spread sheet package installed in each computer - Projector

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper formatting of cells and their content

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60 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 3.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 3.5: Print an Excel worksheet.

Page setup

Print preview

Print dialogue box

Print options

Print one or more copies

Print in black/white or color

Print page ranges

Printing a selection

o Print one or more copies of a worksheet

o Print colour or white and black worksheet

o Practical exercises (individual and in group)

o Print horizontally/vertically

- Computer lab with current spread sheet package installed in each computer

- Projector - Printer

Formative Assessment 3.5

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate use of functions and perform mathematical operations

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61 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Performance criterion

Appropriate printing of Excel worksheet

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LU 4: Use current presentation


Learning Outcomes:

1. Launch Ms Power Point 2. Create a new presentation 3. Create, Insert a slide 4. Insert graphics 5. Convert word documents to PowerPoint presentation 6. Animate a presentation 7. Use different presentation view 8. Print a presentation

5 Hours

Learning Outcome 4.1: Launch Ms Power Point.

PowerPoint definition


PowerPoint environment

Title bar

Menu bar


Formatting tool bar



o Using a PowerPoint presentation with slide show, get feedback from learners on the area of application of Ms PowerPoint

o Launch PowerPoint and observe the screen individual exercises.

- Computer lab with current presentation software installed in each computer

- Projector

Formative Assessment 4.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper launch of MS Power Point

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63 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Learning Outcome 4.2: Create a new presentation.

Creating new presentation

Blank presentation

Design template

Auto content wizards

o Create presentation using the various methods

o Practical exercises (individual and in groups)

- Computer lab with current presentation software installed in each computer

- Projector

Formative Assessment 4.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Checklist Score

Yes No


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper creation of a new presentation

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64 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 4.3: Create, Insert a slide.

Creating a slide

Inserting a slide

Modifying a slide

o Exercises on creating, inserting and modifying a slide

- Computer lab with current presentation software installed in each computer

- Projector

Formative Assessment 4.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper creation and insertion of a slide

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Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 4.4: Insert graphics.

Graphics: Clip Art, Word Art, Library Images, Inserting image from file

o Exercises on inserting images in the slides

- Computer lab with current presentation software installed in each computer

- Projector

Formative Assessment 4.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper insertion of graphics

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66 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 4.5: Convert word documents to PowerPoint presentation.

Copy, cut, move

Process of conversion

o Practical exercises on file transformation

- Computer lab with current presentation software installed in each computer

- Projector

Formative Assessment 4.5

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper conversion of Word documents to PowerPoint presentation

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67 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 4.6: Animate a presentation.


Custom animation

Slide transition

o Familiarize with animation of a presentation

- Computer lab with current presentation software installed in each computer

- Projector

Formative Assessment 4.6

Content Learning



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68 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved


Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 4.7: Use different presentation view.

Normal view

Slide sorter view

Slide show

o Switch between the views to improve the presentation

o Group discussion and brainstorming

- Computer lab with current presentation software installed in each computer

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate animation

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- Projector

Formative Assessment 4.7

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 4.8: Print a presentation.

Printing a presentation

Print preview

Printing a copy or multiple copies

Printing one slide on a page

Printing more slides on a page

o Exercises on printing in black and white or in colour, printing one or more copies of a presentation

- Computer lab with current presentation software installed in each computer

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate use of different presentation view

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- Projector

Formative Assessment 4.8

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Performance criterion

Proper printing of a presentation

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LU 5: Use Internet/Intranet (outlook)


Learning Outcomes:

1. Define and explain a website 2. Interact through instant messaging (chatting) 3. Use search engines (example google) 4. Create, manage favourites using internet explorer 5. Browse the internet using the hyperlinks 6. Download and upload files using internet

5 Hours

Learning Outcome 5.1: Define and explain a website.


World wide web

Web page


o Visit websites and browse different pages.

o Group discussion based on observation

- Internet connection - Computer lab - projector

Formative Assessment 5.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper definition and explaination of a website

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73 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 5.2: Interact through instant messaging (chatting).


Steps to create a chat account

Chatting options

Instant messaging with or no webcam


Sending files

o Group discussion on interacting through instant messaging

o Exercises on chatting in groups

o Compile activities reports

- Internet connection

- Computer lab - projector

Formative Assessment 5.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate interaction through instant messaging (chatting)

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74 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 5.3: Use search engines (example google).

Search engines



Some types of search engine

o Perform practical exercises on the use of search engines

- Internet connection

- Computer lab - projector

Formative Assessment 5.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate use of search engines (example google)

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75 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 5.4: Create, manage favourites using internet explorer.


Create favorites

Rename, move favorites

o Practical exercises on creating, moving and renaming favourites

- Internet Connection

- Computer Lab - projector

Formative Assessment 5.4

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate creation, management of favorites using internet explorer

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76 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 5.5: Browse the internet using the hyperlinks.

Web browser

Browser buttons

Address bar

Status bar

Scroll bar

Home page

Front/Back arrows

Refresh button

Start page

o Open a web using the address bar

o Browse different web pages o practical exercises on

browsing internet using hyperlink

- Internet connection

- Computer lab - projector

Formative Assessment 5.5

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper browsing of the internet using the hyperlinks

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77 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 5.6: Download and upload files using internet.


File attachment

o Practical exercises on downloading and uploading files using internet

- Internet connection

- Computer lab - projector

Formative Assessment 5.6

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper downloading and uploading of files using internet

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78 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Summative Assessment

Assesment Criterion 1: Student knows computer basics

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Can write a CV in Word processor (≥1/2)

Indicator: Can format the text (≥1/2)

Indicator: Can save a CV (1)


Assesment Criterion 2: Student knows how to use Internet

Checklist Score

Yes No

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Indicator: Can use a search engine to look for information (on WDA and CV templates in the case above) (2)

Indicator: Can open his e-mail account in browser or in outlook (1)

Indicator: Can upload a CV and send it to the specified e-mail address (2)



CCMWC301 Communicate effectivelly at workplace

REQF Level: 3 Learning hours

Credits: 3 30

Sector: All

Sub-sector: All

Issue date: November, 2017

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Purpose statement

This module describes the skills and knowledge required to communicate and get along well

with others, in a variety of settings and for a range of purposes. The module will allow the

participant to speak and listen actively and appropriately, one-on-one and in groups, to

cooperate and work effectively within a group, to lead a team, to provide good customer

service and write simple reports.

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Learning assumed to be in place


Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Listen and speak effectively

1.1. Strategies for effective listening are applied. 1.2. Instructions are adequately interpreted and

followed. 1.3. Clear and accurate information and instructions are

provided to colleagues.

2. Cooperate and work as a team member

2.1. Team objectives are reached through effective cooperation.

2.2. Diversity of team members is respected. 2.3. Lead a team efficiently 2.4. Demonstrate problem solving and decision making


3. Apply customer care

1.1. Importance and principles of good customer service are understood.

1.2. Quality service is provided. 1.3. Clear verbal information is provided to customers

face to face or on the telephone. 1.4. Conflicts with customers are handled politely and


4. Write and submit a report 4.1. A handover report containing any relevant information on complete and incomplete work is written

4.2. Reports are handed over to both colleague and supervisor.

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LU 1: Listen and speak effectively


Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply effective listen skills & strategies 2. Give and receive instructions 3. Identify non-verbal communication signs and the impact on people’s

perceptions 4. Demonstrate effective speaking skills

6 Hours

Learning Outcome1.1: Apply effective listen skills & strategies.

Effective listening skills & strategies

Assess one’s listening skills

Model good listening skills

o Role play o Observing role play o Feedback from observers o discussion

- Role play scenarios - List of effective

listening skills & strategies

- Effective Listening Observation Form

- Speaking Scenarios for group work

Formative Assessment 1.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Correct handling of a patient according to the “do not harm” rule.

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83 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 1.2: Give and receive instructions.

Importance of giving clear, concise instructions

Formulation of instructions

Strategies to ask questions for clarification

o Individual work o Group discussion

˗ Role play scenarios ˗ List of effective

listening skills & strategies

˗ Effective Listening Observation Form

˗ Speaking Scenarios for group work

Formative Assessment 1.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Correct handling of a patient according to the “do not harm” rule.

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84 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 1.3: Identify non-verbal communication signs and the impact on people’s


Importance of non-verbal communication

Impacts of non-verbal communication on how we give information and how we listen.

o Pair work o Large group discussion

˗ Role play scenarios ˗ List of effective listening

skills & strategies ˗ Effective Listening

Observation Form ˗ Speaking Scenarios for

group work

Formative Assessment 1.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Correct handling of a patient according to the “do not harm” rule.

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85 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 1.4: Demonstrate effective speaking skills

Effective speaking skills and strategies

o Small group work o Practice presentations o Large group discussion

- Role play scenarios - List of effective listening

skills & strategies - Effective Listening

Observation Form - Speaking Scenarios for

group work

Formative Assessment 1.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Correct handling of a patient according to the “do not harm” rule.

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86 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No


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87 | P a g e

LU 2: Cooperate and work as a team member


Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify the different personalities 2. Handle different personalities in a group 3. Cooperate with others to reach the same objective 4. Lead a team efficiently 5. Demonstrate problem solving and decision making skills

8 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Identify the different personalities.

Different personalities and approaches that individuals bring to a group

o Self-assessment o Large group activity

(inner/outer circles) o Discussion

Working in Groups Self Assessment

Cooperating with Others Roles

Elements of an Effective & Cooperative Team Member

Formative Assessment 2.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Correct handling of a patient according to the “do not harm” rule.

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88 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 2.2: Handle different personalities in a group.

Characteristics of an effective and cooperative team member

o Large group activity o Large group discussion o Individual

reflection/journal writing o Pair work

Working in Groups Self Assessment

Cooperating with Others Roles

Elements of an Effective & Cooperative Team Member

Formative Assessment 2.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Correct handling of a patient according to the “do not harm” rule.

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89 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 2. 3: Cooperate with others to reach the same objective.

Characteristics of an effective and cooperative team member

o Large group activity o Large group discussion o Individual reflection/journal

writing o Pair work

Formative Assessment 2.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Correct handling of a patient according to the “do not harm” rule.

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90 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 2.4: Lead a team efficiently

Qualities of an effective leader

Different leadership styles

Appropriate leadership style in a given context

Strategies to lead a team efficiently

o Large group discussion o Small group work o Role plays o Small group activity

Role play scenarios

Formative Assessment 2.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Correct handling of a patient according to the “do not harm” rule.

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91 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 2.5: Demonstrate problem solving and decision making skills

challenges and dynamics amongst people during the problem solving process

steps of problem solving to work and community related problems

Communication as a tool for problem solving

o Large group activity o Pair sharing o Small group work o Large group discussion o Task leadership


Scenarios for problem solving activity

Formative Assessment 2.5

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Correct handling of a patient according to the “do not harm” rule.

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92 | P a g e

LU 3: Apply customer care


Learning Outcomes:

1. Demonstrate the understanding of the importance of good customer care

2. Provide exceptional quality service 3. Communicate effectively with customers by telephone and face

to face 4. Handle conflict with difficult customers 10 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1: Demonstrate the understanding of the importance of good customer


Definition of customer service

Levels of customer service

Customer care principles

Importance of customer care

o Experience sharing o Brainstorming o Presentation by trainer

Formative Assessment 3.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Correct handling of a patient according to the “do not harm” rule.

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93 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 3.2: Provide exceptional quality service

Basic customer needs

Service to meet basic customer needs

Definition of customer’s perception

Meeting and exceeding expectations

Getting feedback on the provided service

o Individual reflection o Large group discussion o Role play

Formative Assessment 3.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Correct handling of a patient according to the “do not harm” rule.

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Learning Outcome 3.3. Communicate effectively with customers by telephone and face to


Telephone tips

Recording a telephone message

o Large group discussion o Skit o Pair role plays

Role Play scenarios for Communicating with Customers

Formative Assessment 3.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Correct handling of a patient according to the “do not harm” rule.

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95 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 3.4: Handle conflict with difficult customers

Definition of conflict, conflict resolution/management

Steps of conflict management with difficult customers

o Individual reflection o Brainstorming o Large group discussion o Role play

Formative Assessment 3.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Correct handling of a patient according to the “do not harm” rule.

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LU 4: Assess and react to play incidents


Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify types of reports required 2. Produce the relevant report 3. Hand the report to the appropriate persons

6 Hours

Learning Outcome 4.1: Identify types of reports required

Tip elements to notice the need of help:

Recognition of volleyball common injuries

Awareness of signs of common incidents

First aid provision application

o Practical exercises: - Shoulder injuries

identification - Ankle injuries

identification - Ankle sprains

identification - Knee injuries ligament

identification o Audio-visual analysis of

injuries and incident identification drills

˗ First aid flip charts ˗ Audio-visual tools

Formative Assessment 4.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Correct handling of a patient according to the “do not harm” rule.

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97 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 4.2 Produce the relevant report

Tips element of injuries prevention

Warm up and stretching exercises

Use of volleyball external support tools

Physical exercises load management

o Practical exercises - Warm up drills - Stretching drills - External Support tool

use - Physical exercise status

˗ Cones ˗ Whistle ˗ First aid kit ˗ Audio-visual tools

Formative Assessment 4.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Correct handling of a patient according to the “do not harm” rule.

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98 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No


Outcome 4.3. Hand the report to the appropriate persons

Timing patient assistance

Time management of patient care component

Time management of injuries declaration

Time management of injury recovery

o Practical exercises - Basics on injury

handling - Injury declaration form

use - State of injury


˗ Rolled blanket ˗ Blanket with 2

poles ˗ Audio-visual tools

Formative Assessment 4.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Correct handling of a patient according to the “do not harm” rule.

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Summative Assessment

Integrated situation Resources

You are a chef de cuisine at Kigali Marriott hotel, and you received an order of spaghetti a la Napolitaine for 4 people from customers who are in a hurry. You oversee three people: the person in charge of the mise en place, the cook and the dish washer. As the chef, you give instructions to your team to prepare the food and supervise the work. The order should be ready within 30min.

Assesment Criterion 1: Relevance

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Time is respected

Indicator: The required covers are communicated

Indicator: The required covers are communicated

Indicator: The required order is communicated (type of meals/order are specified)


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100 | P a g e

Assesment Criterion 2: Quality of process

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: The information is received and well understood by the candidate

Indicator: Responsibilities are assigned

Indicator: The clarifications are given according to staff’ learning style (reading, speaking, listening, doing)

Indicator: The follow up is well done (e.g. identification of the problem, activity tracking)

Indicator: The problem is solved


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Assesment Criterion 3: Quality of information

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: The information is given precisely

Indicator: The information is short and clear

Indicator: The technical terms are used accordingly

Indicator: The information is given directly

Indicator: The information is given timely/immediately



1. Work Readiness Training Programme – Trainer’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods Project. 2. Work Readiness Training Programme – Participant’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods


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CCMHE301 Maintain SHE at workplace

REQF Level: All Learning hours

Credits: 3 30

Sector: All

Sub-sector: All

Issue date: June, 2016

Purpose statement

This module describes the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to respect and apply

personal and workplace hygiene. It also covers the personal protective attitudes required in the


Moreover, the module describes the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to follow safety

and security procedures, identify hazards, assess the associated safety risks and take measures

to eliminate or control and minimize the risk.

Finally, the trainee learns how to participate in environmentally sustainable work practice.

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Learning assumed to be in place

Not applicable

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Maintain personal health, hygiene and sanitation

1.1. Propoer maintenance of hygiene of the entire body, good health habits and dress code according to the standards

1.2. Proper use of clean materials, clothes, and respect of hygienic practice to ensure that no cross-contamination of other items occurs

1.3. Proper maintenance and cleanliness of working environment

1.4. Correct wearing of work clothing or Personal Protective Equipment to perform work

2. Apply safe reproductive health practices

2.1. Proper identification of reproductive health principles 2.2. Adequate description of transmission, prevention and

treatment of HIV/AIDS and other STI’s 2.3. Adequate identification and avoiding of sexual violence

3. Address unsafe situations on the job 3.1. Appropriate use of methodology to identify actual or foreseeable hazards that have the potential to harm the health, safety and security of workers or anyone else in the workplace

3.2. Appropriate removal of hazards from work area 3.3. Proper implementation of control measures according

to individual level of responsibility or appropriate personnel is referred to for permission or further action

4. Respond appropriately to emergencies at work

4.1. Prompt recognition of emergency and potential emergency situations and determination or taking of required actions within the scope of individual responsibility

4.2. Provision of appropriate response to emergencies 4.3. Proper management of safety equipment

5. Ensure environmental sustainability 5.1. Respect of environmental laws, standards and regulations

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5.2. Proper application of best practice to keep the environment clean (waste management and pollution control)

5.3. Proper identification and reporting of workplace environmental hazards.

5.4. Accurate application of climate change adaptation and mitigating measures

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LU 1: Maintain personal health, hygiene and sanitation


Learning Outcomes:

1. Maintain good health and hygiene 2. Apply hygiene and sanitation practices 3. Prevent food contamination caused by food handlers 4. Wear work clothing or Personal Protective Equipment

10 Hours

Learning Outcome 1.1: Maintain good health and hygiene.

Importance of maintaining good health

How to maintain good health: Balanced diet Enough sleep Periodical medical checkup Sports

Importance of body cleanliness

Body cleaning products and equipment

Body cleanliness practices

Workplace dress code and practices

o Brainstorming o Group discussion o Documentary research and

group discussion o Individual practice

Flipcharts Markers Flipcharts stand Training room Water Soaps Hand wash Basin Hand towels Equipped wash room

Formative Assessment 1.1

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Propoer maintenance of hygiene of the entire body, good health habits

and dress code according to the standards

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106 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 1.2: Apply hygiene and sanitation practices.

Importance of environmental Cleanliness Water and waste (clean water,

toilette and hand washing facilities)

Materials and equipment cleaning and disinfection

o Demonstration on hygiene and sanitation practices

o Individual practical work on hygiene and sanitation practices

Flipcharts Markers Flipcharts stand Training room Water Soaps Hand wash Basin Hand towels Equipped wash


Formative Assessment 1.2

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper use of clean materials, clothes, and respect of hygienic practice to ensure

that no cross-contamination of other items occurs

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107 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 1.3: Prevent food contamination caused by food handlers.

How food handlers can contaminate food

Prevention of food contamination

Bandage and cover cuts, burns, sores, and skin infections

o Brainstorming o Group discussion

Flipcharts Markers Flipcharts stand Training room Water Soaps Hand wash Basin Hand towels Equipped wash room

Formative Assessment 1.3

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper maintenance and cleanliness of working environment

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108 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 1.4: Wear work clothing or Personal Protective Equipment.

Composition of work clothing or Personal Protective Equipment

Proper maintainance of work clothing

o Individual practice

Work clothing or Personal Protective Equipment

Formative Assessment 1.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Correct wearing of work clothing or Personal Protective Equipment to perform


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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


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LU 2: Apply safe reproductive health practices


Learning Outcomes:

1. Describe reproductive health 2. Describe transmission, prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and

other STI’s 2. Identify and avoid sexual violence types

5 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Describe reproductive health.

Puberty and body change

Female reproduction

Male reproduction

Consequences of early pregnancy

o Small group discussions o Pair discussion

- Hand-outs - Reference books - Didactic materials

Formative Assessment 2.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper identification of reproductive health principles

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111 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 2.2: Describe transmission, prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and

other STI’s.



Prevention (ABC)


Other STI’s

Stigma and VCT

o HIV game o Questions and answers o True or false o Group work o Demonstration (condom use) o Role play (condom


- Scenarios for HIV game

- True and false statements

Formative Assessment 2.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Adequate description of transmission, prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and other STI’s

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112 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 2.3: Identify and avoid sexual violence types.

Definition of sexual violence

Definition of rape

Consequences of sexual violence

o Story telling o Group discussion o Large group discussion

Formative Assessment 2.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Adequate identification and avoiding of sexual violence

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113 | P a g e

LU 3: Address unsafe situations on the job


Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify the primary hazards found in workplaces 2. Identify the best ways to address specific problem situations 3. Implement control measures

5 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1: Identify the primary hazards found in workplaces.

Types of hazards in the workplace (safety, chemical, biological, other health hazards)

o Brainstorming o Group work o Discussion o Discussion

-Reference books -Hand-outs -Stories and pictures

Formative Assessment 3.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate use of methodology to identify actual or foreseeable hazards that have the potential to harm the health, safety and security of workers or

anyone else in the workplace

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114 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 3.2: Identify the best ways to address specific problem situations.

Hazardous situations

Dangerous substances

Control methods (remove hazard, work policies and procedures, protective equipment)

Use of PPE

Health and safety at workplace Rwandan law.

o Brainstorming o Group work o Discussion o Discussion

-Reference books -Hand-outs -Stories and pictures

Formative Assessment 3.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate removal of hazards from work area

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115 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 3.3: Implement control measures.

Hazardous situations

Dangerous substances

Control methods (remove hazard, work policies and procedures, protective equipment)

Use of PPE

Health and safety at workplace Rwandan law.

o Brainstorming o Group work o Discussion o Discussion

-Reference books -Hand-outs -Stories and pictures

Formative Assessment 3.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper implementation of control measures according to individual level of

responsibility or appropriate personnel is referred to for permission or further


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116 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No


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117 | P a g e

LU 4: Respond appropriately to emergencies at work


Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify emergencies 2. Handle emergencies 3. Manage safety equipment

5 Hours

Learning Outcome 4.1: Identify emergencies.

Definition of emergency

Types of emergencies in a workplace

o Presentation by the trainer o Experience sharing

Formative Assessment 4.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Prompt recognition of emergency and potential emergency situations and determination or taking of required actions within the scope of individual


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118 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 4.2: Handle emergencies.

Possible responses to emergencies in the workplace

o Disaster Blaster Game o Role play

- Disaster Blaster Game board, paper, marker, dice, game cards

Formative Assessment 4.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Provision of appropriate response to emergencies

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119 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 4.3: Manage safety equipment.

Safety equipment identification Fire extinguisher Fire horse Fire blanket First aid kit Fire triangle Water fire extinguisher

Safety equipment usage

o Brainstorming on safety equipment

o Demonstration on safety equipment usage

o Organize safety drills o Compile activities reports

- Fire extinguisher - Fire horse - Fire blanket - First aid kit - Fire triangle - Water fire


Formative Assessment 4.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper management of safety equipment

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120 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


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121 | P a g e

LU 5: Ensure environmental sustainability


Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify environmental laws, standards and regulations in Rwanda 2. Identify the best practices to keep the environment clean 3. Describe climate change adaptation and mitigation measures

5 Hours

Learning Outcome 5.1: Identify environmental laws, standards and regulations in Rwanda.

Importance of environmental sustainability

Natural process that takes place in the environment

Awareness of the interdependence of all species

Attitude towards enjoying the benefits of nature without encroaching upon the rights of others.

o Brainstorming o Group work o Role play o Plenary discussion

- Reference books - Role play scenario - Environmental regulations

Law determining the modalities of protection, conservation and promotion of environment in Rwanda.

Law relating to the prohibition of manufacturing, importation, use and sale of polythene bags in Rwanda

Content Learning



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123 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 5.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 5.2: Identify the best practices to keep the environment clean.

Types of waste: Non-hazardous waste Hazardous waste

Types of pollutions and pollutants

Best practices Waste collection Reuse of waste Waste disposal Biodegradable waste Non-biodegradable waste

Reporting hazards to appropriate person

o Brainstorming o Group work o Research o Visit of an enterprise o Group discussion o Role play

- Pictures - Videos - Sustain environment

manual and procedures

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Respect of environmental laws, standards and regulations

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124 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 5.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 5.3: Describe climate change adaptation and mitigation measures.

Rain water harvesting

Soil erosion control

Afforestation and reforestation

Alternative energy use

Greening and beautification

Impact of climate change

o Group discussion / Brainstorming

o Group work o Research o Field visit o Role play

- Pictures - Videos

Formative Assessment 5.3

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of best practice to keep the environment clean (waste management and pollution control)

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125 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Performance criterion

Accurate application of climate change adaptation and mitigating measures

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126 | P a g e

Summative Assessment

Integrated situation Resources

1. A director of a computer lab enterprise would like to protect lab users and is coming to you with pictures of his computer lab, which show various safety and health related problems. Identify the relevant problems that are portrayed by the shown pictures.

2. Write a one page set of general instructions related to health (at least 10 instructions), safety (at least 3) and security (at least 2) in a computer lab.

Drawing, pictures or video of a computer lab showing at least 4 safety and health related problems.



Assesment Criterion 1: Identification of the safety hazards from the picture (≥3)

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Problem 1 identified, Problem 2 identified, Problem 3 identified, Problem 4 identified, etc.


Assesment Criterion 2: Health precautions (≥3)

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Example of health related instructions (other possible answers should be considered by the examiner)

Don’t smoke in the lab

Maintain cleanliness in the room

be adjustable so the user can sit with eye level on top of the screen

Users should take regular breaks

Maintain a conducive environment (temperature between 18 and 24

degrees Celsius, with humidity between 40% and 60%, oxygen, light, calm) in the room

Protect users from eye damage (don’t stare directly at the beam of a projector)

Provide comfortable furniture for the users: height of the chair should


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Assesment Criterion 3: Safety precautions (≥7)

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Example of safety related instructions (other possible answers should be considered by the examiner)

Keep emergency exit clear

Keep carbon dioxide fire extinguishers near any ICT equipment

Maintain adequate ventilation as fluids used for cleaning and in some

reprographic processes are flammable

Eat and drink carefully, be aware of accidental damage caused by spilt liquid

Cover and secure power cables

Replace damaged plugs

Check regularly plugs, leads and other electrical equipment.

Avoid cluttered cables

Avoid water flooding

Protect the equipment from dust

Insure the equipment

Use mouse pads

Protect computers by UPS


Assesment Criterion 4: Security precaution (≥1)

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Example of security related instructions (other possible answers should be considered by the examiner)

Use of antivirus

Protection of sensitive content


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128 | P a g e

Integrated situation Resources

TUBEHONEZA Construction Company has contracted to build a 14m x 15m home house in Gasabo district within five months. The study showed that the house will be near the road and 50 workers, female and male, will be involved. Workers will take lunch on construction site. As one of employees, on one page maximum, you are asked to advise the site manager as well as your colleagues on health, safety and security practices so that the work can be accomplished as agreed. You have 40 minutes maximum. For each piece of advice, give precise examples

Papers and pens

Assesment Criterion 1: Security precautions

Checklist Score =5/5

Yes No

Indicator: Establish and communicate rules on the workplace

Indicator: Provide protective equipment

Indicator: Store equipment, tools and material

Indicator: Fence the site

Indicator: Use protective equipment


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129 | P a g e

Assesment Criterion 2: Safety precautions

Checklist Score ≥2/2

Yes No

Indicator: Identify Hazards

Indicator: Address unsafe situations


Assesment Criterion 3: Health precautions

Checklist Score ≥4/6

Yes No

Indicator: Provide clean water

Indicator: Have good diet

Indicator: Use clean water

Indicator: Provide waste disposal

Indicator: Use toilet

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130 | P a g e

Indicator: Sensitize to HIV/AIDS prevention


Assesment Criterion 4: Precision

Checklist Score =3/3

Yes No

Indicator: Relevant examples of security precautions

Indicator: Relevant examples of safety precautions

Indicator: Relevant examples of health precautions


Reference books: 1. Work Readiness Training Programme-Trainer’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze-Youth Livelihoods Project. 2. Work Readiness Training Programme-Participant’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze-Youth Livelihoods Project. 3. HARE: Prevention of HIV and AIDS in Rwanda through education, Irish Aid and VSO.

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CCMEN301 Communicate simply using English in familiar situations

REQF Level: 3 Learning hours

Credits: 3 30

Sector: ALL

Sub-sector: ALL

Issue date: January, 2017

Purpose statement

This core module describes the skills, knowledge and attitudes to be acquired for the trainee’s. The

trainee will be able to Give accounts of social events attended, Describe social events attended, Justify

social activities engaged in, Talk about professional experiences and ambitions, Discuss and express of

one’s ideas and opinions, Write short compositions on familiar topics, Write different kinds of sentences

and paragraphs, use punctuation marks, Identify different types of compositions, Develop any topic of

interest into a composition, Extract specific information from a reading text, Differentiate between the

main ideas/points and the supporting details, Identify kinds of social letters, Identification of elements

of social letters, Provide appropriate reply to social letters, Capture and report the mains points of a

trade-related relatively slow speech/recording, Separate of the main points from supporting

details/commentary, Express his own opinions/views on the speech/recording listened to, Answer

specific questions on a trade-related audio materials, The sentence structure, Procedures of deep

reading: silent, loud, and close reading, Discuss

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Learning assumed to be in place

CCM 102: Oral Basic English Communication CCM 202: Elementary Workplace English

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Talk about familiar events and activities

1.1. Description of social events such as weddings, funerals, social gatherings, religious ceremonies, travels

1.2. Accurate accounts of social events and ceremonies attended

1.3. Justification of social activities engaged in (why do you go to church? Why do you attend weddings, etc.)?

1.4. Talking about professional experiences and ambitions

2. Write short compositions on familiar topics

2.1. Convenient development of any topic of interest into a composition

2.2. Correct identification of parts of a composition (Introduction, the body and conclusion)

2.3. Correct Identification of types of a composition (essays, short stories, letters, emails)

2.4. Correct use of the building blocks of sentences and paragraphs

2.5. Effective use of punctuation marks

3. Read and interpret messages from simple texts and social letter

3.1. Extraction of specific information from the text read 3.2. Identification of the most important ideas in the text 3.3. Effective identification of the lessons conveyed by the

text 3.4. Identification of the main elements of social letters 3.5. Provision of an appropriate reply to social letters

4. React to common trade-related oral English

4.1. Capturing and reporting of the main points from a trade-related relatively slow speech/recording

4.2. Expression of own opinions/views on the recording listened to

4.3. Discussion of ideas and opinions raised in simple trade-related recordings/speeches

4.4. Answering specific questions on a trade-related audio material

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LU 1: Talk about familiar events and activities


Learning Outcomes:

1. Describe social events 2. Give account of social events and ceremonies attended 3. Justify social activities engaged in 4. Talk about professional experiences and ambitions

10 Hours

Learning Outcome 1.1: Describe social events

Description of social events (weddings, parties, birthdays, funerals, graduation ceremonies) using descriptive words:








o Brainstorming on potential social events

o Presentation on description of events

o Role plays on description of events

o Documentary research

- White Board - Chalkboard - Flipchart - Pen - Paper - Markers - Reference books - Trainee manual - Lesson plan - Scenarios

Formative Assessment 1.1

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Describe social events

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Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Task: Describe social events using descriptive words



Checklist Score

Yes No

Use of descriptive words


Learning Outcome 1.2: Give account of social events and ceremonies attended

Describing events in place and time

Asking and Telling (Reading the clock, Asking and)

Giving Accounts of social events according to

when they happen

where they take place

who is involved in them

how they happen

how long they last

Enquiring about social events using question words







o Story telling o Presentation o Role plays o Group discussions o Brainstorming

- White Board - Chalkboard - Flipchart - Pen - Paper - Markers - Reference books - Trainee manual - Lesson plan - Scenarios

Content Learning



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Formative Assessment 1.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Task: Use question words to enquire about social events your friends attended.



Checklist Score

Yes No

Use of question words

Question formulation


Learning Outcome 1.3: Justify social activities engaged in

Using conjunctions to justify social activities by expressing their




o Story telling o Presentation o Brainstorming o Group discussions

- White Board - Chalkboard - Flipchart - Pen - Paper - Markers - Reference books - Trainee manual - Lesson plan

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Give account of social events and ceremonies attended

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Formative Assessment 1.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral Performance

Task: Why did you take part in the social activity you attended?



Checklist Score

Yes No

Use of conjunctions

Sentence structure


Learning Outcome 1.4: Talk about professional experiences and ambitions

Talking about professional experiences

The use of past tenses

The use of perfect tenses

Talking about professional ambitions

The use of future tenses

Introduction to sentence structure

Simple sentences

Compound sentences

Complex sentences

o Presentations o Discussions o Role plays o Dialogues o Practical exercises

- Reference books - Scenarios - Flip chart - Marker - Paper - Pen - Notebooks - Audiovisual material - Lesson plan - Trainee manual

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Justify social activities engaged in

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Formative Assessment 1.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Task: Using appropriate tenses, talk about your future career ambitions.



Checklist Score

Yes No

Sentence structure

Tense use


Performance criterion

Talk about professional experiences and ambitions

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LU 2: Write short compositions on familiar topics


Learning Outcomes:

1. Use the building blocks of sentences and paragraphs 2. Use punctuation marks 3. Identify types of compositions 4. Develop any topic of interest into a composition

5 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Use the building blocks of sentences and paragraphs

Types of sentence:

A simple sentence

A compound sentence

A complex sentence

A compound-complex sentence

The building blocks of a simple sentence /clause





Complement/ Predicative noun/adjective

Adverbial/prepositional phrases

Types of paragraph:

A descriptive paragraph

A narrative paragraph

An expository paragraph

A persuasive paragraph

The building blocks of a paragraph

Topic sentence

o Presentation o Group Discussions o Brainstorming o Practical exercises

- Reference books - Flip chart - Marker - Paper - Pen - Lesson plan - Trainee manual - Notebooks

Content Learning



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Supporting sentences

Concluding sentence

Formative Assessment 2.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written Performance

Task: After identifying the different types of sentences, write a sample sentence for each type.


Multiple choice


Yes or no questions

Checklist Score

Yes No

Building blocks of a sentence

Sentence types


Learning Outcome 2.2: Use punctuation marks

Identification and use of different punctuation marks:

Full stop/period


Question mark

o Brainstorming o Documentary research o Practical exercises

- White Board - Chalkboard - Flipchart - Pen - Paper

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Use the building blocks of sentences and paragraphs

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Exclamation mark



Quotation/Speech marks




Round brackets/parentheses

Square brackets

Curly brackets




- Markers - Reference books - Trainee manual - Lesson plan

Formative Assessment 2.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written Performance

Task: Punctuate correctly the sentences given to you by your teacher.

Sentence completion

Yes or no questions

Multiple choice

Checklist Score

Yes No

Use of Punctuations marks


Performance criterion

Use punctuation marks

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Learning Outcome 2.3: Identify types of compositions

Different types of composition



Short Story/Narrative





o Documentary research o Presentation o Brainstorming

- White Board - Chalkboard - Flipchart - Pen - Paper - Markers - Reference books - Trainee manual - Lesson plan

Formative Assessment 2.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral Performance

Written Performance

Task: Distinguish between a report and a letter.


Rearranging parts of a composition

Yes or no questions



Checklist Score

Yes No

Types of compositions


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Identify types of compositions

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Learning Outcome 2.4: Develop any topic of interest into a composition

Identification of Parts of a composition




Contents of each part of a composition


Topic background

Thesis statement


Thesis development

Thesis support


Thesis Restatement

Conclusions drawings


o Brainstorming o Presentations o Documentary research o Practical exercise

- White Board - Chalkboard - Flipchart - Pen - Notebook - Paper - Markers - Reference books - Trainee manual - Lesson plan

Formative Assessment 2.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written Performance

Task: Write a short composition on a topic of your choice you have discussed with your teacher.

Composition writing

Checklist Score

Yes No

Parts of a composition



Content Learning



Performance criterion

Develop any topic of interest into a composition

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LU 3: Read and interpret messages from simple texts and social letters


Learning Outcomes:

1. Extract specific information from the text read 2. Identify the most important ideas in the text 3. Identify the lessons conveyed by the text 4. Identify the main elements of social letters 5. Provide an appropriate reply to social letters

5 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1: Extract specific information from the text read

Brief introduction to

Deep reading

Application of deep reading according to procedures:

Silent procedure

Loud procedure

Close procedure

o Practical reading exercises o Modeling deep reading o Group work o Presentations on read texts

- White Board - Chalkboard - Flipchart - Pen - Paper - Pencil/highlighter - Markers - Reading texts - Reference books - Trainee manual - Lesson plan

Formative Assessment 3.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Extract specific information from the text read

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral Performance

Written Performance

Task: Use deep reading to answer comprehension questions on the text given by the teacher

Multiple choice



True or false

Yes or no questions

Checklist Score

Yes No

Text comprehension

Answering comprehension questions


Learning Outcome 3.2: Identify the most important ideas in the text

Distinction of the most important ideas from the detailed information of the text

Main ideas

Supporting ideas

Detailed information

Examples/illustrations of ideas

o Practical exercise o Modeling o Group work o Presentations o Peer Feedback

- White Board - Chalkboard - Flipchart - Pen - Paper - Pencil/highlighter - Markers - Reading texts - Reference books - Trainee manual - Lesson plan

Formative Assessment 3.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Identify the most important ideas in the text

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral Performance

Written Performance

Task: Give the main idea of the text you have just read.



Multiple Choice

Checklist Score

Yes No

Distinction of main ideas from details


Learning Outcome 3.3: Identify the lessons conveyed by the text

Text purposes





o Presentation o Group Discussions o Brainstorming o Practical exercises

- White Board - Chalkboard - Flipchart - Pen - Paper - Pencil/highlighter - Markers - Reading texts - Reference books - Trainee manual - Lesson plan

Formative Assessment 3.3

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Identify the lessons conveyed by the text

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Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written Performance

Task: What is the purpose of the text you have just read?



Multiple Choice

Checklist Score

Yes No

Understanding of the text’s purpose


Learning Outcome 3.4: Identify the main elements of social letters

Kinds of letter

Social letters

Business letters

The main elements of a letter

The heading

The greeting

The body

The closing

The signature

Types of social letters

Friendly/informal letter

Invitation note

Apology letter

Thank you letter

Condolences /Sympathy letter

Acceptance letter

Regret letter

o Brainstorming o Documentary research o Group discussion o Presentation o Writing activities

- White Board - Chalkboard - Flipchart - Pen - Paper - Markers - Reading texts - Reference books - Trainee manual - Lesson plan - Projector - Computer - Drawings - Sample letters

Content Learning



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Formative Assessment 3.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written Performance

Task: What are the main elements of a social letter?

True or false


Rearranging letter parts

Checklist Score

Yes No

Elements of a social letter


Learning Outcome 3.5: Provide an appropriate reply to social letters

Possible replies according to types of social letters

Positive reply

Negative reply

o Brainstorming o Practical exercises o Group work o Presentation o Role play

- Scenarios - Projector - Computer - Flipchart - Marker - White/chalkboard - Stationeries - Trainee manual - Lesson plan

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Identify the main elements of social letter

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Formative Assessment 3.5

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

• Oral Performance • Written Performance • Task: Reply to a social letter given to you by the


Social letter writing

Checklist Score

Yes No

Elements of a social letter

Word choice

Types of social letters


Performance criterion

Provide an appropriate reply to social letters

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LU 4: Write short compositions on familiar topics


Learning Outcomes:

1. Capture and report the main points from a trade-related relatively slow speech/ recording

2. Express own opinions/views on the recording listened to 3. Discuss ideas and opinions raised in simple trade-related

recordings/speeches 4. Answer specific questions on a trade-related audio material 10 Hours

Learning Outcome 4.1: Capture and report the main points from a trade-related relatively

slow speech/ recording

Definition of speech

Kinds of speech according to purpose

Speech that informs

Speech that persuades

Speech that entertains

Components of a speech

The introduction

The main points or Body

The conclusion


Use of active listening to separate

the main points

supporting details/ commentary

Reporting of the main points of a speech / recording

o Brainstorming o Presentation o Role play o Documentary research o Group discussion o Practical exercise

- Audiovisual materials - White Board - Chalkboard - Flipchart - Pen - Paper - Markers - Reference books - Trainee manual - Lesson plan - Projector - Computer - Radio recorder

Content Learning



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Formative Assessment 4.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral Performance

Written Performance

Task: List the main points discussed by the speaker in the recording played to you by the teacher.



Note taking

Checklist Score

Yes No

Identification of main points

Reporting of information


Learning Outcome 4.2: Express own opinions/views on the recording listened to

Expressing ones’ own views using a variety of expressions

In my opinion…

In my view…

Personally, …

To be honest …

To tell the truth …

According to …

As far as I’m concerned/ …. is concerned…

From my point of view…

I agree/ disagree

o Presentation o Discussion o Debate o Brainstorming o Rehearsal /practice

- Audiovisual materials

- White Board - Chalkboard - Flipchart - Pen - Paper - Markers - Reference books - Trainee manual - Lesson plan - Projector

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Capture and report the main points from a trade-related relatively slow


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I think that…

I would like to …

- Computer - Radio recorder

Formative Assessment 4.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral Performance

Written Performance

Task: Using expression studied in class, give reasons why you agree or disagree with the speaker in the recording listened to.



Checklist Score

Yes No

Use of appropriate expressions

Clarity of views/opinions


Performance criterion

Express own opinions/views on the recording listened to

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Learning Outcome 4.3: Discuss ideas and opinions raised in simple trade-related


The sides/positions of a discussion

Supporting an idea

Refuting/rebutting an idea

Using linkers/connectors to defend one’s side

First of all

Last but not least

On the one hand, on the other hand

On the contrary

While, whereas

Apart from

For instance/ for example


As a result

In addition to …

o Presentation o Discussion o Debate o Rehearsal /practice o Brainstorming

- Audiovisual materials - White Board - Chalkboard - Flipchart - Pen - Paper - Markers - Reference books - Trainee manual - Radio recorder - Computer - Projector

Formative Assessment 4.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral Performance

Written Performance

Task: Using linkers and connectors, support at least one idea you heard in the recording.



Writing practice

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Discuss ideas and opinions raised in simple trade-related recordings/speeches

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Checklist Score

Yes No

Use of linkers and connectors


Learning Outcome 4.4: Answer specific questions on a trade-related audio material

The sides/positions of a discussion

Supporting an idea

Refuting/rebutting an idea

Using linkers/connectors to defend one’s side

First of all

Last but not least

On the one hand, on the other hand

On the contrary

While, whereas

Apart from

For instance/ for example


As a result

In addition to …

o Presentation o Discussion o Debate o Rehearsal /practice o Brainstorming

- Audiovisual materials - White Board - Chalkboard - Flipchart - Pen - Paper - Markers - Reference books - Trainee manual - Radio recorder - Computer - Projector

Formative Assessment 4.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Answer specific questions on a trade-related audio material

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral Performance

Written Performance

Task: Answer the comprehension questions on the recording played to you by the teacher

Multiple choice

True or false


Yes or no questions

Checklist Score

Yes No

Understanding of audio questions

Identification of main points

Answering questions


Reference books:

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CCMKN301 Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda Kiboneye

Ikiciro: 3 Amasaha ateganijwe

Credits: 3 30

Ishami: Yose

Agashami: Twose

Igihe yateguriwe: Ukuboza, 2016

Intego nyamukuru

Iyi mbumbanyigisho irasobanura ubumenyi n’ubushobozi bukenewe kugira ngo uwiga ashobore

Gukoresha ikinyarwanda kiboneye mu kumva, kuvuga, gusoma no kwandika, mu bikorwa bijyanye n’umwuga we.

Gukoresha ubuvanganzo gakondo mu gushyikirana n’abandi abagezaho ibitekerezo bye kandi agaragaza uko yakira ibyabo.

Kugaragaza imyumvire n’imyifatire ikwiye agenda avoma mu myandiko inyuranye.

Gutandukanya ingeri zinyuranye z’ubuvanganzo nyarwanda.

Guhanga no kumurika imyandiko mu rurimi rw’Ikinyarwanda afatiye ku ngeri zinyuranye z’imyandiko.

Gusobanura inshoza y’ubuke, ubumwe n’ ubwinshi.

Gusobanura inshoza ya ntera, kugaragaza amategeko y’igenamajwi no kumurika ibicumbi bya ntera.

Kwandika yubahiriza ikata n’itakara ry’inyajwi mu myandikire y’Ikinyarwanda.

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Ubushobozi fatizo

Ubushobozi mu Kinyarwanda k’ibanze

Ingingo n’ibipimo by’ubushobozi

Ingingo z’ubushobozi zisobanura umusaruro w’ibanze ugomba kugerwaho.

Ibipimo by’ubushobozi bisobanura ubushobozi busabwa mu kugaragaza ko intego zikubiye mu mbumbe


Ingingo z’Ubushobozi Ibipimo by’Ubushobozi

1. Gukoresha neza ubuvanganzo gakondo ashyikirana n’abandi.

1.1 Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze, uwiga agaragaza ko yumva ubuvanganzo gakondo abinyujije mu ngiro zinyuranye.

1.2 Gusubiza mu mvugo iboneye ibibazo ku buvanganzo gakondo.

1.3 Gusoma neza umwandiko w’ubuvanganzo gakondo yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza.

1.4 Guhina insigamigani n’ igitekerezo cyo muri rubanda akurikiranya neza ingingo.

1.5 Gutarama akoresheje ubuvanganzo bwizwe.

2. Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze agaragaza ibyiza by’uburinganire n’ubwuzuzanye, itandukaniro ry’amazina bwite n’amazina rusange n’imiterere y’isanisha ryo mu bisekuru.

2.1. Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze, uwiga agaragaza ko yumva umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko y’uburinganire n’ubwuzuzanye abinyujije mu ngiro zinyuranye.

2.2. Gusubiza neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko. 2.3. Gusoma neza umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza. 2.4. Guhina no guhimba umwandiko akurikiranya neza ingingo. 2.5. Kumurika ingero zifatika zihamya n’izibangamira

uburinganire n’ubwuzuzanye mu muryango nyarwanda. 2.6. Gutandukanya izina bwite n’izina rusange no gukora

isanisha riboneye ryo mu bisekuru.

3. Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze agaragaza ibyiza by’uburenganzira bw’umwana no gutandukanya inshoza z’ubuke, ubumwe n’ubwinshi.

3.1. Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze, uwiga agaragaza ko yumva umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko y’ uburenganzira bw’umwana abinyujije mu ngiro zitandukanye.

3.2. Gusubiza neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko. 3.3. Gusoma neza umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza. 3.4. Guhina no guhimba umwandiko akurikiranya neza ingingo. 3.5. Kumurika ingero zifatika zihamya n’izibangamira

uburenganzira bw’umwana mu muryango nyarwanda. 3.6. Gutandukanya inshoza z’ubuke, ubumwe n’ubwinshi.

4. Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze agaragaza uburyo bunyuranye bwo kurwanya

4.1. Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze, uwiga agaragaza ko yumva mu ngiro zinyuranye umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye kurwanya indwara.

4.2. Gusubiza neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko.

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indwara no gusobanura intêgo ya ntera.

4.3. Gusoma neza umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza. 4.4. Guhimba no kumurika umwandiko akurikiranya neza

ingingo. 4.5. Gutandukanya indwara zandura n’indwara zitandura. 4.6. Kugaragaza uturemajambo n’amategeko y’igenamajwi muri


5. Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze agaragaza imyifatire ikwiye ku bijyanye n’ubuzima bw’imyororokere no kwandika yubahiriza imyandikire y’Ikinyarwanda.

5.1. Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze, uwiga agaragaza ko yumva ikinamico ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubuzima bw’imyororokere mu ngiro zinyuranye.

5.2. Gusubiza neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku ikinamico. 5.3. Gusoma neza ikinamico yubahiriza uturango. 5.4. Guhimba no gukina ikinamico ahuza imvugo n’ingiro. 5.5. Gukoresha neza amagambo yabugenewe avuga ikigero

k’imyaka y’ubukure. 5.6. Gukoresha neza ikata n’itakara ry’inyajwi mu myandikire


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LU 1: Gukoresha neza ubuvanganzo gakondo ashyikirana n’abandi


Umusaruro w’inyigisho:

1. Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze uwiga agaragaza ko yumva ubuvanganzo gakondo abinyujije mu ngiro zitandukanye.

2. Gusubiza mu mvugo iboneye ibibazo ku buvanganzo gakondo. 3. Gusoma umwandiko w’ubuvanganzo gakondo yubahiriza utwatuzo

n’isesekaza. 4. Guhina insigamigani n’ igitekerezo cyo muri rubanda akurikiranya

neza ingingo. 5. Gutarama akoresheje ubuvanganzo bwizwe.

Amasaha 6

Umusaruro w’inyigisho 1.1: Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze uwiga agaragaza ko yumva

ubuvanganzo gakondo abinyujije mu ngiro zitandukanye.

Ubuvanganzo gakondo: Insigamigani Ibimenyetso by’utega

amatwi atarogoya abandi;

Insanganyamatsiko; Inyunguramagambo; Ingingo z’umuco

n’amateka; Inshamake y’insigamini; Inshoza n’uturango

by’insigamigani; Isomo ry’ingenzi; Isesekaza n’utwatuzo.

Igitekerezo cyo muri rubanda Insanganyamatsiko; Inyunguramagambo; Ingingo z’umuco ; Inshoza n’uturango

by’igitekerezo; Isomo ry’ingenzi ; Ihinamwandiko; Igitaramo.

o Gutega amatwi Insigamigani. o Gusoma Insigamigani bucece. o Gusoma Insigamigani mu

matsinda. o Gusoma Insigamigani

aranguruye. o Gusubiza ibibazo byo kumva

Insigamigani : o Gusobanura amagambo

akomeye. o Guhuza ibivugwa mu

nsigamigani n’indangagaciro. o Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda

k’ibanze agaragaza insanganyamatsiko z’ingenzi.

o Gusobanura ingingo z’umuco n’amateka.

o Gusobanura inshoza n’uturango by’Insigamigani.

o Guhina Insigamigani. o Gutahura isomo ry’ingenzi. Igitekerezo cyo muri rubanda o Gusoma igitekerezo bucece.

˗ Ibitabo by’ubuvanganzo gakondo (insigamigani n’ibitekerezo byo muri rubanda) ;

˗ Sede (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi ; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo.

Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



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o Gusoma igitekerezo mu matsinda.

o Gusoma igitekerezo aranguruye.

o Gusubiza ibibazo byo kumva igitekerezo.

o Gusobanura amagambo akomeye.

o Guhuza ibivugwa mu gitekerezo n’indangagaciro na za kirazira.

o Kugaragaza insanganyamatsiko z’ingenzi.

o Gusobanura ingingo z’umuco n’amateka bikubiye mu gitekerezo.

o Gusobanura inshoza n’uturango by’ igitekerezo.

o Gutahura insanganyamatsiko zikubiye mu gitekerezo.

o Gutahura ingeso mbi zumvikana mu gitekerezo.

o Gusobanura inshoza n’uturango by’igitekerezo cyo muri rubanda.

o Gutandukanya insigamigani n’igitekerezo cyo muri rubanda.

o Gutarama.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 1.1

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho by’uwiga ateze amatwi (Insigamigani/Igitekerezo cyo muri rubanda)

Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Uwiga yakoresheje neza Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze agaragaza ko yumva

ubuvanganzo gakondo abinyujije mu ngiro zitandukanye.

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Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 1.2: Gusubiza mu mvugo iboneye ibibazo ku buvanganzo gakondo.

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 1.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 1.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 1.1

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 1.2

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho y’ibisubizo byo kumva umwandiko

Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yashubije mu mvugo iboneye ibibazo ku buvanganzo gakondo.

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Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya



Ingingo z’umuco n’amateka;

Isomo ry’ingenzi;


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 1.3: Gusoma umwandiko w’ubuvanganzo gakondo yubahiriza utwatuzo


Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 1.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 1.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 1.1

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 1.3

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho y’isomwa ry’umwandiko

Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yasomye neza umwandiko w’ubuvanganzo gakondo yubahiriza utwatuzo


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Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Isesekaza n’utwatuzo


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 1.4: Guhina insigamigani n’ igitekerezo cyo muri rubanda akurikiranya

neza ingingo.

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 1.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 1.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 1.1

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 1.4

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Inshamake n’umwandiko by’uwiga

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya




Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yahinnye anahimba umwandiko w’ubuvanganzo gakondo akurikiranya neza


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Umusaruro w’inyigisho 1.5: Gutarama akoresheje ubuvanganzo bwizwe.

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 1.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 1.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 1.1

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 1.5

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho ku gitaramo

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Igitaramo ku buvanganzo gakondo


Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yataramye akoresheje ubuvanganzo bwizwe.

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LU 2: Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze agaragaza ibyiza by’uburinganire n’ubwuzuzanye, itandukaniro ry’amazina bwite n’amazina rusange n’imiterere y’isanisha ryo mu bisekuru


Umusaruro w’inyigisho:

1. Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye uwiga agaragaza ko yumva umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko y’ikoranabuhanga n’iterambere ry’umwuga abinyujije mu ngiro zinyuranye.

2. Gusubiza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko. 3. Gusoma umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza. 4. Guhina no guhimba umwandiko akurikiranya ingingo. 5. Kumurika ingero zihamya uruhare rw’ikoranabuhanga mu

iterambere ry’umwuga. 6. Kugaragaza intêgo y’izina mbonera.

Amasaha 6

Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.1: Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye uwiga agaragaza ko yumva

umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko y’ikoranabuhanga n’iterambere ry’umwuga abinyujije mu

ngiro zinyuranye.

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko y’uburinganire n’ubwuzuzanye;

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya abandi.

Inyunguramagambo; Insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko; Ingingo z’umuco n’amateka; Indangagaciro z’imibereho

n’imibanire myiza y’Abanyarwanda;

Ihinamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko y’uburinganire n’ubwuzuzanye;

Ihangamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko y’uburinganire n’ubwuzuzanye;


o Gutega amatwi. o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta

mpamvu. o Gusubiza ibibazo byo kumva

umwandiko n’inyunguramagambo.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu mwandiko.

o Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze agaragaza indangagaciro z’uburinganire n’ubwuzuzanye.

o Gusoma bucece. o Gusoma mu matsinda. o Gusoma aranguruye agaragaza

isesekaza. o Gukusanyiriza mu matsinda

ibitekerezo ku kamaro

˗ Ibitabo bikubiyemo imyandiko yerekeye uburinganire n’ubwuzuzanye ; ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo.

Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



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Isesekaza n’utwatuzo.

Amazina bwite n’amazina

rusange; Uturango tw’amazina bwite

n’amazina rusange; Isanisha ryo mu bisekuru.

k’uburinganire n’ubwuzuzanye.

o Gukora inshamake y’umwandiko.

o Kujya impaka ku ngaruka zo kutubahiriza uburinganire n’ubwuzuzanye n’ingamba zafatwa mu kwimakaza iryo hame.

o Gutahura amazina bwite n’amazina rusange mu nteruro.

o Gusanisha mu mazina y’ibisekuru.

o Gutandukanya amazina bwite n’amazina rusange mu nteruro.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 2.1

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho y’uwiga ateze amatwi umwandiko atarogoya

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko y’uburinganire n’ubwuzuzanye;

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoye;


Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Uwiga yakoresheje Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze agaragaza ko yumva umwandiko ku

nsanganyamatsiko y’uburinganire n’ubwuzuzanye abinyujije mu ngiro


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Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.2: Gusubiza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko.

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.1

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 2.2

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho ku bibazo byo kumva umwandiko

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya


Insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko;

Ingingo z’umuco;

Indangagaciro z’imibereho n’imibanire myiza y’abanyarwanda;


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.3: Gusoma umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza.

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.1

Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yashubije neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko.

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Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 2.3

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho ry’isomwa ry’umwandiko

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Isesekaza n’utwatuzo


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.4: Guhina no guhimba umwandiko akurikiranya ingingo.

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.1

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 2.4

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yasomye neza umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza.

Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yahinnye anahimba umwandiko akurikiranya neza ingingo.

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Gihamya Isuzuma

Inshamake y’umwandiko

Umwandiko w’uwiga

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Ihinamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko y’uburinganire n’ubwuzuzanye;


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.5: Kumurika ingero zihamya uruhare rw’ikoranabuhanga mu

iterambere ry’umwuga.

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.1

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 2.5

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Inyandiko, amajwi n’amashusho by’imurikamwandiko

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Imurika ku nsanganyamatsiko y’uburinganire n’ubwuzuzanye;


Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yamuritse ingero zihamya n’izibangamira uburinganire n’ubwuzuzanye mu


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Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.6: Kugaragaza intêgo y’izina mbonera.

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.1

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 2.6

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Ibisubizo by’imyitozo ku mazina bwite/rusange

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Amazina bwite n’amazina rusange;


Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yatandukanyije izina bwite n’izina rusange anakora isanisha ryo mu bisekuru.

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LU 3: Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye uwiga agaragaza ububi bw’ibiyobyabwenge mu rubyiruko no kugaragaza amategeko y’igenamajwi mu izina mbonera.


Umusaruro w’inyigisho:

1. Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze, uwiga agaragaza ko yumva umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko y’ uburenganzira bw’umwana abinyujije mu ngiro zitandukanye.

2. Gusubiza neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko. 3. Gusoma neza umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza. 4. Guhina no guhimba umwandiko akurikiranya ingingo. 5. Kumurika ingero zifatika zihamya n’izibangamira uburenganzira

bw’umwana mu muryango. 6. Gutandukanya inshoza z’ubuke, ubumwe n’ubwinshi.

Amasaha 6

Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.1: Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze, uwiga agaragaza ko yumva

umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko y’ uburenganzira bw’umwana abinyujije mu ngiro


Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko y’uburenganzira bw’umwana;

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya.

Inyunguramagambo; Insanganyamatsiko

y’umwandiko; Ingingo z’umuco

n’amateka; ingero zifatika

zihamya n’izibangamira uburenganzira bw’umwana mu muryango;

o Gutega amatwi. o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta

mpamvu. o Gusubiza ibibazo byo kumva

umwandiko n’inyunguramagambo. o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko

ivugwa mu mwandiko. o Gusoma bucece. o Gusoma mu matsinda. o Gusoma aranguruye agaragaza

isesekaza. o Gukorera mu matsinda,

bungurana ibitekerezo ku kamaro k’uburenganzira bw’umwana.

o Gukora inshamake y’umwandiko. o Kujya impaka ku ngaruka zo

kutubahiriza uburenganzira bw’umwana.

o Gusobanura inshoza y’ubuke, ubumwe n’ubwinshi.

˗ Igazeti ya Leta No. 23 yo ku wa 01 /12/2001

Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



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Ihinamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko y’uburenganzira bw’umwana;

isesekaza n’utwatuzo; Ihangamwandiko ku

burenganzira bw’umwana

Inshoza y’ubuke, ubumwe n’ubwinshi.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 3.1

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amashusho y’uteze amatwi atarogoya

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko y’uburenganzira bw’umwana;

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya;


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.2: Gusubiza neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko.

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.1

Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Uwiga yakoresheje neza Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze agaragaza ko yumva umwandiko

ku nsanganyamatsiko y’uburenganzira bw’umwana abinyujije mu ngiro


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Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 3.2

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho by’ibisubizo ku kumva umwandiko

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya


Insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko;

Ingingo z’umuco n’amateka by’uburenganzira bw’umwana;


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.3: Gusoma neza umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza.

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.1

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 3.3

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yashubije neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko.

Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yasomye neza umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza.

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173 | P a g e

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho y’usoma ry’umwandiko

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Isesekaza n’utwatuzo


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.4: Guhina no guhimba umwandiko akurikiranya ingingo.

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.1

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 3.4

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma



Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yahinnye anahimba umwandiko akurikiranya neza ingingo.

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174 | P a g e

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Ihinamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko;

Ihangamwandiko ku burenganzira bw’umwana;


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.5: Kumurika ingero zifatika zihamya n’izibangamira uburenganzira

bw’umwana mu muryango.

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.1

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 3.5

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amafoto amurika ingero zifatika zihamya n’izibangamira uburenganzira bw’umwana mu muryango nyarwanda

Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yamuritse ingero zifatika zihamya n’izibangamira uburenganzira bw’umwana mu

muryango nyarwanda.

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175 | P a g e

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Ingero zifatika zihamya n’izibangamira uburenganzira bw’umwana mu muryango;


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.6: Gutandukanya inshoza z’ubuke, ubumwe n’ubwinshi.

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.1

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 3.6

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Imyitozo ku buke, ubumwe n’ubwinshi

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Inshoza y’ubuke, ubumwe n’ubwinshi;


Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yatandukanyije ubuke, ubumwe n’ubwinshi.

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176 | P a g e

LU 4: Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye uwiga agaragaza uburyo bunyuranye bwo gufata neza ibidukikije.


Umusaruro w’inyigisho:

1. Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze uwiga agaragaza ko yumva umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye kurwanya indwara mu ngiro zitandukanye

2. Gusubiza neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko 3. Gusoma neza umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza 4. Guhimba no kumurika umwandiko akurikiranya neza ingingo 5. Gutandukanya indwara zandura n’indwara zitandura 6. Kugaragaza uturemajambo n’amategeko y’igenamajwi muri ntera

Amasaha 6

Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.1: Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze uwiga agaragaza ko yumva

umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye kurwanya indwara mu ngiro zitandukanye.

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye kurwanya indwara;

Ibimenyetso cy’uteze amatwi atarogoya;

Inyunguramagambo; Insanganyamatsiko

y’umwandiko; Ibitera indwara

n’ibizirinda; Ihimbamwandiko; Ihinamwandiko; imurikamwandiko; isesekaza n’utwatuzo;

Inshoza ya ntera,

uturango twa ntera n’ibicumbi bya ntera;

Uturemajambo twa ntera

n’amategeko y’igenamajwi muri ntera;

o Gutega amatwi umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye kurwanya indwara.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu. o Gusubiza ibibazo byo kumva

umwandiko n’inyunguramagambo. o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko

ivugwa mu mwandiko. o Gusoma bucece. o Gusoma mu matsinda. o Gusoma aranguruye agaragaza

isesekaza. o Gukorera mu matsinda, bungurana

ibitekerezo kuri za gahunda zo kurwanya indwara.

o Gukora inshamake y’umwandiko. o Kujya impaka ku ngaruka zo kutitabira

gahunda zo kurwanya indwara. o Gusobanura Inshoza ya ntera

n’uturango twa ntera. o Kugaragaza intego no kurondora

ibicumbi bya ntera.

˗ MINEPRISEC, Izina na ntera, 1988;

˗ Igitabo gikubiyemo imyandiko;

˗ ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye kurwanya indwara.

Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



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177 | P a g e

Ibicumbi bya ntera.

o Kugaragaza amategeko y’igenamajwi muri ntera.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 4.1

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho by’uwiga ateze amatwi atarogoya

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye kurwanya indwara;

Ibimenyetso cy’uteze amatwi atarogoya;


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.2: Gusubiza neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.1

Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Uwiga yakoresheje neza Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze agaragaza ko yumva umwandiko

ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye kurwanya indwara mu ngiro zitandukanye.

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Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 4.2

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho ku bisubizo byo kumva umwandiko

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya


Insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.3: Gusoma neza umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.1

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 4.3

Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yashubije neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko.

Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yasomye neza umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza.

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Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho uwiga asoma umwandiko

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Isesekaza n’utwatuzo


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.4: Guhimba no kumurika umwandiko akurikiranya neza ingingo

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.1

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 4.4

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi, amashusho n’inyandiko ku Ihimbamwandiko,

Ihinamwandiko n’imurikamwandiko

Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yahimbye anamurika umwandiko akurikiranya neza ingingo.

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180 | P a g e

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya





Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.5: Gutandukanya indwara zandura n’indwara zitandura

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.1

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 4.5

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amashusho n’amajwi uwiga atandukanya indwara

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Indwara zandura n’izitandura;


Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yatandukanyije indwara zandura n’indwara zitandura.

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181 | P a g e

Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.6: Kugaragaza uturemajambo n’amategeko y’igenamajwi muri ntera

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.1

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 4.6

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Ibisubizo ku mikoreshereze y’indangahantu

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Ibicumbi bya ntera;

Igenamajwi muri ntera;


Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yagaragaje uturemajambo n’amategeko y’igenamajwi muri ntera.

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182 | P a g e

LU 5: Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye uwiga agaragaza akamaro k’ubutabazi bw’ibanze no kwandika yubahiriza imyandikire y’Ikinyarwanda.


Umusaruro w’inyigisho:

1. Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze, uwiga agaragaza ko yumva ikinamico ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubuzima bw’imyororokere mu ngiro zitandukanye.

2. Gusubiza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku ikinamico. 3. Gusoma ikinamico yubahiriza uturango..

Amasaha 6

Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.1: Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze, uwiga agaragaza ko yumva

ikinamico ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubuzima bw’imyororokere mu ngiro zitandukanye.

Ikinamico ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubuzima bw’imyororokere;

-bimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya;

Inyunguramagambo ku ngeri y’ikinamico;

Amagambo yabugenewe avuga ku myaka y’ubukure;

Isesekaza n’utwatuzo; Ingingo z’umuco

n’amateka; Udukino ku

nsanganyamatsiko y’ ubuzima bw’imyororokere.

Ikata ry’inyajwi zizoza

ibinyazina ngenera

o Gutega amatwi ikinamico ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubuzima bw’imyororokere.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu. o Gusubiza ibibazo byo kumva

ikinamico n’inyunguramagambo. o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu

ikinamico. o Gusoma bucece ikinamico. o Gusoma bakuramwa baranguruye bigana

abakinankuru. o Gukorera mu matsinda, bungurana

ibitekerezo ku nsanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu ikinamico.

o Kujya impaka ku ngaruka z’imyitwarire idakwiye.

o Gukata ku buryo buboneye inyajwi zizoza ibinyazina ngenera, ibyungo “na” na “nka” n’indangahantu “ku”na ”mu” bikurikiwe n’ijambo ritangiwe n’inyajwi.

o Gutahura no gukosora amakosa yubahiriza ikata n’itakara ry’inyajwi.

˗ Ibitabo bikubiyemo imyandiko yerekeyeubuzima bw’imyorororkere;

˗ Ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo ;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo; ˗ Amabwiriza ya

Minisitiri N0 001/2014 yo ku wa 08/10/2014 agenga imyandikire y’Ikinyarwanda nk’uko yasohotse mu Igazeti ya Leta N0 41 bis yo ku wa 13/10/2014.

Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



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183 | P a g e

n’ibyungo “na” na “nka”;

Inyajwi zisoza zidakatwa;

Inyajwi zitangira amazina; akurikira indangahantu “mu” na ”ku”.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 5.1

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho by’uwiga ateze amatwi atarogoya

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Ikinamico ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye k’ubutabazi bw’ibanze

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoye


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.2: Gusubiza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku ikinamico.

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.1

Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Uwiga yakoresheje neza Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze agaragaza ko yumva ikinamico

ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubuzima bw’imyororokere mu ngiro


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Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 5.2

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amashusho n’amajwi ku bibazo byo kumva ikinamico

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Inyunguramagambo ku ngeri y’ikinamico;

Ingingo z’umuco n’amateka


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.3: Gusoma ikinamico yubahiriza uturango.

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.1

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 5.3

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yashubije ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku ikinamico.

Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yasomye ikinamico yubahiriza uturango twayo.

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185 | P a g e

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho by’uwiga asoma ikinamico

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Isesekaza n’utwatuzo


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.4: Guhimba no gukina ikinamico akurikiranya neza ingingo.

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.1

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 5.4

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi, amashusho n’inyandiko z’udukino

Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yahimbye anakina ikinamico ahuza imvugo n’ingiro.

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186 | P a g e

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Udukino ku nsanganyamatsiko y’ ubuzima bw’imyororokere;


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.5: Gukoresha amagambo yabugenewe avuga kigero k’imyaka


Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.1

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 5.5

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Ibisubizo ku myitozo y’amagambo avuga ku myaka y’ubukure

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Amagambo yabugenewe avuga ku myaka y’ubukure;


Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yakoresheje amagambo yabugenewe avuga ikigero k’imyaka y’ubukure.

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187 | P a g e

Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.6: Gukoresha ikata n’itakara ry’inyajwi mu myandikire


Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.1

Reba Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.1

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 5.6

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Ibisubizo ku myitozo ku ikata n’itakara ry’inyajwi mu myandikire

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Ikata ry’inyajwi zizoza ibinyazina ngenera n’ibyungo “na” na “nka”;

Inyajwi zisoza zidakatwa

Inyajwi zitangira amazina akurikira indangahantu “mu” na ”ku”.


Ibyigwa Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yakoresheje neza ikata n’itakara ry’inyajwi mu myandikire y’Ikinyarwanda.

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Ibitabo n’inyandiko byifashishijwe:

1. BIZIMANA S, KAYUMBA C., (2011), Inkoranya y’ikinyarwanda mu Kinyarwanda, IRST, 2ème, Edition

2. BIZIMANA, S., RWABUKUMBA, G., (2011), Inkoranya y’ikinyarwanda mu Kinyarwanda, IRST, 1ère Edition


Promotion et intégration des langues nationales dans les systèmes éducatifs, Librairie Honoré Champion, Paris.

5. COUPEZ A. (1961) Grammaire Rwanda Simplifiée, Usumbura 6. Dictionnaire Rwandais-Français, Edition abrégée et adaptée par Irénée JACOB. 7. FOUNTAIN PUBLISHERS, (2011), Ikinyarwanda, Igitabo cy’umunyeshuri, Umwaka wa 4, Fountain

Publishers, Kigali 8. FOUNTAIN PUBLISHERS, (2011), Ikinyarwanda, Igitabo cy’umwarimu, Umwaka wa 5, Fountain

Publishers, Kigali 9. FOUNTAIN PUBLISHERS, (2011), Ikinyarwanda, Igitabo cy’umwarimu, Umwaka wa 6, Fountain

Publishers, Kigali 10. GAGNÉ, G., PAGÉ, M. na ARRAB, E, (2002), Didactique des langues maternelles. Questions

actuelles dans différentes régions du monde, De Boeck Universitégions du monde, De Boeck Université, Bruxelles.

11. GASIMBA F.X (2004), Inganzo y’Ubwanditsi, Prix Kadima 12. INTEKO NYARWANDA Y’URURIMI N’UMUCO (RALC), (2013), Indangagaciro z’Umuco w’u Rwanda,

Imfashanyigisho ibanza, Kigali Rwanda 13. KAGIRANEZA Z. (1989), Igitaramo ku mateka y’u Rwanda, MINESUPRESS 14. MINISTERI Y’AMASHURI ABANZA N’AYISUMBUYE (1986) Ikinyarwanda: Ikibonezamvugo cyo mu

Cyiciro cya Gatatu, Kigali 15. UNIVERSITY OF RWANDA/COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (2014), Umusogongero ku Buvanganzo

Nyarwanda, Kigali. 16. VANHOVE J. (1941), Essai de Droit Coutumier du Ruanda, Bruxelles, Librairie Falk fils.

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CCMFR301 Pratiquer les activités de communication en français dans le métier

Niveau: 4 Heures d’apprentissage

Credits: 3 30

Secteur: Tous

Option: Toutes

Date d élaboration: Novembre, 2017

But visé

Ce module décrit les activités de communication en français dans le métier. A la fin de ce module,

l’apprenant sera capable de réagir à un message oral qui lui est adressé, répondre oralement aux

questions de compréhension, exposer une opinion devant l’auditoire, lire un texte lié à son métier,

exécuter les accords, et utiliser les discours (direct et / ou indirect) dans la phrase.module décrit

l’application des éléments de la langue aux domaines techniques. A la fin de ce module, l’apprenant

sera capable de lire les différents textes techniques devant le public, rédiger des textes simples et autres

écrits techniques, appliquer certains éléments de la littérature en rapport avec le métier, utiliser les

expressions usuelles de la langue française tels que jeux de rôles, devinettes, humours, proverbes et

dictons et rédiger des lettres en rapport avec le métier.

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Prerequis pour le nouvel apprentissage

Elements fondamentaux de la communication en Français

Expression dans le langage simple en Français

Elements de competence et les Critères de performance

Les unités d’apprentissage décrivent les résultats essentiels d’une compétence

A la fin de ce module, l’apprenant sera capable de:

Elements de competence Critères de performance

1. Réagir à un message oral qui lui est


1.1. Ecoute attentive du message par les gestes appropriés

1.2. Manifestation des émotions d’une façon appropriée

1.3. Rétroaction adaptée au message par des réactions

conformes aux connotations identifiées

2. Répondre oralement aux questions

de compréhension.

2.1. Précision nette de sa réponse relative au texte

2.2. Prononciation distincte des énoncés de ses réponses

2.3. Articulation convenable tenant compte de la


3. Exposer une opinion devant


3.1. Production effective d’avis personnels dans son

argumentation devant l’auditoire

3.2. Défense systématique des arguments pertinents

3.3. Application correcte des techniques de l’éloquence

4. Lire un texte lié à son métier. 4.1. Lecture appropriée respectant les signes de


4.2. Lecture méthodique respectant les éléments

segmentaux et supra segmentaux

4.3. Production effective des messages personnels liés à

son métier

5. Exécuter les accords 5.1. Traitement correct des règles d'accord du verbe avec

le sujet

5.2. Traitement correct des règles d'accord avec le


5.3. Traitement correct des règles d'accord avec le genre

et le nombre

5.4. Traitement correct des accords particuliers du

participe passé

6. Utiliser les discours (direct et / ou

indirect) dans la phrase

6.1. Utilisation correct du discours direct.

6.2. Utilisation correct du discours indirect

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6.3. Utilisation approprié de la ponctuation et du

changement des temps liée au passage du discours

direct vers le discours indirect.

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LU 1: Réagir à un message oral qui lui est adressé



1. Réaliser l’écoute du message par les gestes appropriés. 2. Manifester des émotions suite au message reçu. 3. Répondre au message par des réactions conformes aux connotations



Résultats d’apprentissage 1.1:Réaliser l’écoute du message par les gestes appropriés.

Ecoute du message Faire des gestes d’acceptation ou de

refus réagissant au message.

- Livres et Textes - Illustrations - Dialogues - CD audio-visuels

Evaluation Formative 1.1

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré le critere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Instruments d’evaluation du portfolio



Contenus Activitésd’Apprentissage Ressources

Critère de performance

Ecoute attentive du message par les gestes appropriés

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Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Gestes répondant au message reçu :


Gestes de désaccord

Gestes de confusion


Résultats d’apprentissage 1.2:Manifester des émotions suite au message reçu.

Manifestation des émotions

Manifester des émotions de joie ou de tristesse en réponse au message reçu.

- Livres et Textes - Illustrations - Dialogues - CD audio-visuels

Evaluation Formative 1.2

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré le critere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Instruments d’evaluation du portfolio



Contenus Activitésd’Apprentissage Ressources

Critère de performance

Manifestation des émotions d’une façon appropriée

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Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Emotions de joie (rire)

Emotions de désolation (pleurs).


Résultats d’apprentissage 1.3:Répondre au message par des réactions conformes aux

connotations identifiées.

Rétroaction à la connotation du message

Répondre aux messages oraux ou écrits compte tenu de leur connotation en rapport avec le métier

- Livres et Textes - Illustrations - Dialogues - CD audio-visuels

Evaluation Formative 1.3

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré le critere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio



Activités proposées :

Identifier les termes liés au métier dans le message reçu.

Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Interprétation de trois (3) termes qui connotent le métier évoqué dans le message.


Contenus Activités d’Apprentissage Ressources

Critère de performance

Rétroaction adaptée à la connotation du message

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LU 2: Répondre oralement aux questions de compréhension.


Résultats d’apprentissage:

1. Préciser la réponse relative au texte. 2. Prononcer des énoncés de ses réponses. 3. Articuler en tenant compte de la ponctuation.

4 Heures

Résultats d’apprentissage 2.1: Préciser la réponse relative au texte.

Précision de sa réponse liée au texte

Répondre oralement à des questions de compréhension du texte.

- Textes - Illustrations - Dialogues - CD audio-


Evaluation Formative 2.1

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré le critere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Contenus Activités d’Apprentissage Ressources

Critère de performance

Précision nette de sa réponse relative au texte

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Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio



Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Trois (3) réponses aux questions de compréhension


Résultats d’apprentissage 2.2:Prononcer des énoncés de ses réponses

Prononciation des énoncés de ses réponses

Prononcer des énoncés en articulant distinctement.

- Textes - Illustrations - Dialogues - CD audio-visuels;

Evaluation Formative 2.2

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré le critere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio



Activités Proposées :

Lire silencieusement les énoncés.

Contenus Activités d’Apprentissage Ressources

Critère de performance

Prononciation distincte des énoncés de ses réponses

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Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Prononciation de trois (3) énoncés dans ses réponses


Résultats d’apprentissage 2.3: Articuler en tenant compte de la ponctuation



Répondre oralement en respectant la ponctuation.

- Textes - Illustrations - Dialogues - CD audio-visuels;

Evaluation Formative 2.3

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré le critere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio


Preuves orales

Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Réponses à trois (3) questions de compréhension du texte en respectant la ponctuation.


Contenus Activités d’Apprentissage Ressources

Critère de performance

Articulation convenable tenant compte de la ponctuation

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LU 3: Exposer une opinion devant l’auditoire


Résultats d’apprentissage:

1. Produire des avis personnels dans son argumentation devant l’auditoire.

2. Défendre des arguments pertinents. 3. Appliquer des techniques de l’éloquence.

6 Heures

Résultats d’apprentissage 3.1: Produire des avis personnels dans son argumentation devant


Production d’avis dans son argumentation devant l’auditoire

Produire un texte défendant son opinion et le lire en classe.

- Textes - Illustrations - Dialogues - CD audio-visuels;

Evaluation Formative 3.1

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré le critere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Contenus Activités d’Apprentissage Ressources

Critère de performance

Production effective d’avis personnels dans son argumentation devant


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Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio

Preuves écrites

Preuves orales

Activités proposées :

Préparer par écrit les arguments à exposer.

Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Trois (3) arguments pour défendre sa position


Résultats d’apprentissage 3.2:Défendre des arguments pertinents.




Produire un texte d’opinion contenant des arguments de défense.

- Textes - Illustrations - Dialogues - CD audio-visuels;

Evaluation Formative 3.2

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré le critere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio

Preuves écrites

Preuves orales

Activités proposées :

Préparer par écrit le texte à exposer..

Contenus Activitésd’Apprentissage Ressources

Critère de performance

Défense systématique des arguments pertinents

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Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Production d’un texte avec trois (3) idées enchaînées avec logique


Résultats d’apprentissage 3.3:Appliquer des techniques de l’éloquence.

Techniques de l’éloquence

Produire un texte d’opinion contenant des précautions oratoires.

- Textes - Illustrations - Dialogues - CD audio-visuels;

Evaluation Formative 3.3

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré le critere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio

Preuves écrites

Preuves orales

Activités Proposées :

Lire le texte donné.

Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Application de trois (3) techniques de l’éloquence :


Contenus Activitésd’Apprentissage Ressources

Critère de performance

Application correcte des techniques de l’éloquence

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LU 4: Lire un texte lié à son métier


Résultats d’apprentissage:

1. Lire en respectant les signes de ponctuation. 2. Lire en respectant les éléments segmentaux et supra

segmentaux. 3. Produire des messages personnels liés au métier.

4 Heures

Résultats d’apprentissage 4.1. Lire en respectant les signes de ponctuation.

Signes de ponctuation


Point d’interrogation

Point d’exclamation

Point de suspension




Double point.

Lire des textes de son métier en respectant les signes de ponctuation.

- Textes - Illustrations - Dialogues - CD audio-visuels;

Evaluation Formative 4.1

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré le critere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Contenus Activités d’Apprentissage Ressources

Critère de performance

Lecture appropriée respectant les signes de ponctuation

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Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio

Preuves écrites

Preuves orales

Activités Proposées

Lire le texte donné.

Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Lecture d’un paragraphe d’un texte sur le métier en respectant les signes de ponctuation à l’intérieur et en fin de la phrase.


Résultats d’apprentissage 4.2Lire en respectant les éléments segmentaux et supra


Eléments segmentaux




Supra segmentaux




Lire des textes de son métier en respectant l’articulation et l’intonation.




CD audio-visuels;

Evaluation Formative 4.2

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré le critere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Contenus Activitésd’Apprentissage Ressources

Critère de performance

Lecture méthodique respectant les éléments segmentaux et supra segmentaux

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Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio

Preuves écrites

Preuves orales

Activités Proposées :

Lire le paragraphe donné.

Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Lecture d’un paragraphe en respectant :

Les syllables

Les liaisons

Les accents


Résultats d’apprentissage 4.3 Produire des messages personnels liés au métier.

Messages personnels



Composer un texte lié à son métier et le lire en classe.

- Textes - Illustrations - Dialogues - CD audio-visuels;

Evaluation Formative 4.3

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré le critere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Contenus Activités d’Apprentissage Ressources

Critère de performance

Production effective des messages personnels liés à son métier

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Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio


Preuves orales

Activités Proposées :

Rédiger un texte

Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Production d’un texte contenant au moins cinq (5) termes relatifs à son métier


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LU 5: Exécuter les accords


Résultats d’apprentissage

1. Traiter les règles d'accord du verbe avec le sujet. 2. Traiter les règles d'accord avec le participe. 3. Traiter les règles d'accord avec le genre et le nombre. 4. Traiter les accords particuliers du participe passé

6 Heures

Résultats d’apprentissage 5.1. Traiter les règles d'accord du verbe avec le sujet.

Règles d'accord

Verbe avec le sujet.

Exécuter l’accord du verbe avec le sujet en construisant les phrases avec les verbes déjà étudiés.

- Livres et Textes - Illustrations - Dialogues - CD audio-visuels - Site internet

Evaluation Formative 5.1

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré le critere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio

Preuves écrites

Preuves orales

Contenus Activités d’Apprentissage Ressources

Critère de performance

Traitement correct des règles d'accord du verbe avec le sujet

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Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Correction de trois (3) phrases d’applications des règles d'accord du verbe avec le sujet


Résultats d’apprentissage 5.2 : Traiter les règles d'accord avec le participe.



Exécuter l’accord avec le participe dans les phrases proposées.

- Livres et Textes - Illustrations - Dialogues - CD audio-visuels - Site internet

Evaluation Formative 5.2

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré le critere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio

Preuves écrites

Preuves orales

Contenus Activitésd’Apprentissage Ressources

Critère de performance

Traitement correct des règles d'accord avec le participe

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Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Correction de trois (3) phrases d’applications des règles d'accord du verbe avec le participe.


Résultats d’apprentissage 5.3Traiter les règles d'accord avec le genre et le nombre.




Exécuter l’accord avec le genre et le nombre dans les phrases proposées.

- Livres et Textes - Illustrations - Dialogues - CD audio-visuels - Site internet

Evaluation Formative 5.3

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré le critere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio


Preuves orales

Contenus Activités d’Apprentissage Ressources

Critère de performance

Traitement correct des règles d'accord avec le genre et le nombre

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Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Correction de trois (3) phrases d’applications des règles d'accord avec le genre

Correction de trois (3) phrases d’applications des règles d'accord avec le nombre


Résultats d’apprentissage 5.4Traiter les accords particuliers du participe passé.

Accords particuliers du participe passé

Participe passé suivi d’un infinitive

Participe passé des verbes pronominaux

Exécuter les accords particulierdu participe passé

- Livres et Textes - Illustrations - Dialogues - CD audio-visuels - Site internet

Evaluation Formative 5.4

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré le critere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio


Preuves orales

Contenus Activités d’Apprentissage Ressources

Critère de performance

Traitement correct des accords particuliers

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Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Production d’un texte contenant au moins cinq (5) termes relatifs à son métier


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LU 6: Exécuter les accords


Résultats d’apprentissage

1. Utiliser le discours direct. 2. Utiliser le discours indirect. 3. Utiliser la ponctuation et les changements des temps liés au

discours direct et au discours indirect

4 Heures

Résultats d’apprentissage 6.1. Utiliser le discours direct.

Discours direct Mettre les phrases au discours direct. - Livres et Textes - Illustrations - Dialogues - CD audio-visuels - Site internet

Evaluation Formative 6.1

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré le critere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio

Preuves écrites

Preuves orales

Contenus Activités d’Apprentissage Ressources

Critère de performance

Utilisation correcte du discours direct

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Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Composition de deux (2) phrases en utilisant le discours direct


Résultats d’apprentissage 6.2. Utiliser le discours indirect.

Discours indirect Mettre les phrases au discours indirect. - Livres et Textes - Illustrations - Dialogues - CD audio-visuels - Site internet

Evaluation Formative 6.2

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré le critere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio

Preuves écrites

Preuves orales

Contenus Activités d’Apprentissage Ressources

Critère de performance

Utilisation correcte du discours indirect

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212 | P a g e

Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Composition de deux (2) phrases en utilisant le discours indirect


Résultats d’apprentissage 6.3 : Utiliser la ponctuation et les changements des temps liés au

discours direct et au discours indirect.


Discours direct

Discours indirect

Utiliser les signes de ponctuation propres au discours direct.

Utiliser les signes de ponctuation et les changements des temps propres au discours indirect.

- Livres et Textes - Illustrations - Dialogues - CD audio-visuels - Site internet

Evaluation Formative 6.3

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré le critere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio


Preuves orales

Contenus Activités d’Apprentissage Ressources

Critère de performance

Utilisation correcte de la ponctuation liée au discours direct et au discours


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213 | P a g e

Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Correction d’un texte en indiquant quatre (4) cas de ponctuation liée au discours direct et au discours indirect

Correction d’un texte en indiquant quatre (4) cas liés au changement de temps lors du passage du vers discours direct et au discours indirect



1. Édouard BLED et Odette BLED, BLED Orthographe, HACHETTE LIVRE, 1998Ministère de l’Enseignement Primaire et Secondaire (1983) Ma Colline, Méthode de français pour les écoles primaires. 5ème, Livre du maître

2. GREVISSE Maurice (1990). Précis de grammaire française 3. Librairie Larousse (Canada) (1972). Dictionnaire PETIT LAROUSSE en couleurs 4. National Curriculum Development Centre (2007). A l’unisson : Méthode de français. ISBN : 978-2-

7531-0103-6 5. EDICEF – CNDP MINEDUC (2002). Apprenons le français au Rwanda. ISBN : 978-2-84129-826-6 6. Y.DELATOUR et all, Grammaire du français, HACHETTE, Paris, 1991.

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CCMKK301 Kutumia Kiswahili Wastani

Daraja: 3 Saazinazofaa

Idadiyavipindi: 3 30

Idara: Zote

Mikondo: Yote

Wakatiilipoandaliwa:Januari, 2017


Modulihiiinaelezaujuzi na uwezovinavyostahiliwailimwanafunziaweze:

Kutumiakiswahiliwastanikwakusikiliza, kusoma, kuzungumza na kuandikakatikashughulizakazi; Kutumiaherufikimaandishi na kiamzungumzokwakuzingatia lafudhi na shadazakiwasihili; Kuwasilishahabari/ujumbekimazungumzo na kimaaandishikwakuzingatiamatumiziyanyakatiza

Kiswahili; Kuwasilishahabari/ujumbekimazungumzo na

kimaaandishikwakuzingatiamatumiziyaainazamaneno na upatanishowakisarufi.

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Si lazima




Mwishonimwa moduli hiimwanafunziatakuwanauwezowa:

Kitengo Vigezovyakitengo

1. Kutumia herufi za Kiswahili katika maandishi na mazungumzo.

1.1. Matamshi ya herufi ya Kiswahili kwa kuzingatia lafudhi. 1.2. Uwezo wa kusoma maneno anayoandikiwa. 1.3. Uwezo wa kuandika maneno na sentensi


2. Kutumia kimaandishi na kimazungumzo nyakati za kiswahili.

2.1.Uwezo wa kutumia nyakati zinazofaa katika sentensi ya kimazungumzo.

2.2.Matumizi ya nyakati zinazofaa katika sentensi ya kimaandishi.

2.3. Matumizi ya viambishi nyakati na viambishi nafsi katika sentensi sahihi.

3. Kutumia kimazungumzo na kimaandishi aina za maneno ya lugha ya kiswahli.

3.1.Uwezo wa kutunga tungo sahihi kwa kutumia aina mbalimbali za maneno kimazungumzo na kimaandishi.

3.2. Uwezo wa kuelewa tungo zilizotolewa na mtu mwingine.

3.3. Uwezo wa kutoa kimazungumzo na kimaandishi sentensi kulingana na upatanisho wa kisarufi.

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LU 1: Kutumia herufi za Kiswahili katika maandishi na mazungumzo



1. Matamshi ya herufi za Kiswahili kwa kuzingatia lafudhi. 2. Uwezo wa kusoma maneno anayoandikiwa. 3. Uwezo wa kuandika maneno na sentensi anayosomewa.


Yanayotegemewa 1.1: Matamshi ya herufi za kiswahili kwa kuzingatia lafudhi.



Irabu ;




o Kutegasikiokifunguchahabari; o Kusomakimya; o Kusomakatikamakundi; o Kusomakwasauti; o Kutiashadakwenyemanenombalimbali.

- Vitabuvyasarufiya kiswahili;

- Vitabuvyahabariza kiswahili;

- Kanda (CD); - Ubao; - Chaki; - Mtandao ; - Kamusiyakiswahili.

TathiminiEndelezi /Arifu1.1

Mwongozo wa Tathimini. Tathimini Endelezi/Arifu

Yaliyomo Kaziyamwanafunzi Vifaa


Matamshi ya herufi za Kiswahili kwa kuzingatia lafudhi na shada za kiswahili.

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Aina za thibitisho Vifaa




Yatakayochunguzwa Matokeo

Ndiyo Bado

Lafudhi yaherufi

Lafudhi yasilabi



Yanayotegemewa 1.2:Uwezo wa kusoma maneno anayoandikiwa.



Silabi ;






o Kutegasikiokifungu cha habari; o Kusomakimya; o Kusomakatikamakundi; o Kusomakwasauti; o Kutiashadakwenyemanenombalimbali; o Kunyambuamanenokatikasilabi.

- Vitabuvyasarufiya kiswahili;

- Vitabuvyahabariza kiswahili;

- Kanda (CD); - Ubao; - Chaki; - Mtandao; - Kamusiyakiswahili.

TathiminiEndelezi /Arifu1.2

Mwongozo wa Tathimini. Tathimini Endelezi/Arifu

Yaliyomo Kaziyamwanafunzi Vifaa


Kusoma maneno anayoandikiwa

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Aina za thibitisho Vifaa




Yatakayochunguzwa Matokeo

Ndiyo Bado

Lafudhi yamaneno



Yanayotegemewa 1.3: Uwezo wa kuandika maneno na sentensi anayosomewa.




o Kutegasikiokifunguchahabari o Kuandikamaneno o Kuandikasentensi

- Vitabuvyahabariza kiswahili;

- Kanda (CD); - Mtandao; - Kamusiya kiswahili; - Kipazasuti; - Kinasa-sauti;

TathiminiEndelezi /Arifu1.3

Mwongozo wa Tathimini. Tathimini Endelezi/Arifu

Aina za thibitisho Vifaa




Yaliyomo Kaziyamwanafunzi Vifaa


Kuandika maneno na sentensi anayosomewa.

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Yatakayochunguzwa Matokeo

Ndiyo Bado




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LU 2: Kutumia kimaandishi na kimazungumzo nyakati za kiswahili



1. Uwezo wa kutumia nyakati zinazofaa katika sentensi ya kimazungumzo

2. Matumizi ya nyakati zinazofaa katika sentensi yakimaandishi. 3. Matumizi ya viambish inyakati na viambishi nafsi katika sentensi



Yanayotegemewa 2.1: Uwezo wa kutumia nyakati zinazofaa katika sentensi ya kimazungumzo.

Kifungu cha habari:




o Kutumia kimazungumzo nyakati katika vitenzi

o Kutumia kimazungumzo nyakati katika sentensi.

- Vitabuvyahabariza kiswahili

- Kanda (CD) - Mtandao - Kamusiya kiswahili - Kipazasuti - Kinasa-sauti.

TathiminiEndelezi /Arifu 2.1

Mwongozo wa Tathimini. Tathimini Endelezi/Arifu

Aina za thibitisho Vifaa

Thibitishoandishi Majibizano


Yaliyomo Kaziyamwanafunzi Vifaa


Kutumia nyakati zinazofaa katika sentensi ya kimazungumzo.

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Yatakayochunguzwa Matokeo

Ndiyo Bado




Yanayotegemewa 2.2: Matumizi ya nyakati zinazofaa katika sentensi ya kimaandishi.

Kifungu cha habari:




o Kutumia kimaandishi nyakati katika vitenzi o Kutungakifunguchahabarikimandishikwakutumiaviambishinyakati.

- Vitabuvyahabariza kiswahili

- Kanda (CD) - Mtandao - Kamusiya kiswahili - Ubao - Chaki

TathiminiEndelezi /Arifu 2.2

Mwongozo wa Tathimini. Tathimini Endelezi/Arifu

Aina za thibitisho Vifaa


Kanda yafilamu


Yatakayochunguzwa Matokeo

Ndiyo Bado




Yaliyomo Kaziyamwanafunzi Vifaa


Matumizi y anyakati zinazofaa katika sentensi yakimaandishi.

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Yanayotegemewa 2.3: Matumizi ya viambishi nyakati na viambishi nafsi katika sentensi sahihi.

Kifungu cha habari:





o Kutunga sentensi kwa kutumia vizuri viambishi nafsi na viambishi nyakati;

o Kutunga kifungu cha habari kimaandishi kwa kutumia viambishi nyakati;

o Kutumia viambishi nafsi na viamabishi nyakat ivizuri katika majibizano.

- Vitabuvyahabariza kiswahili

- Kanda (CD) - Mtandao - Kamusiya kiswahili - Ubao - Chaki

TathiminiEndelezi /Arifu 2.3

Mwongozo wa Tathimini. Tathimini Endelezi/Arifu

Aina za thibitisho Vifaa

Yatakayochunguzwa Matokeo

Ndiyo Bado


Yaliyomo Kaziyamwanafunzi Vifaa


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LU 3: Kutumia kimazungumzo na kimaandishi aina za maneno ya lugha ya kiswahli.



1. Uwezo wa kutunga tungo sahihi kwa kutumia aina mbali mbaliza maneno kimazungumzo na kimaandishi.

2. Uwezo wa kuelewa tungo zilizotolewa na mtu mwingine. 3. Uwezo wa kutoa kimazungumzo na kimaandishi sentensi

kulingana na upatanishowa kisarufi.


Yanayotegemewa 3.1:Uwezo wa kutunga tungo sahihi kwa kutumia aina mbali mbaliza maneno kimazungumzo na kimaandishi.

Kifungu cha habari:








o Kutunga sentensi kwa kutumia aina mbalimbali za maneno kimazungumzo na kimaandishi.

o Kutunga kifungu cha habari kimaandishi kwa kutumia aina mbalimbali za maneno.

o Kutumia vizuri aina mbalimbali za maneno katika majibizano.

- Vitabuvyahabariza kiswahili

- Vitabuvyasarufi - Kanda (CD) - Ubao - chaki.

TathiminiEndelezi /Arifu 3.1

Yaliyomo Kaziyamwanafunzi Vifaa


Utungaji wa tungo sahih ikwa kutumia aina mbalimbali za maneno,

kimazungumzo na kimaandishi.

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Mwongozo wa Tathimini. Tathimini Endelezi/Arifu Aina za thibitisho Vifaa

Thibitisho simulizi/andishi

Kanda ya filamu

Maswali yakinifu



Yatakayochunguzwa Matokeo

Ndiyo Bado


Muundowatungo (Kiima-kitensi-kijalizo)


Yanayotegemewa 3.2:Uwezo wa kuelewa tungo zilizotolewa na mtu mwingine.

Kifungu cha habari:



o Kusikiliza kifungu cha habari; o Kusoma Kifungu cha habari; o Kujibuma swali ya ufahamu kimaandishi

na kimazungumzo.

- Vitabuvyahabariza kiswahili

- Kanda (CD) - Kamusiya Kiswahili - Kipaziasauti - Kinasa-sauti.

TathiminiEndelezi /Arifu 3.1

Mwongozo wa Tathimini. Tathimini Endelezi/Arifu Aina za thibitisho Vifaa

Thibitisho simulizi

Kanda ya filamu



Yaliyomo Kazi ya mwanafunzi Vifaa


Kuelewa tungo zilizotolewa (namtumwingine).

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Yatakayochunguzwa Matokeo

Ndiyo Bado




Yanayotegemewa 3.3: Uwezo wa kutoa kimazungumzo na kimaandishi sentensi kulingana na upatanisho wa kisarufi.

Kifungu cha habari:



o Kusikia kifungu cha habari o Kujibu maswali ya ufahamu

kimazungumzo kwa kuzingatia upatanisho wa kisarufi

o Kutunga sentensi sahihi kwa kutumia aina mbalimbali za maneno na ngeli za majina

- Vitabuvya habari za kiswahili

- Kanda (CD) - Kamusiya Kiswahili - Kipaziasauti - Kinasa-sauti

TathiminiEndelezi /Arifu 3.3

Mwongozo wa Tathimini. Tathimini Endelezi/Arifu Aina za thibitisho Vifaa

Thibitisho simulizi

Kanda ya filamu



Yatakayochunguzwa Matokeo

Ndiyo Bado

Matumizi ya viambishi

Tungo sahihi

Upatanisho wa kisarufi


Yaliyomo Kaziyamwanafunzi Vifaa


Kutoa kimazungumzo na kimaandishi sentensi kulingana na upatanishowa


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1. Nkwera F.V.M. (1985). SarufinaFasihiSekondari na Vyuo, Tanzania Publishing House, Dar es Salaam.

2. TUKI (2004), Kamusiya Kiswahili Sanifu. Dar Es Salaam: Oxford University Press 3. Wamitila, K.W. (2003), KamusiyaFasihi, Istilahi na Nadharia. Nairobi: Focas Book 4. Hassan O. Ali& Ali Mazrui (2004). Teach yourself Swahili.Nairobi: Oxford University Press.

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CCMBC301 Create a business

REQF Level: 3 Learning hours

Credits: 3 30

Sector: All

Sub-sector: All

Issue date: July, 2014

Purpose statement

This module describes the skills and knowledge required to start up and operate a business. At

the end of this module, the participants will be aware of the characteristics of an entrepreneur,

principles and tools behind socio-economic environment assessment. They can apply

techniques to recognize business opportunities. They can convert business opportunity into

business ideas, determine business requirements and produce a business idea proposal. They

are able to organize, follow and record day to day business operations. The participants

simulate a market after which they are familiar with the business operations. They can manage

relationship with different business stakeholders.

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Learning assumed to be in place Communicate effectively at workplace

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Describe entrepreneurial characteristics

1.1. Proper identification of personal entrepreneurial characteristics

1.2. Proper description of personal entrepreneurial characteristics

2. Assess business environment 2.1. Proper application of methods, principles and techniques in identification of problems related to economic environment

2.2. Relevant recognition of business opportunities that are linked to the identified problems.

2.3. Adequate application of techniques to generate a business idea.

2.4. Adequate use of tools and techniques to identify business requirements.

3. Produce business idea proposal 3.1. Adequate identification of the proposal components according to the template proposed

3.2. Relevant development of the components in terms of formulation of the business naming, description of the business idea and business operations, the product and/or service of the business, target customers, requirement in terms of capital, location and timeline of main phases of the business.

3.3. Proper presentation of the business proposal according to the criteria defined.

4. Run a business. 4.1. Appropriate planning of operations of the business in terms of activities, allocation of resources, milestones and time period for the achievement.

4.2. Adequate classification of business operations 4.3. Adequate recording of day to day business operations

in terms of financial activities, sales and operational activities.

4.4. Adequate filing of documents related to business

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4.5. Appropriate identification of business laws and regulations

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LU 1: Identify and describe entrepreneurial characteristics


Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify entrepreneurial characteristics 2. Describe entrepreneurial characteristics

3 Hours

Learning Outcome 1.1: Identify entrepreneurial characteristics.

Definition of entrepreneurship

Characteristics and competencies of an entrepreneur

o Brainstorming on definition of entrepreneurship

o Group work on characteristics and competencies of an entrepreneur

o Presentation on characteristics and competencies of an entrepreneur

o Individual work (Case studies analysis)

o Guest speaker o Self-Assessment o Elaborate strategies for

improvement (individually)

- Flipchart - Markers - Pen - Notebooks - Projector - Computer - Questionnaire - Pen - Reference books

Formative Assessment 1.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper identification of personal entrepreneurial characteristics

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence True and false questions: Circle the right answer (s) from the statement given about the list of personal characteristics

Multiple choice questions : underline the characteristics that fall in the specified category

From the case study given identify the possessed and missing

entrepreneurial characteristics of the person in the scenario.

Checklist Score

Yes No

Personal characteristics of an entrepreneur

Categories of personal characteristics of an entrepreneur: - Performance group - Power group - Planning group


Learning Outcome 1.2: Describe entrepreneurial characteristics.

Definition of entrepreneurship

Characteristics and competencies of an entrepreneur

o Brainstorming on definition of entrepreneurship

o Group work on characteristics and competencies of an entrepreneur

o Presentation on characteristics and competencies of an entrepreneur

o Individual work (Case studies analysis)

o Guest speaker o Self-Assessment o Elaborate strategies for

improvement (individually)

- Flipchart - Markers - Pen - Notebooks - Projector - Computer - Questionnaire - Pen - Reference books

Content Learning



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Formative Assessment 1.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence Essay on description of personal entrepreneurial characteristics

(the case is given in section B)

Checklist Score

Yes No

Explanation in detail of personal characteristics

Description categories of personal characteristics of an entrepreneur


Performance criterion

Proper description of personal entrepreneurial characteristics.

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LU 2: Assess business environment


Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply methods, principles and techniques in identification of problems related to economic environment

2. Recognize business opportunities 3. Apply techniques to generate a business idea. 4. Use tools and techniques to identify business requirements.

6 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1 Apply methods, principles and techniques in identification of problems

related to economic environment

Definition of socio-economic environment

Types of problems linked to economic environment

Environment screening methods, principles, techniques and process.

o Brainstorming on the socio economic environment definition

o Identification of problems linked to economic environment on the field

o Presentation of the field outcomes

- Flipchart - Markers - Pen - Internet - Reference books

Formative Assessment 2.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of techniques in identification of problems related to

economic environment

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence Produce a 1 page report including : Problems identified in a chosen specific area.

Techniques used.

Checklist Score

Yes No

Techniques in identification of problems

Reporting format


Learning Outcome 2.2 Recognize business opportunities.

Definition of market

Definition of business opportunity

Business opportunities recognition process

Innovation and creativity techniques of converting business opportunities into business ideas

Techniques of selecting the best business idea

Macro screening

Micro screening


o Group discussion on market o Brainstorming on business

opportunity o Case studies analysis on

recognition of business opportunities

o Individual practical exercises on converting business opportunity into business ideas.

o Individual practical exercises on filtering the business idea.

- Flipchart - Markers - Pen - Internet - Reference books

Formative Assessment 2.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Relevant recognition of business opportunities that are linked to the identified problems.

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence Identify opportunities linked to the previously identified problem.

Checklist Score

Yes No

Process and techniques used to recognize business opportunities

Potential solutions to the problem.


Learning Outcome 2. 3 Apply techniques to generate a business idea.

Definition of market

Definition of business opportunity

Business opportunities recognition process

Innovation and creativity techniques of converting business opportunities into business ideas

Techniques of selecting the best business idea

Macro screening

Micro screening


o Group discussion on market o Brainstorming on business

opportunity o Case studies analysis on

recognition of business opportunities

o Individual practical exercises on converting business opportunity into business ideas.

o Individual practical exercises on filtering the business idea.

- Flipchart - Markers - Pen - Internet - Reference books

Formative Assessment 2.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Adequate application of techniques to generate a business idea.

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence Produce the best business idea and present a report of the process

followed and techniques used.

Checklist Score

Yes No

Techniques for Generating business ideas


Learning Outcome 2. 4 Use tools and techniques to identify business requirements.

Techniques and process of business requirements analysis

Data collection techniques

Use cases

Building prototypes

Categories of business requirements





o Conducting data collection on business requirements

o Role-play o Group discussion on business

requirements o Individual practice on identification

of business requirements

- Flipchart - Markers - Pen - Reference books - Computer - Internet

Formative Assessment 2.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Adequate use of tools and techniques to identify business requirements.

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Perfomance evidence Through simulation in class, apply techniques and tools to identify

the requirements related to the selected business idea.

Checklist Score

Yes No

Techniques and process of business requirements analysis


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LU 3: Assess and react to play incidents


Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify business idea proposal components 2. Develop a business idea proposal 3. Present business proposal

10 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1: Identify business idea proposal components

Identification and description of elements of components of the proposal: Identification of the owner Business idea description Product/service description Market Cost of the project Feasibility

Guidelines in elaborating a business proposal

o Brainstorming on business proposal components

o Individual practice on production of business proposal of the previously selected business idea

o Group work o Case studies analysis o Presentation of the business


- Template of a business idea proposal

- Flipchart - Pen - Reference books - Case studies of


Formative Assessment 3.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Adequate identification of the proposal components according to the template proposed

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence Multiple choice : From the below list, encircle the true components of a business idea proposal.

Checklist Score

Yes No

Components of business idea proposal


Learning Outcome 3.2 Develop a business idea proposal

Identification and description of elements of components of the proposal: Identification of the owner Business idea description Product/service description Market Cost of the project Feasibility

Guidelines in elaborating a business proposal

o Brainstorming on business proposal components

o Individual practice on production of business proposal of the previously selected business idea

o Group work o Case studies analysis o Presentation of the business


- Template of a business idea proposal

- Flipchart - Pen - Reference books - Case studies of


Formative Assessment 3.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Relevant description of the components in terms of formulation of the business

naming, description of the business idea and business operations, the product

and/or service of the business, target customers, requirement in terms of

capital, location and timeline of main phases of the business.

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence Produce a business idea proposal of maximum 2 pages

Checklist Score

Yes No

Business idea proposal document content

Business idea proposal template


Learning Outcome 3.3. Present business proposal

Identification and description of elements of components of the proposal: Identification of the owner Business idea description Product/service description Market Cost of the project Feasibility

Guidelines in elaborating a business proposal

o Brainstorming on business proposal components

o Individual practice on production of business proposal of the previously selected business idea

o Group work o Case studies analysis o Presentation of the business


- Template of a business idea proposal

- Flipchart - Pen - Reference books - Case studies of


Formative Assessment 3.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper presentation of the business proposal according to the criteria defined.

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Perormance evidence Present to the class audience your business idea proposal.

Checklist Score

Yes No

Presentation techniques


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LU 4: Run a business


Learning Outcomes:

1. Plan business operations 2. Classify business operations 3. Record day to day business operations 4. Perform filing of documents related to business 5. Identify business laws and regulations

11 Hours

Learning Outcome 4.1: Plan business operations

Planning of operations of the business Activities Allocation of resources, Milestones Time period for the


o Brainstorming on elements of a plan of business operations

o Demonstration on Operational plan elaboration

o Individual practice on Operational plan elaboration

- Reference books - Operational plan

template - Flipchart - Markers

Formative Assessment 4.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate planning of operations of the business in terms of activities, allocation of resources, milestones and time period for the achievement.

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243 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence

Written evidence

True and false questions: Circle the right answer (s) from the statement given about the components of Action Plan

From the components of an Action plan, produce an action Plan

using the given template

Checklist Score

Yes No

Components of action plan

Action plan of content

Action Plan template


Learning Outcome 4.2 Classify business operations

Financial activities Accounting procedures and

principles Accounting books Accounting documents identification of income and

expenses to create a profit and loss statement

identification of business assets and liabilities

identification of the timing of income and expenses to create a cash flow forecast

Ways of spending money effectively

Saving and loan management

Sales activities: Sales daily operations and

techniques Sales system Marketing and advertising costs

o Brainstorming on business operations

o Group work o Case studies analysis o Create a balance sheet o Individual practical

exercises on negotiating with stakeholders.

o Designing your production process

o Performance evidence presentation on stakeholders relationship

o Role play on stakeholders relationship s

o Individual practice on money spending

o Individual practice on loan management

- Role play scenarios - Hand-outs - Performance

evidences - Flipchart - Markers - Case studies - Worksheet of

production process - Performance

evidences projector

- Computer

Content Learning



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Operational activities: Functions of your business Production process Technology, equipment and raw

materials Administrative procedures and

tasks - Meetings - Correspondences

Stakeholders relationship: Dealing with suppliers Dealing with customers Dealing with employees Financial institutions Local government

Formative Assessment 4.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence Match business activities with operations

Checklist Score

Yes No

Categorization of business operations:

Operational activities.

Administrative activities.

Financial activities.


Performance criterion

Adequate classification of business operations

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Learning Outcome 4.3. Record day to day business operations

Financial activities Accounting procedures and

principles Accounting books Accounting documents identification of income and

expenses to create a profit and loss statement

identification of business assets and liabilities

identification of the timing of income and expenses to create a cash flow forecast

Ways of spending money effectively

Saving and loan management

Sales activities: Sales daily operations and

techniques Sales system Marketing and advertising costs

Operational activities: Functions of your business Production process Technology, equipment and raw

materials Administrative procedures and

tasks - Meetings - Correspondences

Stakeholders relationship: Dealing with suppliers Dealing with customers Dealing with employees Financial institutions Local government

o Brainstorming on business operations

o Group work o Case studies analysis o Create a balance sheet o Individual practical exercises

on negotiating with stakeholders.

o Designing your production process

o Performance evidence presentation on stakeholders relationship

o Role play on stakeholders relationship s

o Individual practice on money spending

o Individual practice on loan management

- Role play scenarios - Hand-outs - Performance

evidences - Flipchart - Markers - Case studies - Worksheet of

production process - Performance

evidences projector - Computer

Content Learning



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Formative Assessment 4.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence

Written evidence

True or False Quiz: Find out if each of the following activities is either involved or not in specified type of business activity.

Multiple choice questions: underline the documents that fall in the specified category

From the case study given record the operating, investing, and

financing activities.

Checklist Score

Yes No

List of core business activities (manufacturing, distributing, marketing, selling a product or service, and etc…)

List and categories of documents needed for daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual and year-end bookkeeping & bookkeeping start-up

Use recordkeeping system to ensure that we never miss a thing.


Performance criterion

Adequate recording of day to day business operations in terms of financial

activities, sales and operational

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Learning Outcome 4.4. Perform filing of documents related to business

Business documents filing system

Filing techniques and procedures of business operations: Type of the operation Existing filing system

o Brainstorming on filing system, techniques and procedures of business operations

o Development of own filing system catered to his own business

o Practical exercise on classification of business operations

- Shelves - Files - Flipchart - Reference books - Papers - Markers - Business

document samples

Formative Assessment 4.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence

Written evidence

Essay: briefly explain the implications involved in losing or misplacing business documents.

Task: File the business documents.

Checklist Score

Yes No

Importance of filing business documents

Consequences or implications relating to misplacing and/or losing business documents

Filing system

Filing techniques: By categories By chronologic order

Filing tools and storage Appropriate containers of files in safe environment


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Adequate filing of documents related to business

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Learning Outcome 4.5. Identify business laws and regulations

Legal framework Commercial law Labor law Tax law Tax registrations in Rwanda and

business structure

Legal issues and implications of business contract

o Case studies analysis o Group work o Presentation o Guest speaker

- Case studies - Reference books - Projector - Business laws - Computer - Internet

Formative Assessment 4.5

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence Produce the best business idea and present a report of the process

followed and techniques used.

Checklist Score

Yes No



Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate identification of business laws and regulations

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C C M F A 3 0 1 - FIRST AID

CCMFA301 Provide First Aids

REQF Level: 3 Learning hours

Credits: 3 30

Sector: Physical fitness and sports services

Sub-sector: Athletics

Issue date: January, 2018

Purpose statement

This is a core module which describes skills, knowledge and attitude required to develop general skills

and knowledge. At the end of this module, the trainee will be able to handle injuries or incidents during

sports activities.

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Learning assumed to be in place

Not applicable

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Handle the patient 1.1 Proper handling of the patient according to the “ do

not harm” rules

1.2 Proper collection of information from the patient

1.3 Proper selection of patient position

2. Identify the patient problems 2.1 Proper identification of incidents

2.2 Proper identification of injuries

2.3 Appropriate decision according to the injury or incident

3. Apply first aid techniques 3.1. Proper choice of first aid tools according to the

injury or incident

3.2. Appropriate application of techniques according to the

injury or incident

3.3. Appropriate transfer of the patient to the nearest


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LU 1: Handle the patient


Learning Outcomes:

1. Handle the patient according to the “do not harm” rules 2. Collect information from the patient 3. Select the position for the patient

5 Hours

Learning Outcome 1.1: Handle the patient according to the “do not harm” rules.

Guidelines of ‘’do not harm rules’’ in First Aid

Application of the no H.A.R.M (Heat, Alcohol, Running / Exercising the injured area, Massage)

o Practical exercises on

patient handling drills o Audio-visual analysis of patient

handling drills o Games rules

- Rolled blanket - Blanket with 2 poles - Chair - Shirts/Gunnysacks - Audio- visual tools - Handbook - Stretcher

Formative Assessment 1.1

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper handling of the patient according to the “do not harm” rules,

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252 | P a g e

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Performance evidence; Task: Apply do not harm techniques

Multiple choice

True or false question




Checklist Score

Yes No

Techniques of Handle the patient according to the ”do not harm” techniques

Guidelines of ‘’do not harm rules’’ in First Aid

Application of the No H.A.R.M (Heat, Alcohol, Running / Exercising the injured area, Massage)


Learning Outcome 1.2: Collect information from the patient

Tip elements to notice the need of help: Recognition of athletics

common injuries Awareness of signs of

common incidents

o Games rules on observation of the patient: Shoulder Ankle Knee, Muscles Drills

o Games rules on palpation of the patient Shoulder Ankle Knee Muscles

- First aid kit - flip charts - pens - notebook - Mannequin

Content Learning



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Drills o Simulation

Formative Assessment 1.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Performance Task: Provide the information from the patient

Multiple choice



Video visual

Checklist Score

Yes No

Tip elements to notice the need of help

Recognition of athletics common injuries

Awareness of signs of common incidents


Performance criterion

Proper collection of information from the patient

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Learning Outcome 1.3: Select the position of the patient

Positions of the patient depending on the injuries and incident Safe airway positions Laying down positions Sat up positions The shock position

o Practical exercises through games rules Safe airway positions, Laying down positions Sat up positions The shock position

o Simulation on position of the patient

o Mattress o Mats o Full kit of first aid

materials o Mannequins

Formative Assessment 1.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence

Portfolio assessment tools



Performance evidence

Task: Keep the patient in appropriate position according to the collected information


Audio - visual


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper selection of patient position

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Checklist Score

Yes No

Positions of the patient depending on the injuries and incidents

Safe airway positions

Laying down positions

Sat up positions

The shock position


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LU 2: Identify the patient’s problems


Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify incidents 2. Identify injuries 3. Make decision according to the injury or incident

5 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Identify incidents

Types of incidents Bleeding Chocking No Breathing Heart attack Muscle incident

Identification techniques Pulls detection Blood pressure testing Thermographs

o Group discussion on types of incidents

o Explanations on types of incidents

o Practical exercises on incident identification

- Rolled blanket - Blanket with 2 poles - Chair - Book - Ice Box - First aid kit - Audio- visual tools - Stretcher

Formative Assessment 2.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper identification of incidents

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Multiple choice

True or false question



Checklist Score

Yes No

Types of incidents



No Breathing

Heart attack

Muscle incident

Identification techniques;

Pulls detection

Blood pressure testing



Learning Outcome 2.2: Identify injuries

Injuries according to the parts of the body: Head Neck Shoulder Chest Arms Fingers Elbow Hips

o Group discussions on types of injuries

o Audio-visual presentation on different types of injuries,

o Practical exercises on identification of injuries

- Rolled blanket - Blanket with 2 poles - Chair - Book - Ice Box - First Aid Kit - Audio- visual tools - Stretcher

Content Learning



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Back Legs knees Foot Heel Toil nails

Identification techniques of the injuries Palpation Eyes observation Physical test exercises

Formative Assessment 2.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Multiple choice

True or false questions



Checklist Score

Yes No

Injuries according to the parts of the body: Head Neck Shoulder Chest Arms Fingers Elbow Hips

Performance criterion

Proper identification of injuries

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Back Legs Knees Foot Heel Toil nails

Identification techniques of the injuries Palpation Eyes observation Physical test exercises


Learning Outcome 2.3: Make decision according to the injury or incident

Levels of the injury or incident by symptoms found

Availability of tools related to injury or incident

Part of the body which is affected by injury or incident.

Alternative decisions based on the level of incident or injury. .

o Audio-visual presentation of incident or injuries

o Group discussions on injury or incident levels

o Debate on which decision to be taken

- Rolled blanket - Blanket with 2 poles - Chair - Book - Ice Box - First Aid Kit - Audio- visual equipment - Thermometer - Stretcher

Formative Assessment 2.3

Content Learning activities Resources

Performance criterion

Appropriate decision according to the injury or incident

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Assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion

has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Multiple choice

True or false question


Sentence completion


Expose (presentation)

Checklist Score

Yes No

Level of injury or incident Available tools Part of the body affected Alternative decisions based on the level of incident or injury.


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LU 3: Apply first aid techniques


Learning Outcomes:

1. Choose first aid tools according to the injury or incident 2. Apply techniques according to the injury or incident 3. Transfer the patient to the nearest hospital

20 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1: Choose first aid tools according to the injury or incident

First aid kit color coding tools identification:

Blue: Antiseptics Yellow: Bandages Red: Burn treatment Orange: Personal

protective treatment Green: Miscellaneous

o Practical exercises on First aid kit content

arrangement drills. First aid content

identification drills

- First aid tool kit - First aid flip charts

Formative Assessment 3.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning




Performance criterion

Proper choice of first aid tools according to the injury or incident

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Multiple choice

True or false question


Sentence completion


Checklist Score

Yes No

First aid kit color coding tools identification;

Blue: Antiseptics

Yellow: Bandages

Red: Burn treatment

Orange: Personal protective treatment

Green: Miscellaneous


Learning Outcome 3.2: Apply techniques according to the injury or incident

Techniques for injuries and incidents treatments,

Bleeding: Direct Pressure Chocking: Abdominal

thrust No Breathing: CPR Heart attack: Keep victim

still Shock: Elevate feet Muscle injuries: R.I.C.E

(Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)

Ligament and tendon: (RICE Creating a new slide

o Audio-visual analysis of incident treatment drills

o Practical exercises on: o ABCs drills o CPR drills o Thrusting drills o Elevating feet o Making the victim alive o R.I.C.E Drills

- Rolled blanket - Blanket with 2 poles - Chair - Book - Ice Box - Shirts/Gunnysacks - First Aid Kit - Audio- visual tools - Stretcher

Content Learning



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Formative Assessment 3.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Multiple choice

True or false question



Checklist Score

Yes No

Techniques for injuries and incidents treatments,

Bleeding: Direct Pressure

Chocking: Abdominal thrust

No Breathing: CPR

Heart attack: Keep victim still

Shock: Elevate feet

Muscle injuries: R.I.C.E (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation).

Ligament and tendon: (RICE Creating a new slide


Learning Outcome 3.3: Transfer the patient to the nearest hospital

Medical Transfer elements Post treatments & first

aid services Nervous system exams

o Practical exercises on filling medical transfer document

o Practical exercises of an accurate of first aid diagnosis

- Medical transfer document

- Pens - First aid tool kit

Content Learning activities Resources

Performance criterion

Appropriate application of techniques according to the injury or incident

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Medical transfer form(Names, Full address, Symptoms, Vital signs, Complementary exams)

Formative Assessment 3.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Performance evidence

Task: Apply fulfill the medical transfer form

Multiple choice

True or false question


Sentence completion


Checklist Score

Yes No

Medical Transfer elements

Post treatments or fist aid services

Nervous system exams

Medical transfer document (Names, full address, symptoms, vital signs, complementary exams)



1. The Official IAAF Guide to Teaching Athletics, introduction to coaching


Performance criterion

Appropriate transfer of the patient to the nearest hospital

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CCMIA301 Integrate workplace

REQF Level: 3 Learning hours

Credits: 30 300

Sector: ALL

Sub-sector: ALL

Issue date: September, 2014

Purpose statement

This module describes the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to integrate the workplace for an

internship or employment. At the end of this module, participants know how to apply for and present

themselves for employment. They demonstrate good time management and show up for work on time.

They demonstrate behavior and attitudes that are appropriate for the workplace and understand that

workplaces have policies and procedures that need to be followed. They take initiative and responsibility

for their own work and know how to work under and respect supervision. Participants are familiar with

the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers and have explored ways to exercise rights in the


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Learning assumed to be in place

All the modules covered at REQF level 3.

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit. By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Apply for internship/employment 1.1. Appropriate use of resources in the community or nationwide to find internship/employment information

1.2. Writing of a basic accurate and neat CV 1.3. Proper writing of application letters 1.4. Proper demonstration of effective interviewing skills

2. Demonstrate workplace behavior and attitudes

2.1. Appropriate application of workplace habits and attitudes

2.2. Adequate implementation of strategies to manage time effectively

2.3. Efficient management of personal and work lives

3. Respect worker’s and employer’s rights and responsibilities

3.1. Respect of universal human rights 3.2. Respect of worker’s and employer’s obligations

according to the Rwandan Labour code 3.3. Respect of worker’s rights and responsibilities at the

workplace 3.4. Respect of employer’s rights and responsibilities at the

workplace 3.5. Appropriate reaction when the labour code is broken

4. Organize and evaluate one’s internship

4.1. Appropriate securing of the internship agreement with the enterprise

4.2. Adequate outlining of findings and experience 4.3. Proper writing of the internship report that contains all

the required elements as well as one’s own findings

and experience

4.4. Active participation in the assessment of one’s


5. Develop one’s competences on the workplace

5.1. Adequate performance of tasks assigned according to the agreement with the enterprise

5.2. Positive response and active participation in meetings with the internship supervisor (“maître de stage”)

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5.3. Adequate demonstration of work behaviour and attitudes

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LU 1: Apply for internship/employment


Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify and use resources to find a job 2. Write a Curriculum Vitae (CV) and an application letter 3. Take part in an interview

8 Hours

Learning Outcome 1.1: Identify and use resources to find a job.

Resources to find employment in the community and at national level

Identify contact persons

o Small group work o Panel discussion o Large group discussion o Speakers

- Job announcements and information: newspaper advertisements; information from recruitment agencies, youth organizations such as YES Rwanda and government agencies such as the RDB, WDA; sample advertisements posted on business walls or bulletin boards, internet websites, through cooperatives…

Formative Assessment 1.1

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate use of resources in the community or nationwide to find internship/employment information

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269 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 1.2: Write a Curriculum Vitae (CV) and an application letter.

Differences between a CV and an application letter

Types of application letters

Elements of a well written CV

Elements of an application letter

o Large group discussion o Individual work o Pair work

- Sample CVs and application letters

- Format of an application letter

Formative Assessment 1.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper writing of a basic accurate and neat CV

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Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 1.3: Take part in an interview.

Main parts of an interview

Interviewing tips: what to do before, during and after the interview

Typical questions asked during an interview

o Small group work o Interview role plays o Large group discussion

- Interview observation tool

Formative Assessment 1.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper demonstration of effective interviewing skills

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Checklist Score

Yes No


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LU 2: Demonstrate appropriate workplace behavior and attitudes


Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify appropriate workplace behaviors and attitudes 2. Manage time 2. Balance work and personal life

5 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Identify appropriate workplace behaviours and attitudes.

Appropriate workplace behaviours and attitudes (dress code, time management, respect, honesty, integrity, work as a team member)

Work habits (cooperation, initiative, courtesy, constructive criticism, supervision, accuracy, pace of work, time usage, adaptability, personal appearance, attendance, punctuality)

o Small group work o Large group discussion o Brainstorming

- Workplace behaviour scenarios

- Work habits inventory

Formative Assessment 2.1

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate application of workplace habits and attitudes

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Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 2.2: Manage time.

Importance of task planning and managing time

Strategies to better manage time

o Large group discussion o Small group activity (tower

building) o Reflection o Pair sharing

- Workplace behaviour

scenarios - Work habits inventory

Formative Assessment 2.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Adequate implementation of strategies to manage time effectively

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 2.3: Balance work and personal life.

Common situations that make it challenging to balance work & personal life

Tips to manage personal and work lives

o Large group discussion o Individual work o Self-assessment o Pair sharing

- Scenarios: “did she/he do the right thing?”

Formative Assessment 2.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Efficient management of personal and work lives

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


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LU 3: Respect worker’s and employer’s rights and responsibilities


Learning Outcomes:

1. Get familiar with the universal human rights 2. Get familiar with some of the provisions of the Rwandan Labour

Law 3. Identify one’s rights and responsibilities at work 4. Explore one’s personal rights and responsibilities 5. React appropriately when the labour code is broken

8 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1: Get familiar with the universal human rights.

Definition of “right” and “human right”

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

o Small group work o Large group discussion

-Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Plain language version

Formative Assessment 3.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate of universal human rights

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Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 3.2: Get familiar with some of the provisions of the Rwandan Labour Law.

Legal obligations of employers

Legal obligations of workers

o Large group activity o Discussion o Small group work o Observation

- Statements and answers for Agree/Disagree game on Rwandan labour law

- Articles 47 and 48 of the labour code

Formative Assessment 3.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate respect of worker’s and employer’s obligations according to the Rwandan Labour code

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Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 3.3: Identify one’s rights and responsibilities at work.

‘Rights’ (what you can expect your employer to provide)

‘Responsibilities’ (what your employer can expect that you will do)

o Large group discussion o Small group work o Skits

- Worksheet on rights and responsibilities at work.

Formative Assessment 3.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate respect of worker’s rights and responsibilities at the workplace

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Learning Outcome 3.4: Explore one’s personal rights and responsibilities.

Definition of “responsibility”

Relationship between rights and responsibilities

o Individual work o Pair share o Large group brainstorming

and discussion

- Worksheet on rights and responsibilities at work.

Formative Assessment 3.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate respect of employer’s rights and responsibilities at the workplace

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Learning Outcome 3.5: React appropriately when the labour code is broken.

Possible solutions or responses in case the labour code is broken

o Small group work o Scenario analysis o Large group discussion

- Labour code scenarios

- Labour code excerpts

Formative Assessment 3.5

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate reaction when the labour code is broken

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LU 4: Organize and evaluate one’s internship


Learning Outcomes:

1. Conclude an internship agreement 2 Outline one’s findings and experience 3. Write and present the report of the internship 4. Participate actively to the assessment of one’s internship

9 Hours

Learning Outcome 4.1: Conclude an internship agreement.

Definition of the concept “internship”

Objectives of the internship

Presentation of internship agreement

o Brainstorming o Group discussion o Presentation by the trainer

- Sample internship agreement

Formative Assessment 4.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate securing of the internship agreement with the enterprise

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Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 4.2: Outline one’s findings and experience.

Presentation of the logbook

Tips to fill in the logbook

o Presentation by the trainer - Logbook

Formative Assessment 4.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Adequate outlining of findings and experience

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Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 4.3: Write and present the report of the internship.

Contents of the internship report

Presentation techniques

o Group discussion o Role play

- Sample internship report

Formative Assessment 4.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper writing of the internship report that contains all the required elements as well as one’s own findings and experience

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Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 4.4: Participate actively to the assessment of one’s internship.

Internship assessment and self-ASSESSMENT PACKAGE s

o Group discussion o Presentation by the trainer

Formative Assessment 4.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Active participation in the assessment of one’s internship

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Reference books:

1. Work Readiness Training Programme–Participant’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze–Youth Livelihoods Project

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ATHME301 Maintain material and equipment

REQF Level: 3 Learning hours

Credits: 6 60

Sector: Sports

Sub-sector: Athletics

Issue date: January, 2018

Purpose statement

This generic module describes the skills, knowledge attitude and values required to maintain athletics

materials and equipment. The athlete will be able to record, check, clean, operate and store all athletics

materials and equipment.

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Learning assumed to be in place

Perform physical condition abilities

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Check materials and equipment

1.1. Proper identification of athletics materials according to the events

1.2. Adequate evaluation of athletics materials according to its state

1.3. Regular report of checked materials and equipment

2. Operate materials and equipment 2.1. Adjust materials and equipment according to the events exercise 2.2. Proper cleaning materials and equipment according to the nature and standards 2.3. Proper repairing materials and equipment according to defaults and standards

3. Store equipment and materials

3.1. Proper checking of store area according to the standards 3.2. Right arrangement of materials and equipment according to its nature and manufacture instructions 3.3. Regular reporting of store status

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LU 1: Check materials and equipment


Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify athletics materials according to the event 2. Evaluate athletics materials according to its state 3. Make a report of checked materials and equipment

10 Hours

Learning Outcome 1.1: Identify athletics materials and equipment according to the events

Types of athletics materials and equipment: Running events materials

and equipment Jumping events materials

and equipment Throwing events materials

and equipment

o Small group work on different types of materials

o Group presentation on different types of materials and equipment

o Audio-visual presentation on types of athletics materials and equipment

- Audio-visual equipment

- Internet - Athletics books - Manure paper - Computer - Pens - White board - Athletics kit material

Formative Assessment 1.1

The assessor may collecta any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper identification of athletics materials and equipment according to the event

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Performance evidence Task: Identify materials

Multiple choice True or false questions Matching Ticking Presentation of materials

Checklist Score

Yes No

Types of athletics materials and equipment:

Running events materials and equipment

Jumping events materials and equipment

Throwing events materials and equipment


Learning Outcome 1.2: Evaluate the athletics materials according to its state

Standard norms of athletics materials and equipment

Classification according to the state Good state Repairable Replaceable

o Group work research on standard norms to the different types of materials in athletics and their classification

o Group presentation o Exercises on classification

of the materials and equipment according to their states

- Audio-visual equipment

- Internet - Athletics books - Manure paper - Computer - Pens - White board

Content Learning



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Formative Assessment 1.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Performance evidence Task: Check materials and equipment according to their state

Multiple choice True or false questions Matching Ticking Report Grouping

Checklist Score

Yes No

Standard norms of athletics materials and equipment according to

Age category


Classification according to the state

Good state




Learning Outcome 1.3: Make a report of checked materials and equipment

Elements of materials report sheet Number of materials Names Quantity

o Small group work on different element materials reportsheet

o Group presentation

- Audio-visual equipment - Internet - Athletics books - Manure paper - Computer

Content Learning activities Resources

Performance criterion

Adequate evaluation of athletics materials according to its state

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Quality States Observations recommendation

Submission ways Soft copy report Hard copy report Presentation report

o Writing and submit technical report

- Maker - Pens - White board

Formative Assessment 1.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice True or false questions Report Ticking/observational checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Element of materials report sheet

Number of materials








Soft copy report

Hard copy report

Presentation report


Performance criterion

Regular reporting of checked materials and equipment

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LU 2: Operate materials and equipment


Learning Outcomes:

1. Adjust materials and equipment according to the events exercise

2. Clean materials and equipment according to the nature and standards

3. Repair materials and equipment according to defaults and standards 40 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Adjust materials and equipment according to the events exercise

Adjusting materials and equipment according to: Gender Size Age category

o Small group work on exercises of grouping materials according to the standard norms.

o Individual researches on international standards measures

o Group presentation activities o Brain storming on grouping

materials and equipment

- Audio-visual equipment

- Internet - Athletics books - Athletics kit - Manure paper - Computer - Maker - Pens - White board

Formative Assessment 2.1

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper adjusting of materials and equipment according to the exercise

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The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written Oral Performance evidence: Task: Group materials and equipment according to the exercises

True or false questions Matching Sentence completion Ticking Presentation

Checklist Score

Yes No

Adjusting materials and equipment according to:



Age category


Learning Outcome 2.2: Clean materials and equipment according to the nature and


Material and equipment cleaning Techniques of cleaning Products of cleaning

o Small group work on techniques of cleaning different materials and equipment

o Brainstorming on cleaning products

o Group exercises on choosing appropriate techniques and products according to the material or equipment

o Cases study on clearing materials,

- Water - Branch - Soap - Lubricant - Cleaning products - Cleaning machine - Audio-visual

equipment (CD, DVD, Movies)

Content Learning



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Formative Assessment 2.2

The ssessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion

has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral Performance evidence Task: Clean materials and equipment according to the nature and standard norms

Audio-visual Pictures

Checklist Score

Yes No

Material and equipment cleaning

Techniques of cleaning

Products of cleaning


Learning Outcome 2.3: Repair materials and equipment according to defaults and standards

Identify the defaults

Repair materials and equipment according to the defaults Make report of

repaired and none repaired material equipment.

o Small group work on identification of defaults materials and equipment

o Group work on repairable and none repairable materials and equipment

o Perform individual simple repairing of athletics materials and equipment

- Damaged Jumping materials and equipment

- Damaged running materials

- Damaged throwing materials

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper cleaning of materials and equipment according to the nature and standard norms

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Formative Assessment 2.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence Task: Perform manual repairing of athletics materials and equipment

Multiple choice True or false questions Reporting Pictures

Checklist Score

Yes No

Identification of the defaults

Repairing of materials and equipment according to the defaults


Performance criterion

Proper repairing of materials and equipment according to defaults

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LU 3: Store equipment and materials


Learning Outcomes:

1. Check the store area according to the standards 2. Arrange materials and equipment according to its nature and

manufacture instructions 3. Report the store status

10 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1: Check the store area according to the standards

Characteristics of store area: Ventilation Aeration Rightness Volume Clean less

Storage of equipment

o Group discussion on identification of stores characteristics

o Exercises on stores characteristics norms

o Perform individual stock inventory according to the laboring

- Jumping materials and equipment

- Running materials and equipment

- Throwing materials and equipment

Formative Assessment 3.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper checking of store area according to the standards

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence Task 1: Perform stock inventory according to the laboring

Multiple choice True or false questions Matching Sentence completion Ticking Presentation Matching

Checklist Score

Yes No

Characteristics of store area:





Clean less

Storage document and equipment



Filing card



Learning Outcome 3.2: Arrange materials and equipment according to its nature and

manufacture instructions.

Arrangement of materials and equipment according to Nature:

Metals Ceramics Polymers Liquid

Alphabetic order Usage

Arranging stock according to the principles (Lifo – Fifo)

o Brainstorming on classification according to the nature and use of materials

o Exercises to arrange the items in stores

o Perform individual exercise on Lifo and Fifo

o Perform individual arrangement of various

- Tape measure, - Athletics books - Internet

Connection - Computer - Store form - Jumping Materials

And equipment - Running materials

and equipment

Content Learning



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300 | P a g e

materials and equipment according to the norms

- Throwing materials and equipment

Formative Assessment 3.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence Task 1: Perform arrangement of running, jumping and throwing materials and equipment according to the nature, usage and alphabetical order

Multiple choice True or false questions Matching Sentence completion Ticking Observational check list Presentation Pictures and video

Checklist Score

Yes No

Arrangement of materials and equipment according to the nature





Alphabetic order


Arranging stock according to the principles (Lifo – Fifo)


Performance criterion

Right arrangement of materials and equipment according to its nature and

manufacture instructions

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Learning Outcome 3.3: Report of the store status

Reporting techniques

Reporting frequency

Reporting submission Soft copy report Hard copy report Presentation report

o Group discussion on reporting technique

o Brainstorming on reporting frequency

o Role pray on elaborating and submitting report on store status

- Computer - Internet - Athletics

books - Manure paper - Maker - Pens

Formative Assessment 3.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Task: Make report of store status

Multiple choice

True or false questions


Sentence completion


Check list


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Regular reporting of store status

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Checklist Score

Yes No

Reporting technics

Reporting frequency

Reporting submission

Soft copy report

Hard copy report

Presentation report


Reference books:

1. The official IAAF guide to coaching Athletics2009 Peter J L Thomson

2. The officials IAAF guide to teaching Athletics 2009 Peter J L Thomson



5. http://www.sportsfieldmanagement.

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ATHPC301 Perform physical condition abilities

REQF Level: 3 Learning hours

Credits: 10 100

Sector: Sports

Sub-sector: Athletics

Issue date: January, 2018

Purpose statement

This generic module describes the skills, knowledge attitude and values required to perform physical

condition. The athlete will be able to perform warm-up, speed, strength, flexibility and coordination to

develop physical abilities in athletics.

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Learning assumed to be in place

Not applicable

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Prepare for physical condition


1.1. Proper selection of tools and machines needed for physical condition abilities exercises, 1.2. Proper checking the state of selected tools and machines 1.3. Appropriate warm up according to the physical

condition abilities exercises

2. Apply exercises for developing

physical condition abilities

2.1 Proper application of exercises for developing endurance

2.2 Proper application of exercises for developing speed 2.3 Proper application of exercises for developing

strength 2.4 Proper application of exercises for developing

flexibility 2.5 Proper application of exercises for developing


3. Cool down

3.1. Appropriate relaxation exercises according to the physical condition abilities performed 3.2. Efficient dynamic stretching according to the physical condition abilities performed 3.3. Efficient static stretching according to physical condition abilities performed

4. Assess the event 4.1. Proper recording of results according to the performance, 4.2. Efficient self-evaluation of training session performed 4.3. Systematic plan for next session

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LU 1: Prepare for the physical condition exercises


Learning Outcomes:

1. Select tools and machines needed for physical condition abilities 2. Check the state of selected tools and machines 3. Warm up according to the physical condition abilities

10 Hours

Learning Outcome1.1: Select tools and machines needed for physical condition abilities

Types of tools and machine for: Endurance work Strength work Coordination work Flexibility work Speed work

o Fitness hall visit and brainstorming

o Small group work on selection of physical condition equipment

o Group presentation on types of tools and machine

- Endurance work tools and machines

- Strength work tools and machines

- Coordination work tools and machines

- Fitness work tools and machines

- Speed work tools and machines

- Manure paper - Computer - Makers - Scotch - Pens - White board - Flip chat

Content Learning activities



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Formative Assessment 1.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion

has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written oral Performance evidence

Task: Select tools and machines

Multiple choice True or false questions Matching Ticking Video Pictures

Checklist Score

Yes No

Types of tools and machine for:

Endurance work

Strength work

Coordination work

Fitness work

Speed work


Learning Outcome 1.2: Check the state of selected tools and machines,

Safe physical fitness tools and machines

Checking tool and machines according to standards norms

o Small group work on checking function of physical Fitness tools and machines,

- Endurance work tools and machines

- Strength work tools and machines

Content Learning activities Resources

Performance criterion

Proper selection of tools and machines needed for physical condition abilities


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o Small group work on checking of standard norms for tools and machines

- Coordination work tools and machines

- Fitness work tools and machines

- Speed work tools and machines

- Screws - Spanners - Lubricant - Machines oil - Hammer - Screw drivers

Formative Assessment 1.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion

has been achieved

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Performance evidence Task: Check the state of selected tools and machines

Multiple choice True or false questions Matching Ticking / observational check list Audio-visual Pictures

Checklist Score

Yes No

Checking the functionality of tools and machines

Checking tools and machines according to standards


Performance criterion

Proper checking the state of selected tools and machines

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Learning Outcome 1.3: Appropriate warm up according to the physical condition abilities

General warm-up Jogging Mobilization exercises Dynamic stretching Static stretching

Specific warm-up according to the types of physical ability to develop.

o Practical Exercises of general warm-up on group (Jogging, Mobilization exercises, Dynamic stretching, Static stretching)

o Practical exercises related to the physical condition abilities in group or individual.

- Endurance work tools and machines

- Strength work tools and machines

- Coordination work tools and machines,

- Fitness work tools and machines

- Speed work tools and machines

- Stop watch - Drinking water - First aid kit - Audio-visual materials

(Pictures, DVD, CD…)

Formative Assessment 1.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion

has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Task: Warm up

exercises related to

physical condition


Audio – visual


Content Learning




Performance criterion

Appropriate warm up according to the physical condition abilities

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Checklist Score

Yes No

General warm-up


Mobilization exercises

Dynamic stretching

Static stretching

Specific warm-up according to the types of physical ability to develop.


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LU 2: Apply physical condition exercises


Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply exercises for developing endurance 2. Apply exercises for developing speed 3. Apply exercises for developing strength 4. Apply exercises for developing flexibility 5. Apply exercises for developing coordination 40 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Apply exercises for developing endurance

Apply aerobic and anaerobic endurance exercises Slow continuous runs Long slow distance runs Fartlek

o Individual runs in respecting the instructions given.

- Whistle - Note book - Drink water - Tape measure - Stop watch - Cones - Starting block - Running shoes - Spikes

Formative Assessment 2.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion

has been achieved.

Content Learning




Performance criterion

Proper application of exercises for developing endurance

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence Task: Apply running exercises



Checklist Score

Yes No

Aerobic and anaerobic endurance

Slow continuous runs

Long slow distance runs



Learning Outcome 2.2: Apply exercises for developing speed

Apply exercises for developing different types of speed: Speed in jumping and throwing Maximum speed Acceleration Reaction time on starting Speed endurance

o Exercises for acceleration o Exercises for getting optimal

speed by jumping, throwing or running

o Exercises on starting by using starter gun.

- Starter gun - Whistle - Spikes - Cones - Athletics books - Javelins - Shot put - Hammer - Discus - Pens - Audio visual

materials - Starting blocks - Running shoes - Heights - Bar - Mattress - Poles

Content Learning




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Formative Assessment 2.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion

has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Task: Apply speed exercises

Audio-visual Pictures

Checklist Score

Yes No

Apply exercises for developing different types of speed:

Speed in jumping and throwing

Maximum speed


Reaction time on starting

Speed endurance


Performance criterion

Proper application of exercises for developing speed

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Learning Outcome 2.3: Apply exercises for developing Strength

Four types of strength


Maximum strength Power Strength endurance Reactive strength

o Individual practical exercises for developing maximum strength, power and strength endurance

o Demonstration on practical exercises on developing maximum strength, power and strength endurance

Endurance work machines

Strength work machines

Fitness work machines

Stop watch Drinking water

Formative Assessment 2.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion

has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral evidence Performance evidence Task: a Apply exercises for developing strength

Audio –visual Pictures

Checklist Score

Yes No

Types of strength development:

Maximum strength


Strength endurance

Reactive strength

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of exercises for developing strength

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Learning Outcome 2.4: Apply exercises for developing Flexibility

Flexibility activities, Flexibility exercises in

the warm up Flexibility exercises to

increase range of motion

o Individual practical exercises of flexibility activities

- Mattress - Running shoes - Fitness tools and

machines - Stop watch, - Drinking water - Matts - First aid kit

Formative Assessment 2.4

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion

has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence Task: Apply exercises developing flexibility

Audio –visual Pictures

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of exercises for developing flexibility

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Checklist Score

Yes No

Flexibility activities,

Flexibility exercises in the warm up

Flexibility exercises to increase range of motion


Learning Outcome 2.5: Apply exercises for developing Coordination

Exercises to develop coordination abilities: Heel kick-up drill Ankling drill High-knee drill High-knee with

extension Sprint games Relay games Hurdle games Endurance games Cross hopping

o Individual practical exercises on coordination development

o Group working on combination and variation exercises.

- Athletics materials and equipment

- Whistle - Rope skipping - Running shoes - Stop watch - Drinking water - First aid kit

Formative Assessment 2.5

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion

has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence Audio –visual Picture

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of exercises for developing coordination

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Task: Apply exercises for developing coordination

Checklist Score

Yes No

Exercises to develop coordination abilities;

Heel kick-up drill

Inkling drill

High-knee drill

High-knee with extension

Sprint games

Relay games

Hurdle games

Endurance games

Cross hopping


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LU 3: Perform cool down


Learning Outcomes:

1. Choose relaxation exercises according to physical condition abilities performed

2. Apply dynamic stretching according to physical condition abilities performed

3. Apply static stretching according to physical condition abilities performed

30 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1: Choose relaxation exercises according to physical condition abilities


Relaxation exercises according to: Muscles group developed, Volume of intensity of training

o Application of relaxation exercises in groups

- Note books - Pens - Stop watch - Audio-visual

materials - Whistle - Drinking water

Formative Assessment 3.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion

has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate relaxation exercises according to physical condition abilities


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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Task :Apply relaxation exercises according to physical condition abilities performed

Audio –visual Pictures

Checklist Score

Yes No

Relaxation exercises according to:

Muscle groups developed,

Volume of intensity training


Learning Outcome 3.2: Perform dynamic stretching

Dynamic stretching exercises;

Full body dynamic stretching exercises .

o Practical exercises of dynamic stretching

o Demonstration of dynamic stretching exercises

- Stop watch - Drinking water - Medical first

aid kit - Whistle

Formative Assessment 3.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion

has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Efficient dynamic stretching according to the physical condition abilities


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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidences Task: Apply dynamics stretching exercises

Audio-visual Pictures

Checklist Score

Yes No

Dynamic stretching exercises

Full body dynamic stretching exercises


Learning Outcome 3.3: Perform static stretching.

Static stretching exercises; Stretching of the upper body side, Stretching of the middle side, Stretching of the lower body side

o Group work on practical static stretching exercises

- Stop watch - drinking water, - Medical first aid

kit - Whistle - Matts

Formative Assessment 3.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion

has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Efficient static stretching according to physical condition abilities performed

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence Task: Apply static stretching according to physical abilities to develop

Audio –visual Pictures

Checklist Score

Yes No

Static stretching exercises;

Stretching of the upper body side,

Stretching of the middle side,

Stretching of the lower body side


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LU 4: Assess the physical condition exercises


Learning Outcomes:

1. Record of work-out according to performed exercises, 2. Evaluate training session performed 3. Plan for next session

20 Hours

Learning Outcome 4.1: Record work-out according to performed exercises

Records of performed activities, Records in writings:

Identification of the athlete

Times Number of

repetition Performance Heart rate analysis

o Work in pairs on recordings of work-out.

o Group discussion and presentation.

- Video recorder - Note books - Pens - Wheel - Video - Tape measure

Formative Assessment 4.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion

has been achieved.

Content Learning




Performance criterion

Proper recording of work-out according to performed exercises

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence Task: Record work-out of performed exercises

Audio –visual


Checklist Score

Yes No

Records of performed activities,

Identification of the athlete Times Number of repetition Heart rate analysis Performance


Learning Outcome 4.2: Perform Self-evaluation according to the planned exercises

Table of results

updated results Previous results Best results Current result Training program

o Use tables of results o Assess challenges o Appreciation level of the results

(excellent, good and bad) o Remediation

- Video recorder - Note books - Pens - Internet - Result form - Papers - Wheel - Whistle - Stop watch - Tape measure - First aid kits - Athletics material and


Content Learning activities Resources

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Formative Assessment 4.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion

has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence Task: Apply self-evaluation



Checklist Score

Yes No

Table of results

Updated results,

Previous results

Best results

Current result

Training program


Performance criterion

Efficient self-evaluation according to the planned exercises

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Learning Outcome 4.3: Plan for next session

Adjustment of the training program based on the current performances, Status of equipment Athlete performances Area Periods Environment Weather conditions

o Individual setting of new goals o Group discussion on setting

time and place of next session according to training program

- Note books - Pens - Papers - Computer, - Printer - Athletics materials

and equipment

Formative Assessment 4.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion

has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence Oral evidence

Multiple choice questions

True-False questions



Content Learning activities Resources

Performance criterion

Systematic plan for next session

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Checklist Score

Yes No

Adjustment of the training program based on the current performances,

Status of equipment

Athlete performances




Weather conditions


Reference books: 1.

2. The official IAAF Guide to Coaching Athletics,2009 by Peter J L Thomson

3. The Official IAAF Guide to Teaching Athletics 2009 by Peter J L Thomson

4. http/www. sports

5. http/www. Physical


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ATHRE301 Perform running events

REQF Level: 3 Learning hours

Credits: 12 120

Sector: Sports

Sub-sector: Athletics

Issue date: January, 2018

Purpose statement

This core module describes the skills, knowledge attitude and values required to perform running

events. The athlete will be declared competent when he/she performs fundamental techniques in

athletics road races, track and field events.

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Learning assumed to be in place

Physical condition abilities

First Aid

Athletics materials and equipment

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

2. Prepare for running

1.4. Proper identification of running events 1.5. Proper selection of materials according to the

running events 1.6. Proper checking of the running area according to

standard norms 1.7. Appropriate warm-up according to the running events

3. Apply sprints techniques

3.1. Proper application of block placement and adjustment techniques

3.2. Proper application of” on your marks” techniques 3.3. Proper application of “set” techniques 3.4. Proper application of drive techniques 3.5. Proper application of acceleration techniques 3.6. Proper application of sprint hurdles

4. Apply relay techniques 4.1. Proper application of “alternate exchanges” techniques

4.2. Proper application of “zone and check marks” techniques

4.3. Proper application of acceleration with the baton techniques

4.4. Proper application of passing the baton techniques

5. Apply middle and long distance techniques

5.1. Proper application of foot placement techniques 5.2. Proper application of standing start techniques 5.3. Proper application of training for middle and long

distance techniques

6. Apply race walks techniques 6.1. Proper application of foot placement techniques 6.2. Proper application of hip movement techniques

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6.3. Proper application of arms movement techniques

7. Apply steeplechase techniques 7.1. Proper application of barrier clearance techniques 7.2. Proper application of water jump clearance

techniques 7.3. Proper application of water jump take-off techniques 7.4. Proper evaluation of the events

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LU 1: Prepare for running


Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify running events 2. Select materials according to the running event 3. Check the running area according to standard norms 4. Warm-up according to the event

5 Hours

Learning Outcome 1.1: Identify running event

Types of running events; Sprint events Middle distance Long distance Race walking Cross country events Steeplechase

o Audio-visual presentation of running events

o Brainstorming on running events

o Group discussion on running events

- Audio-visual equipment

- Internet - Athletics books - Manila paper - Computer - Markers - Scotch - Pens - White board - Flip chat

Formative Assessment 1.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning activities Resources

Performance criterion

Proper identification of running events

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Performance evidence Task: Differentiate types of running events

Multiple choice True or false questions Matching Sentence completion Ticking Mind map Listing

Checklist Score

Yes No

Types of running events

Sprint events

Middle and long distance


Race walking

Sprint hurdles



Learning Outcome 1.2: Select materials according to the running event

Types of running events materials Sprint materials Middle and long distance runs

materials Race walking materials Steeplechase materials Relay materials Sprint hurdles materials

Classification of running event materials according to: Gender category Age category

o Store visit and observation

o Small groups work on running materials selection according to the events, gender and age

o Group presentation

Running materials - Starting blocks - Batons - Hurdles - Stop watch - Cones - Starter gun - Bibs - Printer - Computer - Camera - Tape measure - Warning tape

Content Learning activities Resources

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- Barriers - Finish panel - Tours counter - Ring

Formative Assessment 1.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Performance evidence Task: Perform materials selection according to running event

Multiple choice True or false questions Matching Ticking

Checklist Score

Yes No

Types of running events materials

Sprint materials

Middle and long distance runs materials

Steeple chase materials

Race walking materials

Sprint hurdles materials

Relay materials

Classification of running events materials according to:

Gender category

Age category


Performance criterion

Proper selection of materials according to the running event,

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Learning Outcome 1.3: Check the running area according to standard norms

Running areas for: Sprint Middle and long distance

runs Steeplechase Cross countries Sprint hurdles Relay Race walks

Standard norms according to running events:

Gender category Age category

o Visit of running areas by small group

o Practical exercises of measurement of the running areas

o Producing maps for running events

- Manila paper - Tape measure - Pens - Cameras - Computer - Bicycle with counter - Jenner counter - GPS

Formative Assessment 1.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Performance evidence

Product evidence Task: Design of the running areas

Multiple choice True or false questions Matching Ticking Maps Pictures

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper checking of the running areas according to standard norms

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Checklist Score

Yes No

Types of running areas for


Middle distance runs


Long distance runs

Cross countries

Sprint hurdles


Standard norms according to running events

Gender category

Age category


Learning Outcome 1.4: Execute warm up according to the running events

General warm-up Jogging Mobilization exercises Dynamic stretching Static stretching

Specific warm-up according

to the types of running


o Physical exercises of general warm-up in group (Jogging mobilization exercises dynamic stretching, Static stretching)

o Technical exercises related to the running event in group or individual

- Stop watch - Cones - Whistle - Hurdles - Barriers - Rope skipping - Drinking water - Tape measure - Full kit of first aid materials

Formative Assessment 1.4

Content Learning activities Resources

Performance criterion

Appropriate warm-up according to the running event

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The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Performance evidence Task: Warm-up exercises

True or false question




Checklist Score

Yes No

Types of general warm-up


Mobilization exercises

Dynamic stretching

Static stretching

Specific warm-up according to the types of event:

Sprint events

Sprint hurdles

Middle and long distance runs


Race walks



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LU 2: Apply sprints techniques


Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply block placement and adjustment techniques 2. Apply on your marks position techniques 3. Apply set techniques 4. Apply drive techniques 5. Apply acceleration techniques 6. Apply sprint hurdles

20 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Apply block placement and adjustment techniques

Techniques for block placement and adjustment

1 ½ front block behind starting line

1 ½ rear block behind front block Front block set flatter Rear block set steeper

o Audio-visual presentation on block placement and adjustment techniques

o Demonstration of block placement and adjustment techniques

o Practical exercises related to block placement and adjustment techniques

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Drinking water - Starting block - Whistles - Block - Audio-visual

equipment (DVD, CD, Movies)

Formative Assessment 2.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of block placement and adjustment techniques

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Performance evidence

Task: Apply block placement techniques

True or false questions





Checklist Score

Yes No

Types of techniques for block placement and adjustment 1 ½ front block behind starting line

1 ½ rear block behind front block

Front block set flatter

Rear block set steeper


Learning Outcome 2.2: Apply “on your marks” techniques

“On your marks” techniques Both feet on the ground Knee of the rear leg rests on the

ground Hands placed on the ground Fingers arched Head in level with the back Eyes looking straight down

o Audio-visual presentation on on-your marks techniques

o Demonstration of on your marks techniques

o Practical exercises related to on your marks techniques

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Drinking water - Starting block - Whistle - Starter gun

Content Learning activities Resources

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Formative Assessment 2.2

The assessor

may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion has been


Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Performance evidence Task: Apply on your marks techniques

True or false questions Matching Ticking Pictures Audio-visual

Checklist Score

Yes No

“On your marks” techniques

Both feet on the ground

Knee of the rear leg rests on the ground

Hands placed on the ground

Fingers arched

Head in level with the back

Eyes looking straight down


Learning Outcome 2.3. Apply “set position” techniques

“Set” position techniques Heels press backward Front leg keen at a 900

angle Knee of rear leg at

1200– 1400 angle

o Audio-visual presentation on set position techniques

o Demonstration of “set” position o Individual practical exercises

related on set position

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Drinking water - Starting block - Whistles - Microphone

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of “on your marks” techniques

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Trunk inclined forward Shoulders slightly ahead of

the hands

Formative Assessment 2.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Performance evidence

Task: Apply set position

True or false questions





Checklist Score

Yes No

Set position techniques

Heels press backward

Front leg keen at a 900 angle

Knee of rear leg at 1200 – 1400 angle

Trunk inclined forward

Shoulders slightly ahead of the hands


Performance criterion

Proper application of “set position” techniques

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Learning Outcome 2.4: Apply drive techniques

“Drive” techniques Trunks straightens lifts the blocks Hands lift from the grounds Hard push of rear leg Rapidly moving forward of the rear

leg Extension of knee and hip during

the drive

o Audio-visual presentation on drive techniques

o Demonstration of drive techniques

o Practical exercises related to drive techniques

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Drinking water - Starting block - Cones - Starter gun - Whistle - Microphone

Formative Assessment 2.4

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence

Task: Apply drive techniques



Checklist Score

Yes No

“Drive” techniques

Trunks straightens lifts the blocks

Hands lift from the grounds

Hard push of rear leg

Rapidly moving forward of the rear leg

Extension of knee and hip during the drive


Content Learning activities Resources

Performance criterion

Proper application of drive techniques

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Learning Outcome 2.5: Apply Acceleration techniques

Acceleration techniques Movement of the front foot Maintaining forward lean Position of lower legs Stride length and frequency Straighten trunk gradually

o Audio-visual presentation on acceleration techniques

o Demonstration of acceleration techniques

o Practical exercises related to acceleration techniques

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Drinking water - Starting block - Cones - Starter gun - Whistle - Spikes

Formative Assessment 2.5

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence Task: apply acceleration techniques

Videos Pictures

Checklist Score

Yes No

Acceleration techniques

Movement of the front foot

Maintaining forward lean

Position of lower legs

Stride length and frequency

Straighten trunk gradually


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of acceleration techniques

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Learning Outcome 2.6: Apply sprint hurdles techniques

Sprint hurdles techniques Approach techniques Take off techniques Clearance techniques Landing techniques

o Audio-visual presentation on sprint hurdles techniques

o Demonstration on sprint hurdles techniques

o Practical exercises related to sprint hurdles techniques

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Drinking water - Starting block - Cones - Hurdles - Scotch - Starter gun - Whistle - Spikes - Audio-visual


Formative Assessment 2.6

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence Task: apply sprint hurdles techniques

Pictures Video Presentation

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of sprint hurdles techniques

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Checklist Score

Yes No

“Sprint hurdles techniques

Approach techniques

Take off techniques

Clearance techniques

Landing techniques


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LU 3: Apply relay techniques


Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply alternate exchanges techniques 2. Apply zone and check marks techniques 3. Apply acceleration with the baton techniques 4. Apply passing the baton techniques

30 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1: Apply alternative exchanges techniques

Alternate exchange techniques First runner carriers the baton in

the right hand, Second runner receives the baton

in the left hand, Third runner receives the baton in

the right hand, Fourth runner receives the baton in

the left hand.

o Audio-visual presentation on alternate exchange techniques

o Demonstration of alternate exchange techniques

o Practical exercises related to alternate exchange techniques

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Cones - Whistle - batons - Drinking water - Scotch - Starter gun - Internet

Formative Assessment 3.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of alternate exchange techniques

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence Task: Apply baton exchange techniques



Checklist Score

Yes No

Alternate exchange techniques:

First runner carriers the baton in the right hand.

Second runner receives the baton in the left hand.

Third runner receives the baton in the right hand.

Fourth runner receives the baton in the left hand.


Learning Outcome 3.2: Apply zones and check marks techniques

Zones and check marks techniques Exchange zone techniques Acceleration zone techniques Check marks placement zone Foot length from the start zone


o Audio-visual presentation on zones and check marks techniques

o Showing zones and check marks techniques

o Practical exercises on checking transmission zones and marks techniques

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Cones - Whistle - Drinking water - Batons - Starter gun

Formative Assessment 3.2

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of zones and check marks techniques

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The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Performance evidence Task: efficient exchange zones and check marks.

True or false questions Matching Sentence completion Ticking Presentation Pictures Videos

Checklist Score

Yes No

Zones and check marks techniques

Exchange zone techniques

Acceleration zone techniques

Check marks placement zone

Foot length from the start zone techniques


Learning Outcome 3.3: Apply acceleration with the baton techniques

Acceleration with the baton techniques

Consistent acceleration of the out-going runner

Verbal command techniques Receiving arm techniques

o Small group work discussion on acceleration with the baton techniques

o Group presentation o Audio-visual presentation

on acceleration with the baton techniques

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Cones - Whistle - Drinking

water - Batons - Starter gun

Content Learning activities Resources

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Formative Assessment 3.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence Task: apply acceleration with the baton techniques



Checklist Score

Yes No

Techniques of acceleration with the baton

Consistent acceleration of the out-going runner

Verbal command techniques

Receiving arm techniques


Learning Outcome 3.4: Apply passing techniques of the baton

Passing techniques of the baton

Visual techniques Non-visual techniques

Push pass techniques

Upsweep techniques

o Small group work discussion on passing the baton techniques

o Group presentation o Audio-visual presentation

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Cones - Whistle - Drinking water - Batons - Starter gun

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of acceleration with the baton techniques

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Formative Assessment 3.4

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence Task: Apply passing the baton techniques

Video Pictures

Checklist Score

Yes No

Passing techniques of the baton

Visual techniques

Non-visual techniques

Push pass techniques

Upsweep techniques


Performance criterion

Proper application of passing the baton techniques

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LU 4: Apply long and middle distance run techniques


Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply foot placement techniques 2. Apply standing start techniques 3. Apply middle and long distance run techniques

40 Hours

Learning Outcome 4.1: Apply foot placement techniques

Foot placement techniques Support techniques Flight techniques

o Audio-visual presentation on foot placement techniques

o Group work discussion on foot placement techniques

o Demonstration in group o Practical exercises on foot

placement techniques

- Audio visual equipment - Notebooks - Pens - Stop watch - Flip chart - Markers

Formative Assessment 4.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning activities Resources

Performance criterion

Proper application of foot placement techniques

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Performance evidence Task: Apply foot placement techniques

Multiple choice


True or false



Checklist Score

Yes No

Foot placement techniques

Support techniques

Flight techniques


Learning Outcome 4.2: Apply standing start techniques

Standing start techniques: Weight over the front

foot techniques Arm position

techniques Foot placement


o Audio-visual presentation on standing start techniques

o Group work discussion on standing start techniques

o Demonstration of the standing start techniques

o Practical exercises on standing start techniques

- Audio-Visual equipment - Notebooks - Pens - Video - Stop watch - Flip chart

Formative Assessment 4.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of standing start techniques

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Performance evidence Task: Apply standing start techniques

True or false questions


Sentence completion





Checklist Score

Yes No

Foot placement techniques

Weight over the front foot techniques

Arm position techniques

Foot placement techniques


Learning Outcome 3.3: Apply training for middle and long distance run techniques

Training for middle and long distance run techniques Developing general

endurance Extensive training Intensive training

o Audio-visual presentation on training for middle and long distance run techniques

o Group work discussion on training for middle and long distance run techniques

o Demonstration in group o Practical exercises on training

for middle and long distance run techniques

- Notebooks - Pens - Bicycle - Printer - Drinking water - First aid kit

Formative Assessment 3.3

Content Learning activities Resources

Performance criterion

Proper training for middle and long distance run techniques

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The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Performance evidence Task: apply middle and long run training techniques

True or false questions





Checklist Score

Yes No

Training for middle and long distance run techniques

Developing general endurance

Extensive training

Intensive training


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LU 5: Apply race walks techniques


Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply foot placement techniques 2. Apply hip movement techniques 3. Apply arms movement techniques

10 Hours

Learning Outcome 5.1: Apply foot placement techniques

Foot placement techniques Double support

techniques Single support


o Audio-visual presentation on foot placement techniques

o Demonstration of foot placement techniques

o Practical exercises related to foot placement techniques

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Cones - Whistle - Drinking water - Training kits - First aids kits

Formative Assessment 5.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of foot placement technique

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence Task: Apply foot placement techniques



Checklist Score

Yes No

Foot placement techniques

Double support techniques

Single support techniques


Learning Outcome 5.2: Apply hip movement techniques

Hip movement techniques Lateral movement of

the hip Hip flexibility

o Audio-visual presentation on hip movement techniques

o Demonstration of hip movement techniques

o Practical exercises related to hip movement techniques

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Cones - Whistle - Drinking water - Training kits - First aids kits

Formative Assessment 5.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of hip movement techniques

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence Task: Apply hip movement techniques



Checklist Score

Yes No

Hip movement techniques

Lateral movement of the hip

Hip flexibility


Learning Outcome 5.3: Apply arms movement techniques

Arms movement techniques

Upper body movement Shoulder drop

movement Position of elbows Hand movement

o Audio-visual presentation on arms movement techniques

o Demonstration of arms movement techniques

o Practical exercises related to arms movement techniques

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Cones - Whistle - Drinking water - Training kits - First aids kits

Formative Assessment 5.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning activities Resources

Performance criterion

Proper application of arms movement techniques

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence Task: apply arm movement techniques



Checklist Score

Yes No

Arms movement techniques

Upper body movement

Shoulder drop movement

Position of elbows

Hand movement


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LU 6: Apply stipple chase techniques


Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply barrier clearance techniques 2. Apply water jump clearance techniques 3. Apply water jump take off techniques 4. Execute evaluation of the events

15 Hours

Learning Outcome 6.1: Apply barrier clearance techniques

Barrie clearance techniques Take off techniques Clearance techniques Landing phase


o Audio-visual presentation on barrier clearance techniques

o Demonstration on barrier clearance techniques

o Practical exercises related to barrier clearance techniques

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Cones - Whistle - Drinking water - Training kits - First aids kits

Formative Assessment 6.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of barrier clearance techniques

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence Task: Apply barrier clearance techniques



Checklist Score

Yes No

Barrie clearance techniques

Take off techniques

Clearance techniques

Landing phase techniques


Learning Outcome 6.2: Apply water jump clearance techniques

Water jump clearance techniques Take off techniques Flight techniques Landing phase


o Audio-visual presentation on water jump clearance techniques

o Demonstration of water jump clearance techniques

o Practical exercises related to water jump clearance techniques

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Cones - Whistle - Drinking water - Training kits - First aids kits

Formative Assessment 6.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning activities Resources

Performance criterion

Proper application of water jump clearance techniques

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence

Task: Apply water jump clearance techniques



Checklist Score

Yes No

Water jump clearance techniques

Take off techniques

Flight techniques

Landing phase techniques


Learning Outcome 6.3: Apply water jump take-off techniques

Water jump take of techniques

Take off position Hip, knee and ankle

joints movement Thigh of the lead leg

swings position

o Audio-visual presentation on water jump take-off techniques

o Demonstration of water jump take-off techniques

o Practical exercises related to water jump take-off techniques

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Cones - Whistle - Drinking water - Training kits - First aids kits

Formative Assessment 6.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of water jump takes off techniques

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence Task: Apply water jump take-off techniques



Checklist Score

Yes No

Water jump take-off techniques

Upper body movement

Shoulder drop movement

Position of elbows

Arms movement


Learning Outcome 6.4: Execute evaluation of the events

Components of the table of results Date Names Event Performance

records Distance

covered Performances

Knowing updates records National records International



o Exercises to fulfil the results sheets

o Research on regional national and international records

- Tape measure - Results forms - Pens - Flip chat - Duster

Formative Assessment 6.4

Content Learning



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The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Multiple choice Matching Sentence completion Ticking Report

Checklist Score

Yes No

Results sheet

National records

Regional records

International records



Performance criterion

Proper evaluation of stipple chase techniques

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Summative Assessment

Integrated situation Resources

Kamonyi Athletics Club is the member of Rwanda Athletic Federation which operates their activities in Kamonyi District, Southern Province. The Club request the Coach to invite you and join the team of 15 athletes who will compete at Amahoro National Stadium. Every athlete will perform the following running events: sprints, middle distance run, long distance run, steeplechase and race walk. The test will take 2 working days. All running materials are available on the track.

Tools: - Tape measure - Water jump - Barriers - Hurdles - Whistle - Rap skipping - Stop watch - Drinking water

Equipment: - Spike - Training kits - Bags - Running shoes - Bibs number

Materials - Starting block - Starter gun - Cones

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Assesment Criterion 1: Quality of Process

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator1: Tools, equipment and materials are selected according to the running event

Tools, materials and equipment for:

Sprint short distances

Sprint relay


Sprint hurdles

Middle distance runs

Long Distance runs

Race walks

Indicator 2: Running areas are checked

Throwing areas are cleaned

Materials, tools and equipment are organized

Standards norms are respected

Indicator 3: Warm-up is performed

General warm-up

Specific warm-up

Indicator 4: Running events are performed

Sprint short distances

Sprint relay

Sprint hurdles

Middle distance run

Long distance run


Race walks

Indicator 5: Cool down is performed


Dynamic stretching

Static stretching

Indicator 6: Assessment of the event is done

Feed back

The table of results is completed

Plan for next cession

Arrangement of materials


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Assesment Criterion 2: Quality of product

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: All running events are performed

Sprint short distance is done

Block placement

On your mark position

Set position

Drive phase


Middle distance and long distance runs are done

Foot placement

Standing start

Training for middle and long distance run

Steeplechase is done

Take-off phase

Clearance phase

Fright and landing phase

Barrier clearance

Sprint hurdles is done


Take off phase

Clearance phase

Landing phase

Race walks is done

Single support phase

Double support phase

Foot placement

Hip movements

Arms movements


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Assesment Criterion 3: Relevance

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator 1: Rules and regulations are respected.

Number of laps are done

Required standards of running areas are respected

Running materials norms standards are respected

Indicator 2: Maintenance of tools and equipment

Materials, tools and equipment are cleaned

Materials, tools and equipment are arranged


Assesment Criterion 4: Safety

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Health and safety are maintained

Running areas are secured

Environment is safe

Use of PPE is respected

First aid kit is available


Reference books

1. The official IAAF Guide to Coaching Athletics 2009, Peter JL Thompson

2. The Official IAAF Guide to Teaching Athletics 2009 Peter JL Thompson

3. IAAF Coaches Education and Certification system

4. >athletics run, throw, jump


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ATHJE301 Perform jumping events

REQF Level: 3 Learning hours

Credits: 12 120

Sector: Sports

Sub-sector: Athletics

Issue date: January, 2018

Purpose statement

This core module describes the skills, knowledge attitude and values required to perform jumping

events. At the end of this module the athlete will be able to perform fundamental skills and techniques

in high jump, long jump, triple jump and pole vault.

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Learning assumed to be in place

Physical conditions abilities

Running events

Athletics materials and equipment

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Prepare for Jumping

1.1. Proper selection of required material according to the jumping events 1.2. Proper checking of the jumping area according to standard norms 1.3. Appropriate warm up according to the jumping events

2. Apply Long Jump techniques

2.1. Proper application approach techniques 2.2. Proper application of take-off techniques (flight) 2.3. Proper landing application techniques

3. Apply Triple jump techniques

3.1. Proper application approach techniques 3.2. Proper application of Take-off technique 3.3. Proper application of 3 Phases techniques 3.4. Proper application of landing techniques

4. Apply High jump techniques

4.1. Proper application of approach techniques 4.2. Proper application of take-off techniques 4.3. Proper application of bar rotation 4.4. Correct application of landing techniques

5. Apply pole vault techniques 5.1. Proper application of approach techniques 5.2. Proper application of plant techniques 5.3. Proper application of take-off and penetration techniques 5.4. Proper application of Rock back and stretch/turn techniques 5.5. Proper application of bar clearance and landing techniques

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LU 1: Prepare for jumping events


Learning Outcomes:

1. Select materials according to the jumping events 2. Check the jumping area according to standard norms 3. Apply warm up according to the jumping events

10 Hours

Learning Outcome 1.1: Select materials according to the jumping events

Types of jumping materials for: Long jump Triple jump High jump Pole vault

o Small group discussion on different types jumping materials

o Group presentation o Audio-visual presentation of

jumping events

- Audio-visual equipment

- Internet - Athletics books - Manure paper - Computer - Makers - Scotch - Pens - White board - Flip chat

Formative Assessment 1.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate selection of materials according to the jumping events

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Performance evidence

Task: Select materials according to jumping events

Multiple choice

True or false questions


Sentence completion




Checklist Score

Yes No

Types of jumping materials for:

Long jump

Triple jump

High jump

Pole vault


Learning Outcome 1.2: Check the jumping area according to standard norms

Jumping areas for: Long jump Triple jump High jump Pole vault

Standard norms according to jumping events

o Visit of jumping areas by small group

o Practical exercises of measurement of the jumping area

o Group presentation on jumping and measurement areas

- Pole - Heats - Mattress - Bar - Whistle - Cones - Tape measure - Audio-visual

equipment - Internet - Athletics books - Manure paper - Computer - Makers - Scotch

Content Learning



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Formative Assessment 1.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice True or false questions Matching Ticking Written note

Checklist Score

Yes No

Jumping areas for

Long jump

Triple jump

High jump

Pole vault

Standard norms according to jumping events


Performance criterion

Proper checking of the jumping area according to standard norms

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Learning Outcome 1.3: Perform warm-up according to the jumping events

General warm-up Jogging Mobilization exercises Dynamic stretching Static stretching

Specific warm-up according to the types of jumping events

o Exercises of general warm-up in group (Jogging, mobilization exercises, dynamic stretching, Static stretching)

o Technical exercises related to the event, in group or individually

- Stop watch - Cones - Whistle - Rope skipping - Drinking water - Pole - Heats - Mattress - Bar - Tape measure - Full kit of first aid materials

Formative Assessment 1.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Performance evidence Task: Warm up in jumping events


Multiple choice True or false questions Matching Sentence completion Ticking /observation checklist Timing system Presentation

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate warm-up according to the jumping events

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Checklist Score

Yes No

General warm-up


Mobilization exercises

Dynamic stretching

Static stretching,

Specific warm-up according to the types of event


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LU 2: Apply long jump techniques


Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply approach techniques 2. Apply take off techniques (flight) 3. Apply landing techniques

20 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Apply approach techniques

Approach techniques of long jump

Stride approach Foot plant techniques Body lean techniques Velocity techniques

o Audio-visual presentation of jumping events

o Demonstration on approach techniques of long jump

o Individual execution of approach techniques of long jump

- Audio-visual equipment - Internet - Athletics books - Manure paper - Computer - Makers - Scotch - Pens - White board - Flip chat - Stop watch - Tape measure - Cones - Whistle - Rope skipping - Drinking water - Pole - Heats - Bar - Cone Audio- visual tools - Pitch sand

Formative Assessment 2.1

Content Learning activities



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The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral evidence

Performance evidence: Task: Apply approach techniques of long jump

Pictures Video

Checklist Score

Yes No

Approach techniques of long jump:

Stride approach

Foot plant techniques

Body lean techniques

Velocity techniques


Performance criterion

Proper application of approach techniques

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Learning Outcome 2.2: Apply take-off techniques (flight)

Take-off techniques Foot plant Take-off foot points Time on ground Knee of free leg position Body position

o Practical exercises of take-off techniques

o Individual demonstration on take-off techniques

o Group discussions using pictures and videos related to take-off techniques

o Feedback through discussion take-off techniques

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Cones - Batons - Whistle - Rope skipping, - Drinking water - Platform - Sand

Formative Assessment 2.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral evidence

Performance evidence; Task: Apply take-off techniques

Pictures Video

Checklist Score

Yes No

Take-off techniques

Foot plant

Take-off foot points

Time on ground

Knee of free leg position

Body position


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of take-off techniques (flight)

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Learning Outcome 2.3: Apply landing techniques

Landing techniques: Hitch-kick

techniques Hang techniques

o Individual practical exercises of landing techniques

o Demonstration on landing techniques

o Group discussions on landing techniques

o Feedback through discussion landing techniques

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Cones - Batons - Whistle - Rope skipping - Drinking water - Platform - Sand.

Formative Assessment 2.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral evidence

Performance evidence Task: Apply landing techniques



Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of landing techniques

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Checklist Score

Yes No

Hitch-kick techniques / Hang techniques

Leg position

Arm position

Stride rhythm

Variation of stride rhythm during the flight


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LU 3: Apply triple jump techniques


Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply approach techniques 2. Apply take-off techniques 3. Apply 3 Phases techniques 4. Apply landing techniques

25 Hours

Learning outcome 3.1: Apply approach techniques

Approach techniques of triple jump The start The drive phase The continuation phase The transition phase

o Individual practice of exercises related triple jump

o Demonstration on approach techniques of triple jump

o Execution of approach techniques of triple jump

o Audio-visual presentation of triple jump

- Audio-visual equipment (CD, DVD)

- Internet - Athletics books - Manure paper - Computer - Makers - Scotch - Pens - Tape measure - Cones - whistle - Rope skipping - Drinking water - Pitch sand

Content Learning



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Formative Assessment 3.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion has been achieved

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Performance evidence: Task: Apply approach techniques of triple jump

Pictures Video Ticking

Checklist Score

Yes No

Approach techniques of triple jump

The start technique

The drive phase

The continuation phase

The transition phase


Learning Outcome 3.2: Apply take-off techniques

Take-off techniques: Foot plant on board Ankle position Knee position Body position Extension of the hip

o Individual practical exercises of take-off techniques

o Demonstration on take-off techniques

o Observation of pictures and videos

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Cones - Batons - Whistle - Audio-visual (CD,


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of approach techniques

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Position of Arms related to take off techniques

o Discussion on take-off techniques

- Rope skipping - Drinking water - Platform - Sand

Formative Assessment 3.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion has been achieved

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence; Task: Apply take-off techniques

Picture Audio-Visual

Checklist Score

Yes No

Take off techniques

Foot plant on board

Ankle position

Knee position

Body position

Extension of the hip

Position of the arms


Performance criterion

Proper application of take-off techniques

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Learning Outcome 3.3: Apply 3 phases techniques of triple jump

The 3 Phases techniques: Hop Step Jump

o Practical exercises of 3 phases techniques

o Demonstration on 3 phases techniques

o Observation of pictures and videos related to 3 phases techniques

o Group discussion on 3 phases techniques

- Stop watch - Whistle - Rope skipping - Drinking water - Platform - Sand

Formative Assessment 3.3

Assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgments if the performance criterion has been achieved

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence; Task: Apply 3 phases techniques





Checklist Score

Yes No

The 3 phases techniques in triple jump

Hop: Take-off and land on the same foot

Step: Land on the other foot to which was used to take-off

Jump: Jump by maintaining horizontal velocity


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of 3 phases techniques

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Learning Outcome 3.4: Apply landing techniques

Landing techniques: Position of head and torso Movement of arms Movement of both legs Movement of hips and knees Feet position

o Practical exercises of landing techniques

o Demonstration on landing techniques

o Group discussions on landing techniques

o Observation of pictures and videos related to landing techniques

- Audio-visual (CD, DVD)

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Cones - Batons - Whistle - Rope skipping - Drinking water - Platform - Sand

Formative Assessment 3.4

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion has been achieved

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence; Task: Apply landing techniques





Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of landing techniques

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Checklist Score

Yes No

Landing techniques:

Position of head and torso

Movement of both legs

Movement of hips and knees

Position of both feet


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LU 4: Apply high jump techniques


Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply approach techniques 2. Apply take-off techniques 3. Apply Bar rotation techniques 4. Apply landing techniques

35 Hours

Learning Outcome 4.1: Apply approach techniques

Approach techniques of high jump Acceleration phase Maximum Velocity

phase Curve running phase

o Practical exercises related to high Jump

o Demonstration on approach techniques of high Jump

o Execution of approach techniques of high Jump

o Audio-visual presentation of high jumps

- Mattress - Heights - Bar - Audio-visual equipment - Internet - Athletics books - Manure paper - Computer - Makers - Scotch - Pens - Tape measure - Cones - Whistle - Rope skipping - Drinking water - Cone - Audio- visual tools

Content Learning



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Formative Assessment 4.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion has been achieved

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence Task: Apply approach techniques for high jump



Checklist Score

Yes No

Approach techniques of high jump

Acceleration phase

Maximum Velocity Phase

Curve running phase


Learning Outcome 4.2: Apply take-off techniques

Take off techniques Take-off velocity

(Vertical) Take-off time (short) Position of feet Movement of leading

arm Position of hips

(Raised over the bar)

o Practical exercises of take-off techniques

o Demonstration on take-off techniques

o Group discussions using pictures and videos related to take-off techniques

- Mattress - Heights - Bar - Stop watch - Tape measure - Cones - Batons - Whistle - Rope skipping

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of approach techniques

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Position and movement of knees

- Drinking water - Audio-visual (CD,DVD)

Formative Assessment 4.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion has been achieved

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Performance evidence; Task: Apply take-off techniques





Checklist Score

Yes No

Take off techniques:

Take-off velocity(Vertical)

Take-off time (short)

Position of feet

Movement of leading arm

Position of hips (Raised over the bar)

Position and movement of knees


Performance criterion

Proper application of take -off techniques

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Learning Outcome 4.3: Apply bar rotation techniques

Bar rotation techniques: Roxbury Take-off body

position Rotation around

vertical axis Arch and un-arch

the body Movement of legs Movement of arms Movement of hips Position of knees

o Practical exercises of fosse-bury techniques

o Demonstration on flight techniques

o Group discussions on flight techniques

o Watching pictures and videos related to flight techniques


- Mattress - Heights - Bar - Stop watch - Whistle - Rope skipping - Drinking water - Platform

Formative Assessment 4.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion has been achieved

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence; Task: Apply flight techniques



Checklist Score

Yes No

The bar rotation techniques in high jump

Take-off body position

Rotation around vertical axis

Arch and un-arch the body

Movement of legs

Movement of arms

Movement of hips

Position of knees

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of bar rotation

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Learning Outcome 4.4: Apply landing techniques

Landing techniques: Position of head is

drawn towards the chest

Landing is on the shoulders and back

Knees are part for touch down

Practical exercises of landing techniques

Demonstration on landing techniques

Group discussions on landing techniques

Observation of pictures and videos related to landing techniques




Stop watch

Tape measure




Rope skipping

Drinking water

Audio-visual (CD, DVD)

4.4. Formative Assessment

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion has been achieved

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Performance evidence; Task: Apply landing techniques





Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of landing techniques

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Checklist Score

Yes No

Landing techniques:

Position of head is drawn towards the chest

Landing is on the shoulders and back

Knees are part for touch down


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LU 5: Apply Pole vault techniques


Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply approach techniques 2. Apply plant techniques 3. Apply take-off and penetration techniques 4. Apply bar clearance rock back and landing techniques

25 Hours

Learning Outcome 5.1: Apply approach techniques

Approach techniques of pole vault Acceleration control Relaxation of elbows Position of pole during

approach phase

o Practical exercises related to pole vault

o Demonstration on approach techniques of pole vault

o Audio-visual presentation of pole vault techniques

- Poles - Mattress - Bar - Audio-visual equipment - Internet - Athletics books - Manure paper - Computer - Makers - Scotch - Pens - Tape measure - Cones - Whistle - Rope skipping - Drinking water - Cone - Audio- visual tools

Content Learning



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Formative Assessment 5.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion has been achieved

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence: Task: Apply approach techniques of pole vault

Pictures Audio-visual

Checklist Score

Yes No

Approach techniques of pole vault

Acceleration control

Relaxation of elbows

Position of pole during approach phase


Learning Outcome 5.2: Apply plant techniques

Plant techniques Position and

movement of the pole Position and

movement of arms Position of the body


o Individual practical exercises of plant techniques

o Demonstration on plant techniques

o Group discussions on plant techniques

o Observation of pictures and video related to plant techniques

- Audio-visual tools - Poles - Mats - Stop watch - Tape measure - Cones - Batons - Whistle - Rope skipping - Drinking water - Mattress

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of approach techniques

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Formative Assessment 5.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion has been achieved

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence; Task: Apply plant techniques



Checklist Score

Yes No

Plant techniques

Movement of the pole

Movement of the right arm

Position of the body (Upright)


Performance criterion

Proper application of plant techniques

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Learning Outcome 5.3: Apply take-off and penetration techniques

Take-off and penetration techniques Foot Plant Body completely

stretched Movement of upper

(right) hand Thigh of the free leg

swings actively forwards

Position of shoulder and hips

Movement of left and right hands (right full extended, left pushed forward and upwards)

o Individual practical exercises of take-off and penetration techniques

o Demonstration on take-off and penetration techniques

o Group discussions on take-off and penetration techniques

o Observation of pictures and videos related to take-off and penetration techniques


- Mattress - Heights - Bar - Stop watch - Whistle - Rope skipping

- Drinking water - Platform

Formative Assessment 5.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion has been achieved

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence; Task: Apply take-off techniques



Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of take-off and penetration techniques

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Checklist Score

Yes No

Take-off and penetration techniques

Foot Plant

Body completely stretched

Movement of upper(right)hand

Thigh of the free leg swings actively forwards

Position of shoulder and hips

Movement of left and right hands (right full extended, left pushed forward and upwards)



Learning Outcome 5.4: Apply Apply rock back and stretch / turn techniques

Rock back and stretch techniques: Legs bent and drawn to

the chest. Extension of both arms Back roughly parallel to

the ground Movement of the body

from “L” to “l” position Body turns to face the


o Practical exercises of rock back and stretch techniques

o Demonstration on rock back techniques

o Group discussions on rock and stretch techniques

o Watching pictures and videos related to rock back and stretch techniques

- Mattress - Heights - Bar - Stop watch - Tape measure - Cones - Batons - Whistle - Rope skipping - Drinking water

Formative Assessment 5.4

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion has been achieved

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of rock back and stretch techniques

Page 396: TVET CERTIFICATE III in ATHLETICS · 2018. 10. 2. · LU 5: Apply race walks techniques 352 LU 6: Apply stipple chase techniques 356 Summative Assessment 361 ATHJE301 - JUMPING EVENTS

394 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence; Task: Apply rock back and stretch techniques



Checklist Score

Yes No

Rock back and stretch techniques:

Legs bent and drawn to the chest

Extension of both arms

Back roughly parallel to the ground

Movement of the body from “L” to “l” position

Body turns to face the bar

Legs bent and drawn to the chest


Learning Outcome 5.5: Apply bar clearance and landing techniques

Bar clearance and landing techniques:

Push-off from the pole with the right arm

Crossing the bar in arched or bent position

Movement of body after crossing the bar

Landing on the back

o Individual practice of exercises related to bar clearance and landing techniques

o Demonstration on bar clearance and landing techniques

o Audio-visual presentation bar clearance and landing techniques

- Poles - Mattress - Bar - Heights - Audio-visual equipment - Internet - Athletics books - Manure paper - Computer - Makers - Scotch - Pens - Tape measure - Cones - Whistle - Rope skipping - Drinking water - Cone - Audio- visual tools

Content Learning



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Formative Assessment 5.5

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance criterion has been achieved

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence: Task: Apply approach techniques of pole vault

Pictures Audio-visual

Checklist Score

Yes No

Bar clearance and landing techniques,

Push-off from the pole with the right arm

Crossing the bar in arched or bent position

Movement of body after crossing the bar

Landing on the back


Performance criterion

Proper application of bar clearance and landing techniques

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Summative Assessment

Integrated situation Resources

Gicumbi Athletics Center is one of the training centers in Rwanda, located in Gicumbi District. The Center accommodates 20 athletes in jumping events. The center management handles all trainings and safety related matters. Therefore, the Center requested the Coach to conduct a performance test for athletes who should participate in national championships. The selection will take place at Gicumbi Stadium on 6th, March 2018 from 09:00am and all required materials are available. Following are specific tasks:

Perform Long jump techniques Perform High jump techniques Perform Triple jump techniques Perform Pole vault techniques

The tasks should be accomplished with eight (8) hours, and three (3) trials must be respected by every athlete.

Tools: Tape measure Pens Whistle Stop watch Marking form

Equipment: Competition kits Bags Bibs number

Materials: Jumping area Mattress Pole Height Bar Cones,

Assesment Criterion 1: Quality of process

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator1: Tools, equipment and materials are selected according to the jumping event

Materials and equipment for jumping events are selected

Long jump event

Triple jump event

High jump event

Pole vault event

Indicator 2: Jumping areas are checked

Jumping areas are cleaned

Materials, tools and equipment are organized

Standards norms are respected

Indicator 3: Warm-up execution

General warm-up

Specific warm-up

Indicator 4: Jumping events are performed

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High jump

Triple jump

Long jump

Pole vault

Indicator 5: Cool down is executed


Dynamic stretching

Static stretching

Indicator 6: Assessment of the event is done

Feed back

The table of results is completed

Plan for next cession

Arrangement of materials


Assesment Criterion 2: Quality of product

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: All jumping events are performed

Long jump event is done

Approach phase

Take off phase

Fright phase

Landing phase

Triple jump event is done

Approach phase

Hop phase

Step phase

Jump phase

High jump event is done

Approach phase

Take off phase

Fright phase

Landing phase

Pole vault event is done

Grip and carry position


Plant phase

Take off / penetration phase

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Rock back / stretch / Turn phase

Bar clearance / landing phase


Assesment Criterion 3: Relevance

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator 1: Rules and regulations are respected.

Number of trials completed

Jumping areas requires standard dimensions are respected

Jumping materials standards are respected

Indicator 2: Maintenance of tools and equipment

Tools and equipment are cleaned

Tools and equipment are arranged


Assesment Criterion 4: Safety

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Health and safety are maintained

Jumping areas secured

Environment is safe

Use of PPE is respected

First aid kit is available


Reference books

1. The official IAAF Guide to Coaching Athletics 2009, Peter JL Thompson

2. The Official IAAF Guide to Teaching Athletics 2009, Peter JL Thompson

3. www. sporting-goods athletics, run, throw, jump

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Summative Assessment

Integrated situation Resources

The Executive Committee of Mountain Classic Athletics Club (MCAC), operating in Gicumbi District, Northern Province of Rwanda, has requested Vann William; Coach of MCAC to conduct an evaluation test for ten (10) athletes in throwing events that will take place at Amahoro National Stadium, on 6th, March 2018 from 8:00am. All throwing materials are available, and the whole sequences will cover four (4) hours. The tasks to be executes are;

Javelin throw Discuss throw Hummer throw Shot put.

You are requested to give athletes a preparation time of one hour before the test takes place,

Materials: Javelin, Shot, Discus, Hammer

Equipment Sports shoes Sports Singlet Muscle tight Sports shot Socks Internet Audio-visual

equipment Printer Computer

Tools Tape measure Whistles Filet Heights Makers Scotch, Pens, Papers Results form,

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Assesment Criterion 1: Quality of Process

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator 1: Tools, equipment and materials are selected according to the event

Materials and equipment for;

Javelin throw

Shot put

Discus throw

Hammer throw

Indicator 2: Warm-up execution

General warm-up

Specific warm-up

Indicator 3: Javelin throw techniques are performed



Power position



Indicator 4: Discuss throw techniques are performed


Preparation phase

Momentum building



Indicator 5: Hammer throw techniques are performed


Preparation phase

Momentum building



Indicator 6: Shot put techniques are performed


Preparation phase

Momentum building



Indicator 7: Cool down are executed


Dynamic stretching

Static stretching

Indicator 8: Assessment

Feed back

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Arrange materials


Assesment Criterion 2: Quality of product

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: All throwing events are performed

Javelin throws are done

Discuss throws are done

Shot put are done

Hammer throws are done

Three trials are done


Assesment Criterion 3: Relevance

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Rules and regulations are respected.

Number of trials are completed

Throwing areas requires standard dimensions

Throwing materials standards respected

The table of results is completed


Assesment Criterion 4: Safety

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Rules and regulations are respected

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Throwing area is secured

Safe environmental

PPE are respected

Materials, tools and equipment are arranged

The process is respected


Reference books

4. The official IAAF guide to coaching Athletics 2009, Peter JL

5. The official IAAF Guide to teaching Athletics (Run, Jump, Throw) 2009, Peter JL Thompson

6. >javelin-training

7. https://www.›athletics tracks materials the › javelin- training

8. www.everythingtrack and>javelin throw

9. IAAF Coaches Education and Certification System

10. http://www.sportsfieldmanagement

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ATHTE301 Perform throwing events

REQF Level: 3 Learning hours

Credits: 12 120

Sector: Sports

Sub-sector: Athletics

Issue date: January, 2018

Purpose statement

This core module describes the skills, knowledge attitude and values required to perform throwing

events. At the end of this module, the athlete will be able to perform fundamentals techniques in shot

put, javelin throw, hammer throw and discus throw.

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Learning assumed to be in place

Physical conditions abilities

Running events

Athletics materials and equipment

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Prepare for throwing

1.1 Appropriate selection of materials according to the throwing events 1.2 Proper checking of the throwing area according to standard norms 1.3 Appropriate warm up according to the throwing


2. Apply javelin throw techniques 2.1. Proper application of grip of javelin 2.2. Proper application of approach phase 2.3. Proper application of stride rhythm phase 2.4. Proper application of delivery phase 2.5. Proper application of recovery phase

3. Apply shot put techniques

3.1. Proper application of preparation phase 3.2. Proper application of glide phase 3.3. Proper application of rotational phase 3.4. Proper application of delivery phase 3.5. Proper application of recovery phase

4. Apply discus throw techniques 4.1. Proper application of preparation phase 4.2. Proper application of foot placement phase 4.3. Proper application of delivery phase 4.4. Proper application of recovery phase

5. Apply of hammer throw technics 5.1. Proper application of preparation phase 5.2. Proper application of turn phase 5.3. Proper application of delivery phase 5.4. Proper application of foot placement phase

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Learning Outcome1.1: Select materials according to the throwing events

Identification of throwing events materials:

Javelin throw materials Shot put materials Discus throw materials Hammer throw materials

Classification of throwing events materials according to; Gender category Age category

o Small group work on throwing event materials selection according to gender and age,

o Group presentation o Brainstorming on materials

according to the throwing event

- Javelin - Shot - Discus - Hammer - Internet - Athletics books - Manila paper - Computer - Makers - Scotch - Pens - White board - Flip chat

Formative Assessment 1.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

LU 1: Prepare for throwing


Learning Outcomes:

1. Select materials according to the throwing events 2. Check the throwing area according to standard norms 3. Apply warm up according to the throwing events

10 Hours

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Appropriate selection of materials according to the throwing events

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Multiple choice True or false questions Matching Sentence completion Ticking

Checklist Score

Yes No

Identification of throwing events materials:

Javelin throw materials

Shot put materials

Discus throw materials

Hammer throw materials

Classification of throwing events materials according to:

Gender category

Age category


Learning Outcome 1.2: Check the throwing area according to standard norms

Checking throwing areas for; Javelin Shot Discus Hammer

Standard norms according to throwing events

o Visit of throwing areas by small group

o Practical exercises of measurement of the throwing area


- Athletic books - Markers - Chalks - Manila paper - Cones - Tape measure

Formative Assessment 1.2

Content Learning



Page 409: TVET CERTIFICATE III in ATHLETICS · 2018. 10. 2. · LU 5: Apply race walks techniques 352 LU 6: Apply stipple chase techniques 356 Summative Assessment 361 ATHJE301 - JUMPING EVENTS

407 | P a g e

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Product evidence Task: Draw the map of throwing area

Multiple choice True or false questions Matching Ticking Map Pictures

Checklist Score

Yes No

Checking throwing areas for:

Javelin throw

Shot put

Discus throw

Hammer throw

Standard norms according to throwing events


Learning Outcome 1.3: Perform warm up according to the throwing events

General warm-up Jogging, mobilization exercises, dynamic stretching, Static stretching,

o Exercises of general warm-up in groups (Jogging, mobilization exercises, dynamic stretching, Static stretching)

- Stop watch - tape measure - Cones - Whistle - Rope skipping - Drinking water

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper checking of the throwing area according to standard norms

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408 | P a g e

Specific warm-up according to the types of event. Technical throwing ,

o Technical exercises related to the throwing event in group or individual.

- Javelins - Hammer - Discuss - Shots

Formative Assessment 1.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written Oral Performance evidence Task: Apply warm up according to the throwing events P

Multiple choice True or false questions Matching Sentence completion Ticking

Checklist Score

Yes No

General warm-up


Mobilization exercises

Dynamic stretching

Static stretching

Specific warm-up according to the types of event.

Technical throwing


Performance criterion

Appropriate warm up according to the throwing events

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409 | P a g e

LU 2: Apply javelin throw techniques


Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply grip of javelin 2. Apply approach phase 3. Apply stride rhythm phase 4. Apply delivery phase 5. Apply recovery phase

25 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Apply grip of javelin

Grip of javelin: Thumb and first finger grip Thumb and second finger grip Javelin lays diagonally in the hand Palm faces upward Grip hand is relaxed

o Audio-visual presentation of javelin throw

o Demonstration on grip of javelin

o Individual execution of grip of javelin

- Audio-visual equipment

- Javelin - Internet - Athletics books - Manila paper - Computer - Makers - Scotch - Pens - White board - Flip chat

Formative Assessment 2.1

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of grip of javelin

Page 412: TVET CERTIFICATE III in ATHLETICS · 2018. 10. 2. · LU 5: Apply race walks techniques 352 LU 6: Apply stipple chase techniques 356 Summative Assessment 361 ATHJE301 - JUMPING EVENTS

410 | P a g e

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral Performance evidence:

Task: Apply grip of javelin

Pictures Video

Checklist Score

Yes No

Grip techniques of javelin:

Thumb and first finger grip

Thumb and second finger grip

Javelin lays diagonally in the hand

Palm faces upward

Grip is relaxed


Learning Outcome 2.2: Apply approach phase

Approach techniques of javelin throw: Javelin over the shoulder

horizontally Top of the javelin is at head

height Arm is held steady Acceleration run Acceleration to optimum speed

o Audio-visual presentation of javelin throw

o Demonstration on javelin approach techniques

o Individual execution of approach techniques of javelin throw

- Audio-visual equipment

- Javelin - Internet - Athletics books

Formative Assessment 2.2

Content Learning



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411 | P a g e

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral Performance evidence:

Task: Apply approach techniques of javelin throw

Pictures Audio-visual

Checklist Score

Yes No

Approach techniques of javelin throw:

Javelin over the shoulder horizontally

Top of the javelin is at head height

Arm is held steady

Acceleration run

Acceleration to optimum speed


Learning Outcome 2.3: Apply stride rhythm phase

Stride rhythm techniques of javelin throw:

Withdrawal technique:

Impulse stride technique

o Audio-visual presentation of javelin throw

o Demonstration on Stride rhythm techniques

Audio-visual equipment Javelin Internet Athletics books

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of approach phase

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412 | P a g e

o Individual execution of Stride rhythm techniques of javelin throw

Formative Assessment 2.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral Performance evidence:

Task: Apply stride rhythm phase of javelin throw

Pictures Audio-visual

Checklist Score

Yes No

Stride rhythm techniques of javelin throw:

Withdrawal technique

Impulse stride technique


Performance criterion

Proper application of stride rhythm phase

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413 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 2.4: Apply delivery phase

Delivery techniques: Transition Power position Final arm movement

o Audio-visual presentation of javelin throw

o Demonstration on delivery techniques

o Individual execution of delivery techniques of javelin throw

- Audio-visual equipment

- Javelin - Internet - Athletics books

o Formative Assessment 2.4

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence

Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence: Task: Apply delivery techniques of javelin throw



Checklist Score

Yes No

Delivery techniques:


Power position

Final arm movement


Content Learning





Performance criterion

Proper application of delivery phase

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414 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 2.5: Apply recovery phase

Recovery techniques: Reserved legs Right leg bent Upper body is lowered Left leg swings backwards The foot of the brace leg to the

foul line

o Audio-visual presentation of javelin throw

o Demonstration on recovery techniques

o Individual execution of recovery techniques of javelin throw

- Audio-visual equipment

- Javelin - Internet - Athletics books

Formative Assessment 2.5

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgments if the performance criterion has been achieved

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence: Task: Apply recovery techniques of javelin throw



Checklist Score

Yes No

Recovery techniques:

Reserved legs

Right leg bent

Upper body is lowered

Left leg swings backwards

The foot of the brace leg to the foul line


Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of recovery phase

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415 | P a g e

LU 3: Apply shot put techniques


Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply grip of shot 2. Apply preparation phase 3. Apply glide phase 4. Apply rotational phase 5. Apply delivery phase 6. Apply recovery phase

35 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1: Apply grip of shot

Grip techniques of shot: Shot rest Parallel fingers and slightly spread Shot placed on the front part of

the neck Elbow out to the body

o Audio-visual presentation of shot put

o Demonstration on grip of shot techniques

o Individual execution of grip of shot

- Stop watch - Shot - Cones - Whistle - Drinking water - Athletics books - Internet - Training kits

Formative Assessment 3.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of grid of shot

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416 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral Performance evidence:

Task: Apply grip of shot techniques

Pictures Audio-visual

Checklist Score

Yes No

Grip techniques of shot:

Shot rest

Parallel fingers and slightly spread

Shot placed on the front part of the neck

Elbow out to the body


Learning Outcome 3.2: Apply preparation phase

Preparation phase Start upright at the rear of the

circle with back to the stop board

Trunk bent forward parallel to the ground

Body balanced in the single support

Support leg bent while the free leg is drawn towards the back of the circle

o Audio-visual presentation of shot put

o Demonstration of preparation techniques

o Individual practical exercises

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Cones - Shot - Whistle - Rope - Drinking water - Athletics books - Internet - Training kits

Formative Assessment 3.2

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of preparation phase

Page 419: TVET CERTIFICATE III in ATHLETICS · 2018. 10. 2. · LU 5: Apply race walks techniques 352 LU 6: Apply stipple chase techniques 356 Summative Assessment 361 ATHJE301 - JUMPING EVENTS

417 | P a g e

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral Performance evidence:

Task: Apply techniques of preparation phase

Picture Audio-Visual

Checklist Score

Yes No

Preparation phase

Start upright at the rear of the circle with back to the stop board

Trunk bent forward parallel to the ground

Body balanced in the single support

Support leg bent while the free leg is drawn towards the back of the circle


Learning Outcome 3.3: Apply glide phase

Glide techniques: Right foot glides off its heel Right foot placed in the centre Feet land almost simultaneously Left foot lands on the ball Both feet land on the ground

after the glide

o Audio-visual presentation of shot put

o Demonstration of glide techniques

o Individual execution of glide techniques

- Stop watch - tape measure - Shot - Cones - Whistle - Drinking water - Athletics books - Internet - Training kits

Formative Assessment 3.3

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of glide phase

Page 420: TVET CERTIFICATE III in ATHLETICS · 2018. 10. 2. · LU 5: Apply race walks techniques 352 LU 6: Apply stipple chase techniques 356 Summative Assessment 361 ATHJE301 - JUMPING EVENTS

418 | P a g e

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence: Task: Apply glide techniques



Checklist Score

Yes No

Glide techniques:

Right foot glides off its heel

Right foot placed in the centre

Feet land almost simultaneously

Left foot lands on the ball

Both feet land on the ground after the glide


Learning Outcome 3.4: Apply rotational phase

Rotational techniques: Preparation phase Non support Foot placement phase

o Audio-visual presentation of rotational techniques

o Demonstration of rotational techniques

o Individual execution of rotational techniques

- Stop watch - tape measure - Shot - Cones - Whistle - Drinking water - Athletics books - Internet - Training kits

Content Learning



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419 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 3.4

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence: Task: Apply rotational techniques



Checklist Score

Yes No

Rotational techniques:

Preparation phase

Non support

Foot placement phase


Learning Outcome 3.5: Apply delivery phase

Delivery techniques: Power position Main acceleration Final arm movement

o Audio-visual presentation of delivery techniques

o Demonstration of delivery techniques

o Individual execution of delivery techniques

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Shot - Cones - Whistle - Drinking water - Athletics books - Internet - Training kits

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of rotational phase

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420 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 3.5

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgments if the performance criterion has been achieved

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence: Task: Apply delivery phase techniques



Checklist Score

Yes No

Delivery techniques:

Power position

Main acceleration

Final aim movement


Learning Outcome 3.6: Apply recovery phase

Recovery techniques: Legs change quickly after the

release Right leg bent Upper body lowered Left leg swings backwards Eyes look down

o Audio-visual presentation of recovery

o Demonstration of recovery techniques

o Individual execution of recovery techniques

- Stop watch - tape measure - Shot - cones - whistle - drinking water - Athletics books - Internet - Training kits

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of delivery phase

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421 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 3.6

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence: Task: Apply recovery techniques



Checklist Score

Yes No

Recovery techniques:

Legs change quickly after the release

Right leg bent

Upper body lowered

Left leg swings backwards

Eyes look down


Performance criterion

Proper application of recovery phase

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422 | P a g e

LU 4: Apply discus throw techniques


Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply preparation phase 2. Apply foot placement phase 3. Apply delivery phase 4. Apply recovery phase

25 Hours

Learning Outcome 4.1: Apply preparation phase

Preparation techniques

Hold the discuss

Back faces the throwing direction

Knees bent slightly

Weight on the balls of the feet

Arms kept at nearly shoulder height

o Individual practical exercises on the discuss holding

o Audio visual on preparation techniques

o Demonstration of preparation techniques

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Audio visual

equipment - Discus - Cones - Whistle - Athletics books - Computer - Internet

Formative Assessment 4.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of preparation phase

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423 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence Task: Apply techniques of preparation Phase



Checklist Score

Yes No

Preparation techniques

Hold the discuss

Back faces the direction of the throw

Knees bent slightly

Weight on the balls of the feet

Arms kept at nearly shoulder height


Learning Outcome 4.2: Apply foot placement phase

Foot placement techniques;

Preparation of non-support techniques


Provide support

Maintain momentum

o Individual practical exercises on foot placement techniques

o Audio visual on foot placement techniques

o Demonstration of foot placement techniques

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Audio visual

equipment - Discus - Cones - Whistle - Athletics books - Computer - Internet

Formative Assessment 4.2

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of foot placement phase

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424 | P a g e

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral Performance evidence Task: Apply foot placement techniques



Checklist Score

Yes No

Foot placement techniques

Preparation of non-support techniques


Provide support

Maintain momentum


Learning Outcome 4.3: Apply delivery phase

Delivery techniques Power position Main acceleration

Individual practical exercises on delivery techniques

Audio visual on delivery techniques

Demonstration of delivery techniques

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Audio visual equipment - Discus - Cones - Whistle - Athletics books - Computer - Internet

Formative Assessment 4.3

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of delivery phase

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425 | P a g e

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence Task: Apply delivery techniques



Checklist Score

Yes No

Delivery techniques

Power position

Main acceleration


Learning Outcome 4.4: Apply recovery phase

Recovery techniques;

Legs change quickly after release

Right leg bent

Upper body lowered

Left leg swings backwards

Individual practical exercises on recovery techniques

Audio visual on recovery techniques

Demonstration of recovery techniques

- Stop watch - Audio visual

equipment - Discus - Tape measure - Whistle - Athletics books - Computer - Internet

Formative Assessment 4.4

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of recovery phase

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426 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence Task: Apply recovery Techniques



Checklist Score

Yes No

Recovery techniques;

Legs change quickly after release

Right leg bent

Upper body lowered

Left leg swings backwards


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427 | P a g e

LU 5: Apply Hammer throw techniques


Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply preparation phase 2. Apply turn phase 3. Apply delivery phase 4. Apply foot placement phase

25 Hours

Learning Outcome 5.1: Apply preparation phase

Preparation phase Ensure direction of the

throw Starting position Prepare for the first turn

o Individual practical exercises on the hammer holding

o Audio visual on preparation techniques

o Demonstration of preparation techniques

- Stop watch - Tape measure - Audio visual equipment - cones - Hammer - whistle - Athletics books - Computer - Internet

Formative Assessment 5.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of preparation phase

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428 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence

Task: apply preparation techniques of hammer throw



Checklist Score

Yes No

Preparation phase

Ensure direction of the throw

Starting position

Prepare for the first turn


Learning Outcome 5.2: Apply turn phase

Turn techniques First turn techniques Second turn

techniques Third turn techniques

o Individual practical exercises on turn techniques

o Audio visual on turn techniques o Demonstration of turn


- Stop watch - Audio visual equipment - Tape measure - Cones - Hammer - Whistle - Athletics books - Computer - Internet

Formative Assessment 5.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of turn phase

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429 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence Task: apply turn phase techniques



Checklist Score

Yes No

Apply turn techniques

First turn phase

Second turn phase

Third turn phase


Learning Outcome 5.3: Apply delivery phase

Delivery techniques; Transfer velocity Arms movement Time of release

o Individual practical exercises on delivery techniques

o Audio visual on delivery techniques

o Demonstration of delivery techniques

- Stop watch - Audio visual equipment - Cones - Whistle - Hammer - Athletics books - Computer - Internet

Formative Assessment 5.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence



Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of delivery phase techniques

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430 | P a g e

Task: apply delivery phase techniques

Checklist Score

Yes No

Delivery phase

Transfer velocity

Arms movement

Time of release


Learning Outcome 5.4: Apply foot placement phase

Foot placement techniques Body position Placement of high and

low point of the orbit

o Individual practical exercises on foot placement techniques

o Audio visual on foot placement techniques

o Demonstration of foot placement techniques

- Stop watch - Audio visual equipment - Hammer - Whistle - Athletics books - Computer - Internet

Formative Assessment 5.4

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools


Performance evidence Task: Apply recovery



Content Learning



Performance criterion

Proper application of recovery phase techniques

Page 433: TVET CERTIFICATE III in ATHLETICS · 2018. 10. 2. · LU 5: Apply race walks techniques 352 LU 6: Apply stipple chase techniques 356 Summative Assessment 361 ATHJE301 - JUMPING EVENTS

431 | P a g e


Checklist Score

Yes No

Foot placement techniques

Body position

Placement of high and low point of the orbit


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432 | P a g e

Summative Assessment

Integrated situation Resources

The Executive Committee of Mountain Classic Athletics Club (MCAC), located in Gicumbi District, Northern Province of Rwanda, has requested Vann William; Coach of MCAC to conduct an evaluation test for ten (10) athletes in throwing events that will take place at Amahoro National Stadium, on 6th, March 2018 from 8:00am. All throwing materials are available, and the whole sequences will cover four (4) hours; then you are selected by the Coach to compete with ten (10) throwers athletes. The tasks to be executed are:

Javelin throw Discuss throw Hummer throw Shot put

You will be given a preparation time of one hour before the test takes place.

Materials: Javelin Shot Discus Hammer

Equipment Sports shoes Sports Singlet Muscle tight Sports shot Socks Internet Audio-visual

equipment Printer Computer

Tools Tape measure Whistles Filet Heights Makers Scotch Pens Papers Results form

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433 | P a g e

Assesment Criterion 1: Quality of Process

Assesment Criterion 2: Quality of product

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: All throwing events are performed

Javelin throw is done

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator 1: Tools, equipment and materials are selected according to the event

Materials and equipment for:

Javelin throw

Shot put

Discus throw

Hammer throw

Indicator 2: Throwing areas are checked

Throwing areas are cleaned

Materials, tools and equipment are organized

Standards norms are respected

Indicator 3: Warm-up is performed

General warm-up

Specific warm-up

Indicator 4: Throwing events are performed

Javelin throw

Discuss throw

Hammer throw

Shot put

Indicator 5: Cool down are performed


Dynamic stretching

Static stretching

Indicator 6: Assessment of the event is done

Feed back

The table of results is completed

Plan for next cession

Arrangement of materials


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434 | P a g e



Power position



Discuss throw is done


Preparation phase

Momentum building



Shot put is done


Preparation phase

Momentum building



Hammer throw is done


Preparation phase

Momentum building




Assesment Criterion 3: Relevance

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator 1: Rules and regulations are respected.

Number of trials are completed

Throwing areas requires standard dimensions are respected

Throwing materials standards are respected

Indicator 2: Maintenance of tools and equipment

Tools and equipment are cleaned

Tools and equipment are arranged


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435 | P a g e

Assesment Criterion 4: Safety

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Health and safety are maintained

Throwing areas secured

Environment is safe

Use of PPE is respected

First aid kit is available


Reference books

1. The official IAAF guide to coaching Athletics 2009, Peter JL

2. The official IAAF Guide to teaching Athletics (Run, Jump, Throw) 2009, Peter JL Thompson

3. >javelin-training

4.›athletics tracks materials the › javelin- training

5. www.everythingtrack and>javelin throw

6. IAAF Coaches Education and Certification System

7. http://www.sportsfieldmanagement

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436 | P a g e


Assessment: A process of gathering and judging

evidence in order to decide whether a person

has attained a standard of performance.

Assessment criteria: Statements which describe

performances and place them in context with

sufficient precision to allow valid and reliable


Best practice: Management practices and work

processes that lead to outstanding or top-class

performance and provide examples for others.

Competency standard: An industry-determined

specification of performance which sets out the

skills, knowledge and attitudes required to

operate effectively in employment. Competency

standards are made up of units of competency,

which are themselves made up of elements of

competency, together with performance

criteria, a range of variables, and an evidence


Competency: means the ability to apply

knowledge, skills and personal, social and

methodological skills in the workplace or

during learning, as well as in personal and

professional development. This ability or

capacity is acquired through leaning, exposure to

the tasks and series of training allowing one to

perform specific task autonomously. Reason

why in the context of the CBE Framework

competencies are described as responsibility

and independence.

Competency-based assessment (or CBA): The

gathering and judging of evidence in order to

decide whether a person has achieved a

standard of competency.

Complementary competencies: Set of

knowledge, skills and attitudes which are not

directly linked to a specific occupation or

industry, but which are important for work,

education and life in general, such as

communication, mathematics, organizational

aptitude, and computer literacy, interpersonal

and analytical competency.

Core modules: Modules leading to

competencies’ acquisition that an industry

sector has agreed upon as essential for a person

to be accepted as competent at a particular

level. All modules may be core, but in many cases

competency at a level will involve core modules

plus optional or specialization modules. Core

competencies are normally those central to work

in a particular industry.

Credential: Formal certification issued for

successful achievement of a defined set of

outcomes, e.g. successful completion of a course

in recognition of having achieved particular

knowledge, skills or competencies; successful

completion of an apprenticeship or traineeship.

Credit: The acknowledgement that a person has

satisfied the requirements of a module.

Curriculum: The specifications for a course or

subject (module) which describe all the learning

experiences a learner undergoes, generally

including objectives, content, intended learning

outcomes, teaching methodology,

recommended or prescribed assessment tasks,

assessment exemplars, etc.

Evidence guide: The part of a competency

standard which provides a guide to the

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interpretation and assessment of the unit of

competency, including the aspects which need

to be emphasized in assessment, relationships to

other units, and the required evidence of


Flexible delivery: A range of approaches to

providing education and training, giving learners

greater choice of when, where and how they

learn. Flexible delivery may involve distance

education, mixed-mode delivery, online

education, self-paced learning, self-directed

learning, etc.

Formal education: Also formal training

education or training provided in educational

institutions such as schools, universities,

colleges, etc. or off the job in a workplace,

usually involving direction from a teacher or


General competencies: competencies

correspond to larger operations that go beyond

the tasks, but generally contribute to their

implementation. These activities require more

fundamental learning and are generally common

to several tasks and transferable to many work


Generic modules: Modules leading to the

attainment of complementary competencies.

Informal education: The acquisition of

knowledge and skills through experience,

reading, social contact, etc.

Internship: An opportunity for a learner to

integrate career related experience by

participating in planned, supervised work.

Key competencies: Any of several generic skills

or competencies considered essential for people

to participate effectively in the workforce. Key

competencies apply to work generally, rather

than being specific to work in a particular

occupation or industry. The following are key

areas of competency which were developed into

seven key competencies: collecting, analyzing

and organizing information; communicating

ideas and information; planning and organizing

activities; working with others and in teams;

using mathematical ideas and techniques;

solving problems; and using technology.

Knowledge: means the result of the adoption

of information through the learning process.

Knowledge is a set of facts, principles, theories

and practices related to area of work or study. In

CBE context lifelong learning knowledge is

described as theoretical and / or factual.

Learning outcomes: are statements of what

learner knows, understands and can perform,

based on the completion of the learning

process, defined by knowledge, skill and


Learning activities: Suggested activities that can

be developed during lesson planning and activity

preparation. The choice of learning activities

must be tailored according to group size,

available material resources and communication


Learning hours: Amount of hours required to

acquire the competency, including the time

allocated to evaluation, which is estimated

between 5 and 10% of the total learning time of

the competency.

Learning outcomes: Statements that indicate

what learners will know or be able to do as a

result of a learning activity. Learning outcomes

are usually expressed as knowledge, skills, or


Learning unit: Any of the basic building blocks

of a module, which describes the key activities

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or the elements of the work covered by the


Module: A unit of training which corresponds to

one competency and which can be completed on

its own or linked to others.

Occupation: The principal business of one’s life.

Performance criteria The part of a competency

standard specifying the required level of

performance in terms of a set of outcomes which

need to be achieved in order to be deemed

competent. It describes the quality requirements

of the result obtained in labor performance.

Qualification: means the formal name for the

result of a process of assessment and validation,

which is obtained when a competent body

determines that an individual has achieved

learning outcomes to the standards laid down.

Quality assurance: The systems and procedures

designed and implemented by an organization to

ensure that its products and services are of a

consistent standard and are being continuously


Recognition of prior learning (or RPL): The

acknowledgement of a person’s skills and

knowledge acquired through previous training,

work or life experience, which may be used to

grant status or credit in a subject or module.

Skills: are the ability to apply knowledge and use

the principle of “know how” to perform a specific

task and to solve the problem. In the context

of the CBE Framework, skills are defined as

cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive

and creative thinking), practical (including

physical skill and use of methods, materials,

devices and instruments) and social skills

(communication and cooperation skills,

emotional intelligence and other).

Specific competencies: Competencies that are

directly related to the tasks of the occupation in

the workplace context. They refer to concrete,

practical, and focused aspects

Traineeship: A system of vocational training

combining off-the-job training at an approved

training provider with on-the-job training and

practical work experience. Traineeships

generally take one to two years and are now a

part of the New Apprenticeships system.

Unit of competency: A component of a

competency standard. A unit of competency is a

statement of a key function or role in a particular

job or occupation. See also element of

competency, performance criteria, range of


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